Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, March 21, 1912, Image 2

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Spring Styles Are
Arriving Daily
4 ] \\'e offer exceptional values in every department.
4 J W e are showing a larger variety ot patterns and
makes in Beds, Art Squares, Pining Tables, Library
Tables, Rockers, Linoleums, Ranges, Etc,, than
ever before.
4 ] Unusual care was taken in selecting the designs and
our lines represent the best values offered by the
leading manufacturers o f the country.
4 ] W e can sell you "Good Goods”
at "Reasonable
If you don’t believe this statement, just call
and inspect our quality and compare our prices.
Phone 6
House Furnishers
Felix Currin Makes Shipment to W ill Take Place at Christian Church
Tomorrow Night.— Large
Plant Introduction Gardens
Chorus Choir.
at Chico, Calif.
A Waterhouse Organ Recital w ill be
The value o f seed corn raised on a
given in the Christian church tomorrow
Cottage Grove farm is well indicated
by the following letter, which speaks night under the auspices o f the Teach­
ers' Training Class. There w ill be a
for it s e lf:
United States Department o f A gri- j silver collection, proceeds to be used
for fitting up the Bible School room.
culture. Bureau o f Plant Industry.— i
Prof. Waterhouse w ill be assisted by
Washington, D. C., February 3, 1912. —- |
; voices o f a large chorus choir, Mrs.
Mr. Felix Currin, Cottage Grove. Ore.
Waterhouse and A . C. Kinter.
— Dear Mr. Currin: Your letter of
Following is the program that w ill
January 22nd has been received. Am
rendered :
pleased to note that you can furnish us
Festival March........................... Simper
tome seed o f your white corn. I en- i
close bill o f lading herewith and re­ Benedictus....................................W eber
quest that you send a barrel o f this Duet, “ In the Cross o f Christ” . . Howe
Mrs. J. N. Waterhouse and
corn, containing two or three bushels, 1
A . C. Kinter
to the Plant Introdution Gardens at
Chico, Calif., at your earliest con­
venience. 1 enclose also a voucher Anthem, “ I W ill S ing” ............ Excell
which you may use in submitting your
Andante Maestoso...................... Batiste
bill for seed and packing to us.
Thanking you for these favors, I am. Gloria from 1st Mass .............. Haydn
M elody......................................... Oesten
V ery truly yours,
Solo, "T h e Crystal R iv e r” . . H artw ell-
Jones..Mrs. J. N. W’ aterhouse
Scientfic Assistant.
Anthem, ‘ ‘Come Unto Me” ......... Lewis
Try Hubbard & Spoelstra for a first
clasa hair cut and clean shave. m l4-tf ‘ ‘ March in C ” ............................. Simper
Jeremiah Pipes, who live9 near Lo-
rane, is very ill at the Eugene hospital,
Apprentice girl wanted.— Mrs. Pet
with organic heart trouble. There is Sanford’s Dressmaking Parlor. m7tf.
slight hope o f recovery.
Wm. Hempy o f Eugene spent Sun­
W alter and Bert Rogers were in Eu­ day with relatives here.
gene Sunday.
Outing flannels from 6| to 12J. See
Mrs. E. D. Whitemarah returned Sun­
us before you buy. Hamtpon & Co.
day from a visit in Eugene.
M. O. Warner was down from Eu
Mrs. A . C. Spriggs is visiting her
this week on business.
mother and other relatives at Eugene.*
jg t o r ir t jj
food and cojfee.
Mesdamcs Hiaby,
mond, Cochran,
guests o f honor
mother and Mrs.
Those present were
Durham, Groff. Rich­
Atkinson, Uluphrey,
Corey, Scott.
were Mrs. Allison's
Fay Allison.
Wedding of Emma Me Keen Job
An unusually pleasant social event
and Chas. Adams is Promi­
was the entertainment o f the Social
ment Affair.
Whirl club lust Thursday evening at
i the commodious home of Mr. and Mrs.
One o f the prettiest and moat promi­ II. A. Miller. The "W h irlin g ” was
nent weddinge o f the season took place ; done in the reception room in the see
last evening when Miss Emma McKern | ond atory o f the home. St. Patrick's
Job became the bride o f Charles Day effects were carried out in every­
Adams at the home the bride's parents. thing. Mrs. Argalus I.. Monroe and
C. C. Cruaon won head honors and
Dr. snd Mrs. B. R. Job.
The parlors were beautifully deco­ Mrs. II. O. Th om son and J. N. Water
rated with ferns, golden daffodils and house foot honors. A t eleven o ’clock
yellow candles and Mme scheme being the party descended to the dining
carried out in the dining room, with | rooms and found their places by
huge boquets o f ferns ami daffodils " n if t y '' shamrock place cards inside o f
adorniug the center o f the dining table . which was an Irish poem, which the
and sideboard. In the drawing room guests read to the assembled company
the soft glow from the lighted candles, Partners were seated op|H>aite one
and the big double window, the latter another. St. Patrick brick ice cream
banked with ferns, made a charming rake, wafers, olives and coffee were
served. Those present were Mcsdatnes
setting foi the bridal party.
