Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, May 09, 1912, Image 1

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(Elp ©Aitare Ölrot Srttimrl
Volume VI
Governor West Sneaks Sunday
\#V f VA l l v l
f V V U i
A / p v llA U I
U lillU U J
Large Gathering Expected Out to Hear What He Has
to Say Regarding Hit Much Talked of Prison Policy.
Coming no t'liMiai on the heels o f the
radical changes which Governor West
haa recently mail« ai the prison, ilia
charging the superintendent and cut­
ting down aspanarut in every poaaible
manner, mid» a touch-of Intereat to hla
addrcaa on Ilia 1‘ risrm 1‘oliry before
thu laymen'a meeting at the M. K.
Church on next Sunday evening, and
promises to make it one e f the largcat
and tnual intrreating gathering» ever
held In the city. Thu meeting la pure-
ly a laymen'a one and all are invited
to attend.
The Governor w ill arrive on the
three o ’clock train and w ill tie met by
the reception committee, who w ill aeu
that he ia well taken care o f during
hi» atay in the city. Front row aeata
w ill be reaerved for the Men’ a Cla»a of
the church. Upon hi» arrival at the
church, the Governor w ill lie Intro­
duce«] by H. II. Mora», followed by a
abort prayer by W. A. Ilogate after
which T. W. lielam g w ill read the
acripture». A male quartette com-
poaed o f Meaara. Richmond, Markin,
Cochran, Crnphrey w ill furni»h muaic.
BRINGS $9,000
Former Resident of Cottage Grove
Disposes of 200-Acre Tract
Near City.
Mrs. Woolcott Tells of Her Expe­
rience on Titanic, Its Sad­
ness and Joys.
John K. Woodard o f Portland, repre­
senting his father, A . I.. Woodard,
conaumatcd a deal last Saturday where­
by the 200 acre farm known aa the
Station Farm, at W alker
changed hand». Mm. Jennie H. Stacey
o f Portland la the new owner, and will
Immediately liegin Improvement» with
a view to »«curing a tenant for aame.
The consideration waa approximately
$9,000. Sortie Grantx Fa»» improved
real estate figured in the deal. Mr.
Woodard form erly liver! in Cottage
Grove and moved to Portland two yearn
Declaring that if the Carpathia had
taken her buck to England, instead of
would have been a long time, despite
all she had awaiting her on thia aide,
before ahe would have been w illing to
have attempted the trip again, Mrs.
Arthur Wnolcott, one o f the survivor»
From The Sentinel o f July 15, 1010:
One o f the largcat timber deals con-
sumated in thia section o f Oregon for
some time past waa that of yeaterday,
when A. L. Woodard tranafarred to J.
H. Chambers of this city, 20,000,000
feet o f fir Umber located five miles
south o f town, the aaw mill at Latham
W I L L G IV E BIG with a rapacity o f 40,000 feet per day,
and thirty-five acres o f mill site land.
The consideration being approximately
160,000. _______________
M onday E ven in g, M a y 13th, the
T im e; A rm o ry
ceeds to
L ib ra ry
the Place; P ro ­
Pu blic
With all arrangements completed for
the EuterpianAMub musical next Mon­
Noseburg Team Notified by Phone; day evening jRt the- Arm ory, for the
behclit o f the public library, the fund
Game Postponed.
ia certain to receive a material boost
Again on Sunday, heavy rain» put a financially i f public interest and the
crimp in the local haae ball team’a efforts o f the Kuterpian Club, under
play ground and they were compelled the direction o f Miaa Silaby and Mrs.
In call otf the game acheduled with Bobbins can be taken a» a criterion.
the faal Koaehurg team. The aun
Kehearsala have Jieen well under way
fought ita way through the clourla in the past week and the program will
# ie afternoon, but came too late to al­ prove a most enjoyable one, for there
low even a U tile team practice
N ext w ill be no dull moments during the
gunrlay, weather permitting, the local entire evening. Each o f the 36 mem­
Irani will take on the Creawell a gg re­ bers o f the company haa entered into
the work with a determination to do
something for Cottage Grove and it
¿ydia N. Shcpardson Gets Divorce. remains to tie aeen wbat the public will
A divorce waa granted yeaterday to do toward helping the good cause
Lydia N. Hiiepardaon from her hua- along. The program includes tinging
hand, Mont Sbcpardaon, on the ground by large ehorua, solos, trios, quar­
Of cruel and Inhuman treatment. J. tettes, and the laugh
E. Young was plaln tltfa atbirney and inimitable one act farce, under the
direction o f Mrs. Bobbins, en titled;
the parties are resident» o f thia city.
