Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1912, Image 1

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Volume VI
(Imuf Sonito!
C O T T A G E G R O V E , O R EG O N, T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 15, 1912
KiMterncrH Want to Know About
Land and Climate.
Tlutt there arr many easterner« win*
have their eye« on Ihi« particular part
of tin' W illatnette valley la evidenced
tiy the numerous inquiries being re
eelved l*y the secretary of the Coin-
mercial rluli. The majority write as
to the price« and quality of land, anil
all waul to know uhoot the rlimata.
Some of the iiupiiriea are coming na
the reault of promotion work done aev-
eral yeara ai(o.
Cottage Grove’s Second Best Paper
Under New Management.
Killing Fir Timber Off at Kate of 50,000 Feet in Short ORCHARD CO.’S AFFAIRS FIXED UP
Space of Three Weeks, Night Prowler Causes Much a>|ml o( Em, loyet Pald „ „
Interesting Conversation of Two
W o rry to Timber Owners in Mosby Creek District.—
ness Resurned.
Maidens Overheard.
Animal Evades All Attempts at Capture.
The attain of the Orchard Land &
Two of ( 'ullage Grove's demure dam­
Timber Co., which operates at Divide
sels were heard iliHi-iiHsing a momen­
tous subject ill the postoflice this T I M B E R
week. The name of one o f the eligible
bin helors of the city was mentioned
several times.
For job printing that haa elaaa, try
Tlie girl with golden hair and blue
Fir Trees Are the Only Species Attacked.—-Animal Strips
tliu Sentinel
eves said : " l i e told me if | didn’ t
Trees of Bark, Starting About Half W a y Up Trunk
kiss him he'd drown himself."
The one with brown hair and black
eyes was Hlurllcd, but managed to
ga sp : " A n d ilid you kiss him?"
To which golden hair, with a twinkle
of fhe blue eyes and an expression in­
dicating thoughts of past happiness,
answered. " H a v e you read anything
hi The Sentinel about bis committing
FamouK, Fertile, Fruitful Willam­
The Sentinel man could rot catch the
ette I)oea Not T «k e it Hack Seat 1 name, hut it seemed to be of Srandi
for Any of Them When It Cornea l navian origin and the first letter was
"A ."
The Christian name sounded
to Veraatility of Soli.
: like " M a r t in ."
Wild atrawherriea are ripe ilcapite
tile fai't that it ia only the mulille of
February. Hamilton Veateh brought
in u half pint thia week tiial have been
on exhibition ami have attrarteil enn-
ai.liTable attention, even from thoae
familiar with tiie veraatility o f the anil
of the fiimooa. fertile, fruitful W il­
lamette. All o f the berrlea are juirv
and rl|M' and ure enough to muke any­
one'« mouth water. Mr. Veateh found
them growing in ilia paature, without
uny protection wtiatever from tlie
A hunch of green wild eurranla waa
alao broii|(ht in tliia week by Horace
Iteaidentn arc liuay theae daya layinK
out and planting Mower and vegetable
gardena. I'aalurage ia getting i|Ulte
Wheels Will Begin to Turn Inside
of Ten Days.
Tlie Owens saw mill will begin
operations within two weeks. A. If.
Owens was in the city Friday and
staled to Tlie Sentinel that be is grub­
bing ott a line 20-acre tract of land
and that as soon as that work is com­
pleted the mill will lie started, lie
said that would be within two weeks,
which makes it less than ten days now.
and Berries. Still Thinks That Special Tax
Street Improvements Is
Proper Thing.
A fifteen acre prune orchard ia ladng
art out liy Itaylra brothera, wlio recent
ly purrhaaed a piece of the Spray
tract. I.ogan berries will be planted
between the rowa of treea.
Cottage Grove, Ore., Feb. 7, 1912.
Having read the article
week, wish to say that
Street'Naming and Numbering Or­
I think that tlie writer of that article
dinances Published.
hangs a little lo o much on one side;
The city ordinances providing for the that is, tlie aide o f " m ig h t makca
renaming o f tlie streets and numbering rig h t ." As ail ttic taxpayers of the
■if the houses o f the city are published city arc more ur less interested in this
in another column and will prove of matter, 1 wiah to aay a few words in
interest to all citizens and property regard to some of his ideas.
It's my opinion that the writer of
that article has no pro|ierty to pay-
taxes on for the pur|xi*e o f building
streets, or anything else.
He says
Watches Approach of Engine With that the only commendable thing in
Apparent Indifference.
the article of Jail. lHth is that the
Comfortably seated on hia blanket writer had sense enough to see that
and apparently awaiting death, an old the streets are in a deplorable condi­
man waa killed at 10 :.'tO Sunday by the tion anil should be improved. As for
Koseburg local two miles north o f 1 his statement that 1 said in my article
that streets were built where least
The man hud been seen going south­ needed, 1 will let the readers judge for
ward alung the track and evidently themselves.
atop|M‘d to real, having placed hia roll
He admits thut such a system as ad­
o f be iding on one of the rails of the vocated by the writer is all right for
track and sat down i i | k iii it. Four eye country roads, but not for city streets.
wilnessra of the occurrence say that The writer thinks that the system will
the engineer o f tlie train blew the apply as well to city as to country
whistle vigorously tiut that the man roads. All have to use them more or
paid no attention except to glance less, the same as in the country, and
toward the approaching engine when all ahould he more or less interested
it was almost upon him, making nu in all o f the streets o f the city.
effort to get out o f the way. Those
So far as I have been able to discov­
who saw the occurrence are confident er by talking to taxpayers, the major­
he meant to commit suicide.
ity are in favor of the sjiecial tax fur
The man was apparently about BO drainage and street building.
years o f age and from papers found in
He claims that there are streets that
his pockets his name wasC. McKIhany. do not call for travel. This condition
Other papers showed he had worked does not exist in this city, for the
fur the Utah Construction company, drays and delivery men have to travel
probably u|ion the extension of the on h II of them and they know and ap­
Natron branch o f the Southern Pacific. preciate a good street when they see
Coroner Jewett came from Koseburg it, and most of them are in favor of a
and took the body there for burial, special tax. Hut he says thut if there
deeming un impiest unnecessary.
should exist such a home ns he des­
s it s
Ed. Sentinel :
~ : T : : : : t r a in
Alvah Green was here Friday eve­
ning with his barrel of fun and held
forth to a large audience nl the Arm ­
ory under the auspices o f the K. I’ ,
and W. O. W. lodges.
Mr. Green was the third ami last
number of the lyeetim course and gave
entire satisfaction. His country school
••literary” made a hit. His imiierson-
ations and make-ups were excellent.
Many compliments and words o f ap­
preciation have been heard for the two
lodges for their ettorts in putting on
the lyceum course, requiring much
gratis labor on the part o f members.
The receipts were slightly in excess of
You can judge the kind o f joli print­
ing a newspaper docs hy the kind o f n
paper it prints. The Sentinel is w ill­
ing to let its paper be an ad. for its
job printing.
Number 21
cribed and the owner should object to
the building o f a street at his own e x ­
pense, he should have, according to
the article, the street dosed and the
lights taken out, if there should hap­
pen to be any. 1 think that any man
with ns much linerality as that in his
makeup had ought to he appointed czar
to rule over some backwoods country.
He seems to see that some o f his ar­
guments are a little far-fetched, hut
anything will do to kill a system that
will do the most good to the largest
number o f people.
He asks as to who is to lie the judge
as to which, when and how these
streets shall he built. I say, let the
majority o f taxpayers and the council
decide that when they get to it.
He seems to think that there is no
better system than the present under
the Bancroft act, but still he thinks
that it had better be amended so as to
enable the council to compel the prop-
< Conti ruled on page 5.)
have been straightened out by »he sell-
mg of an intereat in the company to M.
K. Shaw, who arrived this week Bnd
has rented a house in the city. He has
assumed management of the company
and operations that have been at a
standstill will be resumed at once.
The claim* of workmen whoattackeh
the property and mill o f the company
for wages due have been straightened
and Working Into Branches; Sucks Sap as He Goes.
— Piece of Tree on Exhibition at Sentinel Office.
announced in The
?•"*.'?'■ '" * ; ? * • ^
msdge, formerly in the job printing
business at Salem, being the new own­
er. Mr. Talmadge is an experienced
newspaper man from the cast, and
under his management The Leader will,
no doubt, be a humdinger and compe­
tition will have to hustle to remain in
the front row.
D. F. Dean and C. O. Dry den, the
former owners, have not yet announced
their future plans.
In the rearrangement o f its affairs
Some mysterious animal that is rais­ and width. The tooth marks show
ing havoc with the timber on tlie land that the animal ia provided with the Orchard Land & Timber (Jo. hag
filed for record with the county clerk a LANDESS, ET. AL., VS. CITY OF
of tin- Storey-liracher Lumber Co. in strong, sharp incisors.
mortgage on its sawmill prop-
township 21, section 30, is euusing
Residents of that vicinity have set
much worry to those having timber in
that vicinity. This land is located in unable to catch the animal at work, the New Plymouth Land and Coloniza- j Demurrer Sets Up Point of Law as
the Mostly creek district.
They are puzzled by its mysterious op- tion Co., Limited.
to Whether Complaint States a
I f the ravages of the animal arc not eratinna and fear that a tremendous
Cause of Action.— Second Case of
Sentinel want ads. inserted in news
stopped • there seems to be no limit to amount of timber will be destroyed un-
Its Kind in History of State.
Ihc damage thut may be done. Some less strenuous ettorts are made to catch columns are result getters.
50,(MX) feet of standing timber has al- the perpetrator o f the depredations,
The demurrer in the case of I.andess,
ready been destroyed and the pest lias Thia is the first time that anything has
et. al., vs. the city of Cottage Grove,
only been at work three weeks.
Trees | ever happened to the timber o f that
for a stretch o f a mile have already vicinity, and there are no timber men Large Number of Eastern Friends wherein the plaintiffs contest the elee-
Remember H. H. Harris.
| tion held last May, by which consider-
1 who have ever seen or heard o f any-
The animal starts about half way up thing of the sort before. The turperi-
Ninety postal cards were received hy able surrounding territory was voted
the trunk and works up to the branches, tine in the sap seems to have no effect H. H. Harris last week from friends ! into the city limits, was argued before
biting ott the hark and sucking the whatever un the animal,
in New Brighton, Pa., the occasion Judge Harris Monday and the case
A decision
sap. Nothing but fir trees are at- ’ There are some who think there is a being his 60th birthday anniversary. taken under advisement.
tacked, anil the small ones o f thia colony of animals at work.
Others Mr. Harris is a vigorous gentleman will probably not be reached for two
species seem to lie preferred, although think that if there was any number of for one o f his years. He is a new ar­ or three weeks. This is the second
some four and five-foot trees have j them they could have gotten son»- j rival from the east, and already thinks case of the kind in the history of the
lieen attacked.
! trace of them before this. No one i he would have enjoyed his three score state and it is understood that Judge
Rufus Rawlings, who has land in . seems to have any definite idea as to years much more if they had been Harris wishes to wait for a decision on
thut vicinity, iiHs brought in a piece of ' what manner o f animal is doing the ! spent in the famous, fertile, fruitful a similar case now before the supreme
court before handing down a decision.
one of the trees and samples of the | work, although the general belief ap- Willamette.
_ _ _
The demurrer merely sets up a point
burk bitten off. These are on exhibi- i pears to be that it must be some form
j lion at The Sentinel office.
] of the squirrel family that travels by
| plaint states a cause of action, and the
'Die animal bites off the bark in jumping from one tree top to another.
i decision on the demurrer will probably
strips about three or four inches in Residents of that vicinity think it will |
length and about one-half inch in be necessary to appeal to the govern­ IN FELIC ITY AND DOMESTIC IN- aettIe the ca8e in the circuit court.
The defense has practically stipulated
width. The appearance of the chips ment for assistance. Any information
i to all the facts stated in the complaint.
seems to indicate three or four bites from anyone having heard of anything
are made to get off a piece of this size, of the sort before will be greatly ap Agent of Well&-Farg0
Company and the case hinKe8 on whether or not
the plaintiffs have a cause of action.
hut they sre almost uniform in length predated by them.