The guests were met at the door by and Messrs. W. H. Abrams, F. W
Miss Margaret Brace, and were re­ Robbins, F. I.. Ingram, A. C. Kinter.
J. N. Waterhouse, Klhcrl Bede, C. C.
ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones.
The btide appeared exceptionally Cruson, S. V. Allison, A. I.. Monroe.
beautiful and charming tn a robe of Merle Scovcll, Mrs. If. O. Thom peon,
white silk poplin entrain, with trim­ Marion Vealch.
mings o f pearl fringe and lace with
Mrs. Archie Thompson entertained
which she wore a tulle veil, held in 1
Saturday afternoon in honor o f little
place by a spray o f liliea o f the valley.
Mias Avenel'a sixth birthday anniver­
The bridal tiouquel was a shower of
sary. About ten o f her friends were
liliea o f the valley.
present and apent a pleasant a fter­
Promptly at 8 o ’clock to the atraina
o f Mendelsohn's beautiful
wedding noon.
march. Prof. Waterhouse presiding at
Mrs. J. S. Medley entertained Satur
the piano, the bride descended the day evening in honor o f one o f Mr.
stairway and was joined at the foot of Medley's birthday anniversaries, the
the stairs by her father, who escorted affair being a complete surprise to Mr
her to her position in front o f the large Medley. Progressive 500 was the di
decorated window, where they were | version o f the evening, Mrs. Hen
met by the groom, dressed in the con­ Lurch and W. H. Abrams winning the
ventional black. Rev. Mason stepped honors.
Following the games Mrs.
forward and in a few well chosen , Medley served an elegant spread, con
words performed the beautiful ring sisting o f asparagus tips, hot tomules
ceremony in the presence o f about six- jce cre« m, cske, nuts, pickles and
ty invited guests.
coffee. Those present were Mcsara.
The bride is the only daughter o f Dr. amJ Mesdamea W. H. Abrams. Ben
and Mrs. Job. and is highly sccom- Lurch, H. A. Miller, F. W. Robbins
plished, being a student o f the U. of EllH,rt Bede and Mi ss Ada lianaon.
O. and a member o f the Delta Delta
Delta fraternity. She is very popular Mrs. J. S. Medley gave a social
in Cottage Grove and received many party Thursday in honor o f Mrs. James
honors in the way o f showers and re- McCreadie. Refreshments were served
ceptions previous to her marriage.
cafeteria style. The invited guests
Mr. Adams, son o f Mr. and Mrs. were:
James Adams o f Oakland, Calf., ia an
Mesdamea W. H. Abrams. H. A.
exemplary young man and is superin- Miller, G. M. Hall, L. S. H ill, r . A.
tendent o f the Southern Pacific tie Monroe, H. O. Thompson, N. L Comp-
plant at Latham.
to". H. Eakin, H. H. Veatch, J. H.
Following the ceremony an informal Chambers, H. R. Job, C. P. Jones, I).
reception was held and refreshments H. Hemenway, J. P. Currin, J. h.
were served, consisting o f tutti frutti Young, H. I.ur:h, C. I- Burnett. Jas.
ice cream, cake and coffee, the bride McCreadie, David Griggs, J. S. Beu-
cutting the cske at the head o f the aon, Misses Lula Currin, Elsie
bridal table. Misses Dorothy School Ada Hanson.
craft, Elizabeth Wayne, Elizabeth Tay-
The L „ j i e8' c |ub gave a pleasant
lor and Mozelle Hair, o f Eugene, fra- 80Cia| in the room s,of the Commercial
ternity sisters o f the bride, and Miss | ciub Saturday afternoon, carrying out
Burdick assisted in serving, and aiao a pretty St. Patrick's Day program,
sang a very appropriate college toast The KUe8tj, were preaented with ribbon
Wynne & Woods carry a full line o f
One good second hand piano for sale
to the bride and groom.
badges o f green and w hite bearing
at 1150.00, at Veath’s Music store. m21 bee supplies o f every kind.
The bride threw her boquet, which t j,e letters. ” S. P. G. C . ," which
was caught by Miss Belle Burkholder. proVed to stand for ‘ ‘ St. Patrick’ s
During the reception a bunch o f col- Guessing Contest.” A fte r aome time
4 **
le Ke Kifl* »lipped out and serenaded 8pent jn social chat, papers were dis-
with appropriate college songs, adding tribute»! among the guests containing
glee to the happy occasion.
fourteen questions, the word “ green”
Mrs. Job, mother o f the bride, w s b being stipulated to appear in the
charming in a handsome gown o f dark an8wer8 to each question. The contest
blue silk poplin draped with marqui- proved to be moat interesting, but
eette, trimmed in chenille fringe and there were two incorrect papers in the
gold bands.
room, those being by Mesdamen C. M.
