OH, JOY! LOOK! FUN-FEST-CARNIV AL 3 — Three Days and Nights of Wholesome Amusement - - 3 B E G I N N I N G 1 T V /T i 1 / loth Thursday JVlciy «A»,* •V. ¿ ' j j R -1 ' H-'rarS 9PPPI - a . *1 % œ t- « - , ’ *•,■%S . a - • *5» k M l ' > ,% \ . /: * •Y \ ' * IT r t, * « V A w (kf-, f, A r* P EU •% WL, ■f - i . v » r f *r « ■ . . £ ^ . * * ». « *. L**. . iA j . ’ je *%.*7 * f - . ■ : " ; ' •• •' •• - «& • v r ■ 2 :«* *iik ä & 'J S ß - Z \ l T gf » s I r ^ • |3 ' - * «V* ' tS 5 ' * » i v , m ' - /V£IV //V E V E R Y T H I N G B U T T H E N A M E A Well-Balanced Combination of the Best Available Features Adapted to the Profession of Tented Amusements BIG SENSATIONAL FREE ACTS TWICE DAILY Balloon Kicnum~ Parachute Jnmpen —Hifh Wirt Bkydt Ad*—Atrial Gymnasts- SMt lor Lilt B I G S N O W S —7 Tabloid Musical Comedy cNri,y '^Fr3CO'Te*“ T'™ny D“cw_ Arayana, the Show Beautiful ^ ¿ S * Z g Z £ , w“’“n M in c tro le Mirth. Music and Minicry— Singers, Dancers and Comedians—A Medley ol Plantation Pastim e. Venetian Gloss ^ Workers wur*v,n«- Kn,",n« a 4 nd s»>,nn,n« _ _ _ _ (.lass according to Venetian Methods. Viola, The Fat Girl Mastodomic Fashion P la te —Actual W eight 5 1 2 Pounds— Largest W oman PrinCeSS Seta Deva _________________________________ _ ^* r Acknowledged Princess ol all Snake C harmers and her Collection t ——m us Pets. I ets, of Poisonous ollect. AfriCäfl Jungle Show ^ B are » 1 C ^ iistory. ° ^ c,,on °f STEAM Junnlp B»pd Animals A Liberal F.ducation in RIDING GALLERY The"H ?C ottage G r o v e M a y 1 6 - 7 - 8 Benefit Library Elk’a Convention MOUNTAINS ERF. CONSOLIDATION MEASURE IS FILED. Round Tri]> tickets to the principal Cities of the East, going or returning through California, or via Portland. Going limit If» days, final return limit October 31, on sale as follows: Sane Methods Should Be Adopted and Game of Chance Elimi­ nated Says Jour­ nal. May 2-3-4 'J-UM1-14-16-17-lft-24-29. Aug. 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23-29-30-31. J une 1-6-7-H-13-15-17-lft-19-2ft-21-24- Sept. 4-56-7-8-11-12-30. 25-27-2ft-29. July 2 3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23-26- Stop-over* going or re tu rn in g 29-30-31. w ithin th e limit Sale Date«: The home of the Rhododendron, an ideal place to spend the summer. Mr. Park ¡son ought not to hastily file Low round trip and week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rates, out door a m easure for corixolidating the State amusements, bathing, boating, golf, fishing, etc. univer*ity and the S tate A gricultural college. Nohody *hould rush heartunity for harm to state .•;„x-x-:-x--'x~x--X“X--x--x--x--X“X~x*-x-<»x--x--x~x--:~x--x--x-x~x--:“:~ education. Hack of it all is the fundam ental fact th a t the two institutions belong in ♦ widely separated fields. They do not belong together any more than a doc­ to rs’ college and a law yers’ college. The attem p t to unite them will almost - ■ ■ ■= ♦ certainly eventuate into effort to kill one or the other. Its certain conse­ One of the best assets of any busi- ♦ quent* wtll be to cripple one or the ness is courtesy to its patrons. * other, if not both. If we want to kill either, we ought We pride ourselves on this asset in ♦ not to be cowardly. If we do not want our business. We give this feature * the agricultural college, wc should our own personal attention. ♦ vote it out of existence and leave the university alone. If we do not want the university, we should kill it w ith­ out sm othering the college. In any event, if there is to be vot­ ing on the subject, let there be a wise, deliberate, painstaking, exhaustive in­ « vestigation by the ablest body of men the sta te can m uster, to the end that, if the people m ust vote, they may vote for the best plan th a t Oregon wisdom ------------ T - and jugm ent can present. « t e i • " tfe rx If we m ust tinker, let us tinker in­ «JS »41 m isÆ ^r- telligently. The Parcels Post and the Country if the m ail-order stores were ju st be­ ginning to do business. The tru th is Store. th a t th eir trade ia colossal and th a t it is alm ost entirely independent of the mail service. Mr. G ardner aaya, reli­ ably, th a t more than IK) per cent of the shipm ents from the m ail-order stores arc made by freig h t. This percentage ia estim ated by w eight. Shipm ents would continue to bo made in the same way if we had a parcels post, because it would be cheaper than mail. If the country m erchants would pluck up courage to look