Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, January 25, 1912, Image 7

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District Superintendent J. T. A L-
luitt of the M. K. church was In the
c t y the first of the week und preached
in the M. K. church Sunday evening.
K I N K S T A K E N O U T o f your cron»
rut » mwn . All kinds of ruwn hammered
mill for li limited time will do |^uniilii|(
mid fitting ul Miller'» Machine Mho|i.
K. t'. I l l l l l l i
jfl6 f I ■
Hurry Wlllinm»
wood Saturday.
K. A. Erickson of
I ii from Wild­
III the city during the |ui»t week.
F o lt SAI.K. Only '.I more choice i'o-
1 itiid Chinn pigs. 1‘honc Farmer» 'IM1.
Mra. (', II. Itenton
Eugene over Sunday.
w iin
down from
County Fair aaaoclalion will ho held in
the hani|iiut room o f the Commercial
duh at Eugene on the evening o f Jan­
uary .'II.
iii ii iu ii I
m eetin g
A »hue 1» no better than It» Hole.
The hcNt |mt on at Cottage Grove Shoe
Van A I I inoii vialled in Eugene Satur­
E. li. Miner tranaacled huaineaa in
Eugene Saturday.
Oak grub wood at $2<a>. per Her.
I’hooe 162. J. F. Spray.
A bouncing baby daughter was horn
Mra. J. M. Singletary waa down
Mra. Dniay Hcrnenway hospitably
from Eugene during the pnat week tu laat week to Mr. and Mra. Chaa. entertained the Social Twelve Em­
Cochran of Eugene who were visiting broidery club at her pretty borne on
viait tier sick daughter.
Railroad avenue Wednesday afternoon.
A. (i. Anderson waa up from Eugene at tin- Orpurd home in tins city.
Mrs James llcmenwuy was laid up I Mra. Geo. Hall assisted the hostess in
looking lit a piece of land at Saginaw
serving a dainty three course luncheon.
Hie llrat of the week.
laat week with a »ore foot.
The member* if the club were ail pres­
Mr. und Mra. James Sewra returned |
Huy your poultry supplies from the
ent, beside» Mesdamet Robbins, Kern,
Sterling Feed (Jo. Grit, shell, bone, Saturday from a week’» visit with I
Sbinri ami Jones aa invited guests.
beef scrap», luytng tonic», egg food, their sou at Saginaw.
J. S. Millie waa in Eugene on busi­
etc., alwaya in atock.
Olympic, Pure White and American
ness yesterday.
A marriage licenae haa been iaaued licHUty (lour at $1.40 per sack ; hard
J. II. Warner waa in Eugene Tuea­
to Gordon D. W alt» of thia city und wheat Hour and every sack guaranteed.
Miaa Lottie lletidcraun of Lorune.
Sterling Feed Co.
Beanie Lathe Scoville will lec­
Mrs. H. G. Tyson waa in Eugene
The Firat Christian church of Plea-
ture in the Christian church Monday,
aunt Hill tiled its articles of incorpora­
Jan. 29th, at 7 :30 p. m.
A. F. Dunn was in Eugene Monday
tion with the county clerk last week.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its regu­
The incorpuriitura are Samuel II. Cal- on huaineaa.
lar meeting at the home of Mrs. Lou
liaon, Frederick II. Cook, William II.
J. S. Milne waa in Eugene Tueaday
Thompson F riday, Jan. 25th, at 3 p. m.
Shelly, and David G. Linton. Thia ia on buaiueaa.
Mra. H. H. Keister went to Portland
one uf the lirat churches to lie orga­
J. II. Wickawaain Eugene thia week
Tuesday night on a iiuaineas trip.
nized in Lane county.
on liuaineaa.
Mra. Drake left for Corvallis laat
A MARGAIN. Kirat class piano for
ITES. Williams' Jubilee Singers at aale cheap, it taken at once. Almost night to visit her daughter, Mra.
