THE WORLD OF SPORT Longboat, Indian Runner, Who May Quit. HUMOROUS QUIPS The Muse of Parody. To falivr iiiua« the hl*U browed bard May lift a lilting song. But. Muae of Parody deer yard. My hvmrt for thee ta atrong Uet othere twang the goldeu lyre And hit the topinoat C The secondhand poetic fire la good enough for me HIS COURAGE PUT TO THE TEST Boaster Discovers the Value ot Discretion. SUFFRAGISTS 40 YEARS AGO. When Women Stormed a Sen­ ate Committee Room. Oue «veiling while u party of atu Urlm hours there aie when nothing dents lu oue of our large unlveralllea swims Into the rlmeater a ken. i were ut «upper the conversation turn When frantic effort merely dims ed upon courage. McCracken, who The thinking |M>were of men ! took great lutereet lu mllltaiy mailers *Tla then the hard may turn unto Homethlng that's made a hit and was a lieutenant In a militili regi "The ttaven" la often made to do— It Terminateli In a Demonetratlen iiietit. averred that unless a man were And parodUe a bit. W hnh Bruught th* Polle* to th* Cep constitutionally cowardly he would uot "Maud Muller“ —may she always wave itol— Incidente Libo Thoee New Oo- I feel fear under any circumstances With rake and deathleea hay! currmg In London. Full many a poet may she save Mcovlll, wtio belonged to Hint class. Hie From losing job and pay! I sophomore, whose nieiutier« « otmldei It "Itallipaut Munirli .Suffragista" le I I I * And "Danny Deeter and the teat au luhcrltcd duly to keep the college "scili«« liead" «ni thè Iriullug «tory uf On whom so much depends. Long may they live among the bleat. I In an uproar, declared that discretion thè Kansas City Times uf forly yenr» The paixKliat a heat friends' I was the belter part of valor mid If a ago The lucldclila uf th» «tory « r e u«»t — Deliver Uepubltcan. mail got luto a tight 1 1 1 tt wit» better llllllke Illuse uf (he «turi«'« » I d d i ap , for him to yield gracefully Hutu to peni ulliiust every duy III thè Lotiduii Eclipeing Edison. j light senselessly. The Inventor appvniisl tit hta home "That's nothing less than cowurdlce." 'Alinea ut thè preeelit one tiny with u nuiutiei of lioutUig pi The stury Is a dlspati-h fruiti M'aah said McCracken neon* "W h y tliljt bunch?" queried till Inglou dalcd Jan 12. 1*72 Mauy uf "Then we would all better be cow wife “ My dear." he replied. "I feel arda at Hines." replied Scovili " I f a Hit* uuuieli » l i » wero leaib'ra lu Hi« sure that they will make our fortune« tnau were to send me word Hint he Uluveiuciit are wldely kimwu lislay tty closely observing their hiitilta and was going to shoot me on sight I'd Miss Susan It Aiithuiiy, Mrx Stanimi. utethods I ahull umke au Invention send back word that I ho|N*d lie would Josephine llouper and Victoria M'«»« m I which will bring ua millions and pro tulli nr«« incilil»u.«d nx Imlng "In thè I uot ace uie " vide mankind with eomethlng of which "I should tell him that I would l»o tank« timi tllhsl up tlie pnssage leadliig It stauda lu dire uced Yew. my dear. tip tu tlie cumuline« ruolo «It t i grlui state prizes the local or county list prepared for him," anld McCracken I have given up for the uonce my rf l'u "Ih» you mean to say.” pursued Seo fa« es uud lumi. ex«'lle«l v«»l«’ee." should include the articles on the state fort to (1ml a cure fur seaalcknvaa and dei (he tirsi hniik uf thè lieadlllie te vili, "that If you cringed lo a Ilian » lio list, which are: Field corn, pop corn, a cheap aubatltute for Ivory billiard hnd tlie drop ou you you would tie a thè line. " T li ree llumlrc«! nini t hld sweet corn, watermelons, muskmelons. balla." “ What do you proiMise to In Slroiig Mludril Crea lurex un Im ly i coward?" | vent r* Inquired hta wife "Something pumpkins, squashes, potatoes, cab­ Ih'lit.” The lusl bauli uf Ih«« In-uil "T hai's luy conviction," said the nth (tiat will cauae my name to t>e bleaaed State, County and District School bage, grain selections, bin! houses, stittis« ' Th««y lt««fus«« l«> Llst<«u to ¡ sr. twirling u young uiusluche | In every bom« In Hit« land," he replied, pieces of furniture, raechaniewl toys, Authorities to Co-operate in “Then you'll prove yourself a coward Ettirenllea ami Are Tr<-uli-d tu Poli« e “a homing umbrella! Think of It no t'uni tesi«»« labor saving devices for home, bread, some day. you may bel your boots." Working Up Interest. more permanent borrowing by unacru A »ulnaII auffrage c o u «r n t l«>U pad canned fruit, jelly, mending, darning, "That remains to be seen " puloua frleuda no more"— Hut ahe I m - c i i tu x«*Hxion in M iishliigtoii f«»r tour aprons, dresses, asters, sweet peas, With this the speaker