/ Volume VI ( ü I yf (Eiîttax^ (Srmu> Üwtitnrf COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1912 Number 20 ELECTRIC BELT LINE FOR THE MERE MEN TO BANQUET AND EN- FREIGHT CLAIMS SETTLED BV COTTAGE GROVE STREETS ARE TERTAIN BETTER HALVES LOCAL AGENT HEREAFTER. GROVE BEFORE LONG RE-NAMED AT LAST Married People of Methodist Church Southern Pacific Inaugurates Uuick Parish To Celebrate St. Valen­ Method of Adjustment JESSE DARLING, OF MILWAUKEE, IS SAID ORDINANCE DRAWN BY CITY ATTORNEY tine’s in Royal Manner. of Damages. TO BE PUSHING THE PROMOTION WORK AND ENGINEER IS ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL The m arried people of the M. E. The Southern Pacific has ju st inaug­ church parish will imagine they have urated a new plan whereby all loaea Recent Activity in Movement of Real Estate in that returned to their courting days on St. occasioned by the shipm ent of goods to Streets of City Now Named "Systematically and Houses V alentine’s night, when the married local merchants am ounting to $25 or Vicinity, anil the Fact that Considerable Fruit Will men will entertain the m arried women less will be paid promptly Must Be Numbered by Owners Before July 1, 1912. by the local Soon Be Ready for Transportation to Market, Lends and every man will spend the evening agent. Heretofore these various claims —City Will Put Up Sign Boards at Street Corners.— entertaining aome other m an's wife. have been ettled through the Portland Credence to this Latest Railway Rumor, Not One Objection to Passage of Ordinance. Elaborate plana have been made on offices and had to go through a course requiring much time. Under thia new plan any n w e h u t who sustains a loss by breakage or other damage, which does not exceed $25, will he paid the amount hy Agent King promptly upon proof ol ' | urn. The plan will doubt- | less be pleasing to local patrons of the | road all along the line. * Cottage G rove’s streets have b een ' FAST SERVICE FROM PORTLAND renamed at last. The ordinance pre­ to the rich lairsne valley within pared by the city attorney and city en­ Freight from Metropolis Reaches Doughnut King I k Popular With wav the very near future. J chmo Darling gineer was parsed a t the meeting j Hungry Itinerants. of Milwaukee, who i* heavily in- Grove in Nine Hours. of the city council Monday night and Barker, lhr Ihiuglmul King, i* the tercHted personally iri orchard land* in The Southern Pacific has given Cot­ there will hereafter he no trouble in i modi | •<, | m 1 1 it r mini in Ihr city with thr Die valley and repreneiita the Church- tage Grove a fast freight service and finding any house in Cottage Grove if hungry itinerant* who vinit Ihr rity. ill-M atthew* |ieople, i* behind the merchandise from the metropolis now ita street and number are known. H r IN keeping u register of hi* gur*t* movs. In renam ing the streeta all contin­ comes straig h t through by faat freight, tiiin ymir ju*t for 11 curiosity nml to Tlie development of orchard land* gencies of the future were taken care the business here w arranting auch ser­ nati*fy hiinnrIf 11 » to how muny hr around l.orane ha» been very extensive of, providing the city doea not take on vice, in the opinion of officers of the care* for umi iiow murh hr givr* away. within the last few years and much additions th at do not conform to the ! S. I'. For thr month of January Ihr rrgia- fruit will be ready for trariHportation Orders for goods will hereafter reach present lay-out of the city. trr allow* .'(4 gurat* ami $7.45 givrn to the m arket w ith1!! a year or . Cottage Grove tw enty-four hours after In the renam ing of the streets. away in gotMla anil cash. A* hi* buai- 1 lie land elo*e*t to Cottage Grove, the COUNTER CLAIM FILED TO TRIB-1 WOMAN’S CLUB STARTS THE Main street has been changed to Main received a t Portland, the actual tim e nr*n i* loratnl ilirrrtly arroa* from tin* nearest railway |Hiint, is ten milcH fr m AL LANDS. PROPOSITION. avenue and extends to the west side on the road being about nine hours. poller alalion, ail th r "b o a" have him tlie rity, which make* an electric line of the city, w hat has been Wall street The freight is due here at 9 a. m. spotted. ulrnoHt a necessity. changed to West Main avenue. every morning. It i* also planned to extend the line , Indian Liza of Brownsville Contests Asks for City Dog Tax as Starter being Avenues run east and west and for Interest in Allotments Claimed for Fund Necessary Before Car­ streets north will on to Eugene. and south. A thousand in thin territory by Jake Fearne.