Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, November 10, 1911, Image 2

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Fattening Should Ba Pushed to Get
Them In Proper Condition to Mar­
ket In Early November.
Different Treatment Is Required From
That Given to Oths- Fowls,
Especially Chickens.
Fattening shoata should be pushed
An authority ou ducks says that
forward rapidly, so as to be In condi­
they require different care from other
tion to market early tn November
fowls, and especially chickens
Chart« In Possession of Mexican« In­ The late fall and the first
same care and fet'd that will produce Started His Farm With Only Sevan
of the Creepers— How Ha Got
month Is the best time to sell fat
dicate W h «r« 9SO.OOO.OOO May Ba
good results with chickens are not
Shoats on grass pasture
Going and What Hs’s Doing
good for ducks, says a writer In the
Found In Red H ill« of
should have In addition a good rich
Rsltlraore American.
They require
In tha Business.
slop night and morning
Make the
vegetables, animal matter and a good
supply of green food, as well as plen­
Puyallup. Wash
lly selling toads
Hot Spring», Ark.— No quest for a slop thick. One-half bushel of heavy
Peter Arcadgevltch Stolyplu, toe
ty o f water for drinking purpoaes, for use In killing Insects, Hiram Potts
t>ag of gold at the end of a rainbow mill feed and one half bushel of w heat 1
Russian premier, who was assassinat­
where they are not allowed to run of this part of the state la tanking ns
waa ever «o eagerly pursued as 1« bran and one quart of flaxseed meal. I
ed. was noted throughout the courts
to a stream. They are good layers much money na many grail) farmers.
the hunt for the lost Spanish silver mixed with 40 gallons of water, will
of Europe ns a courtier and a master
when fed and handled right, and na a Potts was engaged In tha growing of
mine In Arkansas, today. Thousand« make a rich slop. One quart of tank
of ceremonies
Despite his courtly
seller on the market, the duck U In vegelshies for market for years
o f dollars are being squandered, and
bearing and the great love the czar
good demand.
was troubled with thn cucumber bee­
It 1« not the dreamer«, the Illiterate Add the tankage to the slop when :
bore for him, Btulypln, It can be salil
The Indian Runner duck Is not In­ tle eating the life out of cucumbers,
o r the soldiers of fortune who lead ready to feed to the shoats.
safely, was the most hated man In all
clined to fatten so readily ns other melons nnd squash plants
the vain search for 180.000.000, but tankage should not be put Into the ;
A letter
Russia. To the people of Russia he ,
Its name originated from to (he department of ngrlrulturn sug­
bankers, wealthy planters and even barrel of slop, as It decomposes
was known principally ns the man who
Only a small ;
the fact that this duck has a running, gested tunny things which fulled
Vnlted States senators are Interested. quickly when wet.
by his wholesale executions ami drum- I
rather than a waddling motion
In elderly woman told hltn to put some
Mysterious charts In the possession quantity of oil meal and tankage
head courts-martial sen! over the laud
color, It Is n light brown, or fawn toads In the patch, which he «ltd Th<»
o f Mexicans furnish the foundation for should be given, too much will sur- i
the expression, "Stolypln's necktie,”
sha«le, nnd gray
At the Joining of difficulty of ohtnlnlng toads was great
the lure of the phantom silver and fe lt—and may produce a looseness of
as a synonym tor the hangman's
the head nnd bill there Is n narrow and It was through it friend In Beatila
so much has been discovered that the bowels which would In all probability
I H ath sentences and exeou
hand of white The legs are orange that he acquired his stock They were
most skeptical, after looking upon the last for several days. A fter the slop
tlons were reported dally from his of
In carriage It la erect, with a long, found In a manhole lu the city sewer
excavations at Redding In the Otark
lice, without the slight« i-t comment or ;
narrow laxly, well elevated In front system
mountains. Is forced to confess there be given. Cut the corn up and feed
word of explanation
fo ld grim tig
and cloa«'ly feathered. The neck Is
w ill probably be disclosures of treas­ the entire stalk. Good food, regular­
’oils made |»eta of the seven loads
tires alone made known the work of i
ity and constant care must be contin­
long and slender and the head rather
u«-pt them In his cave until spring,
ures before the work Is completed
the hangman.
day after day.
