Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, November 10, 1911, Image 8

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fU v « all jrour turkey», duck».
chicken» and »end them to ua at Thankaffiv*
in*. W r it « at once tailing w hat you have.
W e are paying today a » follow »:
Hena and chicken» ..................................... 14*'
Fat V eal under 1^0 pounds.......................... I K '
Block h o g * .....................................................
W e never charge commission.
Address all
“ F ig h tin g the B eef Tru st”
O teson
Second-Hand Machin­
ery’ Knight, cold and
exchanged: e n g in e * .
boiler . sawmill*, etc. The J. E Martin Co.. 7t> 1st
St.. Tort land. Send for Stock L ist and prices.
f 1 00 Saved 1» one made, ami you can
save more than one dollar by buyitur
. .
your H a t» direct from fa ctory. VNe
m:ikr them and sell them direct to you
L A U 4 ^ Hat* made to onier any *ha)>e. *t> •
V'TiBEk.*/and color. H at* clean»*»! and blocked.
A ll w k guarant«*»«d
Fricea very raggonable.
Try u» on your next hat.
t» * * • S U I . 23 PrS S i. f« d » r i
S a r s a p a r illa
Eradicates scrofula and a ll
other humors, cures all their
effects, makes the blood rich
and abundant, strengthens all
the vital organs. Take it.
O ft It today In usual liquid form or
chocolatad tablets culled b a r s «ta b s .
Customer— How much for that suit
of clothes, i f I pay cash?
Tailor— Forty d< lla-s.
Customer -How m ich on credit?
Ta ilor Eighty dollars, half o f it
do vn.— Toledo Blade.
I T [M
»«■■» ■ » » « ■ ■ **■»
** !»*•
la ri, n an -4 a - » - * •
.»• *
l au l aa « SU o à M
? I* .— . » - .
--------- -- J
Imi 34 mi K a m « r a t e i 0)
For t h . farm at .m ail coat. H rttrr liaht than
city (ran nr electricity. Switch,-* on or orT like
e i c t r city. H o matche*. no poaaihility o f hr,
(.'•■at one-tenth o f city ga*.
L ig h t* house,
ham. outbuilding*, drivew ay. l ’ *»d fo r cook-
ng like city ga*. W rite for particular*.
4-. A. B R Y A N T . 1 » Madison St.. Portland. Or.
V_____________________ ^
kloat ccunom cal ami effective fo r house
and school heating.
rront ard Ma-ket Sis.
Portland. Or.
Announced fo r N ovem ber 4th.
Prepare now.
W rite fo r fre e boo*. m entioning this paper.
M cK a y Building
Portland. Oregon
a can br famd fwy w V rf poinfirw ro Mas 7
aa Jp r reu*n f»v thrir mwarkaWr rumy
BAfITI/tfj sHTivo poo m u tuns
iWllRTc a i t i a m i m ^
R S D S S Ü fü K
v 'i S f f i 'i
P o
Foriti v*!/ C orel.
O n ly u cthor.ze-i K e e ie y la *
«tito lo in U t ' gon. W rit*
fo r Illustrated circular.
E m ir iMTrnr™. 71 £. 11 D* ft.
r t l a n d , p r e g o
A * » rule. » few d o *«* v>f M unyon'» Col»! Rem edy
will hrmk up any coM am! prevent pneunumia. It
relieve* the head, threat ami lung* a!tno«t in­
stantly. P rice 25 c e n t« a t anp d ru ggw t » or aent
I f you need Medical ad vice w rite to Mu nyon'a
Doctor*. Th ey w ill ca refu lly diagruv»«» your case
ami g iv e you advice by mail. absolutely fr»*e
A d d re** Pm feasor M unyen,
ami J e f fm o n
street*, Philadelphia. l ’a.
American Heiress and Earl.
Representative Henry, o f Texas, at
a luncheon in Washington, D. C., in­
veighed eloquently and w ittily against
the American heiress who marries the
foreign nobleman for his title.
“ But she gets the small end o f i t ,”
said Representative Henry, grim ly.
