C A L IF O R N IA is Famous the World Over For its splendid hostelries, its varied attractions, its fine beaches, hot springs and pleasure resorts all t hese can be reached with case by the Southern Pacific ■ Road ot a Thousand W otadn* Route of Shasta Limited excursion Tickets Costing $55 Portland to l os Angeles and Return On sale daily, Rood six months with stop-overs troinjr or returning. Corresponding low fares from other Oregon points. Call on our Agents for Handsomel> Illustrated Literature M S E . San Jcae, L ic k O bservatory, Santa C ru ;. IV1 Mom«*, l'aso Rot dr-* Hot S p rin g* ^ »ma Barbara l.o a A n g e lr a Pasadena. I.nng Beach V enter Rtvoraul« . R c U U iu L ^ m !>irgo T h e Old Spanish Miaaiona. Y o a rm ilr N ational Park and Hi* Tree-, and m ain o th n places of interest in the G olden State or w rite to WM. McMlRRO, Gen'l Passenger Agent PORIl AM). ONtGON HEATERS and RANGES of Quality at R e a s o n a b l e P r i c e s We Save You Monev / on Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Lace Cur­ tains, Trunks and Suit Cases, Tin and Granite- ware, etc. KINTER BROTHERS House F urnishers PHONE 6 N U F - CE D SEE I S ABOUT TARM LOANS BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE ‘ ■A G O O D B A N K I N A G O O D T O W N ” C A P I T A L $25 ,0 00 .0 0 « MN »* « » » > • » » » » » » » » « N . » w » w » w » w «-*■«*» » « . » ♦ » * *■+ »«♦ ■ » »W * «* W frw r W »«»w»w , IN T E R E S T PAID O N TIM E D E P O S IT S Just opened 0. K. Cleaning and Pressing Parlors SUITS MADE TO ORDER Work Called for, Delivered and Executed with Neatness and Dispatch 0. K. CLEANING AND PRESSING PARLORS SPRAY A wool rr. Props. 1 Telephone 57 One Door South of Cottage Grove Creamery I C o t t a g e G rove, O re g o n j IN S O C IE T Y — i One of the season's most pleasant social events was the Hallowe'en party given by the Ionites Aid Society of the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Thompson. Huge jack-o-lantorn* were conspic­ uous on the verandas and the rooms were gaily festooned with corn brake, jack-o-lanterna and rose berries. A p ­ ples and doughnuts were hung in (tie archways, each guest trying to grab a bite. The pretty summer iiouse was con­ verted into a "Chamber o f Horrors." all present being escorted in partiea'of two and three through this unique and wierd room. A novel feature of the evening was the " I m p ’s Trag.*dy,” a musical panto- mine under the direction of Miss Silsby. The witch who disbursed fortunes from the bubbling caldron, caused much merriment. A fter having the palm crossed with a charcoal, each person drew their fortune. A penny indicated a banker, a pen an author, pills a doctor, rake, a baker, etc. The blindfold game caused much amusement; three bowls being placed upon the table, one containing Hour, another water and the third let1 empty. Each person in turn was blind­ folded and permitted to reach for a bowl. I f (lour was touched, the future wife or husband was one who had been married before; if water was reached, the future choice was a single person and the empty bowl indicated single w retched nesa. Mr. Hall as Ebcnezer and Mrs. Du- itruille as Topsy w ire attractions, also the traveling musicians and spooks. “ Nuts to crack" were passed around. The ladies having conundrums and the gentlemen haying the correct answer were partners for refreshments. Cafeteria luncheon, consisting of pumpkin pie. doughnuts and coffee,was served in the kitchen. About SO guests we-o present. which all the students ami teachers were invited. The decorations, which were very appropriate, consisted of autumn leaves, rose berries and jaek-o-lnnlerna, the latter being of generous sire. Ghostly forms walked about the rooms und a few goblins were present, but all seemed able to enjoy the num­ erous games of the evening, the for­ tune teller, ami last hut not loast, the luncheon. Besides a large attendance from the high school, a number of alumni and former high aehool students were pres­ ent, all of whom agreed that the party was a very pleasant one. A pleasant birthday anniversary party was given Tuesday afternoon, Dot. 21th, in honor of Miss Ossie Cur- rin. daughter o f Mr. and Mrs Felix t'urriu at the Walnut Avenue farm. About til guests were