Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, May 16, 1912, Image 1

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fflottap (Bnw Üwtftttrf
Volume VI
C O T T A G E G R O V E , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 16, 1912
Grand V oting Contest Is Inaugurated
Number 34
T 0
Itinerary Includes Automobile Sight-Seeing Trips, Excur­ PAY SUBSCRIPTIONS SATURDAY
sions, Scats in Grand Stand During Big Parades,
Silsby Muskale, Three Day« of Feat Mra. S. E. Cochran Meets With
And Help Boost Along the Public Apparently in Good Health Sunday,
Admission to Important Functions, A c ­
Library Fund.
and Carnival and Ten Her Cent.
Painful Accident Monday.
Enjoying Visit from Governor
commodations at Best Hotels.
Library Day
West, Passes Away Tues­
On all cash Hales Saturday The Sen­
tinel will give 10 per cent to the li-
One Week.
day Morning.
F R E E T R IP S T O P O R T L A N D R O SE F E S T I V A L T O i brary fund. A ll subscriptions, wheth­
e r arrears or advance payments will
B E A W A R D E D S U C C E S S F U L C A N D ID A T E S .
This is to be a glo-orioua week for
Apparently in fairly good health
be included as cash business, so that all
the library fund and It is planned by
Sunday, when he enjoyed a visit from
those who pay up subscriptions on
the Woman’« Club, which alerted the
Nominate Your Favorite at Once so That She M ay Have that day w ill be helping along the li­ Governor Oswald West and enjoyed a
movement, to close up the rampai|(u
hearty dinner at the home o f his
the Advantage of an Early Start. Fill in Nomi­
fur funds, for the present at least, with
daughter, Mrs. F. B. Phillips, Wm. H.
Saturday night.
Arne passed quietly away Tuesday
Toot! Toot! Tootl
nation Blank Contained in This Issue
The Kotrrpian (Hub Musical, which
Through an ad. in last w eek’s Senti­ morning, after a lingering illness with
and Get It in Immediately.
took place Monday niirht was a com­
nel and hand bills printed by The Sen­ a complication o f diseases. He had
Dialocuted Shoulder.
plete success and the sum o f $-11.00 waa
tinel and distributed by the Bingham been suffering quite severely since
Kmil Keearl, an employe o f the Or­
In order to show fairness and impar­ Advertising Service, the Cottage Grove August. The end came quietly and
Commencing at once, and ending
netted for the fund.
Beginning today the M iller Amuse­ chard Land & Timber Go. at Divide, June Kth, The Sentinel w ill conduct a j tiality, for the purpose o f this contest Creamery sold and delivered two De- without a struggle.
ment Co. will hold forth in fun, feat met with an accident Monday which Prize Voting Contest and send three . the city has been divided into two dis­ l.aval separators during the past week.
Funeral service« were held this
and Carnival, u large pro|Hirtion o f the resulted in diHlocating his left shoul­ young ladies o f Cottage Grove or v i­ tricts arid outside the city limits into
morning from the M. E. Church, Rev.
A Painful Accident;
receipts from this to go to the library der. Hu waa working on a scaffolding cinity to Portland's big show, th e' another, as follow s: District No. 1
S u t c 1 i if e officiating. Appomattox
while doing somo repairing at one of world famed Rose Festival.
Mrs. Sam Carr was coming to town Post, G. A . R., conducted services at
Any | comprises all the territory within the
Stepping on u loose young lady residing within the lim its; city limits on the East Side o f the Monday with a ten-dozen basket of
And on Saturday nearly allthestorea the building*.
the grave, interment being made in I.
feet, hitting heavily o f Lane County is eligible to compete 1 riv e r; District No. 2. all the territory eggs on her arm. The darned basket O. O. F. cemetery.
and business houses o f the city will
hold a Library Day, 10 per cent o f all on his shoulder and causing the acci­ and the awards w ill be made solely up- ' within the city limits on the West handle broke and down went the eggs,
Wm. H. Arne was bom in New York
on merit. This is an opoortunity for j Side of the riv e r; District No. 3, all of yolks and whites and shells in a mixup. State Dec. 6, 1845, being nearly 66
the cash receipts to be given to the dent.
any young lady to visit the Rose Fes­ Lane County outside the limits of Cot­
fund. Such stores and business houses
years o f age at time o f death. He was
tival without any expense whatever \ tage Grove.
w ill display a largo, red letter " L . "
a veteran o f the Civil War, serving
The candidates polling the highest
und Bee everyhing there ia to he seen.
