Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1912, Image 8

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• AAA2
Profsasor Butlsr to Havo Turkish
Guard W hils E scavatm g Tsmpla.
P rofessor H ow ard Crosby H oller o f
Princeton university la eu route to
Asia Minor, » here be w ill continue
the excavations begun by a Princeton
exiHHlItlon tw o years ago at the site
o f the ancient City o f Sardis.
The work at Santis has reached such
pi\>(*>rtloua during the last tw o years
that the excavations are now r e g a ñ id
by the Turkish governm ent as the
most Important In Its territory, ami It
has p n u n la d
l ’ n>fessor
Hutler a
guarii o f Turkish soldiers as soou as
the work at Sardis Is rwopend.
Alm ost a thin! o f a huge tem ple has
is always prepared to get up a dainty lunch or re­
been unearthed
In the western chain
freshment for unexpected visitors. She wisely kee{»s
ber o f the tem ple was found a Greek
Inscription which proved to Is« a prop-
on hand a supply o f canned goods and table luxuries
I ertv m ortgage couched In much the
that enables ner to meet any demand on her hospi­
same legal phrases as a document o f
tality. And the wiser she is the surer she is to get
tbla k.Imi todav and stiowed that thè
. teuiples must have lieen use»! for (he
such groceries here. There art1 reasons.
wealtli and tre.ssures o f (he (linea.
A large building o f unknowu pur
pose, tielongtng to (he T rillati perlod.
and 230 tornila have lieeu linearthed
The hundreda o f lini use. slIver and
gold rellca found In (he tomba show
| that thè sanie vault waa uaed by auc-
cvedlng generatloiis fo r a perlod ilat
Ing as fa r back as a thousaud yeara
beforv (he hlrth o f Chrlst
P rofessor Uutler waa accoinpnnlcd
interests. Her name on any petition
! w ill count little as against the names b.v three Princeton men. wbo w lll act
| o f voters, or the pull o f some one with as euglueers fo r thè party, C. N Itemi.
E lt Stover and W. lt. Iterrv.
| votes behind him.
By Mihcrnt Shinn
Reductions of From 30 to 50 An Extensive Free List— Ex­
Per Cent Made In the
pected to Pass the House
Existing Rates,
by Feb 3.
s m r T T m r m T T m m m #
I I A I I t M A N C N U K U W O O I) o f thè all flat w ire* and steel In strips not
waya nini tueaus couiudttee Iliade thicker than No 15 w ire gunge ami
puhllc thè bill revbdtig Ih»« Iron not exceeding live Inches lu width. JO
ami ateel schedule* o f (he l'uyiie- per ceut, nnd all other w ire not ape
Alrtrlch ta rlff law
Uuderwood d a lly provided for; Irou aud n ( is -I wire
thluks (he bill eau l>e passisi by Sul
urday, Feti. 3
A n vils o f Iron or «tool or o f Iron and
The melai aehedule tiiukes risine
steel combined, by w h atever proees«
tloua o f from 30 to fa) per cent on prue
made or lu w h atever atage o f muno
tlcally all Iteuia o f thè Inni unii nleel fin-lore. 15 |s*r eeut.
In additimi lt placca ou (he free
Automobiles, bleyele« ami motorey
Hat Iron ore. hoop or band Iron or ateel, cles and finished part« o f any o f the
| burtied and other w ire fencing, nails, foregoing, uot Including lire«. 40 per
i spike«, horseshoe«, tungsten bearing cent.
ores, zinc bearing ores, cash registers.
Cast Iron pipe o f every deserlptlou,
ty|M«Netttlug machines, tool*, printing cast Iron and Iruus. plates, sieve
presses, sew ing m achine«. ty|*'w rlter« plates, sadirons, tailors' Irons, hatters'
aud tar and oil spreading machines Irons anil eastings and vessels wholly
usisl In road maintenance.
