Ci +r\ (Cutían? (Snro? Unitari E 10 PA GE S COTTAGI GROVE. OREGON, FRIDAY. N O VEM BER 3. 1911 V O L U M I . VI INJURED BY EXPLOSION WANT 1>,V,SI0N F0,NT HBHK- “ DAD" NELSON MEETS ACCI DENT AT FLOW EN CITY. Commercial Club May Go After Freight Division Point. At a meetinn of tiie Commercial club Moiiduy uvciimn, the secretary was in­ structed to ruinmonlcati with olficiala of the S P. a ml learn if there ih any- Ihinn to III" report that the freinbt di­ vision point ia to tie moved away from ItoHehurn. I f it develop* that there ia an intention of movinn the division point, the I'ominereial elidi will en­ deavor to eonvinee S. I*, olliciala that H u h ih the jihyrnlngiral pond. Anent Kinu, of the loeul atalion, in­ forma the Sentinel th a t the road h iiH n 't yard room to sidetrack over three freinbt traina and he doesn't see where more apnee coutil be secured. Divide and Yoncalla people are said to be very much worked up over the IHiNNitde removal of the division point and ure plaiminn on huvmn it them- THE REFERENDUM CASE AS VIEWED BY COMMITTEEMEN SPRAY AND CATES What Spray Say*. What Cates Says. NUMBER 6 CHANGE AT REES-WALLACE. C. W. Wallace Buy» Interest of D. H. Hemenway. A deal was closed last Friday where­ by C. W. Wallace became complete owner of the Reea-Wallace Co., D. H. Hemenway disputing o f his interest. The firm has been cor,ducting a success­ ful general merchandise business, and will, no doubt, continue to do so under the new management. Mr. Hemenway had been in the firm about two vears. Mr. Wallace haa been a mem tier since the business was first established hy he arid N. K. Compton, and the fact Dial the Rees-Wallace Co. has become one o f the largest businesses of its kind in the city is a monument to his energies. Mr. Hemenway has not yet an­ nounced what line of business he will take up. G. A. R.MAN PASSES AWAY OLD RESIDENT ANSWERS TARS FOR LAST TIME. I he following article contributed J. F. McKibben Dies Monday, after Mr. ('ales makes rcjily to Mr lllitoiiht louslv W.ilks Ov«*l Blast oil this week to tin* Leader, being railed Spray's article as follows: Lingering Illness, of Raralyiis Due u( City Street* and I* forth hy the re p .it ot pie testimony I have read with some surprise the of the Stomach. Badly Hurt. of John F. Spray, which appeared in statements of Mr. John S|.ray in the the Sentinel last week : Leader of Tuesday, ami stand prepared J. F. McKibben, prominent G. A. R. I did not intend to answer the attack to |irove several o f his assertions us un­ S. T, Nelson, uffect innately culled man ami old reaident died at the home that has been made upon me through qualifiedly false. When Mr. S|iruy " D a d " t>y 1 11 M CIII (line UHNOCIUlcN lit of hia son, Henry McKibheri, three the newspapers since I tes tilled in the says the Nesmith county committee • 'ollagc Grove, met * Her mint Neeldent miles east of here Monday, o f paralysis referendum çaae at Salem, hut as Mr. paid Mr I'urkison for 10t*l signatures lit Portland. III h t week where he WHH o f the stomach. He had been feeble II. J. Parkinson th Co., appear to think which it never received he states that visiting at the liiniieH nf tun Him*. It for three months or more and death they ure the only pebbles on the lieaeh, which is not so. As secretary of that w u h lit llrnl rojMirted l tin I lie liml heen was not unexpected. Deceased was 74 I will attempt to write this matter up committee 1 have vouchers for every killed. years, 7 months and 2fi days old at time from beginning to end, and then let Mr. Nelson w u h walking along one o f rent disbursed hy it, and I say that the o f death. the people be the judge. the Htreetn where Home blunting work records disprove his allegations. The The funeral was held Tuesday a fter­ About two years ago at a mass meet­ man says that Mr. Cates was well whm being done. Three I i I hh I h had noon from the Veatch chajiel, the cere­ ing of Die people o f Cottage Grove |iaid for his services, having received heen art. The wiitehmun stopped mony being conducted by the local there was a committee appointed to $000 and all the printing--'tis true that " H a d " for tin* llmt I i I iih I, Iml hud mis- selves. co rf» o f the G. A. R., Rev. J. W. further the rreatlon of a new county, I received $&00 for my service, ami it understood direelionn und did not aeem Gardner officiating. interment was I being a member of that committee. lo know tInit more were to follow, lie is likewise true Dial I contributed $270 made in the A. F. & A. M. and I. O. Almut the tirst thing they did wan to —or more than any other single individ­ motioned un mii I o that it could g o ahead 0 . F. cemetery. TWO-DAY EXHIBITION AT THE get together and name the baby. Next him ! himaelf Marled to follow Mr. N e l ­ ual to the county fund. As to the Mr. McKibben had been a resident hi order was to get before the legisla­ amount received for limiting Mr. Spray son lo the aeene o f the first explosion. COUNTY SEAT. CHICAGO SYDICATK AFTER BIG o f Cottage Grove for 11 years, coming ture and try