Volume VI (Eotfcui? Okmir TO ATTEND HOUSE W ARNING. COTTAGE GROVE VIEW S W ILL Eugene Commercial Club Sends In ­ vitation to Grove Club. Proposition Made by Portland's Big Daily Accepted by Com* mrreial Club. J X )i_ / f t \ y . /f / COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911 WILL GET BOOSTER PAGE APPEAR IN ORSQONM V. 1 v t A number nf the members o f the Commercial club will attend the house warning nf the Eugene Commercial club December Hlh. The Invitation waa read at the regular meeting Mon­ day evening and Secretary Anderaon instructed to secure signatures nf those who would attend. The local club was also invited to furnish some speakers for the occa­ sion. The Eugene club ha« just moved into ita elegant new <|uarters. GILT-EDGED IMPROVEMENT BONDS TO BE SOLD BY CITY OF COTTAGE GROVE SHOULD BE PURCHASED HOME CAPITAL. BY the payment o f assessments. However, Number 10 RAISING BIG TURNIPS. SAW MILL MEN NOT GUILTY Nine and One-Half Pounds in One DID NOT Vegetable. DUMP SAWDUST IN COAST FORK. W. A. H ogat* has been raising some a rge vegetables this year, and haa made a killing in the turnip business. J. B. Rous« and W. C. Shortridge The largest one he raised tipped the Acquitted in Trial at Eu­ scales at nine pounds and nine ouncea, gene Monday. and was solid and sweet. The others were in proportion, and were all J. B. House and W. C. Shortridge, smooth and pretty, their overgrowth not causing them to burst, as is often sawmill men o f this place, who were tried in Judge tiryaon's court at Eu­ the case with large vegetables. gene Monday, charged with dumping I f it ’s a particular job o f printing, sawdust into the Coast Fork, were give it to the Sentinel. found not guilty. This is the third time Mr. Shortridge has been tried on this charge, with the same result each time. The testimony developed the fact COUNCIL MEETING W ILL BE IN- that these mi i I la are built so that a TERESTING. portion o f them hang over the water o f the river, and the jarring o f the ma­ Ordinance for Naming Streets and chinery and moving o f the logs in the m ill causes some o f the sawdust ¡to Numbering Houses Will work down through the floor. Both Be Acted Upon. mills are equipped to take care o f refuse. Much important business will come Game Wardens Davis and Foster pre­ before the council at its regular meet­ ferred the charge, it being a violation ing Monday night. The most import­ o f the game laws to dump sawdust in­ ant proposition to be acted upon w ill to rivers abounding in fish. be an ordinance for the naming o f the Shortridge's mill is located this side streets and numbering o f the houses. o f Ixindon and House’s two miles the This has been under consideration for other side. tome time, but so much committee work was required before action could be taken that it has dragged along. Bids for improvement bonds will be opened and acted upon. There are several other ordinances that have been ordered drawn up but DRAIN HOLD-UP ARTISTS RUN will hardly be reached at this meeting. not all o f the property owners were aide to pay cash ami the city has issued some $66011 worth o f improvement They are Best Investment that Can bonds, whicn will be offered for sale Be Had, Say* Local on the fourth o f December, and the A page nf view* friim Cottage Grove sale o f th- bonds will relieve the city Citizen. will appear in the Sunday Oregonian o f its temporary financial emharaxs- Mt an early date. A |irn|H>aitliin from the Oregonian The recent sale o f improvement ment and permit the resumption of waa road at the regular m erlin* Mon I miim I b in the city o f Portland ia a beau­ business on a rash basis. day night, In whiedi that |ia|ier naked Now, we know that Cottage Grove is tiful example o f the confidence that the club to foridaii enough viewa from , Die people of Portland h a v e in their not a wealthy town, we have no men thia vicinity to till the Ural page of the city. " A n ounce o f loyalty is worth a o f great wealth with money seeking magazine auction. A ll the cuat to the iMtund of cleverness" and the loyalty I investments at all times, but our pop­ dull ia the funnelling of the viewa. A that goes down into a man's jeans and ulation i* made up o f thrifty, wage­ committee, coneiating o f Meaara. I ’hll KRIS KRINGLE LETTERS TAKEN digs up the hard iron dollar« to buy the earning people to a large extent, whose li|ia, Hazleton and llede waa appointed Imnda o f hia home town not at their I having« should be carefully invested in to nee that the viewa are furuiahed. face, mind you, but at a premium, «afe, interest-bearing securities. For A letter waa received from