» « (Sultane (Srnue dentine! COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1911 Volume VI GROVE IS ON THE LINE ANOTHER ELECTRIC PROMISES TO BUILD SOON. > ì f • BOYS NEED TROUNCING. Much indignation has been aroused umong ettixenx o f the city by the wanton destruction o f three young Line from Eugene to Ashland Must maples on the high school campus. During the bonfire and jollillcution Make Cottugc Grove. last Friday evening, some o f the boya ■ Station. In attendance deliberately rut wide ring* clear uround three o f the maple 1 4 >ttu gi* U rovs’s prospects for nil trees. electric road net brighter every day. The trees were planted at consider­ With a g«axl poaalbiMly o f the Oregon able expense, are about three years of Klee trie coming aoon, announcement ia age and would have in time Itcen hand­ made o f the incorporation o f another some and beautiful shade trees. It company with a capital o f $2,0 to may be that by proper treatment they Out Id from Eugene to Aahland and rosy lie saved, as the hearts have not other valley citiea. The name o f the been cut into, but if the lads who |ier- new company ia the Oregon Southern. pctrnlcd the deed were known there is The Incorporatura are J. Arnold no doubt but that they would receive Doyle, of Spokane; II. M. Far ran, of I many severe lectures on what consti­ lioiae, and Charlea Radebaugh, of tutes criminal mischief. One or two I'orning, Gallf. According to the ar- citizens even Client so far as to suy that tic lea filed with the secretary o f atate they wouldn't hesitate to swear out at Olympia the purpose la to construct warrants for their arrest. a railroad from Ashland, Ore., to Med­ The Sentinel understands that as yet ford, to Jacksonville, to Grants I'aaa, ! the names o f those who committed (in­ to Eugene and to Fort Orchard with deed huve not been divulged. liranrhea into California and in Oregon. The three lncor|>oratore with George Wanted— Left-Handed Cows. Godfrey and George E. Hooa compose Farmer I-cw A . Cates is looking for the (irat board of trustee*. j left-handed cows, so 'tis said by his This may he considered the second i friends, who aver that his first attempt link in the electric chain which is to : to puil a bovine from the wrung aide unite Fort land and San Francisco, the ended disastrously, resulting in an ir­ tirat link Portland to Eugene now being rigation o f terra tirma witii the lacteal rushed to completion, it ia one o f the I fluid and the muaaing up o f Lew 's absolute certainties o f the next few uvoirdu|>oia. Gales finds farm ing very years that an electric line ia to be one 1 different in many res|M-cts from editor­ o f the great development factors along ial work, but under the efficient su|ier- the entire route between Oregon's me­ ! intendency o f Mrs. Gates he is said to tropolis and the metropolis o f C alifor­ i be improving ranidly. nia. SHOW BRINGS RESULTS § READY FOR BIG LAUGH BIG M IN S T R E L M IR T H SHOW TO FR0V0KER. _______ Pu n gen t Local lokes by * End Men W ill B ring Teara of Joy to the O • Ü E yes. BE distinct impression," said D. C, Free­ man, chairman o f the valley delega­ tion, who has returned from the shuw. "Dura was the only non-irrigation display for homeat-ekers,” Mr. F ree­ man added, "and, as it occupied the largest floor o f space among exhibitors, relative to a single district, visitors to the show went away with a corrected impression about agricultural Western Oregon. There are thousands in the Middle West who think that the greater part o f the west is under irri­ gation. And there are muny o f these who do not care to consider farming or intensive horticultural cultivation under the conditions an arid section imposes. By the system o f illustrated travelogues and personal interviews splenJid exploitation waa secured for the country south o f Portland. Many hundreds o f definite prosjicclive set- tiers o f definite comfortable means have been secured for the W illam ette valley, and there are those who will come between now and next April. " A s one o f the incidental results o f the W illam ette valley pxploitation, it is gratifyin g to record that wc educated u lot o f buyers where to come for the incomparable Royal Anne and other cherries for high-class trade. "Nebraskans are buying the evapor­ ated loganberry, cherry and the prune direct from valley dealers. M ere’s one illustration: A Lincoln man and neighbors send here for 100-pound boxes o f W illam ette valley prunes, the product being better than is offered on the Omaha market. He pays $10.55 for this quantity laid down, for the household use, and Saves about 40 per cent o f what he would have to pay dealers there for an inferior q u a lity ." The Antlers' Minstrel show, which comes off on the 15th and Kith at A r­ mory hall w ill be the biggest ami best thing in its line ever pulled olf in this man's town. liurnl cork artists, who have been drilling for weeks, have a line o f pun­ gent, pithy jokes, |iertinent to local people and events that w ill cause face splitting smiles. You simply won't lie able to control your mirth. You will laugh till you cfy, and the management has gone to great ex|>eime to cover the ftoor with three-veneer oilcloth so that the salty, lachrymal water w ill not in­ jure the tloor. F ifty attendants, pro­ vided with mop« and buckets w ill en­ deavor to keep the door as dry as |x>s- aible, but all those who plan on attend­ ing are advised to wear rubber liootn and slickers. There w ill lie two hours o f solid fun. except when vour sides ache from laughing. Hilly. Charlie, W inter and Mix will lie there with the burnt cork and little feet. A ll eyes w ill be centered on them. The proceeds are for charity and everyone ia urged to attend from a sense o f duty, as well as for pleasure. Outside Elks and Antlers and their friends have been invited and many Bonds Oversubscribed. are expected to be in attendance. The entire issue o f $425,(MM) light Reserved seats are now on sale at and w ater bonds at Eugene have The Wave. been sold. Applications for several thousand dollars were niHde after the Fruit Land Set Out. A deal win closed last week whereby issue was exhausted. one o f the most sightly tracts o f land adjacent to Greswell waa sold by Mrs. Martha Stanton to E. H. Tryson and 1 Schmitt Brothers. The tract containa The curfew ordinance shall be en­ a fraction over 64 acres and fronts on i forced. It haa been lying dormant for the county road not over four blocks about a year, but at the meeting o f the from the Southern Pacific depot. I t 1 council Monday evening it was decided joins the Orchard Homes tracts on the to rejuvenate the law. east, J. M. Morss on the south and J. This was the most important busi­ E. Noland on the north. ness transacted, most o f the time be­ The new owners propose to survey ing taken lip in considering bids for the land and cut a m ajority o f it up hose and a hose cart. Tw o hundred Into five-acre tracts. Schmitt Bros, feet o f hose and a cart were ordered will reserve 20 acres, 10 o f which w ill purchased. When they arrive a hoae be planted to gooseberries and 10 acres cart w ill bn placed on the east side of to other berries. Roads w ill he run the tract in a biulding to be erected through the entire tract and a portion south o f the O. & S. E. round house. o f the land which fronts on the country The city recorder was instructed to re­ road w ill be surveyed off for building advertise for bids for the sale o f $5,600 lota.—Greswell Chronicle. o f improvement bonds. CURFEW BELL SHALL RING i> • ORCHARDIST For Wanton Injury to Young Shade Exhibits Made Up in Quality Lack Says Trees on School Grounds. of Quantity. C h a rity Shown In iu red Man. true western charity was shown I.. ] J. Green, o f Latham, whu had the misfortune to spffcr o broken leg while W ILLAM E TTE W ELL ADVER­ working as a carpenter at Eugene. TISED AT OMAHA. Mis (arm wurk was behind aiui several o f hia farmer friends donated a day Many Settlers Secured as Direct apiece and fixed up everything ship­ Result of Monster Exhibit shape. Now Mr. Green has nothing to at Omaha. worry him but the disabled leg. The farmers present at the bee were J. D. Anderson E. I.athrop, W. G. "T h e W illam ette V alley county Garoutle, Grant Urown, Jesse Trun- courts' exhibit o f the diversified pro­ nelt. N. W. White and J. W. Skaggs. ducts at the Omaha land show made a 3 AFFLE SHOW SUCCESSFUL. FRAISES LORANE. Number 7 T H IN K S OIL IS HERE. Loraue W ill Equal Famous Formation Similar to that of Cal­ Wenatchee. ifornia Oil Fields. The Second Annual Lane County ap­ (.orane w ill equal Wenatchee thinks ple show was brought to a close Sat­ Andy Smith, an orchardist from W e­ urday and the exhibits, while not so natchee, Wash., was in the city