Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1912, Image 3

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Strange Weakness of a One
Time Brave Soldier.
Tlivr« 1« In «very mir, however
•trnog. ki ii w wsukituaa whlrli la I miiiik I
to allow Itself sooner or lat«r
wuh tint r « » f wllli (jeorgv CoiiVuraa,
who al twenty eight hull aervetl two
enlistments In the llntteil Stnlea army
with eretlll
lie hull entered aa u prl
VBte ami rninti out ua flrat Bernoulli of
lilt* eoln|iUli). besides having lieeu men
tloueil m i t r a l tlmoa for gullnntry In
art loll The rouaon why he illil not on
list for nnother term wns I .ermine hu
huil fnllon In love wltli a pretty aoiiin
alroNH, who adored him. anil they were
to lie Innrrleil
I• In Murker wua very
|irouil of her lovur'a proweaa.
The e i aerueunt founil n Job na |s>r
tor In u' atoro. The couple were innr
liml mill wont to liouaekeeplnu In u lit
tie plio e purchuaoU with lilu’a savings
All went well for awhile, hut (jtsirge.
tiui Inn lieeu used to nil entirely illffer
out life. I>e< nine rent I Vo under the inuii
monpluee illitlea of u |nirter Me mine
oil the out of iloor life, the martini mu
ah', the metallic ring of arum anil en|m
elully the eu lteliieut ami dnuger of a
liny after day he grew
more dlsenntented anil nt lent I iohuii to
ahlrk liln dutlea Thin In lime coat him
hla |Mialtloii
11« wan not aorry, lie
caune he thought he would find aorne
thing Is-lfer milted to hln lante
George tried nevernl other <MH*upa
tloun. hut did not allow any more ap
titude for work In them than In the
From aotne of them he retired
voluntarily; from ottiern he wun din
Meaunhlle children were
horn to the coui.le, and nine« there
were ao ninny uiotilhn to f e e d the wife
remimed the work of aenmatrenn. which
«be had Inin down at her ninrrlnge
Hhc «fill tool the «nine ndiulrntloii for
her huahnnd nod delighted to henr him
tell hln frlenda of hln l.uttleu. listening
hernelf demurely imd wati hlng with
prtd« the effect on the other«
ever, tieorge a ponltton na n do nothing.
|>«rinlttlng bln wife to au|>|s>rt not
only hernelf and their children, hut
him aa well, at Innt canned the huger
of acorn to tie (mlnied at him
At Inat an event huppeued that open-
mi Idn'a eyea Ho long nn Georg* wan
an e l hero of many I m 111 en «he could
hrmik hi« luahlllty to lalmr at ordinary
dutlea. though ahe wan obliged to «up
ply the deficiency hernelf. hot one
night, todug awakened hi the nlilell of
ainoke. ahe got up. opened 'he bedroom
door nod found Hint the tmuae ntnivc
wan to tinmen
Awakening tier hun
tmod. ahe hade him go to the up|n*r
floor and tiling their eldeat Imv, while
ahe carried down the other two rhtl
(Iren, who alept In n room np|Kinlle to
her own
I.envlng (ieorge to hln tank.
ahe eieculed her own. tmt nlnce he did
not n|i|iear tier nuvlety Iml her tiack to
dim over the caune of the delay
*x peeled to nee him battling with the
flniuen. half aiifTocnted with ainoke.
Iieurlng their non to anfety Inatend he
wun atnndlng nt the fimt of the atalr
• ane which led to the burning «lory,
"( Ieorge, for heaven'« nuke, go! The
child will fie lout.”
f Ieorge turned towanl her a face
white with fear.
“ tlh. lieorge!"
Thin waa all
Hhe saw that he wna
terror stricken A veteran nt ntnndtng
up ugnlnnt «hot and «hell, he wna a
raw recruit nt meeting fire. Hhe gave
a nprlng nnd dnnhed up the atulrcnne
The act of Ida brave little wife wna
needed to enable (Ieorge t'onverne to
master n conntltutlonnl weaknean Ida
had not reached the top atep liefore
her huntinnd darted pnnt her with the
cry "<}o tmek!” Mow he got through
the Are and nmoke that Intervened !>•
tween him nnd the boy. why he wua
not burned mortnlly by the one or
nufT.icnted bv the other, he nor anyone
else ever knew Itenchlug the mom he
nought, knowing that he could not
tiring the child oil! by the way he had
corue. lie cried to hla wife:
“ (to lielow the window!"
