Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, October 27, 1911, Image 6

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    f .
a t
W ho Buys Her Fall and W inter
W earing Apparel here is going to get
the best values for the least money.
W' a re d e te rm in e d
on th a t
values fo r every d o lla r she leaves here, th a t it
w ould
Kind out about th e
be im possible fo r h er to get bet te r values a n y w h e re else.
a re g o in g to tim i out
W e w an t to m ake
adv ant ages in q u a li­
th a t it is decidedly
store out o f e v e ry
w om en w ho w e a r o u r g a rm e n ts .
ty , service and price
to y o u r lu'st in te r ­
W e a re g o in g to m ake these w om en the best dressed
t « » be exc lu s ive ly ob­
w om en in to w n and send th e m out to m ake m ore cus­
ta in e d in this store.
to tra d e here.
tom ers fo r this store.
ad v e rtis e m e n t
Satisfied custom ers a re not go­
in g to be b ac kw a rd about
te llin g th e ir trien d s w here
th e y g o t th e ir clothes, you kn o w .
Ol i i '
t «pioli»
Wt i l l l t l
I II I li k
i l s l l III I I I ........... . i t i l i Iti p u « I t e l e
«Vl «h
- I in tin- « ite r tim i ii. tim i li i i i u IO
liti un In i tliitvu tu inulti uh ilo»tt lo
iim h iii r i. !• ,it ii 111• - 11 imi
a » i Ut*ri*
iv iliillu llf imi lim i i.iw t lim i | tritili Iti I
I l i o , n i t'Ol|l»|* II |» l i ni
Sooner o r la te r, you
w a lk in g
Thay Wi l l
wo a re g o in g to g ive
e ve ry w om an w ho tra d es here this fa ll, such good
If Thay Coma Too Naar Ih *
pOSS|t l l c
Women Arc Experts In Purloining
the Precious Stones.
In Iti* li i I im * 11 mhi II ili
II l i n in li-r
•mn lim ili |i|v i ‘ un* ili I l i pm per 1 1 1 • i• l li
C ltv tr Schema «I e Light I In y irtiJ
l.i*l li o r n i Im i M uli. Iio ivvte r. nini ini
Lady Win» W orkad Naarly Tvary
lir pren d ili- le-si’lllllg llli- Itili g e li
D -a lr r
Voti» — Ingannili»
ln nini itiUMt'i|Ut*lltl> llg h icl | m - i
T riti* of a Smonti* lle rlo i Swindlae.
nuli \ itili Hit* unii III riM|im |ilii|n t* 1» prò
A f o r n i v i S t i l i t i » t r o n i |ot» nini »»Ilo
(ntllml upivnrd ni m i, enoriiniUNly In
i ii i .un.-, rulli by lini I i i i i i . m iih > tif Un* I» lim v ii l i i o i u l i v r o f il J u » » v i o l i ' p i o
wnltu uni II ut In i l li Im i tu In* ex
l o o l l v i t iiHMiH'Inllou n i n i l i m o l i o v o r
polled fro lli itn* N urfm e uf ilo* iM*n l l m v n l l r o »»oriti l u h o u i v I i o f «Hit
ttitn grent fu n i*
In llu* lumini Ino- m o l i l i n i n i u n n i I I l i o » 'v i tu l i! » m i n i u f
I l io lui vi o s i l u g i n v i l i t i l i u s i s i by l l m
Un* itili lin i »iilTerisl iiii lui 1 * 1 * 1111 1 o \
l'lu ilu ii. n i II « or«*, nini I l i «» lutt o e x p o r t Hill r i o a l v n l J v t w l r y , m i y * I I I *
f-oppcd Ulti uf I l i lll*llll. miti I l i IIIilllt'i t ' M r n g u N o t t i
"W nuinii
lutto o \|iilin lo il nini limilo I iu I o ì In Ilio
Kilo» n i.'' In* n ii I i I. ''ili (lenii* re mimi
f i l l i !» »» li>- llio rii un* no por
f i i i hiioi linoni uf iloop *o.i In i i i i . v imi ii olili un* o f pITvmlliig n i i li
Io u it*i. lo i *.!io In* ii rloli intuì'» »»Ifv
m ilio n i i Tilt* tlllll' - il II \ i i ni Iti In* puri
Iv n tiiv u n n * li.» baulllig Un* li-li np or dntighter ivln ini * inu lti If uMnlum l
graduili.». Imi n hciny n o li hi »»uniti rogulitrl» non Iti lim on ili lo ilio im nm li
b a ie lo In* n1 1 noliotl lu Ilio lino In nvi'P il jo u r. Ali.» woumii »»vii ilroisoil unii
■ nino Ilio liuuvniiov uf llit> llili
|ioNivMilng ii viirinln nmounl of re-
On ilo* otlm r tinnii. tnke n «linlhnv llllOUIOIll Olili MOV I l i o t l l l l l * * H l* i'k o f
w a te r Itili
II dare» lini nlpity Ino fnr H l i u o i t m i» d e a l e r lu l l m r o u i i l r y .
