atgg of for ^nrntt M any M a tters o f M o re than Passing M om ent 'Any ite m In t h e s e c o l u m n * c o n ta in in g on tho last line t h e r e o f the »m ark I* paid a d v e r t i s in g . | T h i * a n n o u n c e m e n t i* m a d e In i n c e with th e p o s t a l r e g u l a t io n s .! Fur a compirli1 lino of fancy hair »oils, ■witches, comlia, baroltoa, ole., J . i i c t T h c voguo. v,. L. C. Happy ia seriously ill. ». that b, J . .A, Schnicdcr attondod to some 'ou Id ' *l‘ Jalneaa in Eugene Monday. Of I h t!.. |, ( It isn’t your fault if you haven t enty of hair, hut it ia your fault for ''«Btl , >t replenishing it al I'ho Vogue. ,, v ,' vjth possessor Keeney Talks c o the Tax Payers of Cottage Grove and Vicinity. (Paid Advertisement) In appealin g before v u as ti iididate lot le election I have no logics to offer, not that I aim to e boastful, but I have endeavored i render good service and I am not iscouraged in niv efforts and be eve that I have during mv in ^ r^ u n b e u c y , corrected m atters very msiderablv in many instances, ur itably am ong them, the ntlention ie le give to the assessment of Public j,, »rvice Cprjsirations. r t:S|ieakiiig fran kly, I believe that r , y exp erien ce and familiarity with mv- is ¡, ll i uuv it it slit > Iricate details of the office entitles . p*' -lilCB e to special consideration. ttid that s onsiitucn You know that the office is a very fScult o n e t o fill and that it is one I the mosi important of the Counly m _________jd if my services have been satis After Grip ctory *° Vou, I shall appreciate »ri »yd. *ur endorsement. aek of ip with im .en fol Kesjiectfully, It. |i, K l i H N l i Y . /-’-•* * . __ «1 dlse.ti ^ote for Millage Bill lumber 320 X Yes i K lectrlc load pur ih' h. liv e r as ave pr. vr strength«« •ysti a-It provide* s li - t o n t b a of a mill t s a for .... PIHirl of A gricu ltu ral Collega and Uni- 1 , -rslty of O rrg ou, givin g them p i n n a ** " r lilt support mill t a k in g thorn out of S dittos, ll l o t provides on« Hoard of l a r a M i t * ''gsuU , tini» s u itin g thn prnhloms of i opsratlon. r cur first | hy P o rtla n d T a x P a y * by committee of Gover- c, rr..«lie t'lor's Cemunaaioii, Hoard* of Kcgnats, u injurioui and a d m in is t ra t iv e ofiicere o f thn two a s t i tallo na ary, pur tt W. K. N K W K L L (’umrsnfi a t i s M i x or eovBRHua’s C om Mission sfn U p i Bill l M prepared .-«St c health f ìg rrmel» •IlfLPi B tlm a tf GKd r—TfEJi r i t i rE\ lì rb* f . H E A J RL O c Y E Lu best way to a d v a n c e your buttine** interests is to associate ) yourself witli a corni, strong hank, . whose progressi ve methods can aid you, not only fin an cially, hut with Telile Rood advice that it is oft-tim es ___ able to give in business matters. T h e latter is alw ays considered a ’silen t featu re in b a n k in g . IIow- .«‘« M ' ever, g e consider it advisable to is ve be*"* a c q u a i n t you with this fact. The it,,I T»f officer* and directors of this insti- i, ,,|iisl* tution alw ays stand ready to give I . »n r advice to its patrons oti anv finan- c'.Htai1 c j a j ujgttors as they appreciate the success of the institution dedeuds on the su c c e ss of its depositors, h tts m t Paid on Time Deposits ...T H E .. First National Bank I "T$F OLD RELIAKLE” Combs, burettes, switches, fancy liair goods ut prices anyone can puy. The Vogue. Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Hears returned yesterday from a month's visit in East- ern Oregon. Notice to farmers: W«1 have some first class perfectly clean seed wheal on hand. Sterling Feed Co. Miss Dora Hawkins left yesterday for ( ’reswell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Short returned Tuesday fr«un the Hast. Just 7 days left in which to take ad- vuntugo of The Sentinel's special clubbing offer with The Oregonian, Oregon Journal and 1‘acific Monthly, David Griggs, Chux. McKernan and C. F. Cole were bunting deer near Comstock Sunday, but reported |«oor luck. Hello Hill, where