o f east Iron, Ineludlng nil i-nstlng* o f
The fo llo w in g rates o f duty are lui
Iron or east Iron p late« whl. h have
posed by the hill on various classes o f In-en chiseled, drilled, machined or oth
Iron and steel produets
erw lso M i l l nil. rd lu condition. ID pel
Iron In pigs. Iron kentledge, splegel
elsen, wrought ami cast «crap trou weldisl. Initt welded, «entiled or
and scrap steel, 3 per cent ud valorem ; Jointed Iron or stis'l tllls-s, pipes. Hues
chromium or atnys, cvlh id rl.n l or tubular tanks
metal, ferrochrotne or fcrrocbroiiilum . or Vessel* fo r holding gas liquids or
Are you w illing to deny your widowed
ferrumolybdeuum, ferropliosphorus, fer other m aterial, flexible metal lulling or
neighbor the protection you think so
rotltuulum, ferrotuiigsteu. ferrovanndl
In the war o f American Independ­ important for yourself?
um. anolybdeuuui, titanium, tantalum, tubes or fiiica made from plate un-tal
ence, it was the "em battled farm ers"
Can any woman, for that matter,
tungsten or w olfaiu metal uml ferro- slid all other Iron or «teel tubes, fin
at Concord Bridge that made the first married or single, have her just say
alllcon, 15 per cent Md valorem
Ishcd. 20 per eeut
The essential m attes o f a recently
stand and tired the first shot against in matters that concern her, without
All Irou In aluhs, blooms, loops or
suppressed Prussian “ year book” I*
Knivcx and Razors.
taxation without representation. That a vote? Suppose your school mistress gradually com ing to light, and a c u b other forma less finished than Iron In
battle is not yet fu lly won. There is thinks Brown should go to the legisla­ spectus o f the m illionaire class o f tier- bars aud more advanced than pig Iron,
Penknives, pocketkulnst mid clasp
still one class o f American citizens ture because he is zealous about safe many la now (Hisslble A m illionaire In except m atings; muck liars, bar Irou, knives, prim ing kn lies. budding knlies.
that is taxed without any voice o f their sanitary schoolhouses, and her brother that part o f the world Is the possessor square Iron, rolled or hammered, round erasers. UiilllU-ure k lille s anil all kiili.-*
Irou. In colls or rials, bars or shapes o f by w hatever name known w lib h liuve
own. and governed by officials they thinks Jones should go, because he is o f 1.000.000 marks ($230.0001. and o f
rolled or hammered Iron not s|as-lally folding or other t tut it fixed bludist or
have had no part in choosing and laws pledged to Robinson for the United
provided for. lik p er cent ad valorem
attachm ent*, uml razors, all the fore
they have had no part in making. States senate. Have not both equal the compilation, there are S.3(*>.
Beauts, glrdeni, Joists, angles, chan­ going, 35» ( mm eeut. scissors and shears
Your own mother, your w ife and sister right to their opinions, and equal right
nels, car truck cbauuels, columns aud and blades for the »mile, llulslied or
sla range between $45.000.000 and $17. j
are o f that class.
to have them taken into account in de­ 000.000 T h e tw o named are both |*>a posts or parts or sections o f coluuius unfinished. 3o pi r rent
Sword blade* or «w o rd * aud side
Is it not time to end this inequality ciding whether Brown or Jones should sessed by women the form er by the und (Mists, dis k and bulb l "Hina and
building forms, together with all other arms. 30 per cent
before the law, and to be true at last go? The present way is to take it for daughter o f Krupp. the latter by a
structural sha|M‘s o f Irou or steel,
butchers', carving, cooks’ ,
| granted beforehand that the sister w ill daughter o f the Yluuuu Uutbacbilds
to American principles?
whether pliilu. punch.*! or fitted for hunting, kitchen, bread butter, vege
No one knows better than the farmer always be wrong, and the brother al­ Between them come a number o f n o -1 use or whether assembled or msuufsc
table, fruit, c h e e s e , (*ar|s*Ulers', |ieu> ll,
blemeii whose wealth la prluc!|xtllj In lured, 15 |>er cent ad valorem
how a w ife stands side by side with ways right, so that we count his judg­
curriers', drawing, furriers', tleslilug
B oiler or other plate Irou or steel. 20 liny, tanners', plumbers’, painter*’, pal
her husband and helps him to earn and ment only, and refuse to listen to hers.
ra th e o f the claims to mineral weulth i
Can you see any just way except to lately put forw ard by Germany. Ini | per ceut ad valorem ; sheets o f Iron or ette. artists' mol shoe knives, forks
to carry on his farm. I f he dies, he
steel. Including crucible plate steel or «lid steels tliilshtsl or uufilil .hi d, w ith
leaves it without fear in her hands. let every sane grown person speak for m ediately behind the fragm ent o f the
sow plates, aud kelp Irou or ateel, 15 or without handle*. 25 |*er cent
But he leaves it thenceforth unpro­ himself or herself at the polls, and Kothschild fortune follow s a Berlin per ceut ad valorem.
