pupils showed much careful training, Mia* Vilas is teaching a most excellent school. SHOOTING SCRAPE IN PHOTO­ Mr. and Mrs. Kdd Ashby visited at MANY MATTERS OF MORE THAN the Schneider home Sunday. PASSING MOMENT. GRAPH GALLERY. Mr*. II. K. inlow. of Cottage Grove, Recovery of Victim Will Be Due called on Mrs. W. A. Hernenway Gleaming* From Here, There and Wednesday afternoon. Everywhere By The Sentinel Ouly to Expert Operating by Howard Vilas, of Portlund, I* v isit­ Perfect Li|(ht. Reporters— Personal Note*. ing hi* sister at G. W. M cFarland'*. TRAGEDY ON FOURTH ST. A young I•• • Iv. whose n u n « Is not known, hut who in reported to lu< pretty end charm ing, wen niiot in Arm strong A Deun’s photograph gallery Tuesday forenoon el 10 :23. Thron eiiote took eifert. Meny rnoro eim lier shooting errepee will tu k r piece betw een now end Ghrislrnu*. Tukr the children down end have them i h it. The bargains end quality of work will surp rise you. Cabinet photo* en low ee >2.00. The kind Ih e tro e l $12. no in Pori lend run he hud et $0.00, Come curly und »void the ruih. More then I,lino new mount* will he in in e few deye. ARE AFTER GROVE APPLES Apple* from C ottage Grove for exhi­ bition e l the Chiceiro l.und nhow have tiecn rc<|Ue*trd of the Cominerciel club by John M. Scott, G. P. A., of the S. I*. Co. I’reeident W heeler in now en­ gaged In securing the fruit. The Cedars. Mr. and Mr*. Wm. W ard «pent Sun­ day w ith Curtin V eetch'e family. Min* Mabel Rosenborg, of Aberdeen, Wnnh., und Mr*. Fred W heeler, of the (•rove, vinited the school Turndey afternoon, und also mudo u few neigh- borhiMul call*. Mra. Itex Gleason is spending the week with her parents, Mr. arid Mr*. TERSE TALES OF THE TOWN 0. E. STARTS WORK AT EUGENE Spring« Surprise on S. P. and Citi­ zens of County Seat. The Oregon Electric railway com­ pany hus sprung a surprise on the peo­ ple of Eugene hy establishing u camp on the outskirts of the city und begin­ ning actual construction work in that vicinity. Wednesday forenoon about ten o'clock IH four-horse teums draw ­ ing th at many big wagons with a large force of men wus seen to turn off from the county road a short distance below the city und en ter the P attis n Held a few rods away. The outllt hud come In from Junction City, where it was unloaded from the Southern Pacific curs yesterday, bringing a lot of ties und some steel rail*. The wagon* were immediately unloaded and the work of laying a short stretch of track way begun. There were about 40 men in the crew. By 1 o’clock Tuesday a fte r­ noon, when a Guard reporter visited the scene, alioul 200 yards of track had been laid. The truck is being laid flat on the ground at th a t (mint and d irt from each side tilled in where necessary to bring the track up to grade. Old rails th a t have been used before are being laid. When asked if this track is perm anent the foreman in charge re­ plied th at it was. Eugene Guard. For Sale. A fine piano, standard make, in first M agee, class condition, never moved but once A nicely arranged program was en­ and regularly tuned each year by the joyed hy pupil" and putrornt of the same tuner, fur sale cheap, if taken at Address" " H .” care Sentinel. school Wednesday afternoon. The once. B argains in Shoes We have pone through our big Shoe Stock and taken out all broken Stock and put them out on sale at greatly Reduced Prices This we do in order to keep our Shoe Stock, as it always has l**en, the cleanest and best in the city. R em em ber we don’t call this a Great Shoe Sale, Closing Out Sale, Marked Up Sale or any other kind of a Sale. But if you can find anything in the hunch to tit you, they are yours at a bargain. REES-WALLACE CO. You can UCÍ r 'o'without o ip '"'i Chas _ v> J1 . Sanborns. ( V s Socan a wovon wilhonl U iv a sc. but 1 1 oots hard A. Brund & Company A second hand Packard organ, good us new for sale at Rees Wallace Go. tf E rnest W ystt spent Sunday in Eu­ gene, FOR SALE. 2.r> Poland China pigs. Pilone Farm ers 166. E. C. LATH- ROP. D1 8p. The A ntlers’ M instrels, which made such a hit here, being put on entirely hy home