Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, October 10, 1912, Image 1

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(Etfttcuu' (grim? Bwtttol
ri" • » . , j
‘" ' ,ri
.... of üfifc V _ T f "
ulti l'. WM
»»• tu lh«
S T sam day
the , r potatoes
F. Spray Haa Scheme That Will
1,1 Ul*i « a« ^
f " " f "*• i ST 8 H I P M F N T OF T HK
Prevent Dumping Tuberà
on Market.
New Pastor Heartily Welcomed
Rev. T. J. M oore and W ife G iven E lab o rate R eception and
W elcom e in M. E. C hurch Friday Evening
Number 3
“ W ets" and “ D rys" W ill Also Con­
test in Springfield, Eugene
and Junction.
"hi'' I line , - fe&L .
A | i I h ii to «tore potato«.-« umi hold
Petitions have been filed with the I
An elaborate reception was given for the Foreign Mission«, Mrs. J. It.
•""»lii eft,,.*1
Which Women of City Have them for » fnir price I n promised in Friday evening to Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Sirneral for the Home Missions, Prof. county clerk to call a special city elec- j
Rival Candidates Give Reception
. ,
< Moray'« Column in thin iaaue. Karm- Moore, the newly ap|M»inted pastor of J. K. Dun ton as Superintendent of lion on Tuesday, November 5, to allow
.. ,
Labored fi' r Month*
1 ' *
and R ally to Friends and Sup­
er« have long complained of lint being the M. K. Church and his wife. A fter Schools, Elbert liede for the Press and the citizens and voters o f Eugene to
‘ ""b rn*,
Has at Last
able to make a profit on rui«ing the a lengthy program, refreshments were Rev. I,. It. Moon on behalf o f the other say whether they still want the sale
porters in Campaign Royal
b i - y niithi. .
nl *.rk llu
llllnl fh, „
tuber«. One of the reasons hu« been
tiiat they have been marketed locally
in «mall lot« and UHiinlly at a time
when the market wnt Hooded, and no
one buyer purchu«ed enough to make
Htoring and «hipping fea«ible. Under
Spray'« plan several cars ran he «tored
with him, and when the price goe« up
tiiey can he «hipped out in merchant­
able quantities. Cottage Grove ha«
long needed aome huc I i plan a« this to
secure for the farmers the he«t price
for their product.
"• l" " t if», The Cottage (»rove Public l ibrary
II open Saturday afternoon and tin1
k,l|f al for whieli women of the city have
F releaaly worked for inuntha Ima at
r' v
at been attained. For (tie preaent
1 '■••mi« 0 library will be open from 2 to f.
" l “r tan adneaday and Saturday a ft c ’iioona,
r' ' 1 v*'*l • it it la •c>"U expected to enlarge tile
r" " i: fur I ope.
ll< hu There ere now aome 450 butika on the
f" ’
iclvea, aaleeted after a month’« work
l the part of tlie bunk committee for
Band Goes to Eugene.
rV 'rrivej ieir edaptabilily to the need« of the
The Cottage Grove Band will go to
*■' ■
I taidents of ('ullage (irnve and viciid- Kugene next Tuesday to take part in
"• * th hr/.
the Oregon Electric celebration at that
r i" .'ind k The library will be abaolutely free city on that day. It ia expected that a
Resident« of territory tributary to number o f citizcna will accompany the
I ’ ltr«< uttaga Grove are invited to make the band lioya.
It' » » «me uae of the book« a« thoae living
bunt m t> dthin the city.
I' i >•> fr|. A ll wlahing to take l*>ok« away f rom
li , eiitri he building will be required to till out
n application card and have Name en-
oraed by one other re«i>oiiaible party,
I.atmr hie.
'here ara also certain reuHunaldc regu- Grangers W ill Post Themselves on
itiona for the u«e and return of the
Proposed Legislation at All Day
Open Session Saturday.
The library iH temporarily located at
oom 18, Woodward Building.
A t an ail day o|tcn aea«ion to be held
Whan m emtier« of the Woman's ('lu ll1
Saturday Cottage Grove Grange will
tarted their campaivn laat «|>rmg for
disco«« the initiative measure« which
i public library, there were many who
will appear on the ballot this fall.
roiled and «aid it wa« doomed to fail- i
Single tax hill« and good roads legisla­
Obstacle after obstacle wa« over-
tion are expected to receive special at­
urn« until the required amount of
noney Wa« raised. Recognition wum
The meeting will be open to the
iarly given by the City Council in the
general publi; and everyone i« invited
ippointmcnt of a Library Board.
to attend and join in the discussion.
