Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, September 12, 1912, Image 5

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ns I*,
Won Lisi (hi • p
' «ml |v|
pi i
I w ••liti
$ The Second Southern Oregon District Fair |
,iy sin s more to si II In logan
making n Intnl of INI acres t'
Wilder. More berries, cow s.
Than lai F< i rain,
jgTheinspon I ns nice stu dy loam
sell at 7 fie per yard delivered
In town, .lust tin- thing for
liwos nnd garden.
k|,• M Far 'and In »..... i * t
tun limili for sale
(rft' '"U lte hie g< d woi i
Weight I.'IIMI pounds,
rnly five goats, mostly nannir*,
(I nr trade for «tiri p nr rattle.
Iyearling buck sheep fur mile,
I uf I ids Wool und I la lone Moreno
September 11 th, 12th, 13lh and 14th
4 -G re a t D a y s-4
field fence is n spring steel,
by every test. I'hui • Iflg,
Michel« ha» horse harness and
i for sale,
and cement nt Spray's.
I ierre and Oliver plows
ItlhlmiiH run through ln.-iullug at the
base of the yokes ure faiidllar enough
Hiver Niagara Sprays, the best trimmings ou nightgowns, but this
oblique adornment on the robe <le null
lary test at Spiny's,
your fecit and Hour of Spray. Illustrateli Is deeldedly Interesting.
’I ho rlblsni ta'inlliig slopes upward
nt the front nnd bark and meets Just
mglrs und |H,sla. Phone Hi'/,
|jrl> ver free to ull purls of town, In front of the left arm.
' minuii-i ».1 pbone 1G2.
you buy Ihnif of Spray you buy
•t «way rtlght from the rar to tin constilo
calua «t
T h s y Star ted Newspaper e O v e r a Can
tu ry
they caoj
p le a se d
m ight,
resj sin if
d e sa fie
One of the men of broad minds—Jo­
seph Pulitzer employed a large num­
ber nt women as writers on bis very
etieeessful newMpa|sTs, and yet when
lie made the gift of $.'11*1,1*10 to found
a sellout of Journalism appendisi the
provision tlmt women should not la*
permitted to attend the «chool. The
provision has causisi much wonder
(Hiring the past fifty years women
have t|ev eloped the qualities that go
to make a Journalist remarkable They
lire more and more adapting them
selves to meeting the requirement* of
the nlert reporter
It has been less
t tin it fifty years since women enter­
ed seriously hi son newspaper work,
tbough, according to Itobert Mi Wades,
the first dally paper published was
started by a woman, the first newspa-
per In Itlusle Island had a woman as
Its publisher, ns bad also the second
newspaper stallisi III New York elty
1 The Maryland (iazetle, the first paper
establlslnsl In isml Hnltltiinre's colony,
w as startisl by a woman, and the same
ts true of the Virginia Carette, the first
ei ' ■ print the I ie Inrttflon of
I tide pendei. •• 1.'Hiking the field over,
women have done very well In tu-wspu
| n r work, and they will eoiitlnue to do
so notwltlistandlng the Pulitzer school
of Journalism
ken* out
accept i
I the ror|
Jrchaaer ,
Excellent Racing Card
Free Amusements Every Day
Competitive Display
I Band Concerts, Etc. 40-Piece Band-40
Under Directorship of Professor Dudley Huntington McCosh
Special Feature Saturday, Sept
Bucking Contest, Squa? Races, Buck Races, Indian
Relay Races (sure go). / These are in addition to the
regular racing events./ I n d i a n V i l l a g e o n t h e G r o u n d s
P rem iu m List
to WALTER B. JONES, Room 24, McClung Block
Black Fr ocks tbs Rag* J ust Now.
The braid trimming on tills black
, chiffon fr.s k Is arrangisi with open
( ìimm I second hand roller feed mill for
Wixal to g iv e away for Itie culling.
W. A. Hemcnway.
Old growth fir. alao oak grub wood
at Spray'a.
Wsgons, buggies, plows, harrows,
cultivator*, discs, binders, mower and
rakes at the big hole in the wall.
Gupiil (tour is ns good ns the best
J. r . Spray, phone lb” .
11.40 per nnrk
I,. <’ . Paroiulee hns n horse for ale.
Weight 1,000 pounds, (lentlo. I’rice
P h o m 'Jo W dj.
Remember the gont. lie will kill
the brush and make the grass grnw
while you sleep.
1 pny cash for chickens, eggs, h'des,
Made By Many Cottage Grove Res­
Many people in « misguided effort lo
get rid o f kidney backache, rely on
lusters, liniments and other make
shifts. The right tfeatm en t is kidney
treatment and a cmurkahly recoin
mended kidney mi Jcine is I »nan's K id
ney Pill*, doting (■ rove i* no exccp-
destroys other faculties and gives a
reason why the precocious child so
early becomes a distinct rocket—its
light and fizzle and glare all ended be­
fore maturity is reached. Perhaps It
Is this consciousness which makes us
nil have n feeling of pity for the pre­
cocious child and to rejoice so heartily
that Juvenile displays no longer shad­
ow our afternoons. In some things at
least we make for progress.
P rincs H irohito, H eir A p p a r­
ent to the T h ro n e of Japan.
Books Fo r the Little Folks.
M tm vy In Children.
Nowadays nobody remembers a
Much to the easement of our social book entitled "Sandford and Merton,”
amenities, the precocious child has gone and nobody reads "The Parent's As­
out of fashion No longer have we to sistant,” yet once upon a time these
slllle yawns aud to smile while our fin­ two musty, tiresome, goody goody
gers tingle from a desire to smack as a books were considered by wise and
baby prodigy recites Shakespeare or proper grownups to be appropriate
makes grandiloquent siieeehes or gives and beneficial reading for their boys
Impromptu scale practice ou the piano. and girls.
In fact, the tendency is the other
All of which proves the fallacy of
way. We ure on the upswell of a hankering for “ the good old days.”
Kniisscau movement, and the dear ba­ \Ve should be grateful for our wonder­
ldes are being turned out to do garden­ fully progressive twentieth century
ing and to cultivate powers of observa­ that sends "Sandford and Merton” and
t i o n apart from books and pen and Ink. “The Parent’s Assistant" disappearing
I ll,, nursery has become a menagerie beneath an almost bewildering ava­
and botanical museum, nnd that her lanche of charming Juvenile publlea-
bov or girl of seven Is ignorant of the
alphabet Is the latest and proudest
nre provWed witb books written
boast of the loving mother.
I to ,neet the needs of their natures und
A change all to the good surely did ,nlaglnatlonB
It not seemingly take as much time,
perhaps the worthiest progress hns
trouble and teaching to keep up a con- been maj e jn t he books that nre now
(lltlou of book Ignorance as of book wr)tten for very utt!e folks, for those
children who nre Just beginning to dls-
Wliat is considered brain develop- cover (jle wondrous delight of rending
incut In a child is nearly always a mat- tllelnse|ve8
They must have »woks
ter of memory nnd adaptability, Just a j wllereln t i,e pr|nt |s large, the lnn-
parrot-llke quality strongly developed. gunge simple nnd the Illustrations at­
The child Just remembers and 1 ml- tractive. And these have been given
to them. Not only Grimm's and An­
One lias this shown very clearly In dersen’s fairy tales have been retold,
the historical records of royalties. but Kingsley’s “ Water Babies,” “ Rob­
Where the young prince or princess inson Crusoe,” ” 8 torles of King Ar­
h i . ai k O IIIV F O N OOW S
has. through the pressure of state nr thur’s Knights” aud “ Undine” have
fairs, been obliged to live surrounded been Issued In delightful little volumes
l.v diplomatists nnd ministers, the devised to suit very young renders.
medallion*, under which Is laid
colored velvet, the deep orange shad.
licked up tho Jargon In the
Besides those, there nre many story
a8tonlshlng fashion.
books and picture books thnt nre mar­
forming 11 striking contrast wit" thü
Is It not on record that when Mary, vels of workmanship nnd cleverness.
black chiffon costume
ancon of Scots, as a child of eight Among these enn be recommended
K itrhensttes.
. years, met her mother at Rotten, the Brooke’s "Johnny Crow’s Garden,”
lltils queen’s reply to the ma erns! Blnlsdcll's "Tommy Tinker Book,”
Onion salt In a handy
ca re sse s was the inqu'17. M T » tfa c­ Beatrix Potter’s "Tale of Peter Rab-
1 tions continued to exist In the noble b't” and "Tale of Squirrel Nutkln.”
Holbrook’s “ Hiawatha Primer” and
° f ^ t r a s s S her native Clinso’s “Children of the W igwam."
,.« ,...........
country; whether worship
W illis ’s Question.
........ ....................t - ; . ........................ p T ami the prelate, and clergy did
It s„da Injures the g MIW
“Pa, wns Job a doctor?”
use soap, which answers Ju.
“ Not that I know of."
‘ hu r eleven" she quotes Plutarch, and
"Then why do people have so much
„ml has is> »I
„ 9 m n raw , t twelve she writes an essay on the
T o rifinì n
nuU r
inii put
r „ml duties of princes couvh- to say about the pntients of Job?"—
^ r r ian gu n gL fan elderly statew Boston Transcript
m ...... •"< • « ' t
0,1 " tlvct though a brilliant woman,
man. Yet. tho K
st„art’s later
Who accepts from another sells his
who ran ssj^that M« J
,« 1 own freedom.—From the German.
r ^ ^ r l n s e l n f ^ ; ; - , ^
very door. The
The proof is atto
icriWire typical of
following is an
the work of Do h ifiiln cy Pills
Cottage Grove.