" H e r e ’s an example:
“ There was a Texas girl with 20
millions who married an earl— w e ’ ll
call him Lord Laclaods.
W ell, this
earl was notorious for speeding his
motor cars. So they changed the law
to (it his case. A fterw ard a man said
to h im :
“ W ell, Lhclands, what are you go­
ing to do, now that in all speeding
offenses the owner o f the car and not
the chauffeur is to be arrested?”
“ D o?” said Lord Laclands, “ why
I ’ m going to put every motor I own in
my w ife ’ s name.’ ’— Washington Star.
First Imp — Ananias won’ t be so
lonesome now.
Second Imp— W hy?
First Imp — Th ere’ s a theatrical
press agent coming tomorrow— Puck.
’’ **
the Chineaa doctor.
T ry once u ore .i jo u h ave > een H o r*o rin i with
t h i« one *n<i that one and have no* obtain ed [*er-
manent re lie f. L e; ih i* irrea? nature h ea ler dia*-
mom your cnee and prearribe *on e reawedy whowe
action is quick, »ure and *#»fc. H ie prescription s
» r e co n fo u n d e d from Roots. Herbs. Buds and
B ark« that have »*ee , a t h e r e ! from every q u ar­
te r o f the r lo e . T h e secrets o ' these m ed fin e s
are not known to th e outside world, but have te r n
handed down from fa th e r to son in the ph ysician »’
fa m ilie s in China.
• *'<
L m im ent
| Mrs. O liv e H untington. Nortons. O re., » a y » : I
“ I consider y o u r M exican M u sta n g Lin- [
im ent the best* o f linim ents. I h a ve V Sedi
i t fo r different ailm ents and it a l w a y s !
j g a v e s a tisfa cto ry results. I t is especially I
I g o o d in cases o f In fla m m a to ry Rhcuma-1
I tism and ail form s o f lameness.”
I 23c. 50c. $1 a bottle at D r u f A G e n ’ I Stores |
I f you live ou? o f ’ own nnd t a m o * call, w ri’ e fo r
symptom blank and circu lar, en closin g 4 cents in
162 $ fir s t S t , C o r. M o riiso n
Portla n d . O regon .
1 Reduce your
of living“. h»ve freher. 1
' better pruduct*; sdd to life ’s enjoyment;
•ahance y-nir property*» value; feel better,
look better, sleep
:er. k better W e sell
[ tree«, «brnha, foueL* n, nm s, plant» on the J
theory that
plant« well hk .U j d i
va k e r<#od friends well suited.*
tanfi/w « I » *
/t+ U»
I, tko*l4 I« M rrery kumt*.
Tsppcaiik. Wk»hlnfts»
Hort it ikmu M'*»Uag)
Miss Kntrtnii closed the door behind
her. and stepped out Into the dark­
ness The two pumpkin Jnok-i>lanterns
grinned grotesquely at her from eith­
er side of (he doorway and Rounds of
merriment floated to her from Inside
the bouse, but »he heeded neither.
She had wanted lo have this night
alone, but when the young people hud
asked permission to hold their annual
Hallowe'en party In her home, she had
put aside her wish as aelltsh, and
heartily thrown open her doors to the
lads and lassies of the neighborhood
Still. Memory was not to bo cheated
of her tryst, and as Miss
moved about the
games and seeing that no one was
neglected, tt persistently followed her
and carried her back to a similar
gathering of 15 years before.
she knew that all was going well, and,
leaning against a pillar of the porch,
she let Memory have Its way.
Again a girl of 20. she played the
time honored games of Hallowe’en at
that other party, her partner always
the man with the dark eyes whose
glance rested so tenderly upon her. ^
"Anybody can see that Dr. Clinton
Is In love with Katrina March,” some
one whispered. "But he needn’t think
there’s any chance for him; she’s re­
fused some of the best around here.”
Despite this opinion, when tho walk
borne In the dim starlight was ended.