Grangers will bring a basket dinner
Walker High School to Open.
and all others who wish can do the
Welker high aehool will open next Name and join with them.
Monday. A new bui ding ha« just been
In the evening there will be a meet­
loinpleted from turn!« «ub«cribed by ing of SocialiHt local, at which at lea«t
utlsena and a most successful school i ont, uf
initiative measures will be
ttBT la anticipated.
considered. The Socialists are holding
weekly meetings, taking up one
measure at each meeting.
Student Body Candidates.
Following is the list o f candidates
before the High School Student Body
for the election today :
President. Albert Woodard, Albert
Vice President. —Harold White, Har­
ley llarmes.
Secretary,—Carrie Woods, Frances
Treasurer. Klwin McCargcr, Victor
Editor Year Hook. Kerne Holcomb.
Manager Dramatic and Debate.—
Marguerite Johnson, Lucille Marson.
Manager Athletics. — Robert Atkin­
son, Frank Brumbaugh.
Yell Leader. Harry Conner, Fred
Sergi-ant-at-Arms. Austin H e r g , ,
Wil iatn Skidmore.
Three boys whose ages range from
a lN o.3i:il» to .18 years, are in the county jail
charged with hurglarly in a store, and
uglily prv“
probable that the o blest
tlie state penitentiary
ice. Hef
•nd the other two in tlie reform school.
ul invita’.
Karl Ellison is tin» oldest and his bro­
n o f C m
ther, Wallace Ellison, the youngest.
The other one is Samuel Yockey, aged
17. The Ellison hoys live at Spring-
Id Juti ction nod the Yockey hoy at
ngfl eld. They are charged with
breaking into the second hand store of
Gore 8k Hayden in Springfield on the
ht Of September 20 and stealing
bout o 2< ni worth of rilles, pistols,
tgons. watches and ammunition.
older boys have admitted their
It, toying that they did the job
Special Meeting of Club.
alone, but the younger one had one of
There being several important pieces
your n me guns and aome o f the ammunition
o f business to be" disposed of. Presi­
-- ilco! with him at the time of his arrest and
dent Hrund will call a meeting of
Mir.met knew o f the burglary.
the Commercial Club Monday eve­
ning and urges a large attendance.
Luscious Looking Apples.
An invitation has been received to
J. P. Land was in from Do re n a Sat- attend the Oregon Electric celebration
i-M I»»«. Urday exhibiting Home luscious looking at Eugene next Tuesday, and all those
applea from his orchard. He left three wishing to Httend are requested to
..withT^e Sentinel, one a i’ippin weigh­ leave their names with the secretary
ing 18 ounces, a Gravenstcin and a Hell at once so that reservations can he
Flower. I f they are the kind of apples made for them.
uaad to tempt Adam in the Garden of
K/jfj Eden it ih no wonder he fell.
Eakin Appointed As Administrator.
County Judge Thompson last week
appointed Herbert Eakin as adminis­
trator of the estate of Jennie Sehlbredc
who died at San Rernsrdino, California,
Feburary 16, 1912. The property con­
sists of $500 personal property and a
tract o f real eatate in this city.
Fruit Worms Will Leave
of Own Accord
Philosopher Believes Prediction
Made W ill Soon Be Realized.
That fruit worms and bugs will dis-
•ppaar of their own accord, is the be­
lief of J. F. Spray. He made that
pradMIo'i two years ago when Prof.
Withftornhe, of the Oregon Argicul-
tural College, was here and he believes
tha prediction made at that time iH
about to be realized.
In support o f that belief, Spray
cltaa the ease o f several old orchards
which were not sprayed this year and
which were hardly touched by bugs or
worma. He recalls the time when po­
tato bugs disappeared from Iown, and
saya that black-tailed rabbits thst used
to be such a pest in Northern California
and sand squirrels that used to infect
Eastern Oregon have ceased to worry
agriculturists of those sections of the
A Lobster Potato.
Tom Abrams sent in a triplet potato
Monday that looks for all the world
like a lobster. A large tuber forms
the body, while two others o f almost
equal size and shape form the front
"T h e Shop" where good printing is
done—The Sentinel.