Shafer, who ia nick.
'Die Arcade January .‘iOtli.
Tickets new. Mra. J. II. Warner.
Through mistake someone took Ella
now on aale at The Wave, Mir and 7'«'.
D. J. Scholl in visiting and transact­
Miaa Ruth llelliwell went to Cottage ing huaineaa in the lower valley thia Thompson's parasol from the Grange
hall Saturday. Please return to Sen­
Grove yesterday for a few daya viait week.
j 25
with relative»
Mr» II C. Cook and
J. K. Barrett celebrated hia (iSth
daughter, Mr». Naati, went to Cottage
J. W. Williams returned Sunday from
birthday anniversary Tueaday and en
Grove yesterday morning on huaim-aa
lertained a few friend» and relatives at a visit in Eugene.
Chaa. Summer», the wide­
Rev. (J. \. Woo ley o f Eugene preach­
awake contractor and builder, made a
ed at Dorena Sunday.
huaineaa trip to Cottage (irove laat
Chas. H. Reala spent Sunday in Eu­
Mr. and Mra. W. F. Lau- turned Friday from an exteued viait at
man left for I'ortland laat Wed need ay
Mra. Celia McCready arrived Tues­
Side |>ork wanted. Inquire at this
evening, where they went to lie at the
j25 day from San Francisco for a few
bedside of their daughter, Mra. Erneat office,
lleliiwcll, uf Cottage Grove, who waa
Mrs. J ennie Hayes received word week'» viait at the borne of her
recently taken to Hint city und placed Saturday of the death o f iu-r aon Fred, parent», Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lurch.
in a sanitarium for treatment, and who
Mr». Jna. Sear» viaited in Crenwell a ia reported to lie no better. Yoncullu
few day» thia week.
Time«, l'.llh.
f ur t i N Veatcli and wife left Monday
McGuvran ia huving u wail paper
for l inn county on huaiuc»».
D L ..
When in Cottage (irove you will
II. I*. Wheeler returned Friday from
make no miitake by vi»lting the ltd
a huaineaa trip to Eugene.
liiigham Second Hand Store.
Mra. Thus. Meraerve returned to Eu­
Robert Moaby, (>eo l.ayng and Clin». gene Friday uftcr a visit with her
Kale» were in Eugene one day till»
mother here.
week on I iun I iich ».
F L O U R ! Di­
0. W. Walker attended to bii»ine»«
rect from the cur to the consumer.
In the county »cut Saturday.
That in Hie reason I can sell you better
Hour for Icaaa money.
Ank about it.
Cut the coat of living. Phone 1*12. J.
F. Spray.
Hon. S. B. Eakin of Eugene ia said
at New Orleans. Cause of death ia riot
known. Deceased waa 21 years of age. to i>e alowly improving.
Andrew Brund and (J. II. Burkhold­
W. E. Arnold waa here from Port­
land the lirat of the week on huaineaa. er, who attended the Retail Merchants
Hamilton Ar Co. have juat received a Association convention at Medford,
large shipment of apirng goods, ging­ report having apent a moat pleasant
ham», percales and YaSuda silks for and profitable time.
Mra. F. Okumoto the Japanese wom­
waists and dresses, wool dreaa goods
for spring suits, silk waist patterns, an, and her riewiy-born babe, Eugene
serges in colors, calico», challies,em­ Rosa Okarnoto resumed their trip to
broideries, etc.
These goods were 'Frisco yesterday.
icceivcd t o o late t o make larger men­
tion in Hus publication.
Mra. Sarah E. Taylor o f Keinnare,
N. D., writes la-e Roy Woods that she
wants to get to a country where they
H u im I a y « v i t n i n f *1 7 3U
D . 1 ). Craig of Grunts P ush left won’ t have to siiep under four or live
Rubi. S u td ilfe n i K W e r t the question
I'uradny for Porlluinl, lifter u week's blankets anil a couple quilts in the
Which (hutch n the Church oí Christ7 visit with Ins aiatcr, Mr». Lew A. »ame room with a hot coal fire and that
she is corning out here looking for a
Cute», at Gladys Place runch.
Vio lin Solu by ( # « d | f r Wiaal
O rrliPltfB
piece of property.
Lucille Itranateltrr <>f Eugene viaited
Abe Bangs aial (5. M. Marksbury
at the John Marker home over Sunday.
in Eugene Sunday.
Harry C. Smith, traveling paaiengcr
Wull paper atock reducing aale at
agent of the Nortliern Pacific railway,
D l...
»pent Sunday in Cottage ( irove.
M. S. Swcngcl waa in I’ortland the
He waa diHlrihuting the rompany'»
ttrat of tin- week on buaiueaa.
folder, "Oregon for the llomeaeeker,”
Cliua. Cocbrun waa in from Eugene
a c|uantitv of which will be left with
the Commercal Club for dialrbution to over Sunday to get (tetter acquainted
with that new daughter of hi».
all who wlah lliem.
Gordon Hats
Miaaca Mary and Anna Chuiifnu of
Every farmer's wife ahould have one
of thoae llumpty Duinply egg caaea to Saginaw viaited at Springfield laat
tiring the egga to market in. For »air week.
at Sterling'» Feed »tore.
A good, high grade piano for aale.
F. B.
Dr. li. F. Fuller traliKNcted buaiueaa Very cheap on caay term».
D l - t f ..
and viaited rdalivea in Eugene Sat­ P H I L L IP S .
L. A. Rulaton waa down from l)i»s-
Mra. Chiirlca F. Croner and aon Dale ton over Sunday.
were down from Eugene over Sunday
Mra. J. P. Hart returned from Eu­
viailing at the Corner home.
gene Saturday.
Wall pa|H-r »ale now on at McGav-
D l ...
J. V. Shield» and family leave for
Idulia, Colorado, tialuy tu take up trieir
C. II. Dyer waa plcuannlly Nurpiaed permanent residence.
Monday night by a bunch of friend»
A new (»-room liouae, nicely fin-
who turned hia liouae upaide down and niahed, never been occupied, lot tvox
moved moat of hia houaehold good» 150, for aale at a bargain. Inquire of
About 25 were prevent. (!. W. Wallace.
tf. .
A fter a plcuaant evening had been
Junu-a Scar» of Cottage Grove viaited
»pent ami the gueata had departed, Mr. Tuesday at the home of Mra. (J. F.
Dyer moved Ida goiala into the liouae Scars.
Miaa Belle Scott visited
friends and relatives in Cottage Grove
Until Saturday
Hampton & Co.
The ladies o f the Methodist Aid will
serve a 25c supper in the basement of
the church on tomorrow evening at 6
o'clock. Good entertainment follows.
W. 11. Jenkins, D. P. A. o f S. P.
Co , was in the city over Tuesday
veiling. He was well pleased with
the passenger receipts Ht the locu|
We buy and aell everything at the the later part o f laat week.
Shingles for sale at Reea-Wallace
llellinghum Second Hand Store.
Lottie Veatcli of Cottage Grove visited
Saturday and Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Alice Counts returned Monday
Mr. and Mra. J. R. Scott and family.
The Coauman residence was broken from a viait with her uncle, James
into Monday afternoon. It waa prob­ M c K h )-, at Roseburg.
ably the work o f some hungry holai,
Mra. J. S. Medley returned Sunday
H a tch in g.
aa eatables were the only thing missed. j from a week's visit at Eugene.
c lin k s lor Hale. W i l l hatch your
The local poatotficc became a preai
e g g s (or you .
Phone 13S-Y.
Sheriff Mown was down from Eugene
drutiul o ili e r January I, with the salary
Erneat Purvance, Cottage Grove.