you goin’ with that big wagon? To Swengol’x for my hardware and stoves, of course. Misses Cecil Miller and Nellie Hem- enway. U. of O. students at Eugene, spent the week end at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delure Hetnenway. Nothing keeps u person s«« comfort­ able as a fur garment. Harguins at The Vogue. Frank Snodgrass authorizes The Sen­ tinel to ssy that if the man who mailed an unsigned letter to The Sentinel last week will apply to the Council he can probably he supplied with a job. Marshall Snodgras* was in Eugene yesterday on business. Some fieoplc don’t know that the Swengcl Hardware company sells the heal Ma/.du-Tungsten electric light globes made. The won’t-break-casy kind. Try Swengel’s next time. James Whitford, Ike Kibbleheck, J . I*. Currin and N. H. Marlin were wit­ nesses this week in the (J. S. Circuit Court at Portland in the forest reserve land grant cases entitled, “ U. S.vs. O. & (’. Railway.” Christmas goods arc arriving daily. Come in and make early selections. H. C. Madsen. ol7tf Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Woodson returned Sunday to Stanford, Texas, after a two months' visit here. Mrs. Lewis Wood- son accompanied them fur a visit. How's your head? It will feel better with a hat purchased at The Vogue. Henry, R. M. and Marion Veatch, Otto Michael and Wm. Higgins are off on a hunting trip near Riddle. J . A. Schneider was in Eugene Mon­ day. Dr. F. W. Robbins, oflice in resi­ dence, corner South Fifth and Wash­ ington Avenue, 3 doors south of post- office. s26o27pd J . S. Medley attended court in Eu­ gene this week. J . H. Warner and W. L. Kimble were in Eugene this week on business. All in vogue. Those who buy one of those $60 or $76 furs at The Vogue at $2(1 or $25. Mr. and Mrs. S. S wen gel arc spend­ ing a week with their son, It. S. Swengel. This is their second visit here and they like it better each time. Goff, the Shoe Doctor, has moved his hospital to the building one door East of the New Eru Drug Store. Harry Mitchell was in Albany this week. Orvel Knapp was down from Eugene yesterday. Style is style, and no matter what the men say, the womeu just will get one of those stylish creations at The Vogue. Mrs. Judson Allen of Saginaw was in Eugene Monday. 11. 11. Harris was in Eugene a couple days this week. We have made an unusual buy in fur goods. $50 and $76 goods at $20 and $25. The Vogue. F. J . Hard, who came down from Bohemia this week, reports some snow in the mountains, but not enough to interfere with work. Stoves: Swengel Hardware. L, R. Sohns, representing R. L. Polk & Co., is In the city on business con­ nected with the Lane County Directory. A $75 fur garment for $25 seems preposterous, but we stake our veracity in delivering the goods. The Vogue. Elbert Bede was in Portland Tues­ day. Just 7 days left in which to take ad­ vantage of The Scntinel’a special clubbing offer with The Oregonian, Oregon Journal and Pacific Monthly. Men may talk, but just the same they admire the woman with a stylish hat purchased at The Vogue. What do you want, anyway? A Sen­ tinel want ad. will get it for you. Freil Humors la sick with pneu­ monia. I,. F. I.yon, who w h s down from Champion suffering with rheumatism, return««! again this week. A fine line of clo< ks just received. ‘ Uituble for wedding and Christum* gift*. If C Madsen. ol7tf Word has been received from C W. Caldwell that he and family have uriived at l.os Angelos II M. I lit mo wood was in from Silk Creek Friday. Builders' hardware. Swengel Hard ♦> ware Company, of course. They get ihl business hih I furnish over half the new houses built. There’s a reason. Try Swangel's this time, it will he Swengel's next. K. Werdenharri of Albany was In the city between trains Friday. Mr. and Mrs J . I>. Buell wore here from Eugene Friday. Expor' dressmaking done promptly. Mrs. Pot Sanford. g fllf JOE BAKER General Blacksmith AND REPAIR WORK L O C A T E D ON W E S T S I D E E. I). Handy left this week for coast points to follow the saw mill business. Mrs. Handy has gone to Blue River. W. S. Keyes was in from Coast Fork Friday. Dr. Demurest, Dentist. Office over Kerr & Silsby's Store. m9lf Dr. I). McCargar an i son have re turned from their California trip. We are prepared to chop,roll or clean grain. Prices reasonable. Sterling Feed Co. Mrs. O. Harris and son returned from ♦To Kugene Saturday. Lanterns. Swengel’s Hardware is the place to buy. Genuine cold blast. 