last extensive a« they might have been, Friday on his way to the lands o f the made up the lack in the excellent qual­ Milwaukee Orchard Go. in the l^.rane ity of the products shown. In addition country, where he will be assistant to to the apples the exhibit was supple­ | Superintendent Hailey. Mr. Smith is mented with some fine home grown interested in a 5-acre orchard in the grafies and also some English walnuts Wenatchee valley for which f 12,000 has that would capture first prize in any been offered. Mr. Smith has expressed contest hi any walnut growing section himself as very well pleased with the o f the country. It was a splendid ex­ fertile W illam ette valley, and while ploitation o f what can be done in grow ­ ! he has been here but a short tim e he ing o f apples in Lane county. Lane feels that there is a great future for is becoming as famous for is apples as the W illam ette, and l-orane in particu­ for its cherries and other fruit products lar, in the apple and other fruit raising that cannot lie excelled. ! business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE MOVES INTO ITS NEW HOME UUSINt SS OPINIO IN NIW B ill DING I I I SIMY MORNING OF IHIS WFFK, Al H R MANY OF LAYS. That oil w ill be found in this vicin­ ity in commercial quantities, ia the opinion o f Dr. W. W . Oglesby, who re­ turned Monday from a trip through the Gailfornia oil district. Mr. Oglesby is interested in drilling which has been done this year on the farm of G. W. Gowdy. He Ands that the formation here is almost identical with that o f the rich California oil Aeldx and predicts that oil w ill be tak­ en nut o f the ground here when suffi­ cient development work is done to get to it. Mr. Oglesby has not as yet secured possession o f the land on which he ! found a gold mine, mention o f which was made in last w eek’s Sentinel, but is hopeful o f being able to do so. He brought sample* o f the quartz back with him in corroboration o f hia rich , discovery. Death Follows Operation. Mrs. G. W. Wash died at a Eugene hospital Sunday follow ing an operation for appendicitis. The funeral was held here Monday atfernoon from the Puldtidl Hdnkinq house Would Be Credit to d of Veatch chapel. Rev. A. S. Mason offi­ ciating. Interment was made in the 10,000 Population.— Officers Kept Busy Masonic cemetery. Lntertdininq Visitor«». Mr. and Mrs. Wash came to Cottage Grove this spring, Mr. Wash securing The First National Bank has moved more o f equal lieauty and substantial- employment as a laborer, nurse, etc. into its magniAcent and palatial new ness to lie built in the next few years. Mrs. Wash had been sick about three home at the corner of Fourth and Main In other growing cities the erection o f ' weeks, but it was not at first known sleets, and the officers and employes buildings o f th.s kind stimulates others , that she was suffering with appendi- are busy gettin g things arranged sat­ to do the same thing, and there seems | citis. An operation was imperative isfactorily. The business was trans­ no reason why this w ill not happen and she was rushed to the Eugene hos­ ferred Tuesday afternoon and evening. here. pital Saturday. She was not strong The new building, the most substan- . The building, which covers an area ' enough to rally from the operation and tial o f the city, is a monument to the 1 o f 30x90 feet, la o f fire-proof construc­ death quickly followed. enterprise and business sagacity o f tion, is two stories high, and is built o f , A_ this business institution. It is only fit- buff colored brick with limestone trim- ting and proper that the leading bank­ mings. The letterin g and figures i ing institution o f the city should be across the east side and front o f the housed in its finest building, but th e r e 1 building indicate that it was founded LOCAL FOOT BALL TEAM DE­ is greater signiAcance. It shows the ’ in 1890, which was during the earliest FEATED. faith o f the institution in the growth . o f the early history o f the business o f o f the city, and the fact that the build- j the city. Eugene Gridiron Artists Prove Too ing has been erected entirely o f profits The inside finishings and furnishings Mucn for Local High School ia an indication o f past prosperity, 1 o f the bank are o f marble and mahog­ brought about by the faith o f the pub­ any. and are very attractive. There Team. lic in the bank. are two