Mrs. Adams, mother o f the groom, Shinn and Caldwell, who drew for the
was gowned in black silk with rich prize.
Mrs. Shinn drew the lucky
trimmings o f lace.
straw and was presented with a pretty
Many beautiful gowns were worn by potted shamrock plant. Mrs. Swengel
guests, making a charming picture.
1 received the booby.
An enjoyable
The bride’s going away gown was of reading was then given by Mrs. Crus­
dark blue with tan hat trimmed in on, "W h y St. Patrick’s Day was on
American Beauty velvet.
the 17th o f March.”
The happy couple le ft on the morn­ were served by the entertainment
ing overland train for an extended committee, Mesdames Daisy Hcmen-
honeymoon in Southern California. I way, J. C. Johnson, G. M. Hall and
They w ill make their future home in J Cruaon.
this city, their new residence, now in
The color scheme o f green and white
course o f construction, to be complet­ were carried out in the dainty lunch­
ed upon their return.
eon o f brick ice cream and cake. This
The popularity o f the bride and ' closed one o f the most pleasant affairs
groom was evidenced by the large j 0f t j,e week and the large number o f
number o f handsome presents received. members and guests present showed
The out o f town guests were : Mr. (.hat the club is in a progressing coridi-
and Mrs. James Adams and Frank |ion an(j d0in(j KOO,i work.
Adams, o f Oakland, C a lif.; Mr. and!
Mrs. James O. Wilson, C orvallis; Mrs. I The Oddfellows and Rebekahs en-
Coffin, Portland; the Misses D o r o t h y 1 joyed a banquet and entertainment last
Schoolcraft, Elizabeth Wagner. Eliza- j Thursday night, the features o f which
beth Lewis and Mozelle Hair o f Eu- were the chicken pie supper and a lee-
| ture by Judge H. J. Shinn.
The event waa in celebration o f the
A "h e n ” party was given laat n ig h t' completing o f their new banquet hall,
on Misa Lucy Burgess at the Lew is which is a fine- and commodious one 40
home. Conversation was the principal x 37 feet. About 13T> were present,
amusement. Refreshments were served being Oddfellows and their wives and
on papers laid on the floor. Those Rebekaha and their husbands.
pa r
present w ere: Misses Haley, Hum- Rebekah Kensington club netted $30.20
phrey, Iveraen, W ilkie, Greenwood, by the sale o f quilts, etc
Pringle, Holcombe, Lola and Mabel
The follow ing program was rendered :
Grand march; instrumental music,
John Nokes and Bert Richmond; read­
Mra. S. V. Allison very pleasantly ing, Eunice VanDenburg; song, Mrs.
entertained the Emanon club last C aldw ell; reading, Eunice VanDen­
Thursday afternoon.
A ll the ladies burg; lecture, Judge H. J. Shinn.
present gave quotations from Long­
fellow .
A delicious luncheon waa
Miss Jennie Smith gave a granite
aerved, consisting o f St. Patrick’s ice aurpriae ahower for Miss Ethel Eakin
cream, chicken aandwichea, devil’ s Monday night at the future home o f
T he Cash Saving to be had on M en’s
Shoes at this store is certainly drawing
attention. N owhere else will you find
as good value in M en’s Shoes in a reg­
ular w ay outside of a cash store. W e sell
for cash at a minimum risk and are enabl­
ed to ask a smaller profit. These shoes are
shown in patent leather, tan or black caps,
lace or button and are shown with the
new high toe or medium low toe. Solid
oak soles and welt sewed.
O ur cash p r i c e ....................../ 6 * 7
limphrey & Mackin
The Cash Economy Store
It is upon you, the young men of today, that
we rely upon to heennie the great men of to­
morrow, and keep our country up with the
rest of the world in aeronautics Study avia­
tion and experiment with (lying models. Kvery h oy with
two drops of red blood will want one of our knockcu-down
Hying models.
Special price complete,
ready to assemble,
IMt'OM 1 I K N
and M A N I J t A l ' T U N k M ! »
W r Unlit tt<-|i| i « m i n t i * r e ili l - v r i y I . • e» 114 v
Miss Enkin on Ituilrosd avenue. The
guests met at the home o f Miss Smith
Mini thrnee proceeded to the pretty
home being prepared by Mr. Roy
Smith, where they spread a tablecloth
on the floor, deeoruted with ivy and
A dainty luncheon was
spread, which was served in the gran-
When everything was in
readiness Miss Eakin was sent for and
a grand time was enjoyed. Some of
the neighbor» upon learning o f the
party came ami serenaded them and
were invited in. A ll report an enjoy­
able evening.