Ida run down nud out. netzlng a
blanket by the wny. In the yard ahe
found aeveral neighbor« who had been
attracted tiy the Are At the «nine tno
men! George threw up n annli ataive
Without a word thon«» present aetr.ed
tlie lilanket. amt the tiny wna drop|ied
aafely Into It.
Aa noon aa (Ieorge Hon verse nuw
that hla non wna aafe he la*gnn to re-
tueinlier the fenr of lire thut had par
alyzed him
It wna all gone, the
ahniue lie felt only »viwalnlng
one Iden tilled hi« mind to wipe out
the atuln.
“ Jump!" cried thon« tielow, bolding
the blanket under the window.
(Ieorge "at down on the window Bill,
took a pl|ie and n tobacco pouch from
hla pocket. tilled the pipe, lighted It
and begun to puff na coolly na If there
were no Are.
“ Jump!” repented the c f w d . “ The
►•of may fnII at nn.v motn^nO
“ I'm going buck the wny i .•«(me,"
he Huld doggedly.
“ I f you do you are n dead nmo."
“ Then I'll he n dend mnn."
He turneil from the window, hut.
hearing the agonized cull of hla wife,
tieiit over the nlll. The look ahe gave
him told hlui Mint he had no need to
vindicate hlmaelf In her eyea, and he
remembered that If he were lout ahe
would lie left to continue to aupport
hernelf and I heir children l i e Jumped
Into the blanket.
From thnt moment (ieorge Hon vend
became an Induntrloua worker and
made hla family happy and comforta­
•a nt
to N i c a r a g u a to H t r a i g h t a n
M ar Finanoaa.
A alep far In ad v n m e o f anything
that Mila government Ima yet under
taken In the way of lluumial a|H>uaor
ship lina bee II taken lu III« recoin
Uiemliitlou by the a ln i« department
fimi Mie appointment by Mie Nleara
glum government o f Edwin A Thayer
o f Imlhinapolla. for the Inal ten year«
connected with Mie l'orto Ideo cuatoma
aeri Ice. an collector o f liilei uul r e v «
line III Miuruguu
This tin m been doll«
lac u ime the Nicaraguan govern meni
Ima defaulted oli Mie llilcrcnt o f III«
f i . Manual I cui porn ry loan which waa
Illude by New York hunker« to tld«
over the Interval iiutll Mi« principal
loan o f $ir,i«aii«ui could be arranged
T h e treaty anthorll
■ and i iirnod out
lug tliene negotiation« him not yet bean
ruMIh-d In Mie Culled Slate« Me l i at e
T h e ap|«ilntmen! o f Mr Thayer la
nludbir to that o f \V Morgan Hhualer
to lukc charge o f the Aacul affnlra o f
1‘ersln. an urrnugeuielit which liuu re
Bulled ao dlaantroualy to the preatlg«
o f Mie rultml Hlatea In near eaateru
ufTnlra liecuUae o f the dlaaent o f Hus
ala iind (treat llrltaln
It la not to !>«
believed that the arrangement put In
operation III Nicaragua will turn out
ao badly, aa w e have better mean« of
comma tiding reaped for our kindly o f
Acca In Central America than we have
In the Interior o f Aala
Mr Thayer'a np|a»1titDieiit fo llo w «
that o f Colonel Maui o f Iowa Inat aum
mer to aUpeD'lae the general Cliatoma
aeri |c« o f Nicaragua.
F ria n d ly
Banatora P ra d ict a M a jo rit y .
A m andm anta Likaly.