Jeaae rather than have them go to outside »uch investment no better secuiities Darling, elating that he had two Letters Addressed to Children’* Idol psrties, that is the loyalty that makes are offered than these same improve- W ill Be Received at hrolhera who were figuring on atarting i ent bonds. They bear 6 per cent in­ the good citizen and the good (own. a macaroni factory in thie county, and Post office. Knockers we have a plenty, hut the terest, are non-taxable and both in­ uaklng what t 'ottage Grove would offer. man who overlooks the mud holes, terest and principal are collected by The accretary waa inatructed to com­ The local poatofflce has received in- steps over the loose boards in the side the city for the bond holder and paid municate with Mr. Darling and liod «(ructions to receive Santa Claus let­ wslk or stops to cut the hriar that | ou presentation o f the coupon. out what would he necenaary to offer ters sml deliver them Ui associations or These improvement bonds are not hangs too far over the fence and de­ In order to get the factory. persons who w ill give them the re­ clares liy all that is good that it is the only looked after by the city, but are quired attention. la-st town thst he ever lived in, and he guaranteed by the city, and for its pro­ Knpuira at Brown Mill. The little Iota, with their innocent is going to do all he can to help muke tection the city holds a lein against the Extrusive repairs are l>eing made at property benefit ted by the improve­ the Itrown Dumber Co.'a mill. The faith in Kris Krlnglc, sre anxious tu it better; that is the man that warmy let him know what they want, feeling the eocklea o f our heart and makes us ment. Thus the investor is doubly se­ fire h otel III the holler room lire lining certain that he is able sod w illing to glad that he is living, and that we are cure in fiuying such bonds, for they entirely rebuilt, and the d o ck ia being f ij III 11 there desires if they have been 1 living with him. We want more of I are gilt-edged in every way. replanked, good little girls hiii I bovs during the them. The bonds are issued in denomina­ > pust year. During the past summer this city o f tions o f $600 each and an investor may Before the poatoltice department Gottsge (.rove H|>eiit some $10,<*Xi for buy one or more, as he desires, or made the ruling that these letters could street improvements and in order to several jiersons tnay pool their money •>e delivered to chsrilahle institutions carry on the work this money had to and buy one bond, to be placed in es­ TO COVER. sod the like, they were sent tu the lie taken from the funds in the hands crow in the bank and owned jointly. Close Shooting Contest. dead letter office. of the treasurer. On completion o f the We urge those who have money for H. H. Veatch attended the blue rock Two Youths, Accused of Hold-Up of UNEXPECTED DEATH OP LON One little tot has already put a letter work ussesments were made against which they a-e seeking safe, profitable shoot at Eugene Tuesday, shooting DON FREIGHTER. Stage Near Drain, Have ' in »he local postofflce for the Christ­ * the abutting property, ss by law pre­ investment to consult with Recorder with Eugene against Portland. The mas saint. It is in childish print and scribed, and the property owners were VanDenburg and be prepared to take Tell-Tale Evidence. Eugene shooters won by one lonesome given the option of paying cash or tuk- such portion o f this bond issue as they bird. This was the second shoot, Port­ Alver H. Nnwell Dies While on reads; "D e a r Santa : Bring Lee a rocking ing avdantage o f the Bancroft act. It want, for we would like to see this issue Found in possession o f a marked $6 land winning before by two birds. Hi* Regular Trip from Here florae and mice. Bring me a rocking i« gratifyin g to record that nearly one- as much over-subscribed as was the is­ gold piece taken from a pocket o f ('. The third sh^ot w ill come off some to Londou. j chair and baby b u g g y ." ‘ half o f the amount expended by the sue of Portland bonds. A. Ricker, a passenger on the stage time before Christmas. It is signed with a little girls' name. city was returned to the treasury by coach which was held up and robbed C. P. JONES, JR. A lver II. Nowell, who for six yearn CONDUCTING APPLE SHOWS, near Drain Saturday morning, Edward haa been the truated freighter from GYPSY SMITH SINGS. j Jurgins and Fred Foster were arrested hare to liotidun, dropped uucunaciuua Seventeen Shows in One Month by by Sheriff Quine and Deputy Sheriff with an apiaiplrctic atroke Saturday Audience aud Pastor Affected by Stewart late Tuesday at the home o