Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, December 01, 1911, Image 2

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    O SMALL WRECK ON 0. & S .t
is Famous the World Over
For its splendid hostelries, its varied
attractions, its tine beaches, hot
springs and pleasure resorts all these
can be reached with ease by the
Southern Pacific
* Road of a Thou »and W onvlcn"
Route o f Shasta Limited
Excursion Tickets
Portland to
Los Angeles
dint Return
On sale daily. Rood six months with stop-overs RoinR or
returning. Corresponding low fares from other Oregon
points. Call on our Agents for
Handsomely Illustrated Literature
San l ic k Ot>serratorr Santa Cru*( l>cl Monte. Taso Roble» Hot Sm tug». Santa
Hartara Lo* Andele*. Pasadena, I.oug Heach VetiK'e Rivrimide. Redland» San Diego
T h e Old hpamah M iaaion». Vosennte N ation al P a ik and Big T r e e » and m anv othei
p la ce» ot interest in the itold e n State or « r i t e to
HM. Mi M IR R O , Geii’l P«t*senqer Agent
Do You
Bed ? * M
We have 45 different pattern? and colors to choose from.
They are the ‘‘leaders,” selected from the leading manufac­
turers of the country. We especially invite your inspection
o f the
Famous Lock Rail Beds
The prices are the lowest consistent with quality.
We have cheap ones as well as good ones and carry
an unusually large line a t..................................... .
Phone 6
Proosts of Stitching th* Hair«
Into ths Skin.
K I» I T K I» H V
A N N A 0 (1 1 .EMMY
At n ceri » In factory u number o f
young women were working st suia'.l
tubles. euch lutile covered with little
Damage la Slight. Traffic Being Uistruiueuts sud odd tblugs which
Held Up for Couple
only those who knew the business
could possibly understand.
.At out*
A pleasant altuir of thè week waa Dona for elaborate bazaar* to b* glveli
Davs Only.
table two gills were threading needle* thè social entertainment uf thè Fusi towaid thè approarh o f thè holidaya.
with tine silky hairs and sewing them
'The ladies o f thè t'hrlatiau church
Traffic on the O. «1 S. F. was held lu little aquurea on a ihtu trauspareut erti Star Fruiti) evelitng at thè cloae
uf regular chapter meeting, after two met in thè Kndeavur ruoni o f thè church
up a couple days last week by the de paus».
vandldnlca had rcueived thè degreea. oli Tueaday afternuon preparilig tur
railing o f a few freigh t cars rear
“ Those girls” anld the overseer, "tire
entertainment commlttee serveti u Ihelr baxaar.
making some o f tboae beautiful arch
’The l.adiea' Aid aoeiety o f thè l ’res
Whether the raila apreud o f their ed eyebrows you may sometimes ai>e Thankagiving luucheon, cnnslaling o f
They are frequently pumpkiu pie. doughnuta aliti cutter a byferiali church ia tlivlded luto dllferrn l
own accord or whether a truck on one on the stage.
o f the cars was running a little aide- worn h> both actors iwid uctivaae* la cafeteria atyle. The guest* marchcd aediuus and are vying wilh earh olher
ways, thus spreading the raila, is a Then,, sewed on (he liet are the lesa through thè bouquet moni with Mra. to aee who cali ilo thè moat. One aec
question. Five or six cars were put expensive kind ami are ouly used on Abruma preaiding at thè piano. Ite- Iloti met Tueadav afternonu al thè
The real brow la uewed interest in thè chapter is mani- ho me o f Mrs. Geo K crr and auuthnr
on the rails, but as only two o f them apts'lal invasions
very expensive and can ouly l>e made featisl thia aeaaou and proapecta are met Weilneaday at thè homo o f Mra.
were heavily loaded the work o f re­
by a person o f great skill
cncouruging for many pleasant sor lui Clarence Duliruille. To all appear
placing them on the tracks was not
'■'The p a t ie n t sita here In Ida chair, eveuiliga.
