Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, June 13, 1912, Image 3

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POSSIBLE ACE. ! New A rc tic Expedition '
North In July
Edison Predicts Mankind Will
Soon Be Living That Long.
A e t iv s s s
T w e n ty
V ssrs Ago
F o a ls s s C o m p o to n t— M a n I s B a l
sn ood A g v in s t G e rm e — N o t h in g Dieo.
O th e r T h o u gh t« .
H . C . M A DSEN
««M o i
rom am *ou»rioM
Monograms for
Breast Pins and Fobs
Hand Bags, Etc.
Drives Off a Terror.
The chief executioner o f ilcath in the
winter ami spring months is pneu­
monia. Its advance agents are rohla
ami grip. In any attack by one of
these maladies no time should he lost
in taking the beat medicine obtainable
to drive it olf. Countless thousand»
have found this to be Dr. Kina's New
Discovery. " M y husband believes it
has kept him from having pneumonia
three or four tim es," writea Mrs.
George W. Place, Hawsonville, Vt.,
"and fur couahs, colds and croup we
have never found its eq u a l." Guar­
anteed for all bronchial airections.
Price f>Oc and $1.00. Trial liottlc free
at A ll Druggists
It’s a Fair Prospect
Tor the horse that is led ujmti our
matchless Feed, for he is sure to
benefit by the diet. Our Feed and
('•tain uie well known for their
peculiar nourishing pro|>erties and
they are the most economical on the
market when the quality is con­
sidered. (>ive them atrial and note
the result in your stock. The im­
provement will be most marked —
the animals can work harder.
Could Shout for Joy.
" I want to thank you from the bot­
tom o f my h ea rt," wrote (I. H. ICader
o f I^wiaburg. W. Va , " f o r the won­
derful double benefit I got from Klee-
trie Hitters, in curing me o f both a
severe esse o f stomsch trouble snd of
rheumatism, from which I had been an
almost helples» sufferer for ten years.
It suited my esse a» though made just
for m e ." For dyspepsia, indigestion,
jaundice and to rid the system o f kid­
ney poisons that cause rheumatism,
Electric Bitters have no equal. Try
them. Every bottle is guaranteed to
satisfy. Only 50e at A ll Druggists.
Sell or exchange anything
this store is the beat place
TW BcBiagkaa Secant Haad Stare
Famous Stage Beauties,
look with horror on skin eruptions,
blotches, sores or pimples. They don’ t
have them, nor will any one who uses
Hucklen’s Arnica Salve. It glorifies
the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum van­
ish before It.
It cures sore bps,
chapped hands, chilblains ; heals burn»,
cut« ami hrulsen. Unequaled for piles.
Only 26c at A ll Druggist«.
Finest Suburban Homesiles For Sale
I have decided to offer for Hale all
my land within the city limits, con-
aiating o f 20 acres, making three very
desirable places with apringa o f the
best o f water.
The home place o f about live acrea,
has a spring, piped to the house,
furnishing about 7000 gallons water
daily, with fall enough to furnish
power for private light plant.
Better See Me Right Away
Calling cards
The Sentinel.
" I t ’s a good age to begin your useful
year,” said Thomas A. Edison on Ida
sixty fifth birthday, which bna just
passed. “ You begin to think you know
a few things from experience.
“ I'm us active its twenty years ago
slid feel ns competent. It's n matter
o f n short time when we will lie sure
we can live to I Ml years. I f a com­
munity should stop short and follow
the teachings o f canarll or spirilla
and bacteria—thorn Is no reason why
the life o f the coming people should
not reach 1M> years
“ Our life Is relative to that o f onr
ancestors. I f they led a one It
lengthens ours from ten to fifteen
years. I f we tn turn did nothing to
shorten It there would t*e added thirty
years more.
“ Forms o f germ life prove It. Home
go on and on and on. There's the
sequoia, the big California redwood
tree It has lived • ¡.IMS) years.