Grandma Todd of Eugene, 103 years
of age, delivered a brief address at the
Rally Day services in the Christian
Church Sunday. She said she believed
in the efficacy of prayer, attributing
her long life to love of God and urged
all young people to give themselves to
the Savior.
aerved in the par or of the church.
J. I. Jones presided us chairman and
delivered tin- welcome for the member­
ship. J. K. I.ewis spoke as one of the
charter members, K. C. Ralston on be­
half of the claHS, J. It. Sirnvral aa
superintendent of the Sunday School,
A Ibert Woodard as president of the Ep-
worth League, Mrs. J. II. Chambers
churches of the city. A reading was
rendered by Miss Eunice VanDenburg,
vocal m sic by Misses Neita Hazleton,
Mae Armstrong, Ada Matthews, Mrs.
Moore and instrumental music by an
orchestra, corrqioHed of Messrs Wood
and Graham and Miss Ada Matthews.
Mr. Moore responded feelingly to the
many hearty words of welcome
1 : 1 & TIMBER
CO. SUED FOR $15,000
The Cottage Grove bloodhound has
been called to Junction City to assist
in tlie capture of daring thieves who
entered the store o f Jacksor. & Son
Tuesday night. They carried away
dravloads o f merchandise and turned
tke store ups«de down.
Entrance to the store was made
through the rear door. The thieves
bored holes through the door and gained
access to the lock, opening the door in
that way. They ate a lunch while in­
side, the remains having been left on
the counter. From the amount o f food
consumed and the leavings found on
the counter it was seen that there
were at least two and perhapB more in­
side the store at the time.
The proprietors of the store do not
know the amount o f goods taken, but
it looks as if great quantities were car­
ried away. The burglars tore up a lot
of goods and scattered more of them
over the floor. When the proprietors
came down in the morn’ ng the interior
of the store looked as if it had been
ravaged by fire or cyclone.
O. W. Dunn yesterday instituted suit
iri the circuit court against the Orchard
Land & Timber Co. of this city to re­
cover 815,000, alleged due as damages
on account of injuries received while
the plaintifT was working in the de­
fendant's sawmill on June 8, 1912. He
saya that while pulling slabs away
from the slab machine he fell from the
platform ta the bottom of a canyon 27
feet below and sustained such injuries
that a curvature o f the spine was
caused. He alleges that the fall was
because the company failed to supply
him a safe place to work.
Brings Suit for Divorce.
Martha J. Whisman has commenced
suit against J. S. Whisman for divorce.
They were married May 9, 1912, at
Cottage Grove and plaintiff asserts
that defendant is 60 years of age and
that she has had to support both her­
self and him since marriage, that de­
fendant has frequently struck htr in
the ribs with his elbow and has hurt
her quite severely.
She wants her
former name, Martha Kayser, returned.
of intoxicating liquor prohibited in
For Votes.
that city. In 1908, the last time the {
local option law was before the people, 1
Never before in the history of Cot­
Eugene went dry by 270 votes and the
Grove High School has there been
county o f Lane by over 800 votes. The !
Register predicts that the "d rys” will j such a contest for the presidency of the
Student Body, and the Chicago and
The Springfield "d r y s " filed with Baltimore conventions w .re tame, po­
the county clerk a petition for another j lite and lady-like affairs in comparison.
election on the queation of prohibition j The rival candidates are Albert
under the home rule amendment. The j Woodard and Albert Anderson, and the
election will be held November 5, the way they are hustling for votes puts
same day on which the general elec­ such old warhorses as Billy Woodrow
tion is held, but will take place at the and William Howard Roosevelt so far
city hall and will not be in any way in the shade that they can’ t be seen
connected with the general election. for dust.
Monday evening Mr. Woodard and
Last year the city voted " d r y " under
supporters gave a unique reception
the home rule amendment
Cottage Grove and Junction City in Phillips Hall to the faculty and High
will also vote on the same question on School Student Body. Mr. Woodard's
campaign cards were thoroughly distri­
the lame day.
buted and a distinctly Woodard feeling
prevailed. The rival candidate and hia
friends were present. Refreshments
of chocolate, wafers and chocolate bon
bona were served and the following
program rendered:
E. B. Grable, Rex Dye Works, City Address ............................. J. I. Jones
"D ebate” .............. Prof. J E. Dunton
Printery, Powell A Co., Wynne
A Woods Change Quarters.
and Lela Lewis
Everybody is moving. E. B. Grable Welcome to New Teachers Miss Currin
has moved, into the building recently Response...........................Miss Kennon
vacated by B. K. Lawson, The Rex School Music, Glee Club................
