Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, April 25, 1912, Image 1

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Volume VI
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GET TWO COUGARS IN OREGON UNIVERSITY subject is k e pt m y st e r y
fr e d slo ane is d r o w n e d
Ia Not Made Public, but Prof. Inlow, Resident of Cottage Grove Twenty
A. H. King and V. E. Hoven
Year* A go, Meets Death in
W ill Be on Program.
Santiam River.
Number 31
The subject for discussion at the
Fred Sloane, a resident o f Cottage
meeting o f the Patron-Teachers A s ­ Grove ¡¿0 years ago, was drowned while
Dog« Save Robert Small from Injury Citizens of Eugene Struck Dumb sociation tomorrow afternoon has not running logs in thu .Santiam River,
been made public, in fact, it seems near Foster, l.inn County, about April W ill Talk on His Prison Policy at
In Last Fight and Tree fen-
With Amazement Over Audacity
to be being made somewhat o f a mys­ 12. He was a brother o f Mrs. Joe
the Methodist Church on
tery, but the fact that I’ rof. Inlow, A. Dame wood, who lives three miles east
raged Animal After Long,
of Court, Says the
Sunday Evening,
| H. King and V. E. Hoven have been i o f Cottage Grove. Ilia parents, Mr.
Fierce Struggle.
selected to discuss it seems to indicate and Mrs. Joe Sloane, ran a hotel just
May 12th.
that it ia one o f some importance.
j north o f the Southern Pacific depot 20
Two cougars in 10 days ia the record
The referendum invoked hy citizens
Officers o f the association are still ¡year* ago. Mr. Slosne was 26 years
Governor Oswald West will explain
made by the Small brother* who live o f Cottage Grove and other part* of
meeting many difficulties in awakening o f age at time o f death.
hi» prison policy in an address to be
about 10 milea aouth o f Cottage Grove. the state againat thu half million uni­
the intereat o f parerita o f (he district
given in the M. E. Church Sunday
The laal one wua killed laat Saturday versity appropriation, waa upheld by
in the important work, which makes
Your eastern friends would like to evening. May 12th. The Governor has
after an exciting light, in which Hubert thu Supreme Gourt o f Oregon in its de-
their duties doubly hard. A special know something about the country you arranged to g iv e the address at the re­
Small, who dually killed the animal j ciaion handed down Tuesday.
requeat has been made for a better are living in. Send them a copy o f the quest o f the Lend-a-Hand Men’s Class
waa aeveral timea in danger o f being cuurt ruled that H. II. Friendly a* an
attendance at thia meeting.
Sentinel, 5c.
o f the Methodist Church.
atruck by the enraged animal.
« individual had no right to bring the
Governor West is one o f the most
Mr. Small waa out hunting with suit. Thu issue o f fraud wua entirely
severely criticized governors Oregon
three o f hi* fox hound«, two of which i ignored. The petition* w ill go on the
has ever had, and at the same time one
he hail tied up. The looae one trailed ballot at thu next election.
o f the most praised.
Difference of
a cougar into the hruah ami wan at*
That's all there ia to it, hut here’s
opinion as to the wisdom o f his prison
tanked by llie animal. Mr. Small, dia* thu way thu Eugene Register apilla
policy is very strong and it is antici-
covering that Ida dog waa being chewed it s e lf:
pated that a large audience w ill be
up, let the other two doga looae, and a
"T h at judicial bomb,hurled yesterday
/4 K .
present to hear the Governor explain
furioua dght waa on, the cougar mak­ at our Statu university from the capi-
the policy o f which he ia the author.
ing aeveral attempt* to get at Mr. tol hy the legal puwera that be, com­
Small, being headed off hy the doga. pletely floured the friends o f the lead­
Clean-Up Day a Success.
Seeing that the battlu waa going ing educational institution o f the atate
Clean-Up Day was observed Satur­
againat him, the big cal look to a tree, with the nihlliatic force o f its impact.
day by the citizens o f the city. The
from which he waa truughl down by
"W hen the real significance o f the de­
majority o f yards had been pretty well
aeveral rifle ahola. The animal waa a cision began to filter through the dazed
cleaned up previously, but the city
female and measured 6 feet, 4 inchea. faculties o f our citizens the sensations
teams were kept busy a couple days
One dog wan terribly chewed up, but o f the shock gradually gave place to
hauling away rubbish and refuse.
will recover from hi* wound*.
dumb amazement over the audacity o f
The other cougar waa killed about ao flimsy and frivolous a ruling ema­
Cubs Defeat Cub6.
ten day* previoualy by G. A. Small, nating, as it did, from the councils of
The Cottage ’ Grove Cubs defeated
the animal being readily treed by the *up[K>*cd austere and erudite nestora
the Creswell Cubs on the home grounds
doga, Mr. Small ahooting him out o f j o f legal lore."