and pass a hill for the new c**KK‘'rates several hundred dollars. • 'D a d " , it aeema, wan almont ahove the BUNCH OF LAND. here from Kansas. He was born in county, tin that job the committee : Idaat when it discharged and win ter- And hm to the charges made for the Best Apple Country in World Will Marrietta, Ohio, emigrating to Illinois spent night after night and day alter work if it is not more than 20 per cent i ■ Idy hurl mid disfigured liy the explo- Display Best Apples on when a small boy, going from there to Mon. The Miitoniohlle, heliiK faHter, Would Clear Part, F urnish House, day, doing the very heat we knew, hut less than the same work could be had Minnesota, Iowa and finally to Kansas, Earth. lost, iuid 1 assure you ttiat there waa for elsewhere. 1 will refund every H>d over safely, The wulehmiin Horae*, Wagon, Cow and Sell where he enlisted in the Civil war as a none worse lairt than ttiat committee. charge fur printing ever made against w i n injured, hut nut aerioUHly. on Easy Term*. member of the 2nd Kansas cavalry, be­ Next atep another meeting was called The Apple Show opens at Eugene Mr Nelnon ia re|M,rled (o la- very the committee. Not one member of and the xarne old committee appointed the Nesmith committee prejiared one today. Many samples o f the luscious ing later transferred to the 2nd Kansas I iw at a I'urtland hoH|iital. A Chicano ayndicute ia ufler 100,000 with, I believe, Mr. Cates added, or he artillery. H** served three years and The l i e W H wax brought to this rity line of argument sent out to voters, red-cheeked fruit that caused Adam’s acre* of western land for settlement. was elected secretary shortly after. three months, hia service being mostly- hy Itov W imh I h , who Haw one of the nor a single letter in connection with downfall will be on exhibition. The Anent Kinu. local anent o f the South­ The purpose of the committee waa to devoted to scouting work. Nelaon hoya at Eugene juat a few promoting the work to my knowledge. work has been in charge o f some of the ern I'acdic, hua received word to this put an initiative petition before the Mr. McKibben was one of two sur­ momenta Saturday while the truin wax I devoted nearly a year almost day and Eugene hustlers and nothing has been effect, und I iuh been asked to hrinn the voters of the slate, which they did. vivors of a family of fourteen, a sister slopping at the atalion. lie did not night to this work, and as a reward re­ left undone to make the exhibition one matter to tin* attention .if the neWH- This took many days and nights with living in the east, being the other. have time lo net liut meagre detaila. ceived t'S'Ai net and the abuse o f such that will fully advervtise the adapta­ pu|iern and Commercial liodica. the result of one more defeat. Still People as John F. Spray. But, thank bility o f the southern Willamette to Five sons and one daughter survive The accident, for Home reaaoh, did not The syndicate propose* to divide the the same old commilee was ready to him. They are Morris A. McKibben, net into any o f the I'ortlund |o*(>crs. God, the jieojde are left to judge be­ ajipie growing. 1 land into HO acre tracts, clear five acre* go before the legislature and as you Mr. Nelaon wiih a well known char­ A large number o f cash prizes have Bert McKibben and Henry McKibben, tween the two men. I defy John and build a house on each tract, furnish know was again lieaten. Then a mass o f this city; Ed McKibben, of Spring- acter here until lint K|irinn. when he Spray, or any other individual to |irove been hung up for the best exhibits and two horsea, wunon and one cow and meeting was railed while I was still at field, Ore.; Jesse McKibben, of Cres- Hold In h 374-acre trai t, one of the finest that I was ir. any w ise * 'implicated” comjietition is expected to be keen. sell on the installment plan to actual Salem and 1 with the balance o f the The managers o f the show have got­ well. Ore. and Mrs. Ida M. Clark, of in the valley to John F. Splay for a with I'arkison in anything unfair or settler*. The syndicate doc* not wish old committee was instructed to get Junction City, Kas. onnidi ration of I I i ' i . inni , at which lime against the beat interests o f the com. ten up the following applegrams : i to pay over lit) an acre for such a up and circulate a referendum petition he moved to Klmirn. The apple is an asset, financially, , munity. The committee was appointed I tract, which make* it very unlikely that against the university appropriation. to invoke the referendum ujsm the L'. morally and politically. suilulilr holdmuN can be secured in thin Now rigid here let me say if I had not The apple is the aristocrat o f foods of (). ajijiroj,nations and it was its duty i vicinity. However, land that can be thought d was for the purpose of put­ to perform those things for which it and the best medicine. succcHHfully used for the purposes in­ ting the Kugene hunch in a hole so they The climate and conditions that are OLD RESIDENT WINNING LAUR­ was appointed, and not to