Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, December 01, 1911, Image 6

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You are living in the
healthiest climate on
earth—but nature will
not keep you well un­
less you do your part.
One o f the prime re­
quisites of good health
is good, clean food.
That’s the Kind We Sell
Pick out all the health­
iest looking people in
the city and you will
find that they buy all
their groceries o f us.
We carry* a full and
complete line o f every­
thing in the grocery
& CO.
Knowles & Gräber
-O F -
Domestic and
Foreign Woolens
Now ready for your inspection.
Fit, Style and W orkm anship
Also Clothes Steam-cleaned
and Pressed in a First-
Class Manner.
Geo. Bohlman
W .R . TU CKER , Prop.
Tincture of lodine. It la Claimed. Olvaa
Th« Story of Hsnry Irving's Portrait
'Rsnisrksbl# Rexulte.
a» Philip II,
Among easea of aceldehlul poisoning
flic queer up» and dowus o f a pio­
those <-uua«sl by carbolic acid are the
tilo itti- illustrated by the history o f
llaiu B. Astor said oue day to his
most frequent
These generally arise
lie isn'truit by Willst lor of Iteury lb
bead bookkeeper. *1 wish you to write
through mistaking a solution of car
vtiig ns I'htllp II of Spalti, uow hang
out those 1.200 lease»'—indicating the
bolle add for some medlclue or. as
tig In tbe Molrn|Hilltuu museum, lu
documents-''preparatory to releasing
occurs vary ufteu. fur some alcoholic
Now York. Wlnsller at a precarious
Rte various properties for which they
climi ut tils career u»kod his trleud
will be drawn and reduce each reulal
The remedies generally employed to
ln mg lu »li tu him tor u portrait in
price 25 per cent for the eusutnK year.’
Persons Otherwise Strong Montally 'lie it I run er In which In lug was Trainor Miko Murphy Mado th« A p ­ dealing with this kind uf poisoning
The head bookkeeper, aatoulslied. ven­
The portrait
peal to Pann, and tha Rad and Blu« consist tu wnshlug tile etouiacb with
May Develop ■ Dread of Open or hen playing. I'hlllp II
tured to protect. ‘There lias t>een no
«n s panned, aud Inrtutf. much pleas­
Roaa to tha Oooaaion and to Victory. alkullno water or pure glycerin, ful
complaint. Mr. Astor.' be said, ‘from
'd. ris|nest*»! Whistler to let liltu buy
lowed hy the Ingestion o f alkullne sul
and. In Fact, of Anything.
A Dog Won a Qama For Columbia.
any tenant as to the amount o f reut
it and tu umile a price nut too high
pini les. oil ami while uf «gga heuten
charged. AU are satisfied to pay pres
Fear as a disease had not received for Ills slender purse Having had the
Wrltlug mi footbull In the American I up
Home year« ago, however. I>r
ent price«.’
aertoua attention until r**cent years pleasure ut Whistler's acquaintance, Maga tine, Edward l.yell Fox Iella of i Muherly allowed that tluctura of to
“ ’This 1« a matter o f future busi­ Now it
recognised by Hie medical he writer van luuigiue the following Ffoolbtill defeat« that were turnet] Into dine, administered In fairly large
ness.' the financier replied, ‘as well as profession that there Is a whole Itst of .1111 versa Hull
victories by longue lushing
lie says: •lose«, may give inueh lietter resulta
present. Times are not e«|>eclally good phobias, as they ure called, which ure
"Nut I hi high. Jimmy! You know —
” ’! aere are Inataucaa whereby coach
On one occasion wheu called lu to
just now. and 1 do not think they will quite distinct from a normal and legltt
ihn IlittI adora uow, modestly. Jim
e , have won guinea all uutieknowu to attend a young uegro who, thinking
Improve this year. 1 am not, however, mate condition o f fear due to some aiy
(tie public. These are crises that liuv« lie wus drinking whisky, had sw allow ­
makiug this reduction as a philan­ natural cause.
Mi dear Irving. 'Its u masterpiece, been faced In ttie dressing room laz ed a quantity o f n strong eoi ut Inn of
thropic movement. It will be a good
Thus there Is th«* fear o f open or I but you Him It l i m e It fur u sung let tween the hul««>a. with the team carbolic acid and who ronaequeutly
business Investment for me to retain Closed places, says the Medical Itecord. as suy M thousand pounds.'
stretched ont dirty and bruised l ush
was severely Immisi about the lipa nnd
all o f my tenants. If possible
Indi­ fear o f high place«. f«*ar o f men or
“ Too mu- h. Jimmy tis> much!**
ed by conches tongues or stirred hy 1 throat. Hr Maberly hurriedly made
cations are that business conditions women, fear of crowds and o f soli
Whistler Kept the portrait.