- - -
. . - -
Saturday by a score o f 33 to 9. The
the limba o f thu tree. He meaaured
line-up of the home team was as fol­
Telephone Girls Want Bachelor.
aix feet.
lows :
The item In laat w e e k '« Sentinel te ll­
The Small brother* will receive the
Glen Smith c, Guy Conner p, Frank
liounty o f $10 on rach animal, after
Eby lb, Dan Woods 2b, Carroll Harlow
which they will probably acll the hide*. telephone girls made the t>c*t wives,
3b. Harry Fulmer ss, Clarence Milne
caused quite a commotion in the local
If, Houston Medley cf, Clarence Spen­
Wedding announcement* The Senti­ telephone office, and there ia some
danger that Manager G riggs may need
at leaat one apprentice before long.
The only difficulty encountered ao far
ia that thu bachelor requires that all
"Shall We Meet Beyond the R iver” applicants must give their age (at
what it would be if they hadn’ t
Affect* Members of Audience.
slopped counting) color i f hair ami cvi a
The aervice in the Methodist Church and brand o f face powder uaed. It ia
Sunday morning In commemoration i anticipated, however, that all difficul-
o f the sinking o f the Titanic were ap­ tiea w iil be surmounted.
’ ’ The Sh’ p ” Where Good Printing is
Done—The Sentinel.
propriate and touching, learn coining
( ’ ailing cards The Sentinel.
to the eye* o f many o f the women
Rev. Kobt. Sutcliffe, who
had lived on the Kngliah and Maine
coasts, and waa fam iliar with condi­
tions following a disaster of this kind,
Buys Ground at Meeting Saturday.
preached a touching sermon, laying the
— Levies Assessment.
blame for the accident, not on the cap­
— --- - ------
tain, crews, or owners, but on those
Cottage Grove Grange at its meeting
who demand much s|teed on the high
, Saturday made the first move for se­
aeaa and are w illing to pay the price.
c u rin g a grange hall, the Baker prop-
When little Misa Wheeler sang the
erty one block north o f Main on the
Kngliah sailor song, "S h all we Meet
East aide o f the railroad track having
lieyond the R iver," there were many
been purchased. An assessment of
who could not longer hold the pent up
fl.00 a member waa made to assist in
the payment fur same. I’lans for the !
erection o f a buikling have not yet
W e’ re Tooting Again.
The only advertising given the W a­ Iteen made. The grange now has a ;
terhouse Recital Monday waa the no­ membership o f 360, seven having been [
tice In The Sentinel, but the house was given the final degrees, four given the
crowded. Mr. Waterhouse gives The tirat and second. Ten new applications
were also received.
Sentinel the credit.
The box lunch scheme paid for a doz­
en new chairs, and the memoers voted
to carry out the same program at the
next meeting the first Saturday in
May, when all women members are ex ­
pected to bring boxea with lunch for
two and a few single lunch boxea for
the extra men.
Girls Cook Minced Dog in
Library Board Organizes.
The Library Board met Friday and
organized by electing the following
R. W. Veatch, president;
Geo. O. Knowles, vice-president; Mrs.
F. W\ Robbins, secretary; Mrs. H. J.
Shinn, treasurer.
A committee was
appointed to draft a constitution and
Oscar Wheeler Narrowly Misses
Death Under Horse’s Feet.
Woods; Feed Male Contingent
A trip o f exploration and adventure,
the true history o f which would read
like a Dare Devil Diamond Dick novel,
wax indulged in Sunday by members
o f the Ramblers Club. Several o f the
feminine members o f the party loat
their acalpa, at leaat that part not fas­
tened to their heads by nature.
The wilda and cavea o f the Coast
Fork Calapooiaa were thoroughly ex­
plored and dangerous peaks were as­
cended which even the noble red man
and mountain goat had failed to scale,
and foot waa act for the Aral time on
rocky crags which had sto<*l uniram-
pled since the beginning o f time, which
several o f the feminine members of
the party distinctly remember. Hu­
man ladders were brought into play in
making the aacent of perpendicular
mountain aides. When the ladies
miaaed their footing their deacent was
more hasty than decorous.
numerous atagea o f the aacent, pre­
serving a perpendicular was nearly as
hard as preserving dignity. Several
times different members o f the party
unexpectedly and precipitately assumed
a horizontal poaition with that particu­
lar part o f terra firms which they were
attempting to negotiate.
One o f tho gentle box who formed
the party, whose first name ia Lena,
■pent considerable time in getting to­
gether a collection o f bat’s eggs. She
(Continued on page 2. )
Former Resident Quite 111.
