Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, January 18, 1912, Image 1

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V *
Sit? Ötottage (ßnw genite!
Volume VI
YEAR OF 1911
T S alright to love your
wife well enough to eat
% her-♦but don’t live on her
American W ar.
The Japanese baby who was taken
LOSShS FROM FIRE FOR YFAR nlf of trulli No. IK here one day lust
week, Is getting along very nicely, is
Ouly One Fite Inside of City Limits
Resulted in Complete Loai» of
Chambers Mill ut
Latham I n the Largest Loss.
I'ottiigi- Grove wim very fortunate
during llu< year of Mill tin to tir«* lusse*.
In only one i nn «’ w u n then- n building
inaide th«' city limit» ttint wun n com
plete tone, t tin I being till- Adum» home
Thi- moil Mcrioun tin* to which the
lire luildlr» were cnllcd out wnn the
horning of the Chambers null lit l.nth
miii , which wan n to>nl loaa.
Following lire the lire» to which the
lire department reapon-led :
March 26th. Hotel Thonipoon, llm
lire, no damage.
May lal
Adainn house on Kant Side,
hoiiae an I contenla total loaa.
May 7th. Itrowii l.umtier
of oil house hurtled, amull loaa.
May 2»th. t handier» Lumber mill,
Latham, planer mill acorchcd, amall
June loth
t'hairl-era mill. l.aOiam,
total loaa.
June H!th. Kibble house, E. Sixth
St,, Hue lire, amall loaa.
June lltth. Wonley cottage, K. Kail
road St., roof burned.
July 13th. tiraaa lire Reservoir hill.
Debatem After Championship.
developing full lung |mwcr and ex
presses himself as very well pleased
with Hu- salubrious ('limata of the
famous, fertile, fruitful Willami'tlc
Valley. I le says that all of lini,-on's
talk about a war with Japan is fn| de-
ruy nr words tu that effect.
The mother, Mrs. F. Ok a muto, is
also lining nicely.
The child was horn while the train
was in Eugene, hut the mother eouId
not be tukcu nlf until this city was
Some Fugane ladies who
were acquainted with the particulars
of Giriti were in the city thia week and
requested that the slant-eyed huhe lie
niimad Eugene, Mrs. Thompson was
appointed to name the child and gave
it the name of Eugene Ross, the latter
being a family name of her own.
The mother and huhe will ha able to
continue their trip within a week.
Music mid Furniture Store.
A music and furniture store has lieen
opened in the stand formerly occupied
by the ( joMfn
grocery, the pro­
t* K. WowJ, who ri*rpfit
ly urrived from Kugene with hi* fami­
ly .
Mr. W oocj im a violin maker and
will make* a «|>eciftlly of repair work
With an inapired vigor, ciiaraeleria
tic of (tie “ Oregon spirit" the students COMSTOCK M A N
of the University o f Oregon arc lend­
ing their energy to dehate and oratory
The I'aciftc roast championship in dv-
halr aial the northwest championship W in s Cupital Prize and T h ree M in ­
or Prizes in Pacific Hnmesteud
In oratory, the goals which Oregon
students attained last season, are their
Subscription Contest.
alms this year.
Spirited tryouts have taken place
Roy Griggs of Comstock, brother of
during the last month, ami the law of Dave tiriggs of tins city, won the
the survival of the liltest hus left »IX fl.-ssi capital prise in the Pacific
debaters, the champions of the college, Homestead's great $|n,issi prize voting
who will represent the university in
CO-’ t l- S t .
the debates with Utah, Washington
In addition to the capital prize Mr.
and Stanford. F.arl Jones, of New tiriggs won three minor prizes -luring
berg, and I*, t*. Crocket, of I'rndleton, the contest for the largest amount of
,’omisise the team which will meet the hucini'Bs in one moniti. One of these
University of Utah debaters in Eugene prizes was linn m gold.
on February 23. and Carlton Sjiencrr,
Mr. tiriggs had HH.671,690 votes ti­
of ( ’. ullage tirovc, and I lav id 1'iekett,
bia credit, while the winner uf the sec
of I'riueville, will debate the Stanford ond captiul prize I ihi I 77.736,79(1. The
team In Kugvne on Murch 29, which is ( next neareat was 45,694,340.
on tin* seme night that Leon Ray, of
Mr. tiriggs proved hirnrelf a hustler
Kugcnc, and Ralpii l>. Moores, of Sa­ from the word go and hus many friends
lim, contend with the Washington dc here w ho were highly elated with Ins
haters in Seattle.
Four of the Oregon debaters are de­
Large Deal in Lane R e a lty .
pendent on their resources entirely and •
Due of the largest deals in Eugene
are carrying their debate work besides
earning their living.
The quest ion realty circles was consummated thia
that is to lie the isaue of all the debat­ week when a syndicate composed of
Pliney K. Snodgrass, K. L. Chambers
ers la the judicial recall.
Leon Ray, who won the champion- and other o f their friends purchased,
ship in the debate tryouts which car through the Jack Rodman company,
ried with it the alumni gold medal, has the 1660 acre farm, situated ÎU miles
been a member o f thv Oregon debate south of Eugene and owned l>y S. II.
teams for four yeurs. Carlton Spen- Graham of Rortland. While the con­
eer, one of the other debaters, won the sideration is not given, it is generally
championship in debate last year bc- supposed to he $40,OKI cash, or over.
The purpose o f this company will la­
aides winding the Interenllegiate Ora­
torical conleal. The tryouts in which to immediately plat this farm into 40-
the Oregon orators for this spr-ng con­ acre tracts and place them on the
test will lie se lee ted are scheduled for market at a less price than any close
in acreage on the Eugene market to­
the near future.
Thia will he handled by the Rodman
company. _____ ________
Have Special Tax and
Spread Cost of Improvements
Over AH Property.
As the time la fust approaching when
we will be called U| k > ii to build more
streeta, let us see if we can nut devise
some plan whereby we ran mure
equally divide the burden. The old
way of making all parties adjacent to
a street put up for all of tin* expense
works h hardship on a few and it is
often the case that some can not stand
it. Everybody in the city receives u
bencht from that new street. Now
lets devise a plan of raising money so
that all o f the taxpayers inside the cor­
poration will stand their pro rata of
said tax. Let the money he collected
by a special tax for that purpose and
have the most needed anil the worst
streets fixed lirat and it will not be but
a few years until we will have all of
the streets fixed at a small expense to
everybody. We will then have a rity
that will be right and one o f which
everyone can l»e proud. It seems to
me to he the only system whereby we
can get our city into proper shape.
Co-o|ieratlon lightens our burdens and
makea us more o f one brotherhood.
Let those interested in streets think of
Let us get together, think and
A R E S ID E N T T A X P A Y E R .
Number 17
0. -Sk S.
D. C. B O S L E Y
Serious Charges Made Against
W o­
Pasteurizin g
Cream W ill Result
man W ho Promised to Lo ve,
M a kin g Butter Th a t W ill R e ­
Honor and Obey.
main Sweet Six Weeks.
E. Em ploye Has an E x p er­
ience To Be Remembered.
liert Richmond will some day be the
whole motive department o f a great VAST ADVERTISING POSSIBILI­
railway system If he assiduously fol­
lows up his present start.
Saturday afternoon Mra. Meals came
D. C. Freeman Gives Interesting
down from Eugene to visit some
Lecture on Work Done at Omaha
friends at Wildwood.
Finding that
Land Show Last Fall.—Cottage
there was no more convenient way to
get there before Monday she engaged
Grove Slides Part of Exhibit.
the O. Ac S. E .’* gasoline speeder with
liert Richmond as train crew. Messrs.
The great possibilities o f advertis­
Joe Smith and Ghas. Meidler and the
ing at eastern land ahowa and exhib i­
Misses Mabel Veatch and Jennie Smith
tions was ably demonstrated by D. C.
also went along for a lark.
Freeman in his lecture Monday night
Just as the car passed Dorena on the
given under the auspices o f the Com­
return trip the engine went put-put-a— mercial club. Mr. Freeman it secre­
put---put..... put and then refused to tary o f the Eugene Commercial club
" p u t ” any more. A very careful ex ­ and had charge of the Willamette e x ­
amination of the final supply compart­ hibit furnished by Lane, Linn. Marion
ment revealed the horrible fact that and Benton counties.
the liquid gas was “ non eat.” The
Mr. Freeman's talk was highly en ­
words used at the time may have been tertaining ami thoroughly enjoyed, li e
more forcible, but these will do for showed stereoptican views o f the e x ­
thia story. There was but one way left hibits made by other sections o f the
to finish the trip and Mert got busy. It country and these very ably demon­
is said that it was a physical impossi- stra ted that if the Willamette is to
nility for him to get out to church the hold its position in the world it has got
next morning, but the aching biceps j t„ keep Koin|? riffht out after the M t .
ami shoulder muscles have since been tiers. The great majority o f those
relieved with copious quantities of who visited the show had never heard
of the Willamette valley, but many
I f Mert ever finds out who gave the were made converts right on the spot.
story away there will be a job for
One man who came with an exhibit
Marion Veatch.
from a different section o f the country
Dennis U. Itouley, u Southern PaciAc
An up-to-date pasteurizing plant has
carpenter hus started suit in the circuit been added to the (Tilla ge Grove
court at Rnsehurg for divorce from his ; creamery and all cream received is
wife, claiming u statutory offense and now pasteurized. Manager Senter in­
naming Willis Simpson, now mhi -1 lo he forms Th«' Sentinel that this process
in Oklahoma, as the man in the case. ! removes all impurities and odors from
It is understood that a counter suit has : the eream, resulting in the making of
been tiled by Mrs. Ib-aley. The Mos­ a butter that will retain its original
leys were married in Roaehurg June 5, sweetness for six weeks or more. The
RUM, subsequently making their home Innovation shows Mr. Senler’s deter­
In ( ’ullage Grove.
mination to put out butter that can riol
Ill Ins complaint filed on January !*th, he surpassed anywhere and that will
Hosely, who is 45 years o f age, accuses add to hiH present reputation as an e x ­
his wife, aged 26, with improper rela­ pert butter maker.
The creamery building is being re­
tions with Simpson at the Mosley home
The front of the
during his absence at work, and he as­ modeled inside.
serts also that his home was the scene building will lie done off into a nice
of improper conduct between Simpson office room and the machinery will he
and Mrs. Gheesbro. Mosley asks for rearranged in a much more convenient
the custody of two little children, manner.
A new butter cutter was received
whom, he declares, are grossly ne­
The children, ¡during the past week to take the place LONG L I S T OF
glected by their mother
he asserted, witnessed the acts o f al­ of the old one which was too slow and
E L I G I B L E B A C H E LO R S .
leged infidelity and were taught by out of date.
their mother to call Simpson " p a p a ."
livering a cream separator this week. A nxious W ould Be Benedicts from
Mosley recites the elopement of
Fourteen hours after he received the
E v e r y W a l k of L ife for Leap
Simpson and Mrs. ('heeshro and says
order the machine was at the express
Y e a r Girls to P ick .
that while Simpson was inrurceraleil
office ready for delivery.
in js l in Rnsehurg that Mrs. Mosley
visited him with flowers and delicacies
Eastern Mails Come in Bunch.
This being leap year The Sentrnal
and tried to secure hail for him. Pre­
A f>out twenty sacks of eastern mail takes pleasure in presenting to the fair
vious to the elopement, he hh ) s his irrived at the local postoffice in one leap year maidens the following liat of
wife and Simpson planned u divorce , hunch Friday. The mails had been eligible bachelors, with a few of their
suit with the understanding that they considerably delayed for aliout ten qualifications for making exemplary
would be married after she procured a j days. It is thought that all d e la y «! hubbies. Go after ’em girls. Here
Mrs. Mosley's petition for mails have now arrived
1 they a r e :
severing o f marriage tics was filed
Harry Kinter. merchant. The girl
with the county clerk on December
who gets him will get the furniture.
12th. She accuses her husband o f de­
He would feather the neat.
sertion and non-support. Custody of Secures Portland L a w y e r s for De-I
Albert Helliwell, groceryman. Gen-
the chddren and one-third interest in
fense in Personal I n j u r y Suit.
'»*• would be good provider, in no
the family home at Cottage Grove are
In the $50,000 personal injury ease, ^urrV> m Iffit ask.
Harry Short, banker. Good looking
brought hy William H. Handy against
Mending the final decree In the ease.
J H. Chambers of this city a demurrer and ready. Would check a wife up
Judge Hamilton has denied both par­
to the complaint has been filed by pretty closely.
ents custody o f the children, but has
W’ m. Brund, groceries.
Just ask
Wilbur. Spencer and Dibble, attorneys
given them into the cure o f Mrs. Addie
for the defense from Portland. The him. Would look after commissary-
Lemmon o f this city, where the father
ease will he strongly eontested and the
and mother may visit them at will.
Earl Hill, the best of all boys.
testimony will be of an extremely in­
Judge Hamilton has also directed Mos­
Lloyd Bisbey, The Wave. Candy and
teresting character.
ley to pay over $25 | k . t month for the
ice cream. ’ Nuf aed.
support o f the children, also $10 tem­ Some Difference in Tem perature.
('has. Adams, S. P. Co. Dou btful.
porary alimony for hiawife and the fur­
free before the new year.
While the effete east was frozen up
ther amount o f $75 for her attorneys. arMj shivering around in 30 and
Albert Griffin, clerk. A little young
411 be-
Mrs. Chi'eshro’s husband secured a low weather. Cottage Grove 1 «copie but willing.
Chas. Hall,
Arcade. Can enter­
divorce from her after the elopement. were enjoying regular old spring
The women and Simpson were not weather with the thermometer hover- tain young or old. Every girl has a
ing around 65 above.
Worth Harvey, banker. Well edu­
cated, splendid prospects, a catch.
Deposit r « ] u i r « i with each applica­
Martin Anderson, successful and
Has the wood, and would
build the fires.
was so impress«! that he decided to
come out here and look the country
over himself with a view to settling.
The Cottage Grove pictures were an
important part of the lecture given at
Omaha and did their share towards at­
tracting immigrants.
Following are a few excerpts from
Mr. Freeman’s lecture:
" E v e r y dollar expended by the com­
munity towards the actual locating of
additional families comes back fifty
"Land without population is a wild­
erness and population without land is
a mob.
" W e can form but a trifling concep­
tion of what the development of this
coast region will lead to when, with
the Panama canal open, great steamers
will land passengers at our coast ports
direct from New York, Philadelphia
' and Baltimore for $50, berth and
meals included, and the best o f the
immigrant class from Europe that will
transform these bench lands and stump
lands into gardens and vineyards.
" I f Oregon is to raise to the full d ig ­
nity of a great commonwealth she
mast systematically aid in the work
for immigration and build good high­
ways. The tourist crop would mean
millions to us each summer season if
we had passable highways into the
neighborhood o f our unrivalled scenic
"President C. C. Rosewater said in
defense of the object of the land
‘ A man or a dollar planted
northward or southward is gone f o r ­
ever, as far as Omaha is concerned.
But, planted in the great pioneer high­
way to Oregon it will bring an ever
increasing return.’
“ I use the symbol, 'the land o f the
4-leaf clover’ as appllied to the great
Willamette valley as the land of
good luck for earnest men and women
seeking to begin life under more favor­
able conditions.
(Continued on page 10.)
F r « l Kartells, butcher.
Will not
split the wood, tender and no bog.
J. S. Medley o f this city represents
H o w County L e v y Is Divided.
Al Churchill, miner. Been on the
the O. & S. E. ami Giltner & Sewell
Following is the way the Ut-mill
j list a long time; not too late. Golden
and John M. Pipes o f Portland repre­
county tax levy has been segregated
' opportunities.
sent the Trust Co. o f America.
hy the county court:
Adams, confectionery.
Oregon A Southeastern Railroad Is
The case has been taken for advise­
For county apjiortionmeiit of the
good singer, old family, good head.
Sued by Trust Co. fo r Tec h ­
state tax, 3.33 mills, raising the sum
ment and decision will probably not be little old, J.
but H.
Sharp, old time miner. A
nical Purpose.
handed down for several weeks.
of $124.H79; for county purposes, 67.45
Ren, Metsan.
The girl Does Up Drain Aggregation to Tune
mills, raising the sum of $25.1,006.62;
who gets him will get a beau-quet.
of 18 to 14 Last Thurs­
Probably the largest foreclosure suit |
First National Re-elects,
for county high school purposes, .475
D. D. Knox, bookkeeper. Has the
day Night.
mills, raising the sutn of $1,742; for, ever brought in Lana county was tried i For the eleventh successive time the lumber to build the cage.
county school purposes, 2.41 mills, before Judge Harris at Eugene this I officers and hoard of directors of the
Frank McFarland.
You all know
The high school basket ball team did
raising the sum o f $89,976; for county week.
It is for $300,<Kk> and was First National hank were re-elected at him. (A c t o f kindness. |
up the Drain high school team on the
achisil library purposes, 0.3 mills, rais­ brought against the Oregon & South­ the annual meeting. The past year’s
Ernest Wyatt, bank clerk, of exem­
business was found to have been quite plary character, does not use tobacco. latter’s court last Thursday evening by
ing the sum o f $17,124; for school dis­ eastern railroad o f this city.
a score o f 18 to 14. The game is re­
trict maintenance fund in cases where
The case is entitled "T ru st Co. of satisfactory, with an increase over the
Chas. Beals, Arcade. Just as good
ported to have been a pretty fast and
the amount proportioned from the America vs. Oregon & Southeastern previous year. A good year is looked us Chas. Hall.
rough one. The local boys were some­
county school fund of I,line county to Railroad," F. H. Hall, W. B. Fos­ forward to. The officers are particu­
L. R.
Fate) Long, barber.
what handicapped by a small and sticky
any district therein, together with a ter, G. T. Ellis and H. L. Hown as larly pleased with the manner in which spoken for when a small kid. No long­
court. The local team lin «l up as fol­
special district school tax for mainten­ sheriff being named as co-defeadanls. the savings department has taken hold er a shaver.
lows :
ance authorized by law does not equal
The suit is to establish the priority of o f the people. New aceounts are be-
Chas. Brunueau, miner. On the list
Forwards— Medley, Woods, Atkin-
three hundred dollars ($300), .01 mills, thc first mortgage, under whieh about u>g added daily to this department.
a long time, but never give up.
Martin ;
raising the evrn o f $.'157.
$300,000 in bonds were issued, over
F r « i Hutzell, a good fellow, but fear ,on :
other elainiH, and to push foreclosure
Recommends Cheaper Paving.
it is too late. Spoken for.
! * u ,rd ® M ,r tin * “ « “ hews.
Robbers Get 10 Years.
A t the last council meeting City En-
I.. Phelps, ass’ t postmaster. Does
Edward Jurgens and Frank t ’oziah,
P. 0. Fight Getting Livlier.
The claims against the road are held gineer Jones recommended a modified not need any recommendation, worth
alias Foster, o f l.aramie, Wyoming, hy Hall and Foster, two o f the eo-de- macadam paving and a 16-foot surface getting. Is lonesome. Wants femail.
The announcement in last week's
who held up and robbed the passengers fendants. Sheriff Bown was also made Tor those streets where property own-
Geo. Widdersheim,
” ......................... S. .... P. Co., may ^«ntinel that the poatoffice appoint-
on the Drain-Seottshurg stage several a co-defendant because o f the fact that ers feel that they can not afford more be depended upon in the game of life. inent would be made some time within
weeks ago, securing ill all about $100 he attached the property o f the road in and where that size street will lie
Tom Meden, miner. Several years the next month, seems to have stirred
and a watch, and who were run down an attempt to satisfy the claim. Hall sufficient for the traffic,
in Oregon, hard to suit. Show me !
UP « *'“ le •***▼«*> o f the candidatea.
and captured near Kosehurg, on the
Ed Spray, Spray A Co. Has no auto, o f which there are some half dozen,
and Foster were injured in the wreck
County Clerk Stacy Russell has re
ranch o f the former’s mother, and who
Of May 7. 1*09, and were awarded I . e i w i , lhe following petitions for office but could get one on short notice. ' among them being C. P. Jones, C. E.
plead guilty to the charge, were sen­ $*. 600 and $3.000 respectively.
Jones, C. H. VanDenburg and Erneat
to file with hi„ own . W . T . Gordon Vuto go quick.
tenced last week hy Judge Hamilton
John Graber, miner.
Can speak Purvance. Postmaster Gault has an-
Thompson A Hardy, attorneys for for coroner, republican; H. C. Il.ugh-
to the penitentiary for the statutory Hall and Foster, charge, among other man for count>. 8,.hoo, auperint,.Ildent< three languages, Swiss, German and nounced that under no conditions will
period o f from ten years to life im­ things, thu owners o f the lionds also
republican ; Orín Bennett, county com­ English, and would like a w ife who 1** again be a candidate.
prisonment, the Judge informing them own the railroad and are, therefore,
would giv e him a chance to uae them.
missioner, republican.
the length of their servitude would merely trying to foreclose on them-
_______ Sentinel want ada. inserted in news
(Continue«! on page 1U.)
columns are result getters.
depend on their conduct while confined. 1 selves.
Advertising paya -in the Sentinel.