, aurea Illese hazaars wiII he novel
w h ic h v e r y much resembles a d e n
The road was in running shape again tint's o p e r a t in g throne, lu this rush
Married in Fugeue, November 25,
b n to m y le f t are stuck n acore or
1911, at 8:30 p. ni,, Harry l ’ercy K lin ei
The memhera o f thè Social T w elve
s o o f th o s e lu s s ile * you s h w being and Mi sa G lady a May McGee, both o f aoeiety w lll euleriani their huahanda
Card of Thanks.
th r e a d e d
Each stitch leaving ouly
We wish to thank the memhera of two s tr a n d s o f hair, to fuciniate the Cottage Grova, Judgr K. 8. Hryaon *t thè homo o f Mra. Geo. Hall lina
Friilay evening.
Cottage Grove and l'oast Fork granges o p e r a t io n u uuinlier o f ueedlea must otficialing. The groom la a aon o f A
for the kindness shown us in our late b e at b a u d
A s each thread o f hair Is
Cha*. W. McGee.
Class Rates Reduced.
d r a w n through the s k ill over the eye
Class freigh t rules from Tacoma,
MKS. S A K A H NO W H Ll..
It Is cut. so (lint when the first stage
Mr, „ t,rb,.rl Kukin
o f the o p e r a tio n Is over It leuvoa the
, .Seattle and I’ortlaml to |Hiinta in lire
tamed Monday evening in honor o f
gun, Washington, Idaho aud Montana
hull* bristling out an Inch or so, pre
MKS. M. II. B R A S H E R .
their 22d wedding nnniveraary.
seultug a rugged, porcupine np|s-ur
were declared unreasonable lust week
W. E. N O W E LL,
four-course dinner was served at 6
Now i ornes the artlstle work
by the interstate commerce cominis
H. W. N O W E LL,
The brow must tie archisi and cut o'clock. The dining room was prettily "ion. The reductions, averaging alxiul
F. C. N O W E LL.
down with the utiuont delicacy, ami and lustily decorated in yellow aiut twenty per cent, were ordered into
High water mark was reached in a number o f hours Is required to do It. green. 'The gueaia were amuaeil with
effect by January 2, 1912. The dec I-
prayer meeting attendance at the
"Sumll a* the eyebrows ure, they are music and conversation. Th«>ae pres­
sion o f the commission affects all rail
Methodist church on I hursday evening. | very Importimi In the makeup o f the ent were : Rev. and Mra. A. 8. Mas
ways operating in the Eaeiltr north
One hundred and forty enjoyed the de­ face. You have uo Idea how «aid oue on. Mr. and Mrs. C. I ’. Jones, Mr. and
lightful service.
Sometimes several looks when utterly deuudevl o f hair Mrs. Gilbert II. Tyaou, Mr. an«l Mrs.
The procetslinga are jaipularly known
Merle Scovillc, Mr. ami Mrs. J. S.
people were up on their feet ready to
as the "back haul rate ca ses," in
scrllied Is painful, but It iiiukes gout!
Henson ami daughter Fllen.
take part.
eyebrows aud adds lisi per cent to the
which the railroads charge for a theo­
l«Mik* o f the I le ruoli who was wrlthout
The marriage o f Miaa iva Johnson retic hack haul frum the I’aciflc coast
them. It I*, too. much Ixqter thuu the and Jay Davies Sumtay turned out to terminal to intermediate points, al
blackening and c o s m e t ic s no iiiauy pc-- be more o f an informal affair than ex- though the freigh t la unU»ad«*l ami de
It Was the Msans of Betraying Mar­ pie use. es|>«s‘lally people who have
peeled, owing to the intervention of live red on the wcatbouiai haul. The
shal Nsy to Death.
mere pretense of brow a. couiprtalug
friends. The wedding wns to have oc- carrier maintained they could not stam|*
A saber o f honor brought Marshal ouly a few hairs " - l.«mlou Tit Hita.
at (lie Davies home, hut friends the taxation o f twenty per Cent, bui#
Ney to dishonor and death. Wbeu Na
carried them almost by force to Ihc examination o f their revenues con­
poleou entered Cairo on July 22.