Mrs. Geo. Small, a former resident
o f Cottage Grove, ia reported to be
quite ill at Willows, Col., where she
haa been spending the winter. Her
sister, Mrs. Anna Underwood o f Yon-
calla, and married daughter o f Corval­
lis. have been telegraphed for.
The Smalla took up a 320- acre dona­
tion claim just west o f the city in the
early days and spent many years. They
moved to Eastern Oregon about 40
years ago, where Mr. Small went into
the cattle business. Their preaent
home is at Silver Lake, Ore.
Alex Thorne, Charged With At­
tacking Geo. Bohlman, Released.
A lex Thorne, charged with assault
and battery upon the person o f Geo.
Bohlman, waa discharged from custody
in Judge Bryson's court at Eugene
Saturday, the evidence being
sufficient to hold the defendant.
The trouble aroHe over a daughter o f
Thorne'a who ia employed in Bohlman’a
tailor shop in this city. Up to the
time o f the alleged attack, all parties
had been on friendly term*. Accord­
ing to Bohlman’s story, Thorne thought
he was advising the girl to leave home,
and came into town and assaulted him
in such a manner as to break a couple
o f ribs. Bohlman denies that he had
ever advised the girl what to do.
P h oto hy A rnm trong it I ) r i n .
Mrs. Alvah Churchill and Her Adopted Bear Cubs.
Roy Boutwell, who works at the Vesuvius mine, in the Bohemia dis-
trict, brought in two black bear cubs a few day ago, which Alvah Church-
ill purchased and presented to Mrs. Churchill, who has adopted them as
pets. They take very kindly to their new situation, as the picture indi-
cates. Mr. Boutwell killed the mother bear the day before he found the
cubs. In fact he knew nothing about the cubs until he came back after
the body o f the old bear, and found the little fellows, evidently quite
hungry, whining around the body o f the dead mother.
Grounds Wet and Slippery.— Many Question Brought Up of Harmoniz-
Errors.— Field Plowed and
ing Work Done in Rural Schools
With Accredited Schools.
Rolled for Next Game.
A successful and well attended insti­
tute for the teachers o f Southern Lane
County was held here Saturday by
County Superintendent H. C. Baugh­
man. Although the district conven­
tion o f the Christian Endeavorers was
held in the city on the same day, about
The lineup was as follow s;
teachers were present at the in­
Cottage Grove
Baker............. 2b
C la rk ............ 2b stitute. representing most o f the dis­
tricts in this end o f the county. The
S c o tt...........
Brund............. r f
H. Rankins.. .. r f instructors were H. C. Baughman; Su­
Brumbaugh___ .If
perintendent Earl Kilpatrick o f Spring-
field ; Superintendent H. E. Inlow of
W a lz .............
R ea d ........... p. c f
G rove; Principal George Hug
H arlow ............ 3b
Edkims........ . . r f
I o f the Eugene High School ; Superin­
Stratford ___ .3b
Morton........ tendent Wakefield o f Cresw ell; A . K.
Damewood . . . . lb
Mickey, rural supervisor, and R. C.
P itch er.. . . . . . . cf
E. R ankin... .. p
N ext Sunday the Grove will prob­ Andrews, rural supervisor.
‘ interest was manifesed in the matter
ably play Oakland on the home grounds.
The grounds are being plowed up, w ill o f consolidation o f rural schools. The
be rolled and put in perfect condition. question o f harmonizing the work done
The band w ill out to next Sunday's ; in rural schools in grades above the
eighth with that in accredited high
schools was discussed at considerable
length. Teachers in attendance were
Busy Days for Rebekah Lodge.
About 40 members o f the Rebekah i hs follows :
In a lively game on w et grounds Sun­
day afternoon, the Creswell aggre­
gation ripped it into the home base
ball team by a score o f 11 to 5. A
number o f costly errors on the part o f
Cottage Grove accounts fur the score.
lodge went to Drain Tuesday night to
Marjorie Miller, Mabel Rosenberg,
attend a district convention. The de­ Harriet Vilas, B. S. Wakefield, Edith
gree staff went along to exem plify the Snere, Sibyl Harrington, Edna Weber,
work. The lodge was also invited to
Creswell laat night.
(Continued on page 2.)
Held; Resolutions
Adopted; Precinct Workers Are
Appointed; Council May
Be Helpless.
A mild storm has been raging this
week as the result o f a license being
issued to the Sells-Floto Circus to show
here Sunday, May 26th.