Monday serving civil papers.
lixed at $1,000. Five other otlicea in
FOR R E N T. - Six-room house on
this state received advancement at the
Fifth St., near high school. Inquire
II. J. Shinn and Harry Short were in same time. Creawell Chronicle, 18th.
: A. Doolittle.
Eugene Tuvaday on huainoaa at the
Dr. Robbins lias hia olticea on Fifth
By claiming she was an authorized
court house, hut Mr. Short'a name did
street, three doora south o f pontoirice.
agent for the Rural Spirit, a Portland
not appear among thoae to whom mar­
Phone 131-K.
farm publication, a woman giving the
riage licenses were iaaued that day.
from here attended the
| name of E. B. Browne is said to have
I H A V E IT. — I have juat unloaded a basket hall game at Oakland Sutunlay.
tleeced a number o f ranchers in the
car of that celebrated Waldo Hill (lour.
The Arcade ia now using the balcony I valley.
It ia ua good aa there ia in town. I
which has recently been completed.
James J. Craig went to Portland yes­
guarantee every »nek. 11.25. Try a
The added seating capacity waa en­ terday morning, saying that the Swede
sack. Phone H52. J. F. Spray.
tirely used Saturday evening in seat­ girl had sent for him.
II. II. Veatcli waa in Eugene laat
ing a capacity house. Since then s
Shoes.—Cottage Grove Shoe Store.
week to attend aome expert Irup-ahiHit raised floor has bean put in to improve
Wilson's restaurant is again opened,
the view o f those in rear seats.
the tirst meal being served Tuesday
M. C. Coodcnow o f Eugene ia taking
Salt at carload prices. Phone 1(52.
treatmenta at Inmdon Spring» for rheii J. K. Spray.
A. A. Rogers of Sioux Falls, S. D.,
Registration o f voters for the pri­
is visiting friends and relatives here
mary «lection has commenced and sev­
and is a guest at the Dorwood home.
eral of the notnry publics o f the city
T. C. Law, of Central Point, Ore.,
have the blanks on hand for registra­
has been looking the country over this
tion purposes.
week with a view to locating here.
All kinds of musical goods at the Bel­
2J miles from Cottage Grove,
There arc many tine old violins
lingham Second Hand Store.
river Imttom land; $I,S(NI. Kasv
away in sheds, garrets, etc.
violin strings a specialty.
terms. Address P. O. Box 33S
You may have one. Bring it to Geo.
Marion Veatch fold two pianos in
E. Wood, at the Bellingham Second
Drain Saturday.
Hand Store. Mr. Wood is an expert
Sam McKernan haa purchaaed a half
MiHHca Rose and Kate Bowers are violin maker and repairer of musical
Interest in the Heltinghnm Second down from Egene visiting their aunt, instruments and is considered authority
Hand Store recently atarted by (J. E. Mrs. Allen.
on valuable violins. He carries a full
Judge Thompson haa apiaiinted Wif- line of bows and supplies o f all kinds.
Hon. S. It. Eakin o f Eugene ia anid liam Lane administrator of the estate
Earl Hill was in Eugene a few days
to be alowly improving.
of Allan H. Nowell. The estate is not | this week.
B u ff O rpingtons
44-Acre Potato Farm
C. H. Ilurkholder transacted buaiueaa very large, but there are quite a num­
in Eugene yesterday.
ber o f heirs.
Reported by Socialist Local.
What Would You Do If You
Had the Stomachache?
Better be prepared in advance with one of our Hot
W ater B ags at these unusual, extraordinary reductions
Three quart Hot Water Bottles, guaranteed one
year. Regular value $1.75. Sale P ric e ____ $
Two quart Hot Water Bottles, guaranteed one
year. Regular value 81.50. Sale Price
Three qt comh n Hot Water Bottle and Syringe
guaranteed 1 yr. Reg. value $2 50 Sale Price^ $
Two qt. coml/ri Hot Water Bottle and Syringe t f l Qfl
guaranteed 1 yr. Reg. value $2.25. Sale Price^ 1.011
Three quart Red Fountain Syringe, guaranteed
one year. Regular value $2.75. Sale Price $
Three quart Red Fountain Syringe, guaranteed
one year. Regular value $2,00. Sale Price $
Two quart White Fountain Syringe.
value $1.50. Sale P ric e ................................
