Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, November 10, 1911, Image 4

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    QHf* (Cnttagr (Srutir &rtittmd
B E D E & G R A N T . Publisher»
E L B E R T B E D E . Editor
One Y ear.................................................................
Six M onths........................................
Three Months
No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. This rule is imperative.
such reckless throwing together of
coloring. Then will follow the de­
nuding, when the dead leaves will
envelop the earth and give protec­
tion to the tender earth plants,
protection hardly needed in this
balmy clime. The maples and
other tender trees have already
been divested of most of their tbli-
...... tlu . ilim lip r
a^ e ',l 1 t,u l,at 11 r
" ill soon
Thlagi Others Think, and Wh«i We Think
•I ihe Things Others Think
H istory repeats Itself by the gossip
Always luke the correct way of be­
ing right.
Display 16 cents per inch under sixty inches; 12* cents per inch over sixty
inches. Heading notices, 5 cents per line each insertion. W ant ads. I cent («-r
When the jury is “ h u n g '’ the m ur­
word; no ad. less than 16 cents. Kates on position made known on applic
application, follow .
derer isn't.
liven in her denuded state nature The chaste young man is never a
O f f i c e :, F i f t h S t ., S o u t h
o f
P o s t o f f ic e
the attention of the ai- fast one.
A first-class publication entered at C ottage Grove as second class mail m atter. tistic eye. There is a certain The “ fa st” young iiiaii is no credit
_______ A W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R W I T H P L E N T Y O F BA C K B O N E
grandeur—a beauty, if you like— to his rsee.
about even her very barrenness that A sharp is not necessarily a man
impresses the human mind. There w ith good points.
The girl on the silver dollar never
is a kind of indicatoin of dormant guta
power only awaiting the touch of The left nearer
to the truth a lie ia the
the wand of its creator.
more it hurta.
All of this causes those who stop The w o n t oM maid of the bunch ia
in the mad haste of this hustling, the male one.
busy and brief lile to analyze the it lakea Iota of hard eaah to play
Kissing is supposed to have originated with the beginning
that daily surround them to soft on a girl.
of the world. It was probably invented by our male torel<ears as
cogitate on the pigmy j>ower of Love letters often lend to teaching
an effective, affectionate way of keeping their wives from talking.
man as compared to the greater children their ahe’a.
Kissing is not confined to the human species. Animals and
power that “gives to the rosebud Friendship that needs eonatant
birds kiss one another—and we have even heard of sun-kissed
fruit, etc.
whose withered blossoms float tqHJii nursing isn’t worth much.
A kiss is nothing, and yet it has a value. Some young
girl will “ make good” if
the autumn breeze the sweet assur­ she The eun show
ladies have gotten many thousand dollars lor a single one.
ance of another springtim e.” Hu­ G etting even with
Others get husbands with them. The first is getting something
man power cannot do as much. Xet you anywhere. a person does not
for nothing. The latter is an even exchange.
It can take that life, but it can not The man of purta aometimea get« a
A kiss Is invisible, but a wise man will not give another
restore it. It can touch the heart joint dislocated.
man’s wife one —while her husband is looking.
Kisses have absolutely no solidity, but they make an excel­ of the mighty oak and cause it to A well-bred xirl sometimes makes
lent foundation for a happy home.
die, but can not even invoke nature m ighty poor biscuits.
to renew that life. Nature can You always feel bad when you have
If it is sinful to kiss, we don’t want to go to heaven.
make to grow in the crevice of a to call a doctor.
When your best girl dout want your kisses, don't let her
fool you into believing she has sworn off. She is lieing supplied
crag, without apparent means of A person who is always prvinx into
sustenance, a tree that man with your business is a bore.
Kisses are one of the girls' natural resources, but few of caretul nursing can not cause to A love affair ia not so serious until
them are in sympathy with the governm ent’s propaganda for the
grow under more favorable condi­ after you are m arried.
conservation of natural resources.
It's a wise man who can estim ate his
A kiss is the only article of exchange that is not affected in
worth correctly.
value by supply and demand.
No one susceptible to his sur­ Your
particular friends may not be
If kisses were worth a penny apiece we would all marry
roundings can help but lie impressed so p articular—about theirs.
by these manifestations of a ¡niwe A thorouxhly educated physician un­
Physicians and scientists are trying to scare us by finding
greater than ours and dwell for a derstands many tongues.
all manner of germs in kisses, but who would be a coward iu the
upon the thought: “ lake I t ’s funny why a sensible w om an'
presence of his best girl.
or the oak whose leaves wants to keep her love letters.