Katrina had given her heart Irrevoca­
bly Into the the keeping of the hand­
some young physician, at whom the
people of that community looked as­
kance because be had dared, to come
Into their midst without exhibiting
his family tree, or proving his claim
F r e e to O u r H e a d e rs
W r it e M a r in e E y e R e a l l y C«>., C h ic a g o , fo r
tfi-pa^ e illu s tr a te d E y e Book F re e . W r it e a l l
a b o u t Y o u r E y e T r o u b le a n d th ey w ill a d v is e
a * t o th e P r o p e r A p p lic a t io n o f th e ^ lu r in e
E y e R e m e d ie s in Y o u r S p e c ia l C a s e Y o u r
D r u g g is t w ill t e ll y o u th a t M u rin e B e lie v e *
S ore E y e s , S tr e n g th e n * W e a k E y e * D o e -n t
S m a rt, S ooth es E y e P a in , an d s e lls fo r 50c.
T r y I t in W u r E y e s and in B a b y '» E y e » iu i
bca-iy E y e lid » an d G ra n u la tio n .
can receive prom pt treet-
n * n t« o f Non-Pol»<mou»
H et'lfc-biu ldia f remedies
M otL*m w ill Mrs. W inslow's 800thin»
Syrup tu * best reinedv to use to* tb s lr c it b lr e a
lu r in g the teeth in g period.
' H A L L O W E ’EN
Master— Jackson, fetch my umbrel­
la case.
V a let— Here it is, sir.
Master (a n g rily ) — F ool! T h at is
my w ife ’ s new tailored su it!— Judge.
H »b it»
W rit* fo r ca t*Ironie* «iv i litrrmtor*.
•nd print,n r Wail o n l- r i gt»*n prom pt R ttm tu n
r ortiand < Loto Supply Co.
14b Third Street
P O R T L A N D . ORE.
W . L. D O U G L A S
»2.50, *3,00, *3.50 & *4.00 SHOES
Men and W omen wear W .LD ou gla* »hoe»
because they are the best shoes produced in
this country for the price. Insist upon hav­
ing them. Take no other make.
F O R O V E R 30 Y E A R S
T h e assurance that goes w ith an estab­
lished reputation is your assurance in buying
W . L . D ouglas shoes.
If I could take you into m y large fadories
at Brockton, M ass., and sh ow you h o w
carefully W . L D o u g la s shoes are made, you
w ou ld then understand w h y they are w a r ­
ran te d to hold their shape, fit better and
w ear longer than any other m ake for the price
g**nnln« have W. I*. T>nugla*
VWM I IU I» n a m e an d p r ic e « t a m p e d on b o tt o m
If you cannot obtain W. L. Doagla» «hoe» In o s I I* % il? ..I tm BOI
town, write for catalog, fthoe» *«nt direct
J our
rom factory to wearer, all < harge« prepaid. W.L*
D O L U L A * , 14ft bp a rk tft*. B ro c k to n , 3fla»a.
S3 no « I l O K * wi l l p o s itiv e ly «Mit w ear
T W O F A I K K o f o r d in a r y boy « ’ a llo d i
fa*t Color £y«/»f» ÜMà
She and Elsie Reached the Old Well.
to any ancestral acres. A bitter storm
of opposition had greeted the news of
Katrinas engagement, all the harder
for her to bear because It vented It­
self In unjust invectives against her
lover. Her mother might have yield­
ed, but Mr March was Inexorable*
and when one day the latter was
found lying In the road with a bullet
through his heart, for want of any
tangible evidence, the Anger of sus­
picion pointed to Dr. Clinton. There
was nothing definite enough to lead to
his arrest, but bis life was rendered
miserable, and. after using every pos­
sible means of tracing the perpetrator
of the deed without avail, he went
west, bidding his sweetheart wait un­
til he could return to bestow upon her
a name freed from the blot of suspic­
ion. “ Truth must triumph, my dar­
ling,” he said as they parted: ” lt may
take years, but we will try to be pa­
And so, filling the time by carry­
ing love and sunshine Into many dark­
ened lives, using the sorrows of oth­
ers as a bulwark against her own,
lest It overwhelm her, Miss Katrina
bad waited for 15 years, while the sil­
ver crept In among her brown hairs,
and In her deep eyes there grew the
expression of one who watches for a
■hip that never comes.