Those interested in the library arc re­
three years and being wounded at Cold
They w ill have the best hotel acommo- number o f votes in the district in
quested to look fur the **L " when do­
Harbor. He was married in 1871 to
datiuns the city atTords, automobile which they reside will be awarded the
ing their trading on that day.
N ettie M. Creswell o f Parkersburg,
sight-seeing trips, admission to shows, trips, although not confined to their
The Arcade Theatre has a baby show
Ia., moving from there to South
on also, and it is proposed that the GROSSLY MISREPRESENTED BY seats in grand stand during big pa- ] own districts in securing votes.
VOCAL HARMONIES ARE W ARM ­ Dakota and to Cottage Grove 14 years
railes, their weffare, pleasure and com- ! I f the name o f your favorite does
funds derived from the source be used
ago. Mr. Arne had been a member
fort for the entire week being looked not ap|>ear in the list o f candidates,
in the purchase o f children's books.
of the M. E. Church for 41 years.
after by the contest management.
A widow and seven children survive
nominate her at once so that she will
Says Tales of Criminals Turned
Already a number o f the leading have an equal start with the others. Nearly Every Number Encored.— deceased. The children are Mrs. F.
Sixth Street To Be Improved.
merchants o f Cottage Grove have sig­ F ill in the nomination blank published
B. Phillips. Rufus C., Leon C., Claude
It is now practically certain that the
Loose on Society Are Not
Rendition Shows Results of
nified their willingness to assist and in this issue and bring or mail it to the
R., all o f Cottage Grove: Mrs. L. M.
paving of South Sixth Street will be
True.— His Is Busi­
Months of Efficient
arc giving votes on purchases made at Contest Department o f The Sentinel
Little, Iroquois, S. D .; E. D. Arne,
one o f the improvements this year, j
their stores.
Everett, Wash. ; R. W. Arne, Fossil,
ness Policy.
or telephone the contest manager.
An ordinance has been ordered drawn
Published on another page are the i Come in and meet the contest manager
for the improvement and it is not an- j
licipated that there w ill l>c any rem on-. Declaring that his prison policy has rules that w ill govern the contest, the and have all the details thoroughly ex­
Fire Laddies Make Early Run.
The musical Monday night given by
The improvement w ill be been grossly misrepresented by papers names o f candidates entered up to plained.
The fire department was called out
the Euterpian Club under the direction
There is not a young lady residing
carried up to within about 1,000 feet politically opposed to him, that great date, merchants who are givin g votes
o f Miss Esther Silsby, was a musical at 7 o ’clock this morning. Being mis­
o f the city limits and the county will care is used in selecting men for the and how the prizes w ill be awarded, j in Cottage Grove but who can easily treat in every sense and many who at­ informed the fire laddies rushed to the
This is a business proposition pure win one o f these free trips if she will
build three-quarters of a mile o f ma- j honor system, thst no dangerous crimi-
tended expecting something real good East Side o f the city. The fire was a
cadam road from the city limits south. , nsls are turned loose on society, aa and simple and must be treated as devote her spare time to the contest were surprised by the quality o f the chimney fire on the W est Side, and was
This will leave about 1,000 feet of these papers with political axes to such, votes are votes, each candidate and go after the prize energetically. entertainment, which showed the re­ extinguished without damage.
unimproved street between the two grind would have the people believe, w ill be treated with the same courtesy The experience w ill help her to devel­ sults o f efficient training and practice.