Girls shut their eyes when they kiss—probably so that they
shall fade, be scattered around ami “ References exchanged” will s«s»n
can’t see any reason for not kissing.
he a regular part of the m atrim onial
together l>e laid.
Kisses can perform some wonderful and miraculous things.
Used by a woman in conjunction with few tears they will
The m erchant’s ship will never
A new wrinkle in Governor come
melt any man s heart without disturbing the functions of the
in unless he keeps making sales. ;
body. Many a woman has used this same combination to pry
W est’s honor system is lieing tried The man who doea the same thing in
open her hubby’s poeketbook.
near Medford, where 27 honor men the sam e old way day after day is
A man kissed in Cottage Grove by a sweet bunch of dimples
have lieen sent to spend the winter m erely doing time.
and sunshine will suddenly find himself transported to Paradise.
working on the Crater Lake road. “ None but the brave deserve the
A few kisses judiciously distributed, gives a 130-pound bach­
The men are entirely unguarded, fa ir” but there is no danger of any
elor sufficient patience to hold a 150-weight on his knees from 10
and have erected their own winter o ther kind getting ’em.
p. m. to 2 a. m. w ithout complaining.
The messenger hoy is one of the
A mother’s kisses have saved many a man from hell, while j quarters and camps. Residents in coming
the district near where the work is arriving. young men who is a long time-
a young lady’s kisses have made thieves of as many more.
lieing done were a little huffy at
Kisses are the only stolen goods about which there is no
man thinks that it is he who
teroubl in getting returned.
first about having such a large ia Every
helping to keep up the average of
number of convicts quartered in the human race.
their midst, but no complaint has The college man who is em inently
successful would have survived any­
T A F T ’S POSITION ON TRU STS making and iu my judgm ent give been heard of lately.
Those who have been criticizing definite meaning to the statute.
Som etim es a man succeeds by trying
President Taft and accusing him of They are these, and you will find SHOULD HAVK A
to live up to the things his wife tells
flaeent, flabby and dilatory tactics them if you will search: 'T hat any
the neighbors about him.
in dealing with the trusts, espe­
One of the greatest educational There are a lot of people who enjoy
cially those who have insinuated with the purpose and effect of stif­ factors common to this great coun­ doing their duty when the grandstand
that he has associated cheek by ling or suppressing competition, try of ours is the lyceum course. is crowded.
jowl with the malefactors of great controlling prices or establishing a Lecturers, singers, elocutionists, The worst ever is not to he able to
the thing th a t you can’t afford
wealth, should have been greatly monopoly is in violation of the musical organizations, etc., of na­ afford
pleased with bis recent utterances statute'.
tional fame and reputation are
reason woman apiiears so well
in the east, when w ithout cant and *T say that the supreme court brought to your city at a very is The
because there is nothing hut man to
with simple candor he made his put into the law' its purpose. I am nominal figure, seldom costing as com pare her with.
position on this all-im portant sub­ talking with men who understand much as two dollars for a course He who works without ho|>e of re­
ject so plain that there is no mis­ business; I am talking to intelli­ ticket to course consisting of four ward will always have a job.
gent men who know what I am to six 'numbers.
understanding it.
W orry weara you out w ithout ac- *
about when I say that men Every city has need of something cornpliahing anything.
He did not piffie, he did not
mince words. R ight in the stam p­ know whether they intend to stifle of this sort, Cottage Grove among M easure your neighbor's failings
ing grounds of the octopus, in competition, establish a monopoly the rest, and while it is probably w ith the golden rule.
When you sec a man looking for
plain view of its lair, at a banquet or control prices.’
too late for this city to make any trouble
“ I favor federal incorporation, such arrangements for this winter, for help. keep your ears open for a cull
given by its minions, he said:
“ Only one course isopen, gentle­ but that is no reason for repealing u nQt tQO early to , ^ in working A woman never thinks a man is as
men. I say with all the sincerity this statute. Let us enforce the up sentiment lor something of the mean as he knows he is.
No man ia mi honest that he won’t
at my command that we are going statute; let the trusts then go into a sort next winter.
to have individualism and freedom federal incorporation act, and re­ The courses are uplifting, educa­ offer an excuse for a m istake he has
from these combinations which sup­ ceive the protection they are en­ tional and furnish a kind of amuse­ made.
man is one who does
press competition or else we are titled to if they follow the law.”
ment that is beyond criticism. All not An sw eccentric
ear off from som ething on New
going to a point where the people
persons supplied by the lyceum Y ear’s.
will demand that privilege which ° rinKs oi a weak-minded, trucu- bureaus are platform people who A woman is not so easily satisfied af­
these men exercised shall be no | lent- vacillating official trimming have been tried by them or others ter m arriage as she was when she ac­
cepted you.
longer exercised by them but shall his sa,ls for the ”ext campaign, and found not wanting.
be transferred to the government. | Rather docs U show the man who Cottage Grove has enough peo­ Keduced price on building paper;
Then we will have socialism.
defended the tariff in the hotbeds ple whose tastes lean toward this blue, green, red and grey, 17, 2», 25
“ I know that I am speaking of so-called insurgency , told Wy- kind of entertainment to make and IK) pounds, 500 sipmre feet to the
against the leaning of most of these wmin* WQo1 *rowers that the wog1 such a course not only feasible but roll. Lawson’s Faint Store.
gentlemen b u ll caruiot help it. j tariff should be reduced and dared profitable.
The law is on the statute books and !to veto two tarifI bilIs that the ^
I believe it to be a just law. The ple were clamoring for. He is rad­ President Taft has just com­
law must lie enforced, and stifling ically wrong when he does not pleted the longest “swing around
of competition, establishment of agree with us, but it is absurd to the circle” ever undertaken by a
monopolies and controlling prices call William Howard a coward.
president. He traveled over 15,-
must cease or we must deliver it to
000 miles.
----------------------- =
the gentlemen who have it in their N A TU RE IN ALL HER G L O R Y .;
V. Shelby, daughter
hands to run the entire business of
governor, General
the country or take the £nal step
all the world to see. And it is Joseph Lane, died last week at Port-
and have a socialistic reptiblic.
“The Sherman law- has been on worth seeing. The summer garb land at the age of 81.
the statute books for tw enty years. of green is being changed for one
It has been construed and con­ of gold, yellow and red. All three About five Barkises have so far
strued by the supreme court. colors are jumbled up in an unhar- been mentioned for Congressman
When on the bench m yself I have monious harmony that is” pleasing Hawley’s seat in the national legis-
had opportunity to consider its pur­ to the eye. No human hand lature- ________________
pose and effect. The- two decisions would dare attempt to, nor could it Send your Sentinel to Eastern
rendered last spring, were epoch- if it dared, bring harmony out of friends after you have read it.
a L. Churchill Phone .'{5 T. E. A been**
Fverythinq New and
Churchill A A bee ne. Prop«.
Makes regular trip« to Bohemia
postoffice every Monday, Wedneaday
and Friday. Leave« from W eatSide
Feed and Livery Barn.
«su i mi mm
We are Talking—
A ll the Tim e!
Come in anil Hear the
S|H*il wt* (live ’em.
Griffin & Veatch Co.
“Just l ike the Last You Sent Me”
is a phrase constantly used by ladies who come her«* for their
groceries and table luxuries. That proven that what we sent
must have given satisfaction grid that is what we propose to
have go with every order. "Peerless quality at popular
prices" is the motto which should induce you to give us a
trial order.
For you get more real comfort for your money thun is usually
given. City Hall, Court House, City Library, Art Museum,
Post Office, Theatres, Department Stores, Commission
Houses and Business District surround this home-like hotel.
Special rates to parties of two or more.
4th and Alder Sts.,
Portland, Oregon
T h li I* tbe u ii« e f e beeullful ( « pafft beob. wblcb
w ill «how any boy er ftr ) bo-w to I0C C IID . Drop a
poaial la tbt mau TODAT and it w ill ba teat r a n .
Tbe alm ef tbe C o li»*» |« Wo d lfe lfy and popularli*
tb » Industrie*, and to eerve ALL tb « peepfa. It offen
cou r«»» la Affrlculture. Civil In fln »»r ta * . U ecU U al
Englneei-lac ■ecbanlcal En*lo»»rlB>. HlaUff Kaffla.
«•rlac. P orotry, Domeitlo. toleaee and Art, Cem
merce, Fbarmacy and Huile. Tbe QeUeffe ep ea «
September aid. Catajef free.
C0LLEQI, CorvaUl«. Or«*oa
¡¡T d
Come in and list your property with us.
We are having many inquiries from
prospective purchasers from all parts of
the United States and Canada. If you
want to sell, buy or trade, be sure and
come in and see us.