Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, March 28, 1912, Image 1

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    ffluttanr <&xmt ^nltttrí
Volume VI
Number 27
Discussed by Two Promiueut
ness Men in Church.
" D o not make convicts and then we
will have no ex-convicts to deal with,
said C. M. Shinn in his address during
the popular platform meeting at the
i ’ reabyteriari church Sunday evening.
It waa staled by the speaker thut to
settle the ex-convict question it was
necessary to la-gin with the parents
and grandparenta in the lirst place
and to assist convicts in a brotherly
helpful manner after they are released
from tiieir incarceration.
Judge A. H. King gave a very inter­
esting review of the laws and social
conditions thut make and puniah con­
The music for the service was ex ­
ceptionally good and deserving of
special compliment.
Humphrey Brother« Former Hesi-
dent« of Northern Dougin*
County Town.
Confess to Murdering of George Sel­
by of Hayhurat Valley While
Living at Yoncnlla.
The story o f Uie killing of Mra. G rlf-
Ittli at I'hlloniath by the Humphrey
brothers ia taking on a local color be­
cause of the fact that the boya have
confessed to a murder while living at
Style I'rlnt Shop The Sentinel,
Tiiat Charles Hum|iiirey told the
truth when lie ini|dlcated Ida hrotlier
George Humphrey In the killing uf
George Selby and an attack upon Ole
Ohlaen, botli former reaidenla o f Hay
hurat valley in Northern llouglaa
county, la tlie belief o f pereona reaid­ GENERAL MOSBY, AFRAID IN NO
ing in the immediate vicinity of the
b a t t l e :, d y i n g i n c e l l .
alleged Crimea.
The atory of the killing o f Selby co-
incidea with the known fucta about the Plea for Freedom Made by Daunt­
caae, although it
waa thought by
less Fighter Who Is Ravaged
nvighbora Dial he came to hla death
by Lung Affection.
from natural cauaca,
Mr. Ohlaen, who ia about lift yeara of
Slowly dying in a cell in the count)
age, and atill livea near Yonealla, waa
jail and amusing himself by pricking
Interviewed concerning the confeaaed
maps uf Mexico and China ss lie moves
attack upon him. He elated that he
' imaginary armies ag mist each other
WMa alone at hia home one night about
in those republics, General Jack It
four yeara ago, when George Hum­
Mushy ia begging for freedom.
phrey <|uietly entered the houae through
This most daring o ' all Amerieai
the rear door unbeknown to rnembere
soldiers in Mexico, nephew o f the
Continued on page H.)
famous Kentueky guerilla leader of
Civil war days and a relative of Knherl
Mostly o f Mushy Creek, is grievously
suffering from lung trouble, iiggrn
valed by an old wound sustained at
Tecate, ami for the first time realizes
that he is aurely losing his grip on life,
1 and fears deatii.
He never blanched or the battlefield,
never flinched when, as captain of
fioer artillery, he fought against
British mida in South Africa, did not
Merchants of Cottage Grove Make It falter before Spaniak guns in Cutis
when, as a filibuster, he helped free
Worth While for Pupils to
the island, did not fret under fire as s
Do Their Best in
soldier in the Philippines, but now he
is giving up.
ing of Musical Harmonies.
Considerable activity is being mani­
fested hi the building line in Cottage
Grove. Work ih progressing on the
two Cooper business blocks and in a
short time the Cottage Grove Manu­
facturing Co. will stHrt the addition
to its building. Work on four reti-
deuces lias also just been commenced
and several are just being completed.
Rev. Robt. Sutcliffe lias again been
selected to deliver the memorial ad
dress on Memorial Day, May 30th.
This makes the third successive time
that he bus been st-ledcd for this duty.
The real estate market is taking on
eonaideruble activity.
The Sentinel
has learned of at least fifteen pieces
o f property that have been sold within
the past thirty days, nearly all of
which wil be moved onto by families,
and most o f these w ill come from the
Many of those who are coming in
from the outside are coming from
points in the W illam ette valley, which
demonstrates that the Cottage Grove
country is fast getting the reputation
o f being the best in a country famous
for the fertility of the soil.
"T h e Shop” where good printing is
done The Sentinel.
Jesse Darling Brings Settlers.
Little Daughter of E. B. Miner Suf­
Jesse Darling, manager o f the M il­
fers When She Puts Bead
waukee orchards at Lorane, arrived
in Ear.
Sunday with three settlers.