tn j n „ p|nc#><| them
In hl»
For 15 years excavations have been
Tw o utteiupts before that which r«v fiai. The bill Is long nnd broad
Oats ground with an equal quantify
under way at the Redding hillside. Mil­
suited In his death were made on hi* dlan Runner ducks are becoming n ! patches and was not troubled with In-
Neighbors became Interested
lions of cubic yards of earth have been o f old corn Is a favorite food with
He had nut long been a mem­ popular breed and this Is because of
their great rapacity for laying eggs
removed, but the entrance to the vault some, and preference Is for middlings
nnd offerad to buy loads for Ihelr
ber of the cabinet as minister of the
Pskln ducks are great layers, hut nudo» farms
which Is supposed to contain the hid­ and bran slop with the addition of a
l'ulta In this way lav
Interior when the revolutionists blew
of no account as mothers, conse­ came engaged In (ho unique traffic,
den treasure has not yet been reached. little oil meal and tankage. Old corn, j his house almost to pieces. Injuring his little girl so that she
Is crippled tor (
Tw o skeletons which are said to be when hard and dry. should be soaked life
W eaker men than he would have retired. at least for a time, from the quently If they cense laying nnd re and. lenrnlng the worth of tils l'eia,
the remains of a man and woman who a few hours before feeding. A little policy which had engi-ndered the attack, but not Btolypln. He stuck to th«- i main on the nest, shut them up. feed ; he fenced them off and has been deal­
were killed In the trench leading to new corn fed daily until a few weeks course he had outlined and dared the revolutionists snd assassins to do their i them well for a few days and when ing them out In gross lots
Farmers raising vegetables and
the vault have been found
A piece before It Is time to market and then worst. Several times It was announced that his reign as minister of Uiu lu they are turned loose they will soon
begin to lay again. If one does not grapes In the Irrigated sections o f
o f black quartx. entirely foreign to A r­ old corn and rich slop will give the terlor was at an end. but he kept the portfolio Just the same.
kansas. was also discovered as an­ greatest weight of pork for food con­
Btolypln was a marvel of physical energy. S o problem was too great for i car© for eggs later than the summer Washington and Oregon hnve henrd
other guide to the vault. Now Mexi­ sumed. Have a roomy shed, clean, dry him to assume. He curried a heavier official burden than any statesman of months, the ducks may be picked, the of Potts* tonds and this year he bus
cans declare charts In their possession pasture, an abundance of pure water Europe. His dally Ilf««, front which he never varied, was a model tor the ottl- j feathers being n source of consider­ sent them to hundreds of farms
Indicate that a dozen more skeletons and a plentiful supply of wood ashes clals of St Petersburg. In sou.e cases he tempered the exercise of his au- ( able profit, whether kept for one’s
I I « g«'ta $5 per gross for tonds 1
will be found near the entrance of or charcoal, mixed with a little salt. thcrlty with humanity and in other cases packed courts and sunrise execu­ own use or sold, but the ducks must yenr old and over
Ills supply will
be picked during the period eggs un­ never run low. ns It Is said a fermilo
the vault, these of men who assisted The eight or ten months’ old shoats tions spelled the end of whoever disputed him or the emperor.
toad will lay a million eggs annually.
In closing the vault and then refused o f the small breeds, properly fatted,
Throughout his political life he played the dual role of murderer and hu­ wanted
For (hose who have never had sue
Mnny enemies kill half of the young
to take an oath o f secrecy. At one are wanted by the retail butchers that manitarian
T o those whom he condemned he was the hangman, but to lit««
time the Mexican government offered supply the hotels and larger boarding enemies of those he condemned he was n great humanitarian who lived for cess with the common ducks. I must ones nnd half o f the remainder dio
Well-fed shoats make the Russia. He ruled as the will o f a cowardly monarch made hltn. In the offi­ sny try the Pekin nnd »©«• how much from other causea
Potts k«'eps tils
a reward of $20,000,000 for the discov­ houses.
ery o f the hidden treasure which is best quality of pork. It Is fine-grained, cial life of Russia he will forever be known as the courtier. Hut to the peo­ easier they are to raise nnd care for toads on his own premises by a foot
still a stimulus to greater effort in sweet, with small bone; even the fat ple of the lower classes there w ill be one synony m for the dead premier, and U w lfr i. they make a fine roast for high boari! fastened to the fem e posts.
quite n good sized family and are ex­ Toads cannot Jump over tho finit
tearing down the red hills of Arkan­ Is delicious. Butchers will gladly pay that will be. “ Stolypln's necktie.”
cellent eating The feathers, too. are board
sas. Twenty-five years ago Mexicans an extra price for such pork. They
of the best, making beautiful pillows
Toads devour ants, sow hugs, spid­
used to camp each year near the red will come and buy the hogs at the
and beds for those of us who are old ers. caterpillars, plant
lire, celery
hills and frequently low blasts were farm. W e have never had any trouble
fnshloned enough to Ilka a largo, soft worms, ffles, beetles, gnats, wasps and
heard. It Is believed they may have In selling all the shoats and fat pigs
feather bid in « Inter
hundreds of other destructive bugs
carried away the treasure years ago we had ready to m arket
Thomas E. Knotts, mayor of Gary,
and Insects
T t d r value Is Just be­
and are now profiting by the Ignor­
Ind., the steel trust's "M agic C ity ,’
ing lennieil In the Northwest and this
ance of Americans.
has been arrested tor the ulleged tak­
load fnrm of li l ’otta n»«y become of
Almost every kind of relic In the
ing of a bribe of $5.ou0 from T. 8.
way of ornament, flint weapon or Everything Depends Upon the Adapt I Jean, who was endeavoring to get the
West Virginia Farmer Puts In Sys­ nntlonal fame for Ita beetleeating
earthern cooking utensil has been un­
tem, With Assistance of Cement,
city lathers of Gary to give him. In
ability of the Man. as In Every
Tonds are harmless nnd do most o f
earthed by the diggers, but the only
That Will Last Forever.
behalf of his company, a beating fran­
Other Line of Business.
their eating during dawn nnd dusk and
Implement which could have been
"M ayor Tom ,” as Knotts is
used In excavating so far discovered
Cement or concrete le being used are rarely se«*n tn dayllghL
called, denies the charge of bribery
fB y DR. C. D. S. M E A D .)
has been a bar o f Iron somewhat re­
The keeping of Bheep profitably de­ and says that the whole thing Is a
I for nearly everything. It la now b<-
sembling a crowbar.
pends upon two highly Important "frame-up.” He avers a base plot has
i lng used In Uie construction of drain
things. First, the one who cares for been hatched to get him and his aider-
them must be a lover of sheep; and. men out of office, a plot to blacken bis
A reader at Exchange. W
V a . Wrist Broken and Arm Dislocated,
more than this, he must be free from good name.
i writes the department of agriculture
Man Was Hard Pressed When
laziness, and must not consider It a
j that he Is making four and six Inch
Dictagraphs, such as were used at Co­
Fashionable Resort in Minneapolis, hardship to get out of a warm bed at lumbus, O . to get evidence ngalnst
; tile quite successfully out of cement
Minn., Closed When Husbands
1 o’clock on a cold night and go to the bribed members of the Ohio legisla­
| He had the molds mad© by a tinner
Cheyenne, W yo
Battling with a
Complain of W ives’ Losses.
sheep barn anu look over the flock to ture. were used In Gary to gel evi­
This farm has nn open ditch, or n mountain lioness nnd her two cubs,
see whether some ewe has not given dence against the runyor as well as
small creek, of 100 rods or
«fore, after one wrist hnd been broken and
Minneapolis, Minn.— An ultra-fash­ birth to a lamb which needs to get against seven other officials. All these
running diagonally down through the his arm dislocated, C
Garnetl, a
ionable gambling house, like those con­ Its fill of milk before it perishes
He officials are alleged to have sought
! bottom land. Not only was this a car timber contractor,
fought with the
ducted in frontier days, has been must not be afraid to soil his hands bribes ranging from $1,000 to $10,000
I rler for plant food nnd soli
thni blasts until Charles R Smith. Ms
closed by the police, after running for In handling a new born lamb
He from Dean for the purpose of putting
| washed from the hill nnd higher assistant, came up with a rifle and
several weeks, during which time hun­ must be a man who is constantly his franchise through the council.
| grounds on (he fnrm, hut It wns a killed (ho mother Mon. (he tw«i young
dreds of women have squandered their studying his flock to see If some one Dean claims the mayor demanded $5,-
j nutsnnre In many other ways It pre ones ©nraplng Into the mountains
money in the place. A society woman of them does not reed a little doctor 000 to sign the franchise after It bad passed the council. The mayor signed, | vented the level land from being laid
The fight look place In the moun­
ran ft.
lng with the shears in removing tag and, after the signing, officers found $5,000 In an envelope In a pigeonhole tn off In desirable farming
It tains near Estabronk. Unexpectedly
The street in front of the house was locks, or needs to be put where It ran his desk at the city hall.
| caused much turning In plowing the Gnrn«‘ tt rnmo upon Ih© lioness, play­
constantly lined with limousines and get a little better feed than the flock
Mayor Knotts went to Gary "broke" four years ago, living In a rude hut i land on either side nnd it required a ing with h«r rubs.
Before he had
town cars of the rich women of Min­ is receiving. Second, he needs to be on the sand wastes. Today he Is rated a millionaire and lives In ono of Gary's ' grant deal of work to cut the woods time lo prepare himself for the at-
All sorts of games were a man well versed in sheep lore to finest homes.
along Ita hanks
In short. It was an taek, the animal sprang nt him
played, 60 the police say. The clos­ tell a good sheep from a poor one.
; eyesore that the owner determined to first blow broke the wrist of Gar­
ing of the house was brought about and to select for himself a flock that
nett's right hand, nnd the second toro
' remove.
by the wrath of a well to do grocer are strong and uniform In age and
The tinner made a set of 24-lnrh his shoulder, ns well as dislocated
of the city, who discovered that his size; then study their needs In food
; molds that made a tiling of 24 Inches tils arm.
w ife had lost
considerable money and care and strive to meet th«-m. In
But with his left hnnd ho managed
The new constitutional president of In diameter, not Including the walls,
stead of striving to feed and care for i
Portugal, Dr. Manuel Arriaga, has a and for a few weeks he turned out to draw his revolver and fire several
The husband said his w ife was mak­ them as cheaply and with as little care ;
hard task before him. When the re­ some of these big tiles. They were shots nt the angry begst
ing Inroads on the family funds to as possible. Lastly, he must take j
public was proclaimed In Octobrr, eighteen Inches long and It required assistant. Smith, was close by. nnd,
such an extent that be was unable to pride In his business. The world over. ,
1910, a provisional government was a barrel of cement to make four of hearing the sound of the struggle,
ran to tho rescue
and killed tho
meet his bills. He said he had heard whenever or wherever we find sheep j
established and, beset by reactionary them or six feet.
tendencies on every side. It found dif­
that other women players were doing owners doing this, we find them mak
As a result the ditch wns closed nnd lioness
ficulties In maintaining Itself.
The n drain made -that will Inst forever.
the like and their husbands were com­ ing a success of the business, and j
monarchists were active In undermin­
He declared his w ife had whenever or wherever we find owners j
ing Its stability and many of the re­
lost as much as $70 in a single sitting. of sheep who think they can keep |
Hand Fed Calf.
publicans who aided tn the overthrow
He said that when the card games sheep on a lazy man's line of doing
the calf Is to be reared by Southern *’WMte Msn's” Infatuation
were over the women were Invited
for Pretty Mulatto Gets Him In­
their support of the republic because j hand. It may be sepnra’ i-d from Its
to buy tickets that entitled them In a on any old thing they happen to have
to Trouble.
disappointed In obtaining the sweets mother Immediately or allowed to stay
chance In raffles of hand-painted china a surplus of. regardless of Its being
suitable food for sheep or not. we find j
Bpnrtnnsburg — l/ive for n mulatto
or other goods.
Not long since the National Assem- find It better, to allow the youngster girl, who would not hnve a white man
no large profit In the business. Thus, '
bly chose a new president and adopted
you see. my friend, wherein the differ
as a suitor, caused C M l-ovo. who
a constitution. The choice for presl- | mother for a few limes and then sep- has been panning as a white man. to
ence lies. It can all be summed up j
Tho first admit that he was a n< gro
d«’Bt, I)r. Arriaga, Is popular, put 1 nrate them permanently
In one word, adaptability.
The ad­
whether this popularity will remain milk direct from the fresh cow Is of mission resulted In his being sen­
Dane Grabbed
Youth and
after he Is In office long enough to the right temperature nnd possesses tenced to pay a line o f $100 or serve
Dragged Him Through Street
More About the Calf.
mqke enemies Is nnoth«-r question. ! food qualities of the right sort * to 30 days In the chain gang.
of Washington, Pa.
There are a few simple rul©s to fob 1
Meantime the supporters of the exiled start tho digestive organs of (ho In
lg>v» had been In Spnrtnnsburg only
low In growing calves on skim milk. '
King Manuel are active both In Por­ fant rnlf In good working order. It a short time. He Ims the facial char-
Washington. Pa.—Grabbing Charles The milk must be sweet; It must be
O'Rrien, aged eleven years, by the as warm as the mother’s milk and
tugal and outside its borders nnd nt
tuterlstlcL of n Caucasian, straight
thigh, a Great Dane dog belonging care must be exercised not to feed the present time Portuguese troops are belrg employe«] to repel a possible allow It to remain with the cow for black hair nnd n mustache. Ills dark
to a prominent physician,
dragged too much of It. Tl.ere are many more Invasion by monarchists from the Hpanlsh province of Galicia. That there I h one or two days, ns some think When complexion would readily pass lor
him through the streets of the city calves injured by being fed too much discontent of a widespread ord«;r In Portugal seems certain and It requires a It Is removed It can be taught to sunburn. He applied for a room anil
drink milk ns easily as when It Is board In the home of n white family,
this week and came near tearing the skim milk than there are by not hav- strong rnan to stem the’ tide and popularize the republic.