A ipilct enuvnaa wna made o f the
aimnle by the frlenda o f the arbitration
t renile a Senator Mortoti o f Ohio, who
aup|Mirted Mie treatlea In the original
form and algueil a minority rc|iorl In
favor o f their rntlAcallou without
nuiendllieut, e\ p re s s is i confidence that
the in« eaaury tw o third« vote would be
ai» 11 red for their raMAcatlon, but ad
milled that everyth in g |«jlnted to a
long dehale
Me said It would not lie
aurprlalug If the debate citcuded over
two month«
The friends o f ratification lielleve
they cau See sixty v o le« already, and
this Is a aafe iiiiinlier In their estima
ll Is already certain that the
trealh*a cannot go through unamended
I «• una rulh member« o f the foreign
relation« committee other than S e n a to r
liny uer o f Muryland. who Is In favor of
rntlAentlou lu the form In which the
treatlea were negotiated, believe that
If the treatlea are ratified Mielr char
ncter will lie completely changed
, Uasd O n «
R e l u c t a n t l y at F ir a t .
L e a r n e d to O p e r a t a It.
Colonel Moose veil now alia I f hind
the Steering w h ee l o f hla automobile
Itealdelita o f Oyater May on ««verni
occasion« ris enti)' have «ecu him drlv
I lug through the town with Ida hand
on the wheel
T h e algid wna aurprlalug. liecauae
Colonel Hooaevelt'a love o f the horse
and aversion to automobile« were well
Hut he found an automobile
Indlspeualble when he t>eguu to make
regular trips between () y « t e r Huy und
New York,
(iradually he picked up
Information nlxitit the mechanism o f
the cur. bui It was only recently that
be began to drive It
Th e colonel «Mil
I prefers the horse, however, nnd when
he 1» at home takes dully horseback
| rides
As n concession to the automobile
Colonel Misisevelt recently built a
broad macadam road from Ids home
on the hill t<> the public highway
Ordinance No. 328.
An ordinance adopting a uniform
syatem o f naming the streets, avenues
and other public highways in the city
o f Cottage (¡rove, l.ane County, Ore­
gon, repealing ordinance No. Hfi and
declaring an emergency.
The common council o f the city of
| CottMge Grove does ordain:
\ Section 1. The system upon which
the streets, avenues and other public
highways o f the city o f Cottage Grove
shall he designated shall he as follows:
All thoroughfares running north and
south shall he called streets and all
thoroughfares running east hiu ! west
shall be called avenues; except Main
street and any thoroughfare not over
three blocks long ao located that its
extension is impossible or impracti­
cable shall lie called u court when it
runs parallel to a street, or north and
south, and it shall he called a place
when it runs parallel to an avenue or
east or west.
Section 2. For the purpose o f desig­
nating the streets the rity shall he di­
vided into Fast Cottage Grove and
Wcat Cottage Grove by the Coast Fork
o f the Willamette river.
Section :i. The streets on the east
aide o f the river shall be numbered
consecutively beginning at the river
and they shall he spared approximate­
ly 250 feet apart.
Where existing
streets are more than 260 feet apart
Hnd as much as 460 feet Hpart the prop­
er number shall be allotted to a point
in the middle o f the said distance and
said street number shall regulate the
house numbers in said block.
The streets on the west side o f the
river shall be known by the letters o f
the alphabet and what is now known
as Alpha shall be called “ ( ¡ ’ ’ street, j resided«« and of business therein shall
the preceding letters being left for I Is: hereafter known nnd designated by
future development. The huiiic rule number, within the limits of said city
for spacing shall he applied as on the as follows :
east side o f the river.
To each block shall he allotted 100
Hectlon 4. For the purpose of desig­ numbers and each number shall govern
nating the avenues the eity ahull be a space of ten feet frontage ; this num­
dividid into north and south by Main ber will designate the tens arid unit«
atreet und on the west aide the name | of the apace number and the number
o f Wall street shall be changed to of the street or avenue from the initial
Main street.
; point (which shall he Main street in
Section 6. On the east side o f the j the . aae of avenues and (he river in
river and aoutb of Main street the case o f stre e t!, on the aide o f the
avenues shall be named after the presi block nearest the initial jsiint shall
dents of the Moiled Slates in their nr designate the hundreds of the space
der beginning with Washington, the number.
sixth avenue being called (Quincy after
The even number« shall be used on
John (Quincy Adams.
the east aide of the streeta and on the
Section tt. On the east side of the north aide of the avenuea and the odd
rivi r and north of Main street th« numbers shall he used on the west side
avenues shnli ha named after the o f the streets and the south side of the
governors of the state of Oregon in avenuea.
their order beginning with Whiteaker.
