svoAJ. y o (Unitane (ßrmtf Üwtttol Vol unie VI C O TTAG E GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUAR Y 22, 1912 Number 22 SQUANDERING AWAY HE DENIES PUBLISHED LOCAI. PASTOR RESIGNS POSITION EXHIBIT BUILDING AGAIN TALKED MAYBE LARGEST ON BOARD OF TRADE TO ROAD MONEY STATEMENT THE COAST j HOLD BANQUET Rev. Van Gorkuin Has Been With Commercial Club Appoints Commit­ Bjptixt Church for a Year. tee to Handle Proposition. Rev. C. C. Van Gorkurn has resigned SO SAYS HOAD SUPERVISOR OF INJUSTICE TO WOMAN DifMUCT n o . 14. CERNED IN CASE church, to take effect April 1st. He hnn not yet decided upon his future held of activities, hut will spend a Every Road in Stale Could Huve Allred Mutthcwn Flatly Denies A l­ short vacation in Southern California Been Macadamized With Money legations Made in Case of Wheel­ to recuperate loat health. That H un Been Wanted on Hatch- Work System of Building. "Enough money him liven wasted on th<' mini from Cottage Grove to ihr red bridge on Kow Klver the |nmt twenty veurn to huve macadamized th e whole mud," said llnmilton Veuteh, uuiiervluor of Knud Diulrlct No. I I, in which this road is located, while in the city Saturday. Mr. Veuteh la u good rouda enthua- iual, hut he ia very much o|i|ioaed to the old nyatcni of ruud building where­ by rouda lire juat |iutehcd up. lie mi ticiputea thnl the apeciul tux in Ilia dis­ trict will raise about fl.Hiai, and he wishes to use this money in startmg from the od|(u of the eor|airute limit* of the city of Cottage Grove nod mu oadainizing the Itnw River road ua fur an thul amount of money will go, mak­ ing u permanent road and beginning next year where leaving off this year Mr. Veuteh confirms the statement recently mndu in Thu Sentinel thut enough money hua been wasted on the roads throughout the state under the old patchwork ayalwin of mail building to have macadamized every one of them. Ilia hobby ia quality, not quantity. Build few roads if neces­ sary, but make those few good ones. Me does not blame anyone in par­ ticular for the wuate of money, hut la-llcvca thorough co-operation of road- builders ia the only tiling ttiut can tiring about u proper system of road construction. He will not be able to begin road er vs. Wheeler und Declares Them When Rev. Van Gorkuin a resigna­ tion takes effect he will have been an Injustice. with the church a year. His work has The following statement handed The been successful and satisfactory and Sentinel this week for publication the church has made considerable pro­ gress during thui time. HpcukH for himself : Ed. Sentinel : Referring to the arti­ E N V E LO PE S with blank return card cle of Wheeler vs Wheeler published for sale at Sentinel office, '¿fie per in The Sentinel last week, in which I hundred. am accused of cotiahitating with the defendant, I wiah to sav the accusa­ tion la whollv untrue and la a great in justice to Mrs. Wheeler, as well as myself, and a travesty on justice. A L F R E D MATTH EW S. C. II. Burkholder returned Tuesday night from Portland, where he under­ went an O|a-rstion. WILL PETITION FOR FREE DELIVERY All Members of Congress From This Stute Will Receive Copies. Club Members to Write Letters. FARMER CATES GETS HORSE Basket Ball Saturday. The Inst basket hall game at home I.ew A. Cutes has a horse, and there­ will lie that of-the Cottage Grcve high by hangs a tail or tale or something arhiad team vs. Dallas high school team Saturday evening in the Armory. of that sort. He could have had a half dozen or Artistic job printing- The Sentinel. dozen horses if he'd wanted them there were plenty of chances. But what's the talc? Well just this: Portland Concern Writes Commer­ When Cates wants anything, he gets cial Club for Information. It.and he goes to the right place to get it that is. The Sentinel's news col­ A Portland concern lias written the umns. He inserted a three-line local Commercial club requesting informa­ in The Sentinel en Thursday and the tion as to the advisability o f starting a horses hegnn to arrive before break­ manufacturing plnnl here for the manufacture of a special cement Idock. fast t ¡me Friday. It was several horses on Cates, any­ The concern also wishes to interest someone in the business, presumably way. Maybe you’d like to buy or sell with the intention of giving such a something also. The Sentinel's adver­ person the managership. The company tising or news columns will du the is starting its manufacturing plant in many of the cities o f western Oregon. business. TO START CEMENT BLOCK PLANT ATTEMPTS TO TAKE OWN LIFE BUT IS STILL LIVING BEGS W IFE TO RETURN HOME; THEN SHOOTS. * 4 Women Are Encouraged. The members o f the Woman's club are much elated with the encourage­ ment they are receiving in their cam­ Lemuel Elam Attempts to End Life paign for a public