.......................... Rev. E. A. Ballis
Dye Works has moved into the build­
Grace Lilly
ing vacated by Grable, V. S. Goff and
Van Pierce have moved into the build­
ing recently occupied by the Commis­ Social L i f e ..............Rev. T. J. Moore
sion House. Powell & Co. will move Piano Solo................... Eleanor Wheeler
about November 1st into the Grand Remarks.........................Elmer Spencer
Theater building and Wynne & Woods Piano Duet.....................................
...A d a Matthews, Mae Armstrong
will move at the same lime into the
................... Albert Woodard
building to be vacated by Powell & Co.
Acquaintance Hour
Spray will use the room vacated hy
Orchestra Numbers
Wynne & Woois. It is learned today
Sing Around the Piano
that the New Era Drug Co. will move
into the building recently occupied by
County Clerk H elliw ell’s.
Petition Filed With
City Treasury Enriched to the E x­
Asks That Special Election be
tent of $25 by Fine Imposed
Called for Purpose.
for Blind Pigging.
School Report for September.
Work is progressing nicely in the
public schools, the attendance now be­
ing 521. The girls are ahead in num­
bers with 270 as against 251 boys. The
whole days attendance for the month
was 7,095; total days absent 121 ; total
times tardy 27; number pupils neither
absent nor tardy 419; percentage of at­
tendance 98.1.
In order to make the report to par­
ents and guardians conform to the re­
port made to the County Superinten­
dent, the first report will be made at
the end of seven weeks and every four
weeks thereafter. This will save the
teachers much extra work.
As has been anticipated, the saloon
question will come up '"or consideration
in Cottage Grove this fall. The ex­
pected petition, signed by a large num­
ber of Cottage Grove "w e ts ,” was
filed with the County Clerk last week
asking that a special election be called
for Tuesday, November 5th.
The election will be held under the
provisions of the Home Rule amend­
ment passed by the initiative at the
last election, and under which Spring-
field has since voted in saloons.
The fight will without question be a
warm one. The "d r y s " have fully
Time is money, it costs you about expected the fight to come up and have
Mrs. Snuthworth Dies.
s dollar in time every time you read been priming themselves for the fray.
Sarah E. Southwoith died last
all the live news in one issue o f The
The " w e t s " have undoubtedly also
Thursday morning of senile debility at
outlined a plan of campaign.
the age of 77 years. Services were
held Sunday at Veatch’s Chapel, Rev.
Moon officiating. The remains were
taken to Eugene for burial.
sons and one daughter survive. The
sons are Steve and W ill of Cottage
Grove and Ernest of Portland. The
Much Speculation as to Whether When Passenger on Roseburg Local
daughter lives in British Columbia.
In a raid on the small building south
of the Nesmith Auto Co. early Satur­
day morning the police captured and
confiscated seven bottles of whisky
and 19 bottles of beer. There was no
one in the building at the time, al­
though a noisy crowd had been in there
earlier in the night. The party hav­
ing the building rented was arrested
and paid a fine of $25 in police court for
blind pigging. He state'! that he did
not know that anyone had been in the
build'iig during the night, although he
acknowledged that the booze was his.
They Represent Hill or
Harriman Lines.
A party o f surveyors arrived in Cres-
well Monday noon and were there for
an hour or so.
They came from
Cloverdale to this place and returned
in the same direction.
Some think
they belonged to the Harriman system
while others entertain the opinion that
they were a Hill outfit. It is under­
stood that this party o f surveyors have
been working east out o f Goshen into
the Pleasant Hill section, thence to
Cloverdale, and from the latter place
to Creswell. It is thought that the
survey will be extended west through
Creswell and on to Eugene by way of
Spencer Rutte. However, there are
other reports current and the only way
to find out which is correct is to wait,
as no information can be gained from
the men in the field.—Chronicle.
Band to Put on Playlet.
Reaches Grove He Finds Hand
Luggage Gone.
A Big Registration.
On Saturday evening the number of
voters who had registered to that time
was 7,100, which is over 1,000 more
than has ever been registered in this
county before. It shows the county is
growing by leaps and bounds, and that
there will be a big vote polled this
year. Voters are still registering at
the rate o f about 100 a day. '
When Dr. C. C. Cathey o f Corvallis
reached Cottage Grove Ia«t Thursday
evening, he found that his hand bag­
gage had been Btolen. Passengers in­
formed him that while he was out of
the car at Eugene several tough look­
ing characters passed through the
train, one of them picking up several
grips. The owners of two o f the grips
which the man was carrying called out
Bellingham Changes Hands.
to him to stop, that he had the wrong
A deal was closed this morning
luggage and he returned them with whereby J. P. Graham becomes the
apologies. The tough calmly walked sole owner of the Bellingham Second
out of the car with the other two Hand Store, having purchased the in­
They were later found behind a ware­ terest o f Geo. E. Wood. Mr. Graham
house on the depot grounds, were found anticipates enlarging materially the
to be the doctor's and were forwarded scope of the business.
to him. One had been broken open
The time to do a kindness to a friend
and ransacked, but there was nothing
o f value in it and the contents ap­ is now—let your Eastern friends know
about the famous, fertile, fruitful
peared to be intact.
Some who saw the man take the Willamette by sending them a copy of
grips thought he was really a thief, The Sentinel.
but most o f the passengers thought
that those he gave up when called |
upon to do so by the owners were
picked up by mistake. The police have
not located the nervy miscreant.
The Cottage Grove Military Hand
will put on "T h e Cow Puncher” at. the
Armory Friday, October 18. There
are 18 people in the caste and the
production promises to be a mirth-pro­
voker from start to finish. The mem­
bers of the caste are putting in consid­
erable hard work in the practicing of
Grandpa Grace, aged about 80, died
their parts. There will be a big free
yesterday morning at 7 :30 at the home
cowboy parade at noon of the day of
o f Ben Whiton. The remains will
the production.
probably be shipped to Eugene Friday
Get your "House for R ent" and to be placed beside those o f hia wife.
"House for Sale” signs at The Senti­ Only one child survives, Mrs. H.
Skaggs of Turlock, Calif.
nel office.
(Continued on page 2.)
A t the meetiog of the Council Mon­
day night a petition was presented for
the enacting of a curfew ordinance.
The petition was granted and the City
Attorney instructed to present such an
ordinance at the next meeting.
It seems that Cottage Grove has had
a curfew ordinance, but it haH not been
enforced because o f conflict with the
Juvenile Court. It is understood that
the new ordinance will carry a provi­
sion for the arrest o f the parents in­
stead of the children.
Back to God’s Country.
W. O. Asher returned Friday from
an extended trip to Southern Cali­
fornia. He says he is glad to be back
in the famous, fertile, fruitful Willam­
ette. He says the Cottage Grove
country looks like a paradise compared
to the southern country.
Thousand Attend Opening.
T'.ie formal opening of Rees-Wallaoe
Co. Saturday was well attended, re­
freshments being served to about a
thousand during the day. There was
orchestra music during the evening.
Mr. Wallace reports the day a complete
success in every particular.
Still Selling Strawberries
at $4.00 Per Crate
J. A. Prophet Finds Berry
Culture Highly Profitable :: ::
J. A. Prophet is proving beyond pos­
sible contradiction the adaptability of
the Cottage Grove country to berry
culiure. Ever since early in the spring
he has been shipping strawberries to
the Portland market, his sales for a
time running as high as $16 a day.
Mr. Prophet made a shipment o f four
crates Saturday for which he will re­
ceive $4.00 a crate, or $16 in all. This
W88 the pick for three days from one
acre. He had a photograph taken Sat­
urday o f eight of the berries which
filled a foot rule. Mr. Prophet is now
averaging a shipment of four crates
Eggs have gone aa high as 37c per about every third day.
dozen during the past week, and even
at that price the supply has not been
The effete East is looking for a pro­
Send vour friends
large. Many of the biddies are spend­ ductive ccuntry.
ing considerable time in selecting win­ out there copies of The Sentinel and
ter frocks and are neglecting their let them know how things grow in this
ticrir.nrnilii(*inf7 fn n r t in n
salubrious clime.