f Great Northern morning vyhile making Ida uaual trip the Songs. ¡Ju rgins’ mother, nine miles east o f The Great Northern railway w ill con- i from here, lie hail nearly readied the Roseburg. Gypsy Smith was heard at the M eth­ duct seventeen individual apple shows lloyd place, jual aoutli o f tiie covered odist church Sunday night. Tw o o f hia Abandoning the chase for the high­ In as many different cities throughout ♦ ------------ bridge when Die atroke came o n ,a n d tic famous songs, "Jesus ( i n ly ," and waymen at the head o f Bear Creek waa not diacovered until a half hour or Anxious to Get Back. SHOULD BE APPRECIATED BY the east during the month o f Decern- 1 Saturday night. Sheriff Quine became j "N e v e r G ive U p,” were placed on a her. Develop land -crea te a market. ao later, when medical aid waa aum- W. T. K a jser writes from Missouri LO C AL P E O P L E , ____ n , .. . . . satisfied that the men were making victrula, furnished by Marion Vcatch. the slcgan,for Great Northern e x p lo it«- > . . , * dinned from here. It waa aeen at once that he is gettin g anxious to get back _ _ _ _ _ and sounded so real that the audience a ,„ i.s __ . _____ j rw - their way toward the railroad and lion o f Montana, Washington •nd Ore- ' that he waa in a very aerioua condition, imbibed much o f the feeling that pre­ to Cottage Grove, and «ays they are would eventually pass through Rose­ Secretary of Ontario Commercial gon fruit district. ami he waa brought to fun hmther'a vails when sang by thrir author at one having more rain there than in Oregon. burg. Keeping a close watch on all Not a fruit growing district worthy home in thia city, where lie died at Club Writes Sentinel In­ He is leaving for Texas, and says, I of hi* own meetings. strangers the sheriff learned that two of the name in the territory tributary fi :46. "T h e best part o f going w ill be the teresting Letter. men answering the description o f the The pastor, Kev. Sutcliffe, apparent­ to the Great Northern railway but what Mr. Now ell haa not been hiinaelf ly received inapiratlon from the words getting home to Cottage G ro ve." bandits rented a horse and buggy at a 'has seen, within the past two ailtce laat Auguat. when he waa hit by j of the great revivalist and at the end local livery barn on Sunday night and O N T A R IO C O M M E R C IA L CLUB. You can judge the kind o f job print­ months, the face o f a Great Northern lightning. Ever after that he had a o f the nermon made a spirited and im­ ing u newspaper does by the kind o f a were driven to Jurgins' ranch. Ontario, Oregon. railway industrial and immigration kind of proaentimeul that death waa passioned apfieal to those present to paper u prints. The Sentinel is w ill­ The Sheriff and a deputy went to Nov. 17th, 1911. agent sent out by Mr. L. W. H ill to coming. Thnae who aaw him thr become followers o f Jesus. Many the Jurgins farm, where they placed Mr. Elbert Bede, ing to let its paper be an ad. for its procure the choicest apples for dis­ morning o f hia death recall that he gathered around the altar ra'I and Editor Sentinel, play in the seventeen different indi­ the young men under arrest. As the waa acting rather i|ueerly, not aeeming prayed. To an appeal to mothers to job printing. Cottage Grove, Ore. vidual business streets o f the larg­ officers neared the residence Jurgins to have full uac o f Ina head or muscle*. join the church fur the «ake of their School Heads to Meet. and Foster ran indoors and were only Dear S ir: I want to compliment you est cities in the east. The funeral aervicea were held children many mothers rose to their City Superintendent lnlow is in re­ on the newspaper work you are ac­ found after a thorough search o f the It is with an eye to the future and to Wednesday from Veatch’a rlinpel, ir- fe d . ceipt uf the follow ing circular letter complishing at Cottage Grove. The creating a permanent market for this premises. When searched the men terment being made in the Oddfellow« Fully 30(1 |M-ople were present, which which is being sent to ull city superin­ Sentinel, under your guidance can and large production o f choice apples that had about $80 on their persons, includ­ cemetery. ; is about 100 above the average. tendents in Oregon by State Superin- w ill do your city much good. The L. W. Hill ia unceasing in his efforts ing a bent $5 piece taken from Ricker. Mr. Nowell waa an active member o f Tw o o f Gvpsy Smith's songs will be tendent L. R. Alderman: greatest advertisement a town can re­ to exploit the apple industry through­ Jurgins is about 26 years old and left the grange, under whose auspices the sung again next Sunday. Salem, Oregon, Nov. 24. 1911. ceive is from a good home newspaper. out the east. "A p p le Show Month” Roseburg five years ago fo r eastern funeral waa held. He had alao been To the City Superintendent*, Oregon : | The man who expresses his ideas w ill probably become a permanent fea­ Oregon, where he was since employed an Oddfellow for ID yearn. The funer* ODDFELLOWS TO ENTERTAIN. My Dear Sirs: I am calling a meet­ through the editorial column without ture o f Great Northern railway develop­ on the range. On Friday he returned al aervicea were very simple, thus fu l­ ing o f the city superintendents and : fear or favor, with interest o f the com­ ment work. to Douglas county, accompanied by filling the wish o f the dead. Mrs. M. Lorane Lodge W ill Attend Meeting high school principals and teachers, to munity at heart, deserves success. He Foster, and le ft the train at Drain. C. Kinnery, o f Saginaw, made a short Saturday. meet in the Lincoln high school, Port­ is invaluable to a growing section. The follow ing morning the stage was VERY SUCCESSFUL OPENING. .talk, but there waa no Mention. Please The Sentinel seems to be thus pos­ Igiranc lodge, I. O. O. F., w ill oe en­ land, December 28 and 29. held up and suspicion pointed to them. The Metsan Shop Begins Business The deceased Inal lived al l.ondm for tertained Saturday by the local lodge. bring with you a« many o f your high sessed. No doubt the people of Cot­ The boys were armed with automatic about tw elve yeara, and had been run­ { There w ill be degree werk and a ban- school faculty as possible, mid be tage Grove appreciate the good work Auspiciously. revolvers sim ilar to the ones described ning the freigh t team for six yeara. i <|uel. A large delegation ia expected prepared with good suggestions for you are doing. Keep it up and you and The Metsan Shop had a very success­ by the passengers on the stage. Jur­ He did all the freigh ting for the J. K. i from Dnrane. the high school course of study. your associates will accomplish more ful opening Saturday, being crowded gins’ mother is almost prostrated with all day long, and Messrs. H. K. Met­ grief, follow ing the arrest o f her son. Hanlon Mercantile Co., and was truated Yours very truly, than is at present realized. A t the regular meeting Saturday the implicitly, carrying one o f the tirm'a calf, !,. K. Sanford and assistants were The officers are confident tonight that I.. R. A L D E R M A N , Wishing you every success. i local lodge elected the follow ing kept on the jump all day. check hooka and paying ita bills here the boys w ill confess the crime. Supt. Public Instruction. Yours very truly, officers ; for them. He leaves three brothcra, The ladies came in large numbers to When questioned by the district at­ LE O N J. C H A P M A N , Noble grand, L. A. R alston ; vice­ Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Cravens, o f W illis E. Nowell, o f thia city, Frank get the potted plants which were g iv ­ torney tonight Jurgins admitted hav­ Secretary. grand, LeR oy Woods; treasurer, Portland, visited at the F. D. Wheeler en away as souvenirs, and very few ing registered under the name o f R. C. C. Now ell and H. W. N ow ell, o f San | George M. H a ll; secretary, A. Brow- home during the past week. Legal blanks at the Sentinel office. went away without buying something. Wilson, on a recent visit to Portland, Francisco, n widowed mother at Lon­ don, and two sisters, Mrs. Electa Thor- j er. and said his partner registered under The Rehekah lodge at its last meet- denherg and Mr«. M. H. Hasher, of & the name o f H. Jones. These names 1 ing elected officers as follows ; Noble London. are identical with the names o f two grand, Muggie Hunt; vice-grand, Li*- A lver II. Nowell wus horn in Dowell, important Meeting To Be Held. | strangers who registered at a Drain ' r.le H a ll; secretary, Anna H o xie; JURY L IK E L Y TO GIVE THEM MONSTER VEGETABLE ON EX- Mass., May 31, 1862, and also lived at I-. D. Mahone, state secretary o f the hotel on the night previous to the hold­ treasurer, Lena Knowles. AN ACQUITTAL. H IB ITI0N BY SENTINEL. Charlestown, Philadelphia, Esteville, A. M. C., w ill be in Cottage Grove up, Iowa, anil San Francisco. He lived 26 some time this month to attend a meet­ Jurgins talked freely and made a Has Known All Governors. years at ’ Frisco, doing W ells-Fargo de­ number o f contradictory statements. ing of those connected with, and in­ Fancy Christmas Goods Get Pho­ Raised by John Nokes Without W. H. Parker, a resident o f A irile, livery work for If» years. He moved terested in, the mining business. The