C. L.
The little daughter o f E. B. Miner
met with a very peculiar and painftil
accident yesterday. W hile playing at
school she stuck a bead in her ear. In
attempting to take it out ahe only
forced it further into the ear. Those
who discovered her plight rushed her
to a physician, who had to place her
under an anesthetic. The obstruction
waa removed with some difficulty, but
the little miss ia doing nicely today.
Teach I er, president o f the company,
waa already on the ground and he and
Mr. Darling w ill supervise the spring
planting and w ill probably be there
two weeks. They have the utmost
faith in their orchard project and a
railroad to it ia the next move.
and Counrilmen
Wheeler, Knowles and Martin took a
trip up the Row R iver valley Tuesday
to inapect the Lang Creek dam.
Line County Manager
Over Chances of Portland
Man for Place.
Who Declare No Other Candidate
Is Being Mentioned in South­
ern Part of Lane.
Will G. Gilstrap, who has eharge of
Ben Selling's campaign in this county,
was in the city Monday looking over
the political situation. ; He said the
outlook for Mr. Selling is highly flat­
tering. n »t only at Cottage Grove, but
over the entire county. He in terview ­
ed a number of representative citizens
and secured the follow ing statements :
F. D. W heeler: “ So far as I am
able to learn the sentiment here is
very strong for Ben Selling for sena­
PATRON - TEACHERS ASSOCIA­ tor. I hear no other candidate men­
tioned among the voters in this section
o f the county."
F. B. Phillips: “ I believe Ben Sell­
Plans for Its Part in the Work ing can do more for Oregon than any
other man we could send to Washing­
Talked Over at Interesting
ton at this time. I have never heard
Meeting Friday.
anything against him in all o f his po­
litical record and that makes me be­
A t a meeting o f the Patron-Teachers lieve him to be a clean, capable m an."
\ asocial ion Friday afternoon it was
James Hemenway: " I think Ben
decided that the organization give as­ Selling is the only man that can beat
sistance to the agricuitursl induitrial Bourne. However, any good republi­
movement being taken up by the can would suit me.”
schools o f the state, and a committee
T. C. W h eeler: "Southern
will be appointed to assist Superin­ county stands strongly for Ben Selling
tendant Inlow with the work in this
(Continued on page 8.)
Addresses laudatory of the irduatrial
work wen- made by Mrs. Caldwell and
Elbert Bede, which were ably sup­
ported by Mrs. DeSpain in her report
as chairman of the committe appointed
to report plans o f operation to the
Mrs. DeSpain reported
the most feasible plan to be that of
securing the piece o f land north o f the
depot and laying this out in small
plots, one for each pupil, where the
pupils would receive instructions once
s week from some experienced sgri-
culturist, and that the pupiis be urged
to carry out at home on a larger scale
the work done on the small plots. It
was suggested that on account o f the
ground being right at the depot pas­
sengers on all trains would notice the
work being done and advertise Cottage
Grove by commenting on it.
Six Little White Devils in Church.
"T h e six little white d e v ils " which
Rev. Robert Sutcliffe used to illus­
trate hia lecture on that subject Sun­
day evening were represented by six
• ‘ tsilur-m adc" cigarettes in a minia­
ture coffin. The sermon was one of
¡ the best he lias delivered in Cottage
Heat general agricultural exhibit,
Grove and the moral wsa driven hume
A. Drum!,
with irrefutable statements that made
Second brat general agricultural ex­ a lasting impression on the audience.
hibit, J. 1. Junes, (4 cash.
"T h e S hop" where good printing is
Heat peck white potatoes, Hurkhnld-
rr-Woods Co.,
Second beat peck white (aitatoea,
Hurkholder Woods Co., $2.
Largest and best Hubbard squash,
Hurkholder Woods Co., $T>.
Arcade Theatre Secures Piano That
Second largest and boat Hubbard
Is Best Ever Brought Here.
squash, Hurkholder-Woods Co., $2.
The Arcade Theatre thia week re-
i.argeat and lieat cabbage, Burk-
i coived the finest piano ever brought to
holder-Wooda Co., $T>.
Second best and largest cabbage, Cottage Grove. The cost was |2,250
| and the entire instrument weighs n
Hurkholder-Woods Co., $1.
Heat ten ears popcorn, The Sentinel, ton. The piano is an electric affair and
is practically an entire orchestra all by
trio Huff Orpington Chickens.
itself, also containing a pipe organ in
I its makeup. The piano is one o f the
Heat pen I'lymouth Rock Chickens,
| finest musical instruments made and
Spray A Co., $2.
w ill add much to the enjoyment by
Heat pen Huff Orpington Chickens,
patrons o f the popular shows put on
Spray A Co., $2.
by this show house.