iln»» ii. fnr lln* luorm iiliiK pressure U l u l i i l i o l i r l v t o r o l i n o g l i i l o * Olili
« n u b i tomi lo uniI*o il h. n lor If It Kol il stinto or |>li>ni» u f Joitvlr.v (llirllig
»in i ni ti11 o nin proiillilit. Imi n i II li lu-r lim poiilon.
uut limoli no It »voiilil inu m ili lim oli
"lin o No»» York woinnn r u m * luto
ra lly Ilio inno* volumi» nini »»nultl limi a lui n »Ion» mul m ì U is I lo i.ov »olii*
no •lltlloiill» In p roprlllng lls o lf io ni
ti it so i illiiim o u li
T U * proprlvior of
in u ii mi» iltiptii
Tho Im re as lu g pro<
ilio Mini v »»piloti on lu-r limi * tu* »vitti
auro, liotvovvr, «rolliti tunkt* Il linrdcr ber p litigi* lo lle c llm i o f Ilio* »Ion*»
fot llu* iWli lo ino»* IN o r in ili, nml ' She d ls p ln jisl a iiioiiHicr roll of bill»
II» i o to i t» < »II III In* prosimi litio I l i | nnd »»as atx’Ut to piiicbiisu un expon
firm i
» Ile Jen el «vliell »he asl.eil «Vintiber
l'o r pii lliosv m usoni (boro n i* « . ' ! ber bustim d colli.I see II
VVIi.v. ' *-i
ilolllnsl r ilu ta n f w ater In tvliloli noi | tu ln l). leplied tbe p ro prlelo r
tu lli llili uro fom iti nml no otlior» Tbl» i ««III »end It o«er lo M in no«« ' T lie
|s ono in r ilu il of (Iv irrin ln ln B il" ' Moina n hesltnled and Hiially nsked
tlvptli of p fotiiu-r ìv p »»lim i f»is«Hi of ■ «« bel bei ib i" «voutil hold Ilo* »turni un
llsli uro fi'litu i un Ilio l:i lui T li * dopili
III tliiil a rie iie s .u nnd »he »voulil Uiske
o f llu* son ut lim i pino* rn n In* tolti 1 ti deposlt of Alo oli II
"T tils appeaiisl p e ife illy Jiroper to
1 irlltiin oortpln Ululi» bv ili« foasll*,—
Not» \ nrk T r lb iin *
tbe ni» iter, bill »» lieti »he left l»*o vai
untile «lolle« ««eie lulssllig
Ih e «Vi*
mali >» a« ballisi, lukeu to tlu* poli «
homi, pin ri cr « and «euri hed I" li*« geni»
« e re not fonili! mi ber. and In Iter lu
N is c o m b S jid Iti» Aeroplsn» Coutil
dlg liallo n abe tbrenleiiisl lo I• 1 1liK «Ult
N»var Be a Alice»»*.
ngnIn-1 Ih e proprlelor
Ile Inni l»-en
Slr H m iip h ry Im i» » «Iugularle prò
siile »Ile limi l il.eli Ihe »lolle«, but lu
notlticeuielit agallisi ga stigli! Ilig ts Hot
hi« profusim i of npntofv otTerisl to gl» e
file uni.» In**futii e of n ile» or «-■lenti-!
ber thè olii* »he tulli I h - c ii hs.UIng ut
Is'ilig ImfH'tessIy »» rmig
Tilt* «-ari»
uud at tbe suine filile riT n in l ber AIO.
