Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, January 25, 1912, Image 2

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    social evening. The guests w ere:
Messrs, and Mesdames A. C. Kinter,
C. J. Kent, Marion V'eatch, J. N.
W aterhouse, Elbert Bede.
M W YORK K\ l i M N t i l O l ' K M I ,
A N N A OU l. K S li Y
K n T K P BY
Mrs. Ben Lurch is hostess to the So­
cial Twelve Embroidery club this
Thursday afternoon.
The llearst newspapers have more a man undertakes the publication of a
once called the attention of busi­ daily or a weekly newspaper in u small
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Madsen en ter­ ness men
and of citizens in general to place.
a few friends at their home the im portant
A pronounced leap year party in banana gelatine w ith whipped cream tained
work that ia done by the The editor risks everything, poverty,
Monday evening. Splendid music was editors of the sm
every aenae of the word was one given and cakes. Guests from the faculty rendered
newspapers and bankruptcy, indifference of the public,
all during the evening anil I to the great value aller
Tuesday evening by the Misses Wilson at Drain were Mr. and Mrs. Spray and refreshm ents
ami at best his reward can be very
were served. The ladies as advertising mediums. newspapers small.
of West Main Ave. at which the gentle­ Miss Mabel Halt. A number of others
saw' that the gentlem en present were It would be impossible to keep this It is said that Mr. Itrysn is going to
men were made to look sheepish by the from Drain were also present.
gallant bestowal of favors which the Prof. Purvance entertained the girls \ escorted to their homes safely.
j governm ent going, impossible at least oppose the election to the presidency
ladiea showered upon them during the of the eighth grade class of the public 1 At the beautiful country home of W. to keep representative and dem ocratic of Governor Wilson, of New Jersey,
entire evening. Upon entering the school at his home Friday ev
ent alive in this country, if it because the latter before he started
en in g .’ D. W hite, the Misses Della and lues i governm
house the ladies were obliged to hang
for the thousands of news­ out toward the White House asked Mr.
and social chat were enjoyed
up their wraps in the hall while the Games
scattered throughout the t'arnegie, of the Steel Trust, to give
tained in honor of Miss Emma Job
gentlem en were escorted to a room till a late hour and refr eshments were Tuesday
of them a watcher and him a life pension.
provide! for them, containing every served.
vigilant policeman in Many of us, of course, would feel
not knowing their destination,
beauty preparation to be found upon At the close of a successful official Job,
huppier if we could begin our work
greatly, but were forcibly
any lady’s dresser. Here they were board m eeting of the M ethodist church protested
W herever two railroads cross in the with a life pension that would free us
made to feel that the gathering was a Monday evening, Mrs. Robert Sutcliffe Mr. W hite's A glowing tire in the big United States and there is a town or from all care ever afterw ard.
most informal one and placards on the delightfully surprised those present by fireplace
sent forth cheer, helping all village, there is fortunately for the The country editor especially would
wall informed them that the toilet ar­ serving a splendid oyster supper in the to enjoy the
be made com fortable and free from
evening hours, play­ country a local pa|icr.
ticles were at their disposal. The in­ vestry rooms of the church. A very ing games early
worry for him self and for his family if
and listening to verses
vitations requested the guests to bring pleasant evening was enjoyed and a which accompanied
he watches the affairs of his township, there were some Steel Trust or Oil
unfinished work and judging by the vote of thanks extended to Mrs. S u t­ butter plates, gifts for the new home county, state ami nation.
T rust billionaire ready to offer a pen­
varied assortm ent of articles brought cliffe for her charm ing hospitality.
to those beginning hard work.
to be established. Precisely at ten
one m ight well form the opinion that Dennis t'ooter of Cottage Grove and o'clock
citizens concerning uffairs that most But the country editor goes to work
all work in Cottage Grove was unfin­ Mrs. Arabell Leonard of C oburg were | invited to the dining room, there to be vitally interest them. He is for them with no pension and no guaranty, lie
ished. One young man sat back in a
an eye that does not sleep, a man alert asks no pension, no cash In advance,
corner k(nit)ting a pair of socks, while
and devoted to those that are his con­ only fair play and a chance to work.
