(Enttarn (ßriw fontine! I Volume VI COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1911 » HIGH CLASS, REFINED AMUSEMENTS COMING I W IF E W O ULD N’T LE AV E . lease Hurling I’ re tty N eu rly Becomes Perm an ent Resident. Mrs, Jeaae Darling hecurne an ciiam- oreil with the l.orane valley ilnrniK her recent visit here that Mr. OarhoK could harillv get her to return to her hume in Milwaukee. Mr. liurliiiK. who lias charge of the Milwaukee Orchard Co.’s tract at l.o­ rane, arrived about two montila ago to look after thi' interest of the company, intending to stay two weeks. Mia. Darling carne with him for lier lirai visit lo this beautiful valley. She liked On' country so well that alie in­ duced Mr. IhtrliiiK to poNt|Mine ids de­ parture from week to week until the two weeks stretched into two months and a visit that hud been planned to California |mints liad to he given up altogether. They finally got started lust week, Mrs. Hurling protesting ugainal leaving so soon and vowing that alie would he hark again ua soon as possible. THREE YEARS IN PANAMA WANT TO USE HONOR MEN COTTAGE GROVE WINS. Creswell Proves Easy for Governor West's honor men are com­ Ali unuaual tri al is in sture for Cot­ Gridiron Artists. ing into demand us road huiidera. A tage Grave Invera o f high elaaa, rcflncd entertainment in thè forni o f two lee- tures un thè l’ aiiarmi canal hy II. Le Itoi CpNon, who aperti three years in thè canal girne. The (Hat lerture, en- titlerl “ The l’anamii Canal, It's Con- struction ami It's Relation to thè Ha cific Coirsi S ta tes," w r 11 Ire given rie ut Tueaday in thè High schiari assemhly rrrom, The secm l, entitled, “ Hanarna, It's llistitry, It's Heople ami Their Guattirne“ will he given Friday, No- vemlrer 2lth. liirth lerturei are illus­ trateli witli a largì* riumhcr of rolored slides, and afford an excellent oppor­ tunity for people to fam iliarize them- selves with a project that mi-ana more to tliia country than any project o f modern times and which is little un­ derstood hy the great majority. Local / I Number 8 DROPS MONEY, STOPS RUNAWAY HORSES Last Saturday the football team of the Cottage Grove high school suc- TH RILLING THREE MINUTES ON ceeded in rolling up a pleasing »¿ore M I N I S FOR G R O V E PBOPLB. MAIN STREET. o f 31 to 0 against the team from the Creswell high school. The grounds Th e R o ya l English Glee Singera and were very sloppy as a result o f the In Which W. A. Hogate Makes Hi ll Kingeri. W ill b t Here snowfall o f last week ami consequent- j Daring Leap to Buckboard and ly no fast work was witnessed from Th u rsday. Quells Runaways. either team. When the two teams ap- peered upon the field it required no I'I k ' Itoyiil English Glee Singers und Dropping a pecketbook containing rare discrimination to see that the lloll Ringers, On* first number of a about six dollars in silver, and making home team hail every chance for vic- I'uurao iif three lyccmn entertainments a reckless leap to the buckboard o f the tory since they out-weighed their op- In lie given here llna winter, will lie wagon, W. A. Hogate made a thrilling ponent* several pounds to the men and |nit mi at Arm or) hall neat Thuraday. stop of a runaway team on Main atreet seemed to handle the ball with greater 1 dealing with prisoners, At Eugene ami other eit'ea where Tuesday morning. ] skill. The Creswell boys, h ow ever,1 the alei' aiiiaera have a|i|ii'iireil Oieir The team and wagon were Spray A Send your Sentinel to eastern friends ,Jew,rve the hi|{hel,t commendation for entertainment haa lieen pronounced the Co.’s delivery outfit. The rig wss after you have read it. the excellent pluck they displayed in heat thing of tliia Itiliil ever aeen on standing at Burkholder's store and be­ a losing game. the enaal. Advertising pays in the Sentinel. came frightened at an automobile that With tlieir a|ili'inlleal of 130 me - passed. When the team started, Ho­ Remodeling Building. loilnnia hella raiiKiiiK in weiKlit from gate grabbed for the lines, but only se_ The Bank building is being remod­ two nuneea to tun pounds, perform cured one o f them and the team con­ eled preparatory to its occupancy by eoin'erteil ftniaie o f every eluaa with tinued its course west on Main street. _____ a ____ ___ . __________ __________ _ 'th e Hank o f Cottage Grove. The en- such perfeet rorreetneaa ami enaemble W anted L iv e One to Send East. The situation was gettin g dangerous, aa to huve evokeil warm eneoiniurna While listening to an impassioned and at 2 :30 Hr. Mann said he wa.