Section 2. All dwelling houses and
Section 7. Avenues shall he spuced «11 places of huainesa in the city of
approximately .100 feet apart and Cottage Grove shuli he numbered with
where existing avenues are more than figures of sufficient size and to he of
100 feet apart and as much as 560 feet such color and ao located as to he
upsrt the proper name shall he allotted easily read from the sidewalk in front
to a |aiirit midway o f the distance and o f aaid pro|s-rty. All aurh dwelling
its consecutive number shall govern houaea and places o f business to hear
the house numbers in the following the number corresponding to the apace
on the street line, where a line through
Section H. On the west side o f the the center of the door at right angles
river the avenues north o f Mam street to the atreet line intersects the street
shall he nurned in alphabetical order line.
using the names of the varieties of
Section 1. The owner or owners of
Irees as far as (sissihle, beginning with
any dwelling house or business house
the tirst street north as Ash, Mirch,
within the corporate limits o f the city
Chestnut, Itsyton, Flder, Kir, Green­
of Cottage (¡rove shall apply to the
wood, Holly, Ironwood, Junijier, Ken­
City Recorder for a number or num­
wood, Laurel, Maple, Nutwood, Olive,
bers for his or their said dwelling
I’ ine, etc.
house or business house and shall pay
Section 'J. On the west side o f the
therefor a fee o f 35 cents and receive
river and south o f Main street the ave­
a receipt therefor which said receipt
nues ahull lie named in alphabetical
shall give the name of the street and
order as follows: Anthony, Hryant,
the correct number o f the house or
(¡lark, Dalton, Emerson, Kreemont.
number of the place of business and
Girard, Hudson, Irving, Jerome, Kent,
aaid fee of 15 cent« shall be in full pay
licwis, Marshall, Norwood, Osborne,
for the correct number plate which
I’rescott, etc,.
shall he suitably placed on said build­
The thoroughfare
ing without further cost to the owner
platted on the west side of Curriti park
thereof. All fees ao paid to the City
addition and extending from (Quincy
Recorder shall be turned into the gen­
avenue south to Vanliuren avenue
eral fund of said city to he used in the
s I im II he called St. Hellena court.
purchase of house numbers and street
The street extenling north from
Gibbs avenue to Woods avenue shall tie
Section 4. Every dwelling house
called Cherry court.
and every business house now erected
The street extending southeast from
in the c ;ty of Cottage Grove shall
Tenth street and now known as Burk­
have suitable number or numbers
holder street shall t>e called Villard
placed thereon on or before the 1st day
of July, 1912 and every dwelling house
The street shown on the plat o f l*er-
and every business house hereafter
kina railroad addition on the southwest
erected within said corjiorate limits
side o f block one shall lie known as
shall have a proper numlier placed
Shustu place and the street shown on
thereon within ten days from the com­
the northeast side o f said addition shall
pletion of the same.
lie known as Vincent place.
Section 5. Every owner of any
street which is shown on the southeast
dwelling house or business house lo­
aide of blocks one and two o f the atiove
cated within the corporate limits of
addition shall he called Columbia court.
said city, who shall fail to have his
On the west side o f the river, the
said dwelling house or business house
streetrunning along the southwest side
so numbered after receiving ten days’
of block one o f Hazleton's addition to
written notice to do so by the City
Cottage Grove and extending in a
Marshal or Street Commissioner, shall
northwesterly direction from Pacific
upon conviction thereof before the
Highway to the intersection o f Main
City Recorder, be fined in a sum not
and ' ' L ” streets shall !>e culled W il­
exceeding $1.00 and in default o f pay­
lamette court.
ment o f such fine, shall be confined one
The street extending northwest from
half day in the city jail.
Par fie Highway between blocks cne
Section 6. The City Engineer is
and two of the above addition shall he
hereby directed to furnish to the City
called Martlet place.
