V r IN SOCIETY | Mrs. Morion Vcatch carrying off the I honors. Mrs. Hemenway in her pleasing manner briefly outlined bazaar work. | The gucsta matched pieces of fancy work to draw partners for the dainty lunch which doaed a pleasant social Brugger-EUis Wedding. An attractive wedding wan cele­ event. Fifty guests were present. brated at the home of Mr. tint! Mra. Miss Franklyn Dean and Clyde P. A lt « k in « when Miss Nellie M Kill» Stafford were married at Eugene yes­ wit» married to Kilward I.. Hrugger, of terday. Mina Dean is the daughter of Koaalia, Wash., Saturday evening. No- Mr. amt Mrs. D. F. Dean, and has l vent tier 4, 1911. been employe«! aa eompoaitor on the Promptly at 8 o ’clock the bridal Cottage Grove Leader. She bus made party entered to the »train« of Meiulol- many friends during her few month»' solin'» wedding mareti, played by Prof. residence here. Ml. Stafford ia a J. U. Waterhouse. | bookkeeper at lialaey. Kittle Jennings king, dressed in Mrs. N. K. Compton entertained Die pale blue, pieceded the bride, bearing Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist the ring in a while roaebud. church at tier home We«lne»da> a fte r­ The bride, charmingly gowned in noon. About thirty ladies were pres­ pale blue tatfeta with an exquisite l»ce ent and the afternoon was pleasantly drape and carrying a shower tunpiet of spent in games ami social chat. Later white chrysanthemums and ferns, en­ refreshments were served. tered attended by her bridesmaid, Miss Invitations are out announcing the Audra Kliinehart, who ap|i«‘areti in white crepe de chine. The groom wore wtslding o f Miss Vernio Brown ami the usual conventional tdaek and was Clarence Roy Boyd which will lie cele­ attended by l.uther A. kin g o f O. A. brated at the Christian church on Wednesday evening, Nov. 15. c. C A L IF O R N IA is Famous the World O ver For its splendid hostelries, its varied attractions, its tine beaches, hot springs and pleasure resorts all these can be reached with ease bn the Southern Pacific ' Road o f a Thousand Wonder* Route of Shasta Limited Portland to Excursion tickets Costing l os Angeles and Return On sale daily, good six months with stop-overs going or returning. Corresponding low fares from other Oregon points. Call on our Agents for Handsomely Illustrated Literature V.: . San Jcar Lick OUwrvmtory, Santa Cru«, UrI M oair »*aao R o N n Hot S t in u p Santa Harhat.1. l.o» Angrle». I'aaailrna. Long Hcach V rm c * Kivrrantr, Mnllaml- San !>>rgo Thr Old Spanish V is-ion*. Yoarmite NatKinal IMik .ml Big V irr - ami m a n y o th n place* of interest in t h e G oliltil State, or write to WM. WcMl H K O . Gen'l P a s sen g e r kqent Justice of the Peace Alta king ulti- ciated at the ceremony, during which the guests remained standing and joined in singing "B lea t He the Tie That Hinds ” Green and white color scheme was used throughout the living room. The piano and bookcases were banked high with asparagus ferns and white cos­ mos, gracefully interwoven with white wax berries. The doors and windows were arched in ferns and berries. The rooms were lighted with soft yellow shades. A rare old stand of California red wood in circular design was spretitl in one corner o f the room with an exceedingly handsome white lace lunch cloth. This held the wed­ ding cake which was designed and dec­ orated by an intimate friend o f the bride. Ferns and wax berries were arranged around the bottoms of the table to give the appearance of an altar at which place the groom and his at­ tendant arrived d u r i'g the first meas­ ures o f the wedding march to await the conmig of the bride. A ft e r congratulations, the bride started the knife in her cake which was served with bon bons. Prof. Waterhouse furnished instru­ mental music during the evening ami Mra. Waterhouse sang very touching­ ly “ My Wish” to the bride. The bride, who was the valedictorian o f the 1910 graduating clasa of Cottagc Grove high school, was a very popular young lady and the groom is a highly respected and prosperous merchant of Rosalia, Wash., in which place Mr. and Mra. Hrugger will be at home after Nov. 15. Following is a list o f the invited guests: Mr. and Mrs. Kdgar King, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Water- house, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kinter, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. King, Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlen, Mis*es Lulu Currin, Lau­ retta Atkinson, Leah Perkins, Jean Del-ong, Jennie Smith, Audra Rhine- hart, Messrs. Hugh Currin, Henj. C. King. Chas. Heals, and Luther King, Cottage Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Hrugger, Spokane, Wash., and Miss Harriet Hennett, of Bohemia. Some o f the presents received t y the bride w ere: Silver olive fork, Mrs. Edgar K in g ; set o f silver teaspoons, Mrs. Harrison; silver berry spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Waterhouse; silver sugar tongues, Mr. and Mrs. K in ler; antique brass book rack, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. K in g; hand made dower chest, Mr. Chamberlen; silver salad fork and ber­ ry spoon, Misses Currin, Perkins and Mr. Currin; solid silver sugar shell en­ graved, Misses DeLong and Smith; set of silver salad forks, Miss Atkinson and Mr. Heals ; cut glass salt and pep­ per shakes, Henj. C. K in g ; large hand­ painting, Miss Hennet; solid silver bread tray, engraved with the bride's monogram, the g if t o f the groomsman and bridesmaid; solid silver souvenir spoon o f Cottage Grove, Mrs. Job; sol­ id silver cold meat fork engraved, Mr. and Mrs. Alta King. POH II AM). OHI (»OS HEATERS and RANGES of Quality at R e a so n a b le P ric e s We Save You Money on Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Lace Cur­ tains, Trunks and Suit Cases, Tin and Granite- ware, etc. HINTER BROTHERS House Furnishers PHONE 6 NU F-C E D SEE IS ABOUT FARM LOANS BANK O F COTTAGE GROVE *■A G O O D B A N K I N A G O O D T O W N " C A P I T A L S 2 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 IN T E R E S T PAID O N TIM E D E P O S IT S il Just Opened 0. K. Cleaning and Pressing Parlors SUITS MADE TO ORDER Work Called for, Delivered and Executed with Neatness and Dispatch 0. K. CLEANING AND PRESSING PARLORS SPfUY & WOOl f Y, Props. Telephone 57 Ü One Door South of Cottage Grove Creamery Cottage Grove, Oregon Í! The Woman's Club met at the Com­ mercial club rooms Saturday a ft e r ­ noon, Nov. 4, .and opened its first meeting of the season with a large at­ tendance. A fte r answering to roll call by discussion of current events, the members took up the study o f Shake­ speare's, “ The Merchant of Venice” and the afternoon was pleasantly spent in an interesting study o f the leading characters in this historical play. The ladies were much encouraged over the interest manifested at the first meeting o f the club. Officers present w ere: Mrs. J. C. Johnson, president; Mrs. I). Hemenway, vice-president; Mrs. Geo. M. Hall, secretary, and Mrs. H. A. Miller, corresponding secretary. The next meeting will be held at the home o f Mrs. Geo. M. Hall. Tuesday afternoon, November 7, Mesdames, A. W. Kime, A. S. Powell, A. A. Richmond, C. I). Brown, Emma Miller and D. T. Awbrey gave a de­ lightful “ A t Home” at the Christian church to the ladies and friends o f the church. This affair was given in an­ ticipation o f an elaborate bazaar to be given later, and the leading affair of the afternoon was a needle threading contest that caused much merriment, Mrs. Nelson Durham was hostess to the Young Married Ladies' Embroidery Club W’edm-aday afternoon at lift- home. A pleasant time was spent, embroid­ ering and a dainty luncheon followc Hot tor ratios for more money but more for your money than you cun got anywhere else. These Mpeoittl prices will not last and you will have to hurry. W e have the largest and best stock of Photo Goods ever brought to Cottage (»rove, also by far, the Itest equipment. Quality the best. ARMSTRONG & DEAN N O R T H F O U R T H S T .. C O T T A G E G R O V E o ► CHURCH NEWS At the Presbyterian church, Sunday Nov. 12, there will be the usual ser­ vices, as follows: Sunday school ut 10 a. m. Sermon by the pastur, A. S. Mason, at 11 o'clock, subject, " T h e Mission of Suffering.’ ’ Christian En­ deavor society at 6:30, led by Mr. Ernest Wyatt. Evening sermon at 7:110, subject, “ Do it Now, and H e r e ." All will be cordially welcome. Rev. Smith, of Eugene, tilled the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday, Rev. C. E. Wnoley. who had been announced, being unable to come. Rev. Smith proved an entertaining speaker. Rev. A. S. Mason, of the Presbyter­ ian church, preached at Eugene Sunday and reports successful services. The Bible school o f the Methodist church is increasing in attendance ami interest. One hundred and tifty-ffve were present last Sabbath morning, against ninety-three on the same date a year ago. No less than twenty-six were present hi the young |>eoples’ class. One young man was baptist-d during the peoples' popular service in the evening. On Tuesday evening the workers of the Methodist church held four cottaee services at the homes o f Messrs. Handy, Lewis, W ilkinson and Gardner. Delightful seasons of prayer sod praise were enjoyed. Next week more meet­ ing places will be added to this list. Due notice given from the pulpit at the Sabbath gatherings. The workers o f the Methoidst church have in preparation a splendid program for next Sabbath. Public woratnp at 11 with sermon by pastor. Subject: “ Hand-Picked F r u it." This should be of great interest to all orchardista. peoples’ popular service at 7 :3U, Rob­ ert Sutcliffe s|>esks on “ The Question of a Frightened J a ilor." There will be special music at both these gather­ ings. Bible school at 9:46. Glasses for all ages. The Epworth League Devotional meeting at 6 :30 conducted by Ansel Wood. A hearty welcome extended to all. FAKE MAGAZINE AGENTS SWINDLE PUBLIC OUT OF TH EIR MONEY. Remedy Lies in Placing Orders with Local Newsdealers of Known Responsibility. The attention o f the public is called to the numerous “ agents'' working throughout Oregon and the Pacific coast soliciting magazine orders and collect­ ing money in advance. We beg to warn you against these fake canvassers, aa a number o f local peolpe have been victimised, and suggest that to avoid any risk you filacc your orders with the Modern Pharmacy, a responsible busi­ ness house o f your home city, which makes it unnecessary to patronize strangers, who are usually frauds. We ran supply you with any magazine in the world ami giv e as low clubbing rates as anyone or will deliver maga­ zines to you on the day they are re­ ceived and you may pay for them as delivered. We want your patronage ami ask you to favor us as against the strangers. 1-et us have your orders now for single copies or subscriptions. Always at your service, T H E M ODER N P H A R M A C Y . The Kexall Store. Extra copies o f the Sentinel always on hand to send to your eastern friends. Virginia Creeper Is Dangerous. The discovery o f the fact that the Virginia creeper berry is a powerful txic was brought about by the myster­ ious death o f Dr. Alan Welch Smith’s 20-months old ton two weeka ago in Keep the W h e e ls M oving •OMKTHING broken down? Maybe it’s the plough I or the m o w in g machine. W hat's to lx- done ’ !>«-lav means lt>s* T h e nearest supply «U-j► >>t may Iw miles away. U max lx that tii* necessaiy patt can «>nly I k * obtained in some distant city. T h e Hdl Service does the work. T h e tanner gets into quick communication with the deal i and ship­ ment is made without delay. N o wonder the entetprising igniter regards the Hell S n v i c c a s a u essential to success. A re you trying to get along without it It' so, consult our I«« al manager. The ’ Pacific Telephone and ^ Telegraph Company K v e i y H r l l T e l e p h o n e is the C enter of the System. THE WINTER STYLE BOOK <___ 32 Colored Pages 2000 Illustrations of LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS IS N O W ON SA LE Sc if purchased with a ISc pattern That Christmas Present W e offer many suggestions in our Fast Window. Stam peaTow ling and Pillow Cases, Laundry Bags, Pillow Tops, Center Pieces made or brown or white A rt Linen. We have I). M. G. Cotton in all sizes and colors for fancy work. LURCH’S, Cottage Grove FINGAL H IN D S REAL E S T A T E -IN S U R A N C E -L O A N S Improved and Unimproved Farms. Choice Acreage Adjoining Town. Bu.sineHH and Re­ sidence Property for sale. Reference: First National Rank or anyone in Cottage (¡rove. Send for Price List, etc. COTTAGE GROVE, Cortland. The death was attributed to acute bronchitia, but Dr. Smith, who ia a member o f the city health board, waa not satiHfled with the cause given on the death notice. City Milk Cherniat Galloway waa aaked to make an analyaia o f the creeper herry. The milk chem'at fed a dozen o f the berriea to a guinae pig and the animal died 36 houra later, ex- OREGON hibiting all the aymptoma that had been observed in the caaeof the infant. The vomit of the child waa alao ana- I ¡zed and found to contain hundreds o f the minute apicule of the deadly berry. Medical expert» aay that Chemiat Galloway’ s experiment is the first they A know of where a human death haa been ^ known to have resulted from eating the berries o f the plant. .w