Files, rasp* or floats, 23 |s-r cent.
tected by a freeman's vote. No asses­ then count the votes? Then we shall hanker. A fte r him comes a duke In
Htis«l (dates engraved
sor, no supervisor, no legislator need be more sure that the majority really the mining and m anufacturing district
plates o f
Iron or steel anchors or parts there
fea r that the owner of this farm can rules; now a minority may often carry o f W estphalia with $15,OOO.ttiO.
other m aterials en grn iisl for printing
Am ericana w lll wonder at the pre
call him to account at the polls for any an election, defeating the wish o f the
plates o f Iron or steel engraved or
elsitm with which the Prussian fiscal j blued Iron and ateel. but not machined,
injustice or neglect of this woman’s majority.
fashioned for Use lu the production o f
authorities ascertain and tax them < tooled, or otherw ise advanced lu con­
deslgus. (istterns or Impression* on
The Inform ation la bused upon assess j
glass lu the pris es* o f inuniifueturlug
meuts fo r "Incom e und capital taxes," frh-tlon balls, ball bearings and roller
« A
(date or other glass. 15 (>er cent.
and an Ingenious Teutonic system o f tiearlnga, o f Iron or steel or other met
Lithographic plates o f stone or oth
checks and counterchecks leaves no 1 ul. finished or unfinished. 25 per ceut
er m aterial engraved, draw n or pro
room for ambh.uity and permits no : ad \ aloreiu
pared, and wet transfer (>u|M-r or p«i
Bull way bars made o f Iron or steel
rh h man a chance to escHpe paying
his Just dues
A publication e q u a lly! *<t‘d railw ay bars mude lu (.art o f steel, per prepared wholly with glycerin o f
accurate aud com prehensive dealing ,' T rails and punched Irou or steel list glycerin combined with other mate
rials, containing the imprints taken
with Am erican m illionaires would have rails, ruilwuy fishplates or splice burs
Its Interest, hut cannot be looki d for at made o f Iron or steel. 10 |>er ceut ad from lithographic plates, 25 p«-r eeut
Blvets. studs aud steel (sduts. Isth
All Iron or steel sheets, plates or ed. machined or brightened, nnd rivets
*tri|<H and nil hoop, band or * roll Iron or studs fo r uousktddlug autom obile
tires and rivets o f Irou or ateel not
or steel when galvanized or coated
apecially provided for. 20 (>er ceut.
Bill Providing It For 3,000 Towns and
any alloy o f those m etals; sheets or
But then you can easily rectify any defic­
Villages That Do Not Now Hava It.
W h eel« For R ailw ay Purpose*.
(dates composed o f Iron, steel, copper. !
iency of that kind. We can supply you
W heels fo r railw ay pur|ioa««a or parts
3.000 towns or Incorporated villages In nickel or other metul with layers o f
thereof made o f Iron or steel and rail
with most anything that was ever meant
this country which do not now have other metal or metals tui|*>*ed thereon
way tins» or parts thereof, 25 per cent;
letter carrier service can be provided by forging, batnmeriiig. rolling or weld
to be sat on—Rockers, some comfortable
Ingots, coggtsl Ingots, blooms or blanks
with free mall delivery for about $3.
for the sam e without regard to the de
000,000 a year, according to estimates planished or glam ed, by w hatever
ones, Chairs, both cheap and expensive
gree o f manufacture, 10 per ceut.
made by supporter* o f a hill which
Alum inium , aluminium scrap aud al
kinds, Lounges, the kind you liked before
Itepreaeutatlve Grlest o f I'euusyUaula have tieeii pickled or cleaned by acid. I
or by any other m aterial or process o f 1 loya o f any kind lu which aluminium
you were married, and also larger ones,
1* the component m aterial o f ch ief
T h e measure proposes a new and eco­ which are cold rolled, Himsjtlied only,
value In crude form , alum inium lu
Baby Chairs of all kinds.
