rSSe Cottage Grove Senünel A W EEKLY NEW SPAPE R W IT H BEDS 4k GRANT. Publisher* P L E N T Y Q / * B A C ItB O N tl E l BERT BEDE Edito» SUBSCRIPTIO NS RATES On* Y e»r ......................... $1.50 Si* Month*.................................... 75c Three Month».".” * ........................- <0 Single Copies ............. 5c No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. This rule is imperative A D VERTIS ING RATES Duolay 25 cent* per inch under sixty inches; 20 cents per inch over sixty , 7 CUaMfied ___ ____ i ads, _ j _ c 6 . cents ^ » 0 per lir»^ inches. line *»a.'K each in.«*>rtiAn insertion H e a t in g n o tic e s . 10 cents per line each insertion. Want ads. 1 cent per word; no ad. less than lo cents. Surrounded advert O f f i c e :, F i f t h S t ., s o u t h o f P o s T o r n c E A tirst-ciass publication entered at Cottage «-¡rove as .-.voM class mail matter. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1912 a few pairs o f pants from a reliable THINGS TAFT HAS DONE 31 Nonpartisan tariff board to dealer in the same: no doubt Sena- report on the difference in the cost tor Selling might bring some fame to of production at home and abroad the old state, but as a power in 32. Corporation tax. yielding shaping national legislation and m $30,000,000 annually; government securing appropriations he is net examination of corporation methods likely to cut much of the crvstal- lized aqua pura. He will not be provided. 33. A deficit of $.5$,000.000 accused of framing up legislation transformed into a $30, Ik V>,GUO sur­ in the interests of Big Business, nor live in history as the author of plus. COURAGE OF CONVICTIONS In every community there ate individuals continually urging edi tors to siitleti up their backbones and lambast someone ot some thiug , It all sounds nice O f course, an editor is not much account utile«- he has backbone and courage to >j»eak right out m meeting once in awhile. He can t mould public opinion bv swa\ itig with every wind that blows The Sentinel like« to lake a rap at something or other once in awhile, but these fellows who come around to sick us on Watch the Window! Mlaa Aloott'a "Litt Dratnatii*-) by Mio make us smile Ask them to put their ideas on paper and the way thev burn things up is wonderful to behold 1 lien just a*k them to sign the manuscript and stand sponsor for their creation and watch them go limp. Thev wilt like gra > > before a prairie fire. The backbone so admired in the editor into the Simeral & VanDenburg Buildup is nowhere iu evidence in their makeup. Oh. its amusing, ah right, but it's reallv cruel of an edi tor to do a thing like that. It isn't Saturday, November 2 -O p e n in g Sale Will Move Next Week M ISS M A I I I A N lue legislation to free the masses from fair or manly. MI h « Mnrltn Ho Kurt 0 o n the power of pelf. But even at that Then there's the person who sends 'l.lttle Woinoli." pointments. tic for III» U h ITiilo he sizes up big by the comparison in anonvmous communications. 35. Further control o f railroads n a considera Me reput afraid even to trust the editor with through extension of powers of the method, and has a good legislative itlc crltlc, Imt n e w r l his name Such communications Interstate Commerce Commission. record. mi Ut pili) ' I Itili« SI Then there's Jonathan Bourne. are real convenient to use for tinder 36. Workingmen's corapeusa- i*tic lovvr -r M in * ì il lirr ilraiuiitl/iitloii w tion act brought to successful issue who, like unto Teddv. walloped to in starting a fire. t rcrcndlug Ilio hook a fare-vou-well at the primaries. The Sentinel is uot diffident in the Supreme Court. I rxpluliiH timi h I ii - ili 37. Stocks and bonds commis­ still finds the demand so great, so about rapping things that need it. tlfkl ll>> W II II) III. Ilici rua« whi'ii Un' «Iran sion; valuable and exhaustive re­ overpowering, so insistent that he W e ’re taking a rap at someone tMtok In voiijiinctluii consented'' to let his name now; but when someone else wants | port summitled as basis for legisla­ has Un lui again appear on the ballot. Jona- to do the rapping through us we tion. « ■ plaj ** I 1111-- W mi 38. Extension of civil service than