left the party. had reamned her houaework — i ’bltadel P Before the first March winds blow I "1 tell you what, fellows," salii Seo tlaya. uml thè story refer» tu th » f«-«l chickens, ducks and pigs. pbla Public I.edger. the greatest series of tryouts ever held vili, "I have a mind to prove Mack a log uf uurest ami dlsa« ualou ' » t i l d i A bulletin of information and in­ lui« |ierviide«l tlie very alr uf Ilio city in the schools of Oregon will be under I coward ou hls owru theory." struction, including the state prize list, Tha Last Straw, durlng timi tini«’ ” Just fuur years way. The boys and the girls of the "Try It," said several students. “ W e’ll | will soon be sent out to the school An old woman entered a saving* prct lotisly thè fuurtcelli II auteudlllent give you a supper If you succeed " state are going to determine “ Who Is i bank the other day aud walked up to children, one for every home. All the "Very well," replied Scovili " I ’ll do « n s udii«««! tu tlie conatltutluil «»f Ilio W h o” in gardening, farming, car(»en- the deak. boys and the girls now need to do is to Cullisi SI a I «*s lu g l i e ti.««* righi uf thè , It." try, cooking, sewing, and in raising “ L>o you want to withdraw or depoa luill«>t tu thè recently fi««sl «la v e « go to work. I f they want to compete "When?" chickens, ducks and pigs. Enthusiasm 'it?" asked the clerk. " A l l perauiis l>.»rii or im lu rn ll zcd In in gardening they should at once secure “ As to that I'll let you know here " S a w . Ol doan't. Ol wants to put for this statewide series of industrial Ih«« I li It •* » statue. One Wednesday evening lie children and interesting them in the contest that lures, most settings of " Y es " galle«! and « h a f ts l our ««ppreaaed a r i tween dusk and darkness he was hur work, and to secure the co-operation of eggs should be secured from breeders “Before Ol was married?” th ro ilgh all tlllie ," a « Olle uf III» rio ! rylug over hls accustomed walk, for "No; Just as It ta now " commercial clubs, bankers and business «(Urlìi s p e a k e r » Inni salii III tlie con voli Photo by American Preaa Aaaociatlon. of pure strains of chickeris or ducks. he wus a tritio behind time, when ho I "Ol cau’t wrolte.”—Cambridge Trib­ Iloti men in obtaining prizes for their local Or if hog raising seems most attrac­ came fare to fa»,- with the statue According to his moat Intimate une. " S i a te a . s l a v e * ! T e li me uf thè rii or county fairs. These county or local tive, the competitor should secure a standing silent and tlgld lu the waning friends. Torn Longboat, the famous In­ » l a v i s i race w lil c b ha « kn«-ll l o thè premium lists may be made out inde­ thoroughbred pig and start to feeding i light Suddenly the Father of Hls dian dlstnuee runner of Canada. Is to Hi* Literary T**t*. lyruiiu y <>f mali a opprvaatou »«• l«u g pendently of the state list, but in order and caring for it. There is nothing to retire from the game shortly. Report The young tnau looked about the ' Country, In a tone that waa evidently and »u ffe r e d w min li u« »«• T b v t i If that children competing at a local or prevent a boy or girl from competing has It that hls legs have at last book department lu some dlamay meant to bo obey «si. lulled "H alt!” At Hit« «llie m llllc n t Is tu set (h e negro the same time the right arm waa raised county fair may also be in line for in all those lines. “ What you got In good stories?" hr gone back on him and that be Is sliu «•» uf meli U | ni li tlie l>rd«-«tal uf from the side, a revolver grasped lu the tired of the game. During the past six asked •«luallty II «h a ll a leu g i t e t<> » o l m ’ U "Here la an excellent romance— a de­ ' hand. years Longboat bus won many races thè righi » I d d i h a « («•«•n ber folulest McCrnckoti stood still as suddenly as at distances from five miles up to the tective story." replied the brisk young Pope nini «Ireatti nin nig li all th «-»« ceti “ I’m quite xure you will like If he had run up against n stoue wall. full Marutbou distance, 20 miles 3*3 woman tlirle e." “Throw up your hands!" yards, first wheu au amateur and later 11L Tln« convention move«! In a Isxly to The order waa obeyed with alacrity. The young man looked doubtful while a professional. The Indian may thè coinudttee r«s«m uf thè Menate, "B ig h t fa c e !" "It'a got a red cover." he ««Id. "an’ be offered a position as coaeh of one of wltere tlie qm,»tlon » a » to l>c drl»at«-o you mean to ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ northwestern state« for the develop­ "I received a letter from Gainer a sav your husband struck you and