present, many being from Cottage Grove. Mrs. Dorn Fields was one of the latter, hut she will not commit herself as to whether ihi was a eha|»er»me or not. . Refreshments were served, consist- ing of chocolate, coffee, sandwiches, cake, lints, po|>corn, fruit and candy. Miss Currin received many pcautiful presents. Those present expressed themselves us having thoroughly en­ joyed the event. The eighth grade class o f the public school celebrated Hallowe'en on Mc­ Farland Butte Tuesday evening. A huge bonfire wus the chief attraction and a jolly time was hail watching for spooks and goblins. GENERAL Satisfaction or N o Sale We have the largest and host stock of Photo Goods ever brought to Cottage Grove, also by far, the I test equipment. Quality 1 he host. ARM STRO NG tHken from the center o f a ledge which Mr. Furlong has traced for a long dis­ tance, is almost a solid mass of the yellow stuff. & DEAN N O R T H F O U R TH S T „C O T T A G E GROVE i QUICKWORK VACUUM CLEANER FREE W o will give to each family who will trade $ 10 0 Quickwork with Vacuum us, a C leaner, valued at $8. )0 , I ree of charge. Or trade $2o.00 and you may Imy one fo r or trade $">0.1 10 and buy one for $2.!•’», or trade sTd.(M) and buy one for .Sl.fi.’>. With every purchase of 2.V or more, wo will give you coupons, the amount of your purchase». Save them till you get the required amount and we will give you A Quickwork Vacuum Cleaner Free L U R C H ’S I We are Talking— Ranges NEWS. The case of the Pacific ¿states Tele­ phone & Telegraph Company vs. the State o f Oregon and the case of Frank Kicrnun vs. the city o f Portland, which involves the constitutionality o f legis­ lation enacted in Oregon under the ini­ tiative and referendum act, have been set for argument in the U. S. supreme court on January Nth. The Comrner ia> club is in receipt o f a letter from the Oregon State Horti­ cultural society, accompanied bv a pre­ mium list setting forth multitudes of prizes for apples and other fruits to be given to successful exhibitors at the twenty-sixth annual apple show which will be hel l in the Yeon building in Portland, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri­ The Young Married Ladies’ Em­ day and Saturday, November l.r>, Ifi, 17 broidery elub entertained their hus­ Hiid 18. Construction work on the Eugene- bands by giving a Hallowe’en party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Coos Bay railroad will begin immedi­ Ben Groff. The rooms were prettily ately after the deal for the purchase decorated with autumn leaves and a Ot the Lane county Assett company's number o f jack-o-lanterns adorned holdiigs is concluded. The asset com­ the porch entrance. The guests were pany holds a short stretch o f right-of- greeted at the door by spooks and the way needed hy the company. evening was spent listening to wierd Sugar has dropped as low as f> rents ghost stories, fortune telling and at Eugene on account of war between games. The luncheon consisted of local merchants. pumpkin pie, doughnuts and coffee. Leslie Furlong, a miner of 2!i years’ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. experience* who has traveled over the Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Mackin, Mr. beat part o f the United States and and Mrs. Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Bert spent much time in South America, Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Arms, Mr. brought down from Blue River last and Mrs. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Um- week some samples of gold ore taken phrey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, from his newly discovered claims on Mr. and Mrs. Kiabcy, Mr. and Mrs. quartz and Simmons creeks in the Earl Simeral, Mr. and Mrs. Kora, and Blue River mining district that Hre Mr. and Mrs. Ben Groff. fabulously rich. Ore piece especially, On last Friday evening at the Elk’ s had, the junior and senior classes of the high school observed Hallowe’ en by giving the first party o f the year, to I ltd ter grades fop moiv money l»nl mort* l'or your money than you can get anywhere else. These special prices will not last and you will have to hurry. At a dainty luncheon Tuesday after noon Mrs. Alta King announced the engagement