Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, April 04, 1912, Image 2

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¡I Spring Styles Are
Arriving Daily
Ora Read Hemenway announces that
Miss Eunice Van Denburg, who ia a
graduate of her private school of in­
struction. will read from Pure ini's
grand opera, Madame Butterfly, a
Japanese tragedy, a t ’ The
Arcade |
Theatre April 12th. This opera is
founded upon John L. Long's book and
David Helasco's drama of the same
name, and has an international reputa­
tion. Seats will be on sale at The Hon
Ton. Admission, 25c.
<] \Ve offer exceptional values in every departm ent.
4 ] We are showing a larger variety ot patterns and
makes in Beds, A rt Squares, Dining Tables, Library
Tables, Rockers, Linoleums, Ranges, Kte,, than
ever before.
I] Unusual care was taken in selecting the designs and
our lines represeut the best values offered by the
leading m anufacturers of the country.
4] We can sell you "Good G oods" at "Reasonable
Prices." If you don't believe this statem ent, ju st call
and inspect our quality and compare our prices.
House Furnishers
l ^ E W Summer Underwear for Men, W o-
A ^ men and Children, is being shown in a
big variety of styles at this store. I his under­
wear comes dired from the Essex Mills of
N ew York City. Essex Mills Underwear is
a name that stands for durability, just as it
stands lor attractiveness. You will find at our
Underwear counter just the garment you want,
bearing the famous brand of a conscientious
manufacturer, who has studied you taste and
who gives you the best to be had m value.
The community is much saddened by
the death of two of its respected and
beloved friends, Mrs. C. Whitlock who
died Friday, March 2'.*, and Grandma
Trunnell, who died Monday morning,
April 1. 1912.
They dwelt in the community fur so |
many years that they became endeared
to all and their absence will be deeply {
Mr. Pope of Eastern Oregon has
bought some land from J. H. Hull and
is building a house thereon. As soon
as it is completed he and his family
will occupy it.
Guy Whitlock of Portland came home
Friday to attend the funeral of his
Mr. Souls, who formerly lived here,
but who has been working at Dorena
for some time, has gone to Illinois to
stay with his sister.
All the farmers are taking advantage
of the good weather and are sowing
their grain.
Phone 6
Local Elocution Graduate Will Read
Famous Grand Opera.
Nuf-Ccd /»>
Children’s Easter Program.
The Euturpean Club spent a very en­ Jennie and Jessie Smith, Myrtle
A program of unusual merit has
joyable time with Miss Silsby Fri­ Venske, Veta Holderman, Allie Phil­
day evening. A splendid social even­ lips, Belle Burkholder, Fern and Ivy l>een arranged for the Easter services
ing was spent, followed by a lunch. Holcomb, Ursula Lockwood, Audrea ] of the Primary Class at the M. E.
Hastings, Dale Church next Sunday at 9:45 a. m.
Those present also rehearsed for the Rhinehart,
recital to be given soon. The follow­ Groves, Edna Elledge, Mabel Rosen­ A surprise will be the sand tray or the
ing program was reviewed by the club borg. Lauretta Atkinson, Leah Fer- children. All parents and friends are
1 kins, Mabel and Blanche Veatch and invited to attend.
for the regular meeting :
The program will be as follows:
5010.. .. Forgotten...... Eugene Cowles Mrs. Adams, teacher.
Morning Song
Little Be­
Mrs. Compton
Look for the funny posters advertis­
ginners and F irst Primary
5010.. . .To You.......................... Oley Speakes
ing the play being put on by the
Mr. King
Woman's Club for the benefit of the P ra y e r................................ Mrs. Hazleton
Recitation........... How Did You Know
Solo---- A ferw ards....................... Muller ; library.
Katherine Silsby
Mr. Mosby
The Ramblers Club enjoyed a pleas­ Exercise.............Five Steps to Heaven
5010.. .. 1 Know A Lovely G a rd e n ..
ant outing Sunday, taking in the hills
Harry Hart, Jack Beaucher, Mar­
......................................... De Hardelod
and some of the creeks of the sur­
ion Teeters, Gerald Warner,
Miss Holderman
rounding country.