h l,t,.i i nf subm arino cabllng fotnlslies
T bl» nn« Is*lI**r (han n «tilt and Ih»
fw o sirlk ln g exntliple»
<'on»ull«-«l on luss of all Ihe »uppoicd friend« " f Ihe
Ih«* «■•Icntlll • stile uf thè prnje*'l t ara
n u lli.ili. tlin u glll Ilo* dealer
She nc
d i V a a sortisi flin t thè Itisi ialite « »»ere roiiip.'iiiled bini lui. k to thè »ture nnd
Iliade tisi M i m i 11
'M u li lo* salii tlillt w liile Ibera, wat" lin i by detective»,
"Ilo* hirger ilio »viro thè m ore electri«'
Iliade bel «»ni tip to tbe ca«e w lier#
Ity w otllil l>e reqiiln-d lo clinrge It." ■ In* liad s I ihm I liefore nml «Il|ij big Iter
and III tlds q ulte Itu-urris-t opinion lo* baiai along thè under n lg e . r e ..v e rn i
»»a» «opporteli liy ni Iter eiiiliie iit “'le u
IIle l»«’o iul««lng stona» »Inek thein
As a resiilt of I t il i d h tu tll Ilo* In n little hall o f cbew lng gioii
e-urrent wns In reased tini II lite o|«.ra
"T he ili-in II»«-« dhl imi kilo»»- |»nl
tlou "e le i-tri» m is i" thè »»Ire and thè tlv e ly ut t Ila t Ulne «vhelbet
he lin i
calile brtike down
II »»'.as l.ord Kel
lllkeu a liv tllllig fro lli thè i olili le i. loit
« In svito l*y -endlng ntessages throiigh de*-ldis| lo l.eep flirth e r «Vilteli n» er
heavy i-ahle« w ltli Im i «*dlt*ly n-enk ber
\ t nnotber store severa! «la»»
et«*, irle i-urreiil» provisi tlin t l'arm ln y Inter, svilite “ he «sa» luspis lln g geins
«vai mlst.akeii
S »foto* «»a» dr«»p|s*d mi Ilo* Ihsir 'a*'
Air» »u b m ltii'il thè prole, t t*> iiiu Ibi*
r lile iitn ll» . sm l Ibi« ni»" wus i>. t
fila tic i and arrlve d nt thè con*-lu»lon G inn mi tlie fro lli of Ilio sime luid
tlint a cable conld noi tu* «utuacrgcd got ibi» mie
T b e »volumi «vn» nr
to tlie nei e»»nrv d epili and thnt If It re s in i nml i-onf**s««sl tim i »he hi <1
coutil lui recognl/a lite - Igliul coutil e»'«*r
. . . . . i . . el
N. i
t r a ic i frolli Irrln tid lo Nova S* ott i
1 1 .rk « l i t i bei i Ilio I l i I:
In a ria flou thè tale H r Neivcorol».
"fine of thè musi Ingollimi« tb**fi»
mie of tlie must dlstlngulshisl mallo*
Mas Iliade In Iterilo , tv bere a fello»»
mntli-lans tha World Ini» «*»«-r |iro
«valk'-d Im o ii generili Jrw elry store,
dia ed. d ista risi tu* 1 1 tt * I Innttie
know lug thè n M iier timi a line dla
im iti allv lnvi*«llgnted ¡»Il thè condì
iiiond T h e llile f «vori* nn eX|M*u»lve
tloo» operai lag agniiist ilo- ben vler dia nimid hlinself nini ivenf Itilo Ilo*
Ih,in a ir ma Itine inni «< i» eonvlnced store appan-nl!» to bave nn oli] Ger
III* starteli to
tim i thè Berophine woitld n«•»«•r I»* muli »valili re imi risi
any more tItati n w le n ilflc toy. nnd ta lk of dhitnonds nnd «*xlilblted hi»
thè fx»-** Utility <if nn nerotilam* mot or OWII lis a chole e Ninne Ile «VII« »ho«« li
Ilo* otlior »lolle bv Ihe dealer Tbi-.v
Is-lng rellatile III thè redtleed atino»
pilerie pressure nlwive :!,l»»l feet «va» dl»eussi.d diam om i« In every p tinse
by severa I <*X|>**rts salii to tu* ollt of uli111 tlie « u t i li «va» repalnsl. wlieu
tlie stiliu g er sinrti-d lo pav for Ilo*
tha quest loti
lla rp e i's Wi*«-kly.