o f Miss Nellie Ellis to Edward Lee Brugger, of Spokane, Wash. The place cards were in the form of two joined hearts, Mrs. King was assisted by Mrs. Water- house. These present were: Mrs. J. Nor­ man Waterhouse, Mrs. Job and daugh­ ter Miss Emma, Miss Lulu t ’ urrin, Mias Neva I’erkins, Mrs. Kinter, Miss Jean De Long, Miss Jennie Smith, Miss Lauretta Atkinson, Miss Audra Khinehart, Miss Nellie Ellis and Mrs. Alta King. A delightful affair o f the week was the party given hy Miss Kulh Woodard at her home Wednesday evening for the senior class o f the high school. It was a general reunion of classmates ami the evening was spent in social games and vocal and instrumental music. Fruit punch, candies and pop­ corn wore served, f ift e e n guests One of the most nleasunt parties of the season occurred when the were present. Endeavor Society of the Christian quartermaster Dickey, o f Appomat­ church was entertained at a Hal­ tox Post, and his estimable w ife cele­ low i ’en party Jthi M brated their silver anniversary yester­ and Della V\ bite at their home on Fri­ day hy inviting comrades und their day evening, October 27. About sixty- w ivet in to spend the day. Those who young people met at the church and partook o f the dinner prepared by were taken out in two wagons one Mrs. Dickey described it as magnifi­ two and one four-horse team driven cent. The home was a veritutde by Clarence Jloyd and Alfred White. bower o f (lowers. A number o f I h - uu - The first thing that greeted the eyes tiful gifts were recieved. o f the p i n y on arrival at the home­ A pleasant Hallowe’en party was stead was a display o f jack-o-lanterns on the gate posts and porch. The given by the tith grade o f *he public guests were received by two ghosts, school in the basement of the Metho­ and were ushered into the parlors, dist church Tuesday evening. The which were beautifully decorated for program consisted of the usual games, the occasion. Garlands of rose berries fortune telling and ghost stories. we*e festooned from the ehandelier, The hoys o f the class served refresh­ and autumn leaves ami wild vines ments. adorned the walls. The rooms were The Hallowe'en dancj in Armory lighted by numerous jack-o-lanterns and by a huge fire which burned in the hall Saturday evening was a very open fireplace. By the fireside sat the pleasant and successful affair. The proverbial "Witch with her mystical hall was pret'ily decorated for the oc­ brew. She was kept busy hy the young casion and good music was furnished folks who were all anixous to learn for lovers o f the terpischorcan h c I. what the future had in store for them. During the evening music was pro­ vided by Miss Wilcox and Miss H a n k ­ ins, and games and ghost stories were enjoyed by all until supper time ar­ rived. The choice o f partners for sup­ per was a novel idea. The girls, each being given a cord, went upstairs, leaving one end of the cord below. The boys were then called in to choose a cord, their partner being found at­ tached to the other end. The guests then withdrew to the dining room, which was decorated with autumn leaves and bunches of grapes. On the center of the dining table sat a huge pumpkin, surrounded by numerous smaller ones. Kach couple, having chosen a pumpkin, which contained a suppei for two, seated themselves on the floor and were served by the Misses White and Miss Boyd with delicious grape juice drawn from the huge pumpkin. A t a late hour the party withdrew, each one of the guests pronouncing it a most enjoyable evening. Cabinet Photos, $2 per Doz. Cabinet Folders, $3 per Doz. AND heaters All the Time! Gome in and Hear tin* S|K*i! we Give ’em. Griffin & Veatch Co. COMPETITORS OF SEARS-ROEBUCK «M l S U B S C R IB E FOR Delivered Instructive Lecture. Ben Franklin Allen, aodaliat lecturer and author, delivered a discourse before a large and apprecilltvie audi cnce at the Grand Wednesday even­ ing. Mr. Allen ¡ h a pleaaing and interesting talker, and presented the subject, "Scientific Socialism" in a /ery convincing manner. A citizen o f Medford has brought su't in the ciruit court againat the j $1,500.000 bond iaaue for good roads recently authorized hy the people o f ! Jackson county at a special election. TH E S E N T IN E L