islike some others who believe want a few marks of identification, •Il m-clved. limi ilio fi lelidklly m n-1 iii'ciirnti in the people just so long as the N o attention is paid to commuuica by executive order. i« lolo of M-'g IH tnki'li He was a lions unless the name of the author 39. Practical conservation acts. people believe in them w ly, ilio dauglitcr u 40. Courts of customs appeals; great champion of abiding by the is given as a guarantee of good faith ! mly, wtiu produciti llit primary until he found the primary Correspondents should leant that undervaluations stopped. wouldn’t abide him. A moral there are no exceptions to this rule IN THE OLDEN Every sale table and counter in the store will offer you Extraordinary Bargains We THINGS TEDDY HAS DONE renegade, a political hypocrite, a Unsigned communications find their want you to get acquainted with our new location at once Brim,' ymir friends We ual Suffrage Obt.nne Espoused reciprocity witb*Canada supporter of the Bull Moose, but way into the waste basket every will have plenty of room. N o r u m i n In t h » V i when it was a live issue— laid it all only yesterday a candidate for the week. lull) o f till- WlllUl'II I If theiUM-hi'H ui - iii I- outo Taft when a dead issue and Republican Nomination: he isn’ t a BEHIND THE TIMES I " u t lv u iit i - i a m i tv li likely to lose him votes. Republican, nor yet is he a very li a brave Ht niggle tu Taft is behind the times. We Hollers "Thou shalt not steal” enthusiastic Bull Mooser. I privilegi • tt hi-h ei regret to say it. but such is the fact and than swipes the Republican O f all the candidates Jonathan tlielra wttln-ut un) mn He still clings to that fcxilish. | tu II organization in California, refusing Bourne appeals to The Sentinel the rrage obtnl: - -I m in in g fogy idea that the presidency, as to let Taft on the ballot. least, and still the people wouldn’t II In Un- lig e nf the highest gift in the hands of the Allowed the Alton steal and ab- be so foolish if they should send him agli and vlnlenl m I American people, carries with it a dnya, they hud i sorption of its rivals by the steel trust back With all his faults he could man, nini Unir l a t t a - certain dignity, a certain judicial Discovered the efficacy o f pro­ get more for Oregon than any other Ivt'l her nini in giti poise, if you will. He can not gressive principles when that ap­ candidate. penden«*« - l i e h a il II somehow understand that times -agli the succeeding < peared to be the only excuse left to But Lie can’ t very well appeal for tin* » " i n in nf tin- have changed and that a man must get iuto the presidential race. the vote of any party or factor, and “ “ nine o f legal age nml needs be a broncho buster and ride hasn’ t a stroug enough personal transact ln*r own itff Testifying before the Senate In like a maniac up and down the '•"—■'it Sln> d m ... I proper! FOR U. S. SENATOR following to elect him length and breadth of this fair vestigating Committee, Medill M c­ t it. which, lifter tier n On November 5th the electorate Now, how shall a Republican milled her ntvii Aftei * Cormick said the abuse heaped on land, scattering blood and thunder o f Oregon will be called upon to vote? T o tell the truth, it dosu’ t -ling« a m in unit tils designate a choice for United make much difference whether he denunciations, in a mad and furious Rixjsevelt was the cause of the at­ incra, and whntevci tempted assassination and in the scramble for the votes necessary for lie way o f lands. atm States Senator. votes or not on a bunch like that. ¡icrty wan milled lull same sentence characterized Chair And it’s a delightful mess to There isn’t much chance of a satis­ a reelection. .1 III 11(1 could lint Hell III Anyway, Nature didn’ t propor­ man Ililles as "a liar and character pick from. ther town nr country factory selection, and The Sentinel That's about as con­ ,»'* ronaeni Till* » ’■ For the Democrats and Bull dosen t intend to try to make one. tion Taft for a ravishing success as assassin.” tine state to thnHe wo a broncho buster. sistent as it is i*>ssible for a Mull Moosers it will not take so much It will only hope that the winning 1 whose