Comer home, where a surprise party vinced the commission that the lusaea
1793. he was presented with three
would s g g re g a 'e only alxtut one | mt
swords o f honor richly Inlaid with pre
A Church T o » t r Capped With
Cli- was on, and the couple were hastily
clous stone* He brought them hack
married before the guesta, Rev. J. cent, of the o|ieruting revenues o f th*
ma* of Forty-ons Balls.
to Europe, aud In l**rj he gave one to
lines interested.
The 2 n ii foot tower o f the Nleue Mark Comer officiating.
- .
Ney aud another to Murat, keeping
Kerk lu Mlddlebnrg. “ Long John," or
A pleasant surprise party was given
Bohemia Notes.
the third for himself
“ Lung Jun" If the sobriquet be traus
Sunday evening ou Rev. and Mrs J.
The Isle snow caused the suspension
Ney received tils at an Imperial re-
luted luto Dutch, Is practically the
ceptluu The awotxl passed from one
Mark Comer at the residence o f Mr. uf op«-ralions at the Muaick mine, aa it
Washington monument o f Walcheren
to uuother o f those present, urnoug
It I* capped with u climax o f forty
whom was a young subaltern o f the
one bells that chime n quaint frag
Auvergne regiment. When Najwleou
meut o f some familiar popular melody
esca$ied from Elbe Ney left the king
every seveu ami oue half minute*. Ou
and took sides with his former chief
the hour “ Long John” lllernlly vi
A fter the allies entered l ’arls Ney
brute* from foundation to weather
made preparations to get out o f the
xane In n frenzied endeavor to |*Jiir
country, but Ids w ife aud a friend per
forth lu tutu the accumulation o f more
auaded him that there was really uo
or less music administered In small
danger, aud be decided to remain tu
doses during the previous sixty tnlu
France. Then came the order for his
arrest. He fled to a castle lu the pos­ ute*.
From ” l">iig John” one can see plain
session o f some friends and succeeded
In reaching It without his preseuce be ly the towns on the uorth aud west
coasts o f Walcheren. aud often eveu
W riting to The Metsan Shop o f this
lng kuowu.
the *plr«*a o f Antwerp are visible,
One duy. feeling tired, he threw him
while directly l>elow a mas* o f red
city, Lang, .Jones
Co., Wholesale
self on a couch, first taking o ff his orl
entat sword, which he always wore out
Grocers o f Portland, say: ‘ ‘ We wish to
o f affection for the einfieror Hearing patches o f tr«s*s. atretche* Mlddlebnrg
voices, he sprang up aud hurriedly left To the left I* the market place. txniud
congratulate you on your stationery and
ed ou the uorth hy the hundsoine town
the room, forgetting his sword. A min
Slogan, Very clever indeed,”
ute later a party o f women and men
entered the room, one o f them being the embellishment o f whose facade by
the young subaltern o f the Auvergne twenty five an> lent statue* o f tbe
count eases of Holland,
The Melaan stationery
regiment, now a colonel. He at one* counts mid
waa designed and ex
recognized the sword and, calling In helps It tu hold Its place ns one o f the
«suited by the Sentinel
some gendarmes, proceeded to search finest mid most Interesting late Gothic
edifice* lu the Netherlands.
the premises.
The tower o f the town hall ha* a
Finding that he wns discovered. Ney
gave himself up quietly, On I*ec. 7. chime, too. aud each time after ”
1815. the marshal, whose sobriquet was John” ao Insistently proclaim* the
the Bravest o f the Brave, the hero o f hour o f the «lav or ulght for “ Long
a hundred battles, was shot. Scarcely John” takes the crisllt o f glvlug stand
two months after the owner o f the aril time to Mlddlehurg It must get a
second sword. Murat, had met his fate bit on his nerve* to have "Foolish
Betsy” ("Gekke Betje"i. up In the
in the same way.
town hull tower, rattle off her cacopho­ Comer’ s parenta. Refreahments were in trrferrrd with the electric road that
nous contradiction a minute or two served by the Misses Corner and a very brings the ore tu the Champion tn(
Changad His Mind.