Heat pen Rhode Island Red Chickcna,
Spray A Co., $2.
Passion Week W ill Be Observed.
Best pen Black Minorca Chickens,
Passion Week will he observed in the
Spray A Co., $2.
Best pen W hite Leghorn Chickens, Methodist church beginning with "T h e
Day o f Trium ph" next Sunday. The
Spray A Co., $2.
Heat pen Brown Leghorn Chickens, other days are as fo llo w s: Monday,
the Day o f A u th ority; Tuesday, the
Spray A Co., $2.
Bets pen Buff Leghorn Chickens, Day o f Controversy; Wednesday, the
Day o f R etirem en t; Thursday, the Day
SprHy A Co., $2.
Beat bird house, Swengel Hardware o f Fellowship; Friday, the Day of
Silence; Sunday the Day o f Resurrec­
Co., boys' tool chest.
Heat exhibit potatoes, Mrs. .las. tion. The Pnsaover Meal w ill be par­
Henson, one setting Buff Orpington taken o f Thursday evening. A ll ser­
vices mentioned are at 7 :80 p. m.
There will be a Sunrise Praise Meeting
(Continued on page 4.)
Sunday, April 7, at 7 a. m.
Entrancing instrumental music and
beautiful vocal music marked the
Waterhouse recital at the Christian
church Friday evening.
Prof. Water-
house use<l his own instrument, which
almost perfectly imitates a pipe organ
and upon which he ia a finished per­
former. The large audience was com­
pletely carried away with the exquisite
technique displayed in rendering the
productions o f the master of music and
Vocal selectiona by
Mrs. J. N.
Waterhouse and A. C. Kinter were
i heartily received.
The large chorus choir performed in
a manner that waa highly pleasing and
showed much training.
The church building was crowded
and a neat sum was collected for im­
provements to the bible school room.
The merchanta o f the city have come
acroaa quite handsomely in offering
prizes for exhibits at Cottage Grove
School Industrial Fair to be given thia
fall. Following is given a list uf the
prices, together with namea o f donors
and articles for which offered:
N otrtl V toliim t W h o W ill Api>ear at T h r Arca
The Milburn Kenworthy Company
gave its farewell performance at the
Arcade Saturday evening. Owing to
Mr. Kenworlhy being called away
sooner than expected, the company
was unable to present "L en a R ive rs"
Monday as announced.
le Th eatre
F r i d i y N igh t
The merchants o f the
cided to accede to the
clerks, and beginning
stores which form erly
; will close at fi :00, with
j of Saturdays.
city have de­
petition o f the
April 1st all
closed atfi:30
the exception
Miss Helen New o f Portland will
The company presented "C liffo rd ’s
Corners" Saturday in its usual satis­ give a health talk for women at the
factory manner. Mr. Kenworthy an­ Christian Church Saturday afternoon
nounced the farewell was not perma­ at 3 p. in. under the auspices o f the
nent und the company hopes to soon 1 Ladies' Aid. Admission free. Every-
return to this circuit again.
! one invited.
Heart Failure Takes James F. Eugene Chaftn W ill Denounce the
Weger of Spokane While Pre-
| Law in Debate With J. Frank
Burke at Armory, Sat­
paring to Leave for Home
urday, April 0.
in Washington.
James F. W eger, a well-to-do resi­
dent o f Spokane, while on the way to
the train Monday forenoon, fe ll dead
o f heart failure. He had stepped into
the Fushion Stables to speak to a
friend. Not finding th% party there,
he sat down to wait and in a few
momenta fell over dead. Medical as­
sistance was immediately called, but
there was nothing that could be done.
Mr. and Mrs. W eger had spent the
winter at Los Angeles and had stopped
off here on the return trip to visit Mr.
W eger cousin, Mrs. James Sears.
A chapter and prayer service for the
dead w h h held at the Sears' homej Mon­
day evening. Rev. Robt. Suteliff offici­
The body was shipped to Spokane
Tueaday for burial, accompanied by
Mrs. Weger.
Mr. W eger was (>f> years o f age. He
was a form er reaident o f Linn county,
but had been living at Spokane for
nome time, where he waa a retired
farmer. He had gone to Los Angeles
on account o f sickness and thought he
hadregained his lost health.