Ile e x lilb llis l a largì* roll
o f bill« and purpo ely overiialtl
lu ir
Sour on tha Eights.
lllg Ila* “Ughi «‘«infusión nf eountlllg
" F lg lit cent p<isiugi* S t a m i » ara Imo
«loos." salii n postai otiti tal. "Noto* of III« lamie» sud pa.vlng far bis Watcb
tlie »m ali olili es Ini mite titani If lliey In* liad s i i ls*l11ilti-il for Ilo- genuine dia
cati lielp II
IF » tlils »vny- They are inolili a paste stoni*, « h b li «va« belng
Jilst n «» *s- slinde dlfTerenf In rolot cari-filli» u lappo.! up and pim i d In
fiora tlie olii -, unii li I» no In freq iien t lls Imx bv tln* dealer, « lille tlie
tliln i' f-ir n Miami* cterk In ii liu rrv lo stranger «a« saunterlng im i « lit i lil«
lui itti onf a tot «if c ig lili «v ben ones
"T b e dealer »uw a sllglit cailsm
are usi,eit and |«ild for
II al»vny»
spot In Un* paste Jetvel in Ini « as
co-1» Iti tu 7 * i'iit* ii stnmp wlii-n ha
eloslng tlie Jmx nnd. km nvllig bis
iloes |t. T h e elerk Ilare thè otlier day
o«vn JelVel lo la* fili (« les». Iinri'ledlv
dill illg thè insti holir. »» ben tlie olili e»
exam lm -d Ile- Htonc and npprelieiid.'d
aia* eloslng. was <alled upoli for a dol
fin* tb le f liefore In* «vas luíIf a lilot k
tur’» ««orili of mie»
Hi* liaudcd olii n
nw ay, »«siire In thè tbouglil tlint lo*
htindrcd elghls liislead
t'osi litui >7
wns »nfe
l'Iieii he gol rld o f all thè resi of Ih e
“ H e « a s tnkcn to thè sture ami
elghls, and iio w he »von't lu n e nny
«•ver» p i ri Iole o f clotlilug removeil.
lllllig lo d” xv It II elghls evi'll «IMS
• and he ivas »enrehed ih o ro t|e |ilr, but
eaten’ Insiem i of -ala.'
N ew York
lile tliissillg Jeirel eonld hot be foliad
lle rn ld
More tbroiigb cn rlo sliy ni ila* ahi
Mine «vati h Militi n iiyililn g else mie
Proper Chills.
J o f tlie polb e ofiened tlie back of tbe
" I'v e had cold chills running over me
I mi «e and fmtm i g lllle rlu g up ut Min .
nil day." the lliln mini complained
frolli Ila* u m i l i pi lag ila* I.. I |e\M ! ■
“ You ought to be glad of th at." sni I
Tbe iliio f co n i’- ei| am i gol a beai»
tils heartless friend
| «olitem i-
" I don't think I iindorsland you
"T lie re are Just tlmusands n f Mila
W h y should I be glad'?"
lllud n f en«es," nabl Mie g rill tb le f
" fill. »veil, you know. It Is quite nn
"T lie m a jo rity o f tlie really
o rd in ary tilin g In have cold chills
big follo»'s (lin t I bave over »«-ni are
T here's no cause for a la rm
th in k an extra o rd in ary thing If. as fine cut meli a« uni* w m ild fimi any
would be I f you should have hoi chills where T ln -lr personnllt.v ls usiuilly u f
tho In-st. bui «vlih a limi stroak lu
running over you."
th eir niakenp soluewbi-re."
j Hampton a n d Company f
V > |
W. R. TUCKER, Prop.
1 m
f t 1- t
r —
!L"i o
A World*» F a ir E xh ibit T h jt
N a p o le o n .
A d instance of the
m iuti by oue bleu Is seeli ill a 11 lull
crons m istake umdo by l.m iis V
leoD In 1S.V* nt it world'» fa ir
Paris w hile he was em peror
I I . Hid
been tn iin otl 10 »var. auil In* con <1 m*t
set; a strauge objovt ««I;limn regard
lug It in relation to w a r
T b e lieml
of the C nitvd Slate» cotmnlst'lou at
the exhibition «vns .MallHivM I ’» F le ’d
who tells In lus “ Mvluolrs of -Many
M en" ho»v greatly tl «turlnsl Un* i n
jiernr was by au Am erican invt-M im i
T h e comm issioner was present at n
reception In Id a t tliv palnrr.
