f PIONI[ R ASSAYING & RIHNING CO. Convicts To Be Educated. Steps have been taken to organize a school of extensive scope and practical courses for the convicts at the state penitentiary. The school will open about December 1 and after th at recom mendations for parole will prob­ ably depend largely upon the efficiency of the convict in his work in some of these courses. All courses are prac­ tically to learn a trade, H. H a r r i n g t o n so when and the generally convict educates him self WILL 1H1 V O IR out of prison, he will have educated him self into a useful and profitable trade. promptly and satis­ At the present lim e the following factorily. They have courses have been decided upon : everv facility fo r American literature, practical arithm e­ handling all classes of tic, spelling, United S tates history, goods, and simply geography, English literature, gram ­ solicit a trial. mar, book keeping, w riting, reading, All kinJs ot Hduling & Pidno Moving physics. Shakespeare, hygiene, agricul­ Cottage tin»» ture, poultry, civics, mechanical draw ­ Phone No. 72 ing. bookbinding, cookery, music, laundry and gas engines. V olunteers to leach these branches will be called for and some response* have already been made. Two |ieni- tentiary chaplains, Kev. Father Moore Msnufacturm »I of the local Catholic church, and Kev. i'hilip Hauer, will act as superintend- ent* and do s g reat deal of teaching. L. K. Alderman, sta te superintendent We can supply you first grade of public instruction, will assist in di­ shingles delivered in Cottage recting the school and deliver occasion­ Grove or at the mill, in any al lectures. quantities. Address Superintendent Jam es of the peniten­ tiary has begun the drainage of some OREGON BLACK BITTE. swampy land nearby, where agriculture may be taught the convicts. Governor West, who has had this plan in mind NO SIR, I CAN T several months, has been w aiting GET APPENDICITIS for for the busy season to close before hav­ ing it launched. Penitentiary officials are a unit in w orking with enthusiasm for the new line of prison reform . ¡81 Kitt h Street. near l T. S. Mint SAN KRANUISCO. t AL. We buy Gold rich Ore — amalgam and all mining products. We pay cash and give a square deal. Assaying 50c. Established 20 years. Reference: First National Bank of San Francisco SPANGENBERG & BRADFORD CEDAR SHINGLES A Delicate Question. No I Eat All I Want to Now. More Oas on the Stomach or Sour Stomach. More Heavy Feeling After Meale or Constipation. No N o m a tte r w h a t y ou 'v e trie d w ith o u t g e ttin g relief JU S T TRY sim ple buck- thorn bark, glycerine, etc., a s com pounded In A D L E R - -I-K -----------t i - k A / ! ' Y ou w ill be su rp rised te a m it th e Q U IC K re su lts an d you will be u ard ed a g a in st ap p en dicitis. T he V ERY Ç O SE will help you an d a sh F 'IR IR ST D DOSE sno o rt tre a tm e n t w ith A D L E R -I-K A will m ak e you feel b e tte r th a n you h av e fo r years. T his new G erm an ap p en dicitis rem edy an tlsep tlclx es th e stom ach an d bow els an d d raw s off all Im purities. A S IN G L E ' D OSE relieves g as on th e stom ach , sou r sto m a ch .# co n itlp a tlo n . n au se a or heavy feeling a fte r eatin g alm ost A T *O N ('K . A sho rt tre a tm e n t often cu re s an o rd in ary case of ap pendicitis. FOR SALE BY NEW ERA DRUG STORE Information on Poultry Authentic and valuable inform* hoa about brervima. hatching, rasa« . | feeding and houtm g poultry ¡a contained is the latH) edition of I Lilly • Poultry Book—juft printed, i Seed for copy, free. TheCW HLJyCo PRO FESSION A L CARDS J. N. WATERHOUSE Teacher ot Piano and Organ Certificated from the Associated Board, Royal Academy and Royal College of Music. Residence Second StreeL Office Phone Main 5 Residence, M ain 121L F. L. INGRAM , D. M. D. Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Lawson Bldg. Cottage Grove, Ore J. E. YOUNG olttorney at Law Office on Main Street, Weet Side COTTAGK G IO V I :: :: OKKGON J. C. JOHNSON A ttorney-a t-Ln tv Practice in all Courts of State. Corpor- ation, mining and Probate law a specialty Collection and Insurance. COTTAGE GROVE, OR EGON j Residence: p o n - s Æ N ear » y W End o««:PhüJr„liock T ennessee Avenue. F. W. ROBBINS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON W ill receive obstetrical and gynecological patients at home. G raduate nurse asaiatant. COTTAGE GROVE - - OREGON a * c'o4; « ” « ~ ! L™ 5 ock Office Hours i to 6 p. m. O th-r hours by appointm ent. DR H. H SOMERS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Chronic and N ervous D isrates a Specialty. COTTAGE GROVE - OREGON COTTAGE GKUVE CAMP, N o' 6424 M. W. of A., m eets the first and third Tuesday of each month a t E lks' Hall. Visitors Welcome. From Life, Septem ber 24. 