1 ‘ ‘Tragedy o f a ('hating Dish.”
“ I he Shop" Where Good Printing ia II. I t.ive and Love Thee. ..Tampans
Miaaea Baxleton, Veatch, Meaara.
Done The Sentinel.
Hanford, Stratton
Old dean rag» wanted at thia sfllce ' 7. A Sailor’a D r e a m .......C. K. Ita lic
High School (Quartette
8. Carmens................Wilson B. Lang
Miaaea Veatch, lloldcrman, Hazleton,
L illy, lAx-kwood, Silaby
Under the direction o f Mm. F. W.
Jackass Prefers Tin Cana to
Mm. Grant........ ....... Mm. Compton
Doughnuts Like Mother Made
Janie» Sttmson........ Mr. Ben Sanford
I Aunt lo b e lia ........ M i»» Fern Holcomb
I'v e been in a good many out-of-the- I Jennie, the M aid......................
way corner» o f thin world and I ’ ve
.................. Miaa Uraula Lockwood
aeen more than one really brave man.
1 saw Hank Kieharda over in I Alton
8. Come W ith the Gypay B ride...
when he climbed a telephone pole and
from ‘ ‘The Bohemia G irl”
cut the w ire», with a whole regiment
Miaaea lloldcrman, Veatch, Hazleton,
o f Goo-Gooa firing at him at two hun­
Lilly, Mm. Miller, Meaara. Hiabey,
dred yarda.
They had everything
Stratton, Somorn, Sanford,
from rillea to cannon, but he got away
Harvey, Powell
and got hia medala for it.
10. Ah, ‘Tia a D ream ...C . H. Hawley
And I aaw Murphy charge a block-
Mr. Seldon Powell
houae all by himself, during a »tiff
11. Go Pretty Boae..................Marziala
I rush near Santiago. He wiped out
Meaara. Wood», Heidler, King,
tw elve or fifteen o f the garrison before
they got him and gave ua an opening
Following is the program a» it w ill
through the Spaniah line». He'a over
be preHcnted:
there yet, floor chap, and the only hon­
P A R T I.
or he ever received waa a note o f com­
Muaic......... Punautti
mendation on the death liat, though 1
guess that wan enough for any one.
2. Oh That We Tw o W ere Maying
But the bravest man I ever aaw waa
..............................Kthelbert Nevin
a Baker. You needn’ t laugh. I aaw
Miaa lo c k wood, Mr. Stratton
the ‘ ‘ Doughnut K in g ” trying to hide
hia bead in the ground like an ostrich, 3. My Ain F o lk ........ Laura G. lem on
Mr. Lloyd Biabey
in that little fracaa the other day and
it does ace in aa though a Baker can't 4. Old Folk« at H om e............... Foster
make friends with a jackaas. Nature, Messrs. H arvey, Sanford, Stratton,
Biabey, Somers, I'ow ell
I suppose; but the sort o f nerve the
Baker displayed whin he remounted 6. Cradle Song............... Kate Vannah
the jackass doesn't crop out very often
Miaa Grace L illy
in any place, and for my part I'm glad 12. Come Danee With Me ......... Goa to
it ¡»n 't necessary.
Mm. Compton, Miaaea Holderman,
I/ockwood, L illy
The whole thing happened like thia:
I t Hcema that the Baker had been out
looking for that long eared mascot o f
hla, and after finding it eating tin cans
in a back yard near the depot, he as­
sayed to heat hia way back home on
the back o f the poor little jackaaa.
But the jack objected; he aunfished, he
bucked, crawfiehed and scratched gra v­
el in various way* with the aforesaid
results to the Baker. A fte r throwing
pointed hia nose to the high heavens
and brayed, brayed, brayed.
But the Baker remounted, hence the
High Class Amusement Features to Be Presented For
Public Library Fund Benefit—May 16, 17 and 18.
