BAD CHECK ARTIST Subscriber Thinks Canines Are Get­ PREPARATIONS FORA BIG BUSINESS ting To Be a Nuisance. GETS BUSY Spring Dry Goods IS THERE A DOC ORDINANCE? LOCAL JEWELER VICTIM OF FORGER. Smooth Individual Dots a Slick Job of Passing Worthless Paper on Local Jeweler.—Has Not Been Captured or Heard from Yet. (Continued from first page.) before. He said he « u a farm er liv­ ing near here and priced watches, say­ ing he liked the one he had bought be­ fore, but explained th at he could not purchase until he closed up a deal he had on hand to sell a cow. He said th at he did not like to take the price offered, but he didn't need the cow. and would probably dispose of the ani­ mal during the day and be back after the watch. True to his word, he came in after banking hours w ith a check signed by T. H. Brown, presumably the purchase price of the cow. The story seemed so plausible that Mr. Madsen was not suspicious until the check was presented for paym ent and refused. Mr. Brown denies any knowledge concerning the man or the check, and had no funds in the bank. HOUSE BREAKER GETS INTO MARSHALL’S HANDS CAREER IN COTTAGE GROVE CUT SHORT. Well-Equipped Burglar Easy Prey for City Marshall.—Has Much Plunder and Complete Set of Keys. (Continued from first page.) Koeick. He appears to be a foreigner. To Deputy Sheriff Croner he adm itted th a t he stole the things at Irving, also adm itted being guilty of theft at Al­ bany. Before his arrest a “ John Doe’’ w arrant was issued, charging him with sim ple larceny, but the charge has been changed to larceny in a dwell­ ing, which is a penitentiary offense. He waived exam ination and his bond was fixed at $600. Being unable to furnish it, he will stay in jail till the grand jury disposes of the case. 0. 0. D.’S UNIQUE SOCIAL Ed. S entin el: Is there a city ordi nance iu the City of Cottage Grove regulating the dog nuisance? If so, why is it that dogs are allowed to run loose on the streets, chasing children and annoying pedestrians on the public walks to the extent that at tim es they are forced to take to the middle of the street in order to escape the vicious ness of from one to half a dozen worth less, contem ptible curs th at are of ab­ solutely no value and are stationed in every other gate on some streets ready to annoy and attack victims? A SUBSCRIBER. Sentinel want ads. inserted in news columns are result getters. UNIQUE EXPOSITION OF QUESTION PROHIBITIONISTS HAVE AC­ COMPLISHED NOTHING And Can Not Accomplish Anything With Only Two Great Parties, the Bad People Holding Balance of Power in Both, Declares Speaker. (Continned from first page ) vents the legislation th at the good people want. He used this explanation to lead up to a declaration that the liquor question will not be settled w ith­ out the form ation of a new party, hav­ ing that proposition as its most promi­ nent plank. The speaker laid stress on two state­ ment seldom played up by prohibition speakers. He said that so far the pro­ hibitionists have accomplished nothing, and will accomplish nothing until all the good people get together and vote them selves into control of the national government. He also laid stress on the point th at the prohibition party also stands for everything else that is good in governm ent and th at the stop­ ping of the m anufacture of liquor is only one of its proposed reform s. The speaker excoriated the govern­ ment that provides one set of morals for dry territory and another set for wet territory. An audience of about 150 was pres­ ent, and a good-sized collection was taken up. and Mrs. S. L. Mackin, Misses Bur­ ___________ I gess, Holcomb and G ertrude Burdick. Social Twelve Embroidery club PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN E N - is The kept busy these days with needle­ TERTAIN IN ROYAL STYLE. work. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. J. S. Medley was the hostess and a social tim e was spent. Be­ Series of Guessing Contests Add delightful sides the members of the club present Much to Merriment of were Mesdames, J. H. Cham bers, B. Merry Evening. R. Job, Celia McCreadie and Daisy Hemenway. Refreshm ents w e r e The O. O. D. social given by the served. Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church [ The Young Married Ladies' Embroid- Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. ; club m et Thursday afternoon at C. C. DuBruille was well attended and ( i ery the home of Mrs. Scott. The after- those who were present report a jolly ( [ noon was spent in sewing and em broid­ tim e. ering. D ainty refreshm ents w e r e Soon after the arrival of the guests ; I served, after which a brief business they were provided with pencil and | meeting was held. The name “ Ema- paper, while all around the room in | non" was chosen as the new name for conspicuous places were papers cut and : the club. The members present w ere: numbered to represent the different Mesdames Mackin, Umphrey, Cochran, states ; each person was to guess by | Scott, Durham, Richmond. Atkinson, the outline the name of the state. ] Bisbey, Cory, Bede, Groff, Arns and The one guessing the largest number Invited guests were Mesdames correctly received a prize. This was Cook. Burroughs and Chandler. carried off by Miss Sm ith, it being a potted plant. Then the contest for the Mrs. B. R. Job was hostess on Friday meaning of the initials O. O. D. be­ afternoon to the Social Twelve Em­ gan. A request was made for the best broidery club. Besides needlework, looking man to arise and Mr. Banta the ladies enjoyed a pleasant tim e imm ediately arose, followed shortly by discussing the W oman's suffrage ques- Mr. Trask, while Paul Jones become 1 tion and other live topics of the day. violent, having to be held. The young Mrs. Job was assisted by her daughter. men began choosing sides and soon Miss Emma, who served a delicious there were various answers given, luncheon. Besides the members pres­ such as Old O regon’s D aughters, One ent were Mesdames J. H. Chambers, On D uB ruille’s, Our Only Dime, etc. Paul Jones and Celia McCreadie. The right name was finally given by In the w rite-up of the program of Messrs. Adams and Banta, both speak­ the W. O. W. and K. P. banquet last ing at the same tim e and they received ! week, a reading by Miss Eunice Van- as their prize a free supper. Denburg was overlooked. Slips were passed around and the guesta drew for partners, after which Otis Jasper Underwood and Edith the ladies gave a two-m inute talk to May Lewis were m arried Friday by the partners on the subject of “ How Justice A lta H. King. to Treat a W ife.’’ The gentlem en who Mrs. J, N. W aterhouse entertained a succeeded in getting in the most words few friends informally a t her home edgeways was crowned with a laurel ; Thursday evening. w reath. Messrs. Paul Jones and Chea­ ter Banta carried off the honors. R e­ Editor’s Family Affairs. freshm ents were then served. A bout An interesting change in the family fifty guests were present. affairs of Editor Baxter, of the Cres- well Chronicle, took place last week Mrs. J. B. Lewis gave an informal and is made note of as follows by Mr. dinner party a t her home to a few Baxter him self: “ A male heir to the friends Tuesday evening. Violet place Baxter millions arrived Thursday cards and violet decorations were used, morning. He weighed 8$ pounds and carrying out a pretty color scheme. is a “ hum dinger.” He is a welcome Besides Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, the in­ addition to the Chronicle fam ily. We vited guests present were : Rev. and feel confident that he will make a good Mrs. Sutcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ben­ printer because he is such a mild tem ­ son, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tyson, Mr. pered little fellow .” N ew £ ACCOMMODATIONS DOUBLEDFOR SUMMER. Calapooya Springs To Be the Mecca of Those Seeking Healthful Wa­ ters and a Pleasant Outing.—Ex­ tensive Repairs to Buildings. An atmosphere of newness is fast filling this store. Advance shipments of light-weight Wool Suitings, Cotton Wash Fabrics, Ging­ hams and Domestics have arrived and are placed in stock. New designs in Lmbfoi- deries, Lace and Dress-trimmings are on display. Yesterday a new shipment of Waists and Undermuslins was unpacked. You will certainly he pleased with our early showing of Spring Merchandise. Come and see them today. You will not I k * asked to buy All preparations are being made and plans being laid for a big summer sea­ son at Calapooya Springs, the summer resort that is rapidly gaining fame. The hotel building will undergo ex­ tensive repairs and its capacity will be doubled. Landlord Wilson says indica­ tions point to an enormous number of guests and patients. A new bottling plant for the m ineral waters, to have a capacity of 1,600 bottles in ten hours, is being put in. It is expected to have this completed be­ fore the spring rush commences. The Saline plant will be located in this same building. Make 50 Cents. Those holding contracts with the Monroe studio will receive Id pictures for a dozen, if they get in before March 1, 1912 (studio open Sundays from 10 a. m. to d p . m.) f8. COTTAGE GROVE STREETS ARE RENAMED ORDINANCE PASSED COUNCIL AND IS SIGNED. mcc . ii r.,.w« Pritt, is cr*i. «>ilin$c spring of curative mineral water. Thousands have been cured here after suffering years from Rheumatism, Stomach, Skin, Blood and Kidney disorders. Directly on main line of O. W. R. &. N. Railway, ASK FOR SPECIA L EXCURSION TICKET W alter M. P ierce President and Mgr. Hot Lake, Oregon