50c up at Swengel’s Hardware. Mr. Brown of the Brown Lumber Co. was up from Eugene yesterday. L. S. Hill transacted business in Portland Saturday. Fine Little Farm For Sale 140 acres 2 % miles from C ot­ tage («rove. 1(> acres fine twit tom land; 20 acres good bench land; 40 acres good oiling tim- ber, b alan c e woodland pasture, fenced. Only $3 0 per acre. Apply to Until Nov. 1 , 1913 7 O ne Year for; Y Y 3 5 Y Y c Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ♦% Semi-Week ly Journal R eceip t o f O rd er 1 to Feb . 1 , 1914 Reg. Price $ 1 .5 0 t to Sentinel Paid-in-Advance t ____ Subscribers Only If already paid in advance on T h e Sentinel, all that is necessary is to pay the extra subscription. If behind on T h e Sentinel, it will be necessary to pay in advance in order to take advantage of offers. i ! 1 Y Y Y I B arg ain P erio d En d s O cto b er 31 , 1912 I BHfc Y Y Y Y Y Y Cottage Grove, Oregon Ju st 7 davs left in which to take ad­ vantage of The Sentinel’s special club­ bing offer with The Oregonian, Ore­ gon Journal and Pacific Monthly. T Reg. Price $1.50 " 1 ‘ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ — - - — Y Y Y Y Y «!« The Cottage Grove Sentinel A Live Wire Newspaper y a^a a^aA^aa^a A^a A^a A^a a^a a^a a^a • If you want to trade, buy or sell any­ thing, see the store at the bridge. Come and sec a sewing machine over s half cantury old. J . R. Polander and family of Lake City, Calif., are spending a week with Mrs. J . W. Harms, sister of Mrs. Po­ lander. The trip covering over 400 miles was made by auto and the party re|M>rted having a delightful trip. The Swengel Hardware Company sold five stoves yesterday. All bar­ gains and all satisfied customers. Quality and price gets them the busi­ ness. There is one left for you. Swengel’s. Mrs. J . T. DeSpain is attending the national convention of the W. C. T. U. ut Portland this week. Goff, the Shoe Doctor, has moved his hospital to the building one door East of the New Era Drug Store. A. J . Armstrong has received word of the death of his grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Armstrong, at Armstrong Station, Ind., at the age of 76. J . E. Young was called to Portland Monday by the death of a sister-in-law. Farmers see our extra tine recleaned seed oats before you buy elsewhere. Sterling Feed Co. The members of the City Council in­ spected Layng Creek dam Friday. Mrs. Lee Roy Woods attended the W. C. T. U. Convention at Portland this week, and will remain for the Mothers’ Congress. Instruction on string and all brass instruments. I have just opened a Music Studio on Main St. at the Bridge. Terms on application. Prof. Geo. E. Wood. N. H. Martin and B. K. Lawson are in Portland this week in connection with the railroad land grant cases. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. May have re­ turned from their wedding trip, and will occupy a cottage an the East side. - Drain Nonpareil. Absolutely new designs in cut glass. See window. H. C. Madsen. ol7tf Horse and buggy for sale. Inquire Spencer & Veatch. s6tf O. O. Veatch, T. C. Wheeler and C. H. VanDenburg, appraisers of the estate of Jennie T. Sehlbrede have filed their report with the county clerk in which they show that the value of the estate ia $500. D Reg. Price $1.50 SUNSET, ThePacific M o n th ly 1 ■ ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m V m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m ' m V m ' m V « City Prinlery ? ? ? ? T ? ± t t± •• __* • •••••• * * * * * * * W A N T A D S if Advertisements in this department *j* •jf 6c a line. Figure 6 words to line. *j* ~X ‘4*^ X ~ X “X~X~X~X~X~X--X»lX *,X FOR SA L E HEAVY BUNDLE TIEING CORD. Have about 100 lbs. at 2c per lb. Sentinel. FOR S A L E .