Files Complaint in District
The plaintiffs state in their complaint
Court Against Spouse.
as a cause o f action that the city char­
Sentinel Copied in Des Moines.
Brings Suit Against Star Lumber Co.
ter does not provide for such an elec­
Kev. Kohl. Sutcliffe has received an
D. A. Mosby has commenced suit j A tale o f infelicity and domestic in- 1 tion, that if held under the initiative
inquiry from T. F. Gilchrist o f Des against Joseph al., constitut­ fidelity is recited by Harry M. Wheeler the election was illegal because those
Moines, lows, for his views on Social­ ing the Star Lumber Co., for $1127.68, in a complaint for divorce tiled against j outside of the city were allowed to
ism. The inquiry came as a result of claimed to be due him for timber cut his wife, Lottie E. Wheeler, in the cir- 1 vote on what amounted to an amend-
seeing a clipping from The Sentinel on his land and used by the mill. J. cuit court Saturday. The couple have ment to the charter, and further that
concerning Mr. Sutcliffe's sermons S. Medley is plaintiff's attorney.
been married but six months. The ' those outside could not be voted in
published in a Des Moines paper.
plaintiff is agent for the Wells-Fargo without their consent, and that the
Board of Trade Will Banquet.
express company. In his complaint he . ballots were mixed together in such a
The Tax Rolls Compared.
Members of the Board of Trade will alleges that his w ife at the time of manner as to make it impossible to
The total footings of the tax roll for hold a banquet within the near future, their marriage at Cottage Grove on show whether or not the outsiders
11*11 are $795,753.22, while the roll last probably on the 27th. The banquet August 20, 1911, was enamored of one ' voted to come in or not.
year was $630,484.91. The city tax for will be served at the Hotel Oregon at Alfred Matthews, and that at various
Cottage Grove this year is 14 mills, 7:45 and will be followed by a program times between the date o f their mar­
as against 15 mills last year, but the of toasts. It is planned to have nine riage and Jan. 12, 1012. at which time
state, county Hnd school tax brings the talks of ten minutes each and to con­ Mrs. Wheeler left the state, she and Two Highly Accomplished Artists
total quite u bit higher than last year. clude the program at 10 o'clock.
Matthews met clandestinely and co­
Have Been Secured.
habited with each other.
An entertainment of unusuall • high
The plaintiff alleges that his wife
class has been arranged through the
would often visit the mill where
efforts o f the Woman's club, and the
Matthews was employed and met him
CHURCH FROST WOULD CAUSE CONSID- at various other places at numerous proceeds will go to the library fund.
The entertainment will be given by
times; that such conduct and inter­
Laura Thomas Gunnell, impersonator,
course became so notorious that it at­
and Ethel Carolyn Palmer, pianist.
Drs. H. H. Somers and W. W. Ogles­ Branch of Full-Blown Plum Blos­ tracted the attention o f neighbors and Both ladies are highly accomplished in
friends and caused uncomplimentary
by Will Give Ideas of Their
their lines. Both are graduates of
soms un Exhibition at The
remarks to be made of and concerning
Oregon universities.
Schools on Dread Disease.
Sentinel Office.
the plaintiff and defendant, all of
Miss Gunnell brings to her hearers
which was very humiliating to the
the gladness of life with all its vivac­
" T h e White P la gu e" will be the sub­
A branch of a tame plum tree with plaintiff.
ity, the sadness o f life with accom­
ject of a platform meeting at the Pres­ full-blown blossoms was brought into
He alleges also that his w ife told
panying tears, the beauty o f life with
byterian church at 7 :30 Sunday even­ The Sentinel office yesterday by Hor­ him at one time that she loved
ing, when Dr. H. H. Somers, of the ace Cochran, who states that this is Matthews better than she did him and word and tone pictures most vivid, the
Osteopathic school, and Dr. W. W. the earliest he has ever seen plum trees intended to marry Matthews i f the op- [ grandeur of living with an ennobling
inspiration as she interprets the stories
Oglesby, of the Alopalhie school will in bloom.
There are many who fear portunity presented itself.
The spe­
give their views on the causes, cures a late frost with considerable damage cific charges are cruel and inhuman ( that genius has woven.