a young lady opposite him was setting
To the man who has started his own
up printers’ “ pi” ju st as the “ devil
If the railroad crossing kills too small paper and is fighting his way up
does in any printing office. Trimm ing
many, if the railroads combine to hill with a little type and n small
a lady's Sunday bonnet looked easy to
charge too much or serve too |ioorly. press, paying the highest price for
some of the boys, while the ladies had
if the judge, governor or mayor seems everything and getting the lowest price
no trouble at all composing an unfin­
more of a railroad official than a peo­ for his advertising and bis hard work,
ished poem which m eant many sleep­
ple's official, the editor is there to tell there seems som ething very comical in
less nights to the near author who in­
the sight of a man like Governor Wil­
about it.
tended it for his best girl. A fter the
Big m etropolitan newspapers with son giving up a position us university
unfinished work had been rendered
circulations running into many hun­ president that paid him nearlv $ 10,000
more unfinished, many original and
of thousands daily have a peculiar u year, taking a large salury us gov­
Well, no ! Not exactly, but pretty
unique games were indulged in. Next
ernor of New Jersey, publicly bidding
of their own.
nearly that ! 4J Did you ever stop to
in order was the auctioning off of the
But if you took all the m etropolitan for the United Stales presidency with
think when you >»et out a party
gentlem en to the mere ladies, who
newspapers of the United S tates and its $7.r>,000 salury. and at I he aumc
invitation, how much prettier, how
dragged them off to a very enjoyable
weighed them in the balance against tinic asking Mr. Carnegie, of the Steel
much more dignified, they would
spread of refreshm ents. Among those
the press of the small cities and towns Trust, to put him on his pension list
appear if printed—and printed in
who attended were : Messrs. C. Morss.
in America, it would be as though you ami make it easy and safe for him to
correct style ?
L. P. Sanford. F. Beidler, C. A. Ban-
weighed a city office building against be honest ever ufter.
4]And the cost is not much. Only
ta, L. Bisby, J. W. G rant, Misses
Pike's Peak and the local press would The country editor is the man who
about seventy-five cents or a dollar
Lucy Burgess, Essie Haley, Mi lured
ought to have a |>enaion for the work
be Pike's Peak.
above what you pay for the blank
Pringle, Roxie Pringle, Mabel G reen­
The local editor speaks to his readers that he does, if any man ought to have
wood, Ada Humphrey, Fern Holcomb
it. He is also the man, us it happens,
as one friend s|>eaks to another.
and the hostesses. Miss Lola and Mabel
<JWe’re not telling you this just
They know him by sight. They know who would not take a pension from the
Wilson. Miss Greenwood assisted the
because we want to give you some
his record. They know the hard fight Steel T rust, or from the railroad that
advice. He w ant that business!
that he has made and is making. They runs through his town, or from any
know for how small a rew ari he ren­ other agency of public exploitation.
Mrs. Pauline Moore Riley, of Baker
efficient, unselfish service. Ami a Thut is why we have in the past and
City, W orthy Grand Matron of Eastern ,
word from him means more than many do t<sluy und shall in the future try to
Star, Grand Chapter of Oregon, paid
“ The Shop” Where Good Printing is Done
columns from some anonymous and un­ impress on our renders and big adver
Cottage Grove Chapter No 4 an official
known ‘ ‘editor of the big city .”
tisers the fact that they should do their
visit Monday night, after the commun­
The politicians of this country know
ication in which M rs.Riley reviewed the
well the power of the local editor.
work giving a splendid and instructive
They respect it and fear it and it is a
address ; balance of evening was given I
good thing for the country that they
over to a social good tim e. The re­
freshm ent commitee, Mesdames A tkin­
A man w riting fearlessly in some
son, Mason, Abrams, Miller and Lea,
an's or some senator's home
served a delicious spread, consisting of
more to keep th at public
sandwiches, salads, olives, cake and m arried Monday at Eugene at the host and hostess at a table beautifully official."straig
ht" than all the m etro
home of B. F. Crum, Mr. M altman, decorated in red and white carnations, politan newspapers put together.
The ladies of the Baptist church en- first reader of the Christian Scientist chiffon cherubs and dainty heart Public men know the power of the
joyed a social afternoon at the home church, officiating. L ater the knot shaped place cards. Im m ediately under local editor and of the local newspaper.
of Mrs. A. Jury last Thursday. Light was tied by County Judge Thompson. the chandelier swung Cupid with hit It is a pity that the business men of
refreshm ents were served by the The K. P. and W. O. W. lodges and bow and arrow pointed directly at the the country are ignorant of that power.
Ladies Aid.
A happy hour was spent par­ The man who has som ething really
Ladies’ Circle will hold a joint social hostess.
delicious chicken supper, worth while to advertise could, if he U n til S a tu rd a y
On last Saturday evening the stu­ Wednesday evening. There will be a good nights a were
said and the home­ would use the local newspapers intelli­
dents of the Cottage Grove high school number of invited guests. There will ward journey began.
present gently. m ultiply his sales by ten, make
entertained the visiting basket ball be a banquet, followed by a program , were Mr. and Mrs. N. Those
the him self known to millions th at do not H a m p to n & C o .
team and students of Drain high school and one of the most pleasant evenings Misses Job, Currin, Perkins, Kennon,
now know him and put him self at the
at Phillips hall. The guests were met of the season is predicted.
of his line of com petition.
at the door by Miss Lea and Miss Ken-
autom obile m anufacturers who
non and every one was .made to feel
ju st at this moment share toward supporting the local press
cordially welcome. A fter an hour or
advertising intelli­ i of this country. There would be and
so spent in various games, an in ter­ with a pleasant social tim e among the
paying I could be no philanthropy about it. aim*
esting program of readings, vocal members and partook of an elegant You can judge the kind of job p rint­ a good, 'a ir rate and newspapers,
good val­ j ply wise self-interest should make
ing a new spaper does by the kind of a ue, they could very offering
solos and a q u artette number was ren­ banquet.
the every citizen buy his local paper and
dered with much applause. Following The Social W hirl club m et with Dr. paper it prints. The Sentinel is w ill­ output of automobiles in America from
i make every advertiser contribute ac­
this, eight girls of the school v e ry ' and Mrs. F. L. Ingram last Thursday ing to let its paper be an ad. for its 140,000 in one year, which was the rec­ cording to his means to the support of
charm ingly served refreshm ents of evening and enjoyed a very pleasant job printing.
ord of 1910, to 600,000 or 1,000,000 in the local press.
one year—and this is no exaggeration. The citizen that buys his local pa|ier
The sm allest of the country news­ gels his money back many tim es over
MM * papers
has among its readers one or in protection of his interests. And the
five or ten or a hundred men th a t could man who advertises widely and wisely
be made to buy a car now and will buy in the local press gets his money hark
one sooner or later. Some intelligent many times over in cash returns.
autom obile m anufacturer with the The people should not be niggardly
right kind of prixluet will realize this in support ot those that do good work.
and sell tens of thousands of cars Business men and the public generally
through the local nwespapers before should be es|>ecially broad-minded and
his com petitors know what has hap­ liberal in their support of the local
newspajicrH that represent and tensify
The average of prosperity and of public opinion throughout the c luntry.
wealth among the readers of country Sentinel want ads. inserted in news
newspaper is far g reater than among columns are result getters.
the readers of a m etropolitan daily,
and in proportion to the cost of adver­
tising, intelligent publicity through the S H E A C K N O W L E D G E S
country newspapers gives by far the
best results.
W hat we have said about automobile
w ivertising refers to advertising in
other lines. The dw ellers in the cities,
readers of the m etropolitan dailiea
have before their eyes the tem ptation
and attractions of the g reat stores
which cannot be reached by the reader
of the country newspaper. If our
business men realized their opportuni­
ties they would fight for parcels post,
and they would make of every country
newspaper an active distributing
agency, doubling and trebling the
country's prosperity and industrial
This we have said before, and we
shall say it again. Inasmuch as there
are no H earst newspapers in the coun­ who hows to our superior Flour. She
it is half the battle in baking, to
try, inasmuch as our newspapers are g knows
Flour that almost
published exclusively in the g reat cities ensures good reliable
bread of uniform quality.
of the country, we shall a t least be All cookH recognize this as the liest
credited with unselfishness in m aking brand for both Bread and Pastry. We
We are having a Sale on all Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Winter Underwear in prepara­
wish you would try it once, and we
a fight for local editors th at deserve know
tion for the spring season. Our sacrifice and your gain. Early shoppers will get best choice.
ask for any other
the thanks and appreciation and finan­ brand. you And will it never
is not high priced either.
cial encouragem ent of every good citi­
Men’s Underwear 37c to $1.23. Ladies’ 37c to $1.83. Children 10c up
Very few realize what it means when STERLING FEED CO.
Ju& a Way of Getting Ladies
to Spend their Money
Gordon Hats
$ 2.50
To the Legal Voters sial Tax Payers
of l.aue C ounty:
In presenting my name for your con
aideralhin as a candidate for the office
of County Commissioner of Lane Coun­
ty, to be voted upon at the coining p ri­
mary election to be held on April 19th,
1912, I wish to announce that I have
been a resident of Lane County for
twenty eight years, during all of which
tune I have been vitally Interested III
the growth und developm ent of the
county ; especially the building of |a»r-
manent roads anil other civic improve­
ments and, believing the tim e is at
hand when we ahould have a more tho r­
ough and system atic system of road
building than we have had in the past,
as well as more economy in disbursing
public funds, thereby reducing our
taxes, I beg leave to say that if I am
elected as member of the county lioard
will do all in my power to bring about
such results.
Reulizmg the m agnitude and liiquir
lance of the office id County Commis­
sioner to the taxpayers and citizens of
Lane County, I sincerely invite your
careful investigation of my ability und
integrity ami if you find that I am
worthy, your support will be greatly
Very rcsjm etfully,
Notice of Forfeiture.
To Frank Haley, or his legal beira :
You are hereby notified that we, the
undersigned, hsvc ex|M-nded one hun­
dred dollars in lulior and im provements
on the “ B ear" Lisle Mining Claim,
situated in the Bohemia Mining Dis­
trict, l.sne County, Oregon, notice of
location of which ssid mining claim is
recorded at page 679, in Issik <i, of the
mining records in and for said County
and State, reference to which said no­
tice mid record is hereby made for more
particular and definite description of
said mining claim, us will appear by
affidavit in the office of the Cou ly
Clerk of said County, in order to hold
said prem ises under the provisions of
Section Infill, Revised S tatutes of the
United States, being the amount re­
quired to bold the said mining claim
for the year ending December .‘list,
1911. And if within ninety days after
the first publication of this notice you
fail or refuse tu contribute your pro-
(sirtloii of such expenditure us co-
owner. your interest in said mining
claim will la-come the property of the
subscribers under said Section 2324.
This notice is published for the first
tim e in the Cottage Grove Sentinel, of
C tinge Grove, O rrgon. on tne 26th
day of January, 1912.
j26 April. THUS. K. I'AKKKK.
Notice of Forfeiture.
To Frank Haley, or His Legal Heirs
You ere hereby notified Gist I, the
undersigned, have cx|icnded one hun­
dred dollars in labor and improvements
on the “ Ixuna“ l.ode Mining Claim,
situated in the Bohemia Mining Iba-
trict. Lane County, Oregon, notice uf
location of which amd mining rlnim is
recorded ut Cage box, in Book ti (hy
M artin Shea), of he Mining Records in
and for said County and State, refe r­
ence to which aaid notice and record la
hereby made for more particular and
definite deacription uf said mining
claim, as will ap|iear by affidavit In
the office of the County Clerk of said
County, In order to hold said prem ises
under the provisions of Section 2324,
Revised S tatutes of the United States,
being the amount required to hold the
said Mining Claim for the year ending
December 31, 1911. And, if within
ninety (90) days after the first publics
lion of this notice you fail or refuse to
contribute your pro|a>rtioii of such ex ­
penditure as co-owner, your interest
in said Mining Claim will hcromc the
property of the aubarriber under said
section 2324. This notice is published
for the first tim e in the Cottage Grove
Sentinel, of Cottage Grove, Oregon,
on the 26th day of January, 1912.
HARLEY H. PE T R IE. j2f»-All.
Registration of Land Title.
In the C ircuit Court of the S tate of
Oregon, tor the County of Lane.
In the m atter of the application of
Mae W. Thompson to register the title
to lot No. one of block No. one and
also beginning al the southeast corner
of lot No. 2, block No. 1, run thence
west 20 feet, thence north 114 feet,
thence east 20 feet and thence south
114 feet to the place of beginning; all
being in Jam es Henry M cEarland’a
first addition to C ottage Grove, Lane
County, Oregon, aa the same ia platted
and recorded, againat the Hank of Cot­
tage Grove and all whom it may con­
cern, Defendants ;
Take notice, th at on the 26th day of
January, A. I). 1912, an application
was filed by aaid Mae W. Thompson ill
the Circuit Court of Lane County for
initial registration of the title to the
land almve described. Now, unless
you appear on or before the 29th day
of February, A. I). 1912, and show
cauae why such application shall lint
be granted, the same will la* taken
aa confessed and a decree will lie en ­
tered according to the prayer of the ap­
plication and you will lie forever
barred from disputing the same.
J. E. YOUNG, A pplicant's A ttorney,
(Seal of Circuit C ourt.)