Tw o mass meeting of church people
’ and citizens have been held and every
effort is being made to interest every­
one possible in opposition to the propo­
sition. Committees o f workers have
been appointed in every precinct,
whose duty it is to interview every
resklent o f their respective precinct.
i Committees were also appointed to
bring the subject before the Commer­
cial Club, Board o f Trade, G. A. R.,
W. R. C. and local militia. C. H.
Burkholder has been appointed a com­
mittee to present the remonstrance to
the city council. A final meeting w ill
be held Saturday evening, and the
Mayor w ill be asked to call a special
meeting for Monday night. It is anti­
cipated that all members o f the council
will be w illing to rescind the license, if
that action can be taken.
Following is the resolution that was
adopted :
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council :
We, the undersigned citizens o f Cot­
tage Grove, having learned that a li­
cense has been granted by your honor­
able body for a circus in Cottage Grove
on Sunday, May 26, 1912, and feeling
that a circus exhibition on Sunday
would be disastrous to the good name
o f our city, and injurious to the best
(Continued on page 2.)
Fred Affolter Meets Peculiar Acci­
dent While Chopping Wood.
Fred A ffo lter met a peculiar and
painful accident last Thursday fore­
noon, resulting in the severing o f two
cords and an artery just above the
wrist o f the le ft arm. He was chop­
ping wood at home and does not know
himself just how the accident hap­
pened. In some manner the ax slipped
or turned in such a way as to swing
around and inflict the blow that re­
sulted in the injury. The injured man
was immediately given medical atten­
tion and is gettin g along nicely.
Oscar Wheeler narrowly missed be­
ing trampled to death by a horse
Wednesday o f last week. He accident-1
ally fe ll under the horse's feet, the
heavy animal inflicting several severe
Memorial Sermons.
; injuries, and it was miraculous that his
have been made for
head was not crushed in.
Mr. Slagle, who witnessed the ac­ Memorial sermons as follows :
Rev. A. S. Mason w ill deliver a
cident, assisted him into the house,
sermon in the Presbyterian
where Mrs. Slagle cared for him till
his mother could be brought. Medical Church on the Sunday previous at 11
attention was summoned at once. The o'clock, and Rev. Robt. Sutcliffe w ill
injured young man suffered very much deliver the memorial address in the M.
from the bruises and vomited severely , E. Church at 2:30 Memorial Day.
a good part o f the night. Friday he
was recovered sufficiently to ride home,
and is gettin g along very nicely.
Wants to Return to Oregon.
M iss Helen Freeman, a former resi­
dent ot this section o f the country,
who returned to Iowa last fa ll with
Were Sweethearts in England;
her mother for several months’ visit,
Reunited After Many Trials.
was working on the long distance there 1
a few days ago. She was trying to ,
Miraculously escaping death b y
reach St. Paul by 'phone during a
severe electric storm, and received a drowning when the mighty Titanic was
heavy electric shock that stunned for a I sunk by an iceberg. Miss Marion
few minutes. Miss Freeman is able W right, a passenger on the ill fated
to be on duty again, but says she pre­ ship, began her voyage on the sea o f
fers the salubrious clim ate o f Oregon 1 married life Saturday by wedding
where one is not in peril o f being " s h o t ' Arthur W olcott o f Cottage Grove, the
to pieces" when it rains, and that she ceremony being performed in New
intends to return before another win- ' York.
M iss W righ t comes from Y eovil.
Somerset County, England, where she
Mrs. L. F. Orpurd returned Monday and Mr. W olcott parted as sweethearts
from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. two years ago. the latter coming to
Chas. Cochran, at Eugene.
Cottage Grove to prepare a home for
his bride-to-be. He has an orchard
tract west o f this city.
Feeling that Providence waa dealing
Elected Editor-in-Chief of College kindly enough with him to warrant him
in taking a partner o f hia joys and sor­
rows he wrote to have his sweetheart
John E. Cooter, a Cottage Grove come to him.
boy, has been elected editor-in-chief o f
W olcott le ft here about a week be­
the Oregon Countryman, a publication fore the Queen o f the Seas was due in
issued by the Oregon Agricultural Col­ N ew York and heard o f the disaster
lege. He w ill hold the position for a while en route. H e learned that she
was saved, but missed her at the dock
Mr. Cooter is one o f Cottage Grove’ s and it was not until after he had
bright students who are making rec- ■ searched all o f the hospitals in vain
ords in Oregon’s universities. He is a j that he found her at the home o f Mr.
graduate o f the local high school and and Mrs. Henry Milne, No. 20 W est
a son o f Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cooter. One
and Twenty-eighth
street. He went to the Milne home to
Want Ad. Got Resalts.
ask for assistance in his search and
John Hull was in from his farm yes­ was greeted at the door by his fiancee.
terday to pay for a want ad. whioh he The happy, reunited couple arranged
ran in The Sentinel. Tw o insertions at j to be married at once and are now on
15c each sold two cows for him.
their way to their Western home.