It is to t o expected that the liquor
forces and those who like their drink
will oppose the local option law, but
for opposition to come from such men
as Hon. E. Chafin, ex-candidate o f the
Prohibition party for president, is
rather strange and startling. With
great emphasis Mr. Chafin denounces
the local option law as unrighteous,
unwise and inefficient. He will uphold
his side o f the question in a debate at
Armory Saturday. April fith, with
the J. Frank Burke o f Portland, who
believes very differently. He main­
tains that local option is righteous,
wise and efficient in its aim to elim i­
nate the liquor traffic. In other words,
that a man can be a consistent enemy
o f the saloon and liquor traffic in gen­
eral and vote the old party tickets.
This is one o f a series o f debates
which have been arranged to be heki
in about thirty towns in Oregon be­
tween Mr. Chafin and Mr. Burke to
discuss the merits and demerits o f the
local option law. Both gentlemen are
very able speakers and a warm contest
is expected.
Catches Animals Right in the Trees
and Brings in Sample of Fir
Tree to Prove His
The theory that it is wood rats and
not porcupines or squirrels that are
damaging timber in this section o f the
country, was advanced Tuesday by W.
beautifying o f the school C. Conner, who brought in a sample o f
grounds by the school pupi's was sug­ the work o f wood rats done on his
gested as a good way o f their doing place near here.
Mr. Conner said that he caught tfce
part o f the work.
wood rats in the tree and killed one of
The matter o f the road from Cres- them with hia rifle. The tree was a
well to Lorane has been taken up again thirty-foot fir and he brought the top
by the business men and citizens of o f the tree into the city with him as
pi oof o f his statements.
that place.
Laughing at the theories that it is
porcupines that have been after the
timber along Mosby Creek, he said he
didn’ t believe there were 12 porcupines
Listless, Loosely-Fielded, Seven-In­
in Lane county.
ning Base Ball Game.
Mr. Conner said that some o f the
work may be being done by squirrels,
By the one-sided score o f 18 to 3 the
but that he believes that wood rata
High School base ball team walloped
are doing the most o f it. He stated
the newly-organized regular Cottage
that acorns and pine burrs were scarce
Grove team Sunday afternoon. The
last year and that the sauirrels and rats
high school boys played rings around
were unable to secure their usual store
their opponents.
o f winter food, consequently they at­
Stage frigh t and lack o f practice
tack the bark o f the firs because o f a
proved the undoing o f the regulars.
lack o f any better food.
While the high school boys did no sen­
Mr. Conner gave it as his opinion
sational playing, it was quite evident
, that the real damage done by the ani­
that they had had conaiderable more
mals w ill amount to very little, as the
practice than their opponents.
trees rot off at the point where the
Four errors and as many hita netted
bark is peeled off and send out new
the school aggregation eight counts in
branches and continue to grow straight
the fourth inning. These were handed
up, making an almost perfect tree
them on a silver platter with trim ­
mings. Brund’s spear o f Atkinson’a
line drive in the final inning and Brum­
Van Denburg Appointed.
baugh's circuit clout in the second
C. H. VanDenburg has been ap-
frame were the feature plays.
; pointed by the president to the local
The regulars are quite well satisfied
poatoffice. according to press dispatches
with the practice given them by the
This confirms the news o f Congress­
game and the officials o f the organisa­
man H aw ley’s recommendation as re­
tion were enabled to get a better line
ported in The Sentinel last week.
on permanent players for the team.
Many changes were made during the
I f i t ’s a rush job o f printing, the
game and the next lineup promises to Sentinel w ill get it out fo r you on
look much different from the initial i time.
lineup Sunday.
The lineup was as follow s:
High School
Cottage Grove
Brund ......
Medley............ .3b 1 Local Postoffice W ill Receive Depos­
Sm ith..........
its at Opening of Business on
Boehmer .
H a rlo w ........... 2b
Marksbury.. ..2b
April Fool’s Day.
M cCargar...... .lb
H am ilton...
The local postoflice w ill be a postal
S ea rs.............
B a rtel!.......
savings bank station next Monday and
a number o f citizens are preparing to
Cellars.......... j l
Atkinson.......| ' P be the first depositor.
C orey.......... » P
Martin .......... rf
Gilm ore...... ... r f
Literature concerning the rules and
Summary — Runs — Brumbaugh,
i regulations governing the bank is be­
Medley, 2; Hendricks. 2; Harlow, 4, ing distributed by Assistant Postmas­
McCargar, 3 ; Cellars, 1 ; Atkinson, l ; ter Jonea for tha information o f the
Sears, 1; Hankins. 2; Brund, 1; Boeh- public.
________________ *
(Continued on page 8.)
Claaay job printing—The Sentinel.