“ I f one form o f organism can do
that, why not anottier?
“ W e humans nre up agnlnst bacteria.
Infusoria and spirilla. They’ re trying
to live off us W e're g.ssl farina for
We must adjust ourselves to
them or conquer them They are our
tin la nee In nature In the animal king­
dom; enemies to overcome.
“ Years ago Minnesota's legislature
offered a Isiunty for coyotes. Its hidts
tiegnn to overrun the state. The boun­
ty had to lie rescinded, and the atato
tiegnu to try to breed coyotes, which
are hard to breed.
This Is what 1
mean by the Italauce of nature. This
s|>oclnl adjustment the leglslnlure dls-
t n rlied.
“ Man la Imlauced agalust germs.
Home are malignant, and some Are In­
As they dlsap|M-ar tie floiir-
tnh cm as those rabbits did.
"Today the deuth rate In most cities
Is much less than It used to tie. Our
modern knowledge o f care o f the In­
fectious. isolation and o f preventive
measures brings It down.
“ It will continue to bring It down as
|iol!t!i-s allows It to. Hoards o f health
do the I>e»t they can. Politics doesn't
run along equally with science.”
“ What can the Individual do. asldo
from the community precaution, sani­
tation and disease prevention, etc., to
prolong life?" Mr. Edison was asked.
He answered:
"A man can take everything ns It
routes calmly, lie's Dot running the
universe. I f things go wrong no one
need worry about It. for things do go
“ Analyse most o f these worrlments
and you'll tliul that they're from had
organisations These usually result
from excessive eating.
“ Down tn Wall str«*et If a man asks
you to lunch tie thinks you ought to
have two or three eocktalla first
"N ow , cocktails mostly defeat na­
ture's own system o f taking care o f
digestion. I know nothing more devil­
ish thun the concoction called a cock­
Mr. Edison added:
“ My w ife thinks my worst habit la
chewing tobacco. 1 got It when they
forbade my smoking In a telegraph o f­
fice. The trouble with man Is that
when he takes up morphine or tobac­
co or whisky or eating he overdoes It.
es|>e<'lally eating. Eating is too much
o f a function. I f you found out you
would probably learn that linrrlman
died from too much eating for tbo
amount o f fuel he needed.
“ t ’ lilldren ought to tie taught at ta­
ble to eat little.
Four tons o f coal
should not In piled into a boiler that
needs only two tons. Aa a uinttcr of
fuct, we take tw o nnd a half times
more food than we require—and that
adds some to our coat o f living. It
may feel good to eat more than we
need or want, hut It’s a poor proposi­
tion and not scientific.
“The trouble Is eating Is a social
function. It should not tie. It should
tie Just s fuel proposition.
I f they
want social grace with eating they
should go to the drawing room and
have music or conversation or read­
“ A fter death comes la there life
afterward, do you think, or conscious­
ness?” he waa asked.
" I believe,” said he, “ there la Intelli­
gence In all matter.”
"Oust and even planta nnd rocks?”
ho waa asked
“ All matter and rocks? Why, If you
put rocks under a mleroaoope you will
see their elements working like bac­
teria. A rock hss a lot o f Intelligence.
It glvea hromlutn movements. It
shows living movements. A piece o f
raw stiver shows It.”
“ Then you think nothing dies?"
“ Nothing dies,” wns hla respoi
"Intelligence continues to exist.”
L io n M e n u m o n t F o r H a r v a r d .
The government o f the duchy o f
Brunswick, Germany, la about to pre­
sent to tlie Harvard university a hronse
cast o f the celebrated Eton monument,
erected tn Castle square by Henry the
Lion In the year 116*.
Borup and MacMillan Will
Seek New Land That Ad­
miral Peary Saw.
Backed by Natural History
Museum — Indorsed
Peary and Others.
» yr m
3-Day Tickets on Sale
Saturday and
Sunday to
V / f SUNSET \ m '
► I ■
► I :
► I
TT f f m T T f T T y T T T y t T »
C U R IN G from the same base available about Crocker I And they
o f supplies and using the will start the return sledge Journey of
same Eskimo tribes that approximately 500 miles to their head­
IVary used In bis conquest quarters on the Hache peninsula in
i f the north (mle. u new arctic eipedl
May, 11*13.
tlon will put out during the coming
The return Journey. It la planned,
summer to explore and map what la will la- made with more leisure than
uow said to be the only considerable attempted while outward txiund. The
|K>rtlon o f unknown territory on the route through Ellesmere, Axel H ei­
berg and Grunt Ijm d will tie careful­
The expedition’s objective is to bo ly uin|>i>cd. und collections o f marine
Che lund whose mountain penks Peary animals will lie mail«.
saw dimly In the distance from the
May Be Heard From In a Tear.
auinmlt o f Cape Tbomas Hubbard on
The tlrst chance o f the world at
Juno 30. 1!»»). while he wua on bis
way northward toward the pole. Peary large to hear from the two men after
left a record tfiat the land was visi­ th eir Isolation In Grnnt I ji im I should
ble to the "northwest above the Ice Is- late In the auminer o f 11*13, a full
horlxon.” He named It Crocker Land year after their departure. They plan
In honor o f the late George Crocker of to dispatch a messenger to North Htar
tiny promptly u|s»n their return from
the Peary Arctic club.
Tlie title under which the new arc­ Grant ¡.and. thin messenger to carry
tic exploration will be attempted la for trniis|H>rtntlon by n Danish steam­
“The Crocker I .and Expedition.’’ In ship back to civilization a full report
charge o f the work will lie two o f the o f the ex|iedltlun's progress up to that
young men who went with Peary on (joint.
The summer o f 11)13 and the winter
tils final expedition to the north pole.
They are George Horup, assistant cura­ and spring o f 11)1-1 will still lie ahead
tor o f geology !u the American Mu­ o f the explorers In tin- arctic, and this
seum o f Natural History, and Donald period they |*ro|sjMe to utilise flrst by1
H MacMillan, a graduate o f Howdolu transferring alstard their power boat
their headquarters from the Hache
peninsula down to Etah.
Support For the Expedition.
At Etah early In the spring o f 191-1
Ib-caune Its directors tiolleve that the Borup and MacMillan will organize a
work o f Horup nnd MucMIllan will lie sledge party cnmisised o f Eskimos of
o f great value to the cause o f scientific the rielghlsirhood for the purpose o f
exploration and a distinct credit to the proceeding directly eastward to the
iiullou first accomplishing the results summit o f the Ice cap on Greenland
promised, the American Museum of at the widest part of that island,
Natural History has assumed charge which Is the second object o f their
trip. They have an engagement to
o f the eX|iedltlou.
The museum has associated with It­ keep at Etah with a steamship that
self In the enterprise the American will he sent north especially to re­
Geographical society, Y'ale university ceive them In the autumn o f 1014.
ami a numtier o f other Institutions and
Rootevelt’i Indorsement.
letter o f Indorsement from (Colo­
Henry Fairfield Osborn, president o f
in which tie sets forth
file American Museum o f Natural H is­
tory; Chandler Itohtdna. chairman o f the pride he would feel as nil Am eri­
can In having bis fellow- countrymen
the executive council o f the American
Geographical society, and Thomas reach Crocker Land drst. was written
to President Oshoru of the American
Hubbard, president o f the Peary Arc-
Museum o f Natural History.
tie club. ap|s-ar as signers o f a docn-
“ I have leurued with gieat Interest,”
nient setting forth the ex|>edltlon's
Colouel Roosevelt wrote, “ of the expe­
scope and (dan.
dition to the north |>olnr regions w ith a
With this statement Is appended let-
view of reaching Crocker lamd. which
ti-rs Indorsing the plan from Theodore
Admiral Peary re(iorts actually seeing,
Roosevelt. Hear Admlrnl Peary, Pro­
and of discovering the vast unknown
fessor llerliert E. Gregory o f Yale, nnd
area which, according to tidal experts,
a uuuitier o f others familiar with the
must exist In the arctic sea.
problems of Arctic exploration.