enter into a tended will lie hard to secure any where would lie willing to agree to a new ELS AS INVENTOR. best for apples are best for man. compromise with Kugene for projxised MESSAGES DROPPED FOR COT at ttiat price in such a birne tract, and county I would never have accepted Nesmith county, or with any other Anarchy never gathered fruit from it may be worth while to try to net the the appointment on that committae as TAGE GROVE CITIZENS party or parties, without tirst submit- its own apple tree. D. Read Has CoLtrived a Castor syndicate lo consider a hunch of acre- I have never fought a school, church Apple orchards are better nurseries i ing such a projxisition to the mass that Transforms Rocker Into auc at a turner price. To get a com- or road. Tout Parker and Frank Snodgrass ; meetii.jg by which it was apjiointed, o f citizenship than the deck of battle- i pany to make such an investment for Wheel Chair. Now comes the chapter in the career ' The committee as a whole, with John , ships or military camps. Hold Conversation W ith Aerial iuch a pur|Kiae would be Die mukinu of of the committee on which some ot the The man in the orchard is always a F. Spray as the chief instigator, en­ any small city. The ten million in­ jieople ure mixed. The committee had Spurred on to the work by the suffer­ Navigator. tered into such a comjiromise with Eu­ good citizen. vested in the land rniuhl not bring any printed the petition ready for circula­ ing of his wife, an invention that will Horticulture is a science, not a guess. gene parties and there was evidently In thn d *y o f "u p in the a i r " navi- I direct results, but the work of building tion and in cas'ing about for support no intention on its jiart to submit its The apple barrel is nature's medicine prove of inestimable value to invalids has been contrived by D. Read, a natiou, It ia not uneomilion lo nee the the house* and clearing the land would we were informed that the jieople of i actio ' to the jieople o f Cottage Grove. chest. heaven* dotted with air marhinee, hut bring thousands of dollurs to local McMinnville were starting a similar At the eleventh hour Mr. H.O. Thomp­ 1 would rather trust a judge that ■ pioneer of Cottage Grove* The invention is a simple one. which to have a real live airalnp pana direct­ laborers and business houses, not to movement against the O. A. C., and son and myself, who cpjxjsed the pro- | ■ loves apples than one that hankers is what gives value. It is simply a ly over till* city prove* hoth exciliiiK mention the continued income from the our secretary got in communication posed compromise on the ground that after bear meat. and diHnppointinn. To thoae who settlers that would be located on the with some o f their supjsjrters. Among we were in duty bound to carry out Apples are an antidote for drink and | castor that can be attached to any com­ mon rocking chair, thereby transform­ viewed the mounter it proved a thrill- land. the re. t w hs Mr. I'arkison, who pur- 1 the will o f the people, announced our tobacco. The Commercial club will, undoubt­ jairted to lie a high up labor union man ; j inn aeene, und to thoae who ¡¡were Apples carry the pure food stamps ing it into a wheel chair that any in­ suspicions to O. M. Kern and Dr. Kime, valid can move around the house with­ w rapped m peaceful dumber, it cannot edly, take the subject up and learn if could get all the names necessary in who immediately visited Mr. Spray to of the great physician. hrinn other than a di*up|Miillled feelinn it would la* worth while to attempt to a very short time, for hoth the (I. A. ascertain his jiosition in the premises, The road that leads to the orchard is out assistance. The simplicity of the at failmn to nee it. Like a ureal hlaek o|M-n negotiations on a higher basis of C. and U. o f O. A contract was made and were told that the jieople could go the pathway to a simple, happy, pros- 1 mechanism enables it to be used by those who are almost entirely helpless. with Mr. I'arkison for d.iNki names at to hell —the committee would do as it perous life. eluuil it moved alonn in all iln majeaty 1 land • alues. The castor is attached to the chair und probably would not have been no­ •erous day Mr. I’arkison, and on his représenta- jsised to be forgeries, these names were and all other merchants report a day SWINDLE PUBLIC OUT OF THEIR will attend their cloainn out Hale, They will he ilivided as follows: MONEY. 