Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, October 27, 1911, Image 1

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ü lh u
P A G F. S
(C u tic u jr
( OITAtd
Hark to First Love.
I ». I'. itili toll, will) li f t Col lagt*
(¡rovi- will'll rli-rteil I' lunly iiKsi-Hnor
(w rite yi-iirn moi, lom u l ui ot 'I I rom
Flügen*- mul inovi-il onto hi» ranch nt
l.iitloiiu, lit- Ini - huh weri-ii tin- rnll ol
tin- I ihu I mul will trv producing high
I ir
t fin»! .lu ll, lor ii w lii li-
liiirl ii hi*» In i n lirmlily wrli oint il li.
1 1 1H o It I - 11 III.- Ul-l |IIII11 1 til IIl't M.
Building of 1-Tec trie Line in Near
Future Seems More Than F.ver
Kmlroxl ('unilninnioiirr I uiiipheH in
a Certainty*
prcachling hi» particular friend* with1
® ro u ?
(.R O V I . O KI (.ON. I KIO AY. (X T O I’,l.K
7 . 191 I
Knnuway Nearly Proves Fatai to Albany Skyman Favorably Men-
tinned in Aviation Weekly.
Delivery Man.
F'eeliiiK li unsi T ! fortunnte lo liave •-»-
eitpeil velili li ih lift-, Arthur Monna-,
whn wa» eiioiihly injiiri-il in n ruimwiiy
Hi-eiilelit ln»t week, i» getting ab'lig
verv nii-i-ly. Mr. Molimi- ia o n e o f thè
-IriM-r-i for thè union delivery m-rvli-c.
Wtuie in thè Minithern puri of thè rily,
ni-iir thè rmlwny triii-ks tho hor»e* look
(righi ut thè Shunta limiteli a* it
vlrz/.i-d hy mnl hei'iiine uninanagcabli-.
Monroe ntteriipti-il to jtiinp from thè
0- li duor of thè ria, Imi ut tlmt moment
thè wagon tippi-d nver and he wa*
Iruggcd with thè ria aulii thè team
freed itNi-lf of Ilo- vehii-le. Mr. Muo­
rile wa» very hailly bruixcd up and wmh
carried to hi» home, wherc a medicai
1- xamination »howe<l limi no bone* were
The delivr-ry ria and hor»c» had to
iudera<> »limo repair*.
S d u t t o !
W. • < ruwfnro, aeronaut, ha» made
excellent i-r-gri.... tn hi» experiments
in avintion nt Alhm.y this year and will
rontinne in i Ifort« next Mprma. in
»peaking of Mr. Crawford, the Aero,
America’# aviation weekly xayx:
The most promising ynung aviator in
the amateur cla»» in the northwe»t i»
W. < Cranford, of Albany, Ore. The
ability with which he handle» hi» bi­
plane .tamp» him a» a corner.
A f ti r a few trial.-* on the ground to
farnilmrizi hirn»elf with the »hi| , he
roMi- t' a height of * feet f«.r lanyard»,
and on I In • rood trial roxe I i. feet for
300 yard». The f-dlowing day he ro#e
¡in feet avairiMt a 15-mile per-hour wind
and Hew succeaafully for lialf a mile.
The in \t day young Crawford made two
Might» at mi altitude of more than »0
Secretary Anderson, of the Commer­
cial club, has received the following
A new buxine»» house wa» established
letter on White House stationery;
last week, when A. FL Spray and A.
San Francisco, Oct. 13, 1311.
W. Wooley opened the (J. K. Cleaning
and Pressing parlors on 3rd street, one To the President, the Ladies Club,
Cottage (¡rove. Ore.
door south of the Cottage (¡rove
Creamery. The young men are well My Dear Madam :
The President has asked me to con­
known residents of the city. They are
fixing their building very neatly and vey to you and, through you, to the
members of the Ladies club, and to the
are now in shape for business.
members of the (Commercial club, his
warm thanks for the beautiful Howers
which they sent to his car as it passed
through Cottage Grove yesterday. He
WHEELER THOMPSON COMPANY appreciated the courtesy very much.
New Business House.
Members of the Firm Have Been
Popular Citizens and Move
is Regretted.
Sincerely yours,
C H A R L ES L. H IL L E S .
Secretary of the President.
Pleasant Surprise Party.
The officer» of F^astern Star Chapter,
i No. 4, tendered a delightful surprise
The firm of Wheeler-Thompson Co 'rue8,iay afternoon at the Masonic hall
.i picture of "Mi- uml Taft.
Mr. . Tln-re i» no longer any iloulit lint
• 'i* in 11 1 >•-II »how* up in g«»»l form even I (imi ('otturi' (¡rove 11 being coln-iili-rod f f i M M I T T C T M i r N
C IH C M A U / w,|l * ° ° n be no more. An unexpected!8» * N e w e ll party to Meadames C. H.
in »uoh highclu»» mul tn-avy i-ompiiny, | ,.N | m . hhí L> í lit v for mi extensión of the t r U l f l l f l l 1 I L L l T l L i l
l/ lIY L
U ln L lX
j l U L lll/ lY
announcement wa» made this week t h a t ! Burkhokler and Jam es Porter previous
I the stock on hand would be closed out 10 their departure for an extended trip
luit lie acknowledge* Hint “ Hill hex j ( tri-yon E lic in e railway in tin- very
and the firm dissolved.
I lo California. The surprise was com-
ot it on Inin n little for liHiks.
look*. lie
He ha»
Im» | ne nr future. See ret X r y Ander--.n, ol
COTTAGI. GROVE MI N TAKE SIDE OF UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ON The members of this firm. Messrs, j |,lete and the afternoon was pleasantly
mi u| hi lug u-a to make, however, id t a i l (lie t iiinuieri'iiil t- luit, recel veil worii
Wheeler, Thompson and Wilson have 1 "F*^1 in progressive games and music.
wa» never in tin- aaw, mill burl in»» in Momluy from I'renident Gray Unit In-
j become well and favorably known here
was cho8en as the color scheme.
i In-g un,
woul-l look over the Held lo re just as
The picture was taken while la fl »noli u buxines», which lui» been ne­ Former Members of Cottage Grove Referendum Committee Now Testi- Ue,ui,e of theii‘ personal congeniality ‘ wb,ch was prettily earned out in deco-
wan in Oregon and Campbell wa* in glected because ol an canteri! trip, can
t l
■* — . r-
and fair methorls of doing business, rat,on8 and the dainty luncheon which
iy tor 1 hose Whom They 00856221
Messrs. Wheeler and Thompson have fo|l°wed. About .‘15 ladies were pres-
Washington holding down the lid, be altf-ndcd to. Ho may lo- delayed a
which iniikr» it “ some stunt” in pho- monili or <ix week».
been particularly active in furthering ent, all expressing themselves as hav­
Opposed Before.
propositiun that has come up for ing spent a most pleasant afternoon
Flvery eIfort will In made by the
good and welfare and are and wishing Mesdames Burkholder and
Mr, Campbell is »till a legal resident Commercial club to see that no point
Citizen» of Cottage (¡rovi; who bave petición» which were fictitious, to pro­
,,( i . H u g e GroVe, no that III» old-tlliu- that might induce the Electric to conic followed the University of Oregon re f­ tect one of the circulators who had live members of the Commercial club. Porter a pleasant journey.
io'ipiiiintmu-fM her.- are plea»ed to note at once i» overlooked.
Prexidet t erendum case from thè begìnning were been arrested and had admitted the i V,r- Wheeler now holding the position
Unit he i» picking good i-umpuny for Wheeler Ktated today that Mr Gray’* xturtled by the teatirnony given at forgeries. According to Mr. Spray, ^ president. I hey have not stated
til» niMorlatea.
visit would la- the oecaxioii for a ina» Salem Tuc»day by former meinher» the committee agreed to restore to " ^ “t their future intentions are, but if
meeting of citizen».
closing out of the business should
of thè committee appointed by a mass 1‘arku ii tlii- forged names, provided ,
* That the Flh-ctric will come some meeting to iovoke the referendum on he would replace them with good sig -1 ,nean their removal from the city, all
I the members of the firm and their
day, there ix no doubt, h u t the citizen* thè University appropriaiiona. There natures.
| families will be much missed in busi-
of Cottage (¡rove feel that the budini »« were f«-w who knew- tliat tlie gcntlernen
. . . .
COLONISTS’ RATF. SEASON BENE p r e s t i g e wtiieh I l o- city IH guining I nere going to testify al all, and the . “ Before .. Parkison
, ness and social circles. Many expres
Willamette Valley Only Section of
(.rove on this visit, continued Spray, .
warrant* the extension at the pre»ent rcnort» of the character of their testi- " t h e committee contracted with Park­ 1 sions of re g re t of this unexpected
Oregon Represented at Omaha
have been made by friends of
| inony, which showeii that they Inni inson for another 1000 names, and, up- move
Land Show.
, .
.. . .
, . 1 the members of the company.
F-lTort* will b«- made U> gain some turned over for the Eugene aide of the on the
Thirty-Day Special Riite Season Nets
representation that he needed
, Hlea of V. it W ill cost for a right-of- proposition, canu- lik«- a thunderbolt
the money to pay the circulators, the) RELATE TALE OF HEROISM.
This City Splendid Increase
Omaha, Nebraska, Oct. 26.—Special.
I way from Flugciic, the securing of a j <»ut of ii clear iky to fneruia of the d e *, committee advanced to Parkiaon hia j
in Population.
Grove’s slides for the Lsnd
chi up right-of-wa> being a factor that fens* in the case.
additional Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker Proud
show arrived in good time and are be­
would ruxh the building of the road.
W hen the case was convened at Su-
of Heroic Son.
ing used nearly every day by Publicity
T hirty new families fur the (¡rove is T he officials ol Hie road do not wish to
Mr. Spray testified that a day or so
Mr. and Mrs. J . W’. Baker, of Al- Man Freeman in talks on the Willam­
the result f Ho- ¡to-day colonist »»-»»on re|M.-at the experience they have hud < lem Tin ^ilay, John K. Spray, one of
which came In a close last week, when getting iato other cities up the valley. - veil appointed by a mass meeting of Inter Parkinson called up and wanted bany, have been visiting friends in the ette valley and its divei^ified re-
a rate of «26 w a» in effect fruin St. I They are a * k i n g for no bonu*ea and cilizoiM of Cottage Grove to glean sig* ( ot.- ge Grove petitions sent to th* city a few days this week. This is 'sources. Every section of the four
imtu i » to petitions for the referendum hank at Salem. On this request being j Mieir first visit since last May. They counties has exploitation and repre­
Paul to the const. <>f this number of wish to escape paying any.
if the two University of Oregon a| refu-ed, he came to Cottage Grove and | were former residents r f the city. Mr. sentation.
tHitiihr». averaging ¡ilxuit live to the
prupriation bills, was called as n w it­ the committee was called together, and Mrs. Baker are the parents of
The attendance at the show is in­
f.irmly, there 1 » positive knowledge,
Newspaper L'art v Gets Deer.
w hen the committee demanded that J Clare Baker, the switchman who creasing and now runs into thousands.
iitlo-r», of which there 1» no record,
Capi. While, Sunday editor of the
have probably come, and many other» I Portland Oregonian and Kay Clark,
Mr. Spray testified that this commit­ the MN) names to take the place of the showed such reckless heroism in saving The first day the weather was windy
life of a little child at Corvallis and rainy, but notwithstanding this,
who came and >uw tlo- country will re­ foreman of the eum|M>xing room on the tee employed Mr. Parkinson to obtain forged names, anti the 1(NN) new names
weeks ago.
The train on the admissions were about four thous­
turn lignin to stay.
Name paper, accompanied hy It. K. 3.INN) names fur ¡H cents each a peti­
was hacking and. The exhibition is open from nine
A person who »••<•» this section of the j Lawson, of this city, returned Monday tion, c r 7 cents for each name for the
tied, “ he first said that he would do it, UP- He caught sight of the babe sit- in the morning till eleven o ’clock in
country once usually come* back to stay j f r,„„ „ hunting trip in the big woods two petitions. These names were fur­
and then he and Mr. Cates had a con- GnK on (He tracks, jumped from the the evenings.