nomical system o f mall carrier service not polished, and such as are cold 1
fo r non mall delivery towns or Incorpo­ hammered, blued, brightened, temper j plates, sheets, bars and rods; barium,
«1 or (»ollshed by nny p rises* to aucb j calcium, magnesium, sodium nnd po­
rated comniunltieH having 1.000 or
tassium and their alloys. 25 per eeut.
more Inhabitants. Mr. G rlest contends (•orfected surface finish or (sillsh lift |
Antim ony na regains or metul, nutl
there are 3.353 such second and third
tunny ore, stlhulte and matter con­
class poatofflee towns that are between smoothed only, and sheets or plates o f j
the free d elivery aud the city delivery Iron or steel, or taggers Iron or steel, taining antlm ouy, 10 |a-r cent; oxide
o f untltnouy, 25 per ceut
stage aud that would come within the coated with tin or lead, or with a mix
Leud bearing ore o f all kinds auil
tin e o f which these metals, or either
aco|ie o f his bill.
gross, 25 per cent ad valorem
N ew York state has 2*51 tow ns with
upon the lend coutalned therein.
postal receipts and («opulntlon within dipping or any other pro« ess and com
Lend bullion or base bullion, lend In
m erclally known as tin (dates, tern
the lim itations o f the Grlest bill. Penn
sylvanla is second, with *205 eligible plates slid tuggers. Irou. 20 |>er cent pigs and burs, old refuse lead, scrap
lead, lead lu sheets, pipe, shot, glaziers'
ud valorem.
lead and lead wire. 25 |>er ceut
Th ere ure 42.000 rural mail routes
M etallic mineral substances In a
serving 20.0fl0.000 |>eople. T h e city de­ and slabs, by w h atever process made;
liver) service takes care o f 4*5.000.000 die blocks or blanks, billets and bars crude atate. 10 (ier ceut; m onazlte sand
amt thorite; thorium, oxide o f and
people In 1,541 cities This. Mr. Grlest and tapered or beveled bars; mill
aalts o f; gas mantles treated with
says, leaves many thousands o f |ieople. shafting, pressed, sheared or stamped
chemicals or m etallic oxides nnd gas
the m ajority o f whom reside In towns
mantle scrap consisting In ch ief value
aud villages, without any form o f free dition; gun barrel molds not In bars;
alloys used us substitutes fo r steel In o f m etallic oxides, 25 per cent.
mall delivery.
Nickel, nickel oxide aud nlloya In
the m anufacture o f Usds; all descrip­
There is no place where more care should lie taken
tions aud shapes o f dry smid. loam or pigs. Ingots, bars, rials or plates, 10 per
than in the preparation of prescriptions. We fully
Iron molded steel castings; sheets and ceut; sheets or strip«. '20 per cent.
realize the responsibility of this end of our business
plates and steel not s(>eclully provided
Pena and Pina.
Man Rescued ae He W as About to for. 10 (>er cent ud valorem.
and no part of it receives more care. And we keep
Drown In Rising Tide.
25 per c e n t
G rit shot o r sand made o f Iron or
our stock of prescription articles strictly fresh.
Field prisoner In a cramped position steel that can be used as abrasives.
Penholder tips, gold pens, fountain
flfly yards from shore by a large black 20 per cent ad valorem .
pens, etc., 25 per ceut.
aba lone, H o y H athaw ay stood lu the
Pins with solid heads, without or­
Itlvet, screw, fence and other Iron
ocean o f f Ftodondo Beach. Gal., tw o or steel w ire rods and nail rods. 10 namentation. Including hair, safety,
hours and called fo r help In vain, per cent ad valorem .
tint. bonuet and shnivl plus, composed (
w hile the tide rose until the waves
A ll round Iron or steel roils sm eller wholly o f liruss, co |»| m t . Iron, steel or
swept over tils head. H e was seen by than No *5 w ire gauge shall he classed other base luetal, nut plated. 20 per
chance aud rescued.
H e would have and dutiable as wire.
No article cent.
been drowned In a fe w minutes.
gu lck allver, 10 |s»r cent
made from or composed o f w ire shall
H athaw ay and several others went y u y a leas rate o f duty than 20 per
Ty|ie metul and new types, 15 pel j
to the beach fo r a walk.