talent, will he on the hoards a t ('resw ell tonight. G et u box of Spitzeohurg apples for the Holidays only $1.46 |ier box at H elliw ell's. • 'Bring something for the little girla and hoya that have no home, no father or m other,” were the word* spoken to the school children of the city «chorda Monday, and the next day the children, lug und little, carried packages of food of every description to school, where they were assembled and sent to the O rphans' home at Portland. Thanksgiving postals. Best asso rt­ m ent in the city. The Modern P h ar­ macy. G. W. McQueen returned from the C rystal and Fairview properties S at­ urday. He found two feet of snow in the m ountains and hwl his first exper­ ience in using skis. New crop English w alnuts, cran ­ berries ami dill pickles, ju st arrived at H elliw ell's. O. W. Smith was in from his Moun­ tain View fru it farm over Sunday. Gypsy S m ith's solos, Methodist church, Sunday evening. E. C. Lockwood and fam ily spent Sunday in Lorane. Shingles for sale at Rees-Wallace Co. 2 t ... H arry A. Tibbels returned Monday from Oakland, C alif., to take the third trick at the depot. W atches. Ladies' ami g en ts', go at cost, (’all and see them at H. C. Mad­ se n ’s. J. E. Benton, the London m erchant, returned Tuesday from Eugene, where he had been as a w itness in the Rouse und Shortridge saw dust cases. Miss Anna Oglesby was under the w eather a few days this week. Fine Portlam t property on easy monthly psy«rents. Will take a tim- Iwr claim as p art paym ent. JOHN F. WOODARD. Care of N orthw estern T ru st Co., second floor Wilcox Bldg., P ortland, Oregon. N17-24pd.. H. D. Pearson and mother, J. T. Allen and family left Sunday night for Auburn, California, to spend about five months. O P E N -F ro m 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. each Sunday until a fte r the holidays. G et your holiday photos taken now and avoid the rush. Monroe’s Studio at the bridge. Mrs. L. S. Hill returned Morday from a visit in Eugene. Mrs. H. Dent returned Monday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Welch, at Eugene. F. J. Dowe, of I.entz, visited in the city during the past week. He used to live here. H ear the Auto Player Piano at V eatrh 'a music store. N10-D1.. Chas. Hard came down from Bohem­ ia thia week and went to his home at Eugene to apend Thanksgiving. Mrs. Paxton, of Eugene, spent Thanksgiving in the city. “ A Hard Prison to Escape F rom ,” M ethodist church. Sunday evening. Marion Veatch was in Eugene the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. O sterhoudt, of Eugene, spent Thanksgiving a t the Frank Woodruff home. Make another b right corner in your home when you buy a phonograph ut V eatch’s music store. N10-D1.. I, . L. Woods returned Tuesday to his hoiue in Salem. He had been viaiting hia parents, brothers and sisters and looking after his piano-tuning business. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. W heeler were in Eugene the first of the week. J . T. Donovan was in Eugene Mon­ day. W. C. Billings and daughter were up the line Monday. 16 lbs. pure cane sugar for $1.00 or 20 lbs. for II.IXi with every $6. pur­ chase of other goods. Dea l.arzea Grocery. D l-tf. H. Venske has completed his sewer contract at Roseburg and returned to the city. S. Pierce arrived thia week from South Dakota with his household goods and stock and is now busy gettin g se t­ tled down ready for w inter’s work. Mrs. Pierce and daughters have been here several weeks. Mrs. John Barker, who was operated on a t a Portland hospital during the past week for a tum or, is recovering nicely and will be able to come home in a week or ten days. Miss Blanche Schilling is a new a s ­ sista n t a t B urkholder's. Mrs. Elava Burkholder, accompanied by her son Charles, left C ottage Grove Sunday morning for southern Cali­ fornia, where they will spend the win­ ter. They will visit friends in San Francisco and Palo Alto for a short tim e before going south. Wall paper sale now on at McGav- r a n 't. D l... McGuvran is having a wall paper sale. D l... Wall paper stock reducing sale at M cGavran’s. D l... Mrs. W. L. Walsh, of Roseburg, is visiting at the Dr. P etrie residence. The schools closed from Wednesday to Monday to allow pupils to eat tu r­ key and properly recover from the effects of the sam e. Mr. and Mrs. A lbert W heeler were in Eugene on business Monday. A family reunion was held at the B. P. Fuller residence yesterday, about a dozen being present from outside points. E. Searles was in Eugene Tuesday. John M artin and m other were down from Eugene for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Gilliam county, are visiting Mrs. Brow n's sis­ ter, Mrs. N. P. Chrisman. This is the first tim e Mr. Brown has been in this p a rt of Oregon for 30 years. C. E. Spencer, Mrs. L. E. Ward. Miss Ella Ward, Mrs. Jesse Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Coffman. Mr. and Mrs. J. A rth u r Osburn, were among the different parties who came down from Eugene Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving. B. Weber was in E rgene Thanksgiv­ ing Day. R. E. Chezem was down from the Champion mine this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coke, of Eugene, visited relatives here this week. The E. J. and G. S. O. Hum bert fam ilies, of E ugene; Jam es Fuller, of Briggs, Idaho, and Chas. F uller, of Pocatello, Idaho, were among those who attended the B. F. Fuller family reunion Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Miller visited at Springfield this week. Mrs. Rhodes returned from Eugene Thursday. Andrew Nelson and son were In Eu­ gene Thursday. Frederick Zook, of Woodburn, took Thanksgiving dinner with C. M. P ark ­ e r and fam ily. Mrs. John Sellars and daughter Tressie, of Cloverdale, spent Sunday a t the R hinehart home. CJ Originality is the thing that attracts attention. In these clays of frenzied com­ petition it is necessary to get away from the Stereotyped ways of the pa£t, in order to attract attention in business. This was our idea in opening the Metsan Shop. There is nothing else like it in the 1 probably not on the Coast. J [ City, O ne of the "different things" is the idea of giving 1 Op e r cent Coupons on all pur­ chases of Teas, Coffees, Spices and Extrads, which are appliciable on the purchases of dishes and chinaware, and count the same as cash. In this line we handle the famous "Folger’s Golden Gate" Brand. Did You Ever Buy Fashionable Fruit? €JW e carry everything in that line that can be secured on the Portland market. Don’t forget our Sealshipt Oysters— clean and always fresh. The Metsan Shop “ SOMETHING DIFFERENT” ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ cape F ro m .” Two of Gypsv S m ith ’s ♦ ♦ solos—“ J u s t for T o d ay ” and ‘‘There in My Soul” —will be given. CHURCH NEWS t ♦ Is You Joy cannot afford to m iss these. P u b ­ i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ lic worship a t 11 a m. with sermon by Mrs. G. S. O. H um bert, sta te presi­ pastor. S u b je c t: ‘'B o rd er D w ellers.” dent of the C. W. B. M., spoke in the Reception o f m em bers. Bible school C hristian church Sunday and will also a t 9:45. One hundred and seventy- seven a t the last session. Charles speak there again this evening Wilkinson conducted th e Epw orth At the Presbyterian church, Sunday, League devotional m eeting a t 6 :30. December 3d, there will be th ree es­ L et all the young people rally to this pecially a ttra c tiv e and in terestin g ser­ g ath erin g . A hearty invitatio n ex ­ vices. A t 11 o’clock a. m. the su b ject tended to all to tak e in these helpful , will be "A lm ig h ty C a re .” A t this m e e t i n g s . _________ service there will be a duet by Miss One young man was baptized during Blanche .Veatch and Mr. Lloyd S tr a t­ ton. The pastor will oreach again at the Sunday m orning service a t the 7:9), subject, ‘‘Who Will Show the M ethodist church. Way?” Special music at this service L argely atten d e d and in terestin g cot­ by a chorus ohoir of tw enty voices. tag e prayer m eetings w ere conducted In the afternoon a t 3 o’clock, the A n t­ by the w orkers o f th e M ethodist church le rs’ club of C ottage Grove will hold Monday ev ening a t the homes of its annual Lodge of Sorrow in the Messrs. G ardner, Wilkinson, Jones, Presbyterian church with address by H ogate and Goddard. A. S. Mason, pastor. The music for Rev. V. E. Hoven will arriv e this this service will be rendered by the week from Tillam ook to take up the Silsby male q u a rte tte . Sunday school work a t the C hristian church, and as usual, a t 10 a. m., and C hristian En­ will conduct m orning and evening deavor a t 6:30 p. m. Everyone will be services next Sunday. Mr. Hoven has cordially welcome to all these services, a reputation at. a zealous and energetic as all are open to th e public. w orker. _ __ E x tra copies of the Sentinel a lw a y s Over three hundred people w ere in attendance a t the People’s Popular on hand to send to youi eastern friends. service a t the M ethodist church on Union T hanksgiving services were Sunday evening. All the vestries were held in the M ethodist church yesterday thrown open. In the a fte r m eeting m orning a t 10:30, the sermon being two adults made a public decision to preached by Rev. A. S. Mason, of the follow the M aster. N ext Sabbath at P resb y terian church. 7 :30 p. m. the m eeting will be even Send your S entinel to eastern friends more interesting, R obert autcliffe speaks upon “ A Hard Prison to Es­ a fte r you h av e read it. E. R. Parker, professor of the Geary school a t Eugene, spent Thanksgiving with his brother. J . M. Parker. Miss Vivian Vaughn will retu rn in a few days to her home in Sacram ento, Calif. A. C. Mattison was down from E u ­ gene Wednesday. A good, high-grade piano for sale. Revs. Henry and Wooley have closed Very cheap on easy term s. F. B. D l- tf .. the series of m eetings they had been PH IL L IP S . holding at W a'ker station and Rev. Miss Allie Phillips and Hugh C urrin Wooley returned home Wednesday. The came down from Eugene Wednesday to church has been greatly aroused and spend Thanksigving with th eir respec­ strengthened and much good done. tive families. For a lark they walked We dress poultry for Thanksgiving. from Eugene to W alker station, a dis­ tance of about 18 miles. Commission House. H. D. Monroe was in Eugene the Mrat of the week on court business. Mrs L. Snodgrass, of Eugene, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. C. Long. People’s Popular Service. Methodist church, Sunday evening. A m arriage license has been issued to Chas. A. Gatea, of Eugene and Eva May Ellis, of C ottage Grave. The Hickey fam ily spent Thanksgiv­ ing at Eugene w ith Mra. H ickey’s p ar­ ents. Had bread makes a bad disposition. Use Drifted Snow flour and you will alwaya have good bread. We guaran­ tee every sack. Spray A Co. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid socie­ ty will hold a Christm as bazaar De­ cem ber 16th and 16th. Something Different!' Mrs. McReynolds, while in the city Saturday, fell and hurt her an x leao seriously th at she fainted. It is learned th a t she is now getting along aa nicely as the nature of the injury will allow. The men of the Methodist church m et Thanksgiving night and decided to put an en tertain m en t of some kind on during January. A com m ittee will be appointed by Pastor Sutcliffe to lay out plans. FOR S A L E .—One span of mules. For further particulars, apply to Wm. H arris., B lackbutte, Ore. D l-8c... The cabin a t the Slipper mine, with all contents, including grub for three m onth’s work, burned to the ground Tuesday. The miners did not know of the Iota until they returned from work for supper. Half of the joy of Christmas giving, comes from knowing that a gift is of some per­ manent value—not a bauble to be discarded after the novelty has worn off—not a plaything for a boy. Of course, the little ones must have their rattles and dolls, but to older ones you wish to give a permanent remembrance. How would it strike you to give that boy of yours a printing press that will do just as good work as any one the Sentinel is using. Can you afford to spend $25 to give him such a press and type enough to do job work with? If so, the S e n t i n e l can fix you out. «L An Editorial Ad