LADIES CLUB ENTERTAINS GIRLS ARE ON THE JOB YOUNGSTERS GET IN UNE There’s Such a Difference in the Way hose Wear And the quickest and surest way to find out what hosiery wears best is to get a pair of SCHOLARSHIP LOAN FUND DAY HELD. A LL THE TIME BACHELORS STILL RECEIVING Thirty-Five Invited Guest* Present PROPOSALS. in Addition to Club Members. Leap Year Girls Are No Pikers and All Bachelors Will Be Bene­ The moat prominent social affair of dicts. Outside Maids Contesting the week was the reception given by with Home-Guard Maidens. the Ladies’ Club in the Commercial Club rooms yesterday afternoon for the benefit of the scholarship loan fund The rooms were prettily deeorated in orange, grape and atream ers of the club's colors, lavender and white. Mesdamea Scovel, Shinn and Cruson served delicious fruit punch and cake from a pretty booth in one corner of the room. Besides the club members, there were about thirty-five invited guests present. Messrs. Silsbv anil Frank Wheeler, being the only gentle men present, the ladies vied with one another in entertaining them. Mm M yrtle Vcatch won first prize in the guessing contest, which contained the word “ w elcom e." In the second con test advertisem ents were pinned on the wall ut various places, minus the names of the firm and the guesta were naked to guess the firm nsm es of six ­ teen advertisem ents clip|>cd from The Sentinel and Leader. Mrs. Compton was the winner of first prize, it being a handsome w ater color painting, aiul Mesdames Jury and Cooper the booby prizes, Mrs. Jury receiving a ropy of the Leader and Mrs. Cooper a copy of the Sentinel as prizes. Mrs. Johnson, president of the club, in a few pleasant words explained the reason for the fund meeting. The W omen's Federa­ tion of Clubs set aside the last Wednes­ day in January as the Scholarship laian Fund day and each guest present was invited to contribute a small ailver offering for that puriiose. The next special feature of the afternoon was spirited drawing contest, in which Messrs. Wheeler and K inter were asked to judge the m erits of the pic turcs. A fter considerable discussion the first prize, a handsome w ater color drawing, was awsrded to Mrs. W ater- house and Mrs. K inter was consoled with the booby prize, a pencil and sheet of pa|ier. The receipts to the donation fund were $12 40 and the af­ ternoon closed with a general hand­ shaking and aocial good tune. SOME ELIGIBLES PICKED FROM YOUNG STOCK. School Hoy« and Othera Ate Willing and Want Fair, Demure Dam scla to Know It. Becoming jealous of the attention given to older men, the youngsters wish to proclslm their qualifications to the world. Tho following bus been liMialed in by one who signs him self : "A Friend of the Young Bubs.” The Sentinel recently said, "T he old bachelors of the city offer a splendid chance for every g irl." Sav, girls, wouldn't you rather have u nice, young, giasl-looking fellow, who la up and s coming slid hss not reached that sor­ row ful Hgc of thirty or more. Well, girls, here is a list worth reading, just ready for delivery : Harry M artin, hushful newslaiy. See him girls Up and coming, can Inform you on the latest. Dorris Medley, a basket had king, now employed ut a big salary by the C. G. H. S. Can furnish u nice little basket for you. Elm er Spencer, tall and slender, hard to please, a good laaister. Girls, save him from iicing a bachelor. Robert Atkinson. Curly headed laiys are scarce. Good walker and high readier, fine for plowing or pruii- nlng. tieorge M atthews, a m iller. Hot very old hut must he nearly gone, from the frequent culls he miikca ut n eertuln house, C hsrlic Harlow, Capitalist, u giuul provider und dresses well. Wilburn Skidmore, u Comstock c iti­ zen. Round, ful, plump uial In the best of hm lth. S|andcnrc. Smite ut him aiul he's yours. Albert WiMsIuril, n gissl entertainer hut, bewnre, his hobby is Freedom ! Waldo Hull, an enthusiastic young man. Hug him. lie 's willing! Andy Sears, q u irt slid slow hut care- ful. A good ideal and ban go. s) th< .lights. Frank Brumbaugh. Beware, don't he discouraged if dlSHp|Miinted. Ernest l.cbow, s newcomer. Watch him move, he's classy. Ellsworth Darncw.ssl, a U rge fine built man. Hus a fancy for small women. (Continued from first page ) going to tell you a few of my many accomplishments, ami am sure you will consider it an honor to have received this letter. 1 miii not at all irrita b le ; when dear old daddy or the laiys come home and find dinner not quite ready, I smile very sweetly and remind them "m an should not live to eat, hut eat to live," and I never allow soggy hiscuts, black coffee, burned (sdutoca or over-done steak to worry me, for you know worry You will find they wear longer than any other kind you causes wrinkles. Every afternoon I “ forget w ork” ever wore. They are as sheer as silk, yet they "wear and go down town shopping , one must have plenty of air and sunshine if they like iron." Try one pair— then you’ll know. desire a pretty complexion, anil surely you would want your “ tootsywuulay" perhaps that isn’t spelled correctly, hut you being an editor will know what I mean) to have have rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes and a light and graceful step There are so many things for a girl to think about, and it requires so much time to keep up with the fashions, for they are constantly changing and one can 't ulforl to look dowdyish. I can play the guitar and sing very well and can writ« p o etry ; will keep ROUSING SOCIALIST RECEPTION you well supplied with poems for your (taper; and I can row, skate and ride Fully Two Hundred People in En­ elegantly. Do you like outdoor sport? thusiastic Audience. E D I T E D BY A N N A OU L E S BY I dote on tennis and golf; it takes one The first reception given by Cottage in the air and gives them the needed Grove Socialist local was a rousing exercise. I m i also very fond of the success from sta rt to finish. There thcater and ofa-ra were about 160 who brought baskets Brother Tom says, “ I'll have plenty and joined in the big feed at 6 o'clock, of (lie if I get you." I did not know when Jim Hemenway will again dem ­ and enough others to bring the total to an editor could make pie, and hope you KANSANS HAVE BIG FEED onstrate his ability to pick good w ater­ 200 arrived before the program of the will not insist on eating it oflener melons which will have to be bought, evening started. than once a day, as it's ha i fur diges­ none being raised in this altitude. The program , every num ber of which LEE ROY WOODS AND JAMES tion and I do not want you to have was thoroughly enjoyed, was as fol­ HEMENWAY. dyspepsia, as it is very disagreeable Eutcrpians Entertain. lows : O rchestra number, address by to have to he particular shout one's At the m eeting of the Euterpian Rev. Robt. SutcillTe, musical selection cooking. 1 had runtrmplHtcd a minis­ Have Not Yet Fully Recovered, but Club Friday a very entertaining and by Mrs. Kirk and Wm. McCaleb, reci­ ter hut when 1 thought of having to enjoyable program was rendered as tation by Arna King, reading by A. F. the Doctors Hold Out Hopes attend the Aid society and missionary follows : Howard, song by M aster Glen Smith, for the Better. meetings, ami worst of all, the funer­ ••Hold Thou My H and,” Briggs, recitation by Mrs. Elam, song by ff. O.ff.’S; K. P.’S; BIG TIME als, for 1 always cry and my nose gets Bisbey; “ The L ittle Clouds,’* Idalia King, recitation by Rydal King, The Kansas Society held its sem i­ Lloyd red and makes me look frightful, I Logan, Ursula Lockwood; “ My Child­ musical number by Wm. McCaleb and annual mid-winter dinner, program, an­ hood Hom e" E sther Silsbv, Messrs. TWO LODGES ENTERTAIN ROY­ gave It up und derided an editor was nual election of officers in W. O. W. Woodard and H art; “ Goodnight L ittle M ra. Kirk, rem arks by Elbert Bede, preferable, even if you do keep ' the ALLY LAST NIGHT. hall Monday noon. A fter a dinner fit Girl, Goodnight,” Maey, Mrs. Comp­ rem arks by G. F. King, recitation by devil” in your office. I suppose you for a boodle alderman, as one guest ton; “ When The Bell in the Light tiny Misa Genevieve Johnson. A dance need him when you publish things peu- described it, some Kansas aongs were House, Rings Ding D ong,” Solman, j followed, the young folks staying until Well-Rendered, Entertaining Pro­ pie don't like. m idnight. gram, Followed by Elegant indulged in by all present and if it had It will he perfectly lovely to know Pow ell; “ The Rose of Yes-j The first social was so successful that not been for the discordant breaks Seldon Banquet. all the news before the other women Marie Rich, Blanche the socialists promise several more in made by H. O. Thompson all would V ter eatch; E ve,” do, for of course you will tell me tie- “ Loves D ream ,” E sther Sils- the near future. have enjoyed the singing. fore it is published and save me the The W. O. W .'s and K. 1*.'s were it Harvey. Legal blanks at the Sentinel