The mill ia running and report ,3 k
Naggsby—I thought you were never earlier or Inter, n* the «-use may be. - pleasant evening enjoyed.
it will keep going up to Chriatmaa.
going to work fur those (x-ople agalu. Travel Magazine.
Thoae present w ere: Mr. and Mra.
W aggshy— I <1 let say so. but since that
Klopfenstein and Coffman have sent
Quear B e d .
; J. T. Davies. Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Rosa.
time they have decided that I might
out provisions to the G rizzly ramp for
Along th«- Columbia river bread la j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mr. and
c o in è buck —Baltimore Amerlcau
winter'a'operationa to finish the cross
ruude from ii kind o f moan that grows Mrs. A. T. Crandall ural mother, Mr.
cut that w ill be the deepest basic ore
ou a aped«1* o f fir tre«-"
A fter being arid Mr*. I. B. Huckina and babe, Mr.
H is Sacret Societies.
The attorney demanded to know bow dried It Is Sprinkled with water, al
amj Mr«. O. M Kern, Mr. and Mrs. W. tunnel in camp and demonstrate what
many secret societies the witness be
Iowe.1 to ferment, rolled luto bulla as w Harrison and mother, Mr. and Mrs. kind o f ore exists 2000 fe t deep in
hlg it* a mu ii * head mid huke<l In pits, Elvin Crawford, Mr. and Mr*. Morton this camp.
longed to. wbereii|Nin the witness oh
Jected and appealed to Hie court.
with the help o f hot stones. Traveler*
Dan Beck has sent out provisions for
Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. Cochran and
"T h e court sees no harm III the ques­ who hnve tasted it mb ) that It 1» by I
work from the Riverside to con­
The Call for family, Mr. and Mra. Tom Gill, Mrs.
tion.” answered the Judge. "You may no menu* impubliable,
nect it with the Oregon ami Colorado,
answer. ”
nlun Indians collect the |xilleu of eat
also the Vesuvius mill.
mil* In large quantities by beating It D. Owens, Mra. Demurest and family,
"W ell, 1 belong to three.”
off tbe plants and eatehlug It ou blnli
“ What ure they?"
320-Acre Homestead Areas Opened.
'The Knights o f Pythias, the Odd ket* They make bread of It. Hut a* Mra Dan Hack and gratMldaughters,
During October six areas w ereileaig
Fellows anil the gas company.’’ —A r­ a dellcaey they prefer bread o f grass- Mrs. Nelia Drake and family, Mra.
nated by the aecretary o f the inti-w’--^
hopper flour.
Calvin Hunch, L. M. Tucker, J. K. De- as suitable for entry under1 fke rn-
Spain, Edward Babcock, Almon Owen, largcil-homestead act. These include
Raady For Work.
Frank Woodruff, Arthur Wixxlring, Mr. 32,110 aerea o f land in Idaho arxl Ore­
“ Now,’ ’ Hiild the warden to the forger
Fuller o f Ulatchley, Dr. Schleef and gon and make a total o f 190,426,967
who had Just arrived at the prison,
daughter, Miaa Fern Royer, Miaa Fern aerea which has been designatedf '/
“ we’ ll aet you to work
What eau you
the secretary o f the interior aa en tfr
do best ?”
Rev. and Mrs. J. Mark Comer left able in 320-acre homestead units.
“ W ell. If you’ ll give me a w«-ek's
practlee on your signature I’ll sign Tuesday fur eastern cities preparatory
Before the great Drouth o f 1901, the
your official papers for you ” Loudon to leaving for India to take up miaaion-
RE they intelligent, re­
Tit Bit*
Hicks Almanac gave timely warning.
ary work.
For over two yearn prior to 1911, the
fined people, anxious to
Almon E. (Jwen and Miss Fern Royer
Merely Suspected.
Hicks Almanac again soundcil a warn­
tie considered well-bred
The Stranger I* there a good erlml were married Tuesday, November 28th,
o f drouth danger. And so for for
and broad-minded I f so,
nal lawyer in >aur town? The Native at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
ty years this same friend o f all Un­
nothing would be more
- Waal, everylxxly think* we've got Sheridan at Eugene, Elder J. Mark
people has steadily refuaed the offers
appropriate for you to give
one, but they ain’t been able to prove Comer, officiating.