“The scientific work that la mapped
E. O. Hovey o f the American Mu­
out In geology, geography, biology, me
seum o f Natural History, and II. 1«
teorology. oceanography, magnetism,
Bridgman o f the Peary Arctic club,
glaciology, etc.. U. o f course, o f prime
have beeu named as a committee on
ltu|K>rtauee. All our |ieople are the
arrangements for the explortug tour.
debtors o f Admiral Peary for the fact
that he added a signal triumph to the
Hope to Start In July.
sutn of ucbievetiieut of American men
Horup and MacMillan will take with of :tctk>u. Messrs. Horup and MacMtl-
them when they start out three years' lau (Kissess the very qualities which
provisions for four white men. their enabled Peary to do such work, and
bel|>ers nnd their d o g s ; a power boat, their success should lie a matter o f con
a moving picture machine. Instru­ ceru to all their countrymen They ure
ments for all kinds o f records, a phy­ s< leutitlc men of the tie.-t out o f doors
sician. n cook and cameras for use type, scientific nicu who nre equally
whenever a moving picture machine good lu the laboratory and in the field
would not be available
aud at the same time able to take the
It Is pro)insist to take the expedition lead lu hazardous ventures. They pro­
northward on* a special steamship In pose now to attempt the most daring
July o f Hits year and to send another and haxardous feat o f geographical ex­
s|iec1uI steamship to Etah to tiring It ploration, aud I should think that every
trnck tn tiil-t. In the Intervening two man able to appreciate and to admire
years the explorers will have at their during and prowess when shown tn a
dls|Hisal the power bout carried with fine cause would feel hts bhsid stir
them and such sled,Ting outfits and when thinking o f what they lutend to
stores o f pemmlcnn and walrus meat do.
ns are collected en route.
“ It would Is* a fine thing for America
After lenvlug Sydney, atiout July 20, If the discovery o f Crocker Land could
the explorers will make their way lie placed to our credit ns a nation.”
northward by ship to s point 70 de­
Peary Approve* the Plan.
gress lO minutes north latitude, which
Admiral Peary a letter o f In­
will tiring them to the south coast o f
ih c Hiu-tie peninsula, about sixty miles dorsement came. In which be (minted
out that the two young meu who pro­
northwest o f Etah.
Here they will go Into winter quar­ pose to undertake the exploration are
ters and w ill establish thetr first prin­ knowu to the Eskimos personally and
cipal cache. Aliont the middle o f Sep- ure above the average lu physical
temlier they will begin sledging north * strength aud (lower o f endurance.
"They have had the experience,” he
ward toward Cape Thomas Hubbard
at the extreme northwest corner of said, “ o f my last expedition to train
Axel H ellsTg I*n d . the point from them In the methods aud equipment
which Peary saw the mountain peaks which have been found so satisfactory
In the north.”
o f Crocker laind.
The plau Is to do all the sledging be­
tween the headquarters on the Bnehe HOLE SHIPPED TO MUSEUM.
peninsula and Cape Thomas Hubbard,
s distance o f 330 miles, during the In ca se d In A n o io n t L im e sto n e — F o u n d
long arctic night. This will find them
In 8t. L i w r . n e t C o u n ty , N. Y .
with stores and provisions at Cape
The Museum of Natural History.
Hubbard at the end o f the long night New Y’ ork. recently received a perfect
ready to push off across unexplored Ice glacial ¡nit hole whleli was discovered
Helds with the return o f the dawn In by l>r. E. O. Hover o f the museum's
February, 1013.