office. last night, and one of the biggest and trouble of reading the society column The following officers for the coming by, The Worth following new members were The Social Twelve Embroidery Club year were elected: Lee Roy Woods, taken into membership : Jennie Smith, was delightfully entertained at the most entertaining evenings of the sea­ I’m sure we shall )>e very happy und The Overlooked Eligibles of Latham. supreme jay haw ker; Mrs. Geo. Hall, Jessie The good |*-oplc of Latham ure high ith, Mrs. Cooper. Fern Hol­ home of Mrs. Ben Lurch last Thursday son is recorded to their credit. There I’ll be such a help to you in your work assistant jay haw ker; Mrs. J. L. Sen- comb, Sm were nesrly 300 who enjoyed the en­ I know you can hardly w ait for the ly indignant to think that The Sentinel Seldon Powell, Ben King. Ed ter, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. King, Grace Lilly, Hugh Currin. afternoon. Mrs. Lurch is a pioneer tertainm ent furnished. “ happy d ay ," but I do not think I can has so far overlooked the many prom­ Monroe, Mrs. Ralston and Geo. Wilaon resident of Cottage Grove and has the The following program was very have my trousseau ready before June, ising eligibles to la* found in their re were appointed a com m ittee to arrange Mrs. H. A. Miller entertained at a happy faculty of knowing how to en­ creditably rendered: Duet, M yrtle anywuy 1 prefer the month of roses, as s|>ected community. In view of this for a mid-summer picnic, date to be stag party Sunday evening in honor of tertain and make every one feel at Brewer and Merle Robinson; reading, they are very becoming to me, and fact the leap year maidens of Cottage announced at proper time. Mr. Miller. An elegant seven-course home. The afternoon am usem ent was Mrs. Jas. Hem enway; solo, Grace then too, most (leople enjoy traveling Grove who have found none to suit Eight new members were enrolled, dinner was served and there were chiefly spent in needlework. Besides Silsby ;duet, Fern Holcomb, M arguerite best in summer. Shall it he t’aris or them from the long list of eligibles of making a total of 149. The afternoon other forms of am usem ent. Those the club members present, were Johnson; 20 -m inute address. Rev. Italy? I ’m going to let you deride, as that place need lint yet despair for was spent in social amusements and present pronounced it the best repast Mesdamea Job, Cham bers and Hem en­ Robt. Sutcliffe; Woodman song, by the either would please me. Sincerely they will surely he able to make a se­ some whopping yarns were told by they had ever sat down to. Those way as invited guests, and Mrs. Celie camp. your very affectionate VIVIAN. lection from L atham 's list. several truthful Kansans (?) of early present besides Mr. Miller were Chas. McCready, daughter of Mrs. Lurch, as A fter the program the banquet was P. S. Don’t you think Welsh rarebit The following are the names of the experiences. All are looking forward Adams, H arry K inter, W orth Harvey, guest of honor. A delicious luncheon served in the store room below the and divinity fudge more refined than overlooked and anxiously w ailing to the good old summ er tim e picnic M. H. Anderson, L. P. Sanford. was served. hall, it being necessary to lay the sauer kraut and schw eitzerkase? It “ would-bes ;” must lie very em harassing to have to Albert Hull, a young, retired busi­ tables twice. While supper was being served and have one’s love letteis translated. I’m ness man from Portland. Is more in­ after it was over Clarence Morsa en­ very sorry for H err Anderson. If he terested in prunes than “ |ieachea." Is tertained the audience with selections is a friend of yours, tell him there are steady and energetic, and would make on the | iano. members of the audience plenty of girls in Chicago who would an exem plary husband. Address all joining in songs once in awhile. An like to live in Oregon. letters to Riverside Farm, Latham , hour's dancing as indulged in during If you cannot send me a "Tiffany soli­ Oregon. taire” size fi, please return the $1.50, Murray Trunnell, a (sipular student the latter p art of the evening. in th at case I should not care to of the Cottage Grove high school. Is The m idw inter social gathering of for read The Sentinel. Sincerely, very studious, and m athem atics Al- the Epworth League of the M. E. VIVIAN ROSS LIVINGSTON. gebra) is his favorite study. A fine church, which took place Saturday evening in Phillips hall, whs one which A lbert Lea, Minn., Jan. 30, 1912. musician is he, hut it heals the (C. G. II. S ) hand how he knows how to get will long linger in the minds of those Mr. Van Gorkuin, Cottage Grove. Ore. breakfast so well. Is a sure cure for present as a most successful and joy­ — My Dear Van : Have wanted to corni- blues. Would prefer being selected ous one. About sixty members and west for several years and now I ’m the friendH being preaent. The party was real happy to think I may come. I by a young lady musically inclined. ably chaperoned by Miss I A Wilson. think i am particularly adapted for a Alfred White, second white child horn on the place. Though not a spring Games occupied a goodly portion of the m inister's wife, as I am a member of chicken, he still desires to lie favor­ evening, after which a short program the Baptist church and have taught a ably considered by the leap year bid was rendered in a most pleasing man­ Sunday school class. W eight 130 Knows how to entertain h ner by all who participated. Miss Flo IKiunds, 5 feet, « inches tall, have dicr. Phillips gave an interesting reading, brown eyes and brown curly hair. Am "goodly com pany." which left a deep impression on the considered the village belle. Have a Stanley Trunnell, a handsome, dash­ minds of those present. Miss Mabel sw eet disposition and never pull hair. ing young man of twenty-one. Could Wilson followed with a solo which Answer by return mail, as I will anx­ not. and would not be called a farm er brought forth ringing applause. The iously w ait for its arrival. Youra and dislikes the study of agriculture, ODEL N o . 250 like cut is our most shuns all magazine articles entitled, high school boys’ quartette, composed lovingly, popular style. Those who have of Messrs. H art, M atthews, Anderson FR A N K IE HOIIENTIIANKR. •’ItHck to the F arm .’’ Likes to lie in tried this model recommend it as a most and Woodard, rendered a number of P. S. -K oenen Sie Deuteh apreahen? town and have a good time. Is good Matured and not at all jealous. Neoda comfortable fitting corset and compare pleasing selections. The program con­ a capable wife who knows how to split Cottage Grove, Ore. Jan. 12, 1912.- cluded with a reading by Miss Mildred it with other corsets much higher in wood and is a business m anager. Says Mr. A. Helli well. - D earest A lbert; Pringle. A daintily prepared lunch price. The covering is very strong and for the town girls to waste no tim e in was next in order and all guesta were For some tim e I have been gazing on the waist line is reinforced with a strong answering for some farm er girls havo your pleasing countenance with the seated at one tim e. L ittle or no belt which prevents the corset from difficulty was experienced in serving, thought of matrim ony in mind. 1 have their eyia on him. stretching. The boning is very flexible thanks to the able m anagement of cherished and kept silent my sen ti­ Waldo McKinley Hull, an Intellectual Mias Wilaon and Mr. Chaa. Beidler, ments for you, fearing to s|>eak lest I student of the C ottage Grove high and absolutely rust-proof. This model Mr. Beidler acting as head chef. The S|teak in vain, but U |ain seeing your school. Is a little young hut will Siam is made with a medium short waist and lunch consisted of oyster stew, sand­ name with the list of eligibles and grow older. A fter attending the Ore- a long hip. Please ask us to show you willing, 1 took courage to s|>cak. I wiches, pickles, cake and cofTee. (Cone hided on page 7.) this style. have loved you more than words can J. E. Scott was down from Salem on say and u(sin reading you would supply answ er this and accept, signi­ business Tuesday. the groceries I was even more thrilled. fy If by you sending n laitlle of olives to your The Bellingham Second Hand Store Even tho you may be in no hurry, lover, O LIV ETlA N \STEN. is getting the business. Why? The still I feel when you gaze into my answer is simply this : Good goods, longing eyes of brown you will not These are the last of the |iro|M>aal« low prices, courteous treatm ent to keep w aiting the girl who wait? long­ that will he published, ao bachelors can custom ers. Iiw u a n w m I I I M l « , » » IW IlIM — M M — M MMM W ingly for you. resume their usual quiet of mind. Oh My Hosiery at 1 0c a Pair HAMPTON CO. mirti! «»I UMPHREY & MACKIN THE CASH ECONOMY STORE W h a t C A fC o t? Tfy the American Lady ▼ vllul vUlotl. C orset This Spring STYLE NO. 250 Price, $2.50 M Other Styles, $1.00, $1.50 up m a h *11