Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, July 27, 1912, Image 4

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    Some folks would like to know if
the milky way ever gels sour during s
N o t lon g since Francis J. H e e e y
w as hailed as the ch am pion o f the
Don't believe but half that you
dow n trodden masses— a ureal re* hear a**d don't repeat that.
XShe Cottage Grove Sentinel
BEDE flk G R A N T, Publish«!-«
On Account of the
Low Cost
IVm 't promise to do more than you
the can perform and your reputation for
veracity w ill be good.
One Y e a r ..........................................$1.60 Six Months ..................................... 76c w o r ld s greatest ex p o n en t ot the
The scales o f justice usually weigh
Thr -e Months ..
.......... .... .40 SingleO opim ................................... 6c square ileal.
N j subscription taken unless paid for in advance.
This rule is imperative.
. .
. ,
correctly when honest judges handle
A n d yet he stands before the
Duplay 15 cents
per inch under sixty in c h «; 12 i cents per inch ovar eixty cou,1,r> branded as a ju r y -fix e r
Give women the ballot and there will
inches. Reading notices, 5 cents i*er line each insertion. Want ads. 1 cent per v ile persecutor instead o f u great be no scarcity o f campaign orators.
won!; no ad. less than 15 cents. Rates on position made known on application, prosecutor
When Lot's w ife insisted on having
O f f i c e :, F i f t h
S t ., S o u t h o f P o s t o f f i c e :
It is
n ow proven
lievon d a her own way, she turned tu sslt, and
A first-class publication entered at Cottage Grove as second class mail matter, doubt that w h ile he was w o rk in g ever since then woman has turned tu
the co u n try in to a fren zy ¡»Unit salt water to get her own way.
T H U R S D A Y . J U N K 27. 1812
A number o f congressmen seem to
crooked land thieves, he was using
be numbered among the Standard O il's
e v e ry m eans k n ow n to the pro­
long list o f by-products.
fessional bu rglar and safe cracker
Don't kindle a fire in a g ir l’s heart
to secure the c o n v ictio n o f his until you are certain you can furnish
victim s.
H e d id not stop at per­ the fuel to keep it going.
form er.
I tion he
C h ic a g o
sh ooter
> »
T h ings W e T h in k
»-0 A t
The Glo-orious Fourth
ju r y and ju r y fix in g .
T h e blood
On July 4th, one hundred and thirty- of t hinese firecrackers, Roman can- 0f innocent people w hose death w as
___ . . .
. ,
. •
six years ago, a few zealous pa­ dies and nigger chasers, the scattering
, ...
. *
brou ght about by his vicio u s tactics
. . .
triots. with the fear o f God and love o f Italian confetti and the like are the | .
o f liberty in their hearts, declared most appropriate means o f celebrst- ,s on h,s hc* d~ w h .le g u ilty ones
their independence o f the mother ing the birth o f the great American <«»>' fin a lly escape ju st punishm ent
country and risked their lives that the nation. A desire to commemorate the because o f the croo k ed m eans used
memory and significance o f the day is to co n vict.
new nation might live.
not the ruling passion that i
And on every anniversary o f that certainly
. .
’ .
It is a w ise th in g to keep our
eventful day the small boy and some induces the American youth to hoard
so*c * ,,ed reform ers.
not so small with the fear o f nothing-* hia nickels and dimes for the purchase , «
| T h e y seem to need w a tch in g.
in their hearts, in emulation o f the ex­ o f notse-producing contraptions.
A lon g the line o f a safe ami sane
ample set by the worthy forefathers o f
A N e w Y o r k fa m ily is d y in g
the nation, and with like patriotism, Fourth the smaller towns ami villages
break lose from parental rule ami go have long set an example worthy o f I from ea tin g b u tterm ilk , w h ich con-
a gala day ! . ■ ,
forth to commemorate the day in a emulation, whers .. it is made
. . | tam ed ptom ain e poison in g
It is
la invited
manner no less fraught with danger
than the perils to which the victors in in to help make it a success.
the revolutionary war were exposed.