‘ The Shop” Where Good Printing is
improvements, it being understood that startling the audience by alating that 1 and given an equal amount o f assia- op confidence in herself, and confi­
Nearly every number was heartily en­
the owners o f this property are n o t; there are a numtier o f paroled convicts ’ tance and advice by the contest mnn- dence and success are synonymous cored, and to give particular commen­ 1 Done— The Sentinel.
w illing to make the improvement.
living in Cottage Grove, unknown to ; agement. The Sentinel management
dation to any one number would be un­
(Continued on page 10.)
the citizens, but everyone o f them guarantees every contestant fa ir play.
fa ir to the balance.
making good and making the best o f
One music lover present said, "Those
Put Out Conflagration Tuesday at
reports to the prison authorities, stat­
present can hardly realize what a
Annual Election of Officers.— Large ing that his prison policy is a mixture
H. C. Hart Home.
stupendous amount o f work was neces­
o f common sense and humanitarianism,
Attendance Requested.
sary on the part o f both the instructed
What might have been a serious
and not the childish sentimentsliam
and the instructor to produce an enter­
: blaze at the H. C. Hart home Tuesday
The last meeting o f the year o f the that his opponents declare it to be,
tainment o f so high a class and Cottage
f afternoon was extinguished with little
I ’atron-Teachers Association will be Governor Oswald West addressed an
Grove is indeed fortunate in having
hekl in the Hast Side school house to- i audience o f at least 6D0 people st the W ILLIAM
CHURCHILL PASSES TH EY ARE GIVING PROFITS TO people w illing to make the sacrifice.” damage by the fire department. The
fire had started on the inside o f the
morrow afternoon at 3:30. The regu­ M. E. Church Sunday night under the
A farce, "T ra g ed y o f a Chafing
roof from a defective flue, and made a
lar election o f ollicora for the ensuing auspices o f the I.end-a-Hand Men’ s
Dish,” under the direction o f Mrs. F.
mean blaze to fight, but all the danger
year w ill take place.
The subject for i Class and won many converts to his
W. Robbins, also made a hit.
was over three minutes after the fire
discussion w ill be "P a trio tis m ,” led side o f the question. Fully half of Drove Across Plains in Early Day It Is Hoped That Library Day,
The house was well filled and the net
laddies arrived. The greatest damage
by Mrs. B. K. Job. Those in charge those who went to hear him were skep­
Behind an Ox Team .— Heard
Saturday, May 18th, Will
proceeds, which went to the library
; resulted from water.
say they want to sen how many will tics, but many went away declaring to
fund, amounted to about $41.
Enable Board to Buy
Lincoln Deliver Stirring
have patriotism enough to attend. the speaker that they gave him their
The women who decorated the stage
County Court Endorsed.
Anyone who is a patron o f the school hearty endorsement in his work.
First Books.
Campaign Speeches.
came in for much credit.
Vigorous endorsement was given the
is a member o f the association.
The s|teaker declared that if spared
Following is the program rendered : road building plans o f the county court
for the work until the end o f his term
The red L stands for Library Day,
W illiam Churchill, a form er resident
P A R T I.
at a meeting o f the Lane County Good
o f office, which he announced would be o f Cottage Grove and father o f A P. Saturday, May 18, the last day o f the
Music........ Punsutti Roads Association held at the Commer­
Mrs. Martha J. Kayscr ami J. S. his last, he would have the prison mak­
Churchill and Mrs. S. L. Knox o f this carnival. It means that by the hearty
cial Club rooms at Eugene recently.
Whisman were married last week by ing money for the state and w ill have
city, one o f Lane county’s best known co-operation o f the business men and 2. Oh That We Two Were Maying
The meeting went on record as favor­
Judge A. H. King. Mr. Whisman is a made men ou t'of many convicts who,
pioneers, head o f one o f the first do­ citizens o f Cottage Grove, the library
..............................Ethelbert Nevin ing strongly the employment o f a com­
resident o f Three Fines.