- l ' re ^ronl * ri^ H°or o f the room form- many people scurrying to the sidewalk K. W. Randolph, who is looking over occupied by the First National for safety, so Mr. Hogate let go o f the from tin' pri-aa ami many muairal tlie valley for a locution called on the sermon by Gypsy Smith at Portland | dead. Luring part o f the service the authoritiea. Sentinel yesterday to get a paper to Sunday afternoon. Rev. Henry L. ; body lay on a bench behind the build- bave been torn out and when the re­ purse which he had in his hand when The repetoire inelinlea aelei'tiona send east. He wanted h live one and Nave, formerly pastor o f the Cottage ¡ng, hut was soon removed to Hunning Fair8 are completed the building will be the team started and which he was un­ very much improved in appearance. from Hu- works o f Handel, Hayden, a glance at a ropy of the Sentinel had Grove Presbyterian church, was strick­ .V McEntee’s undertaxing parlors. able to get into hia pocket, leaped to Itoildiru, Sullivan, Wagner, Verdi and impressed him us being tin- paper to en with heart trouble and ex p ire ! a few the buckboard while the team was Rev. Mr. Nave had suffered for some moments later. of tiers. send. Mr. Randolph is from Iowa. traveling at break-neck speed, grabbed time with heart weakness, but on the The songs with hell arconi aniinenls Few persons in tlie audience knew day o f death appeared in excellent the other line and succeeded in quickly ____________ until ufter the services that death had health. He preached a vigorous ser- l o c ^ l T Y R O S PUT ON SUCCESS- sawing down the frightened animals. where encored. The vocal work o f the occurred in their midst. When he returned down the street, mon at his own church in the forenoon. ilinilde quartette is another strong feu FUL PERFORMANCE. he found his purse where he had Rev. Mr. Nava was sitting i.) the Mr. Nave had been pastor o f the ture o f tfie program. M * . G iggle has V A L L E Y L A N D S C YN O SU RE OF middle of the section reserved for min­ dropped it, with the silver scattered on Montavilla church at Portland for two E A S T E R N EYES. recently introduced another novelty, a isters only, talking to Rev. W. 11. and a half years, going there from Cot­ Audiences Appreciative and Local the pavement. In the excitement no piccolo a o l o with hell accompaniment, Hampton, who sat beside him. His tage Grove. He had been preaching in one had noticed it, although many had Jokes Cause Many Bursts which is proving very popular. The Oregon O bjective Point of Those voice suddenly broke, and Rev. Mr. walked over it. the valley for 10 years. of Laughter. repertoire o f the company iniTudeu Hampton noticed that he had turned Fora few moments the situation was w ith W estern F ever in Mr. Nave was 60 years old at time suftlcient mu'erisl to fill two or three pale. Rev, J. W. McDougall, who sat a hair-raiser, but no injury whatever T n eir Blood. o f death. Two sons are attorneys in evening's entertainments without any The big minstrel show put on by the was done. just behind, called Hr. S. M. Mann, of New York City and another is an in­ Antlers’ club Wednesday and Thursday repetitions. Linnton, Ore., and the three carried There seems to be more activity In the dying man to the reur of the build- structor in the Portland Y. M. C. A. evenings was pronounced a grand suc- The priee of admission is &0 certs, 35 A Large Radish. cents and 25 cents. Season reserved farm binds throughout the state than ing. I. A. Randall le ft a mammoth radish Mr. Nave visited in this city about1 "e*8 by the appreciative audiences that seat tickets, good for the three enter- ut any time during the year. While attended. at the Sentinel office Monday for exhi­ The seizure took place a 2 :2.r> o ’clock three weeks ago. tlie W illam ette valley seems In he the tninmi'nl», can lie secured for fl.25. The entire affair showed the pains­ bition. It weighs seven pound, is a The course is given by the Britt ly- section most favored by intending set- taking labor put into staging the show foot in length, 18 inches in circum fer­ leuin bureau under tin- auspices o f the tiers, the fact remains that districts in 1 by Director F. H. Hall and that much ence and solid as cement. It ia o f the K. P. and W. <>. W. lodges. 'eastern and central Oregon have been time was given by the performers to winter variety and is a beautiful spec­ The second number will lie the Vir attracting many homeseekers this fall drilling and rehearsing was quite evi­ imen o f what W illam ette soil w ill do. ginia Warblers, January Xlh. One o f the gratifyin g features o f the dent. The third number will tie Alvah situation is in the immense investment Many local jokes on prominent Green, humorous enlertainci, February o f eastern money in farm land», fruit “ cits’ ’ made a hit with the audience yth. lands and irrigation and general land and brought out rounds o f applause. development enterprises. In connec- To say who did best it is necessary COUNTY OPTION LAW W IL L BE to give a complete list o f the perform­ THOROUGHLY TESTED. that there is a general tendency ul tut* ers, who w ere: B illy Brund, James Messrs. Ittnle & Grant, P o r t la n d , ( h\ land improvement companies to keep Potts.Winter Wallace, Lloyd Stratton, Cottage