“ Miss
Katrina! Miss
Where are you?”
The door was flung open, and, with
an effort to throw the spell of the old
days. Miss Katrina turned
to the
pager group.
“ It was so warm In the house,” she
said, “ and 1 thought you
miss me.”
“ Oh, Miss K atrin a!” chorused the
girls reproachfully, as they gathered
round her.
“ It’a nearly 12 o’clock,” said Myrtle
North, “ the time when all aorta of
things happen. Now, Miss Katrina,
Elsie Is to take this candle and go
with you while you hold a mirror over
the well and see your lover’s face In
In spite of her protests, Miss Ka
trlna was hurried from the bouse, mir­
ror In hand, and just as the clock
struck the hour, she and Elsie reached
the old well, which yawned grimly In
the flickering candle ligh t
"Now , bold the glaaa up and look,”
whispered Elsie
Miss Katrina raising the mirror obe­
diently, but the
next moment It
slipped from her hands and was shat
tered on the stone curb of the welL
"Oh, It’s broken." Elsie said help­
lessly. "ard the wind Is going to blow
my candle out; I guess we’d better
go back to the bouse ”
Miss Katrina followed without a
word, and when she reentered the
house, all were startled by her un­
usual pallor.
“ Did you value the mirror
highly, MI sr Kntrlna?" one of the
girls asked, after Klslo told what hud
” Oh, no.” she replied, trying to
smile, “ but but It’s seven years of
hud luck, you know."
"Miss Kntrlmt Is the last person l
should ever think of us superstitious.’*
Myrtle said, as they went home a
short time later, "but I suppose we
each have our pet superstition, and
that Is hers.”
Meantime, Mlsa Kutrlna sat In her
own room, thinking, not of the poasl-
ble had luck to which she referred,
but of (he (ace which had flushed out
of the darkness and looked at her
from the mirror a second before it
hud fallen to the ground
” 1 am gelling old.” she said to her­
self. “old mut fanciful.”
Yet the face stood out clearly In her
memory (he face of Maurice Clinton,
stumped with the Impress of time and
with hair ns plentifully sprinkled with
silver ns her own. “ Just as he might
look now.” she murmured, "but, of
course. It couldn’t, couldn t he "
When the first light of the late No­
vember duwn stole Into the room Miss
Katrina, weary of futile attempts to
sleep, was up and dressed.
As she
took n spray of cosmos from a vase on
the bureau nnd fnstened It In her hulr
the whistled melody of “ Juanita” float­
ed up from beneath the window. She
knew the signal well and. without
pausing to wonder or question, ran
down the stairs nnd threw open tho
door to find herstdf face to face with
Maurice Clinton.
For one breathless moment they
looked deep, deep Into each others
You have waited for me. my ’Trtnn.”
he snld at length, taking her hand
and drawing her Into the parlor.
"And you have come," she snld. “ Oh.
I knew you would "
"Fate dropped Into my hands the In­
formation which made It possible for
me to come to you," he said, In u low
tone: "read this, Trln a."
He handed her n document drnwn
up In legal form nnd signed by (wo
witnesses, the dying testimony of one
John Denham, the purport of which
was that on a certain day, while en­
gaged In a hunting expedition. John
Denham hnd. at a spot accurately de­
scribed, shot and killed a man who
chanced to be pnsslng and of whose
name the testator was Ignorant, lien-
ham was to start for Europe the fol­
lowing day, on a commission of great
Importance, nnd. knowing himself to
be wholly Innocent of crime, did not
feel bound to Incur the delay which a
statement of facts would necessitate,
and which would risk the high place
In the business world just within his
grasp. When, after almost fifteen
years, falling health compelled bis re-
tlrment from active life, the unhappy
Incident constantly recurred to his
mind, tormenting him with the thought
that some Innocent person might be
suffering for his carelessness snd sub­
sequent selfishness. As his attending
physician Dr Clinton summoned the
lawyer at Denham's request, little
dreaming that the matter which
weighed so heavily on the sick man’s
conscience In sny way concerned him­
When Denham died a few days
later Dr Clinton secured the paper
from the lawyer and started at once
for the place which still held bis
"I am so glad we know Just how it
was," Katrina said, with tears In her
“ And now you will keep your prom­
ise," he said, taking her In his arms
The years of trouble seemed to slip
far Into the background, as these two
renewed the vows made so long ago.