The two under the system in vogue when he
zen families to locate in Oregon, died committee o f the Woman’s <’ lub has
petent roadmaster in place o f the old
Miss Lockwood, Mr. Stratton
have been friends for 20 years. Mr. took office, would have been turned
at his home at 9-í 1 Oak Street, Eugene, been enabled to arrange for this im­
; supervisor system, endorsed without
Whisman waa the first white child horn loose on society after the expiration of
Sunday, May 12, 1912, at 8:30 p. m. portant day on which every person and
I qualification the plan o f building as
in the Sacramento Valley, his debut their crime under conditions that would
Mr. Lloyd Bisbey
The direct cause o f death was paraly­ firm displaying a red L in the window
much permanent road as possible every
into life having been made in a cov­ almost inevitably have resulted in
sis. Deceased had just passed his 87th w ill contribute a liberal per cent o f 4. Old Folks at Home...............Foster year, expressed the belief that as new
ered wagon while the family was cross­ their being returned
The birthday anniversary and had been in cash receipts to the public library Messrs. Harvey, Sanford, Stratton,
! roads are built they should be o f per-
ing the plains.
speaker was applauded at several in­ good health up to within a week o f his fund.
Bisbey, Somers, Powell
. manent construction, and instructed
By making Library Day the climax 5. Cradle Song............... Kate Vannah
j the secretary o f the meeting to inform
Extra copies o f the Sentinel always
The governor stated that separating
Miss Grace L illy
The funeral was held here yesterday o f a week that might well be called
the county court o f the action taken.
on hand at 5c each.
some o f the old time politicians from afternoon from the Christian Church, library week, the committee hopes to
6. 1 Live and Love Thee. v .Campana
their jobs has caused an earthquake,
V. E. Hoven officiating.
Interment see months o f hard werk rewarded by
Misses Hazleton, Veatch, Messrs.
"bu t I ’ m not done y e t,” he said, "and was made in 1. O. O. F. cemetery.
the library board being put in posses­
Sanford, Stratton
after I get through with the prison I ’ m
Mr. Churchill was born in Kentucky, sion o f an amount large enough to jus­ 7. A Sailor's Dream........ C. E. Leslie
going after Home o f the other institu­ but in early childhood moved to Illinois tify the purchase o f the first install­
High School (Quartette
tions. Prepare for some more earth­ and later to Iowa. From this state, ment o f books for the public library o f
8. Carmens................Wilson H. Lane
he with his w ife and two children, now Cottage Grove.
Misses Veatch, Holderman, Hazleton,
Two impressive statements made by J. S. Churchill o f Marcóla and Mrs. S.
This library w ill be for the use of
L illy, Lockwood, Silsby
Near Octogenarian Is Lively
Feminine Pluck Averts Serious
the speaker w e re :
L. Knox o f Cottage Grove, drove across the people living in the vicinity o f TR A G E D Y OF A C H A F IN G DISH
As Many Men Much Younger.
Fire at the Walter Scott Home.
" I f a man keeps busy and leaves the plains with an ox team to Oregon Cottage Grove, as well as for the citi­
zens o f the city.
liquor alone, he w ill not get into much
Under the direction o f Mrs. F. W.
Although nearly an octogenarian.
Feminine pluck on the part o f Mrs. trouble. "E v e r y man should be made Eugene from Cottage Grove six years
Everyone in the city or out who Robbins.
C. C. DuHruille, combined with a gar­ to work. No man ia entitled to eat ago.
wishes to help in this popular move­ Mrs. G ra n t.*.............. Mrs. Compton Uncle Joe Garoutte still likes to dem­
Mr. Churchill heard Abraham Lin­ ment is urged to patronize as liberally James Stimson..........Mr. Ren Sanford onstrate what the soil o f the famous,
den hose, averted a serioua conflagra­ unless he worka and does something
coln during his stirring campaigns in as possible the places displaying the Aunt L o b elia ........ Miss Fern Holcomb fertile, fru itfu l W illam ette V alley w ill
tion at the W alter Scott home Monday. useful for the institution."