Grove, Or. M RS. 1). R E A D 'S LONG S U F F E R - prices down to reasonable figures inor- Henry Hexman, Herb Adams, Horace Friends of Home Rule Law W ill IN G S E N D ED ' der to appeal to actual settlers and Gentlemen: Cochran, C. E. Umphrey, H. C. Mad­ Have Chance to Prove its producers. It is admitted by close sen, S. L. Mackin, F. H. Hall. Cha». Constitutionality. You have good reasons student« of land affairs in Urrgon that Hall, Elmer Roberts. Paares P e a c e fu lly A w a y Sunday (he day o f speculation is about past. for being proud o f your bus­ In view o f the effect that the testing M orning and Is Laid at Rest Many ot the large ojierators have real­ Patron-Teachers To Meet. iness card, copy o f which o f the home rule law may have on the ized this fact, believing that in the end at Pleasant H ill. A meeting o f the Patron-Teachers election in Cottage Grove next fall, was received with your letter it w ill be much better for all con- association w ill be held this afternoon the result o f the voting on the liquor Mrs. 0. Read, lie to veil b e a u ....... . ''•Tried ss well as the state at large to o f O ctober 90th. It is well at 3 :30 at the east side school bouse. question o f other cities located within her kindness towards the suffering and " “ minute speculative buying whenever The subject w ill be "P rim a ry Agricu l­ dry counties is o f interest. balanced and printed. When tu re." Interesting talks w ill be made for tier work in tlie cause cause o f He who lM*s|,,ble. Both Springfield and Joseph voted presented to a prospective Thix feeling is growing stronger by Mesdames A lta King, DeSpain and has welcomed her home, Mrs. U Read ! “ w e t ," and in both instances injunc­ A. B. Wood, after which everyone will passed pe are fui IL away Sunday at tlie steadily in all parts o f the stale. In customer it will create a tions w ill be applied for by the "d r y s ” be invited to join in the discussion. and the matter fought out in the cir­ age of OK, after several year« o f suffer- some districts land values have been favorable impression. held much too high and fabulous prices Several musical numbers w ill also be cuit and supreme courts. In Spring- i f You ortland to reside shortly.— be set out as soon as the caterpillar farm large enough to support his fam- A tapped report engine gets the soil in condition. Albany Herald. ily can secure a fair competence in a was the method used. I.aE ranee, to Secretary Anderson reported an un­ Mr. Woodward is a wealthy landown­ reasonable period. * ; all appearances, deposited a check for usual number o f inquiries for informa- i f ¡t '8 a partiCualr job o f printing. er and intends to hold this land for his his bet, then making the excuse that tion about the Cottage Grove country. g jve jf f0 u,e Sentinel, i Cunt!nueil on last page.) own use. _____ he had some business matters to attend The naming o f the streets o f the city T H R E E H IG H C LA S S E N T E R T A IN request, probably inspired hy the em- ployment o f honor men on tin: Crater l.ake road, has been sent from Ollala for from thirty to forty men to help build a ginal road from Koaehurg to M yrtle Feint, and thence west into Coos county. It is stated in the letter that Coos county is building up this main traveled thoroughfare, and that it will l»e o f general public benefit. Similar requests have come from other sec- tiona of the state, all o f which is very pleaslng to Governor West, us it is a purtial endorsement o f his manner of PASTOR EXPIRES LISTENING TO SERMON BIG MINSTREL SUCCESS ,,r< *.. . "n‘l Hn • v,r> HOMESEEKERS TO OREGON SOME DRY; OTHERS WET BELOVED WOMAN DIES " “ * ,,h thiB “,liv lv ,l h tu u ' u l Oct. .11, l l t l l The lolle Mrs. H. Henil Ì WHAT IS IT GOING TO BE? Everyone is guessing ; no one knows for certain. Preparations have been „ oinK on mysteriously for a month or «L to, left the men and went to police was again taken up at the meeting and headquarters, exposing the deal. Tw o Messrs. Thompson and Phillips ap- detectives were put on the case and 11. pointed a committee to confer with the captured two o f the smooth indi- street committee o f the city»council, viduals as they were entering a thea­ tre Monday night in company with I,a- New Brand o f Apple. France. The third man in the deal A new and distinct variety o f apple was caught later. A ll three are now has been developed by W. G. Myers held under $1,000 cash bail each. and W. T. Ward, o f Gold Hill, on their . Sams valley fruit ranch, and one that Assessor K en n ey Is H appy. combines the best qualities o f both the CURRIN CUP HAS ARRIVED Find Trace of Nora Darling. Word was received in Medford this . week by friends, including Mrs. Bly, The silver cup won by Felix Currin a distant relative, that Nora Darling, at the I.ane County fa ir arrived this the nineteen-year-old girl who myster- week, and is now on exhibition at the i iously