Our better grade of Bags and Syringes are backed by a
RUBBER GLOVES—Regular value 7.5c to $1 50
per pair. Sale Price a pair 60c to..........
Complete Line o f Things —Rubber at Our Windows
D O ES IT S T R E T C H Y O U R IM A G IN A T IO N to think
that these values are exactly as stated? W ell, they are,
and w e’re right here waiting to dem onstrate the fact.
V 0 1
Our Royal Table Queen Bread
M A lib , A T T H K R O Y A L B A K K .R Y P O R T L A N D O R E G O N
H IS ce le b ra te « ! b re a d it* fa r s u p e r io r to a n v o th e r e v e r m a d e o r so ld in O regon
It is
u n a p p r o a c h a b le in w hiten«-»*. Iig h tn e * * , n n en en * of t e x t u r e , r ic h n e s * in fla v o r, a p ­
p e a r a n c e , a n d n u t r itiv e , h e a lt h - g iv in g '.u a h t i e v a lw a y s c u t* a n d «spreads Lx-autif till v
a n d i*» n e v e r d r y a n d c r u m b ly . T h is b re a d sell» e v e r y w h e r e so u th of S e le m a t xoc p e r lo a l
b u t an a » p e c ia l tr e a t to o u r p a tr o n * , w e a r e r e t a ilin g it a t 5 c e n t* .
la r ly but w e w a n t a ls o to t u p p ly yo u w ith o th e r G o o d T h in g s to H at. W e » h a ll tr e a t y o u
li!> e ra lly . a lw a y » . K K A D C A R K H T . I . Y
p r e s e n t th is C o u p o n to g e th e r w ith C.4*»h O rd er
fo r m e r c h a n d is e a m o u n tin g to not le».* th a n $ :.o o , a n d y o u w ill b e g iv e n o n e o f th e d e ­
lic io u s a n d w h o le s o m e R O Y A L lo a v e s F R E E
D o t h i v s u r e , to d ay
laical Cottage Grove meets every
Saturday evening at the City hall.
Visitor» welcome, all meetings and de-
liatea open and conducted with equality
to all. I f you have anything to say,
C. L. Wooley recently traded his i will not be able to devote more than
either for or against socialism and its
house and lot here for a 40-acre tract an hour or two a day to the training
philosophy we will hear you gladly and
at Gowdyville. This week he traded : o f the men, hut by calling back a num­
give good attention.
this 40 acres to Ethan A. King of Fair- ber o f the alumni to help him it is
Socialists and their friends will give mount for two residence properties on | thought that just as good a team can
a banquet and entertainment at Phil­ Beach street. Mr. Wooley formerly ; be developed without losing the hu­
lips hall Friday evening, January 25, owned these same houses, but in trad­ manitarian element in the training.
11)12. A cordial invitation is given to ing around he acquired 80 acres and The alumni will make an appeal to the
friends and all others who can be now has them back again.
' college loyalty of the men. Coaching
there. The ladies will bring well filled
1 mainly for the pleasure of being back
New System in Foot Ball.
baskets o f substantial Laid that will
on the campus and helping out the
A movement is on foot at the Uni­
put all in a contented mood and. be­
1 students they will not overwork the
sides, there will be cotTee and chocolate versity of Oregon to make football less 1 men.
with many fine things o f the culinary commercial and more spontaneous in
Skunk Farm.