Mr*. Kiln iiiabey, S. Bmrth St., Cot
tage Grove, Ore,, says: “ Doan’s Kid­
ney Pills, procured Ht Henson’s Drug
Store, have been used in our family
and have proven very effective in re
lieving kidney complaint. This exper
iencc has convinced me of the merits
ir y...................A
of Doan’s Kidney Pills.”
For sale by ull dealers. Price Ml
centa. Foster-Milhorn Co., Buffalo,
p, mm out.
New York, sole agents for the United
out by hand it »
Remember the name Doan’s —snd work.
■ ta k e no other.
are almost I m ijj
iw not allow this.
h ..«;■ 7 KTJSA-
listen attentively to his partner, and
when the five minutes are up he must
write a brief account of her conversa-
Uon on paper, which the hostess has
in readiness. Five minutes are allowed
for this.
Then the men talk to the ladles for
five minutes about business matters,
stocks, law, medicine, horses, cigars,
and the ladies in their turn w rite a
short account of what they have
beard. The hostess collects and reads
the papers awarding a prize for the
best one.
A Repeating Game.
A fter a stand-up game a rather fun­
ny game, where all the company may
sit. Is to have one person chosen to call
and the rest to repeat: One good fat
hen, two ducks, three plump par­
tridges, four squawking wild geese,
five felicitous oysters, six pairs o f Ro­
man striped hose, 7,000 Spanish sol­
diers, eight cages of Ilellogabulus par-
rakeets, nine sympathetic, apathetic,
didactic, propositions; eleven supersti­
tious astronomers viewing Venus In
Venice, twelve European dancing mas­
ters teaching Egyptian mummies to
dance at Hercules' wedding. If any
one laughs In the course o f this he
must pay a fo rfe it The one who re­
peats most smoothly and solemnly
must be the caller out and begin gib­
berish over again.
A M ins of ths Incas.
~ P h o to b y A m e ric a n
Press A sso cta tlo a.
When Mutsuhlto, emperor of Japan,
died a short time ago his only son,
Prince Yoshlhlto, became emperor.
The new emperor hns three sons, and
the eldest o f these, Prince Hirohito,
becomes the heir apparent and may
one day rule the Japanese empire.
Hirohito was born In April, 1001 , and
Is therefore Just past eleven years of
age. His mother's name Is Sadako,
and she is a daughter of Prince Kujo.
A. great many of the Japanese names
seem to end with the letter “ o.” Hlro-
hlto's two brothers are named Yasu-
htto and Nohuhlto. One Is ten years
old and the other seven.
T a lk in g Shop.
Partners may be chosen for this game
by writing names of women on one
set of papers, such as Eve, Jill,
Juliet, Judy, and names of men cor­
responding to them on another set of
pnivers, ns Adam, Jack, Romeo,
Hand each guest a slip of paper with
a name on It, and each one hunts for
his or her partner.
When all nre properly paired off the
leader nnneunces that at a given sig­
Ilf« " ns .? n « precocity was just
The effete East is looking for a pro­ nal all the ladles are to talk to their
2 kS S t i o n of the sentiments and
ductive cc untry. Send your friends partners for five minutes about house­
expressions she hcanl »ho.ffher^ ^
out there copies of The Sentinel and hold affairs, shopping, preserving, fash­
let them know how things grow in this ions and. servants. Each man must
1(>i mst’S ’e weighting of tho memory salubrious clime.
One of the famous lost emerald mines
o f Peru is said to have been discovered
recently by a Greek Immigrant This
man had some land near the little vil­
lage of Acomayo, and he wanted some
lime for building purposes. 80 he set
some workmen to digging out lime­
stone. The men dug In a depression
that looked like a natural cave. Soon,
; however, the Greek proprietor thought
' that the cave did not look natural, and
! he began Investigating. He thought it
, might be n mine, and so It was—so
they say. He found three different
\ holes with emeralds In them farther
| down In the old workings, and then It
dawned on him thnt he had discovered
one of the lost mines of the Incas, the
sovereigns o f ancient Peru.
C o n und ru m s.
Why Is It dangerous to w alk into the
country at tills time o f the year? Be­
cause the hedges are shooting, the cow ­
slips about and the bulrushes out.
W hat Is the difference between a
blind man and a sailor In prison? One
cannot see to go, and the other can’t go
to sea.
When do your teeth usurp the rights
of your tongue? When they are ch a t­
W hy is Buckingham palace the cheap­
est palace ever built? Because it w as
built for one sovereign and furnished
for another.