" T lie em iie m r nppro.-ioliotl iat* ami
rem arked th at lit* had that afternoon
w alked through our depart tin hi of
the expo sition —this »»as jusi before it
Was open to the pubiiv—th a t lit* I. id
seen many things I here w hich in te r­
ested him. but th a t nothing had so
SPECIALTY much pleaded him as the exhibition
o f vulcanized ind ia rubber. Am ong the
r articles lie had noticed something
! w hich had puzzled him ever since.
, l i e very much regretted th a t 1 was
not present a t the tim e o f his visit.
•'H e re I interru p ted him to say th at
I very much regretted It m y se lf and
th a t i f he had sent tne an in tim a tio n
of his purpose I should have been
' certain to attend.
: “ ‘W ell.* be answered, 'in one corner
' I saw . stacked as one sees them in an
Just ta k e a look a t th a t w in - a rtille ry yard, a pile o f vulcanized in-
dla rubber cannon balls. T h e re was
nobody there to answ er the Inquiries
dow disp lay o f
which I desired to make. Perhaps you
can explain the m a tte r to m e.’
" I had not even seen the balls in
question and had to say so.
“ *i cannot im agine.' resumed his
m ajesty, ‘how a n y preparation of In ­
dia rubber can he ured for projectiles.
| I t has often occurred to me th a t, in
I t ’s in te re s tin g an d it
com bination w ith other m aterials. It
I m ig h t he made useful fo r defensive
m a y be th a t it w ill solve
*‘ l was compelled to ad m it th a t It
] was equally mysterious to me how the
th a t w e d d in g o r b ir th ­
In ven to r could have thought seriously
o f m aking cannon balls of It. A fte r so
d a y g if t problem fo ry o u .
! unsatisfactory an Interview the em per­
or probably did not th in k th a t It would
be civil to leave me Im m ediately, so lie
: asked me i f I took much interest in
m ilita ry matters.
I answered that I
did not any more than civilian s usual­
ly do.
“ I was a t th a t tim e residing very
near th e Palace o f Ind u stry. T b e next
m orning I w ent over before breakfast
fo r th e purpose o f getting Inform ation
upon the subject which had so puzzled
th e emperor.
I w en t d irectly to the
In d ia rubber exhib it, and. sure enough,
I found the balls there Just as they
had been described to me. I t was too
ea rly for me to expert to see th e man
in charge, hut there was a person In
his place. I asked w hat in the world
he expected to do w ith India rubber
cannon balls.
is to inform you that
“ ‘T hey are not cannon balls.’ he an­
sw ered; 'they are footballs!” ’
Courteous Treatment
Rates to
Hand - Painted China
Benson’s Pharmacy
is still doing business at the
old stand »vith the largest
slock of
in the city.
A w ord to the
wise is sufficent.
Benson’s Pharmacy
One of N a tu re '* Mysteries.
T h e zodiacal light, still one o f the
unsolved mysteries, has shown very
regular pulsation» In in te n s ity and
form .
In n com m unication to the
French Academy of Sciences M. ISIrke-
land lias pointed out th a t these v a ria ­
tions agree closely w ith the periods of
regular m agnetic waves o f polar re
glons, and this would seem to indicate
th at the zodiacal light Is an electrical
phenomenon. A num ber o f experim ent»
suggest th at It may lie part o f a ring
o f luminous m a tte r surrounding the
sun In the plane of Its m agnetic equa­
.: ! ■ = ! C 3
Q C 3
Judge H a n k fo rJ Cleverly Evaded the
Law Against Suicide.
He Saw H ¡, Chance *nd Mad# a Big
H it In "Marci«t-"
A i-ouip i» |tin »iii
Ita m lc t" was
lor. ed I., iie.l n
im In play the »*•-
olid g ed get I ’ll -Id lim it Of tile III
o f the - *•!** 1 cuiitistliill ot the
ciunpii nt
IP.- only u* lo r m -illublc
was i variety perfnrtiicr »»li” lililí 0«
reverence i
•• and no r**
sped for tin ! ruilltli-ns of in« classl.
dram a
»«• otul g n iv is ||g g *r tvn>
a i allied» p rt, and he knetv th a t he
COllhl ‘gel it»» a » »»Ifli If."