Boon the uppeul persi in ni. nil apparently dle- him swallow a tcaapoonful of ttlielure
during the coming year will force tudes. fear o f animals, fear o f Insects, ifter. Ill one o f those unpleasant e\pe
■rgmdxed and defeated rutilile often of Iodine III a cupful o f water A few
many persous to move into cheaper fear o f darkness, fear o f accidents, Irtene«'« which he shared with tils becomes n steady Imt furious tlghtiug minutes afterward the patient waa
bouses ami flats than they have heeu fear o f tire, fear o f travel and. In fact, great master. Iteliibraudt. lie was sold mill
aide to awallow aoiue milk without any
occupying for some time
1 do not fear o f anything.
nut for debt.
Itembrandt was subì
“ lu lini.’ I'enitaylvaiiln went to their dlfili-ulty. speaking became easier, and
wish my tenants to move.
1 know
There ts no end to the absurdity of uit only twice. Tin* "Butterfly" un
itresslng room niter pluytug a »1 to 0 he very soon «sunpletely recovered.
them and am familiar with their ways. acts which may be occasioned by Merweut tliree such forced sales.
first half with Harvard Ttie He score
The same Immediate ami complete
Irvtug heard of ttie aule. I ’ nknown
I am acquainted with their needs, de­ these persistent Idens o f fear Those
wus misleading. Harvard hud played effect was obtained on ndililnlatcriog
mands and methods o f paying their that possess the fear o f riding on a to Whistler he was able to buy hla
the lietter football
They hud rlpt>ed flncture o f Iodine In doses o f five drops
reuts. I f they should move I should train dnd no pleasure In traveling: p.uirail at lht> niletiou for a song, and
lo liniera
And In water In the case o f a three year-
have to try to replace ttiem with new those that have fear o f closed places then In a spirit o f friendly retaliation
old Isiy wtio hud Juat swallowed solus
Harvard would have crushed IVntiayl
tenants, whose desirability I have not do not enjoy going to church and gen­ lie Invited the “ Butterfly" to dinner.
vanta If Mike Murphy, the velerun cariatile acid
tested. Besides. I should have to spend erally always sit near the door ready
Similar am-craa was met with In a
ed. “ Aha. my dear Jluituy. you must trainer, had not J i i ii i | m * s I ii | m > u a table
large sums In re p a irin g , painting and to fly at the first sign o f danger
see my Intesi acquisii Ioni" and Invited and ln!kisI linee iidhiitea to the temo. third case o f eürtadlr acid pnlauiiltig.
arranging these various properties to
Various fears may also develop In
Murphy. !!ke Antony wna uu orator. ' the victim liclna a child o f two years
suit the new teuants.
Bv reducing connection with the occupation of the him lu to see bis pictures, uol men­
In this Inaiane« the Iodine
" ‘ Ilo you want a lot o f 1*1111 enter« of age
rents I shall have a delighted lot o f j patient —for Instance, barbers some tioning the fact llial he hail tmnglit
lip there In Boston to crow over the • realmeni could not t>e begun till tlilr
tenants, who would not leave me if times suffer these attacks wheuever • the (Mirtralt. Whistler went from one
hash 1 heir tenui made o f yoiiT cried ty hours after the Ingestion uf the pot
they could. Furthermore. I will make I they se«* a razor. or telegraphers when picture to ttuotlier. criticising, ailinlr
he. T h e y ’ll turn that city Inside out *011 The alarming aymptoma aoon dis­
It impossible for them to find as gi»>d I they catch sight o f their Instruments, lug. w ith that subtle, biting wit of til*,
mid ou good Beliti money at that! | appear»! under the Influence of tinc­
places elsewhere for the money. Nat­ which finally necessitates giving up
be gayly remarked “ Ahn! What have Your friends ‘ II l>e courtin' free lunch ture o f liallue given every four hours
urally. having had their rents reduced, the occupation.
we here? My congratulations. Ilenry counters for necks If you let those In doses o f Rve drops In a tc«a|>oonful
they w ill not ask for any repairs that
Among women especially there oc­
tliibs g,-t away nlth this! Myself It of water The little patient was cured
can possibly be avoided, and I shall curs the fear o f dlrf. contagion or In —Hi«' best picture In your collection!"