Foster, who is 26 years old, refused to holds the distinction o f having met and tograph Firm Into Serious Cultivation and Solid to ( ’ottage (¡rove July, IttOk I.iitcr he meeting will be called to take action answer many o f the questions pro- enjoyed the personal acquaintance of Trouble. as Rock. bought the fam ily homestead at Don- on a resolution passed by the recent pounded by the district attorney, every governor o f Oregon, from Joseph don, on which he lived and supported convention o f the American Mining A touch o f the old western life was Lane and John Whitaker to George K. Armstrong & Dean, the photogra­ A radish so large that it had to be Congress at Chicago, asking congress given Saturday when the Drain-Coos hia mother up to the time o f hia death, Chamberlain, Frank Henson and Os­ phers, are upon a peculiar and unusai labeled to keep folks from believing to provide for the establishment o f Bay stage to Scottsburg was held up wald Weat. Mr. Parker is intimately charge, the result, o f their attempt to it to be a pumpkin, has been brought metallurgical experiment ore testing three miles out o f Drain at 5 :40 by two Goode Sold Cheap. acquainted with the present governor, A lot o f valuable chattels went at a Oswald West, having known him from furnish Christmas pictures o f extraor­ into the Sentinel office by John Nokes. stations. Oregon will ask for stations masked highwaymen with automatic dinary high class at a price lower than When put onto the scales it registered at Roseburg and Baker City. small liguro lit the sale o f the Reed , revolvers. boyhood. Mr. Parker was born at Sa­ seems consistent with quality o f the over 91 pounds. goods at Iajrane last week. The goods The two passengers, Wm. Burchard, lem in 1846, and spent most o f his life production. The vegetable was still growing when wore sold to aatiafy a chattel mortgage Sent Turkeys to Agents. o f Scottsburg, and C. E, Ricker, o f in that city, but removed to A irlie a Immediately upon hearing that this pulled, but Mr. Nokes thought it bet­ note o f $1,600 and were hid in by the Agent D. T. Awbrey, o f the Wells- Gardiner, were relieved o f all their few years ago. He remembers the firm was giving a picture for $ti n doz­ ter not to leave it in the ground longer Fargo company and his assistant, H. money, the former losing about $90 Fithian-liarker Shoe Co., holders o f early history o f Oregon very clearly. en that costa $12 in Portland and g iv ­ for fear he would have to cut it up to Wheeler, each received a juicy turkey ar,d the latter $10. The robbers did the note, at about one-third o f the face His parents were among the earliest ing with each order h beautiful 11x11 carry it down town. o f the note. from the company for their Thanks- n° f disturb the mail or express mat­ settlers o f his state. Mr. Parker at­ photograph calendar, enemies got busy The radish is o f the white variety giving dinners. The gooda consisted o f 10 jacks, 10 ter- The driver's watch was taken, tended school in a log house at Salem, and said it could not be done, and now and grew entirely without cultivation' Jersey cows. 1 Jersey bull, 3 aerea o f but he happened to have no money with where the state capitol now stands. it is up to the firm to go before a jury It is a foot long and 22 inches in cir­ growing potatoes, 100 tons o f hay, 100 Stores Closed for Holiday. him. A t that time the land now occupied by heads o f hogs, 1000 chickens, 18 goats, county and state buildings was then o f the people and show that it can be cumference. It is on exhibition at the A ll the business houses o f the city Marshall Snodgrass, o f this city, was done and that it will be done. Sentinel office. 2 jennets, wagons, buggica, horses, were closed yesterday to allow clerks telephoned to, and the service o f the covered by dense brush and timber. More than twenty different styles o f pony, machinery, cream separator, etc. Get next to the stationery sale and and proprietors to properly enjoy tur­ bloodhound requested, but the dog is.in Constable A. H. Atkins conducted When you see a neat, tasty job of picture* to select from .at as many the chance for the turkey. A ll for 30 key dinner and sleep it off afterwards. ■uch shape that it could not be taken centa at the Modern Pharmacy. ., Th « churches duly observed the day. printing, look for the Sentinel imprint. different prices. out. the sale. ORDINANCES TO COME UP SANTA CLAUS GETS MAIL card or. DRAIN STAGE ROBBERS SPEEDILY RUN TO EARTH MEETS SUDDEN DEATH; APPOPLECTIf STROKE COMMERCIAL CLUB SECRETARY SAYS SENTINEL IS AD. FOR COTTAGE GROVE ARMSTRONG DEAN TRIAL IS IT RADISH OR PUMPKIN?