1908. Is a m an's first duty to his own fam ­ ily or to his client? Take, for instance, a patient call him W illiam —who is being treated for a disease considered incurable. His doctor, of the old school, tells him frankly and kindly that the best they can do is to hold the disease in check, prolong W illiam 's life, perhaps, and make his rem aining days com fortable. While this treatm ent is going on William begins to hear tales of w hat the osteopaths are doing. His friends tell him of sudden cures of case resem bling his own. William hates quackery, but as he cannot ignore this testim ony, he finally mentions the subject to his doctor. His doctor, a liberal-m inded man, tells W illiam, regretfully, that while the osteopaths, like other quacks, produce tem porary results th at amaze the ignorant, they work far more harm than good; that osteopathy is merely a form of m assage at best, and that W illiam 's disease is a deeper m atter. Besides, the osteopathic tre a t­ m ent is ‘'ro u g h ,” and “ often danger­ ous.” William is secretly relieved by this inform ation, for he hates changing about and he has no use for all the "pathies. ” But the surprising tales persist in reaching him. Even members of his own family relate extroardinary cures of seemingly hopeless cases, w ithout drugs or surgery. Finally, to make a long story short, W illiam, who does want to live, visits an osteopath. He is ashamed, but he does it. The theory and treatm ent, as explained to him, certainly seem rational. Moreover, he finds these osteopaths are curing cases much worse than his own. And when William him self is cured he blsm es the old school doctor for not sending him at once to the osteopath. But is W illiam just? Is it ever expected that a lawyer, a doctor, an architect, or any man of standing shall say to his client, “ Go to my rival. He is wiser than I am. Give your money to him instead of to me?” In accusing the old school doctor of fraud W illiam is doubly unfair, as that doctor despises the osteopath and hon­ estly believes him a quack. And we ail know how easy it is to believe what is most desirable. W illiam argues, however, the success of osteopathy now being common knowledge, th at when he pays a doc­ tor for advice the doctor should give w hatever advice is moat likely to lead to a cure. The doctor m ight argue th at he gave W illiam w hat W illiam paid for, the best treatm ent he knew how to give. Which is right? You can judge the kind of job print­ ing a new spaper does by the kind of a paper it prints. The Sentinel is will- g t) l e t its paper be an ad. for its job printing. Notice of Road District Meeting. I TO WHOM IT MAY 1'OM 'FUN : Notice is hereby given that u m eet­ ing of the taxpayers of road district No. ir> for Lane County, Oregon, will be held at Grange Mall the lfith day of December, lu ll, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. The object of said meeting is for the pur|Miae of subm itting to the taxpayers of said road district the question of voting a levy of an additional tax up on the taxable pnqierty of said district for the purpose of improving the roads of said district. This notice is signed by at least ten per cent, of the taxpayers of ssid dis­ trict. . NAMES. J. C. Stapleton, J. K. Hanlon, l.evi Geer. O. W. W hite. G. S. Hailes. J. W. Massey, J. G. Powell, J. N. Hogue, D. K. Harris, W. G. Massey, O. P. Wills, K. E. Lackey, Jos. T. Taylor, T. V. Schild, 1). Cooler, W. G. Hale, N. W. W hite, Oscar S. Woodard, J. W. Skaggs. J. H. Trunnell. S. W. B tjfd, E. C. l.aihrop. Geo. W. Sheary, John Cooley. Alex. Cooley, J. M. Ritchey, H. D. Whit look. J. D. Anderson, C K. Kldredge, J. I. Lawson, J. J. Wooden. L. H. G ilcrist, W. Sloan, George Taylor, C. E. Gilham, C. H. W im o l, Edwin TuUar, w. K. H art zeil, John (J. A. Young, C. L. Berg­ strom , E. Geer, George Sutherland. R. I'. Williams, e. c. GiUuua. I.. J. Green, W. T. G aroutte, H. C. Combs. TOYS Volu me BOHEMIA BE HOH I M I A KD Elettro Mi Hr $ I Am coming lo The Fair This Year 'Ih»* Itoli electrn m el liuti u 60- at Ilio Itoli, to 110,0011 Wedneaday lumi, wiio , meli ut Mi Mr. Yiuiri oii u f treu no quention he nurreuN !>V litui |iro< Mr. Youu unii hiu re to loeul fili fo r Moine |u o re* o f t Notice of Ko.td District Meeting. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given that a m eet­ ing of the taxpayers of road d strict No. 60 for Lane County, Oregon, will be held at the residence of H. S. Cline the 18th day of December, 1911, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. in. of said day. The object of said m eeting ia for the purpose o^ subm itting to the taxpay­ ers of said road district the question uf voting a levy of un additional tax upon the taxable property of said district for the purpose of improving the roads of said district. This notice is signed by at least ten per cent, of the taxpayers of said dia- trict. NAMES. H. S. CLINE, ED JE N K S. BALTIMORE O. M. CO., F. J. BARD. TH E VESUVIUS M INES CO.. Nov. 24-Dec. 15. Notice for Publication. DEPARTM ENT OF THE INTERIOR. U. S. Land Office at Kuteburg, Oregon. November 24, 1911. Notice ia hereby given that Joseph B. Gregg, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, who, on November 14, 1906, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 04084, for Lot (II), Section, Tuwnabip 22 S. Range 2 west W illam ette M eridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five years proof, to establish claim to the land above deacribed, before Reg­ ister and Receiver United S tates Land Office, at Koseburg. Oregon, on the 5th day of January, 1912. Ciam iant names as w itnesses : John D. Palm er, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, Joel D. Palm er, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, Samuel K. Lewis, uf Corvallis, Oregon, John Gray, of Cot­ tage Grove, Oregon. BENJAM IN F. JO N ES. D ec.l-Jan.5. R egister. Call for Bids, Improvement Bonds. The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 6 o'clock p. m. Monday, Dec. 4, 1911, for the purchase of Cottage Grove Im provem ent bonds, issue C, am ounting to the sum of $5519.31 to bear date Sept. 18, 1911, and to m ature in ten years from date thereof unless redem ption shall be made prior to that tim e as provided in said bond, the same being at option of city of Cottage Grove, at any tim e af­ ter one year at any sem i-annual coupon period. Such bonds shall bear interest for date thereof at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually until redeemed. Principal and inter­ est payable a t the office of the city treasu rer of Cottage Grove, in gold coin of the United States. Said bonds will not be sold for less than par and accrued interest to the highest respon­ sible bidder. Each bid shall be accom­ panied with a certified check in am ount of $100.00 which will be im­ mediately returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. H. VAN DENBERG, Nov. 10 D ec.-l. City Recorder. Real Estate Transfers. M. C. Currin to Lula W. Currin, lot 8 in block 2 of Currin Park add. to Cot­ tage Grove, $10. H. K. Lawson to W. B. Cooper, tract in section 28-20-3 W. $100. Alice E. end L. Elam to W. S. Me- Caleb. lots 1. 2. 3 and 8 iri block 13 of 1911 1911 NEW Storica of Fiction The Great Bargain Emporium A w a i t s Y o u r Inspection Santa Claus claims that this year beyond dll doubt his headquarters will be at The Fair. H e tells us that never before has he found a store so completely to his notion and honestly thinks that we are show­ ing more items from 5c to $ 2 .5 0 than any ¿tore on his route. No one will exped us to try and itemize the the thousands of articles we have on sale. All the New Novelties in Toys All the new ideas in Dolls, fancy Dishes o( every kind. All the new things in Glassware, I oilet Sets, Military Sets, Shaving Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Necktie Holders, etc. Our complete line of Notions contains many items that will make useful presents and we can supply your every day wants at a Itfss price than you usually pay. Special to Ladies Pillow Tops, Center Pieces, Dresser Scarfs, etc. All colors in I). M. C. Cotton and Richardson Si l ks , Fancy Towels. Our prices are al­ ways a little lower. NOVELTIES Thread and Thimble Hold­ ers, Hat Pin Holders, Gold Beads, Pins, Rings, Slipper Pin Cushions and hundreds of small items that will in­ terest you. Air Rifles, Target Pistols, Drums, Horns, Mirroscope Magic I^intern,s Books,Tops and all the new Mechanical Toys. Sale on Dishes, 100 pieces A r* A r |r L Special worth up to 25c ea., choice I J Vi f^ C lv J I CAL HON W e have sold out our first shipm ent o f R ocking H orses w e have an­ other sh ip m ent on th e w ay. Do you w ant one ? W e in vite th e |>eople o f C ottage Grove and for m iles around to visit our store. THE FAIR The u i q m i for Oie f u eoiiHislmg e volume«, ha* l i r e i-Mt«logil ■ »le« «upplc tfie «rhool book book« Hur lowing lean Comme urnes; West Niebolu« , I S m ith; L’A M i Iton , ( 'ou , ^^M o ok «, Yun 1 (ilele Works 1* il ton, Th « lami, Fluke; ton ; Kronom lemiur; Itoyi Golden Nom lndiuii Stories dlun llo\flood M illuniI Trui Oregon und Jeun Mitehe i men tu with Y’ ou Like It Dream, Herir Mi-rehunl of Sleeping III Drawin g; V smith ; Abrutit rub and Rust ran Pioneers o f the King« Prejudice, ^^und Whittling ,^ P to ry of lite I the of l.uughlin tory o f The I er ; Building ci These book new luw tiiHt aehools in prop . books in propo money that tin A Study J. A. WRIGHT Prop. and WHO’S PF PECULIAR GROV BOYS P.S.--A DOLLAR G O E S A L O N G W A Y S A T T H E FAIR after you have read it. milieu ure I «i r /e, uo bolli, even i f un elee inlite« unii ux Mr. Yooi ineen tnueh unii fo r Col tliul low gr 1 « tu Memi il Upan a Corr Much WhnAH ball course every r even the f«t opinions on Hi Dean have tu finding out, n thut hut« u h New Y ear’« 0: pictures of thi taken. Hut i not pick out tl «re too wiHe will be left w bachelors wh made public, given uway du A Shipped ( Three car* c ecu «hipped fr /xngeles, Uulif. lust car going t about a month f three cara totali