I staff last year In Bussell. St. Lawrence
The dnsh to Crocker Land, an esti­ | comity. N. Y. The reason the hole did
mated distance o f 150 miles. Is sched­ not arrive soouer was because It could
uled to end the drat portion o f the uot lie moved until there was pleuty o f
cnmpnlgn. Once on Crocker Land It Is snow mu the ground to permit Its being
proposed to look about throughout carried on a sled to the nearest rull-
March and April. These two months | road station, a distance o f five miles.
nre counted on to see the fulfillment
The hole Is two feet In diameter and
o f the expedition's most serious hopes four feet deep, but It could not be car-
In the making o f maps nnd surveys, , rled away without sufficient rock
taking o f photographs nnd recording ground I t
It wns found necessary,
of tidal nnd temperature observations therefore, to cut out a block 0 by 0 feet
nnd the collecting o f Hors nnd fauna.
to secure the hole.
What they find tn Crocker Iaind
The rock Is crystnlllMd limestone o f
may largely determine the course o f the arrliaean age and contatna much
events to tie pursued by Horup and Mint. The hole wua made by swirling
MacMillan thereafter.
I f they Hud water and stone«.
game nnd can bag enough o f It for a
comfortable living they will not be In
F ir s t N e g r e s s F o r Jurer.
no much o f a hurry aa otherwise to
Dorothy Coates, a negress. summoned
press liack to their cache at Cape for Jury duty In the superior court st
Thomas Hubbard.
Spokane, ts believed to be the first
I f they And that two months Is time woman o f her race to be called to such
•uougb to collect all uaqful knowledge service lu the United States.
Season Tickets on
Sale June 1st
Tillamook and Newport Beaches
K>ws>si fa rro fru m Ih r principal .U tk in a to N ew p o rt or Tillam ook Hro. h r . o r * oo f o lk .» .:
Oregon City
t i
Tillamook Beaches
i »
T ick ets to above p o in t, on m l« d oily good o i l ______________
with _________
eotTMp orvling low fare«
from other point.. W ork end tickets ore oioo on m le from venou s points.
C . 4. E . R . R .
I.- o v r . A lban y ot 7::kl o. m .. C orvallis HlJOo m end con n ect, w ith S. P. tro in . IS, 14
from point* *Ajth.
Call on oar nearest Affent for "Vacation Day« in Or**on.
bucket tleacrilnnit vartcaui outing reaort», or write to
a beautifully illuatraUvl
JOHN M. SCOTT, Gen’l Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
A T T E N D THE B P. O. E E L K S C O N V E N T I O N . P O R T L A N D . JULY 8 13
D. S T E R L I N G , M A N A G E R
Wheat, Oats, Grain, Hay,
Mill Feed — Shorts, Bran,
Vetch Seed, Chopped Oats,
Oil Meal. Grass Seed—all
kinds constantly on hand.
FLOUR— Hard Wheat Brands:
Poultry Feeds and Supplies.
Pheasant, White Star.
American B e a u t y , P u r e
White, Red Cross. Every
sack guaranteed.
FLOUR— Soft Wheat Brands:
------------------------------ P H O N E 1711
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Courtesy Counts
One of the best assets of any busi­
ness is courtesy to its patrons.
We pride ourselves on this asset in
our business. We give this feature
our own personal attention.
J O H N S O N C& CO. :
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Hot Lake Sanatorium
Nature’s Cure for Rheumatism
You need not suffer. Write today for illustrated booklet
descriptive o f Hot Lake Sanatorium — Nature’s great
cure place. A natural boiling spring o f curative mineral
water. Thousands have been cured here after suffering
years from Rheumatism. Stomach, Skin, Blood and Kidney
disorders. Directly on main line o f 0- W. R. &. N- Railway.
W a l t e r M. P ie r c e
President and Mgr.
C T k
Hot Lake, Oregon
Shop W h ere Good Printing Is Done
Everybody Uses It-—
or Ought to—
H .& H .
. A H igh Grade
Hard W heat
Hom e M ade Flour