“ I came too late to ace you last
night,” he said, ’but 1 could not rest,
so I wandered down the old orchard
path and came out by the well just In
time to see you there. What were you
“ Trying to see my lover’s fare tn
the mirror,” she whispered, “ and I
did "
He bent and kissed her tenderly,
while outside the late chrysanthe­
mums nodded to each other and the
pumpkin Jack-o-lanterns by the door
grinned knowingly In the warm au­
tumn sunshine.
Lesson In Etiquette.
The captain was trying to Impress
upon the sailor the Importance of say-
lng "sir” In addressing hls superior.
"H o w ’s her head?” he asked
"Nor'-by-east,” answered (he old tar
Another trial was without
"L e t me take the wheel," said the
skipper, “ and you ask me the ques­
"O w ’s her head?" roared the sailor.
"Nor'-by-east, sir,” replied the cap­
“ Keep her so, my man." said the old
tar, “ while I goes forward and has a
smoke.” —Success.
Providing for the Deadheads.
"Is your town doing anything In the
uplift way?"
"Oh, yea!
W e have a committee
..ppolnted to see all shows suspected
of being Immoral
report ’ on
th e m ”
"Good ! "
"Yes. a committee of one thousand **
Isn’t that a— sr— rather
large committee?"
"W ell, you see, ws couldn’t afford
to create any hard feeling, and so ws
made tt large enough to include about
everybody.” — Llpplncott’s Magasins.
First Aid.
“ Are you writing to Ferdy?”
"But I thought he was engaged."
“ He writes me that the girl has
thrown him overboard, so I’m drop-
[ ping him a line."
N o M e c h a n i c a l C o n t r l v n n c * o r M o t . t r V e h i c l e H a n Y e t liv e n
D i s c o v e r e d tt» H e p l a c e T h i n M a t f n l l l c v n t A n i m a l —
M o o t V a l u a b l e A s s e t the F a r m e r H a s
W h o llrv e d s H in t P r o p e r l y «
V ^ ie
One of Clydssdale Geldings That Bring High Prlcss for Six Hors* Team.
(Iljr C A I T A I N
A. It. W A D D E L L .)
Never In the history of this country,
or any other, for that matter, has the
heavy driiught horse b e e n Itt such de­
mand or so vnluuble as he Is today.
Indeed, he Is (he most valuable asset
the furntcr has who breeds hint right.
No mechanical contrivance or motor
vehicle has been discovered that will
(111 the place of this magnificent, aul-
mute creature of flesh and bltHu], or
will any contrivance of any kind be
perfected for muny a long day, that
will accomplish what he cun, and do
the work us Well snd so ihorougbly,
as well as, as cheaply as he can.
Motor trucks have failed not only
to cope with the heavy loads Imposed
upon the brewers dray for Instance,
and the«.aultng of cumberoua ’ and
heavy machinery, but have been un­
able to handle them In the narrow
and congested thoroughfares of the
great cities, where backing nnd twist­
ing and turning Is absolutely neces­
sary. Besides tho great service and
Imperative use of these mighty ani­
mals In the large towns and cities of
the country where their demand nnd
value la Increasing day by day, they
are a power that cannot possibly be
done without In the agriculture dis­
tricts where the farm produce re­
quires grest hauling power; and In
those sections of the country which
have tut yet not yielded to the plow,
they are a pro requisite that cannot
be done without
Tho farmer who purchnses one or
A m rrtcn n G r o w n R o d s o re
G o o d Q u o lit v W h e n P r o p e r
C o r e la T u k s n In
T h e ir C u ltu r e .