Thirteen hundred killed and 28,000 town with all their glad rags on and
wounded is tne list o f fatalities and meander around m ixing ice cream, pink
lemonade and goo-goo eyes, and i f the
casualities for the past six years.
laddie doesn't succeed in ringing a walk
Which reminds us that in times if
ing stick at the cane rack he may at
peace it is well to prepare for the
T b in p othora think, and what
least succeed in ringing the lassie’s
Fourth o f July.
think a i U m th it«a othora think.
finger. The older folks and younger
Fourth is the most unique folks are there also and the business
holiday in our national calandar.
men’s committee has something for
It is all right to marry on the theory
It is the birthday anniversary o f the all. There's the grandstand support- that two can live as cheaply as ooe
Godde«s o f Liberty, and she is the only ing a band that discourses music to but the ratio is likely to fluctuate,
member o f the feminine sex who is warm the cockles o f the heart. Then
The sweetest voize aounds unpleas-
proud o f her venerable age. and the there's the grand parade and pageant tnt when uae<i ,0 waken a aleepy man
only American girl o f whom we wot o f floats, calithumpians, etc., when the > (0 aak him to get up and tend to the
who has not changed the style o f her honnrables, squires and dignitaries o f baby
clothing nor the shape o f her hat in 136 the surrounding country act aa judges
A yoUng coup|e
were marriei) jn
and distribute the prizes. There s the id„ho a few days ago on a train travel-
The Fourth o f July is the longest oratory. when enough patriotism is in*? 60 miles an hoqr— but they have
day in the year, beginning at the dawn spilled to float tne ship o f state. Dur- already struck a more sensible gait for
o f the week before and ending when ing the day there are races for man and their journey through life.
the small boy has exhausted the sup­ beast and other tests o f agility for old
. a
x ... x
I f home was a place requiring some
ply o f fireworks.
and young, feats o f strength, drills by
. .
cabalistic word and mysterious sign to
It is also the only 4th o f the month school children, etc, etc, and most im- •
. . .
. .*
. ,
„ gain admission, it would have a larger
that sometimes comes on the 3rd or portant o f all an exemplification o f
evening attendance,
5 th.
how the great national game should be
Th? w ireleM telephone w ill never be
It is the day when the spead eagle played, between the South Side Slug-
orator shoots off his bazoo and the gers and the Corn Fed Giants. O f popular with those who spoon by
The wireless scatter« its
small boy his fingers and toes with course, there are fireworks to wind up 'phone.
equal equanimity—and the antidote is the day, but these are in charge o f mes* “ Ke to° promiscuously,
A kid isn't always the son o f a butt-
about the same for both.
grown-up boys o f 40 or 50 and are shot
Now. after all these years o f cele­ off from some vacant space o f ground insky.
A Cleveland doctor lays crim inality
brating the great national holiday with or on the water i f any is convenient.
the boom o f exploding fireworks,
It is significant that several o f the
P ° « r teeth.
\n acning tooth is cer-
burning powder and sacrifice o f human larger cities o f the country are adopt- tainly not conducive to good citizen-
life, along comes a movement for the ing similar celebrations, at the same sb’ P-
The Egyptian who discovered how
abolishment o f all these nerve-racking time making an attempt to keep dan-
implements and we are told that our gerous firecrackers out o f the hands o f to make mummies out o f women must
patriotic zeal has beeD grossly misdi­ those likely to be careless in their use. have made a tremendous hit with the
rected and that the significance o f the
This style o f a safe and sane Fourth married men.
day has been entirely lost in the en­ should reduce the fatalities apnreci-
When you hear some young fellow
deavor to make it one continual ably, without lessening the enjoyment telling what a snap a farm er haa, just
scream. Multitudea o f figures and facta o f the occasion
> investigate a little bit, and you w ill
have been assembled to prove these
The prohibition by legislative enact- find that about all the agricultural
ment o f the manufacture o f dangeroui work the young man has done is to
It really does seem that the shooting fireworks w ill also help some.
cultivate the acquaintance o f some
.. - -
farm er's daughter. O f course, that's
the comfort und conven­
ience, there’ll n o t h i n g
thut give« more comfort
f i A t
In the days o f Ponce de t.eon great
explorers s|>ent years in searching for
tho fountain that would mak« old |>eo-
ple young again. Nowadays if a man
should start on an ex|>cdUion o f that
sort people would believe that he had
already reached his second childhood.