liuHlnindH. lei Mooser to be. discernment. lo ho . take from their man, which will no doubt be Lane HIS LANGUAGE and dlnt-i-e o f thei Dr. Harry Lane, the Democratic or Selling, will pan out much better A man can be pretty well judgei A government printing office is | your leave" or ''thank nominee, while not yet a man of than The Sentinel has reason to marriage the viking graft. Oregon’ s State by the language he uses. Did any mostly any extraordinary attainments, is expect. ______ he eooreiil Although one ever hear the beloved McKinley Printer should be done away with. family, eoiiltl offer I no doubt worthy of the support of >ay, Slug 'em through the ropes,’ Start the ball rolling by voting to waa not I miii U i I In til A t the recent convention of the his party as compared with the e wn* a elvll eoUi|ini Knock ’em down and drag ’ em put the State Printer on a flat Through a fortunate purchiuse we secured le even In those faro candidates o f the other parties. If State Editorial Association resolu­ out” ? Did anyoue ever hear the salary. _________ elected he would presumably be tions were adopted condemning entire sample line from the foremost manufact.* had « dowry the Lr dignified T aft say, “ I feel bully,’ tills a eounte found most frequently on the right cigarette advertising, whiskey ad If we could be as certaiu that of well-made, finest quality flannelette gowns. against wedding the wife heei I feel like a bull moose,” ‘ ‘ I feel X vertising and advertising of cham­ side— and while that is a quality Taft would win as we are that I ' d companion, and Is like a bull dog” ? Did atiyoneever In securing this lot we have the o p j w i r t u n i t v m the community I the people imagine they desire in pagne-flavored chewing tobacco Roosevelt's cause is lost beynud hear the refined Lincoln say, ‘ ‘ H e’ their senators, it becomes a n egligi­ Another resolution declared that no recall, we would be perfectly satis •£ offering our customers an enormous assortment? •> . . tngetner the 1 - ih III ou I a damned crook and a jackass, ant - - - ble quality when those functionaries decent newspaper should carrv ad­ fied for awhile. attractive styles, in materials that are servicealdaye o f the sagas Wl I don’ t care if the whole world fail to bring home the bacon in the vertisements of the character termed knows it” ? tailoring and workmanship that are perfect. T?rtor* __ Prohibition people intending to Manhood lost and restored” or of shape and form of liberal appropri­ A certain prominent citizen who are made generously full, and one may ea- wh « i • w.t. n »( vote for Roosevelt will have their ations for rivers and harbors, re­ remedies having for their purpose uses that lauguage is so intimately eyes opened by reading the last secure the season’s supply at a most modest prict^0*** " K n ,M M | “‘,,,r,ei clamation, public works and public the accomplishment of race suicide osltlon and knowledg connected with the expressions issueof Clean Politics, a Prohibition buildings. A congressman who Which shows what a change is r n r __ __________ , . , . . , , land should tie treated quoted that noother form of identity paper. gowns art* made in fancy stripes and p-t« needs» capability o ____ had secured a postoffice building coming over the newspaper busi­ is needed. A ll know who is re­ colored flannelette. They are trimmed with brab**“ ?u..... 1,1,CV.and for every city in his district, might ness. Still they say the world is ferred to. The Oregon Journal says th e ! go in partnership with the devil him getting worse. and handings with tailored finish, full length a « needs ii Merlin» jjrnsp Somehow such blood and thuudei cheaper interest rate Taft propones! self and still beat an archangel if I 'm , . ' language, the language of the bully for the farmers is nothing to them .! % width, in medium and light materials. pitted against him at electiou. It Many Bull Moosers are offering and the braggart, does not set well Better not tell that to the farmers. % i In order to iinderstiiti«1 is nice to have a senator always on as an excuse for Teddy the explana­ speak of It with us as the conversationa lax need* ncx, , I* n sympatheil the right side, but it is absolutely tion that he will not attempt to put If we could be assured that only vocabulary of a presidential candi­ Bath Robe material for one robe with cords in pin*1, that "honld ■orrow indispensable to haveone whenever into effect the distasteful parts of date. the folks who believe everything n she nmy lie utile to u fails to get his share of the plunder. his platform and claim that if elect­ blue, lavender and tan, dark red and blue. ter husband Teddy says will vote for him, we Editor Warren of the Appeal to it* nerds to understand With the Bull Moosers. qualifi­ ed he will be just as safe and sane could sleep quite peacefully. lek nursing. A wife wl cations are not necessary or exact­ as Taft or Wilson. Well, for the Reason is reported to have said he ytmt to do In ciiHes of II would put up $100,000 to defend ing. They want Teddy, that they love of Mike, what.s all the fuss N o one can visit the State Uni soleas thing those I. W . W . anarchists who versity without noting the crying know, but if they want anything beeu al>out? lie need- considerable t ico- the one to enotrie li published that screed about Roose­ need for the money it will probably else, they are overly modest and I o u u n u tu to rsinnln silent, und velt. If such is the case, Warren get at the ocming election. unduly retiring in making such The Boy and the Man” is the i the ottici to put up wit! ! » » » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > M l » » ftSé i i i » * * » " » " ‘ f t t l l i n t M M I O : tttt*1 tsmpur 1« milled wants known. The Bull Moose title of a little bk by S. D. Allen, should be jailed along with the rest Read the argument in this week’ s candidate is hardly a negligible a Eugene attorney, under the pen of the scurrilous bunch and his Length of Ski quantilty. paper should be boycotted by every issue for the anti-boycott and anti­ name of Luke Saunders. The title ^ e m s ont free speech bill. It will make you ° f course the Republicans have would hardly lead one to expect a fair-minded Socialist. «versi Inches longer vote the other way. Ben Selliug, who won a remarkable lively story of the north woods, but ,way with chopped ones It is edifying and pleasing to see 'wo InrbeH and two anil victory in the primaries, and is there such it is. Joel Meeker, the hero, all three of the big Portland papers i the proper height from The treasurer of the Bull Moose Safe Boxe, for $1 per Year fore entitled to the suffrage of those 'he sbos top will now is a character not often found in the get together on a subject. They will now pass among the gixxi who wish to vote the Republican garb of a lumber jack and teaches are unanimous iu opposing Con­ trusts for their usual free will offer- Why carry your own risk, when you can have prot6c{kirt» may not bo any wi ticket straight. Mr. Selling has that the finest feelings may be con- gressman Arthur W . Lafferty, he of ing. for less than two cents a week. ¡J * * nrp ,on*°r’ " been a tremendous business success cealed under a rough exterior, school girl fame. A ll rancor and I f the tariff could be revised a suit The yarn has a toms folks may drop thol 1 aft is gaining votes every day. freshness that bitterness is forgotten, invective is at a time, or two or three suits at a His cause is no longer hopeless. i^laually there Is anothe time, for the matter of that, or if smacks of the pines and rushing laid a.ide andThey’feiiciute one evs for the next change waters of northern Minnesota, Wis- another on this one subject. your Uncle Samuel wished to order consinor Michigan. It is 1 eddy is getting better, Let 'er lelgh-bo. hut huaylsirile* really beautiful— and wonderful. juek ! lected U> neglect their Jol 4% Interest on Time Deposits—4% 34. Nonpartisan judicial ap On that date at 1 a. m. we will place Sale, 3 00 pieces of Enamel ware, consisting of Dish Pans, Stew Pans, Kettles, etc. Choice each 10 c Tuesday, November 5 — Election Day i at 2 p. m. we will place on Sale pieces more at 1 Oc each. 300 J. JL P r o p r ie t o r Comfortable ? Flannelette Gown In a Great Variety of Stylf A t H a l f P r ic e í Ready-Made Kimonas and Bath Robes, Wool Fleec »»"^0 WE RENT Bank of Cottage Gro