Hurrah! Cottage Grove is to have a
Carnival—three daya and nights of
unalloyer] fun and amusement. Juat
think o f it, ye amusement lovers, a
real fun feast with plenty o f muaic,
lights, decorations, amusement fea ­
tures and all o f the accessories that go
to make up a real carnival.
ing agent for the Frank M iller Amuse­
ment Company, incorporated, appeared
on the scene with a proposition to
furnish a suitable line o f amusement
features, concessions, etc., etc., for a
big spring fun festival right in the
heart o f the city.
A fte r due consideration a contract
was entered into which provides that
a substantial share o f the gross re­
ceipts shall accrue to the public library
fund, which fact w ill, no doubt, serve
as an impetus and add to the inclina-
<Continued on page 8.)
I.eslie Ralston o f Shasta County,
California, a form er resident o f the
city, who is visiting a few days with
his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ralston
Speakers at Council Meeting Strike and Orville Spear, thinks Oregon is the
finest country on earth. He says there
Fire Many Times—Council-
ia always something the matter with
men Vigorously Defend
California. Either too much rain or not
enough is invariably the cause o f dis­
Their Action.
satisfaction in living in California.
Trades Ranch for Houae.
G. F. King haa traded hia 10-acre
ranch, located southeast o f town, for
the W. B. Cooper house which was re­
cently purchased by H. O. Thompson.
Mr. King mover! hia family into the
houae laat Saturday and ia nieely set­
tler! in what he terma hia ‘ ‘comfy
Linrarv lArllvlllj
Rpnpfit* Ü Strppt
a l m 11 iv
U vvl P
1 Y a
a l l
Juat aa the resourceful members o f
the public library board were consid­
ering ways and means to repleniah the
«exchequer, without having to resort to
an open campaign o f solicitation, Mr.
E. I.. Davenport, the general contract-
The banka o f (Cottage Grove »how a
auliatantial lu cre »»« in de|»>aita for the
lira! quarter o f thu new year. Many
new arrival» have I or «led here thia
■ pring, but generally, hanking ronrll-
tiwna are regulated by buaincaa condi­
tion» and il'a a pretty good aign that
huaineaa ia picking it» own good cour»e
|p thia Inatanea.
Number 33
Who S|#oke Laat Night at Reception Tendered
Her in Chriatian Church
o f the ill-fated Titanic, who waa on
her way to join her Cottage Grove
Wreck Delays Mail.
sweetheart, who had preceded her to
A head •on collision o f two freights a
l thia country and prepared for her a
mile and a half south o f Goahen Tues­
i comfortable home in the W illam ette
day afternoon resulted in u delay o f
I valley, told the complete story o f her
the afternoon mail, which arrived at
terrible ex|>erience at a reception g iv ­
eight o'clock in the evening. No one
en her in the Chriatian Church laat
waa seriously injured and snide from
i night.
tele»coping a few box cars and smash
During her Btory Mrs. Woolcott said
ing W> the locomotives, little damage
was done.
(Continued on page 7.)
Carlton E. Spencer Wins Honor by After Spending Two Years in Pana­
Large Vote.— Has Won Name
ma Country A. L. Zacharias
as a Forceful Orator.
Locates Here.
The eircus w ill oome on Sunday, May
26, despite the strenuous agitation
against it.
Amid tributes to the old soldiers,
appeal to religious scruples, charges
that the remonstrance petition waa
signed by many because o f misrepre­
sentation, that many signed for any­
thing but because o f religious feelings,
and statements that many who signed
the petition would attend the eircus,
the remonstrance petition presented to
the City C-ouncil at ita regular meeting
Monday night, asking the Council to
revoke the license granted the Sells-
Ftoto circus to appear Sunday, May
26th, was voted down with only one
dissenting vote, that o f Alderman
i Hart.
The much-advertised pyrotechnic dis­
play was pulled o ff without a hitch and
many fiery words were spoken, laugb-
ler breaking the strain at intervals
when members o f the Council en­
deavored to show the absurdity o f the
position o f some o f the petitioners.
Many tributes were paid to the old
soldiers, both by the remonstrators and
the councilmen, and it was made plain
that none o f the members o f the Coun­
cil thought o f its being Memorial Sun­
day when the license was granted.
Some surprises were sprung in the
One week in the famous, fertile,
student body election at the univeraity fruitful W illam ette was enough to con­
yeaterday. A m ia the usual thing, the vince A. I.. Zacharias that he had
contest waa closest in the race for atu-* 1 found the right spot on which to
C. H. Burkholder presented the peti­
dent body president and editor o f the build his future home. Mr. Zacharias
tion to the Council, and, in a stirring
Emerald. In the former office Carlton and fam ily arrived in Cottage Grove a
appeal asked the members to give it
Spencer won from Ed Hailey, the big week ago today from Mt. Hope, in the consideration, assuring them that it
football man. Spencer haa made a Canal Zone where he haa been em­
was not presented in animosity, but
name for himaelf aa an orator while ployed for the past two years. He haa
merely to gain for the petitioners what
at the univeraity from this city. I purchased the M. J. Long ranch o f they considered due respect to a re-
Karl Unthank won the editorship of forty acres, located about four miles
I ligious day.
the Emerald from Fen Waite. Ont-1 south o f the city and has already begun
Rev. W. J. Gardner read the resolu­
hank haa had large experience in thia building operations on his new home.
tion adopted by the G. A. R. and sup­
department, being the present editor
Mr. Zacharias speaks very highly o f ported it in a few well chosen remarks,
o f the Orcgana.
the sanitary conditions which now exist referring feelingly to the old soldiers.
Carl Fenton, W alter McClure and
in the cone and says the mosquito The city recorder read the petition pre­
Dean Walker were choacn as members
peat is now almost entirely a thing of sented by the Commercial Club.
o f the athletic council. For manager
the past.
Mayor Abrams warmly condemned
o f the Emerald, Andrew Collier won
Although he has been engaged in the proceedings o f the remonstrators
out over hia nearest opponent by 267
office work, Mr. Zachrias brings with and read from a local paper the an­
nouncement o f a ball game to take
The vote for president waa : Edward him a fine, healthy coat o f tan which
bespeaks his coming from a torrid place on a Sunday, which appeared on
Bailey 149, Carlton Spencer, 360.
climate. Mr. Zacharias form erly lived the same page with the report o f the
proceedings o f the mass meeting held
Local Track Team Goes to Eugene. in Pennsylvania.
by the remonstrators.
The track team o f the local high
Surprised at City’s Growth.
C. H. Burkholder again gained the
school w ill go to Eugene thia afternoon
to take part in the week-end athletic
F. L. Findlay o f Eugene who spent floor and asked the Council i f it would
events. Members o f the local team a few daya in the city thia week on show ita good w ill towards the remon­
who w ill try out in the State-wide Inter- business, dropped in the other day to strators by informing the circus o f the
acholaatic meet on Saturday are: tell ua how surprised he was at the re­ feelings o f the citisens o f Cottage
Hendricka, Harlow, Medley, Matthews, markable growth and development o f Grove and asking the management not
Woods and Atkinson.
our city, since his last visit about two to atop here. No attention waa paid
years ago. He said he was very to this request.
Something of a Joker.
Concilman Wallace expressed his
impressed with Cottage
A well known rancher who lives
Grove and thought the future had willingness to stop the circus i f the pe­
near the city is having a little quiet
titioners would show any way that
fun on hia own account. He recently something greater in store for the city
such a result could be accomplished.
discovered the neat o f a Chinese pheas­
When asked why the Council granted
ant hen and. having a sprightly young
the big Sells-Floto show a license for
Smallest Hen’s Egg Arrives.
bantam who waa laying nicely, he
$15 when the small Barnes show paid
very carefully (uaing a spoon so aa not
What is said to be the smallest hen's $2f>, Mr. W allace explained that the
to touch the egga) transferred the egg yet produced by Cottage Grove
Barnes show was a 50c show, while
eggs from the pheasant’s neat to the biddies was brought into The Sentinel
this show would only charge 25c, which
bantam’ s neat and vice versa. Both office the other day by D. M. Kelly,
made the proportion about right. In
IS. The Boaary.......... Kthelbert Nevin fowls are setting now and he ia who resides on the West Side. The : explaining that all members fe lt
anxiously awaiting the time when the egg measures l inch from end to end
Silaby Quartette
friendly towards the old soldiers, M r'
mothers w ill try to rear their foster and is about one-half inch in diam­
14. The Bose o f Yester-e’en ........
Wallace reminded them that a year or
...................................... Marie Rich children. He imagines he w ill see the eter. The shell is quite crude and Mr. so ago, the Coancll was requested to
bantam chicks go flying through the Kelly aaya there ia no doubt but that
Miaa Blanche Veatch
prohibit ball games and aportaon Deco­
with their pheaaant mother and a j it is a hen’s egg. He also says he has
15. See the Pale Moon.......... Campana
ration Day, and gladly granted the re­
happy brood o f pheasants grow ing up a faithful old biddy which has per­
Miaaea Lockwood. L illy
quietly in the barnyard.
formed her duty regularly fo r the paat
Councilman Knowles vigorously de­
16. Peaceful Be Thy S leep .............
five or aix years and it may be poasible fended his action in voting for the li­
........................H. H. McGranaham
Want New Road Supervisor.
that this e g g waa laid by her as a fare­ cense and hotly denounced many o f the
Meaara. Woodard, Stratton, Reidler,
Residents o f Row River district are
well testimonal o f her last visit to the remonstrators. He paid a high tribute
Biabey, King, Somers, Anderson,
very much dissatisfied with the amount
to the old soldiers, and then demanded
Matthews, Woods, Harvey,
o f road work that is being done in
The strange feature in connection why thoee who signed the petition did
Matthews, Sanford, Hart,
their road district, and are clamoring
Moaby, Powell
for a new road supervisor. A petition with the e g g ia that Mr. K elly has not state why they did so, and then
to that effect has been filed with the only Minorca chickens, these chickens
(Continued on page 7.)
(Continued on page 2.)
County Court.
usally lay a large egg.
Case Against City to Be Taken to
Higher Coart.
The case o f W illiam Landess et al
vs. the city o f Cottage Grove, which
waa recently decided for defendant, by
which their lands were put into the
city limits and subject to municipal
taxes, will be sppealed to the supreme
court. The appeal bond is now being
signed up.
Runaway Breaks Leg.
A horse driven by C. A. McFarland,
became frightened and ran away yes­
terday as he was returning home from
the city. The animal fe ll in the road
in such a manner as to break one o f ita
legs close to the body, and ia stiil
alive this morning, but w ill undoubted­
ly be put out o f its misery. Mr. Mc­
Farland escaped uninjured.
I f i t ’s a rush job o f printing, the
Sentinel w ill get it out for you on
im e.
From a New Viewpoint.
Star, Ore., May 3, 1912.
Cottage Grove Sentinel:
To the Editor—In the issue o f The
Leader o f A p ril 30, appears the fo llow ­
ing “ Without a parallel,” etc. referr­
ing to the Sunday circus question. 1
wish to say hurrah! for the Mayor and
the City Council. To a casual observ­
er, it might appear that they had done
the c ity ’ s fa ir name an injustice, but
upon careful examination it w ill be
found that they are in harmony with
the greatest minds o f the nation— the
framera o f the Constitution.
There are two phases to this ques­
tion, and I shall consider the secondary
one first. He sa ys: " I t is the one
day o f the year when the old veterans
assemble at the local churehes, ’ ’ etc.
How need the circus affect that? I f
the old veterans haven't that due re­
spect for a long established and com­
mon custom, regardless o f any religious
sentiment and feel impelled to go to
the circus, let them go. The fa ir
naqpe o f the city w ill not suffer any
more than it woutd for them to go
from the long established services, to
the local and long established billiard
table or card table, and the chances
are that there w ill be no more money
spent, than there w ill at these same
card tables, before another circus
comes to town, and it is equally certain
that they wHI come as near gettin g
value received, as they would at the
gaming tables. So much for the old
veterans, and the same w ill apply to
any other citizen o f the “ fa ir c ity .”
The primary phase o f the question,
it seems, has been entirely overlooked
by the citisens o f Cottage Grove, who
have petitioned the City Council, and
a a y: “ A circus on Sunday would be dis­
astrous to the good name o f our c ity .”
Let me a sk : “ Would a circus on Mon­
day have the same disastrous effect?”
The answer ia obviously no. Then we
muat conclude that the wrong is not in
(Continued on page 2.)