Donald Tibbies
5010.. .. Rose In The Bud......... Foster
Mrs. Elbert Bede entertained the Song..................Gentle Summer Breezes
Mr. Woodard
Solo___On The S hore.E thelbert Neoin Emanon Club last Thursday. The Exercise.. By Twelve Little Beginners
\ usual program was carried out, inter- D u e t..................... Work for the Children
Miss Lilly
' spersed with vocal and instrumental
Grace Brehant and Lois Compton
Mrs. J. L. Senter entertaired last
music by Mrs. Bert Richmond. Two Recitation...................Leland Wilkinson
Thursday in honor of her mother, Mrs.
1 new members were received. Those Exercise......................... The Butterflies
lames Lisle of Portland, who is visit­
present were Mesdames Groff, Um- Bonita Beaucher, Loveday Moore, Ably
ing her. A splendid dinner was served
phrey, Mackin, Richmond, Durham,
Goodwin, Ruth Bede, Mildred
a fte r which Mr. Senter served some of
j Cook, Atkinson, Allison, Bede, Coch­
Cochran, Mabel Brown
his famous Velvet Rose ice cream.
ran. Mrs. H. H. Somers was present Song.................................... Easter Lesson
Those present were Mesdames Phelps,
1 as an invited guest.
F irst Primary
Youmane, Emerson, Hemenway and
Three nice-looking old maid school Recitation............................... The Lilies
Aileen Barnett
j teachers in "T he Smith M ystery" at
Members of the Baptist Church gave
R ecitation..................A Fellow’s Mother
the library benefit play April 17th.
a farewell reception Friday evening
Harold Baker
Wednesday evening a number of the Offering S o n g .......................Freely Give
for Rev. C. C. VanGorkum at the F.
L. Ingram home. Games and a pro­ neigbhors with well-filled baskets su r­
gram were the amusements of the prised Uncle Ves Veatch in honor of
Drew Crowded House.
evening, followed by refreshments. his eighty-first birthday. The evening
A crowded house greeted Ora Read
About thirty were present. Rev. Van­ was spent in pleasant conversation. Hemenway at her recital in the Christ­
Gorkum preached his farewell sermon A t an early hour the guests retired ian Church Tuesday evening.
the following Sunday, but may be in wishing Uncle Ves many happy returns Hemenway is highly accomplished in
of the day.
the city for some time yet.
her line of work and her efforts were
The officers of Eastern Star Chapter highly appreciated.
The young ladies of the Presbyterian
will give a handkerchief shower Tues­
Church entertained the young m en’s
Schools Teachers Reelected.
day afternoon at Masonic hall in honor
class at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
The following teachers have been re­
of Mrs. H. O. Thompson.
Oliver Veatch last Saturday evening.
elected for the next school t e a m :
Mrs. May Sutcliffe, mother of the
For amusement “ good old tim e " games
Ernest Purvance, Laura Kennon, Anna
were played and thoroughly enjoyed. local Methodist pastor, was rem em ­ Wohrer, Maude Hooper, Lena Hol­
Cake and punch were served. Those bered by many friends on her recent comb, Neva Perkins, Mabel Iverson,
present were Ernest and Albert Ander­ birthday with a post card shower.
Ix)lo Wilson.
son, David and William Talmadge,
The funny old maid in the hobble
Josh Brown, the Bohemia mail car­
George Matthews, E rnest Wyatt, sk irt a t the library benefit play.
is the possessor of a couple black
George Hall, Charlie Beidler, Hugh
Mrs. F. W. Robbins entertained the bear cubs which he captured on a re­
Currin, H erbert M o b y , Bert Trask,
Roy Short, Joe Smith, Elmer Spencer, Every-Other-Thursday Club last week. cent trip. They are about the size of
Harry Martin, Lloyd Stratton, Lloyd The amusement of the evening was kittens, and, as a young lady who
McKibben, Charlie progressive 500. Those present were looked a t them said, " ju s t too cute for
Beals, Ernest Lebcw, Frank Mason, Messrs, and Mesdames A. C. Kinter, a nything.”
Ben King, Ed. King, Dorris Medley, Marion Veatch, A. L. Monroe, F. L.
Ingram, B. S. Swengel, F. W. Rob­
The young people of the neighbor­
hood gathered a t the McGee home
Wednesday evening. The sweet tooth
was amply satisfied with homemade
candy and popcorn balls.
Cottage Grove Boy Loses.
The Oregonian gave the following
account of the debate Friday a t Seattle
between the U. of O. and U. of W., in
which Carlton Spencer of this city took
p art:
B comparing conditions in progres­
sive Oregon with those of the old Mit­
chell days, Rube Hilen and John Bov-
ington tonight won the debate on judi­
cial recall from Ralph Moore and C. E.
Spencer of Oregon by unanimous de­
cision of the judges. Washington sup­
ported the affiirmative of the question.
Spencer, for Oregon, is a strong
speaker, but lost out when he acknowl­
edged the benefits of the recall and
proposed th a t the Legislature, not the
people, exercise it. Both Bovington
and Hilen were forceful speakers for
Progressive Republican candidate for Washington, lead by Yell-leader Will
nomination for the office of State Rep­ Harsley.
A large body of college
resentative from Lane County.
I rooters howled their approval a t timely
The Republicans of Lane County are ! hits.
requested to read his platform and his­
Eugene R egister: A five-vound head
tory which will be found on page 29 of of cauliflowers has been brought in
the sta te party campaign pamphlet.
from the Carnation F a rm south of the
I c i t y a n d i t certainly is a beauty.
Ladies’ and Children’s Garments priced 10c, 1 2 k and upwards
Men’s and Boys’ Garments priced 23c and upwards
From Our Economy Grocery
This department of our store is demonstrating to more people every week that the
cost of living need not be high when trading at this store, t ’ash heats credit here.
You can buy a box of best matches for 4c at this store, which is a 25 per cent
saving over the credit price.
3 Packages Corn Flakes
New Garden Seeds, a paper
lfi-oz. Can VValco Baking Powder
Hex Lye, per can.................
21-lb Can VValco Baking Powder
5 Cans Milk . . . . . . .
5-lb. Can VValco Baking ! 'owder
1 lb. Peaberry Hlend Coffee
0 Bars Savon Soap
6 Bars White Laundry Soap
j Umphrey & Mackin |
the : c a s h
These song services nr** always in­ Sunrise praise gathering at 7 a. m.
teresting and helpful and this one will This ussembly is looked forward to by
the membership for months. Public
J lie no exception.
worship at It with address by Robert
♦ Special Easter exercises in the Sutcliffe. Special League meeting at
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Methodist
Sunday school on Sunday 6:30. Music and sung will l>e the
Church of Christ. Special Easter j from 9:45 to II a. ni. Singing by prominent features of the evening
program will be given next Lord’s Day young people’s choir anil selections by gathering at 7 :UI. Anthems, solos,
evening a t 8 o’clock. The children's individuals. The topics to tie studied duets and selection by the populai
choir will have charge of the Hinging. by the l.end-a-Herd Men’s Ulsss are
Methodist orchestra. A hearty wel­
Special choruses and solo, several reci­ especially interesting this quarter. come awaits you.
tations and exercises will be given. Eor the month of April the subjects
Robert Sutcliffe is preparing a series
This promises to be one of the best are W'oman in the Home, All-Round
uf evening sildresses to tie given In
programs ever given at the Church of Womanhood, Woman’» Opportunity in
the Methodist Church on Sunday even­
Christ. Come and encourage the rhil- ' the Home, The F itting of Woman for
ings which arc sure to arouse as much
dren in their good work. A special the Home, The Ideul Home. Next
interest and discussion ns those he de ­
offering will be taken to help the aged, l.urd’a day there will be a diacuss'on
livered on Socialism. They are, how­
the widows and the orphans. In the upon the queation : Resolved, That the
ever, on an entirely different line of
morning at 11 the minister will s|>eak Higher Education for Women is Favor­
on the topic, "T he Resurrection Day able to MarriHge and Motherhood.