House Knrni«li<*rv
PhonC 6
N ow that Taft is nominated, it
is not so certain that he will be
elected. Many Roosevelt men will
not vote for him, although others
are following the example of Sen­
ator Borah and other leaders and
are falling in line for the success of
the Grand Old Party. And there has done and his faulLs will be for­
The wise man saves op his money—
the fool comes along and borrows
are several months yet for the sores gotten.
to heal over.
The public is fickle and forgets
A “ good tim e” is one that ends at
It is absolutely certain that a quickly— which is well.
about 3 a. m.
People economize so much on the
truth, it is no wonder they have to
stretch it fur some occasions.
I f Home women took aa good care of
their husbands as they do o f their
| hhk II cs the divorce mills would I * shy ,
many a grist.
A new religion hss been invented
with only seven commandments.
the members o f the new church keep
seven they w ill be pretty well up to
the average.
Great Jewelry Expansion Sale
A German chemist has discovered a
method o f using the humble |>utato as
a substitute for wood in the manufac- 1
lure o f lead pencils. The potato will
make a new mark in the world.
Don’t fail to visit this great Kxpansion Sale while,
in Eugene.
Bring this ad. with you, it’s worth
money at Seth I*iraw ay’s in Kugene.
Do not encourage anyone, whether it
be a child at school, or a man in an
office, in the disobedience o f hia supe­
rior, for when you do you strike a blow
at the success o f the school or business
Parasols at Reduced Prices
Some |>eople invest in watered stock
expecting in that way to furnish a
waterway for their "sh ip to come in.” ;
• ►
Young men, be careful o f the girl
with the decollette gowns.
She ia
more likely to turn you a cold shoulder
than the girl with a warm head dress.
i: W e h a v e a fine line o f P a rasols
w h ic h
lo w in g lo w prices:
When you get so you can let your
w ife rub her feet along your spinal co l­
umn in the middle o f winter without
making any complaint, you can rest
assured that you have reached that
state o f proficiency known as a model
If human beings w e r; on the tax
rolls, there are a lot o f people who
would not place such a high estimate
on themselves.
The reason some people are so mod­
est about advertising their charity is
because others who heard about it
would also be asking for donations.
w e are selling at the fo l-
$ 1 . 5 0 P araso ls now
$ 2 .2 5 P araso ls now
$ 2 . 5 0 P araso ls now
$ 2 .6 5 P araso ls now
$ 3 : 0 0 P araso ls now
$ 3 .2 5 P araso ls now
Swearing off from your bad habits
every New Year is another bad habit
that you should overcome.
$ 3 . 5 0 P araso ls now
$ .98
There is no need to debate as to
whether a thing is right or wrong. I f
there is any chance for argument there
is not much chance o f its being entirely
rig h t
L U R C H ’S , Cottage Grove
strenuous cam paign must be con- Plea!,,nt wor*1*
Lillian Russell says that when all
to vie-
. A c,ocl‘ ‘ hat chimes always keep. women dress os well as she does there
The Chicago turmoil is over, ducted to ca rry . the . tick et
. _
time to the music,
w ill he few er divorces.
Lillian is
and the great Teddy has been de­ tory. 1 he n om ination o f a R oose-
, ,
We need a few disasters now ami
feated by the same means by which
In the Hour of Misfortune.
Xbere „ alwayg . premiurn on the
he was once nominated and once h ave been good politics and prob-
A man doesn't 'lik e to have a friend
It is in the hour o f misfortune,
used to nominate his erstwhile a b ly secured votes. Jam es S chool- man with energy and the brains to use o f his tell him the confidences o f some
when life 's psthwsy is dsrk and
craft Sherm an is too much o f a it.
friend, William Howard Taft.
feminine friend when he had thought dresry, when we hsve msde some
As predicted by Taft and his dead weight.
he was himself the only one she was grsve mistake that has brought sorrow
The chink is wealthy,
campaign managers, the Taft ad­
and distress to ourselves, relatives and
which may g iv e moralists a cue.
be some satisfaction to know friends; when our cup seems running
ministration is unequivocably en­
W ar is good fo r one thing. It dem­
dorsed in the platform and the at Baltimore when the Democrats onstrates that 80 per cent o f the ciga ­ that those who are benefitted the most over ami we are shunned by those from
by the tariff are the ones who get whom words o f encouragement and ad-
President was renominated on the get together.
rette smokers are not physically capa­
stung for custom duties on their viae would be o f so much worth ami so
ble o f the rigorous life o f a soldier.
first ballot.
w ives' clothes.