library. They are Because of Marital Infelicity; receiving words uf commendation on Turns Revolver on Self; Bullet all sides and many offers of assistance in the work. The club is already prac- Fails to Pierce Skull. ! tirally assured o f having the dog tax turned over to them. An ordinance Because hia w ife left him and re­ for that purpose will lie presented at fused to come tiMi-k and live with him, the next meeting of the city council. Lemuel Elam, who had followed his The entertainment to he given next w ife from here to Raymond, Wash., Wednesday promises to put quite a tried to commit suicide at the latter little into the fund. place by shooting Wednesday o f last Classy job printing The Sentinel. week. The bullet failed to take effect, how­ ever, and merely tore the flesh and Land & Timber Co. Opens Office. skin open from the point where it en­ Offices have been opened in the tered above the ear to the point where Woodard building by the Orchard Land it emerged on top o f the head. The Si Timber Co. which operates at Di­ injured man waa given immediate vide. C. I). Brainard arrived Monday medical attention and is now so far from Idaho to have charge of the office. recovered as to he locked up pending The opening o f the office here is a re­ trial for attempted self destruction. sult o f the re-organization o f the com­ The married life o f the Elams is un­ pany announced in The Sentinel Inst derstood not to have been so very week. pleasant ami on Feb. 11 Mrs. Elam left for Raymond, where she lived before her marriage, it being understood that ahe intended making her home with relativea there. Two days later Elam followed her, met her on the streets of Raymond, asked her to return to him, and upon her refusal to do so, walked (Continued on page 7.) COTTAGE GROVE GRANGE HUMDINGER. IS NEW BODY’S FIR ST A TTE M PT AT ENTERTAINM ENT. Now Has Membership of Over Three Banquet W ill Be Served at Hotel Hundred and Still Growing.— Oregon and W ill be Followed by Over F ifty on Waiting List.— Big Number of Toasts by Prominent All-Day Session Saturday. Citizens of the City. Cottage Grove now has the largest grange in the state o f Oregon, i f not on the coast. By the admiaaion o f 30 members Saturday the membership was raised to over 300. There are still nearly 50 on the waiting list. The Board o f Trade, organized but 30 days, will give ita first banquet and get-together affair next Wednesday evening at the Hotel Oregon. It is understood that the affair will he for members only, with the exception o f The nearest competitor of the local some o f the speakers. The banquet will begin at 8:30 sharp. grange is Evening Star grange of A ft e r the feast the following toasts Portland. Over 100 grangers were present at will be answered: the meeting Saturday, many being in Introductory Remarks...... Toastmaster from the country. A big basket din­ The Preaa and Its Mission. Elbert Bede ner was served at noon, the work be­ History o f Early Cottage Grove .. ing started at 10 a m. and lasting un­ ....................................... Ben Lurch til well into the afternoon. Cottage Grove and Its Future....... ......................................C. M. Shinn Woman as a Business Factor........ ....................... Mrs. N. E. Compton Is an Attorney Justified in A id­ ing a Client to Defeat the Pay­ ment o f a Just Claim H. J. Shinn STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF Community Interest B e t w e e n SCHOOLS W IL L SPEAK. Farmer and Merchant.............. ........................... C. H. Burkholder Representative Citizens and Parents Merits o f Organization.. B. S. Swengel Urgently Requested To Be Pres­ Good Roads and Best Method o f .. Obtaining Th em .......... J. F. Spray ent at Address Tonight. H. O. Thompson, Toastmaster. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION TO BE SUBJECT COMMERCIAL CLUB APPOINTS RESOLUTION COMMITTEE. In line with the recent action o f con­ gress. which is considering the exten­ sion o f free delivery to nil cilleH of I.HUH |Hipulation or over, the Commer­ cial club has ap(siinled a committee to draft a resolution to lie forwarded to all members o f congress from thin slate urging the passage o f such a bill. All members of the club have been re- (Continued on page 7.) ! quested to write ja-rsonal letters to such memla-ra. tinder the provisions of the hill in­ troduced in rongresa it is aimed to give the smaller ciliea o f the country PECULIAR TALK UK HARMLESS carriers in proportion to postal re­ QUADRUPED. ject pis. That is, if a city with $10,000 postal receipts gets four earners a city Which Said Tale Contains Some with Ifi.tlOO receipts would g e l two carriers. Things Not Really Pertinent To the Question. The securing of a building for the o f exhibits of grains, greases, fruits