The following invitation was issued
by Misses A llie Phillips and Atha Wid
dersheim for a party at the home o f Mi s s
Weather Eorcuats for Mlsa Ethel
Eakin. Friday, March 15, P'12, a
hosiery shower at M p. in., followed by
continuous fair weather. -A llie and
Atha. Weather Forecasters.
The guests assembled in due time in
the beautifully decorated home of Miss
Phillips and the merriment began by
each guest being asked to dress a clay
pipe in given ami convert it Into a
doll. Miss M yrtle Kem won the jiri/e.
For the next amusement, the young
ladies were asked to kiss the blarney
atone, which was arranged on a pretty
castle in the dimly lighted parlor. A
bcuutful lake was represented by a
moss trimmed mirror.
The ladies
were then given a stocking and asked
to darn it. Miss Ethel Eakin proved
the best skilled in this art, and was
with two large striped
socks filled with several pairs o f hose
as a g ift from the guests. One pair
o f sucks with the initial ” K ” worked
on them caused much laughter. The
guests were then invited to the dining
room, where dainty white place cards,
htatc with green garters and shamrock
buckle, were arranged.
Green and
white ice cream Mini cake were served.
Those present w ere:
Misses Ethel!
Eskin, Matde and Blanche Veatch,
Jennie Smith, l.oreta Atkinson, Leah
Myrtle Kem, Halle Murk
holder. Ihpn and Atha Widdersten, Fern
Holcomb, Mable Koscnhurg, Hazel ami
N c i I m I laze Hull, Vela llolderinaii, Flo
and A llie Phillips, M esilnines I'ana
Lawton, Gertrude Phillipa and Arinomi
The Messenger Hoys' class o f the
Presbyterian Sunday school held ita
semi annual election o f officers Friday
Teddy Mason was elertrd
president, Harold I'ultruille, vice-presi
dent, A lla Gover, secretary, John
Bolden, treasurer. Games were played
and refreshments servisi.
The ladles o f the Christ iati churrfi
gave a very enjoyable ailvrr social
Tue-day afternoon in the Endeavor
rooms o f the church for the benefit o f
the choir. The riami was prettily dec­
oratisi with golden daffialila fur the oc­
casion and about forty guests were
present. Miss tiraci- Idly sang a solo
very sweetly and Mrs. tira Hemenway
gave a reading in her usual pleasing
An interesting arithmetic contest
was the next ordi i o f amusement, fo l­
lowed tiy a dainty luncheon o f fruit
punch and rake served at pretty tables.
A daffodil guessing rim irai was the
most interesting feature, in which
eight guests had the eurrert numlx-r
and drew fur the prize. Misa Eunice
VanDenburg was the fortunate winner
o f a beautiful niant of blooming hya
cinti a. This closed one o f the inoat
pleasant social affairs o f the week.
An enjoyable dancing party waa
given in the Armory Saturila
lay evening
under the management of James I’otts.
The room was prettily decorated in
green and pink and general St. Pat
rick's Day color arhrme was carried
A 5 piece orchestra furnished
music, the home talent being asaiated
by AI f Dillard and Wayne Hurd o f Eu­
gene. A large crowd was present ami
the affair was pronounced a pleasant
social tnrraaa
Mrs. C. I i. Jones guve a very plcaa-
ant surprise party yesterday a'lerconn
in honor o f Miss Emma II. W ilke.
Refreshments were served. Those pres­
ent w ere: Mr. and Mrs. f . E. Jones,
Misses Greenwood, llurgeaa, llolcomh,
Wohror, Ivarson, Wllkw, Humphrey.
Iluley and Mr. and Mrs. Purvance.
For the Automobile Buyer!
The fir»t year of the new machine and the firat year
of the new driver
4J Who iff going to teach you to drive and control your
machine? How do you know when it is consuming to much
Gasoline or Lubricating Oil? Are your tires properly inflat­
Are you getting the proper power out o f your engine,
and a hundred other different things which the new driver
thinks he can never learn and which are hut a matter of
course to the trained driver?
4J Do not think you are saving money !>y buying from some
out-of-town dealer, who will split his commission with you,
and bid you "good night” as soon as he gets your money?
The cheapest way is to buy where you will he under the in­
struction of an experienced man. The first year is the
hardest on both»the machine and the driver, and unless you
are coached for that year it may amount to three commis­
4J You can not expect a person to look after your machine
a year if he sells you the machine without the proper com­
mission, just to make the sale, and you have no license to
expect any attention from him, either. Don’t be a "GOLD
HKICK D U B ’ Patronize home industry, L IV E A N D LET
LIVE , and you will benifit in the end. A satisfied buyer is
our best ad.