H U B B A R D .)
W illow growing gives an uncom­
monly high margin of profit A large
demand for willow Is now supplied by
Import, and as American grown roda
are of good quality when pro(ier care
la taken of their culture, there Is no
reason why the further development
the Industry should not be possible.
If more American farmers can be con­
vinced of Its practicability.
Of late years willow furniture has
sprung Into fashion, nnd today no
minor Industry Is more prosperous
than that devoted to Its Bupply. The
Machine for Budding Wlllome.
wages are good and the manufacturers
demand a steady supply of superior
This Is now almost entirely received
from France at a price which will give
the entire trade to ths American If be
can equal the quality.
Experience has proved
that no
stock Is equal to a willow when dur­
able baskets are demanded.
high-class basket has made a place
for Itself In the market even under
present circumstances, nnd the entire
decline In the trade has been In the
low priced basket, which competes
with the foreign willow product or the
American made wooden basket.
more of the biggest, best, and most
suitable Individuals of the western
grade mures, nud breeds them to one
or oth«'r of the groat Imported stal­
lions of the Clydesdale, Mnlre. Suffolk.
IVrcheron or Hvlglan breeds, will, tn
three years from the Uine of foaling
have a youngster that Is worth from
JJO0 to $100, or If more mares have
been bred, pairs that aro worth from
$40" to $MM>, and which he would have
no difficulty, whatever, tn selling
Being able to work his mares up to
within a short time of their foaling,
he Is making good nnd certain money
at both ends, for the young stock cost
him comparatively little to keep, and
If be hna been careful tn hla selections
and wlae In hla breeding, there la no
telling what he might not produce In
valuable heavy draught horses. Look
for Instance at the geldings that go lo
ntske the great six horse tennis of tho
country, the horses that constitute tho
teams of the grent packers. Tbeso
animals fetch great prices. Tho heav­
ier. tho stronger, the better boned, nnd
more active they are, tho better they
are for such work, and the more
money will they fetch In tho market.
Borers Injure Trees.
W hile the trees are not always kill­
ed when Infested by the borers, their
vitality Is lowered, so that they be­
come liable to some other attack, and
futherntore they do- not produce ths
amount of fruit which might otherwise
be expected.
To put a low priced basket on tho
market with raw willow at Ita present
price the wages must be cut lower
limn the normal standard In America.
For this reason the trade Is almost
entirely In tho hands of Immigrant
basket makers, who know no other
trade and who are seldom or never
reinforced by native workmen.
Tho remedy lies In a reduction In
tho cost of tho raw material.
cheaper the willow (when good In
quality) tho belter the wuges which
can be paid to produce a low priced
basket, and a low priced basket of
good quality will And an nlmost un­
limited m arket On this point the en­
tire trade agrees
Great cam should be taken In the
selection of the willow bed
permanently moist sandy loam gives
best returns, though ordinary moist,
sandy land often yields profitable
crops of willow.
Boor soils produce paying
where there Is a market for short rods.
Avoid land on which water Is stagnant
during the summer. If by drainage
the water level
land can be
lowered at least six feet below the
surface, the situation may bo consid­
ered appropriate.
Do not plant willows In localities
where early frosts occur. The tender
shoot» are easily Injured by the
Plow 10 or 12 Inches deep In the
fall, prior to planting the following
This turns the top layer of
the soil so deep that wood seeds can­
not spring up.
Returns depend very largely upon
(he method of culture, but more upon
the variety of willow planted, because
the shoots of even the best varieties
and In the most sultnhlo soli grow
brittle after the »tools become old.
Rabbit Now of Value.
Rabbit» which have been a great
pest In A u »!rnlla have now become o f
commercial vuluo. During the paat
live year», 45.400,000 frozen rnlthlla
were exported, mainly to England,
with 08,000,000 rabbit sklna.
United State» laat year bought aklna
to the vulue of $48,000.