burglar-proof vaults and a It is pleasing to people o f the city to storage vault. The building is heated In a clean and interesting contest, see the dividends on the bank's stock with hot water and lighted with elec- the Cottage Grove high school football put in a business block o f this charac­ • ric clusters. team suffered defeat by the aggrega- ter, and it is freely predicted that this Work on the building was started tion from the Eugene high school Sat- structure is only a forerunner o f many May 1, 1911, and completed Nov. 1st. urday by a score o f 16 to 0. — _------■■■ - ■■ ---- I The home team was slow in develop- BOYS LOSE HARD FIGHT M ANY GUN ACCIDENTS. Yoncalla Gun Toters Careless. Are DEP0PULATING DRAIN --------------- ' Verv Local Newspaperman Fears Serious Results. Yoncalla Times, Nov. 3d: Caesar Martini, who was employed by his brother-in-law, Edward Lesina, on his ranch near Glide, met with an accident near that place last Fr day, which re­ sulted in his death. The two had started on a hunting trip, being con­ veyed near to where they intended to make a camp, in a rig. They had tak­ en their guns from the wagon and placed them on the ground near by, which, when the team was unhitched, had beer covered by the harness. Shortly a fter Martini reached for his gun, which was a 32-special riAe. He was in the act o f drawing it through the harness, muxzle toward him, when the hammer was in some way caught in the harness, and the gun was dis­ charged, the bullet entering the body just above the stomach, ranging up­ wards and coming out back o f the shoulder, inflicting an ugly wound, from the result o f which the unfor­ tunate man had passed away before medical aid could be summoned. • So many Drain girls are m arrying outsiders and moving away from the town that the editor o f the Nonpareil has fe lt it incumbent upon him to ap- peal to the young men o f that place to do something to stimulate home trade, The Nonpareil says: "D u rin g the past few weeks as many as three o f Drain’s popular young ladies have married gentlemen from abroad and gone elsewhere to reside. Gome boys, get a move on you and make a choice here, or else go abroad inS defense “ gainst the end runs and forward passes offered by the visitors. as a result o f which Eugene made three touch downs and kicked one goal during the first half o f the game, A * Gte beginning o f the second half, however. Cottage Grove seemed to ac- add to the beauty and succesa o f the ; celebration. A ll went off without a ! hitch and with much eclat. SPRINGFIELD GOES WET PUTS By EUGENE IN PECULIAR POSITION. Narrow Margin of 30 Votes Springfield Votes for Booze Parlors. Springfield went w et Tuesday by the narrow margin o f 30 votes, out o f 409 cast. There was great interest in the election and both sides made every effort to ge t every vote polled. There was much excitem ent during the count­ ing o f the ballots. This w ill not settle the liquor ques­ tion in Springfield,however.as an imme­ diate attempt w ill be made to set the election aside on the grounds that the home rule law passed by the last legis- latnre making local option supreme over county option is unconstitutional. The election at Springfield has been watched with much interest by other cities o f the county, as it was the first election in this county under the new law, and both wets and drys are anxious to know what the court’ s rul­ ing is to be. Eugene, a dry city, wilt be placed in a peculiar position i f the election holds, as the two places are geographically practically one city. I f the law is declared constitutional Cottage Grove w ill undoubtedly vote on the question next fall. The Drain maidens are understood 9,.............................................. Sears to be o f a particularly luscious (not ^ ...........................................H arlow lushy) variety and are easily disposed 1 , 2 , .................................. ... • -Matthews o f when the Cottage Grove brand can B..................................Damewood not be secured. , * B.......................................D. Medley Q. B............................................... Woods SCHOOL ATTENDANCE 510. F- » .............................. E. Damewood --------------- R. H. B................................... C. Cellers Another gun accident which may in History of Cottage B................................ H. Martin. prove fatal, took place near Oakland Largest last Saturday afternoon. Lloyd Mc­ T. ,♦ j ki - u . Bank of Cotta* e Grove w ill Move. Kay, son o f Section Foreman J. S. The attendance at the public schools McKay, o f that place, in company o f Cottage Grove has now reached the The Bank o f Cottage Grove w ill oc- with another boy, had gone down the high-water mark, with an enrollment CUP> the Jonea building vacated by river in a skiff on a shooting trip. A f ­ o f 510. School attendance is a certain the First National Bank as soon as ter making a landing young McKay indication o f the growth and develop- repairs c* n I** made. This w ill give reached for his shot gun and was in the ment o f a city, and this is true o f Cot- the bank a P o t io n in the heaat o f the Dye House Opened. act o f drawing it toward him muzzle tage Grove. Even this high record c itV. more convenient for its customers, A dye house has been opened in this first, when the weapon was discharged. will be eclipsed by this time tw elve and w il> concentrate the banking busi- city that w ill be able to handle any­ ness o f the city. The shot tore off two Angers o f the month. thing and everything in that line. right hand and entered the abdomen Hear the Aut0 Flayer Piano at Steve Burton, son o f D. P. Burton, making a frigh tfu l wound. Physicians Aviator Rodgers Finishes Journey. Pasadena, California. Nov. 6.— Veatch's music store. N10-D1.. and him self w ell known here, is the were summoned as quickly as possible, A viator Rodgers, who completed his Gospel preaching, gospel singing, proprietor. Mr. Burton has had exper- and did all that could be done to re­ I ience in Eugene and Portland houses, lieve the sufferer, and he was imme­ record-breaking transcontinental flight Methodist church, Sunday evening, ------------------------- I and w ill be able to guarantee absolute diately taken to Portland, where he o f 4321 miles yesterday, said he would make no flight today. His biplane had U A f U A M P f C A P A I V I Q I A N satisfaction. The establishment has was placed in a hospital. just enough staying power to last to v s lA n V L i f U R 1 / l f l u l U I l j been opened over Wheeler & Thomp­ W hile Geo. Love, o f Shoestring, was Pasadena. Until it is again rebuilt the son's. ______ _____ herding goHta on Mount Dixon in com­ Cottage Grove has no opportunity to aviutor cannot continue on to the Pa­ pany with Jas. Lee, one day last week Booze Joints Raided. be made a division point on the S. P., cific ocean. he had the misfortune to lose a tine Suspecting that liquor was sold in Total distance traveled. 4321 miles. for the time being at least, for the riding animal he was riding at the Roseburg in direct violation o f the Actual flying time, 4924 minutes, or good and sufficient reason that it will time, in a most peculiar way. Mr. local option laws, Sheriff Quine, as­ not be moved from Roseburg. 3 days, 10 hours, 4 minutes. Ixive had strapped a riAe along side the A threat to move the division point sisted by eight deputies, Tuesday a f­ Elapsed time o f journey, 49 days. saddle, muzzle forward, and in riding ternoon raided five near-beer resorts A verage speed when flying, 61.72 from Roseburg developed from the through the brush the weapon was in fact that merchants o f that city, out and confiscated nearly two wagonloads miles an hour. some way discharged, the bullet o f sympathy with the strikers, refused o f beverages. ploughing its way through the animal’s Want Ad. Does Business. to sell goods to the S. P., and several Burbank has developed a blackberty neck, killing it instantly. Sixty-five acres o f land with build­ I points along the line got busy trying that is minus the thorns. Burbank has Hon. D. W. Stearns, pioneer o f sev­ ings, were sold this week as a result of to land it. * been working 10 years on this plant in eral states, died at his home st Oak­ an ad. in the Sentinel. The seller was It is understood that the difficulties his Santa Rosa garden, and as a result land, Oct. 28th, at the age o f 90. Mr. F. D. W heeler; the purchasers, J. F. have been adjusted and that the d ivi­ ! he has secured a bush which has Stearns came to the coast during the Boughton, o f Washington and G. W. sion point is no longer on the "qu e branches as smooth and free from McCord, o f this city. gold stampede in 1849, v iv e .” thorns as a cherry tree. I