—SPAN OF MARES, 3 and 4 years old, well broke—weight 1,400 and 1,560 lbs. Inuuire at Sen­ tinel oflice. o24c FOUR-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT FOR sale on E. 11th Avenue. $H00. Tom Lee, next door. 017-31pd Good 2-horsc power electric motor for sale at a bargain. The Sentinel.. FOR SALE C H E A P . - 5 - H O R S E Power Fairbanks-Morse gas engine and drag saw. Call 23, Senitnel. o3tf HARD WOOD FOR SALE. $2.00 PER | tier delivered. Harold F. Gibler, Saginaw, Ore. 010-24pd. ROOMS TO RENT. Close in. Mrs. E. A. o3-tf ■«. J . ■«. J. J . ■». A 3. A A J- J . ■ «■ .»■ .« S O O a A a «-.*^.*^*. • • • HAMPTON & CO. J y I T H E S T O R E T H A T S A TIS FIE S I Women’s Flannelette Gowns— Special Men’s Wool Underwear— Special Wo men’s FI a n n elet te Ni^ht Gowns. Made lull length and widths; com­ plete showing of styles in all sizes. The best gown we have (Pi CA ever <)ffered. 7 oc - t X»t)U Regular $2.25 values at exceptionally low price y of $1.65. They come in ? extra heavy all wool. ? Just the garment for outdoor wear. (Pi Blue only. Spcl. «pl*0«J * ! Our window is full of Sweaters that mean health and protection in the rainy climate. Snug of fit; snappy of appearance; lasting of wear d*/? *7C Prices range 4-8cto_______________________VV*I J WORK MARE FOR S A L E . - J . D. Anderson, Cottage Grove. o3-tf FURNISHED No cnildren. Cottle. ■«. ■». ■». ■». Sweater Coats TWO CRACKING GOOD CREAM separators for ssle cheap. H. H. Veatch o3tf FOR RENT ■». All Winter Coat and Suit Patterns Less Weaves for coats and general utility wear, cut in 3*4 yd. patterns, 58-60 in. wide. Each pattern exclusive. $8.00 reg. (P£ *7C Come Early and $7.25 reg. Now___ y v .l D Get a Selection Now___ $ 6.48 •:~X-X~X~X~X“X ~ X 14*-X-<*>>*X~X*-X~X~X"W~X>-X "X “X -X ~ X ~ X ~ X ,<~X*<*-> SERIOUSLY HURT IN ^ ~ X ~ X K ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X -X > 'X ~ X -X -X K -X K «X ~ X ~ X ~ X -X "t-9"X "X »fr*«*«M i'*. FALL ON STEPS I S U G A R S P E C I A L % Mrs. Lee Roy Woods returned this morning from Portland suffering from painful injuries received when she slipped and fell on the stone steps of the White Temple at Portland, where she was attending the W. C. T. U. Convention. One eye is completely closed, her wrist badly hurt and she is bruised up all over. She had intended to remain to the Mothers’ Congress, but her injuries necessitated her re­ turn for medical attention. Horses Burn; Mule Saved Three horses and two dogs met death in the fire which destroyed the Hyland barn at I.owell Friday. One mule was saved. © EDDING Stationery of every kind.—Sentinel. 100-lh. Sack Granulated Sugar $5.55; 20-lbs. $1.00 with $5.00 cash purchase of other goods SOAP—Pearl White, White Bor- COTTOLENK— large size S I . 60 Medium s i z e ..................... 60c ax, Napatha and Diamond C Bacon, per pound____ 15c and up 6 bars for_________________25c Coffee, per pound____ 25c and up 25c pkg. Pearline .................. 2<>c 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes____ _____25c 6 boxes Matches____ ________25c 2 pkgs. Grape Nuts.................. 25c 50c grade English Breakfast Tea 3 pkgs. J e l l o . . ............................ 25c per pound_________________H()c 3 cans Yello-Ban Milk...............25c Plain mixed Candy, per lb___10c 15c can Sardines.....................__10c $1.50canCane& MapleSyrup.95c 2 pkgs. best Com or Gloss Starch f o r .................... 15c 2 pkgs. Arm & Hammer Soda 15c The Famous Royal Table Queen Bread, per loaf ................ ........................ 5c F R E E D E L IV E R Y D ES L A R Z E S j I ! BROS. * -X '-X ~ X X -X ~ X ~ X K ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X “X ~ X ~ X --X 1< ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ :~ :~ :~ X ~ :~ X ~ :~ :-:- Subscribe for nT h e Sentinel" Now