—Only Other negie Library Building Can Be On the east side, the streets are f recently sold to E. J. Comstock of Descendent of Calapooia Tribe. Secured. numbered, beginning from the river, | Milwaukee and J. M. Comstock of instead of from the railroad, nd the ' for $40,000. It ) h understood There arc now two claim ants to the A move for a free public library for nnmbers increase to the east, instead PULLED FROM KAKTH HY MEANS Spokane that they are also interested in the rem aining allotm ents of the Umpquas Cottage Grove was made Monday night of to the west. Streets of less than CAREER IN COTTAGE GROVE OF ROPB. promotion of the electric line. This and Calapooia*. The news published when the Woman’s club asked the city three blocks, or where im practical to CUT SHORT. land adjoins a 1000-acre tract planted in The Sentinel two weeks ago that rocnril to turn over to it the monies extend them, are given names, so as Attenuated Vegetable One of Muny a year ago. Fearne, as the only living des­ received from the dog license ordinance not to make the numbers ambiguous. Well-Equipped Burglar Easy Prey of Unusual Sire and Dimension With the probable extension of the Jake cendant the two tribes, had made as a fund, or part of a fund, for the The streets south of Main avenue are for City Marshall.—Has Much Electric during this year or application of for Raised by H. L. Morgan Three Oregon nut designated, except by the number, the tribal lands, has establishm ent of such an institution. Plunder and Complete Set of Keys. next, there is likely to lie connideratdo brought out the fact on the other side of Main the that a descendant Miles from Cottage Orove. The women have been looking over railroad activity at this |a>int. There of the Calapooia* resides in Browns­ the canines of the city and find many but word ’’N orth’’ is prefixed. The vigilance of M arshall Snodgrass are rumor* al*o that the Oregon & A healthy, aolhl parsnip measuring Southeaalern railway has it* eyes on ville in the person of Indian Liza, an that are not provided with the tag r e - ' South of Main avenue, on the east is probably all that saved several resi­ extrem ely old and nearly blind Indian quired by law. If they succeed in g et­ live fret wa* brought into Thr Sentinel the l-orane valley. dences of the city from being robbed (Continued on page 2.) woman. That this woman can estab­ ting the dog tax money turned over to ulftee Monday by W. J. G ardner. The Monday night. One of the best- lish her rights to a share of this land them, they promise to see that no dog, vegetable wan rained by hia Non-in-law, equipped men in the house-breaking ia believed to be beyond question by no m atter how ornery, shall enjoy II I,. Morgan, on tlir old Gardner raneh business th at have ever been through those fam iliar with the chhc , and per­ peace of mind until after its owner three mile* north of here. here was taken up th at forenoon by Mr. Morgan had ipiite a pnteh of AND OTHER CITIES OF OVER son* at Brownsville Interested in the had complied with the city ordinance. PATRIARCH OF THE FERTILE Marshall Snodgrass. The prisoner had • old Italian woman have taken the m at­ The women believe that they will | iirunipH which he hu* hern digging two grips filled with his plunder, in­ 1,000 POPULATION WILLAMETTE VALLEY. ter up with the officials of the land eventually find that the receipts from lately. He ha* to hlleii a rope to them cluding watches, jew elry and valuables office at Roseburg. the dog tax will be quite an assistance to pull them out of tlir ground. Thi* of all kinds. On his person was found If Bill Before Congress Becomes a Several years ago Indian Liza de­ in starting the library. This ia only Giant Pear Tree Is Over 50 Feet an outfit of keys one had Hi inches broken off by this th at would open most sired to go and live with Fearne, who one of several ways they have in mind in Height and 6 Feet, 9 Inches any lock ever invented. Law. —Small Cities Discrimi­ proem*. All of them are of magnifi­ she asserted ut that time was the only to raise enough to make auch a show­ cent proportion*, many being fully four nated Against. The man was one wanted at Albany, in Circumference. other living member of the Calapooia ing that they can secure a building Incliea In diam eter, but the one re­ Irving and Salem, and Snodgrass rec­ ferred to wa* the longrnt by quite a A hill that will provide free mail de­ tribe, but she supposed he hud died from the Carnegie library fund. ognized his man by descriptions sent The largest tree of its variety in the hcaung th at he had laid claim to For the present the women nave Ml out. Deputy Sheriff Croner came up livery Hiid collection for cities and ' until asked for the use of the council cham ­ world is w hat O. P. Adams claims for Tuesday evening and^took the man to The (Tillage Grove country give* town* having I.INHI or more population the governm ent allotm ents a pear tree of his. It rises over 50 feet daily proof that il i* the finrnt farm ­ within Iheir corporate lim its ha* been Indian Liza lives on the bounty of ber to