H athaw ay cent ad valorem.
D. S T E R L IN G , M A N A G E R
clambered on the rocks to look for
W atch m ovements. Including tin o j
Fence W ire Free.
abellQsh. and others o f the party tra v ­
detectors, w hether Imported In rases I
Wheat, Oats, Grain, Hay,
Bartied and all other fence w ire and or not, watch cane« ami parts o f watch
eled on a quarter o f a m ile to fish.
Mill Feed — Shorts, Bran,
In feelin g Into a crevice H ath aw ay’s wire fencing shall Is» exem pt from es. chronometers, box or «hip. and \
American B e a u t y , P u r e
right hand came Into contact with the lu ty ; telegraph, telephone and other part* thereof, lever clock m ovem ent«
Vetch Seed, Chopped Oats,
White, Red Cross. Every
abulone. which closed down on tw o o f wires nnd cables composed o f metal, having Jew el« In the esc«|M«ment nnd
sack guaranteed.
Oil Meal. Grass Seed—all
rubber and other m aterials. 20 per clock« containing such movements. 3*)
his fingers, holding him like a vise.
kinds constantly on hand.
Buffering Intense pain and watching cent ad valorem ; w ire heddlea or per cent; all Jew el« fo r use In the man­
ufacture o f watches or clocks. 10 |>er
the w ater creep up Inch by Inch, the heolda 25 per c e n t
Poultry Feeds and Supplies.
Pheasant, White Star.
Hound Iron or ateel wire, all wire ceut; enamel dials fo r watches or oth­
young man had given up all hope when
----------------------------------------P H O N E 1711
companions came hack and saw Ida composed o f Iron, steel or other metal, er Instruments. 83 per ce n t
Zinc In blocks or pigs and zinc dust,
head and shoulders between the waves. except gold or silver, covered with
They pried the abalooe o ff with an cotton. Bilk or other m aterial, corset in sheets and old wornout zinc, fit acily
clasp*, corset steel*, dress steels and to b* ^m an u factu red, 15 per c e n t
Iron bar
To the Farmer» and Fruit
Grower» of Oregon.
Go Way Back and Sit Down
That advice is all right if you’ve got
something to sit on
Drop in and Let us Show You
: R E S P O N S IB IL IT Y :
j B E N S O N ’S P H A R M A C Y :
FLOUR— Hard Wheat Brands:
FLOUR— Soft Wheat Brands:
Kata Bkslly Crawled O ver Trwstla In
TarrlHo Storm to W arn Train.
K ate Skelly. to whose courage and
aelf possession 200 train passenger«
owed their lives tw enty years ago. dltsl
recently at Boone, la
When Miss Kkelly was sixteen yea r»
' old her father wu* a section foreman
employed hv the Chicago and North
western railroad
H eavy rains ou the
evening o f July 11. I fill I. caused the
lie * Moines river to rise, nnd the ruah
o f Hie w ater w in «o terrific that eleven
out o f tw enty one o f the rallmud
bridges anil trestles w ere swept away
Miss Kkelly was sign in g with her
mot tier for permission to go out lu
search o f her father when they heard
n ernsli
I sinking out, they saw that
a helper engine had fallen through a
trestle close to their home aud was
biilleil III tile bayou beneath
Grasping a lantern, the girl ran to
tile scene o f (lie accident
T w o o f the
crew o f four men on (lie engine had
been drowned
T h e oth er« w ere bad
ly hurt
T h e girl made her way up « bluff
■ ml started for Molugoun, four miles
aw ay
She knew a passenger train
was due
T h e wind extinguished tier
lantern before she rearbed the trestle,
half s mile long, oi er which In the
darkness she was compel led to creep
Beaching the station nt Mnlugoiia
Just n* the passenger train arrived
there, site g a v e the warning, theu col
When she recovered «tie led
n band o f rescuers buck o ie r the peril
on« route sin* had Jilst traversed, saved
tlie tn o Injured trainmen and was car
rled Imuie to her mother
KiiliM-queotly the legtslutlir« Votisl
her a fund o f $5,1 **i.