and minerals o f this section of the valley has again been taken up by the Commercial club, arid a committee o f three from the club is now endeavoring to work out [dans for the immediate securing or erection of Much a building. It is aimed to have the building as close to the depot as possible. The Felix Currin exhibit of grains and grasses, which have just iieen returned from their exhibition at all the east­ ern land shows will be placed in the building, and will themselvea require a large amount o f space. CON­ his | kin it ion as pastor of the lluptist displaying .aw» ■ I. At IK A TH O M A S C U N N E U . Who will appfMr at th« Armory n « * t Wednesday in Library lienefit WILL BE SOMETHING GOING AFTER A NEW REAL GOOD RAILROAD State Superintendent o f Schools L. R. Alderman will deliver an address in the Commercial club rooms tonight on "Industrial Education." He has particularly requested that all mem­ bers o f the Commercial club and rep­ resentative men and women be pres­ ent. The address will be to parents, and not to pupils. Mr. Alderman is an interesting and entertaining speaker, and it is expected that a large audience will hear him. County Superintendent H. C. Baughman will be with him. Sumelhing real good in the way of amusement is what is promised for those who attend the entertainment to be given next Wednesday by the Woman's club for the benefit o f the lihrury fund. The entertainment will be furnished by Miss Ethel Carolyn Palmer, pianist, and Miss Laura Thomas Gunnell, im­ personator. Miss Palmer is a musician o f unusual g ift and secured her education from some of the best masters of music in the country. Her programs are varied, appealing to lovers o f pure soulful melody and colorful harmony. Her playing is full of idyllic grace and tender beany, yet lacks none o f the masculinity demanded at times from the true pianist. Her music is too full of her charming personality ami the stuff o f which dreams are woven to attempt to portray the beauty of her work. There is poetry o f sound and motion, passages of cloying sweetness. way to Tap Coos Bay Country by " T h e Shop” where good printing is W ay of Bohemia District.— Im- done—The Sentinel. mense Timber Tracts Along Route. A t the meeting o f the Board of Trade last week the secretary was in­ structed to write a letter to the Chi­ cago & Northwestern railway concern­ ing that road's proposed line to the coast, setting forth the advantage of coming by way of the Calapooias; also to send map of three proposed routes. The following letter has been for­ warded : In a recent issue o f The Oregonian we noticed an article stating that you were expected in the near future to begin making surveys across the Cas- j cade mountains to find a suitable pass leading to the Coos Bay country. We have awakened during the past few years to the importance o f ac­ quainting the outside world with the opportunities and natural resources of our heavily timbered lands, o f our productive valleys and our mining dis­ trict. Believing that whether or not you intend to immediately tap the Coos Bay country, you undoubtedly MUST LIKE TO PAY HIS TAXES E. P. Redford Has Paid Them in Lane 51 Times. E. P. Redford o f Saginaw was in the city Monday to pay his taxes, and it is probable he holds the record as a tax­ payer. He has paid taxes in Lane county 51 times personally and has paid tax on one place for 48 consecu­ tive years. W’ hat other pioneer has a better record?— Eugene Register. " T h e Shop" where good printing is done—The Sentinel. Bown Won’t Be Candidate. CLUB OUT FOR SUFFRAGE TUBERCULOSIS DISCUSSED The lectures on " T h e White Pla gue" at the Presbyterian church Sunday night, the discussion o f which from the pulpit on a Sunday evening was defended by the pastor as a movement tending to the saving o f physical life by God given means and. therefore, worthy o f such recognition, was at­ tended by an audience that filled the church, thus showing the interest tak­ en in the subject, even in a country unusually free from tuberculosis. Dr. H. H. Somers, D. O., explained clearly and in an able manner the causes o f the disease, the best manners o f prevention and o f cure. Dr. Ogles­ by. M. D., who was also to have spok- ( Continued on page 7.) DIES WHILE AT REDLANDS DEATH SUDDENLY TAKES MRS. JENNIE SEHLBREDE. Appendicitis Claims Her While at Resort With Sister and Mother of This City. While spending the winter season at Redlands, Calif., with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Burkholder and mother, Mrs. Lydia Stouffer, o f this city, death un­ expectedly came to Mrs. Jennie Sehl- brede o f Billings, Mont., Friday morn­ ing following an operation for appen­ dicitis. Mr. Sehlbrede was telegraphed for when his w ife began to grow worse, but had hardly gotten started to