the m atter squarely in the face they would perceive th a t the parcels post cannot possibly injure thorn and will probably benefit them in many waya. For one thing, it will enable them F E E D CO. I ALL C ITY O R D E R S D ELIVERED : J O H N S O N C& CO.: è tm c I “The Shop’’ Where Good Printing is Done T 5 h e S E N T IN E L Exhibit Car Finishes Journey. T raversing 24 states from the Pa- | cific to the A tlantic, the original G reat Northern Railway exhibit car, carry- j ing Oregon products, recently reached [ St. Paul on its retu rn journey, having j actually traveled more than 30,000 miles, or more than a complete trip around the world. This car spread the fame of O regon's agricultural products very widely, visiting 732 cities and towns and exhibiting O regon’s fruits, grains and vegetables to 1,440,607 people. Hot Lake Sanatorium Nature’s Cure for Rheumatism You need not suffer. Write today for illustrated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium — Nature’s great cure place. A natural boiling spring of curative mineral water. Thousands have been cured here after suffering years from Rheumatism, Stomach, Skin, Blood and Kidney disorders. Directly on main line of 0 . W. R .&. N. Railway. Humphreys to Hang May 14. ASK FOR SPEC IA L EXCURSION TICKET George and Charles Humphrey, con­ victed of m urdering Mrs. Eliza G rif­ W alter M. P ierce fiths a t her lonely cabin near Philo­ President and Mgr. math last June, were sentenced last F ri­ day by Judge Ham ilton a t Corvallis tc pay the penalty of death at the state to serve th eir custom ers expeditiously | penitentiary on May 14. Motion for a ,:..;.^ X x ~ X ~ X --X ^ ^ - n X~X^X»->>>-X--X--X~X--XK~X-<~X~X“X ~X ~X --X “X ; and cheaply in case of em ergencies. new trial was made and denied. ? I When a farm er breaks a casting in his mower he cannot send for it by mail because he has qo account with the JL __ o city firm which sells the machine. He must obtain it through hia loeal m er­ chant. As things stand now it must Many C ottage Grove people who come e ith er by mail or express, and a casting which costs 10 cents may be have chronic appendicitis, which is not IN THE SECOND HAND LIN E AT burdened w ith a charge of half a dol­ very painful, have doctored for years for gas on the stomach, sour stomach lar for transportation tw enty miles. This is a wrong which the parcels post or constipation. The New E ra D rug­ would correct. The m erchant would gist states if these people w ill try obtain the casting through the post- simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., ns compounded in Adlerika, the Ger­ office at a cost of a few cents for c a r­ man appendicitis remedy, they will be riage. He would oblige hia custom er surprised at the quick benefit. A sin­ more than he docs under present condi­ gle dose relieves these troubles in­ stantly. tions and lose nothing w hatever. M ILLER’S F L Y E R S W ILL FILL T H E A T M O S P H E R E A recent article in the Outlook on th e parcels post by H. W. Gardner ought to ho of particu lar in tcrcat to country atorckocpers. Theao men, as a rule, are oppoaed to the parcels post on the ground th a t it would build up th e m ail-oider buainesa a t th e ir ex ­ pense. Mr. G ardner pointa o u t the f a r t th a t th e mail-order business ha* grown to mammoth proportiona w ith­ out a parcels |x a t, ami will continue to flourish w hether we improve our mail facilities or not. It is am azing th a t the country m er­ chants should have overlooked thia fact. They w rite and talk exactly as or ROUTES Courtesy Counts The Frank J. Miller Amusement Co. Inc. iw m rn i^ U tU I Rose Festival Ï W \ V S E V E N HASTY ACTION MUST BE AVOIDED SEASHORE fo il W S O U U N t S W E U T U l FLOUR— Soft Wheat Brands: t ' ■>*- 7 — To the East FLOUR—Hard Wheat Brands: . ' _ VI A T H E 1 S T E R L I N G >•* - » ¿ V /■ • « I irfe i* — Summer Vacations N ew port—Y aquina Bay ‘ r ■ ‘1 *r> *~ Thia exam ple in typical of a thouaari'l i other". The rural trader could not by any possibility aulfer loaa of huaineHM through the parcel* po**, while he ' would gain in dozen* of way*. All civilized countries except the United j Slate* have parrel* |»ost* and their rural merchant« are fully a* prosper­ ous a* our* are. Oregonian. Hot Lake, Oregon DON’T KNOW THEY HAVE APPENDICITIS ! A lw a y s S om eth in g 1 N ew | Knowles & Graber s [E D D IN G Stationery, Party Invitations. The Shop Where Good Printing Is Done