Tbe nurture o f Iodine neutralizes the
almost iiinde me cry to see those Mg
save some money in that direction, > feetlou. The countless bacteria always He never turned a hair. This picture
or pheiilc acid by furmlug
over previous years. Besides. 1 shall pr«‘sent In the air are ttie chief source
’ Because | know bow with It an lodopheuate. Insolubili and
at auction In (/indoli, and wu are noticeably I
know the exact amount o f reduction ' of annoyance
The patients are al
You weren't right that therefore harmless European Edltlou
This wna gissi you are
and shall be able to estimate my re- i ways complaining of tmd air nnd are lucky to huve It herb now
'em now
You’ vo got New York I leni Id.
sources accordingly. If. on the con­ always throwing open the windows
trary. I let many o f my tenants move Books are especially avoided ns a |«>s picture Is worth It. The few |MUitidn to Think of the crowd And say, fel ;
thar Irving paid was one o f those for­ lows. If there's no mother, father, sta­
ont the amount o f my losses would be slble source o f contagion
In patients tuitous hazard* o f the anctlou room.— ler or girl up there watehlu'. Just
uncertain. You w ill find. If you com
with fear o f Injury they will throw
think o f me. fellows
Think o f uie. u s One of tha Meet Powerful Flavor­
pare my rentals at the end o f the year away all needles In the house or tney Suturday Evening i*w t
i m lukes care o f you all.
For I’ v «
ing Agenta Known.
with those o f similar prop«*rtles own­ will no more wash windows for fear
got the "eon." boy« ‘
What would you consider one o f Ilia
ed by other persons who make'tio re­ that the glass might break and cut
“ He coughed, brushed hi« eyes with most powerful ageuta with which lo
ductions. that mine is a profitable plan. them
the buck of his hand ami fallens! on:
flavor water? Would It be iron?
When times improve we can release at
The Intellect In these cases Is not
" ’ I won't be with you very much
A half part per rallllou uf Iron to
advanced figures, and undoubtedly to only undisturbed, but may be unusual-
tsr Settled Itsslf.
longer, «nd I want you to win this water la drirctabta by taaie. and xnora
the same tenants.’
A delightful story o f circumlocution
ly good
Patients exhibit throughout
1 than four or five parte make a water
‘. 7 ^ 1
b? ^ keel.'e r .lea.rn-ed " _ [e880,,_‘ n a prunonced feeling o f mental Illness (vtne» from Prague One or the least
" l i e finished «[leaking and stole a way unpalatable
lu some mineral spring*
finance, the leases were drawn ac­ and frequently a clear Insight Into me Imposing o f the bridges In the city,
Iron I* the constituent which Imparts
cordingly, and Astor did not lose a morbidity o f tbe Individual «ytnptoms. the l.lebner Brucke. connect« two without n word There v i a no cheer
lug; Hie men were thinking list bard a medicinal value to the water, but
tenant.” —New York Press.
The more common o f the various suburbs. Some time ago tbe toll col
The next half Harvard found a differ
phobias as classified by Beard nre as lector discovered that some rabbits rut Pennsylvania Irani, a train whose ordinarily It la uudeslrabla
More than 25 parts per million In
"Sunday Folks."
follows: Claustrophobia, fear o f nar­
r mol ions were keyed np to «urli a pitch water us«»d for laundering makes a
When Dr. John Cairns went from row or closed places: agoraphobia, that their burrowing« might threuteu
thnl their tierce fooftsHI has never atatn on clothes Iron must be remov­
Scotland to Ireland for rest and travel fear of open places; astraphobla. ft*nr the Stability or the bridge, so he •ail­
In 1804 he was at oiice delighted by of lightning: monophobia, fear o f be­ ed the burgomaster's attention to the since been «ecu on Franklin field Har ed from water from which Ice Is tuude
discovering from the guides who ing alone: pathophobia, fear o f dis­ matter. The burgomaster decided Out: vard was dazisi swept away and beat or a cloudy discolored product will re­
en l>is-nu«e n man s|s>ke
sult. An Iron content o f over two or
showed him about tbut most o f tbe ease: mysophobta. fenr o f coutamlna
It did not come within his province
"Another remarkable turning o f a three [sirts per million In water used
landed gentry were "Sunday folks.”
lion: siderodromophobia, fear o f rail­
game between Hie halves occurred a: In the iiiauufurtur« o f paper will atelu
“ That's a fine castle.” he would say. road travel: acrophobia, fenr o f being committee mnungliig tbe public slaiigh
11 lisca In 11*15 Cornell b-d Columbia tbe pa(>er
pointing to a big house set like a crown
at a height or nsiklng over precipices:
I hy f t to O when Hie tennis returned to
on some rocky bill.
Iron Is hprraful In water used /or
the rabbit* and found they were wild,
thanatophobia, fear o f death.
the dressing rooms Columbia had not «teaming, fc* It Is tie equilibrium with
*’ Y*is, sorr.” said bis guide. “ 'Tis Sir
It is to Is- emphasized Hint the pho
recovered from a weurlng game with 1 acids which Inside the boiler become
John O’Coanor's,” or. “ ’Tis Sir Kory
bins In question are not normal fears, a close time the aid o f Hie s|s»rtsman Princeton the week before
Many of dlsaorlnfed. with the result that tha
O'More’s.” He always added. “ He's a
could not l>e Im preiwd Still, they did
based, as normal or natural fears are.
lb»- men were overtrained. Then- was - free adds corrode the Isiller pin lea. but
Sundab mon.”
not relieve them o f their moral r«**|»»n
on some reasonable Justifying ei[>e-
. I distinct feeling of Hie hn[>elr«sness the amount o f Iron carried In solution
A t last Dr. Cairns grew curious.
A reasonable and Justifiable
of It all when the players lay down by imsit waters Is so small that tha
“ What is a Sunday man?” he asked.
The Fragile slaughter house contmll
normal fear of lightning might arise
ipon the flisir and be riches Only Hill, damage It <'oea to aleaiu I »filer* geo
‘ Well, sorr. it do be a mou tbot has
tis- III turn Informed the Sladtratpr«e
after the ex|>erieuce of having been at
white hull terrier ma«cot. showed ernlly amounts to llttl«
so many writs out ag’in him for debt
sldmm. but the mutter was not within
some time lu a house struck by light
It was cold In tbe
that he stays shut up tight in his bouse
Water* having high Iron content
Its Jurisdiction. Yet tbe stability o f signs of llvellne«s
all the week and only comes out on otng
tbe bridge was beyond all things lie«' ' dressing room, and a trainer shook th« have lu some places c a n »»! an lui
Other fears, such as the fear of rid
Sundali. when the law protects him."
He used a |>oker. u,eti«e amount of trouble and eipeus«>
essary, SO the dossier was «ent to the a s h e « In the stove
Dr. Cairns' opinion o f tbe landed Ing In a buggy after haring beeu in a central authority for bulldlugs
This | Hi» end of which became red hot. \ when used x* city supplies, for they
gentry underwent a change.
b<sly went Into the matter und con­ I When tlnntly he laid down the metal favor the growth of creiiothrix to such
sea or railway after a frightful ship­
cluded that the water authority shouUI j r>«t Hie risi whitened. Iiut the heat re a degree that the water pl|s>* become
wreck of railway ai’Cldeut. Is a more
deal with the subject.
But. no; the imllned. Bill. d«s-ldlng that the |s>ker clogged with the Iron alien the o f Hie
Elephants Can’t Jump.
less natural or reasonable fear, as
“ There is one thing no one has ever
water board opined that It was for the wan to be played with like a atlck. organism. Tbe removal o f Iron from
seen an elephant do either in a circus . the fear of Hoodoos und ghosts Is conservators o f rivers, and this body caught the heated end In Ida mouth. water Is sometimes easy and some­
or out o f it. and that Is to Jump." said i amonc
«urwratlrloiw -r those a c decided that rabbits could not tie Instantly his lip« atsired and turned time* very difficult.—Geological Survey
a keeper In the Central park men **u«toine<l
“ nd lrndi* limiisut within the domain of things black. BUI only shook the poker hard
Kohlin visitation, etc.
T w o men grsbls-d him and tried
fluvial and that the burgomaster was er
"The fact is an elephant cannot
do n,,t r,‘d " lre « wanted the rigid party to take action. The lo force hlui to open his mouth
Twining of Plants.
Jump. Because o f bis great weight he I t>ru,u ,or
'"«lgment. though the dossier having completed the circle of Bill fought buck, nud finally they had
Oue o f tbe peculiarities to Is» noticed
cannot take all four feet off the ground I weakened brain may be more vividly l»i-.«lble depart incuta I travel«, the bur­ to choke him before be would loosen In connection with the twlulng o f
his grip It was then that Coach Mor- plants Is the fact that with very few
at once. He can make a HA) yard dash impressed by them. To be regarded gomaster decided to act
He up[silut
at the rate o f twentv miles an hour.
"ytnproms ,,f «»«ease these fears ed a committee o f Investigation
The ley nudged Cnptnln Fisher nml point­ exceptions all Hie Individuals of one
which is going »tome, but i f he ^ns m,,st r*’ groundless so far ns inflo- ! committee went to the bridge In four ed 10 the dog Catching the Idea. Flab sped»-* always twine lu the same dl
pursuing an enemy and came to u deep cnees external to the brain are con- 1 carriages, and then they Icnrin-d Hint er sprung to his feet and built up a rectloa. Most plunta twine lu the op­
ditch eight feet across he would have rented
I hey must proceed from a ttie rabbits had taken their departure apeech around Bill, lie compared Bill's posite course to the movement o f the
to stop short, because it Is too wide for ! morbid state of the brain and not for some mouths.- Münchner Nach­ nerve to the team'* and nsk»s! the sun or the hnnds of a watch. Such
men If they were not ashamed of them- twiners are the morulug glory, wls
him to step It and he is unable to Jump. fro,u properly exciting external causes. richten
Ills closing sentence waa. tnrln. wax plant. lriim|»et creeper and
An elepbaot is a great coward
He \ They must fa* fears peculiar to the
peculiar circum
•Just play for Bill. Mill. BUI!'
What tha D e a t h Maak Show«.
w ill have a fit if a rabbit runs between Individual
many others.
Among those which
“ When Columbia reltirned to the field. twine In the opposite direction the hup
The value of a plaster cast ns a por­
bis feet. He has tremendous strength, stances of cerebral disturbance and
but he doesn’t know - it.” —New York not fear common to others und due to trait o f the dead or living face cannot Bill, yelping furiously, led tbe way. anil wild bindweed, or climbing poly
causes that naturally cause alarm and for a moment 1»« questioned
It must All through the half the team heard gnnuin. nre familiar examples. —Har
o f necessity be absolutely true to na­ him Parking front the side lines Raid Iter's Weekly.
ture. It cannot flutter; It cannot carl
Von Haltza. the big tackle, after the
A Curious Illusion.
cature. it shown the subject as he gume. 'W e heard every yelp, arid It
Monkey* and Gum.
People declare that they have seen
Hors« Marking«.
in tropical countries the natives have was or Is. not only as others saw hint simply drove us
a field o f grass gradually change color
Among borm-a. lrr>-*p««t1v* o f tha
"Also Bill's yelping wna ao good that question of breed, white Is much (p u r ^
during a shower o f rain, thousands o f many unique ways o f catching mon­ lu the actual flesh, but as he saw him
And In the ease o f the death Columbia won out. 12 to 0 ”
mushrooms springing up before their | keys. One o f them, as explained by s e lf
commonly seen on the hUtii tigs, or on
Very often. Mr Fox declares, the one or them, than 011 the fore legs.
eyes. This Is an optical Illusion enus- j a traveler. Is this: The hunters walk mask particularly If shows the suit
ed by the rain beating down the grass, j about In short boots In sight o f tbe i ject often ns be |s>rmltted no one but ability o f one man to kick has deter­ And when the latter are white It la
Then they take the boots hiiu«elf to sec himself. He does not mined Hie outcome of the gnine. He practically always true that you will
Tbe mushrooms do not really spring * monkeys
up during a single shower o f rain, i off. place some gum In the bottoms and pose; he does not "try to look pleas­ writes-
And while ott tbe hind legs too. Ac
“ In l!N)7 Minnesota and Wisconsin cording to the Horse World, when d
They are there already, but biddeu by leave them on the ground, withdraw­ ant.” In his mask he la seen, aa It
played 17 lo 17 The match has tieen markings are present both tielilud and *
the grass, and when the rain beats i ing themselves to a great distance. were, with his mask off.
bnllyhoocd ’the most sensational ever In front those on the hind limits ara
down the grass it exposes the bidden Presently the monkeys come down
from the trees nnd try on the boots,
Been.' That It ended In a tie wna tie usually the more extensive.
mushrooms.—London Mall.
An Itemized Bill.
and when the hunters come after
lie snved Minneso­
The departing guest, according to a cause of Cnpron
them the hoots' stick to the feet o f tbe writer In the Loudon Opinion, arrutl
ta. He kicked three goals front the
No Use For Amateurs.
Going Too Far.
Ella—That young farmer tried to monkeys and they are unable to climb nixed Ills bill and exclaimed. "Look field The game began with n bewil­
Mrs Boffin I read In the paper that a
kiss me. saying that he bad never Thus the imitative little animals are here, you charge for writing paper and dering series of rushes, end runs and woman In looking after another wo­
I haven't lists] a scrap all the time triple forward passes. The score leap man to see »lin t she had on fell out
kissed a girl before Stella —What did captured.
I've lss*n here!” The Proprietor—Ah. ed to Wisconsin 12. Minnesota 5 Here of a window. Mr B otflo-W ell, that
you tell him? Ella—That 1 was no
Executive Ability.
pardon, m'slenr It Is for the [taper ou Cnpron licgnn to kick. Standing on only goes to show that some women
agricultural experiment station.—New
“ You say Mr. Flu boon has great ex­ which your bill la made out.
the thirty yard line, he drove (he ball ’n trying to follow the fashions can go
York Press.
ecutive ability?"
between the posts
Wisconsin's lead too far.—Illustrated Bits.
“ Yes.” replied the cynical office­
was reduced In three points. Again,
The Origin of ■*Boo*«.’,
Quite Thoughtful.
The Turk* make :t liquor from bar- fills time from the forty five yard line,
Dora—So you have decided to break holder.
“ What makes you think so?”
i ley which Is culled hou/.n and which, (in[iron sent the ball sailing true. Min­
off your engagement with him. Nora—
Clerk tto office boy Bfter senior part­
“ Because he manages to bold a Job I It hough fermented, is not prohibited nesota led 13 to 12 The first half
Yes, but I don’t think 1 «ball do it un­
ner baa told poor Joke»-W hy don’t
til after my birthday, aa it comes next without being competent to do any like wine, because It gives heat and ended, however, with Wisconsin swing you laugh too? Office Hoy—I don’t
kind o f real work.” — Washington Btar. strength to the tiody o f Moslem war
Ing hark Into the lend
A touchdown nets! to. I’ m leaving on Haturday.—
week.—Club Fellow.
rlors and goes for hunger
Excess In came nfter a succession o f end runs. London Punch.
Cota Girl.
I drinking It brings on gout und dropsy. The score was Wisconsin 17. Minne­
A Wonder.
"H o w did ahe manage to get ao j —FJrtla Kffendl. ’’T r a v e ls "
F lgg—Aa a talker Brown’« w ife la
sota 13 In the second hnlf the teams
Th « Amerlean Navy.
many offers o f marriage?”
______ _____ ___
certainly a wonder.
steadied down and played 'close foot
The origin o f the American navy
“ She bad her picture taken with a
No more scores« were likely dates from Oct 13. 1775. when con-
Fogg—Right you are! Wonders never
An Old Family.
frying pan In her hand.” — Binning
ceaae.—Boston Transcript.
fle — Miss Bellncour claims to belong Hut In the closing minutes Cnpron sent gross authorized the equipment o f two ,
bam Age-Herald.
to a very old fnmlly Hbe Well ahe’s a kick twisting from the forty live yaril cruisera
It la not thè Insurrections o f Igno-
justified. There are six o f those girl«, line It cleared the bar. and the score
Spend not all yoo have, believe not | nnd the youngest o f their must be at was tied
rance that are dangerous. but tbe re-
Wisconsin had the bettor
Be not ashamed to ha helped.— Mar­
volta o f Intelligence.—Lowell.
ell you bear and teU not all you know. least thirty-five.—Exchange.
tM m ; Minnesota had Capron."
ma Aurelius.
eiu« “Borne year« a*o." h« said. “\vti Physicians Now Recognize Many
and Strange Phobias.
Football Games That Were Won
by a Tongue Lashing.
A Lesson In Finance That William
Taught Hia Bookkeeper.
The reul «.'state dealer was tvtnlnla-
and Reasonable
Rates to All.