dissappeared, had been seen in Burkholder-Woods Co.’» store. This ; Cheyenne, W yo., the last Sunday in cup was won on an exhibit o f grasses , , . . . .. October, by a w aiter who form erly a'" ^ra,na w ,c lm 18 knew the girl while he was employed sentative said was the greatest the in the Manhattan cafe in Medford. ... . ^ K '»s ever seen. The waiter wrote to the mother in lud S p iu e n b .,,. ‘ ■“ » " ■ I » " ' « ’ Buhl, Idaho. According to friends Fn The new apple is obtained from seed- Eugene, Oregon, November 10 1911 this city, the Cheyenne police thought the waiter was "k id d in g .” The ling top-graftings on old trees, all the \jr> Fe ijx Currin, mother is now supposed to be in Chey- cuttings being made from a single Cottage Grove. Oregon, I enne. It is also supposed that the thrifty seedling tree. It has the Spit- Dear Mr. Currin: zenberg shape and the Newtown color- A fte r quite an unexpected delay daughter and her companions, a man ing, with a tendency to develop a red we j,ave ^een ab|e at |ast to hav,^ and woman, took flight. ing as an invalid, her own sickness be ing brought utuiut hy overwork in car­ more. Carpenters have been busy g e t­ ing for tlie distressed. ting a building ready to house it. Gos­ The funeral was held Monday, inter­ sips say it is to be this or that or some­ ment being inaile at Pleasant Hill, thing else. But it w ill be something Rev. Kenton, o f Eugene, conducting worth seeing, a novelty in its line-a the services. A large number o f new one on Cottage Grove. Early next friends were present, 17 going from week everyone will know—for then County Asiuauor Kenney i . h.ppy Cottage Grove. over the fact that out o f 12,000 sepa- the Metsan shop w ill be open. Mrs. Reail was born in White county, rate assessments this year only 15 lllinoia, in 1843, her maiden name be­ known through Oregon heenuse o f her complaints were filed with the board ing Lucinda A. Hull. She was the activities in the C. W'. B. M. She o f equalization, nine o f which were re- daughter o f Mr. and Mrs.-Tims. Hall. was a woman o f remarkable self-con- garding timber land assessments and She was married to I). Rend in 1863. tro' and o f hardy constitution which these seven asked reductions on ac- They moved to Kansna in 1863 and to stoixi her well in hand in her work o f 1 c'unts o f burns or “ cut-overs.” cheek that is more marked the present fhipped to you the 9i,ver cup won b Crescent H ill, Oro., in 181M), just 21 caring for the sick. Her long ex per- O f the fifteen complaint«, ten o f season than at any time since the you at our last county fair. We very years to the day previous to the date ience in this line made her a most pro- them were o f a nature such that they graftings began to bear. much hope indeed that you w ill find it o f her funeral. In 1907 Mr. and Mrs. ficient nurse, and many a little tot could have and would hace been cor- As yet nameless, the new apple is a pleasing and satisfactory, and we wish Read moved to Cottage Grove. Four hailed Grandma Read as an angel o f rected by the assessor had his atten- handsome fruit, rivaling the Newtown at this time to thank you once more children were born to the couple, the health, i tion been called to the conditions be- for keeping qualities but having no for the magnificient display you made two living onea being Mrs. Ora Hem- Just as the services began at the fore he turned the roll over to the water core such at is often found in for us and very much hope to have your enway, o f this city, and Ur. S. I). grave a rift came in the clouded skies, board. that variety. The skin ^is heavy and assistance at our future fairs. Read, o f Eugene. letting the sunlight through, as i f He There wasn’ t a complaint from a tough and the meat firm, which will With kindest regards, we are, In her maiden daya Mrs. Read waA on high was welcoming to the fold farmer in the county, and there insure was its shipping qualities. The Yours truly, a achool teacher. The latter part o f her who had done an much for Him unly the one complaint o f town prop- flavor is tart, and while slightly re­ lh e Lane County Fair Association. hcr life ahe was devoted to Christian here. The phenomenon lasted during erty. The two merchants complaining sembling that o f the Winter Banana, By J. A. C. Rodman, and benevolent work, becoming well the entire services at the grave. were o f Eugene. ia distinctive. President. $2250 in Booze Fines in Six Weeks. Lane county is richer by $2250 in the past six weeks as a result o f fines im ­ posed and paid for the illegal sale o f booze. O f this sum $1550 came from : Springfield, $450 from Cottage Grove and $250 from Junction City. Eugene ! has three men in ja il serving time and got hers the last term o f court. One man says $10,000 is a low estimate o f the amount o f money paid into the county in fines since the local option law was passed. -E u gene Register.