MiMioer or luter
There are record* of ,.„Hl „f here. The parly brought back nished (lie committee, which immedi­
F’our men are working harmoniously
those who have made four oi five lri|n< a deer apiece a» trophies of tin- trip ately paid Mr. Parkison the price sultation and they came back and said train, ran to the child, beating the
Two or three days that they would not, that they were train by a few feet, grabbed the infant In the interests of the Willamette
before finally settling d o w n , but the and wire much pleased with their out- agreed upon.
call of the great and growing Willam­ ing, speaking highly of the entertain­ iHter," testified the witness, "Purki- going to send them to Salem and that in his arms and leaped into the canal Valley and doing everything possible
sun culled on the committee at Cot­ he had plenty of other names to go to save the life of himself and the res­ to advance its interests. The Willam­
ette simply can't be resi-ted.
ment accorded them hy Mr. Lawson.
cued child. This made the thin! life ette Valley representatives have put
tage (¡rove and said that of the ;>,(**) with them to file the referendum.”
In one week the Oregon hotel cared
up a monster display and are somewhat
y °unK man had saved.
for 255 transients and the TTiumpsnli . W, H. Jenknis, of Portland, tra- ■ ling names h" had furnished the committee,
exultant because no competitor sur­
ami Cottage hotel» were similarly passenger agent for the S. 1’., i ailed SIN I were forged.
Parkison said he
Send the Sentinel to Eastern friends
passes this region. The exhibit draws
desired to recover that portion of the
crowded. Sleeping i|Unrters were hard on the Sentinel Wednesday
(Continned on page 10. |
after you have read it.
large crowds of people that question
to secure for a period of ten days.
every attendant to the point of ex-
T he number of homcseeki-rs coming
naustion. Oregon Day was observed
to Oregon, from tlu- rural districts •<(
with appropriate ceremonies on Tues-
Kurope bus been a notable feature.
| day, the 24th.
Itailroad officiala Miai civil authorities
Medford and Roseburg failed to se­
engaged in the development of the
cure space in time for this land show
»tale have hi-eii surprised al tina feature
and the state of Oregon’s sole repre­
of Hie colonist movement, lint see in
sentation is the Willamette valley.
it one of the most hopeful signs for the
Many complimentary notices of the
rapkl settlement of unoccupied land*.
display have appeared. Previous dis­
While the movement from the e*sl
plays of different sections of Oregon
eru state* has continued steadily and
in a volume that has been encouraging Hundred Million F'eet of Lumber
Harrisburg Ladies Entertain in Nov­ have been in Lite name of the entire
state, largely through the influence of
to those rumuiuniticM seeking future
Per Year Capacity of Plant.
el and Interesting Manner.
the railroads, while upon this occasion
land owner* and farmers tin- influx of
What will I k - one of the hugest and
The Potato show at Harrisburg last the exhibit being managed by the
those from Europe is an added joy that most modern lumber manufacturing
week reflected much credit and honor county courts and commercial clubs,
they did not take into early considera­ institutions,on the Pacific coast will
on the ladies who planned and executed central western Oregon will enjoy a
soon he established at Bend, Ore.,
it. The tubers exhibited outclassed degree of prestige not hitherto given
Probably the most pleasing feature where t' e Scanion-Gipson lumber com-1
anything of the sort ever before her.
of the immigrant movement I ihh it* pHiiy of Minneiipulis owns S u . ihni acres
shown. The show was held in the city
While the exhibit was in the course
source in the cl**» of Europeans coming „( valuable timber lend in a body.
hall, which was a veritable county fair of construction stray visitors came in
to Oregon. Nearly one-half of tliose This company experts to construct a
pavilion. Potatoes — nturphys—spuds and asked if this was a railway enter­
lumber manufacturing p'ant that will Only Five Days l.eft in Which To Take Advantage of This Exceptional -tubers—in all their splendor predom­
prise or a land concern. There are no
(Conti ucd on pave 10.)
inated, and then there were beets,
turn out 100 . 000,000 feet of lumber „
Low-Priced Offer; Reduced Subscription Price Cam­
parsnips, carrots, cabbages, cauliflow­
(Continued on page 10.)
paign Closes in Less Than a Week.