Mr. Owen ia a
f speculator» and continued to warn
It on him. Cleveland I’ lalu Dealer
them as a
member o f the firm o f Owen A Son.
the public o f the coming dangers of
Miaa Royer is a niece o f J. B. Lewis.
storm ami weather. Aa they should
Sufferer (to dentlat’a servant» -N ot In
An enjoyable aociat affair was given have done, the people have nobly sttxxi
today? Dear, dear, I wanted to «-on
than one of the late books
Saturday evening by the Epworth by 1‘ rofcHHor Hicks, their faithful pul»
ault him badly
Servant W ell, let's
lie servant, who has grown old in their
by a standard author. We
hope you'll still have toothache to- League in the basement o f the Meth­
Send only one dollar to Word
have all copyright works
odist church. Games were played and
morrow.—Fllegende Blatter
Publishing Company, 3401
at $1-20 up and those on
the event o f the evening waa an unique
which copyright has ex­
menu from
which the guttata se­ Franklin Avenue, St l.ouis, Missouri,
Woman’# Way.
pired at 75c. It will at
Nhe—Tim e will heal tbe wound I ’ve lected a dainty luncheon that was and get hia Magazine and Almanac
both for one year.
The Almanac
least interest you to look
(bade In your heart.
H e -Y e a ; but served by members o f the society.
you'll be mad at me If It do«-*.—Ex
over our line and learn
alone, a fine book o f 150 pages, is \.ly
Thia ia a busy time among the 35 centa by mail. Let everybody re­
what the late books are.
Ladies’ Aid societies o f the different spond and receive the warnings o f our
Melancholy la the pleasure of being
Benson’s Pharmacy
churches, which are making prepara- National Seer for the coming year.
© u rirtif
Very Clever
If it’s a particular job of printing, take it to
the Sentinel’s A rt Printery.
Read this Partial List of Oregon Lands
160 acres in the Lorane Valley,
near the Churchill-Matthews orchard
* ^ * * 5 w M I U J /
tract, 120 acres in cultivation; bot-
, ___ tom land; 80 acres under irrigation;
A Snap nr
95 acres 1J miles from
acres pear9j ''De A nio) 2 acres
town, 35 acres in cultivation. Bal- apples,
peaches and cherries in
icres in cultivation. Bal- apples, and peaches
ance pasture and timber; farm house, bearing; 8- room
good barn, fam ily orchard in bear­ water piped from spring to house
and bam and chicken parTcs; chicken
ing, team, 4 cows, all farm ing im­ plant for 1,000 laying hens; barn 50x
plements, hay, grain,
crop with 60; smoke house, tool house, milk
house, machinery shed, wood shed;
place. $6000. Terms.
only $10,000.
70 acres all under water ditch with
48 acres, all level bottom land, and
a perpetual w ater right with deed,
all bottom land, 3JC miles from town all cultivated, on good wagon road,
on good road, near school. % mile 7 miles from Cottage Grove. This is
from railroad station. W ill subdivide choice land and the i best o f soil. Dark
to suit, $150.(0 per acre.
Terms on
$75.00 per acre.
n .
K |0 \ n a n
O .A .C .S H O R T C O U R S E S
B E G I N J A N . 3, C O N T I N U E F O U R W E E K S
Every citizen o f Oregon is cordially invited to attend the
short courses of the Oregon Agricultural College, liegin-
ning January 3. Eleven distinctive courses will l»e offered
in Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and
Art, Commerce, Forestry and Music. Every course is
designed to H E L P the student in his daily work. Make
this a pleasant and profitable winter outing. No tuition.
Reasonable accommodations. For beautiful illustrated
bulletin, address
H. M. T E N N A N T , Registrar
Corvallis, Oregon
F A S M t S S B U S I N E S S C O U R S E BY C O B B C S P O N D C N C C
Who are
your friends?
Christinas Gift
sad —Hugo.