Didn’t Know He was Rich. Critics of Advertising Typography. Those who place the great advertis­ ing contracts and those intelligent ad­ vertisers on a lesser scale are becom­ ing very expert critics o f typographic display. When a slopily printed news­ paper, filled with typographic indiges­ tion, obsolete faces, raggedly dis­ played and worse printed, reaches one o f this rapidly increasing army o f crit­ ics it is condemned on sight. It seems to advertise the unprosperity o f the publisher, and the logical argument is that i f the paper is not profitable to the owner it cannot be profitable to those who advertise in it. The publisher who neglects the study o f good typographic style is not onto his job. He is advertising himself ad­ versely. He is advertising the fact (or what is as bad for him. if it is not a fact the inference) that his interest in the advertiser ceases when the space contract is signed. There was a man named Janus Rich­ ardson, publisher o f the Davenport (L a .) Democrat, who away back in the seventies maile himself a millionaire by strict attention to pleasing the ad­ vertisers. He was a convincing adver­ tising solicitor, the best o f his day. Few could outtalk him and few escaped his talk ; yet the w riter w ell remem­ bers how careful that great man was to have his paper make a striking t y - , pographical impression on the advertis­ er he had marked out to sign a con­ tract. He knew that half the battle is to please the advertiser, and that it can be done easiest and least expen­ sively and most effectively with well selected, stylish type display. There has been a wonderful improve- | ment in this respect since we were a printer’s devil. The typographic critics are increas- | ing fast. Keep your eye on them. They are going to have what they pay fo r or go to some other avdertising | shop. Reprinted from Newspaperdom. _ Ë CHILDREN READ THIS Kvory little girl w an ts a ¡nice Doll for Xmas. » S h e never g e l s t <*» many. D r e s s e d Dolls W e are going to give some little girl a nice doll and some boy a dandy air gun the day beforo Xmas. The one who is the best guesser gets the prizes. One guess with every 2 5c purchase o f Xmas goods. : : : 35c to $2.50 I ’ I II tl I* «' H H •* fi K I'l y I »oils 25c to 65c DOLL HEADS Doll llt w lfto f All K um I h to ntnktf th* oli I l lolly k « mn I us nrw : : : ; : Leads World in Asbestos Manufac­ ture. In 1910 the United States excelled all the countries o f the world in the con- I version o f raw asbestos into manufac-' tured products, but a very small per­ centage— less than 1 per cent, o f the asbestos used— was mined in this coun­ try, bv far the larger part being im­ ported from Canada. The total pro­ duction in the United States for 1910 , according to the geolgoical survey, was valued at $68,357; the imports o f raw material from Canada were valued at more than fifteen times that amount. Do your Christmas shopping early. Advertising pays—in the Sentinel. B U N N Y IR O N T O Y , 10c Jumping Jack Toy Musical Doll, $1.50 Yes, Ready, one word sums it f ft and left his entire pack. Hun- all up. Our Xmas department dreds of Christmas Novelties is ready for your inspection, g ^ w ^ oi every kind to gladden the Old Santa Claus has been here / hearts of the little tots, as well as useful articles for the older folks, are now on display in our Christmas Store. ‘G r a y B e a u t y P a c e r s ’ Unbreakable Toys OX CART A fte r a guardian had been appointed for Jo*|>eh S. Amos, s well known pi­ oneer resident ol 1 .inn county residing near Sweet Home, it was found that he was more than twice as rich us ho thought, says the Lebanon Kspreao. When S. M. Dur land, the well known attorney o f Lebanon, who Is handling the affairs o f the guardianship, asked Ames how much property he hud he said he "guessed shout $7,IHNI. " The* inventory o f Ills esta 'e, filed in the county court lust work, showed proper­ ty valued at $H,lu7.72, all of which ia personal property except one trai l of laud u|ipruiai;d at Ifi.lHNI. When relatives began to disruss the need o f a guardian to look after (he old inuii’w property, Ames realized the necessity o f the action, and a most un­ usual procedure Is presented III the pc cullar fact that he himself signed the petition for the appointment, J. It. (irceli o f I «dianoli, w as appointed goal dian, and when he and Allorney-l.ar- land went to Sweet Home to look up Ilia property they found that the ugeil pioneer knew very little alami It. Their Investigations developed the sur ¡ prising condition that the old man had a small fortune stored away which hr hud almost forgotten, i The muti w illi w!)oin Ames has been j making his home brought out an old ' greasy wooden box, which from its ap­ pearance had evidently been buried in ' the ground. It rontalned a large amount o f gold and currency, Slid ula<> ! several notes. One slip o f paper in the box was a certificate o f de|M>»ii from the hank o f Hrownsvllle for $l,ltdl. Allies had forgiteli all alami making this deposit years ago, alai neither he nor the people with whom he waa staying realized the value o f this par­ ticular piece o f paper, lie had unusr I checks in the tidal sum o f $1,250 iff*, aial also |aistofflce money order for $70 and a school warrant for $iio. In investigating Die affairs ol th ee« tute Mr. (iurlund fontal where Ames had deeded away his real property, a tra d o f 15 aerea, lo a neighlior with out consideration. The man who had secured the land hail soli) 10 acres o f it hut was forced to pay hack the money received for Hus tra d to Ames, and to execute a ipiltclaim deed to the ohi man for the remainder o f the luicl. Hrownsvllle Timas You can judge the kind o f job print- i ing a newspaper does by the kind o f a paper it prints. The Sentinel is will lug to let its |iu|ier be an ad. for its job printing. Kxtru copies o f the Sentinel always, on hand to send to your eastern friend». D R UM S, 35c and up DUCK TOY N o clockwork o f any kind about I them — Cars, Automobiles, Battle Ships, etc., 75c to $1.00 The little lioy’ -! Xmas ¡ h incomplete without u Drum. It ta-at* the lunid how they enjoy them. F A IR Y STO R Y mill picture lunik« fur the little tot« GAMES From 5c up A ll kinds o f Games to pass away the Ion# w inter evenings. Asbestos Iron me TOPSY TOP 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c 15c and 25c There is no use trying to tell you something about all these nice things, for there are too many. W e have the greatest line o f Christmas Novelties you ever saw. Rubber Toys for the Baby, Blocks, Rubber Balls, Musical Trumpets and a hundred other things to make merry on Christmas Morn. Our Christmas Department is Not Alone for the Children Grown ups can find their wants just as well taken care o f here as the children. Beautiful Toilet Sets, Post Card Albums, Framed Pictures A beautiful line o f framed pictures now on display at very ook. We have the liest line o f Issiks by |sipiilur authors; all nicely bound, at most reasonable prices. G. A. Hentz Series . . . . 35c Mr». Southworth’s Series 50c Horatio A lger’» Seriea . . 35c