Hrt all sweet and tart. Supper begins its nature. It is the custom at most
a great deal
at 6 30 sharp and the feast will con­
tinue until it's time for the speaking star a large salary to train the foot­ o f jesting done regarding the skunk
to start. There will be recitations, ball squad during the fall months. It farm for the past week, yet the ground
good songs and fine music, and if you is the business of these men to develop has been leased, fenced and the pro­
The elevens are prietors have begun collecting the var­
wish there will be a final merry bout, winning teams.
so friends and comrades are invited to trained behind locked gates and their mints.
Messrs. Latham & Kincart are rather
supporters among the students only
come out.
•new in this line yet Mr. Kincart has
have a chance to see them in action
The fairest women often treat you when playing the five or six games of been on several farms and has a gener­
al knowledge of the business—at least
the worst.
the season.
they think they can make a success of
The man who is satisfied with him­
Heretofore, following the custom,
the venture.
self isn’ t very hard to please.
the students of the University of Ore­
They expect to get fifty to sixty ani­
Did you ever stop to think that the gon have procured expensive men from
mals and we are informed that they
man who comes into your office and the east to coach the teams and paid
will produce about 1,000 every year.
smiles when you tell him to wait a them enormous salaries from the mon­
The herd will be bred for black with a
couple minutes would be howling mad ey taken in at the games.
I short stripe, the price being about
In the last meeting o f the athletic
if you told him the same thing over
twice than that for the slotted, or what
the telephone under the same condi­
; is known as the white skunk. The-
was brought up, whether to send east
1 revenue from the enterprise will be
for Hugo Bezdek, who is now coaching
realized from the sale o f the fur. I h e
one o f the eastern institutions, or seek
Auction Sale.
price per hide ranges from 20 cents
1 good work team, mare and gelding, coaches among the alumni who should | for the lowest to about $4 for the best.
9 and 10 year* old,
The proprietors are offering $1 for
their interest in the students o f the
1 mare and new buggy,
live animals delivered to their corral,
Bezdek was known to
which is just east of the Coburg ball
3 tons of hay,
have the bull dog, brutal tendencies of
park. O f course, they want the dark-
30 tier wood,
some of the big coaches of the east
; er colored ones, if possible, but are
who drive their men to victory by
500 log. pota'oes,
accepting any color at present. Sever­
2 wagons, 1 double harness, nearly bullying tactics. The vote was unani­
al have begun trapping the varmints
mous against Bezdek, and for securing
and Mr. Latham told the writer they
Dick Smith, prominent lawyer o f Eu­
Gravel bed and wood rack,
to buy and trap at least 50
gene, and graduate of the University.
House and two lots, 19 young hear­
Smith, on account of his law business. before the first o f March.—Journal.
ing apple trees.
Household furniture.
Some cull lumber,
40 acres o f timber to be sold at pri­
vate sale.
Sale will be held Thursday, February
1, 1912, at J. T. Davies home, just
opposite C. H. Burkholder’s, on North
Railroad street. Phone 112-J.
Before Y o u W e r e
Notice for Publication.
Department o f the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Jan­
uary 16, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph
B. Gregg, o f Cottage Grove, Ore., who,
on November 14, 1906, made Homestead
entry Serial, No. 04084, for Lot (11),
Section 4, Township 22 S,. Range 2
west Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice o f intention to make Final five
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Register
and Receiver o f the United States
Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on
the 23rd day of February 1912.
' Claimant names as witnesses :
John D. Palmer, o f Cottage Grove,
Oregon; Joel 1). Palmer, o f Cottage
(irove, Oregon; Samuel K. Lewis, of
Corvallis, Oregon ; John Gray, o f Cot­
tage Grove.
Glen Cox, Mayor o f Deschutes, Ore.,
is in the city.
f f | H E N yo u w e r e courting
\ ± / y o u r w ife she a lw a y s had
C a n d y — n o w that y o u ’ re m a r­
ried , dem onstrate to h er that
yo u lo ve h e r m ore than e v e r.
A box of
Johnston’s C andy
Is a Good Demonstrator
Sizes to Suit Any Taste
Prices to Suit Any Purse
T3ñe Metsan Shop
“ Something Different”