H -c Hose for Boys $ E D I T « D B Y @arirtij ANNA ( K 1 I .B S H Y H -c Mr». W. A. Hemenway gave a dinner party at twelve o'clock Thursday at her country home in honor o f Misa Kunice VanL>enburg. The idea of spring was carried out, the house be ing decorated with wild flower». The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler, Misa Ethel Moore, OTHER PEOPLE IN CITY BESIDES Miss Eunice Van Denburg ami Mr. REMONSTRATORS, HE SAYS. Chas. Hall. S p e c ia l th is W e e k Per Pair MAYOR DEFENDS HIS ACTION Mrs. Elbert Bede entertained three tables at progressive 500 last Thursday evening. J. S. Medley and Mrs. F. W. Robbins won head honors. Ice cream, wafers, cake and coffee were served. Those present w ere: Mesdames and Messrs. W. H. Abrams, F. W. Robbins. C. J. Kem. H. A. Miller. F. L. Ing­ ram, Mrs. H. O. Thompson, Mr. J. S. Medley. The party was in compliment to Mrs. Thompson, who leaves soon to join her husband at Gearhart. No Way to Recall License, Which Was Passed Without Dissent­ ing Vote.— No Excuses to Offer. (Continued from first page.) 10 c ♦ CHUR CH N E W S X ♦ Presbyterian Church. Everybody is wanted to hear Rev. A. S. Mason’ s sermons next Sunday, May 6th. Morn ing subject, “ The Help o f the Hills.*, Evening subject, at M o'clock, ’ Retri­ bution." These are strong sermons, practical and helpful, plain every day talks for every day people. The ser­ vices will be made still more attractive with s|M>cial music. ■ Church of Christ. Special prepara­ tions ure being made for next laird's Day. C. F. Swandor, state secretary of the Oregon Christian Missionary Convention, will preach taith morning ami evening. He is a very able man ami the community should hear him. Sermons that arouse, inspire ami lift, and music that will cheer, by the jun­ ior and senior choruses, are in store for all comers. It is not generally known that at the Church o f Christ there Is a class o f young men ami young women that for enthusiasm ami work is worth your investigation. A system of teaching ami marking is used that keeps everylssiy on the a lert; and the way questions, before they are finished, are taken out o f the mouth o f the teacher and answered, would lie a revelation to the average Bible Cls»s attendant. Any young man or young woman above sixteen is eligi­ ble to membership. Victor K. Hoven is the teacher. A book in the Bible is read each week and placed in outline on the blackboard. Its teaching ami relation to the preceding liooka are clearly brought out. The Bible School • X “ X * * x ~ x * * x ~ x ~ x * - x - x - x * x ~ > * X K * * x ~ x * * x ~ x ~ x * « X “ X “ X **x **:~ > *x*% x *< *< "< **x **> -x ~ x **x > *> *> *x *< *'X ~ x**i at the Church o f Christ has installed the "L ittle ’ s Cross ami Crown Sys­ Wooda, nickel plated coffee pot. tem " o f rewards for regular atten­ 3 1-quart cans strawl>erries, Simeral dance. It is a aeries o f very lieautiful Si Van Denburg, picture. pina o f different kinds o f metals, cul­ minating in an exquisite gold pin 3 1 quart cans raspberries, R. W. which is given to the pupils for at­ Veatch, pair White Plymouth Rock tending a certain number o f laird's chickens. MAYOR REFUSES T 0 CALL ADDITIONAL AWARDS FOR BEST Days without break. Samples on exhi­ 3 1-quart cans loganberries, Swengel SPECIAL MEETING. bition at the church.—V. E. HOVEN. Hardware Co., nickel plated tray. VEGETABLES AND COOKING “T h e ; Th e H a t fo r K in d T h a t Y o u r W e a r” H ead The Answer is j The Gordon \ In regard to calling a special meet­ ing o f the council, 1 know that a re­ monstrance had been circulated but 1 had not seen one. nor was 1 personally Mrs. Hazel Bisby entertained tha interviewed by a remonstrator in re­ Late Sunday- Emanon Club at the home o f Mrs. gard to the license. Pearl Atkinson Thursday afternoon. evening 1 was called on the phone by The afternoon was pleasantly spent Mr. Mason. I believe, who asked if 1 with needlework, after which Mrs. Bis* was going to call a special meeting of by took the Club to the Wave Confec the council for Monday night. 1 an­ tionery, where dainty refreshments swered that 1 couldn’ t see any neces­ were served. Those present were sity, as the circus was not due until Mesdames Durham, Richmond, Umph- the 26th of May, there would be plenty rey, Mackin, Cooper, Dean, Allison, o f time, and positively declined to call a special meeting. Groff, Cochran, Armes and Corey. In regard to the remonstrance. The The Sunday school o f the M. E. Leader gives the number o f signers as Church gave a very pleasant box social 265. Everyone knows that in the case in the Odd Fellows hall Friday even­ o f a petition or remonstrance a great ing. A splendid musical and literary many sign simply to get rid o f the cir­ culator. I have been told by a program was rendered as follow s: number that signet! was the case Reading, Miss Burgess ; instrumental with them. In regard to the opinion solo. Miss Myrtle Kem ; illustrated o f the attorney general, that there is a song, by six little girls; Arbor Day state law prohibiting shows on Sunday. With their usual regard for the truth drill, ten girls and five boys; panto­ and fairness, they neglect to state that mime, Genevieve Jury, Frank Wallace, the courts have held that the law is Roy Whitsett, Robt. Jones and Lillian class legislation and consequently un- Lewis. Lunch boxes were then sold consitutional. I would respectfully remind the re- and a delightful time enjoyed partak­ monstrators that there are other people Merchants of Cottage Grove Give ing o f the dainties that had been care­ in Cottage Grove that the council repre­ Liberally for New List of Prizes fully prepared for the occasion. The sents. Personally I would prefer to remainder o f the evening was spent in have the circus on a week day. for Industrial Agricultural In conclusion, I have no apology to games and social repartee. A large make or excuse to offer and I stand by Exhibit. crowd was present and the sales from the action o f the council. Respect­ fully, W. H. ABRAMS, Mayor. the boxes netted a neat sum. (Continued from first page) The Missionary Society of the Metho­ house in her usual pleasing manner, Second best plate tomatoes, pair dist Church were pleasantly enter­ upon behalf o f the guests present, pre­ tained at the home of Mrs. Widder- sented Mrs. Thompson with a Brown­ girl’s shoes, E. Helliwell. Largest head o f kale, fountain pen, ing birthday book. Those present sheim Wednesday afternoon. * were Mesdames and Messrs. H. A. D. J. Scholl. Last Friday night was social night j Miller, Abrams, M. Veatch, Thompson, Best peck potatoes, any variety, rug, at Eastern Star chapter. A large Robbins, C. J. Kem, J. N. Water- Kinter Bros. crowd was present. Initiatory degrees house, A. C. Kinter, Mr. F. L. Ingram. Second best peck potatoes, any va­ were given and the evening closed riety, hat, Rees-Wallace Co. At their cottage home on We*t Main with a dainty luncheon served by Mrs. The following awards will be given Avenue Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Miller. in the canned fruit and pastry depart­ Geo. Brown entertained about thirty- The Rebekah lodge gave a delightful six o f their friends, the evening was ments : Best collection canned fruit, II. Har­ box social and entertainment in its ’ spent, with games and music. Re­ hall Tuesday evening. The following freshments were served consisting of rington, 50c. Second best collection canned fruit, program was rendered in the fore part j sandwiches, pickles, cake and lemon­ o f the evening: ade, those in attendance w ere: Mr. H. B. Yancey, 25c. Best collection preserves, B. Lurch, Piano solo. Miss Alice Counts; vocal and Mrs. J. M. Comer, Mr. and Mrs. solo, Miss Ursula Lockwood; reading, , David Scoll, Mr. and Mrs. Scholl, Mr. fruit dish. Second best collection preserves, Miss Fern H olcom b; reading, Luella and Mrs. Glenn Coffin, Dr. and Mrs. Know I ton. I Schleef and daughter, Mesdames L. M. Knowles & Graber, $1.00. Best collection o f jellies. Harms & At the close o f this the lunch boxes Tucker, Bunch, Crandall, Demorest, were sold at 35 cents each and after Drake, Misses Burgess, Wohrer, Bur- Lockwood, hat. Second best collection o f jellies, S. every one who wished had purchased ! dick, Comer, Ross, Ruby and Fay a basket packed with a tempting lunch, Demorest, Zena and Mabel Wheeler, E. McGavran, quart can Japalac. all hands joined in and enjoyed a fine Mr. Cruson, Arthur Woodring, Perry Best collection sweet pickles, Bon supper. The remainder o f the evening Crandall, Claude Demorest, Erwin and Ton, 2 lb. box bonbons. was spent in games and general good Russell Brown, Harold and Kenneth Best pound Daisy Butter, Umphrey t i m e . ___________ & Mackin, pair silk gloves. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. Second best pound Daisy butter, Mrs. Oliver Veatch entertained a Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kinter enter­ few friends at her home Tuesday even­ tained a few friends at 500 last Thurs­ Cottage Grove Electric Co., 50e. ing at an informal dinner party in hon­ day evening. Best loaf hop yeast bread, W. C. or o f the birthday anniversary o f Mr. Johnson Co., rose bowl. Mrs. E. R. Spencer entertained a Lloyd Stratton. Best loaf salt rising bread, Kinter few triends at her pretty bungalow Mrs. J. N. Waterhouse assisted by home near the river last Friday after­ Bros., picture. Mrs. A. C. Kinter entertained a num­ noon. The guests passed the time t Best collection all varieties, G. W. ber o f friends at 500 Tuesday evening. pleasantly with needlework and dainty McFarland, three Buff Leghorn chick­ Mrs. H. 0 . Thompson was awarded the refreshments were served. Those ens. 3 1-quart cans peaches, J. W. Veatch, head prize for highest score and Mar­ present besides the hostess were ion Veatch received the consolation. Mesdames Thompson. Eakin, Abrams, ' butter dish. A fter a delicious supper Mrs. Water- Job, Veatch and VanBoskirk. 3 1-quart cans pears, Wynne & | Late Shapes—Felt and Straw ! HAMPTON j: THE STORE & THAT SATISFIES REMONSTRANCE MAY GET RESULTS GRANGE ADDS PRIZES FOR EXHIBITION 3 1-quart cans cherries, any variety, Jensen & Walker, salad bowl. 3 1-quart cans wild blackberries, Ben­ son’s Pharmacy, post card album. 3 1-quart apples, any variety, Ella Thompson, 50c. 3 1-quart cans goose berries, H. C Madsen, jewel box. 3 1-quart cans currants, J. B. Lewis, water pitcher. 3 1-quart cans beans, Chas. T. W il­ kinson, $1.00. 3 1-quart cans |ieas, C. C. Hazleton, $1.00. 3 1-quart cans tomatoes. Ladies T og­ gery, hand bag. 3 1-quart cans asparagus, Kerr A Silsby, 1 cake plate. 3 1-quart cans corn, Oregon Woolen Mills Store, suit case. 3 1-quart cans carrots, D. J. Scholl, brooch pin. 3 1-quart cans cauliflower, The Fair Store, fruit dish. Best quart jar beet pickles. Marion Veatch, $1.00. Best quart jar cucumber pickles, Mrs. MoKernan, 50c. Best quart jar chow chow, Hemen- way & Lockwood, 50c. Best quart jar sauerkraut, Brund & Co., syrup pitcher. Pumpkin pie, Rees-Wallace Co., piece drawn work. Vinegar pie, Powell & Cooper, 1 box hose. Cream pie, Frank Woodruff, nickel plated towel rack. Lemon pie, E. O. Haltsman, box candy. Apple pie, Ella Thompson, 60c. Best plain cake, H. D. Lincoln, $ 1 . 00 . Best fancy cake, M. P. Garoutte, 50c. Best fruit cake, C. J. Kem, 1 bottle perfume. Best potato cake, J. H. Hawley, 50c. Best devil food cake, Armstrong & Dean, $1.00 worth pictures. Best layer cake, A. T. Beidler, 50c. Best roll jelly cake, C. A. McFar­ land, 50c. Probably the moat interesting ser­ Those in Charge of Affairs Deter­ vice held for many a year in the Mclh- odist Church takes place next Sunday mined to Fight to End; Will morning at II. Twenty young people, after having a preparatory training course, arc to Is) received Into mem­ Meeting Night. bership. Sacrament o f the Ia>rd*a Supper administerol at the close o f the (Continue«! from first page.) exercises. Rev. W. F. Ganlner, father Following is the first resolution o f the church, preaches at the People’s Popular services at H. Special muaic passed and signed by 265 citizens : •'To the Honorable Mayor ami City Council: We, the undersignmi citizens of Cottage Grove, have learned that a license has been granted by your hon­ orable body for a circus in Cottage V A • Grove on Sunday, May 26, 1912, ami V feeling that a circus exhibition on Sun- day would be disastrous to the good name o f our city, and injurious to the best interest of the community ; we do 'a hereby respectfully and emphatically protest against such action by our rep­ resentatives in the City Council. "W e further |>ctition your honorable body to reconsider this action, and re­ T K L M F H O N K I3 * -L call the license." At the regular meetings o f the Com­ mercial Club and Hoard o f Trade at txith gatherings. Bible school st strong resolutions paaaml. Appomattox Post, G. A. K., paaaed 9:45 and Epworth leagu e devotional the following resolution at its meeting meeting at 7, Charles Wilkinson, lead­ er. At the last session the vestry was April 2Tth : "H aving learned that a license has full ami extra chairs were brought In. been granted by the city council o f A hearty welcome to all. Cottage Grove for a circus exhibition Mcthodiat Church. The "States Ser­ to be held on Sunday, the 26th day of v ice '' Sunday evening was an unquali­ May, 1912, said day being our Memor­ fied success. Four signs with the ial Sunday, we, the members o f Ap­ words Kansas, Wisconsin, Nebraska pomattox Post, do endorse the citizens' and Iowa marked the pews to t>c occu­ remonstrance against such action ." pied by those from these common­ wealths. The numbers were as fol­ Fix Up Your Cemetery Lots. low s: Kansas 26, Wisconsin 23, Iowa Kvcryon e wishes to keep his ceme­ 19, Nebraska 1H. Quite a number o f tery lots fixed up, and usually the rea­ son they are not kept parked up is be­ requests were made for another meet­ cause of inability to get someone to do ing o f like nature. Many words o f the work. I am looking for contracts commendation were spoken concerning doing this work at 20c an hour. the sjiecial music o f the day. At the a25-m2c CHAS. C. LEVKRNK. Oddfellows gathering Messrs. Umph­ rey, Richmond, Cochran ami Mackin gave a quartette ami Clarence Moras rendered a solo in the evening. Talk to Council Regular x> F u m lfth ed N o tw ith s ta n d in g th e fa ct that sellin g in ou r L a d ie s ’ a n d M e n ’ s S u it D e p a rtm e n ts has b e e n e n o rm o u s sin ce th e present Ladies’ Suits $ 1 1 .8 3 A n o t h e r sh ip m en t just re c e iv e d Men’s New Spring Suits at $11.85 T h e greatest S u it S a le o f th e sea son — e clip s e s all p r e v ­ F r o m th e B lu e S e r g e o n d o w n th ro u g h ious sales in ou r suit section . C on sists o f th e sea son ’s o f p o p u la r sh a d es a n d n o v e lty w e a v e s . c h o ic e s t also w eaves and c o lo r s , B lu e and S erge. F o r m e r ly so ld at $ 1 7 . 5 0 , it A A $ 2 0 . 0 0 and $ 2 2 . 5 0 . S p e c ia l fo r 1 this S a l e .........................................................v p l l the lo n g ch a in Y ou w ill find W h i t e h e re a suit fo r a n y o c c a s io n , w h e th e r fo r dress o r b u si­ O T 0 ness w e a r . S u its that fo rm e rly so ld at $ 1 7 .5 0 and $ 2 0 .0 0 . D u r in g this sale w e h a v e r e d u c e d th ese to . . . Fiat In ulte» G iven ! Ladies’ and Men’s $22.50 Tailored Suits at $11.85 season o p e n e d , ou r stock is still c o m p le t e , as express sh ip m en ts k e e p ou r sto ck intact. J. B. PHELPS it A A 1 | W ^ . DODGE DEPARTM ENT STORE M J M s S i i K ^ Baptist Church.—Bible school at 10, preaching at 11 by Dr. Ford o f Eu­ gene, or a candidate for the pastorate. Young People’s meeting at 7. Latham. Although the cro|>s take kindly to these spring rains yet we shall all !>e glad when the good weather comes. Miss Della Boyd o f Eugene spent the week's end with her parents. Miss Grace Young o f the Eugene Bible University visited Saturday and Sunday at the home o f Miss Della Boyd. On Friday evening, Misa Ruby Keyes gave a party at her home. Alxtut twenty - seven young people o f the neighborhood were present ami a very enjoyable time was had hy all. The Misses Sadie and Frances Cox of Silk Creek visited Saturday at the home o f Misa Ruby Keyes. Stanley Trunnell went to Eugene last Wednesday to see his uncle who Is very ill. Church services were held Irf the school house last Sunday. Miss Youny o f Eugene asng a beauti­ ful solo which touched the hearts o f all present. A Sunday school ia soon to be organ ized ami wc sincerely hope it will re­ ceive the hearty support o f all.