er, apples, pears and various other
j figures, means that the plant will turn j
fruits and vegetables ami an abundance
Kcv. 4 Mark Comer, » e l l known i out 5,000 carloads during the 12 months, j
of flowers. These had all been nicely
here because of evangelistic work he | or an average of 16 cars a dHy. Or, to
You can «*arn 5 0 cent? by reading: this copy of the S en t in el . displayed in the center of the hall
The freight congestion at the local
did two years «go, will leave for India \ make it even more understandable, it A ll you have to ili> to earn the money is to come into the SENTINEL and around the walls were booths
Southern Pacific station has been a l­
the middle of January to tnko u p e v a n -1 will mean that one trainloail of lumber
office and state that you have read the paper, as required, when containing canned and preserved fruits, most entirely relieved, and as far as
gelistie work in and around Calcutta, j per day must be shipped front the mill
fancy work of various kinds, curios etc. receipt of goods is concerned there is
you will he given a receipt for a full year’s subscription at 5 0 cents
M-. Comer will leave about the 25th 1 l " relieve the yard congestion,
The decorations of the hall were of
The lumbcr
lumber company
company figures
figures that, less than the regular price. The regular price is $ 1 ,5 0 .
You will. the beautiful autumn leaves and now no apparent inconvenience being
of November to visit friends at Milton,
caused by the strike. All Portland
branches in all their exquisite lines.
Ore., two brother» at Page, N. D„ a j run" '" K ful1
,l wil1 require seven therefore, get the SE N T IN E L a whole year for $ 1 . 0 0 .
freight is arriving practically on time.
The show was originated by the Freight traffic is light, anyway, which
brother at Howard Lake, Minn., a m l,
inb.Ufiguthes '[hat
Many new names have been added to the subscription list dur-
ladies’ auxiliary of the Harrisburg enables the company, when necessary,
j ■ ** * » . - r * . »»
.M b , ^
m r ^
¡ » a . Improvement club. ’Ihe club wanted
Jo lay up cars and engines and still
I). C,, to look after husini'ss in connec­ ;(7,.r>(xi ears of lumber during its run, last issue, and many old subscribers have taken advantage of the to get out of the beaten path and do have sufficient to handle the business.
opportunity to renew. If you were not one of these, you still have something different from the programs
tion with his work, lie expects to sail or 2,737 train loads.
Passenger trains are running on
Howevet, the company does not in­
for the Orient on the loth of January.
five days in which to take advantage of the offer. Do not procras­ of other communities.
Mr. Comer will take up evangelistic terni to quit when the 30,000 acres of tinate any longer, for after November 1st the opportunity will have
The relations between the Southern
work among the Flnglish speaking peo­ timber is exhausted. There are moun
t a i - W timber extending fn.m Bern! to I parsed ami you may never «Rain have such another one. The S e n - M“V GeJ f 5,000 f<£ ^¡ ° Te' I
ami the strikers remain prac-
ple, h I hiu I five million of whom are to
he found in Calcutta an I surrounding
acquired from time to time so that the open after the limit set.
may get «6,000 for having discovered a
Two Weeks of Sunshine,
The SENTINEL is now the biggest, newsiest a n d best printed rich vein of ore on the Champion prop
Nearly two weeks of glorious sun-
Mr. Comer will be accompanied hy mill will he kept emp oyed indefinitely.,
A mill of this magnitude will em-
, ,
. ...
. ..
ti . .
his wife anil two children. It will he
in a stretch right in the middle
The payroll will weekly newspaper in this section ot t h e country.
It intends, not ert^
Carefully Peruse This Sample Copyt Then Come|POTATO SH0W A BIG SUCCESs
In and You Will Get 50 Cents Off the
Regular Subscription Price.
s s s t!
five year, at least
before they
turn for a visit.
The family will leave many friend»
in Co'tagc Grove and vicinity who will
wish them well in the far country.
a / i
........ #r „
day,"!." only to maintain this position, but to advance beyond the possible mHde * nd Mr- Lee hM “ written, of winter is not a bad record for Cot-
agreement that if the ore turns out a tage Grove, but it spoils the stories
reach of competition.
Per year-
certain per cent of gold he is to be j told by easterners. That ia what Cot-
I Send the Sentinel to Eastern friends
Itetter get your dollar ill at Otice.
I he five days will be up al- paid that sum of money. The vein is tage Grove has had, however, and there
¡ Hfter you have read it.
| most before you realize it.
understood to he an unusually rich one. ji s more yet to come.