Recorder a list showing the correct
The street extending in a northwest­
number o f each house in said city hy
erly direction from Pacific Highway
blocks and streets, with the name of
tietween blocks two and three o f said
the owner thereof, where the same
Hazleton addition to Cottage Grove
can be ascertained.
shall he culled Nellis place.
Section 7. The City Recorder, is
The street which runs along the west
hereby directe t, as soon as he is fur­
hank of the river and is now known as
nished with the list as required in Sec­
River street shall l>e .-ailed Pacific
tion 6 of this ordinance to procure a
H ighway.
metal plate with letters not less than
The street which runs along the west
three inches in height for each num­
side of the Southern Pacific Railroad
ber shown in said list and also a name
company’s right o f way shall l>e known
plate showing the name or number of
as Lane street and the street which
each street or avenue as provided in
runs along the east .aide o f said South­
Ordinance No. 12H with letters and
ern Pacific Railroad C o .'» right o f way
numbers thereon not less than three
ahull he known as Douglas street.
inches in height for each street and
Section 11. Ordinance No. Hfi and
avenue crossing in said c<ty according
all other ordinances and parts o f ordi­
to a list thereof to he furnished by the
nances in conflict herewith are hereby
City Engineer.
Section 8. Whereas there is much
Section 12. Whereas there is urgent
confusion as to street names and loca­
demand for a system o f numbering the
tion of dwelling and business houses,
houses in the city o f Cottage Grove
the health, peace and safety o f the
and the same cannot he dune till there
city demands that this ordinance should
is a rearrangement o f the designation
be passed at an early day ; an emer­
of the streets o f the city the health,
gency is, therefore, declared to exist
peace and safety o f the city demands
and this ordinance shall he in full force
that this ordinance shall go into effect
and effect immediately upon its pass­
nt sn early date; an emergency is
age and approval by the mayor. Passed
therefore declared to exist and this
hy the common council this 5th day of
ordinance shall lie in full force and
Presented to the
effect immediately upon its passage
Mayor this 5th day of February, 1912.
and approval by the Mayor.
Filed with the Recorder this 5th day of
Passed by the common council o f the February, 1912. S ign ed:
city o f Cottage (¡rove this 6th day o f
W. H. A B R A M S ,
February, 1912.
Presented to the
Mayor for his approval this 5th day of
C. H. V A N D E N B U R G ,
February, 1912. Filed with the Re­
City Recorder.
corder, approved this 5th day o f Febru­
ary, 1912. Signed:
Notice of Final Settlement.
W. H. A B R A M S ,
In the Matter o f the Estate o f J. B.
A ttest:
Lurch, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the un­
dersigned, executor of the estate o f J.
B. Lurch, deceased, with the will an­
nexed, has filed his final account, as
Ordinance No. 329.
An ordinance providing for number­ such executor, in the County Court of
ing dwelling houses and placca o f liusi- Lana County, State o f Oregon, and
nesH on streeta and avenues in the city that March 4, 1912, at the hour o f 1 .30
of Cottage Grove, Lane County, Ore­ o'clock p. m. o f said day has been
gon. The common council o f the city fixed by the Judge o f said Court as the
of Cottage Grove does ordain :
time for hearing objections to said re­
Section 1. That the dwelling houses, port ami the settlement thereof.
business places and frontages on the
Dated this the 29th day o f January,
streets and avenues o f the city o f Cot­ 1912.
tage Grove he and they are hereby Executor, with the will annexed, o f the
numbered and the respective places of fl-29. Eatate o f J. B. Lurch, deceased.
Notice of Forfeiture.
To Frank Haley, or his legal heirs:
You are hereby notified that we, the
undersigned, have expended one hun­
dred dollars in labor and Improvements
on the “ Bear” Lode Mining Claim,
situated in the Bohemia Mining Dis­
trict, Lane County, Oregon, notice of
location of which said mining claim ia
recorded at page 579, in book fi, of the
mining records in and for «aid County
and State, reference to which said no­
tice aral record is hereby made for more
particular and definite description of
said mining claim, aa will apjiear hy
affidavit in the office o f the County
Clerk of said County, in order to hold PIONffK ASSAYING & RENMNIi CO.
said premises under the provisions of
I l l Finii ■M il 'l l. M M I . S Hist
Section 2124, Revised Statutes of the
United States, being the amaunt re­
We hay Gold - rich Ore
quired to hold the said mining claim and all mining products. We pay rash
for the year crating December lis t, ami give a square deal. Assaying 5dc.
Established 20 years.
1911. And if within ninety days after
First National Bank o f San Francisco.
the first publication of this notice you
fail or refuse to contribute your pro­
portion of such expenditure as c o - !
owner, your interest in said mining
claim will become the property o f the
W I U , rX ) YOUR
subscribers under said Section 2124.
This notice is published for the first
time in the Cottage Grove Sentinel, of
Cottage Grove, Oregon, on the 25th
promptly, and satis­
day o f January, 1912.
factorily. They have
H A R R Y H. P A R K E R ,
facility f o r
j25-AprlL THUS. R. P A R K E R .
handling all classes of
H a r rin g t o n
Koods, and
solicit a trial.
Notice of Forfeiture.
All kinds of hdulinq & Pidno Moving
To Frank Haley, or His Legal Heirs:
Phone So. 72
Cottage Grove
You ar** hereby notified that 1, the
undersigned, have expended one hun­
dred dollars in labor and improvements
Blank notes and receipts for sale at
on the ‘ T-oma” Lode Mining Claim,
Sentinel office.
situated in the Bohemia Mining Dis­
trict, Lane County, Oregon, notice of
location of which said mining claim is
recorded at Page 508, in Book 6 (by
Martin Shea;, of he Mining Records in
and for said County and State, refer­
ence to which said notice and record is
L 9 y *»»e a d »a f*te *e d fa * purity »nd
hereby made for more particular and
iro iu M tx A . N o m d u r i p i r k c d
definite description o f said mining
by ueual^M these tw o quaiitinaf cw
the very highest •*nd*id. Ou* fully
claim, as will appear by affidavit in
• q u ip p e d laboratory under the
<fire<a*on of a aoeaudl and expert
the office of the County Clerk of said
•erd te#rr remove« all fue*a work.
County, in order to hold said premises
When buying LJJy 'iaeeda. you buy
increased croc*. Send lor catalog.
under the provisions of Section 2324,
The Char H . Lilly Co . Seattle
Revised Statutes of the United States,
being the amount required to hold the
said Mining Claim for the year ending
Decemfier 31, 1911. And, if within
ninety (90) days after the first publica­
tion o f this notice you fail or refuse to
contribute your proportion of such ex­
penditure as co-owner, your interest
in said Mining Claim will become the
property of the suhsreiber under said
section 2324. This notice is published
for the first time in the Cottage Grove
Sentinel, of Cottage Grove, Oregon,
Anyone «ending a »ketch nnd description may
quickly a»«*erti» n rmr opinion free whether nn
on the 25th day o f January, 1912.
Invention 1 » probably pncentnbta. Communir*-
tlone et net l jr con fl denti*!. HAN0B00K on Patente
H A R L E Y H. P E T R IE . j'25-All.
eent free. (> lost agency fur ««curing p*z.«n*«.
Sen d F o r
This S e e d
A nnual-Free
rater.te taken through M udo A Co. receive
I $p<ruU notif«. Without cLnrge, lathe
Scientific American.
Registration of Land Title.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County o f Lane.
In the matter o f the application of
Mac W. Thompson to register the title
to lot No. one o f block No. one and
also beginning at the southeast corner
of lot No. 2. block No. 1, run thence
west 20 feet, thence north 114 feet,
thence east 20 feet and thence south
114 feet to the place of beginning; all
being in James Henry McFarland’s
first addition to Cottage Grove, Lane
County. Oregon, as the same is platted
and recorded, against the Bank o f Cot­
tage Grove and all whom it may con­
cern, Defendants;
Take notice, that on the 25th day of
January, A. D. 1912, an application
was filed hy said Mae W. Thompson in
the Circuit Court o f Lane County for
initial registration o f the title to the
land above described. Now, unless
you appear on or before the 29th day
o f February, A. D. 1912, and show
cause why such application shall not
be granted, the same will be taken
as confessed and a decree will l>e en­
tered according to the prayer o f the ap­
plication and you will be forever
barred from disputing the same.
