h (Enttaw (ètoMt fa t t o i Volume VI BOHEMIA ORES CAN BE REFINED CHEAPLY BOHEMIA ORES CAN BE TREAT BD BY BLBCTR1C1TY. Electro Mctullurgicul Plant Could Be Iiutulled lor from $5.000 to $ 10 , 000 . COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1911 BONDS ARE NOT SOLD. ROBBERS ADMIT CRIME. Little Buaineak Traiuacted ut Corni eli Meeting. Mm Who Held up Stage at Drain Asking for Road from Walker Confess. this City. N o bid» wi-re received ut thè couni-il m eeting M undiiy n ig h t fnr thè i»aue nf T h e Ingli way men w ho held up the Si-ottMborg Htagi- ut D ra m have con $5, U si n f im pruvem en t Imuda. aeni'e n f Ind» I» i-xplain ed by fi-HMt'd to the i-riine T h e uh- nf p h m o ii tlu- f a r i Ibu t thè hundx are a new k iiul, iaalied under a »pi r ia l net n f thè li-gi» la tu re, and ean net he »nld at le»» than par, and a re nnt vet aunghi a fte r by eaatern buyer». R e ro rd e r V in i Den I Ini' ItiilirmiH iirm i nn In* trrntril liy bu rg lui», huw ever, received a lele- • li'i’tro metallurgy on the ground und llmt n 50 Ion |• litiit I'tnjlit In* inntiilli’il ni tliu In,In-mill hi inrn fur from $5.000 In »HI,HIM! wnn till' ntnti'iui'lit muili) Wi'ilnnnlny liy O. .1. Yunna, of A»h- Inml, who »poke to nlmut 20 mining mi'll nl M i I iii - \ Mi't^in-vn'n nltli*i*. Mr. Young I* mi export in tlim un til- ml o f treating nri*n mill nnyn there in liu questlull hut Hint ItulieiniH » r e eun he niiei'eniifully uml |irolltnbly treuleil liy Hint |irot'enn Mr. Young in tin entertaining talker, nml Inn remark» w ere Very interesting lu local mining men, who have win tint fur Miiine |iriicena tu trent the luw grade oren uf the Bohemia district. The inlnen nre luenteil within the forent re nerre, an thut no anielter enuhl lie limit, even were it not too ex|>etinive. I f uii elertru plant lit pul In nt the inlnen uml nhuulil prove at Huri'eaaful u*i Mr Yunna »u y» It wimlil, il wuulil mean much fur the ItuheniiH ilmlru't mul fnr Cottgac Grove. The only wuv that low grade nre eun now lie retineil la tu aeml it to the anielter at Tarunia, ! • NEW BOOKS RECEIVED. Storica of Adventures, History and Eiction Received by School. The ap|Mirlliuimenl of library Imoka fur the 1’otlage (irovr hiah aeliool, conaiatiiia of iihoiil one hunilred tlfty vulumea, hat been received, the hooka are eatnluaiie'l ami reu-ly fur ime. Me anlea supplementary reader» fur uae III the aeliool room exclusively, the fol- luwlna bunk a are on the llat of new book a Harvard Storie*, Poat ; A m e r ­ ican rutilinoli wraith, Hryee, two voi- uinea, We*tern Frontier Storica, St. Nicholas; I lie I'oay King, V\ iggin* and Smith; I.'Alterno ami other p emit, Milton, Couimel I'puu the Beading of ^ I took a. Vii il I I N kl aak^^pu-ie W ork«. In Field and Pan ture, Dutton. The Beginning of New Kng lami. Flake, The Heart of Oak. Nor ton; Economie Hiatory of U. S., Cal lender; Moya ef Seventy-Six, 1,'oflin. Gulden Numbern, Wiggins and Small; Indian Storica Retold, St. Nichole* , In diati liny hood, Kaetlliail ; Economica of Manual Training. Kouillon, Story uf Oregon and It* People, Chapman; Jean Mitchell'a S ihool, W ra y ; Exper­ iment» with Plani*, Oatcrhaut; A* You I.ike It, A Midiuminer Night'» Dream, Henry IV,.Julius Caesar, The Merchant of Venice, Shake»peare ; The Sleeping Beauty, L a n g ; Augahurga D ra w in g ; Vicar of Wakefield, Gold- a mi Ih ; Abraham Lincoln, Srliurx; Soh- rah and Ku»lum, Arnold : Four Ameri­ can Pioneer*, Perry and Beebe ; Idyll» of the King», Tennyaon ; Pride and Prejudice, Aliatili; Elementary Sluyd and Whittling. I.araon ; Financial Hi»- ■ ^ ^ t u r y uf the (I. S., D ew ey ; Talk» on the Study of Literature, Mate»; Mc­ Laughlin mid Old Oregon, Dye; Hi»- tory of The Pacific Northwest, Schaf­ e r ; Building of a Nation, Coffin. Thrac hook» come a» the reault of a new law that give» to the different achiiid» in proportion tu the attendance . bonk» in proportion tu tbe amount uf inmiey that the commission puae»»c». g ru in fru in a D enver tim i t lia l may lead lo th e ir »ale. T h e ro m m itte c b a v in g in elia rg e tlu- n am in g u f thè »treet» lim i nut eum pleted it» tim i no report ro u ld In- Iliade w urk, ho WILL HAVE PURE WATER INTERESTS OF CITIKS TOWNS PROTECTED. AND Sciretary of Agricolture DevikCb Pian to Protect thè Sourtch of Supply, Edward» Jorgin» and Fred Foster, who were arre«ted by Sheriff (ieo. Stewart on Friday afternoon, accused of having don the job, have made a foil confession of Hie crime in the preaence of tbe sheriff. Upon acknnwledging the job, tbe nbi-rilf quizzed tin- pri»onera at Home li-ngtli, and wa» »urpri»ed to bud that tln-ir wandering» following »he rubbery tallied exactly with the contentions of Hu- officers at the coneluaion of Satur­ day '» I'llHHC. In making a confesNion, E'o»ter said he left Eastern Oregon in company with Jurgin» about three weeks ago, and after visiting a number of towns and cilie» arrived at Drain on Thurs­ day evening, November ¿"1. They re­ mained at the K umnc II hotel thal night and after dinner on the following day paid the lull and left town. Wandering along the county road they linally reached a point within a E. II. C la r k , auperviaor o f thè Wa half mile nf Hu- scene of the holdup, auleti n a tiu n a l fnre»|», ha» rereiv ed where they camped for the night. tlu- fo llo w in g com m u iiicH tiun from tbe Arising early the next morning (Satur­ office o f tbe »i-i-retary o f thè in te rin i day i they waited the arrival of the at W a»lnngtun. »luge, whereupon they covered the T b e ll|l••re»tN o f eitie» and tn w m driver und relieved the paaaengers of w liie h n b ta in tb e ir w a te r fro m »tream» their valuable». In »peaking uf the b a v in g tIn- 1 r water»h«d» w it llin p a llo n ­ holdup Fnater said that both Kicker ai fort-ala c a li fn r »peculi in c a llire » of and iUirrhard were Home what fright­ prnteetiini, and S e rre ta ry Wtlmni ba» ened, and that they made no re»i»tence Ib e re fo re developed a pian o f co-opera in handing over their money. tiun fn r ib e de p a rtm e n t u f u g r ir u ltu r e w itb »urne cum m um tiea w h ieh uri- u liv e to thè irn|M>rtanee w u te r »upply pure. of keepin g th e ir T h e re are many w eatern town» and eitiee, »olile o f Ihem u f la rg e »ire, w hlch di-rive th e ir w u te r from drain- agl* Inainn ly m g in a lile thè natiu nal forcai*. LODGE OF SORROW. to Elks Hold Service in Memory of Departed. A petition 1» now before the county court asking fnr a road on the went Hide of the river from Walker tu Cot­ tage Grove. A h mapped nut the river will he bridged at Walker and the road will extend live mile» south, thence one mile we»t to Cottage Grove, where another bridge will be nece»»ary to reach tbe town. The road will be 60 feet wide and practically level, cutting out all tin- bill» arid dangerous railroad crossing» of the old road. It is esti­ mated that thirty farmiie» will he ben- elitti-d by the new road. While it is intended to make the new road a part of the Macilie Highway, the old road will he kept up by the county for the u»e of resident» on the west aide of the river. It is understood that the parties who presented the new road to the court were told to get the road and the bridge would be built. The new road will perhaps be of little benefit to Creswell, but CreKwell peo­ ple are willing to help the residents of the section through which the pro- | posed road passes. ¡ Gr ange Quadruples Membership. o f fo re a try i» to inauri- tlu- |iermanenee and pruteet w a te r thè p u r ily »upplie*. A m u in rip a l ut thè h fo rca i* m a in ta in e il fn r thè benefit u f lic, S e rre ta ry W ilnon thè cuim idera are pub- it thè d u ly u t hi» de p a rtm e n t to do a ll th a l it can la ith tu prev e n t thè p u llu lim i uf « u d ì conditim i* must fa vara bit- eonatant How o f c le a r w ater. Stock ram in g tu a and occup ancy o f thè land fu r tlu- varim i» kind» u f u»c w In d i are ordinarti)- cn rn u ra g e d tiu u a l may furcat» if alile allu w e d tlu- m - he h ig h ly undeair- oli thè mi d ra in a g c »auree of ba»in* w hieh are d r in k i g w ater. T h e re i» alau to I h * conaidered thè in ju ry w hieh inay he (Ione i f thè w a te r in »ilt-lad en . My p r o te c lin g and im p ro v m g thè fo rc a i co v er and by en- fo r c in g m ize sp e cia l eroaion re g o la tim i» and tu to proviti» o f »au ita ry con d ilio n a, g iiv e rn m cn t w ill try to »aft-guard n iM in te n a n c e thè m ini fo r thè thè in te rca la o f thè p u h iir. a n d . n u rsi» . S w lv Kl**ct#*l |*rrHi«lrnt. Andrew Brund Elected to Succeed F. D. Wheeler as Presi­ dent for 1912. WHO’S PRETTIEST BABY? <• (Continued on page 10.) h D W HEELER. K**tirinir P iW k le n L COMMERCIAL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES FOR ENSUING YEAR ANNUAL ELECTION LARGELY ATTENDED AFFAIR . uf 59 over last year. SPANISH FORTUNE FOR LOCAL RAILROAD MAN I b e annual Elks' lodge of sorrow was held in the Fretbyteriari church at MANAGER OF 0. fc S. E. HAS UN­ KNOWN FRIEND. .'I o ’clock Sunday afternoon. The ser­ mon was preached by Rev. A. S. Maa- on, who paid a high tribute to frater- A Sum of $330,000 Is the Fortune nalism as an adjunct to church work. Named by Madrid Thi- music wa» by a male quartette, Swindler. consisting of Messrs. Lloyd Stratton, Lloyd Bisby, Worth Harvey and Seld- A. B. Wood, manager of the O. & S. en Powell, accompanied by Mias EL Ky., has received one of those fake Esther Silsby on the organ. No deaths had occurred among the Spanish fortune letters. A sum of The local Elks during the past year, so that $330,000 is the lure held out. the service was not held in honor of letter is postmarked at Madrid and is as follows : any particular dead Elk. Madrid 11, 22, 1911. Many outside of the fraternity were My Dear Sir: present. I am imprisoned in this city and known your honesty and personality I beg to beseech you herewith whether you want to come here to take away RETIRING PRESIDENT RE­ my equipaged seizure in order to seize upon a trunk containing a secret in VIEWS WORK OF YEAR. which I have hidden a document indis­ pensable to you to come in possession Reports Manufacturing Committee of $330,(XX) that I have in United Working on Big Lumber Mill States. Proposition. As reward, I will yield you the third part of the aforesaid sum. Fearful, that this letter don’t arrive Fol lowing is the report of Retiring President Wheeler, made at Monday at your hand, 1 will wait your answer night’s meeting of the Commercial and then I will say you my secret with every detail and to subscribe with my club. The past year has been quiet, it has name. CLUB DOES MUCH WORK Cottage Grove grange quadrupled its memliership as a result of the recent membership campaign, about 300 new members being secured. A rousing meeting was held Satur­ As here, is a newspaper that publish day, the closing day of the campaign, been hard for private enterprises to and the losers treated the winners to a accomplish anything of merit, and for all the cablegrams whose addresses are big feast. an organization of this kind, where it unknown, which it is allowed to me to is supported by.local interest, we find read and as I cannot receive here in Advertising pays -in the Sentinel. it doubly hard to make good during the goal your reply you must send a these strenuous times. Yet during cablegram to the address indicated at the past year the club has been busy, the end. Notwithstanding, your cable not it has attended to all matters that came before it, and endeavored to advance ) reach to me, this will be the sufficient the interest of the community. We to know that you accept my proposi- hope the seed we have sown during the tion. O ne o f thè ri-i-ngni/nj objecta At a largely attended meeting Mon­ day night the Commercial club elected the following officers for the ensuing year : President, Andrew Brund; 1st vice- president, (!. H. Tyson; 2nd viee-pres- ; ulent, C. II. Burkholder; secretary, M. II. Anderson; treasurer. Geo. M. Hall; trustees, A. B. Wood, J. S. Sils- | by, C. M. Shinn. The president’s annual report, which goes into detail as to the work of the year, is given in another column. The committee on pictures for the Oregonian reported that all arrange- - ments for their publication had been <; m ii a i . i I lf rlw lw l Tr**Mftiir« cases with the defense of the McNam­ ara brothers in Los Angeles, Judge Woodson T. Slater, who is conducting | the case for the plaintiff, opened the arguments and the case before Judge j Galloway here today. 11. J. Parkison was deeply scored by | Slater for employing certain of the circulators after he had been informed that some of their work w h s fraudu­ lent. Slater held that Parkison is re­ sponsible for at least 10,000 names, many o f which have been proven fraud­ ulent. The contention of the attorney for the plaintiff was that inasmuch as the pluintiff had produced prima facie evi­ dence that 0,788 nan.es were fraudu­ lent, the defense should hear the bur­ den of proof that the remaining names were valid. More than 5,000 names appeared on sheets that had no petition heading, which is strictly against the provisions of the referendum law, and Slater con­ tends that these should he thrown out. He also believes that the circulators should be held accountable the same as an election officer, so that if fraud is proven against them, the petitions that they circulated arc to he declared void, as the election would be if the judges and clerks were found guilty of fraud. S. P. OFFICIALS INSPECT. Officers from Oregon and California Stop Here. Officials of the Southern Pacific from Portland and San E’rancisco passed through here Wednesday on a tour of inspection. They found things in a satisfactory condition and made no statement of any contemplated im­ provements. This is the second time this station has been inspected within ten days, which may mean that some improvement in the way of a depot may he under consideration. Dl-tf. SHORTAGE OF FREIGHT CARS. Local Mill Men Unable to Get Cars Enough. Local mill men are having difficulty in securing sufficient cars to make their shipments. This condition has prevailed for some time. This is a peculiar condition, as freight traffic is comparatively light, but it is learned that between 1,500 and 2,000 cars are laid up for repairs on aide tracks along the line, as a result of the shopmen's strike, which seems to be as far from being settled as it was a month ago. The railroad commission will not allow these cars to be used until fitted for service, and it is understood that the railroad can not secure sufficient help. To Attend House Warming. It is expected that fifteen or more members of the Commercial club will attend the house-warning given by the Eugene Commercial club this after­ noon and tonight. That number of members have signified their inten­ tion of going, and several more are ex­ pected to join the party. The Eugene i club promises the boys a good time. President Gray, of the Oregon Short 1 Line and C. C. Chapman, manager of the Portland Commercial club, are on the program as speakers. If it's a rush job of printing, the , Sentinel will get it out for you on time. LOCAL TEAM WINS AGAIN G. H. TYSON. Elected First Vice-President. was not a commercial orchard in this immediate locality, and none being put out; today there are several thous­ and acres out. and more being planted. Within five years we will see the seed we have sown begin to hear fruit in the shape of big yellow Newtown, rosy-cheeked Spitzenburgs, the deli­ cious peach and the famous Comice pears. W e have already a fine fruit dryer to take care of the surplus fruit. Wheth­ er the d u b is responsible for the fruit dryer or not, I know there was work done by us to get it located here. These items I have mentioned are certainly of some importance and in the end, when the forests are cut down, it will be these industries that will sppport our town. We have worked to the end that we may have better streets in town. To ac­ complish this we cannot go out and build them, but we have dune all we could in pointing out to the public the need of better thoroughfares and we live in hopes that in the near future 16 lbs. pure cane sugar for $1.00 or we will have thi* need so impressed 20 lbs. for $1.00 with every $5.00 pur­ firmly upon the public mind that it will chase of other goods. Des Larzes Grocery. Awaitiug eagerly to read your mis­ sive. I only subscribe, VEX BANK ER . Above all please to answer by cable, but not oy letter, a* following. Cteto Bilbao Infantas IE' Madrid (Write! P H I L I P . (Continued on page 10) CORVALLIS BOYS GO DOWN IN DEFEAT. High School Boys Succeed in Beat­ ing Gridironers from Agri­ cultural College. Last Saturday the football team of the Cottage Grove high school played against a team composed largely of Cottage Grove boy* who are now at­ tending the O. A, C. The game proved to be fast and interesting and resulted in a score of 10 to 0 in favor of the high school boys. The spectac­ ular features of the game were the punting of Williams, the visiting full­ back. and the forward passes of the home boys, which they repeatedly worked with success. The Corvallis boys complained some­ what of shabby treatment given them by the local boys. They also charged that the coach of the local team agreed to fill out the O. A. C. team, and that, after learning the signala, went back on them and played with the high school team. The O. A. C. boys also claimed that no competent foot ball judge would have conaidered allowing points by which the local team scored.