he ed fuse on gunpowder, brought about ment of these common wealths 1« ad­ few days ago, and he stated that hls an explosion «if laughter from every a physical wreck? wrist was coming along finely and that Then the vocated h.v James J Hill, dinlrtmiti of Mrs Maloney Yes, yer honor But surrounding hiding place. he could use It quite freely. He Is get­ general's threatening arm fell to Its the board of directors of the Great he’s been a physical wreck ouly since ting the lump between the bones work­ pro[Mir place and Hcovlll stepped down Northern railway. he struck me -M c C a ll s Magazine. ♦ ♦ ed out. and he expressed a confidence Mr lllll'a plan has reference to the from liehlnd the statue. At the same There is no place where more care should he taken ♦ ♦ that It would be as good us ever In tha time a dozen students emerged from states lu the recently organized North “Tempora Mutantur." ♦ than in the preparation of prescriptions. We fully ♦ spring.” They behind trees, bushes aud other availa­ western Development league When we went to housekeeping," ♦ realize the responsibility of this end of our business are Minnesota. North Dakota, South ♦ ble nercena. she aadly enmplnlned, "you were glad ♦ 8tar Pitchers A r* "Holdouts.” ♦ and no part of it receives more care. And we keep "Weli, Mack, what do you think of Dakota. Montana, Idaho. M'nslilngtoti. Veon Gregg of Cleveland and Grover | 10 wipe the dishes for me ♦ Oregon and the territory uf Alaska. ♦ our stock of prescription articles strictly fresh. your theory now?" asketl Hcovlll. "Yes." he grumbled, "hut that was ♦ “ Men must work out thelr own In­ ♦ Cleveland Alexander of the I'hlllles, “ I think my theory Is sll r o t " the two finds of 1M11 so far as pitchers when we had only two dishes to be “ I’m glad of that Wo don’t want dustrial salvation,” declares Mr Hill, go, are holdouts In the matter of IU12 wiped."—Chicago Becord Herald. to consider you a coward. Any of us "Instead of trusting to politicians to confructa, each demanding n *5.000 sal­ would have obeyed under similar cir- do It for them.” Thara Are Other*. ary Both ought to get It on the work He calls the territory Involved "the m in sta n ces" ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ “ Boss, Would you help a poor gent (lone by them last season Gregg woo “But how did you work the »1,.tne?” zone of plenty” nnd lu the course of twenty three games and lost seven, »•hat ain't able to work?*' hls statement makes thn following •sked McCracken. — — — — — — — — "W h y , you look strong What keepe 4od Alexander won twenty-eight and “This white sleeve was »11 that wns characteristic remarks: lost thirteen Magnates usually go on you from working?” "The conduct of liuslnesa In the long needed.” And Hcovlll pulled off n cot­ "M e bloomin' pride, sir." — t-ondon the theory that uo pitcher Is worth ton sleeve cut tlie sum«* slin|ie ns the run Is not n mere scramble for the ________ *5,000 a year until he has worked three Tit Bits D. S T E R L I N G , M A N A G E R best place nt the trough general's Continental uniform »oaf. or four seasons. "Whenever this country tins faltered “ Boys, meet me at the Beefsteak Utilizing Time. after drill, and I’ll blow you off to a or stood still It has In-en through re Wheat, Oats, Grain, Hay, F L O U R — Hard Wheal Brands: “ Much can be accomplished by util ■upper.” llunce upon politicians. Double Umpire 8y*t*m on Coast. Mill Feed — Shorts, Bran, j Icing the odd moments.” American B e a u t y , P u r e The Pacific Coast Baseball league "That's provide«, for. blit vv«,*'1 be "W hen they tell you that prosperity "That's right. I know s woman who Vetch Seed, Chopped Oats, White, Red Cross. Every there.” will have Hie double umpire system may lie crisited anil tiiaintnlned by rend ‘Basselas’ while she « n s dummy That night a private room nt the tnrlffs and other artifices laugh at next season Nearly every other league sack guaranteed. Oil Meal. Grass Seed—all at bridge " —Pittsburgh P them. Beefsteak rnng with stirring songs. of similar lm|s»rtance tins been uslug kinds constantly on hand. F L O U R — Soft Wheat Brands: two umpires McCracken wns the merriest of the “ W e need honesty enough to live The Difference. party. He had been taught a lesson, within our means. Poultry Feeds and Supplies. Pheasant, White Star. Man never goes shopping until he but to learn lessons, not only from Howell to Umpire Next Season. " W e neisl to understand that the fu­ knows what he wants to buy A wo -------------------------------------- P H O N E 1 7 1 1 --------------------------------------- Harry Howell, a former Ht. I