W hen tin -li-t gi - - «-digger tlir*-»v olt
the n a! I n a l . re tea lln g u n o th rr un
lleru e:illl lie- audiea«*- tittered
* It** so u n i t» a 1st eon t
til* >u v. Ill a ¡ n i t ..nigh
I -nl (lie tllird
p ro du c'd a i-.-ar Tin* first gravedigger
»»as del., hied
lie liad never played
to -:ic!i a a| pre la ilv e atldleoce. and
visions H*if m i* h I notices In tbe paper «
and it pc- i.h* increase In salary I«*
gan to to* • i it * * t*efore tils eyes As
he threw n l tin* fourth »v.-ilstioat lie
tu rn e .| p a rti.illy around, and (lie cause
o f tin* unusual tilt »»as disclosed to
T h e »is-oml era redigger, being necus
tome I to build laughs on lines and
bu»in«**-H of other actor», »aw Ids op-
Is irtm d li nnd seized It.
As fast na
tbe fir-r g nvi'il -'gi-r would th ro w tin*
w :il»i«nnf* oa the ground the variety
comeduin would pick them up nml put
them on T h e new business »vas much
fu n n ier to t l .........idlence than the old.
»villi wlih li It »».i» thoroughly fa m ilia r
.Not content w ith having stolen the
laugh« from the regular comedian In
this sc*ne. the n**»v man w ent fu rl tier
W hen the first gravedigger »aid to him.
“Go. get the. to Ynnghnn; fetch me n
Htoiip o| liq u or" tto »»lileli there Is no
reply In llu- text», the assistant sexton
“ Yiinghari told me to tell you that
you couldn't have nny more liquor
from him 1 111 von paid for the Inst you
got.” — K in m cit f K ing I ii Itookm an.
Sui. i'i»-> o fte n adopt it geuious nivth-
od.s. but tbe a rt of
m a teria li
lu r
I uut to have u d ra i
• of
i lu g llu* centuries. Tin* modern *
' it bcuvily Insured l.r. ikvr »»bo
feigned hun ting trip s loud bare
In a quagm ire fo r lioui -*i nnd »vi nil »
contraeteti a fa ta l ptieti moula Is Ilia tell
1 ed in ( levcruess by otic .\nii ye ar - old
'1 in* fo lio w iu g fa d s lire »»ell vouch
isl for and it.ileisl w ere he»er ipa
I tinned, c i j - ibi* i irts'ii Rag Sir W ll-
' bum M u n k f n l. a Jlld •• of tin* klug »
¡ Is'iK li in ihc reigns o f Kdw nrd i l l .
H e n ry I T . . Henry v ai .1 I le i • i I
' and a t tin* tiim* o f hi • ( l a t h ch ief Jus
j tice o f Paigland. waa n m an o f m el­
ancholy t cm peni meni.
H e seems to have contem plated -til-
jc h le tin* g reater part o f Ills long life,
nnd durili:.- Ills later years tho Idea be
ram e n tlx* *1 purp*
T h e .-o r « s o f
peculiarly m - i c - us lonsequeni-e In tin*.**
days for tbe reason that ill« law
treated It as a capital crim e
T l»* of-
t fen d er v s buried at tin* ero- r« als
w ith n stake driven through Ids body,
nm l all Ids poods nnd pr
-rty »»ere
fo rfeited in the crow n, to the litte r
ru in o f Ids fam i! v
H a n k fo rd jn n d e gn»d use o f Ids »vits
nnd sic ceded In neeouiplishlng les
punióse »vlttiont Incurring cith er un-
plensant |s*nnltv
lb * gave o | m * ii in ­
structions to Id * gnnietrcep*-r. »vii** hail
b«s*n troubled w ith poe-hers In l!n*
deer preservi*, to 'h a lh -n g e ali tres
passers In the fu tu re and t > shoot t > i
1:111 if they would i:ot land ai d give !
mi account
O ne dark night he puri«*-**!»- eros e*l
th e keeqer's path nini ittHin ehall**tipi*
mail'* motion« o f resistance and ** ■
T ie fa ith fu l servant, fa liin g to
recoptd/*- Ids t'naster. follow ed in -trn c . j
tion to the letter, as was «•X|«*' tei1 of
him . alni Sir W ltiln m f**H demi In Ids
T h e w hole tru th o f the nfT.-dr
wns common knowbslpe. but it was i
I n possible to establish n# case o f
ebb* by legal proof. T h e servant was
proteet«*d by h's Inst m et Ions
Hard, j Boor* W ith the Fleetest Horses Got
the Biggest Farm s.
ford had honorable burini, and h
es- j
ta te pass—*1 to those who-'« In te n ds as ; According to a legend o f S m lflifo w n .
N. Y . the tow nship was o rigin ally
heirs he h id in w isely considered
measured otT by a p rim itiv e method
T h e first • .fille r was one S m ith , »vim
A Soldi**-’* Reply.
A soldier of Marsha S a x e ' s arm y, bought fn iii the Indians as much land
as u bull could go nround In a day
being discovered In a theft ivas con
detuned to le* hanged
W hat In* had N o w , S m ith bail a »m art bull, trained
stolen might he w orth é shillings The to c a rry him m id to h a lf trot and h alf
m a r*fm l. meeting him a s he was be­ lope nt a rapid pace. T h a t day the
bull w hs up to the m ark. R y night In*
ing led to execution, s a i d to him
" W h a t a m iserable fool .voli »vere lo had Inch* "d so much land that the
am azed Ind ian » nicknam ed Its rider
risk your Ilf*- fo r f> shillings!"
"fio rirm i." replied tie* soldier. *‘ | n u ll Smith.
T his tra d itio n has Its counterpart
have risked II every day for toy pay.
T his repartee
a n d hl» am ong the liners o f South A frica.
T li'd r "run»," ns the farm s o f these
l i f e
Itilfch m en lil'e called, contain, general­
The Pest He Could Do.
ly speaking, from 4.<»m to U, i »» i acres,
"N o w . g en tleinen." said the -Inge o f ivhh-h only a fetv acres are under
m anager at rehearsal. " I »vani you all cu ltivatio n .
Sm all
monum ent» o f
to w ear your heavy overcoat» In lids stones piled up at certain points m ark
»'•ene, as If H supposed to Is* nn ex
the boundary lines
trem ely ch illy nig h t."
T h e lirst - . tilers. kuo»»lng nothing
“ I have no overcoat, sir,” replied one o f surveying,
th eir
o f the acbii - Then a bright thought "ru n s” by liot-sejiowei-.
H a v in g idled
struck ti I r t -Rut I could put on my up a lot o f stones, the 1 lifers would
In-n v . tu ci y i r.” Ito- ton T t a le ilp t
s ta rt from them and ride in a straight
line for h a lf an hour ns fast as their
horses could c a rry them.
How Could He Forget?
H a ilin g , each rid e r would build an
S h e -A r e you sure It was n year to­
day that »»’• became engaged, dear? o ther beacon at d again ride for h a lf
H e — Yes. I looked It up in rn.v cheek an hour at ri;rliI angles to Id« first line.
hook this m ornfng.—New York Jour­ T h e n In* would pile tip another stone
beacon. T w o more turns and an hour
H is Curiosity.
more o f rid in g brought him back to
Stronger I noticed yo u r ndvertls»*- Ills starting point.
riieht I ii the paper tl*i- m orning for a
T b e square tra c t Inclosed w ith in the
m an to re ta il Imported canaries. I ’ro- tw o hours’ ride nnd tin* fo u r beacons
p rieto r o f R lril Store Yes, sir
Are became Ills farm
O f course the lloer
you looking for the Job? S trang er— w ho owned the fleetest horse obtained
Oh. no
I m erely had a curiosity to the largest tra c t o f land. -H a rp e r'»
fellow how the 'H ila ries lost th eir tu I I m ! W eekly.
The Modem W ay.
Tin* prodigal had returned.
" F a th e r," he said, "are you going to
1:111 tha t a i l e d calf?"
"No," responded the old man. look
Ing the youth over c a re fu lly —"no: I'll
let von live. Rut I'll put you to work
nnd tra in some o f flint fa t off you.” —
Toledo Iliad e
On« on ths M inister.
[lev T u b i I m m e r - I'v e hern prrnrb
Ing fids m orning to n congregation of
sssi-s. I.lly Sugar«! Ick — Yaa; I noi Iced
you called them "beloved brethren."—
I.ondon T it Hita.
Very Considerata.
A tender lu-iirleil youth «’ns once
pl-escnl i i i nn O xfo rd supper wln-rii
the fill hers of those nsselnhlisl were
If-ln g roundly' abused fnr th eir parsi­
mony In supplying the demands of
ilo-lr sons
At Inst, a fte r having long
kepi silence, lie lifte d U|i Ills voice In
tilllil proles!
" A fte r all. gentlem en," he said, "let
it» rem em ber Mini ihey are our f e llin g
eren fn res."
H e lis I Ii a poor »plrtf who Is not
planted above p eliy w io u g*. - F ellliam .