C ìa n s ra ! T o n i n e « In s is t o T h a t R o w a r d o
» h o u li! h o il o io d on T h a t A lo n s ,
General 1-511 Tornite e o f Mluue«|«ilta,
r (latrina li o f Ibi- legista I I I * IHUI lu lltwe
o f Ihe G. A lt . told tbe (N'Iisioll roui
mille«- o f (In- si-nule lliut thè Grand
Vi lli) fa io i t-«l a pensimi bill basisi ou
Isitli agi* ami aeri Ice. cnrrylug als>ut
$30.1 SOM «»> annuali)
Isaac Kberw-issi <>f o lilo , untlmr o f (he
Service pensimi bill Is-srlug hi* usure
lim i rreeutly puanisl (he linose, natd
timi lie ii h i hot wislited lu n o) par
tleulnr bill, bui tu* Insistisi tim i servii e
alone shmild be thè test o f rrward.
The pinti a d u s a tis i by General Tur
ram e for thè Grand Artny t* e over ed
ti) n pmposltlon o rig in a li» suggested
by Heuatnr M rt'um ber. elmlrumu o f
t!««• sedute i ijiiiinltte«* ou (**n«!tina
(iro|sines lim i pensino* for veterauo
s i i l i twu yeara o f age «hall vury fmui
$12 a mollili for nliiety d a y«' s e r v i««
to $21 s monili for ttiri-e yeara' serv
1« e; ( tiltt slxty s ii yenr old ictera u *
si,all bave $15 a molliti for nluety
d a y « ami $24 « moniti for three yeara'
serv ile , that seventy yenr-old veterau»
stiri11 ris e lv e $I m f«»r nluety d a y«' serv
le«- ami $27 for three yeara' «ervlce;
that veterana « e t e n t y flv o yeara old
«hall ri* e lle $21 a molliti for nluety
d a y «' «ervlce and $3«i for three yeara'
s e r v ii»
Il Is estim atisi that under
tlils or berne there woubt tre 3*7.1*57
(s-uslotiers. rurelvtng In thè aggiogata
$.'U I.IM 1.420
Mr. K no* Say* Thsy Cannot Bs Built
For $150.000, tho Lim it Fisod.
Hecretary o f State Knox reported to
congress that It would Is* lui(ssisll>le
for the 1'u I led State* to purchase or
build embassies and legations In the
prim I(m 1 capitals o f the old world
within the lim it o f $1(10,000 fo r each
struct ure. which Is fixed b.v the bill
pnsstsl nt the Inst session o f the Hlxty
first congress
This measure author
lies the ex|>endlttire o f f{VK).OI>0 a year,
but declare* that no building shall cost than (IfiOjOOQ
Secretary Knox recommends the pur
clmse or construction o f buildings for
the embassies nt M exico City and T o ­
kyo to cost $ I."ill.ivsi each, the construc­
tion o f n legation building nt Hrrue.
Switzerland, at a cost o f $140,000 and
the expenditure o f $UIH**> for n build
Ing for the consul general nt lluukuw.
T h e United Stales already
owns a piece o f ground at T o k y o u|s>u
which It Is proposed to construct the
embassy headquarter*
Hecretary Knox says Ida conclusion
that the llnlttsl States w ill not tie utile
to acquire suitable buildings within the
$150.1**1 limit at foreign capitals la
based on n general Inquiry made under
tils direction.
But In Bsasball Uniform s to Play W ith
a Tokyo Taam.
T h e w ar department has under con
alderatlon a request from M ajor Geu
eral Bell, com m anding the division o f
the i ’ hlllppliiea, that he I m > allow ed to
send an uriiiv baseball team to T o k yo
to (dny a series o f gam es there with
a Jnpnneae team.
T h e Japanese team has already ar
ranged to go to Manila to (day the
Am erican soldiers, and General Bell
desires to establish reciprocity In a th ­
letic relations.
Blind Bsnator to H avo an Estra Clark.
Because o f the affliction which de­
prive* him o f Ids sight Senator T h o m ­
as P. Gore o f Oklahoma In to have an
additional clerk
The com m ittee on
control o f the contingent expenaes o f
the scunte voted to re­
port a resolution which by name g iv e «
the senator from Oklntiouin an axtrk
clerk at a «alary o f tl.2 0 0 a year.