Owing to the constant increase in
of A. D. 34.” The Christian Endeavor Affirmative, Mackin; negative, Bede.
the Sunday School it was found neces­
ers will have a sunrise prayer meeting Several new hooka have been placed in
sary to provide another room for rlus«
next Lord’s Day morning a t 6:30. the library. The class is strictly non-
work. Brothers Goddard. Wilson and
Altogether it will be a day full of wor­ sectarian and non-political. The men
Srhre|ie! gave their services for a
ship, hope and cheer. Everybody is who gather from week to week are en­
couple of days and the reault ia a
cordially invited.
Last Lord’s day deavoring to apply the religion and
splendid, well lighted vestry 16x40.
evening two, a husband and wife, pre­ teachings of the Master to the hig
Stairs lead to it from the banquet ball
sented themselves for membership in questions of the day.
and a door admits from the league
the church—V. E. HOVEil.
The Passion services at the Metho­ room. The thanks of the society is
dist Church this week have been large­
Presbyterian Church. Sunday, April ly attended and productive of much certainly due these skillful mechanics.
7th, the pastor, Rev. A. S. Mason, will good. Meetings on Thursday, Friday
Baptist Church. Regular services
will he held next Sunday, with address
preach an Easter sermon a t 11 a. m., and Saturday evenings at 7 :30.
Crowds were in attendance at the by Rev. VanGorkum.
subject, “ Our Sure H ope.” In the
evening the large chorus choir, under Methodist Church last Sabbath both
Grandma Todd, the oldest person in
the direction of Miss Silsby, will ren­ morning and evening. The workers
county, celebrated her 102 »l birth­
der a specially prepared service of sac­ were kept busy welcoming newcomers.
day yesterday and she is as chipper
red song, an extended program of Easter Sunday will be celebrated by and spry as many who arc 40 years
which will be found in another column. prayer and praise, flowers and music. younger. Eugene Register, 30th.
— but it’s e a sy to find w h ere to buy good, d ep en d a b le cloth in g at low est prices. O ur Big Sale grow s in interest
ea ch day. N um ber y o u rself w ith the large crow ds that visit this store each day. A saving from one-fourth
to one-h alf on n ew spring m erch andise during this M ighty M oney-Saving Sale. C om e!
Men’s Suits
Space permits quoting only a few of
the many bargains we are offering dur­
ing this sale.
$12.50 Suits now ..
15.00 Suits now.............................
17.50 Suits now..................
$ 7 .4 5
1 2 .4 5
20.00 Suits now............................. 1 4 .9 5
25.00 Suits now..........
1 9 .8 5
30.00 Suits now............................. 2 4 .4 5
Big Special Sale
Our New York buyer recently made
a huge purchase for us at S acrificed
P rices, consisting largely of Ladies’,
Men’s and Boys’ Suits, which have
arrived and are placed on sale at
from one-fourth to one-half less than
regular value. 300 Boys’ Suits arriv­
ed last Saturday, bought at a job
price. From $ 1 .9 5 to $ 7 .4 5 . Any
kind of a suit you want for the
boy. Come!
Ladies’ Suits
Don’t miss this sale! Ladies’ new Spring
coats and dresses sacrificed.
$15.00 Grade now
$ 9 .9 5
17 50 Grade now
1 2 .45
20.00 Grade now
1 4 .9 5
25.00 and 30.00 Grade now
1 9 .8 5
These are made of Serge diagonal
weaves and all fancy mixtures in the
newest Spring Models.
Dodge Department Store
8th & Olive Sis.