S T A C E Y M. R U S S E L L . Clerk.
J. E. YO U N G , Applicant’ s Attorney.
(Seal o f Circuit Court.)
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Roscburg, Oregon, Jan­
uary 16, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph
B. Gregg, o f Cottage Grove, Ore., who,
on Novemlier 14, 1906, made Homestead
entry Serial, No. 04084, for Lot (111,
Section 4, Township 22 S., Range 2
west Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice o f intention to make Final five
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Register
and Receiver o f the United States
Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on
the 23rd day of February 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses ;
John D. Palmer, o f Cottage Grove,
Oregon ; Joel D. Palmer, o f Cottage
Grove, Oregon; Samuel K. Lewis, of
Corvallis, Oregon ; John Gray, o f Cot­
tage Grove.
A hnndeomeJy lllu ttm ted weekly. la rg e s t c!r-
culettoti o f any »cientiflc loarnnl. Tern.«, f a
year: four m onth», |L SoidbynJl newsdealer«
MUNN £ Co.36,B™ d~ ’ New D. York
Branch Offlce. 525 F 8t„ W aeblngtun.
Springs Hotel
Located at London, Oregon, in
the Calapooya mountains. 800
feet above sea level, twelve
miles from Cottage
Grove, Ore.
Cuisine and accommodations
Hot mineral baths,
recommended by physicians for
rheumatism, stomach, liver and
kidney troubles Very extensive
grounds with swings, tennis
court, croquet and other amuse­
ments. Splendid trout fishing at
hand. Automobile line from Cot­
tage Grove over good roads.
Write for full particulars,rates,
etc. Address
Calapooya Springs Co.
Cottage Grove, Ore.
Southern Pacific Railway Ilme-Iable
South Bound
li ß a . m.
6:42 a. m.
3:01 p. m.
9:32 p. m.
North Bound
1:48 a.m.
2:25 a. m.
11:02 a. rn
3:56 p. rn.
0. & S. E. R. R. COMPANY.
TIM E T A B L E NO. 5 .
To Take Effect June 19 , 1909 .
No. I.
No. 2 .
\ \ \ Ml»
-«r \ r u > \ -
7. |o
I.v __ C o l 1 \' .i G h o v k
A h
7 - 5 <> 3 5 -...................... . W a l d * » .......... .............n as
7.59 6 . 7 . .................. C k k k o G o r d o ............. . . 11.16
8.14 8 6 . .....................
D o k b n a ..........
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8 40 i a « 3 ...............................S t a *
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8.50 13.5 ..................
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9.05 15.9 .................... R e d B h i i m . b .................. . 10 ah
9 .1 5 . 1 6 .6 ......................W i l d w o o d ......................
X k __________ l» i s « i o s ___________I, ■
T w o e x t r a t r a i n s for p a s s e n g e r s o n l y le a v e s
C o t t a g e G r o v e o n T u e s d a y a n d S a t u r d a y at 2 v*
p. ra . l e t u r n i u g a r ri v e » at C o t t a g e G r o v e »t 5 30
p. m.
Inform ation on P o u ltr y
S u b j e c t to c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o ti c e
A l l o u t w a r d f r e i g h t t o s ta ti o n w h e r e t h e r e is
n o a g e n t w i l l be left at r i s k o f o w n e r
S t a g e l e a v e s D iM t o n af t e r a r r i v a l of t r a i n
M o n d a y . W e d n e s d a y a n d F r i d a y for O rse co .
F r e i g h t w i ll n ot be r e c e i v e d at t h e O. * s K.
R. R. D e p o t af t e r 5 p. m
T o in s u r e f o r w a r d i n g
on n e x t t r a i n f r e i g h t m u s t be d e l i v e r e d in a m p l e
t i m e t o p e r m i t of it s b e i n g bi l le d
A, B. WOOD, Manager.