Miss Palmer has studied under Hugo
and prevention of the dread disease.
to blossoms on fruit trees.
treatment in bestowing her affections
Mansfeldt, Chas.
Dierke and Carl
J. S. Benson also brought in a sample u|H>n another and finally leaving him
The meeting promises to be an in­
Lachmund. She is a brilliant pianist
to go to Washington. Plaintiff claims'
teresting one, us both physicians will of garden peas in blossom.
of high attainments.
endeavor to express themselves in
E N V E L O P E S with blank return card he treated defendant with the utmost , The entertainment will be put on at
terms that, will be intelligible to the for sale at Sentinel office, 25c j>er kindness and frequently pleaded with
the Armory Wednesday evening, Feb.
her to give up her infatuation.
layman. There will be special music. hundred.
28th. Tickets will be placed on sale
J. S. Medley is attorney for the
i at The Wave Monday.
SUES WIFE FOR DIVORCE |°fiawast° whether°r not tbe c°m-
E N V E L O P E S with blank return card
. for sale at Sentinel office, 25c per
Like the report o f Mark Twain's
j hundred.
death, the report o f the shutting down
of the J. I. Jones mill was considerably
exaggerated, and the mill is still do­
ing business, although it will not be
The Arcade Theatre is giv in g resi­
run to capacity until several proposi­
dents of the city many first class en-
tions concerning the moving of the mill
| tertainments o f high quality and the
and the securing of a timber supply
managers are putting the local show
are settled.
; house on a much higher plane than it
Billy Wilkins, formerly woods fore­
has ever been before. That the efforts
man for the J. I. mill has just taken a
of the management are appreciated is
logging contract for the mill.
: shown by the large and increasing at-
Demurrer Overruled.
tendance. The Kenworthy Stock Co,
In the $55.000 damage case of Handy : has been giving such satisfaction that
vs. Chambers, the demurrer to the ' it has been secured for every Saturday,
complaint has been overruled by Judge ;
Harris. It was simply a little legal
Will Preach Memorial Sermon,
sparring and means nothing, as the
A t the request o f the Women’s R e ­
merits of the case do not appear. J. 1 lief Corps, Rev. Hoven, o f the Church
C. Johnson, Malarkey. Seabrook and of Christ, will preach a sermon on
Scott represent the prosecution, while , Sunday, Feb. 25th, in commemoration
J. S. Medley, C. A. Hardy and Wilbur, o f Lincoln and Washington. The Re-
Spencer and Dibble represent the de- lief Corps, G. A. R. and militia boys
fense. Probably only local talent will will attend in a body and the general
really appear in the case.
public is cordially invited to attend.
Report Much Exaggerated.
I). T. Awbrey of this city was
elected a director of the Oregon Agri-
cultural Experiment league at the re-
cent election held at Corvallis. Mr.
Awbrey is one o f the business men of
this city who hopes to follow the back-
to-the-land movement and attended the
short course at the O. A. C.
The New Richmond, Wis., News
which recently receive.! a copy o f The
.Sentinel, sent to it by S. L. Mackin.
comments as follows: " T h e Sentinel
listens like a hangup good newspaper
and i f Cottage Grove is as good a town
as The Sentinel is a newspaper, it is a
Can’t Stay Away From Famous, Co. E, Coast Artillery Corps, Holds
First Election.
Fertile, Fruitful Willamette.
John Ferguson and family are again
hack at Cottage Grove, this being the
third occurence o f the kind.
cam® from Prineville Tuesday and have
already rented a place for a year.
They say that it scents as if they can’ t
keep away from the Cuttnge Grove
Your eastern friends would like to
know something aiiout the country you
are living in. Send them a copy of the
Sentinel. Extra copies, 5c.
A t the first election of Co. E, Coast
Artllery Corps, held Tuesday night,
H. K. Metcalf was elected captain of
the body. Six new recruits were taken
in at the meeting. Seven more enlist­
ments are necessary to bring the com­
pany up to the required number of 63.
Do you read all the locals in your
home paper?
What are you doing
now? You are reading about the good
goods and low prices at the Belling­
ham Second Hand Store.