only a few hours old.
thigh muscles from his leg.
and was accepted without question.
lng enough. Four quarts at a feed 1
The O'Brien youth was on his way tw ice per day Is sufficient for the 1
The white persons with whom ho tffis
to the store when the animal attacked average-sized calf for the first month.
associated on terms of equality nru
Ducks Best In Winter.
him. He tried to beat the brute off. Add a spoonful of ground flaxseed to
Tho duck generally lays at night. highly Indignant.
but could not. Terror-stricken people each feed and teach the calf to cat a
The recent appointment of Frederic
It thrives host on soft, succulent food.
beat the beast over the head with little corn meal as soon as possible. W. Taylor as director of agriculture
Uncle Sam Is "Slow Pay.”
Strong, vigorous birds can be suc­
umbrellas, but failed to cause him Corn Is the most economical food to for the Philippine Islands, recalls the
Denver, Colo.— Forty six years after
cessfully bred at four yenrs of age.
to relax and finally the police were balance a ration containing so much career of one of the most Interesting
Properly fed. at eight weeks of ngo, he had put In a claim against tho
called. , It was nearly ten minutes skim milk. Feed shelled corn as soon personalities associated with the de­
green ducks will weigh nine pounds government for $2.31, James B. Earl,
before they pulled the dog away from as the young calf will digest It well.
velopment of agriculture. For this la
to the pHlr. At ten weeks they should a veteran of the Civil war. received
the lad and managed to drive him
the same Mr. Taylor who made a
weigh ten to eleven pounds to the ¡Ills money. As tho government pays
world-wide reputation as superintend­
pair. The best prices for green ducks no Interest. Earl’» check, which he re-
Plant Mulberries Now.
are given about May 1. Then the ! solved recently, was for the exact
Plant mulberry seed In rich ground. ent of agriculture at the Bt. l» u ls ex­
the »mount he claimed on August HI, 18115.
A Permit to Cough Granted.
price gradually declines, until
They will grow this year large enough position, and who has been prominent­
Denver, Colo.— Ole Sklnden, a vic­ to plant out next spring. In two years ly Identified with the agricultural ex­
month of July, Roasting ducks sell when he was mustered out of the
Union army. At thnt lime his pay
tim of asthma, who came here for his they commence to bear. Set a few hibitions at nearly every American
best In winter.
-heck was short $1 fiO. and hls cloth­
health from New York, appeared be­ mulberry trees In a cherry orchard exposition of any importance, from
ing allowance 71 cents
Earl served
fore the health officer and requested or strawberry patch, as birds prefer the Irrigation of arid lands to the
Rich Hen Manure.
and lalor
a permit to cough in Denver streets. mulberries to cherries, also mulber­ reclamation of the swamp lands of the
The hen furnishes a manure rich In
Hereafter when Ole begins to cough ries are a good poultry food. From south.
nitrogen, and to get the most benefit with the Fifth Iowa cnvnlry.
Mr. Taylor’s appointment to his new
he’ll have his permit handy to shove 190 to 200 hens have lived without
out of it there should also bo applica­
W hy Mrs. Bain Went to Reno.
In the face of the first policeman who other food from three to five weeks post Is especially merited, for few
tions of phosphnte and potash. Wood
York.— Asserting tliRt
disturbs him.
from the fruit of eight mulberry phases of agricultural development
ashes will supply the potash, but wood
are unknown to him. A horny-flsted
nshes nnd hen manure should never
farmer himself, born In Iowa, he long
Suicide Follows a Whipping.
be mixed beforo they are applied. lor silk socks alone, while she Is al­
Cleveland, Ohio.— Heart-broken be­
Practical Culling.
Knlnlt will also supply potash and lowed less than $150 for her entire
cause her father had used a strap In
The practical ecg producer will con­ as a most capable student and writer
can bo mixed with the manure. It hav wardrobe. Mrs. George Bain of Han
disciplining her, Miss Mollie Lechner, sider his flock and cull according to In the advancement of practical agri­
Ing a tendency to conserve the nm -, w ' W Cftl • f,,rm,,r|V Miss Florence
seventeen years old, drank poison. hla knowledge of the Individual egg culture.
monla. Lime should never be mixed Grange, has gono to Reno, Nov., and
.Forty-five minutes later she was dead. record of hla hena.
The government may well expect under his supervision a most substan­ with the manure.
, ,led » “ «*
tial development of agricultural resources In the Philippines.
Ivi A V O R U N D E R I N V E S T I G A T I O N
P O R T U G A L ’S N E W P R E S I D E N T