, gladly welcomed that we are left to
Some insignia to tell a married
Roosevelt’s personal attendance
When your w ife tells you she showed
woman from a single one is demanded
at the convention failed to cause
W e have just emerged from a by a dress reformist. There ought to poor judgment in marrying you, ac­
the stampede toh is banners that campaign in which two o f the be no great amount of trouble involved cept her arguments quietly as a demon­
was expected and his claims of greatest men o f the nation have in picking out the married ones that stration o f your superior wisdom at a
critical moment o f your lives.
been reviled,
berated and de- wear the trousers—and those that
don’t are so meek that they are easily
nounced— men, both o f whom have
performed great service to their
. . Poe wrote some mighty sober things
cou n try-an d ours. Bitter parti- for a man wbo it reporU<1 * have
sans have found no vituperation drank so much.
too severe. The English language
” A New York woman has s hen that
has been beggared to form new has laid 130 eggs in sixty odd days,”
phrases o f denouncement.
*•>'• * n exchange. That hen doesn’t
, .
i lay—she lies.
Just so was George Washington
The buman ^
ia aaid
denounced and reviled, and Lin- three ounces of csleium-which leaves
coin and M cKinley after him. And no reason why anyone who desires
yet today no word o f condemnation xhouldn’t be a shining light.
is heard against those men. Wash-
harder for a man who has been
ington and Lincoln are idolized “ P ^
n.tur.l in . lowly poeition
than It is for one who haa risen to nil
and M cKinley is pictured a saint. hia part , « if used to it
Even the democratic Cleveland, ac-1 It make8 . man feel like kickinJ{
cused of robbery and most all other himself sometimes to know what a
crimes the flesh is berr to, was wretch he is in comparison to what his
honored in death the country over. » we«fhe*rt thinks he is.
And if Roosevelt or T aft is laid
Soro« br* iny P ^ P 1« *re thoughtless,
to rest four years from now, either
Wh« n J“ * * *
prisons yawn,
one will be lauded for the good he Clothes do not make the chorus girl.
and Hammocks
"K is s in g is overdone,” says s Hus­
ton womsn. The fires o f love must be
scorchers in the Hub.
stolen delegates were most ol them
so flimsy that even bis own ardent
supporters did not uphold them.
It is more than probable that his
apparent unfairness in instituting
contests against legally elected
delegates lost him support— at
least moral support.
As was freely predicted weeks
before, a separate Roosevelt con­
vention was held, at which he was
selected as the bead, but a third party
is so surely doomed to defeat that it
is doubtful if he will let his name
go on the ballot.
Vudor Porch
fight our battles alone. The unfairest*
portion o f it all i* that many o f thoae
who know the bitterneaa of the lonely
fight are no more guilty than our daily
asaoriatea and frienda, except that
they have committed the unpardonable
ain o f being found out.
I .et us bear this in mind when agsin
we see s former sssoeiste in distress
and remember that to err is human
and that to refuse to assist the fallen
is not divine.
The house o f a young Chicago couple
was recently burned by one o f the
hubby’ s form er sweethearts. In other
words, the fire was set by an old
Don't be ashamed to do right. Your
example w ill often stiffen up the back­
bone o f the man who is falterin g.
The wise window dresser who has
some article to which he withes to
draw male attention placet it in the
same window with the ladies' hosiery
It may not always be best to think
twice before you speak. Sometimes
your audience may g e t out o f earshot.
A Regular Picnic
Good judgment w ill save you a lot
o f needless labor—and tome people’ s
judgment is that all work is needless.
or a little private outing will be all the more enjoy­
able if the lunch basket or hamper is filled with good
things to eat from this grocery. I f you expect to
have a day in the woods or on the water don’t worry
about the eating nart. Come here and g et every­
thing necessary all ready to eat or to warm up over
the campfire or stove.
I f some people spent as much time
in hustling fo r what they need os they
do in wishing for what they can do
without, they would be well supplied
with the necessities o f life.
Money talks—and is certainly an en­
tertaining and forceful converaation-
Mrs. Charlotte Perkina Gilman aaya
man ia a noun and woman a preposi­
tion. We fail to aee the connection.
---------- m J i