produce. He owns a one-acre ranch in
The governor is not a brilliant orator Illinois and until he was stricken with red L on Library Day, remembering Jennie, the Maid......................••••
Mrs. Scott discovered the roof on
...................Miss Ursula Lockwood the southern part o f the city and has
Are and called Mrs. C. C. DuHruille, and his personality is not striking ex­ paralysis 10 days ago his mind was as that only cash purchases help swell the
spaded up and planted his own garden
who, instead o f
gettin g
excited, cept for his clear, bright eyes. He clear as a bell. Even after he was library fund.
this spring. He is a firm believer in
hitched a garden hose to the water
9. Come With the Gypsy B ride...
sticking to the soil and he can be seen
pipe, clambered up onto the roof, ap­ message In h plain, straightforward days before death when he became special cash donation for the library
from "T h e Bohemia G irl”
fund on Library Day. Saturday, May Misses Holderman, Veatch, Hazleton, d'RK>ng around in the garden most any
plied the water and put out the blaze way, knowing that fully half o f the unconscious.
Mr. Churchill was the father o f nine 18th, may leave same at The Metsan
In jig time. Thanks to her presence audience was oppo cd partly or entire­
Lilly, Mrs. Miller, Messrs. Bisbey,
Mr. Garoutte is 77 years o f age. He
o f mind, very little damage was done ly to the system he had put in opera­ children, o f whom six, with hia wife, Shop, where it w ill be properly re­
Stratton, Somers, Sanford,
his w ife, to whom he was married
tion at the prison. He went down off survive him. Mrs. Churchill has been ceipted for.
to the building.
Harvey, Powell
one year previously, crossed the plains
o f the roatrum into the center o f the a paralytic for six years, ilia chil­
"T h e Shop” where good printing is 10. Ah, 'Tis a Dream ..C . B. Hawley in 1862, landing in California in Octo­
room, ao that all might hear.
dren are John S. Churchill o f Marcóla,
Mr. Seldon Powell
Schleef Property Traded.
done—The Sentinel.
ber, 1862. They moved to Elk River,
He began by stating that everyone Mrs. S. L. Knox o f Cottage Grove, H.
Rose................ Marzials Douglas County, Oregon. A t R a ft
The Schleef property with a 72 foot
with a feeling for hia fellow man would H. Churchill o f 8anta Rosa, Cal., A.
Messrs. Woods, Beidler, King,
Cates Puts in Irrigating System.
frontage on Main Street juat east o f
River they had some lively experiences
approve o f his policy i f he could know P. Churchill o f Bohemia and Mrs.
the bridge figured in a trade last week
the Indians and Mr. Garoutte
the truth. He stated that he had been Corinne A lley o f Roseburg.
whereby J. S. Milne exchanged for it
Saturday informing his friends that he 12. Come Dance With M e............Goate helped bury in one grave 18 people
too busy working out problems to an­
Mrs. Compton, Misses Holderman,
some mining property in the heart o f
who were killed and scalped by the
A . A. Reid and family arrived from is about the busiest agriculturist in
swer his critics, with the result that
Lockwood, Lilly
the Bohemia district known as the
red men.
Milwaukee last Friday. Mr. Reid w ill this part o f the valley. He is install­
all that was known about his prison
Peterson & Kluky mine. The mine is
superintend work for the Milwaukee ing an extensive water and irrigating 13. The Rosary.......... Ethelbert Nevin
Three children have been born to the
policy was that which had been pub­
said to be a paying property.
couple. They are G. Frank o f this
Silsby (Quartette
lished in the press, that being highly Orchard Co. at Lorane. He says Mr. system, the water being furnished by
Milne owned the building two y e a »
Darling is expected out again in a several side hill springs. Several hun­
city, Mary o f California and Hattie o f
(Continued on page 2.)
ago, trading It oflT for land.
(Continued on page 2.)
dred feet o f piping is being used.
few weeks.
Mr«. 8. K. Cochran met with a pain­
ful accident M onday afternoon. While
chaaing a chicken, ahe stepped on an
IH-penny nail, the nail penetrating
| nearly through the foot. The nuil waa
sticking through a board ami Mr«.
Cochran extricated it by stepping on
the bourd with the other foot and pull­
ing the injured fo o t loose. She iM get-
j ling along nicely, ullhough quite lame.