♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ R E S P O N S IB IL IT Y There is no place where more care should l>e taken than in the preparation of prescriptions. W e fully realize the responsibility of this end of our business and no part ol it receives more care. And we Weep our stock of prescription articles strictly fresh. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ J B E N S O N ’S PHARM ACY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «Ma HOW TO BE HAPPY-THO MARRIED W e may be getting into deep water in attempting to give advice on a question which many wiser heads than ours have failed to successfully answer. But knowing that the object of marriage is happi­ ness. we wish to give one piece of advice that will he found useful and valuable. It is to let us furnish your nest for you. Our line of Furniture is one well adapted purpose. to this Just drop in and let us suggest to you an arran ge­ ment for your parlor, your dining room, your bed room, or all of them. SIMERAL & VAN DENBURG T H E F U R N IT U R E D E A LE R S ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ TALES OF THE TOWN MANY MATTERS OF MORE THAN PASSING MOMENT. Mian Inn Johnson visited ut Rose- burg during the | Henaill; vice-president, A. C. Dixon secretary treasurer. K. A. Bean; di rectors, A If Walker and K. A. Booth Long ('oats for children. ages from 3 to I t > ears. 25 per cent off Dependable Goods Roy Hall was in Fugene the first of tho week. Mrs. J. T. Farl returned yeatorday from a visit at Eugene. A bunch o f shooters on a tour o f Ore G. gon are here today. They will be in Eugene tomorrow. 57 CERTIFICATES GRANTED A U T H O R IT Y G I V E N TO TEACH YO U N G A M E R I C A . Large Number Pass Recent Exam in ation Held at the County Seat. State .88 .40 C h ild re n ’s Coats O. O. Yeatch was in Fugcne Toes day on school business. Dr. W. W. Oglesby goes to Salem today on a brief business trip. $ 1.35 $ 1.13 A. R. and W. R. C. L a d ie s ’ & M e n ’s Coat s M e n ’s S a m p le P a n ts All our ('oats and Suits ai •’ greatly reduced. V a l u e s t o $4.00 a p a i r . G oing at Com e a n d L o o k < iu Good Rubber Coat# 2 [) Per cent, off Hi.fiO Ladies’ Kam C o ats. F in al ff 1 Q l ) a pair. f i n O nly a few leit. l adies’ Black Chiffon Taffeta $:t.fiO Children's O Q| ) Kam Capes. Final Z . j l S ilk U n d e rs k irts $2.f>0 Children’s 1 Qj 3 Rain Capes. Final l . j i j W o r t h $4.00 e a . <1*0 C A N ow going a t... Hampton & Co. Cottage Grove, Or. = d Install Dlsston Doings. Real Estate Transfers. Jan. I. A. hi Williams, bonk keeper William Brown to Nelson Durham, Appomattox Post No. 34 and the W. for the J. I. Lumber Co., paid the 2fi!»fi acres in donation land claim .'ai, R. o f Cottage Grove, Ore., met in Grove a business visit the tlrst o f the 160 . joint session January Iftth anil inata led week. Willium Landess to William Brown, ^Chester VanDcnburg. cook house the following officers for the ensuing lots fi and ti in block 2 of Park hurst year: Post officers Commander, G. inspector, him ! his assistant Tom Scott addition to Cottage Grove. W Me Reynolds; Sr. V. Com., G. W. are i|uite busy these du>s making some Louisa M. Thompson to Joarphioe K err; Jr. V. Com., C. Fshrenwald; improvements along the samtury line. Korniek, lots I Slid 2 in block 7 of Jas Miss D'Mara has resigned as teacher surgeon. Dr. D. L. Woods; q. M., II. McFarland's addition to Cottugr Wm. Dickey; O. of D., Wm. Har­ of the Diuaton school and us no one has Grove, (I. rison ; guard, J. Perkins; adjutant, D. been np|H>intcd to till the vacancy the John L. Iloonds to Eva Pickard et children are enjoying a vacation tin« I.. Woods; chaplain, G. W. Gardner. al., lots I anil 2 ill block H of McFar­ W. R. C. officers President, Fannie week. Burn to the w ife of S. M. Glenn, un land’ s addition to Cottage Grove, $1. Goddard ; Sr. V. P., l.auru McKeruan ; Officers. Win l.amlesa to William H. Shane, Jr. V. P., Arthena Handy; treasurer, H|-|MJUnd son, January 13th. ReguiH Boh in ; secretary, Alta Spray; .A le c Luudberg, mail carrier from lot 7 ill block 2 o f Parkhursl addition chaplain, Clara Young; conductress. here to Champion in the Bohemia dis­ to fultuge Grove, Lizzie Fahrenwnld; guard, Malindu trict, was detained from making fits II Vensk- to John W. Veatch, lots A w brey ; Pat. Inst., Margaret l.eum ; regular trip last Friday by un immense 1 and 2 o f block 2 of McFarland’s first press correspondent, Eliza McKibben; land slide thut completely blocked the addition to Cottage Grove, I2b0. musician, Alma Hoxie; Asst. Con., road. He had to use powder before he George W. Mr queen tu T. J. Ryan, Hellen D eL o n g; Asst, guard, Jennie could get through. lots I and 2 in block 2 of Mi-queen’ s Hayes; Co. R. No. 1, Ellu Jones; Col. Clair Baker spent Sunday with his addition to Cottage Grove, lino. B. No. 2, Alicia Harrington, Col. B. family in Springfield. D. G. McFarland to A. II. Cruaon, No. 3, Sarah K err; Col. B. No. 4, Mrs. P. C. Taylor, who bus been ill Iota f> and ti in block I of MrFarland’ a j Susanna Gardner. for some time, was taken to the Grove fifth addition to Cottage Grove, f2oo. Past Commander G. W. Gardner Monday for medical treatment. Fingili llmerintend- ent, so there will be a uniform examin­ JOHN W. HARMS. Extra copies of the Sentinel always ation of the papers in earn county. told again and the heroism of the carlv on hand ut fie each. jll-fH. Administrator. The successful applicants in Lane pioneers honored. county are as follows : One-year state certificates 0m O. H. Jones, Irvin g; Henry W. t'hezem, Creswell: Mrs. Alma L. Beager, Cottage Grove, Alice Kim ­ ball, Fall Creek; Mildred Pringle, Cottage Grove, Anna Wohrer, Cottage d rove ; Edith Snere, Creswell; Victor P. Morris, Eugene; Margaret Marin, Springfield; Madge Hamble, Ada; Georgia Dillon, Eugene; Myrtle Sheffler, Elmira; Fay Clark, Wild­ wood; Virginia Hurd, Eugene , Herbert L. Thom, Junction C ity ; Vera Haag, Eugene; W. H. Pendell, V i d a ; D . W. Kankin, Cresw ell; Goldie Van Bibber, Mapleton; Marjorie Miller, Creswell; Florence Green, Cottage Grove; W. W. Hewitt, Leahurg; Lillian Koeller, W endling; Clara Van Matre, Earl; Lois E. Padden, Cresw ell; Katherine You will find this a Genuine “ Cleanup” Sale on (quilts, Blankets and Underwear. The Levage, Crow; Bessie Harlow, Eu­ supply left from our brisk winter selling is not large and early shoppers will naturally find gene; Koxie Pringle, Cottage Grove; the best choice. The regular prices are marked exceptionally low as an inducement for an Myrtle M. Tripp, Curtin; Mabel Iver­ early cleanup. The Sale goods are placed in lots on tables and priced in plain figures for son, Cottage Grove; Herbert P. Dem- your inspection. Come in at once. orcst, Cottage Grove; J. C, Calhain. Junction City ; Ethel M. Libby, Eu­ gene; Celia J. Hunter, Eugene; Milli- cent Coleman, Eugene; Viola Jones, S o ft, P u r e W ool 1 b la n k ets, Q u ilt s o f B e s t Q u a lit y . Fall Creek; Lulu M. Beers, Reed; W. B o th P. Murphy, Eugene; Urban Shrnde, F u ll S iz e S id e s A l i k e Acme; Lida D. Bell, Harrisburg; Jen­ nie M. Bossen, Florence; R. W. Smith, ri Ixiwell; Mary E. Pitney, Junction C ity; Harry B. Brookhardt, Drain; Mary Roche, Eugene; Mrs. E. L. Swift, Junction C ity ; Alberta Brat- tain, Springfield; Helen Wagner, Junc­ L a d ie s ’ U n d e r w e a r , p e r P ie c e M e n ’s U n d e r w e a r , p e r P ie c e tion City; Lula P. Moser, Marcola; Edna Stevens, Eugene; Kstella Hughes, L o w e ll ; Maude Hooper, Cottage Grove; Kate Boiler, Springfield; Char­ lotte A. Choate, E u gene; Hazel Um- phrey, Eugene. Five year certificates Louisa M. Veit, Eugene; C. L. Thomas, Junction City. U M PH REY & MACKIN T H E CASH ECONOMY STORE House Cleaning Sale Wool Blankets, Quilts and Winter Underwear N O T E T H E S E P R IC E S Art Squares Phone 6 and tell an interesting story of Practical economy for those who buy during this sale. Our regular prices are lower than most stores, hence these bar­ gain Prices are of particular importance. Hunter & Higgins took a load of freight to (j Ion wood yeatorday. Mrs. J. N. Waterhouse entertained at her home yesterday afternoon in honor of the Misses Athena, Bernice and Arda Edwards o f Drain. Th afternoon was given over to games and music, after which a duintv luncheon was served. Those present were Mesdames C. J. Kem, F.L. Ingram, A. C. Kinter, Marion Veatch, Cruaon, Atla King and Bede. the Difference " Al. t'hurohill, John Coffman, M. K. Wyatt and Frank Williams wont up to the Kohomia district yeatorday. F. J. Hard, who came down from his mines in the Bohemia district a day or two since, says the snow has mostly disaptieared in the mountains in that vicinity. Explain These Prices Talk Chan. John» i* visiting friotulR hero, H fe r an abuenrc of ton yearn . Mrs. Bessie l.athe Scovilie, college secretary o f the Young People’s Branch, will speak at the Christian church Monday, January £10), at o ’ clock. W e'll r. Nuf-Ced $2.98 to $3 1.85 95c to $1.4i 37c to 93c 38 to $1 1.23 Children’s, Misses’ and Boys’ Underwear, 10c up