her bedside when death occurred. The body will arrive here Saturday and funeral services will be conducted Sunday, at 2:30 from the M. E. church, Rev. Robt. Sutcliffe officiating. Mrs. Sehlbrede was born and raised in Cottage Grove. She was married to Mr. Sehlbrede 25 years ago and they moved to Montana soon afterwards. The deceased leaves a husband, mother and sister, already referred to, and a son, Clarence, who was with her at time o f death. MANY EXPLANATIONS OF GREAT ANIMAL MYSTERY Sherriff Harry Bown, democratic sheriff for two terms, has announced that he will not be a candidate for re- election and James C. Parker, one of hia deputies, has filed his petition for (Continued on page 7.) (Concluded on page 7.) nomination. The republicans will at once put a good man in the field. Be­ fore Bown's announcement it was thought useless to oppose him. ADOPTS RESOLUTION AT ITS MUCH INTEREST SHOWN IN The fifth candidate on the republican side to declare himself for the county LAST MEETING. DREAD DISEASE. commissionership is Charles E. Bailey o f Junction City, who filed his nomi­ Male Voters Petitioned to Grant Large Audience Listens to Able Ex­ nating petition last week. The other “ Votes for Women.” — Suffrage position of Topic of Vital candidates are H. M. Price, Emmett Question Much Agitated. Huffman, Orrin Bennett, Edward A. Interest. Bond. The Woman’s club o f this city, at its last meeting, adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That The Woman's club o f Cottage Grove petition the men o f Oregon to grant ‘ Votea for Women’ at the next general election. ” The Woman’ s Suffrage question is taking quite a hold on the women of the city and it ia expected that the re­ Prefers the Willamette. sults o f their work will be seen when I. H. Hull has received a letter from the votes are counted. hia uncle, II. .1. Dennison, Ht Nordhoff, Aristic job printing—The Sentinel. Ventura county, Calif., in which he ' saya grass is dried up Hiui rattle starv­ S. P. Reduces Fares. ing. He said he prefers the Willam­ Agent King has received word that ette with a little extra rain to so much the fare on the Corvallis & Eastern sunshine with nothing for the stock to has been reduced from 4c to 3c per eat. mile. Classy job printing—The Sentinel. Commercial Club Dues Raised. The Commercial club dues have been raised to $1.50 a month for the next two months. This action was taken at the regular meeting Monday night. At the same meeting the board o f AND IT W IL L BE GIVEN FOR A BOARD OF TRADE IS RIGHT ON trustees was recommeaded to consider raising the monthly dues permanently GOOD CAUSE. THE JOB. to that amount, and the subject will j probably come up at the meeting next Workers for Public Library Enthus- Wants Chicago & Northwestern Rail- Monday. iastic Over Big Program of Music and E 1 oc u t i o n.— Entertainers Come Highly Recommended. Big Deal Pending. A deal is pending for the change of ownership o f one o f the large mercan­ tile establishments o f the city and the deal will probably be consummated some time today. Style Print Shop The Sentinel. Mrs. J. K. Pfleigher Dies. Mrs. J. K. Pfleigher died Sunday at 12:16 p. m. o f homorrhage caused by cancer o f the stomach. The funeral waa held Tuesday from Veatch’ s chap­ el, Rev. Robt. Sutcliffe officiating. Interment was made in the Masonic cemetery. Mrs. Pfleigher was nearly 44 years of age at time o f death. She was born in Belmont county, Iowa, and had been a resident of Cottage Grove two years. She leaves a husband, but no children. Have you got something kicking around in your way that you want to get rid of? A reader in the Sentinel may sell it for you. .. E X H IB IT DRAWS FORTH M ANY V A R YIN G OPINIONS. Guesses as to What Kind of Ani­ mal Is Doing Damage Vary from B illy Goat to Rokarebor, With Porcupine in the Majority. The mystery still continues. Despite the fact that the article in last week’s Sentinel has been the chief topic o f conversation o f the county, no positive clews have been obtained as yet as to what manner o f animal ia doing the damage to the timber on the Storey-Bracher tract, as reported in The Sentinel last week. The exhibi­ tion o f a piece o f a tree that was at­ tacked by the animal and some of the bark bitten off. at the Cottage Grove Sentinel office, has attracted much at­ tention and has caused all kinds of theories to be advanced as to what breed o f animal is doing the work. The guesses vary from a woodpecker to a rokarebor. The guesses include pine squirrels, wood beavers, wood rats, goats, worms, pocket gophers, ide hill augurs, flying squirrels, beaver, and porcupines. The majority o f opin­ ion seems to be that it is either wood rats or porcupines, the latter having the more supporters. Only one man suggested bear, but (Continued on page 7.)