1st precinct. West o f river to ror- t it it i that the names were hard to get, i in my possession when the committee, above the average. I porute limits. A large number o f those in the city (Continued on |iage 10) (Continued on jiage 1(0 took occasion to drop in and take ad­ Remedy Lies in Placing Orders with 2d precinct. Between river and vantage of teh Sentinel's unusual sub­ railroad trucks, north of Msin street. Local Newsdealers of Known DR. W. W. OGLESBY MEETS scription offering. :ld m i n e , " 1 Two precincts will he locuted out­ LAND SHOW SENDS THANKS. fruit farm, w h s quite badly bruised up a number o f local peoljre have been writcH W. W. Onlenhy from California side of the corporate limits, probably Residents of Cottage Grove and V i­ by being thrown from his bicycle a Willamette Valley Exhibit Wanted victimized, and suggest that to avoid in a letter to hia daughter, Mian Anna. with polls at Waldo and Latham. cinity Recognize Genuine Bar­ week ago Saturday while on his way any risk you place your orders with the Again Next Year. The mine which Mr. Onleahy has lo­ home from Cottage Grove. His wheel gain When They See It. Modern Pharmacy, a responsible busi­ DEER SEASON CLOSES. cated ia one he haa had in mind look- Omaha, Neb., Oct. 28, 1911. was weighted down with packages and ness house o f your home city, which inn for for many year*, lie partially Secretary, Commercial Club, Many Cottage Grove N i m r o d s The Sentinel’s low-priced subscrip­ it seems that the front wheel dropjied makes it unnecessary to patronize located it when a younn man and ever Cottage Grove, Ore. tion bargain offering, which closed No­ into an ojiening between the boards of Dear S i r : Feasted on Venison. strangers, who are usually frauds. ■Ince haa nursed a desire to go hack The deer season closed November vember 1st, netted the paper a very ! the sidewalk just at the edge o f the The Willamette Valley exhibit at the We can supply you with any magazine and look for it, feelinn confident that Sity limits, and Mr. Smith fell heavily substantial increase in new subscrip­ 1st. and there were many local nim­ Omaha land show is attracting an im­ in the world and give as low clubbing hia judgment when ynunner waa not and unconscious to the ground,knocking mense amount o f attention. We are rates as anyone or will deliver maga­ wrnnu and that the precinua metal waa rods who got in with venison just in­ tions and many were the compliments | received for the newsy and neatly loose several teeth and bruising his leg glad that you have assisted in making zines to you on the day they are re­ there und waitmn for someone to come side the legs I limit. and shoulders. He was able, however, It is estimated that at least 7f> deer printed newsjiajier being printed. this exhibit a success and we are sure ceived and you may pay for them as and lind it. Now in hia old ane he may The Sentinel hopes to eventually he to ride his wheel, which was not in­ the valley will get great returns from , delivered. We want your patronage reap the benefit o f proa|iertinn done in were killed by local sportsmen, but that number is not up to the tisusl av­ read in nearly every home in Cottage jured. and, with a lift given by a party same. and ask you to favor us as against the his youth. of hunters, got home all right. Mr. Grove nnd vicinity and the manage­ erage. There were shout the usual strangers, I,et us have your orders We thank you fo r your assistance in Mr, Onleahy states that the mine is Smith says he must have ridden two arranging the display and for the part now for single copies or subscriptions. located on railroad land and he antici-1 number of hunters out after game, hut ment feels that the results received j miles in an unconscious condition. Always at your service, which you and your association have pate* some trouble in nettinn JHiasos- the Meet-footed denizens of the forest during its sjiecisl campaign indicate that it will achieve this end at no very j were a little scarcer than usual. taken in making thia movement a suc- aion o f the property, hut the chances T H E MODERN P H A R M A C Y . Card of Thanks. distant date. eeas. We trust that we may not only are that he may make a »mall fortune The Rexall Store. Mrs. Sydney Richardson, o f Kureka, The Sentinel thanks new and old i We d e s i r e to thank those friends and have your hearty support for an exhib­ juat for the location, even if he cHn’ t ■ Calif., came down from Eugene Mon­ friends alike for their demonstration of neighbors who so kindly assisted us in it next year but that you will be able Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Woods at­ net poascaaion o f the land. day for h short visit before returning loyalty and wishes to assure them that the recent sickness and death o f our to attend personally at that time. tended the dedicatory exercises o f the The property ia located in Kern j home. it will at all times endeavor to give infant son and grandson. Yours truly, Christian church at Eugene Sunday. county. M. K. Johnson transuded business in them a newsjiajier worthy o f their sup­ MR. and MRS. W. W . H A R R I S O N . Mrs. Woods remained for a few days' W. O. P A I S L E Y , Geo. Allen spent Sunday in Kuneue. Kugene the Mrst of the week. port. MR. and MRS. F. W. HARRISON. General Manager, Omaha Land Show. visit at the F. E. Billington home. APPLE SHOW OPENS TODAY 100,000 ACRES WANTED HAS A VALUABLE PATENT MONSTER AIRSHIP PASSES FAKE MAGAZINE AGENTS FOUND RICH GOLD MINE SENTINEL'S BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTION OFFERING IS UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS *