Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, October 20, 1911, Image 4

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W h o Buys H er Fall and W inter
W e arin g Apparel here is going to get
the best values for the least money.
----- = = = V m ~._ ----- ---
W ^K art 1 determined on that xve are going to give
every woman who trades here this fall, such good
values for every dollar she leaves here, that it would
be impossible for her to get lietter values anywhere else.
We want to make a walking advertisement of this
store out of every women who xveiu* our garments.
We are going to make these women the liest dressed
women in town anil send them out to make more cus­
tomers for this store. Satisfied customers are not go-
ing to be backward about telling their friends where
they got their clothes, you know.
Sooner or later,
# * • vou
are gtiing to find out
that it is decidedly
to your best inter­
ests to trade here.
Find out about the
advantages in quali­
ty, service and price
.to he exclusively ob­
tained in this store.
fi H am pt on and Company [
They M . . y Hava Bean tha Ancient Gold
Working* at Rhodaaia.
Khodesla. ihm province o f llrtttab
A fri, a lying between the Zambezi ami
the 1.impupo rivers, ha* considerable
deposit* o f gold
1 lie am i.nils milled
aud curried sw a y enormous quantities
of the precious melili, lint under the
sciolinile milling svsleliis of I he pres­
ent day llielr operation* will be greatly
It Ini* been thought that Uhoilesl*
was the ancient lami o f Ophlr. the land
o f the my«lerlous “ King Solomons
mines.“ but this theory I* strongly
rouitmlcd by some luvestIgatoi's T h e
aiicient gold working* are the lui*ls of
For every
square miles o f Ithodeshi, II Is stateti,
•here was one am lent mine that Is,
there are 7ri.t«si <>hl working* which
means that a stupendous wealth was
dug out o f the earth before the day* of
I'ecll Ithode*. Miicli o f tIlls wealth
uiu*t have gone to the north ami ea«i
It was prohtlhly wrought Into the
crown o f the tjneen o f Sheba and filled
tbe coffers o f Solomon
T h e ancient smelling furnaces are
suhl still lo t>e o f easy recognition.
They are sunk Into the "floor .” The
furnace blowpipe* are inaile o f the
IlnoM granile powder cement, and the
notzles o f the blowpipes are t;overed
with splashes o f gold T h e linings of
the hole* are covered with specka o f
When the flr»t lining Ixs-auie
worn liy the heat a fresh lining o f ce
ment o f an excellent quality, which
has outlasted time, was ■ men red round
on lop o f I lie old lining
It Is suhl
that otte can take mi old lining split
off the lav er» with a knife and flml
gold »plashes In abundance
T h e tool* o f the Hll'lelit workers
which have »,. far I m »< m ill«.»,venal tn
elude a small soapstone hummer and
burnishing »lone» o f water worn ro.-k
to which gold still adheres
There are
evidence* Hint the un> l e n t » Vurrled on
an extensive Industry in the fiiugufu>
ture o f gold ornamenta ami menali*
FashionStables TALES OF SPOOKS
W. R. TUCKER, Prop.
The Deputy Death Sent to the dru,ukru
Second Lord Lyttleton.
And Juat Whan He Thought He Had
“ JockeyeJ the Ghoet” the Prediction
Became e Fact— Story of a Specter
Dog and the Legend of Lady Howard.
C ourteous T reatm en t
Prom pt and
R ates to A l l .
Just take a look at that win­
dow display of
Hand - Painted China
I t’s interesting and it
may be th at it will solve
that wedding or birth­
day gift problem foryou.
is to inform you that
Benson*s Pharmacy
is still doing business at the
old stand with
the largest
stock of
tn the city. A word to the
wise is sufheent.
Benson*s Pharmacy
nutiu* beet. urged
¡ t o drive out the hlm k «log by bis cotu-
p u l i t i , ne M l M i t i l |H.k.-r and rush
ed at the dog. which sprung up luataut*
ly aud rushed upstair*, follow ed by
the tlpay farmer. It tied Into an attic
and. hey presto. Jumped rleuu through
the celling
T h e angry farmer atruck
at the place, alien, to hia amazement,
Í down fell from the hole he had mude
au old faahloued money hoi, which
i proved to be full o f Koid and allver
coins o f the reiten o f Charle* 1. The
was uever again *eeu lu the bouse,
, but |t u „ ( j to haunt „ lall«. which
l e a J r ,Q „
wliere u n o tie *eeU at
midnight aud which bears the nume
"l>og lane," while u local lull dis­
the MJ{U ••’1'he Black Dog luu ”
Lady Howard, who lived in the reign
o f the first James and wus a* famous
for her wit as fo r her beauty aud her
wealth, was also possessed o f a good
mau.v bad qualities She had four hus­
band*. whom »b e killed off rntlier rap-
. Idly, and wus very cruel to her only
daughter. For her sin* she was trans­
formed wheu »b e died so the story
runs Into a black dog. and ut midnight
she run* betvveeu Fltzford. her one
time residence, and Onkti.’iuipfon park
In order to carry to the place from
which she started a »Ingle blade o f
grass This she Is doomed to do until
she has removed every blade o f grass
the park.—London Glol«e.
Easy Mark For Charley.
Mrs. Green- I tell you It's nice to
have a husband who Isn't afraid to
praise you up to people.
W b f only
yesterday I heard <'hurley telling Mrs
Jones that I was getting to be a regu­
lar Xautlppe
w i s e —A Xantlppe'
Do you
know who she was?
Mr*. G r e e u -O b . ve*; I told «'barley
I'd overheard him. and be explained
that Xantlppe was the guilde»* of
youth and beauty
Boston Transcript.
B elief lu ■‘I ks 1er*, phantom» and ap
parUlon* still lincee* In many pa n * of
E n fia m i W e w off al ghoH storie* a*
»tu ff that Is ’ « ' i isoler cd ridi' Pi
till [iTrvous of sound e<.neutIon .mil
common sense.” aud vet tuned in with
the legends o f wraith* aim hellhound
are some true tale* that are bard to
explalu from ibe slaudpoiut o f uatural
cause aud effect.
A strange story Is that told o f the no­
torious second Lord l.ytfletou. who I*
| said to bare been as evil as bis father
was the reverse. H e died when In his
prime under the follow ing well attest­
ed circumstances: A fe w days before
his deathT.ord Lyttleton saw enter hi*
room a woman who told him that on
the third day a fter her appearance be
would die. He was very much fright­
ened and extremely depressed by the
occurrence, but on the morning o f the
third day his fears had abated some
what, and he had to breakfast with
him a party which included L ad y
Flood. I.ord Fortescue and tw o o f the
Misses Ainphlett, to whom he said. “ I f
1 live over tonight I shall have Jock­
eyed the ghost, for this la the third
day.” In the forenoon the party set
out to Fit Place. Lord Lyttleton's coun­
try seat near Epsom, and w ere not
long arrived when his lordship bod a
suffocating fit, but recovered suffl-
| clently to dine with bis friend* at 5
o ’clock.
B y w hat Is described as “ a friendly
: trick ” the watches and clocks through­
out the house were advanced half an
T h e unspoken word never does harm
T h e evening passed, and Lord —K'.sautb.
L y ttle to n '» spirits recovered their usual
A t half past 11 he retired.
and, according to his valet's report.
“ My good woman.” said the nodal
“ he kept every now and then looking ( reformer,
your children • eefn to be
at his watch
• • • Within a min slightly obstreperous.
Have you any
ute or tw o o f 12 by Ids watch he clearly defined theories about bring
asked to look at mine. • • • H I« lng up your little one» by sclentlttc
lordship then put both to his ear to methods?”
make certain that they went.
W I icd
“ N o . 1 haven't, madam.” answered
It was near the real hour o f 12 be the much tried mother as »b e llrnilv
id: ’Come; I'll wait no longer, Get grasped a squirming child In one hand
n u
ru ../ 1 ln ln a
1*11 1 n 1/ o
n d
I r tf
» . I
X .. .. .
I. . . _
. i
m e a r my
take I It F a aod
try » and
her _I
lu . the
“ I'm
to sleep.’ ”
It appears that the valet bringing them up by band.’’ - Baiti
stirred the draft with a toothpick, more American.
and this aogered Lord Lyttleton. who
sent him fur a spoon. When tbe man
A Tarrikla Storm.
returned he found his muster lu a tit.
T h e most violent storm that ever
Instead o f attempting to relieve him ( ravaged England occurred \'ov# 20 and
he ran fo r help, and when he returned <J7. 1703.
T h e I ohh In latndoh alone
•with the alarmed guests Lord I.yttle- was »10.00o.0O0
Eight thousand peo­
ton was dead.
ple w ere drowned In tbe flood*. T w e l v e
A peculiar class o f apparition In warshlps. with more than 1,800 man
which many persona believed Is that on board, were lost. Trees were up­
o f specter dogs, which are again dl- rooted I,T«A» o f them In Kent. