Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, December 01, 1911, Image 4

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    '(o h e C o t t a g e
G ro ve
S e n tin e l
W IT H P L E N T Y o / B A C K B O N E
E L B E R T B E D E , E d ito r
B E D E & G R A N T , Publish»)-*
O r e Y e a r __________ ________ ... $1.50 Six Month*
. . ...... .................. ,75c
Throe Months
.40 Single Copies
No subscription tak en unless paid for in advance.
This rule is im perative.
Display 16 cents per inch under sixty inches; 12$ cents per inch over sixty
inches. Reading notices, 6 cents p e r line each insertion
W a n t ads. I cent per
word; no ad. less than 16 cents. R a te s on position made known on application.
t f ic e
, F
i f t h
., S
o u t h
o f
o s t o f f i c e
A first-class publication entered at C o ttag e Grove as second class mail m a tte r.
Why We Are Thankful
l- ARK TH A N K FU L that one good old triend ot ours had
enough abiding faith in human nature to larlieve that he
will some time be properly and sufficiently remunerated lor the
turkey we had for dinner yesterday, and that the commissary
department was sufficiently fortified to withstand the foraging
party which made such a heavy assault
We are thankful that a great medical authority has stated
that six hours’ rest is all the ordinary mortal needs. This leaves
the newspaper man with eighteen hours tor unremittant and un­
requited toil.
We are thankful that two or three patent medicine houses
have offered to furnish us free copy for the next year. Such out­
bursts of generosity indicate the wonderful prosperity of the coun­
try at large.
We are thankful that Christmas is like the measles—y ou only-
have it once— a year.
We are thankful that the catalog houses haven't gone into
the country newspaper business—yet.
We are thankful that our neighbors do not watch their wood
We are thankful that we do watch ours.
We are thankful that we live in the great and fertile Willam­
ette valley, where flowers and beautiful women bloom the year
’round, where vegetables, fruits and grains that are overgrown
elsewhere are only considered nubbins and culls.
Kcar of critici-mi koep» a g rca t ma»y
if your n e ighbor's children w ere only
as nice a* you know your own are, people froin doing a tot of rash things.
what a ple asa nt world this would be
1 lek le yourself with a slra w il
for parents.
ncccssary, bui above all things g el a
The apple tem pted Adam ami is still amile oli your face.
te m p tin g A dam 's posterity to the west.
A cru sty bachleur ha* noi l.een prop-
T here are more m u gw am p Chris­ erly bred.
If your bank credit it all tig h t, >our
tians than politicians.
You seldom know w h e th e r or not to business assoeistes d o n 't care u tmk
e t ' s darò ahout your sne estry,
believe the govern m e n t forecasts.
l'eoplt- w lui are boni great mustly
A S e a ttle jud g e let a b u rg la r oil and
advised him to g e t m arried. N\ as that wuuld l't bave gutteii so anv other
clemency or not''
It is no partieulur draw back lo be
Cold cash often burns a hole in a
yuimg. Anyone will g e l over it sooner
Ilian's pocket.
I or la ter.
F re e w a te r, Ore., voted " d r y ” a t the
When a woman loves one man from
lust election. Nothing in a name.
I th e bottom of her heart, th e re may
T rying to g e t around as lively it* the
youn g ste rs is w hat m akes some people
Ci ° *
l here s quite a difference betw een
hypocritical and h ypercritical, but not
much im provem ent.
\N hen a man gets into a corner he can
see thing from a d life rent angle.
The humble boarding house bash lias
ably dem o n strate d th a t it is possible to
come back.
Labor has not yet refused to use cap-
ital le tte rs.
Every person is supposed to have
about do ce n ts more this veur than last,
i according to the gov ern m e n t. It is
i well to ta k e considerable tim e in study
ing out h safe ami c onservative m anner
of in v e stin g this surplus cash.
Could you live on $25,000 a year?
The accepted ju r o rs fo r the Me- asks a dally. We have so f a r been able
to k eep e x p e n d itu r e s
com fortably
j N am ur» tria l seem to be th e ones
under th a t amount.
! picked for punishm ent,
Young man, if you would m ake a
i The soft drink is s o m e tim es hard on
i success of life, follow closely the cm
tem perance.
j ree r of th e industrious gas m eter,
A S e a ttle ju ry m a n was recently
which neve r ch e ats th e boss and is
se v erely fined for ta lk in g . " W h a t will
never behind tim e on the job.
huppen to the women ju r y m e n ? ”
About the most incongruous tiling n
A news story tells of a man who
person can think of is for u w ife to
, found tw elv e jtearls in his o y ste r suiip.
throw a p late at her hubby, miss him
If he'd kept on looking he m ig h t have
and break the "God ItlcHs our !la|>py
i found an o y ste r, and t h a t would nave
H o m e” m otto.
been w orth while.
When th e worm tu rn s it may he a
When a person proposes som ething
sign th a t it has spied the early bird.
th a t is going to be of in estim able ben­
A man w ith both legs gone can -.til
efit to hum anity, vou can be su re he
c he erful, llis wife c a n ' t m ake him
figures he is about half th e population.
dance to her music.
A M assachusetts politician got m a r ­
Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton,
T r e a t in g is a m isdem eanor in T a ­
ried because the ladle* declared they
There ure some (H'ojile who
has come out on the republican
would work a g a in s t him if be did n 't. coma.
find it neeessury t > do much
Some b rig h t, unchivalrous p a ra giaph-
ticket for the seat of United States
refo rm in g to keep along th e s 'r a i g h t
of the Things Others Think
Senator Jonathan H. Bourne. He
and narrow .
" A n y t h i n g for an office.”
has given out a fairly well-sound­
Who cares flow the la te s t gown is d e ­
A high-minded man overlooks the
The mills of the god* grind slowly
ing platform for publication and al­ fau lts and frailities of his fellow man.
signed s h e 's a peach ,nnywnv she
but they h a v e n 't a n y th in g on the U. S.
buttons down th e front.
so publicly arraigns the senator's
A busy man will buy an automobile s u p rem e court.
C h a rity begins at home and th e re
to save tim e and then spend half his
The r e b a te is not such a bad thing,
is no end.
u n til we learn th a t our co m p e tito rs are
He claims Bourne is not a resi­ tim e tin k e rin g w ith it.
A m an was recently fined $*50 for
e t t i n g b ig g e r ones th a n we are.
dent of Oregon; is not a taxpayer
kissing an Oregon widow and he
The man who has no kind of an e x ­
in the state, although classed as a ' In Illinois two candidates for a lady 's
h a s n 't y e t intim ated th a t it w a s n ’t
ready when c a u g h t hi u m istake,
multi-millionaire; that he is an er- *ove
a duel with fist*, winner
worth th e price.
to ta k e the girl. They pummelled one is e i th e r h a lf-w itte d or above the a v e r ­
ratic, cunning politician; that he
This is the season w hen you should
an o th er up f rig h tfu lly , t u t while the a g e hum an being.
by sll m eans r e m e m b e r to s c a tt e r s u n ­
has not risen to a just appreciation
WM KoinjJ on ‘the m(lU1 e|0))ed
I t only ta k e s two kinds of people to
shine along your wuy.
of Oregon’s needs.
with another. Now, who got stung'.’
m a k e a world men and women.
T he b r a g g a r t wastes all his en e rg y
Mr. Lowell also challenges Bourne
A tyrant around the office or shop is
E very woman would w a n t to vote if
and power blowing off.
| often a meek "yes-my-dear" fellow the word cam e from P a n s th a t it was
to a public debate.
New J e rs e y has 2$ million souls and
' around home.
There are probably no repubh - 1 , . ,
a lot of corporation officers.
It takes a pretty public-spirited man ■ I t is all r ig h t to let convicts build
cans who are not pleased to see op- to run for office these days
roads, so long as they lead away from Permanent F.xhibit of State’s Pro-
position to Bourne, and many ot
Some men who run for oftice take an th e p e n ite n tia r y .
the democratic faith join in that entirely ditferent gait in getting there
When a m an fools h i m s e l f he is sim ­
To ex p lo it the resources and aid in
ply m a k i n g a Tool o f h im s e l f .
feeling. We do not know Lowell, 1 after they are elected,
the d ev e lo p m e n t of the A m erican
F a te is a g r e a t deal w h a t we allow N o rth w e st, th e N o rth w e st D evelop­
but feel certain be must be some
Some men become famous because
m e n t league will place a perm anent
j of the things they do not do that the it to be made for us.
kind of an improvement.
new spapers say th e y do.
S o m etim es th e poorest prea ch er is e x h ib it of the products of the soil,
lakes, rivers, forests and mines of the
not the poorest prea cher.
The Springfield News man gives , “ Howe' in ,the ° re*on Journ81; “
various s t a t e s in a g r e a t display room
, , .
' not hypocritical, and owns up as fol-
T he s e c r e ta r y of w a r w a n ts C h e sa ­
some good ad\ice in the last e(^1" l jowt; “ jn country towns, we are peake hay fortfiied, callin g a tte n tio n and show them to thousands of pei)|>le
tion of The News. He says; ‘ It 0ften fooled by “opera bouffe” com- to th e e a se w ith which w arships could who pass th ro u g h and visit the eity of
is quite fashionable oflate in Spring- panies. The story gets around that the come up th e Potom ac and put congress S a in t Paul the g atew ay to the nortii
w est te r r ito r y .
field to be a grass widower. The tc*cla in the chorus wear almost noth- o u t of business.
L e t ’s not have any
This s t a t e has been invited to occupy
News might fill one page with d i - i inK=the men talk f } he show in “ fortifications.
several hundred sq u a re fe e l of this
mysterious way, and the women aie
Uncle Ik e Stephenson seem s to think s p ic e w ith o u t cost, as th e St. Paul
vorce cases, the sudden dejxirture jealoU9 But when the show arrives,
t h a t he g o t a run for his money.
association of com m erce has entered in­
of a dissatisfied spouse and street ¡t ¡B & wretched affair, and we find we
J u s t g e t t i n g so we can w rite it 1911 to a c o n tra c t with the league to furnish
scandal pertaining to mismated 1 have been sold again.’’
and now i t ' s tim e to begin p rac ticing the display rooniH in one of the new
couples, but will simply say that af-
The man who moves in a circle is to w rite it 1912.
buildings o f th a t city ren ta l free, if
ter an absence of just one week, the often on the square.
A person who has n ever done a n y ­ the league will furnish and m aintain
News man’s wife is ready to return ' The Thing to do now is to reform the th in g foolish enough to m a k e people the display, 'th e offer has been a c ­
laugh a t him, has not done his sh a re to cepted.
and accept her portion of potatoes rfcform8'
Some f a r m e r s plow r ig h t through ch e er up th is old world.
The plan is sim ply to show every
and beans. She writes, “Come and
th e ir work.
who tr a n s f e r s in St. Paul, as
An Ohio m an of 74 has j u s t m arried
get us,” and you bet we’re going.
A man who can not t r u s t him self a girl he s t a r t e d c o u r ti n g w hen 18 well as th o se who visit and live there,
Follow suit, boys, for yon can’t get can hardy e x p e ct anyone else to do ao.
a com prehensive e x h ib it of the pro­
yea rs of a g e . “ This is so su d d e n ! ”
another. We’ve tried.”
o f t h e following s t a t e s : Oregon,
A bsinthe m akes the h e a r t grow
People m ay sneeze, b u t the snuff
Minnesota, N o rth D akota, South D a­
w eaker.
t r u s t ’s la st divided w as 29 per cent.
kota, M ontana, Idaho and Washington.
The editor of the iJcsiin Nonpa­
I f a person could be com pelled to
L u th e r B u rb an k has developed a T he e x h i b it will be conducted without
reil is prospering. 1« his last issue list his land for sale a t th e price it is seedless prune. I f t h a t will p rev e n t
prejudice, th e league publishing u n i­
he says; The editor of the Nonpa­ listed for asse ss m e n t purpose, th e r e th e ir p ropagation, th e re a r e many form in form ation abo u t each s ta te in
boarding house patro n s who will rise a t t r a c t i v e booklets, d is trib u tin g them
reil has moved his residence from would be no inflated values.
T here are more men who live to be and call him blessed.
and se c u rin g th e nurnes of ail visitors,
the cottage near the station and has
ninety-five before they a re fifty th a n
which will be furnished the C om m er­
purchased a 5-acre tract at the
afte rw a rd s.
cial clubs anil s ta te im m igration offi­
North End. He is improving the
Love thy neighbor as thy pelf.
D on’t lay aw a k e n ig h ts w ith o th e r cials of each sta te .
place and will add to the huildiug
“ We o u g h t to show from te n to
Gypsy Sm ith took in $1,000 a t a r e ­ people's troubles.
in the near future.
cent Sunday revival m e e ti n g —and yet
A C alifornia man who rec en tly vio­ tw en ty thousand people every month
the sam e b rand of sa lvation could have lated th e federal laws, was ta k e n to this e x h i b it we a re su re we will show
Last Friday The Sentinel said been g o tte n any tim e a t a much sm a ll­ Chicago. Uncle H am’s p u n ish m en t is more th a n five thousand on the a v e r a g e
and d u rin g the to u rist season as high
that the members of the Kansas tar er price. A d vertising pays, if you can severe.
hh th ir ty thousand a m o n t h , " said sec­
T h e re is a wide r a n g e of difference
party deserved punishment. IEs- deliver th e goods.
The P ortland O regonian, in sp e ak in g betw e en w h a t a w oman tella th e r e ta r y Will A. Campbell. More than
patches sent out an hour or so after
I o f the rec en t floods a t S e a ttle t h a t c u t neighbors of her hubby and w h a t ahe one hundred thousand people a year,
The Sentinel was in the postoffice
many of them r ig h t on th e ir way to
all e a s t and w e st traffic, e x c e p t tells hubby about him self.
look ov er Canada, will g e t our lit e r a ­
sa id three of the men had b e e n sent through Portland, r ec en tly said, " O n c e
When all the s ta te s adopt women
to j a i l . For quick results use T he more people m u st pass through Port- jurors, men can speak of a ju r y of ture, a lot of personal inform ation, see
th e e x h ib it, have t h e i r nam es se n t to
land to g e t a n w y h e r e .” P resum ably,
th e ir peers w ith some meaning.
people who will follow them up and
if they stopped th e re they wouldn’t be
Real blood haa been shed in a P arisian become wise as to w h a t is jajssilile ill
The Coke recall move has died
duel. ThHt was th e one th in g needed the A m erican N orthw est.
Prof. Woodman says su g a r is our
out again, and is ahout as dead as a
to m ake th e m unpopular.
" I t ia th e b igge st th in g which has
most available source o f ene rgy. We
salted mackerel this time, as it d e­ know some young ladies who o ught to
A man who th in k s very much of his happened for a long tim e and the St.
serves to be.
be p r e tty active bodies, if the p r o f . ’s w ife will buy her all kinds o f nice Paul association of com merce ahuwH
thin g s to e a t when she is sick and th e brea d th of its work for b e t te r a g r i­
s ta te m e n t is tru e .
c u ltu r e and a b e tte r developed n o rth ­
The preacher with a small salary,
T he man w ith the big muscles often c a n ’t e a t them .
In the m a trim onia l lottery it is a l ­ w est iby the generous offer of space in
doesn’t believe so mnch in ^ther- does much less real work th a n hia
th e g r e a t Com mercial b u ild in g ."
th e man who d ra w s th e prize.
tongued oratory.
w ea k er brother.
Get out those y^iod resolutions and
have them |Hdished up for the new
. year.
The man who g ets h ighe st up, falls
harde st when he does fall.
It i* som etim es w ise not to know
every thing t h s t you know.
„till be plenty of room at the tof
l In- tim e of the y e a r is nearly here
when any th in g that c a n 't In* lilt'd for
Miivthing else can ho given away for a
C h ristm as present.
. . .
v\ bi'ii you s t a r t to tell some cute
thing your baby has been doing, just
j sto p and think of how foolish it would
sound to have some friend tell you the
sam e th in g about bis.
j \ b a th tu h t r u s t has been discov-
| ered. W e 'll bet it's ju st as dirty as
! the rest.
_ Gleaming;! Eroi
Repoi l e t s
tl rooii
iimlii' d, n e v o r be
■ I6ll, for Haie a t a
T r e a t m e n t al Hot l.ake, includmg i m d u u l attentim i, Isiard and batlis,
costa no m ore Ihan you uould puv lo live at uny tirsi eia m boll i. R ihuiis
can be Inni frolli 76 conta lo #;! ., ii pei day. Me,ila m thè cafeloriu a re
se rviti frolli 2lt celila up. inni in tlie g id l at Ilio listini grill pin i i Italli*
ran g e front si celila (o $1 IMI.
I I r i f t e d S iiow
th a t over lilt to
will trade tu Jan
huafitd whinit. S
A. .1. A rm strmi
E uge ne on busii
k week.
lini l.ake Minerai Hatba and mini g i t i l i umlei . n o t i l o direi timi, Imve
i urtai
St rile fm illustratoli Imoklol do.i riptive o f Hot I ukc
Saitulorniin inni tho motti da omployoil
Hot l . ake Sanatoriali! ia m n ,
ali lo, aa it ia locat it i diroi tly on Ilio inani In...... .. Ilio i l SS’ R. A N rad
May. a n d apeciirt eXi'iiraion r a t e a a r e to l a ' l i m i at all ti mi a Aak a g o n i a
FKK K I Wlule
l China dinli Willi e
—haar a l S ch o ll'«
l'ics Mgi
W. W aliefe.
Mrs. F. D. Whi
from a trip thron
of the atute.
AM »
lohn G rä b e r i
tu apcnd th e wint
We have the C
Hall ( 'nlfre. ( Ine
lat cl.atr, iio dun
ce n ts per pound,
of dnlifinUM cotte«
W. A. Kelly tu
of a hoiiae at D
Kelly, hu* jU*t ci
Mr*. S anford d
inaklng and tail
corner l.oeURt am
Wo uro 1 diking—
G. W. Miirkül
■ Himduy und Mola
We huve turki
. i'h'ekfii* on fnot i
givm g. P u t in y
^ i.lri-
W. R. T u e k c r
Stuldea to t ', A.
beni «if Una city.
proprietor *ince
for ( uliforiuu Si
nldy mukn ttiat h
E rr e tu r k e y f.
Iticky num ber.
M.xb rn P harinur
Maturili Miller
H galle liund Ilo
log at Die f h u i
Krntuy Ite, m ami
not iiiuiHelf mah
thè k n u rk le wit
Mirtlng u piiiiifii
ueurly ua gnod a
For ani«'. - ti|
houRu, hurn, out
b .rkR, lisi fru ii
w«di, è R i - r e timi
ucroa under culti
city lluillR. Prie«'
147 J. li,ix 491.
KnuwIcR & (ì
licrcRHiiry lo rei
a t the r e a r of
t Ite emige»ted co
(Vdiir posta ani
Spray «V Co,
.All I ho lim o !
Cuino in and Hoar tlio
S|M'i! svo ( ¡ivo Vm.
Griffin & Veatch Co.
C O M P E T I T O R S OF S E A R S - R 0 E B U C K
J . C. Klopfniu
min*, wa* in ilo
w e i 'k g e t tin g rii
Location and ar
for »ale a t thè S«
W. ('. Conner v
day on I iurìhcrr .
We bave ìiih I h II
Feed Roller.
C l
For the Feast After the Feast
This store ofFors a most tem pting array of
(I ihx I Tinnyn to Eat. The place is bright
with tempting suggestions for dainty meals
and good living.
Order your groceries
here and your table will Ire the host you over
set and won’t cost you any more than usual,
if as much.
For yon Ret more real comfort for your money than is usually
Riven. City flail, Court House, City Library, Art Museum,
Post Office, Theatres, Department Stores, Commission
Houses and Business District surround this home-like hotel.
Special rates to parties of two or more.
Portland, Oregon
4th and Alder Sts.,