put their bookcases in. the skies and m easures exact­ the county jail. ing country in a region famed for It* introduced in emigre** bv R epresenta­ the people of Brownsville with the as­ The mayor and city recorder were towards man was taken before Justice sistance of a small allowance from appointed a comm ittee to take charge ly 6 feet and 9 inches in circum ference. of The g ood land, it la rem arkable that a tive Orient of IV-nnayIvannia. the Peace Bryson Wednesday after­ It is unusual for a pear tree to a t­ vegetable could get MUatenance from If the bill should become a law, the Linn county. She is given a home and of the m atter, with power to act. noon and he gave his name as P. Z. J. tain any g reat size, so th a t this tree ia hsiked after personally at the farm The Woman’s club has gone into the earth five feet from the aurface. government will provide regulations \ of M. Cushman on the outskirts of fight for a library with a determ ination has attracted considerable attention. (Continued on page 2.) as to sidewalk*, gate*, numbering of the B. city. to win out. O ther Woman’s clubs in Fruit growers here who have traveled (louses, naming t.f streets, etc. land in question is the rem ainder cities not as large as this have been all over the fru it districts say that A report just issued by the post- of The the federal governm ent's allotm ents successful in such a movement, and they have never before seen one that office departm ent say* : 1 made in 1888 and comprises 480 acres the women express the belief that attained such proportions. “ The city delivery service is now in near Cottage Grove and l,«*1« acre* in there are enough intellectually-inclined The tree is a patriarch of the fam ­ o|arution in 1,541 cities, serving more the Yoncalla valley. people here willing to put their shoul­ ous, fertile, fruitful W illam ette val­ 46,000,000 people. On the 42,000 PROHIBITIONISTS HAVE AC­ than ders to the wheel to put the proposi­ ley, having been planted by Mr. Adams rural route* 20,1X10,000 people receive Legal blanks at the Sentinel office. tion through. in the early 60's. The tree bore con­ LOCAL JEWELER VICTIM OF COMPLISHED NOTHING their mail from rural carriers. This siderable fru it last year. Mr. Adams It may possibly be that a small FORGER. Minnesota Girls Write. leave* a considerable percentage of our does not know what variety of pear charge will have to be made at first And Cun Not Accomplish Anything (teople, the m ajority of whom reside in A half dozen of Cottage Grove's eli­ for the use of the hooks, hut the inten­ tree it is and has seen no one who can got letters this week from Min­ tion is to make it a free institution as tell him. Smooth Individual Does a Slick Job With Only Two Great Parties, the towns and villagea, w ithout any form gible* free dclivety service, and under the nesota readers of The Sentinel and an soon as possible. Bud People Holding Balance ot of Your eastern friends would like to of Passing Worthless Paper on l influx of Gopher State leap year maid­ present laws there i* no way by which Power in Both, Declares Speaker. the departm ent can relieve this in­ ens is expected as a result. It is un- ENVELOPES with blank return card know som ething about the country you Local Jeweler.—Has Not Been equality. It is believed, therefore, ( deratood that all proposals have been for sale at Sentinel office, 25c per are living in. Send them a copy of the Captured or Heard from Yet. Sentinel. E xtra copies, 5c. The unique*! and moat clever expo­ that an experim ental service should be ( accepted. hundred. sition of the prohibition question ever authorized." A smooth bad check artist did busi­ heard in Cottage Grove wa* that giver ness here Saturday and succeeded in An eastern business m en's committee try Eugene W. Chafin, form er candi­ which is pUHhing the proposed Dill asks passing a worthless check for $28.28 on date for president, Monday night. H. C. Madsen, a local jew eler, buying for the co-operation of newspapers, | III* talk, which wa* an able aim commercial Ixslies and business met. a cheap watch as a pretext for getting forceful one, pleased even those not generally. the paper cashed. in sympathy with hi* idea*. Tin The check purported to be drawn by Still After the Road. Hpeaker referred directly to prohibitioi T. H. Brown on the First National mo Hrldom Unit thone who attended ex The Commercial club ia still Hctivc bank of this city, made to and en­ parting to hear a ranting, skin-’em- in the proposed Realty road propoai dorsed by F. H. Ford. The forgery alive prohibition tirade were nio*l lion. The com m ittee appointed to ac­ was discovered Monday morning when agreeably and plea*anlly surprised. company the viewers along the road the check was presented for payment, The speaker built hi* talk on the his­ reported at the m eeting Monday night but the crim inal had had tim e to get tory of the nation, endeavoring to that the survey made hy them is along away and has not been apprehended. show that at no tim e ha* any great re­ the most feasible route and is one that He had a t least two days’ sta rt of the form been accoinpli*hed with only two will lie perfectly satisfactory to the authorities, and there is little hope of great parties in exi*tcncc, half the Grove. a capture. good |>eople in one and half in the A com m ittee, consisting of C. M. The man who cashed the check went other. He claimed that when such is Shinn. J. W. G rant and M. H. Ander­ into the jew elry store early in the the ca*e the bad elem ent hold* the bal­ son, was ap|M>intcd to d raft a resolu­ day. called Mr. Madsen by name and ance of power in both parlies and pro- tion for presentation to the county talked like a regular custom er who court when tlie petition comes up. had bought things there several tim es (Concluded on page 2 ) (Continued on page 2 .1 Lane County Pioneer Dies. TO PUBLISH COUNCIL DOINGS Benjamin G. McPherson, a pioneer TRY TOREORGANIZEDEPARTMENT City Fathers to Give Publicity to of Lane county in 185:1, died Ht his home in Springfield Saturday, aged 67. Their Activities. Petition Circulated for Men to Serve Proceeding* of the city council nnd He crossed the plainh with his grand­ as Volunteer Fireman. all ordinances except street ordinance» father and settled first in Marion coun­ OREGON’S OFFICIAL ST A T E BOOTH MAKES AN A petition has been circulated during will be published in The Sentinel, ac­ ty, hut later came to Lane county. In EXCELLENT SHOWING A T BIG LAND SHOW the past week asking for volunteer August, 186«, he married Mary I.ouise cording to a resolution adopted at tiic firemen. A number of signers were meeting of the council Monday night. Simmons. Eleven children were born The Sentinel presented a proposition to them, 10 of whom auvive, together Oregon’! official state booth attracted men of the Twin City and Duluth. | made a splendid showing. In addition secured. much attention at the N orthw estern Sim ilar space was also furnished free ( to fru it growing, the chances for di- The departm ent, especially as re­ for the publications that struck the with their mother. Land Products Show recently held in to all the other states in the N orth­ | versified farm ing, dairying, hog and gards the central division, has been member* of the council ao favorably Northwest Mining Convention. , cattle raising, which are of much in­ somewhat disrupted for nearly a year St. Paul. Of all the big shows in 1911 west Development League. th at they decided to give it a trial. terest to the mid-western and eastern and there has been nothing that could The N orthw est Mining Convention The official state booth of Oregon this was the most im portant, as N orth­ | The council haa been unjuatly criti- ciaed at time« for not giving publicity will be held in Spokane on Feb. 16th, western products alone were shown, whs designed and put up by the G reat j farm er, were emphasized. The in ter­ be called an organization. Northern Railway for the state of est m anifested in Oregon was such If enough signers are secured it is to ita proceedings, but the body 16th and 17th under the auspices <>f the without fear or favor. Oregon. It was handsomely decorated that the G reat Northern officials are proposed to reorganize in an active Mining Men’s club of Spokane. It is The official state booth of Oregon state« that the prices subm itted here­ tofore for auch publication have always expected to be one of the largest gHth- ; occupied an equal Hmount of space and the apples and other fruits from well satisfied that the state will benefit body of three divisions, east, central been ao high that the city couldn’t erings of mining men ever held in the with the other state exhibit*, which Hood River, W illam ette valley, the much from this comprehensive exhibit and west. There is now a hose cart within the limita of each division. was subscribed for by the business Umpqua and Rogue River valleys of its products. northw est. afford the expense. ( Hitt age Grove ini* excellent pros­ FEEDS MANY OF GENUS HOBO pect* of having a belt line electric r-il- tin- part of the supper com m ittee to show the women how easily the men could get along without their wives, and the supper prurnises to surpass ilial recently given the men hy the women, providing, of course, that the supper com m ittee doesn't fall down. There will also he n program NEW DESCENDENT OF MOVE FOR A PUBLIC CALAPOOIAS LIBRARY ho FIVE-FOOT PARSNIP GROWN NEAR COTTAGEGROVE FREE DELIVERY FOR GROVE UNIQUE EXPOSITION OF QUESTION HOUSE BREAKER GETS INTO MARSHALL’S HANDS hitch w iih THE LARGEST IN EXISTENCE BAD CHECK ARTIST GETS BUSY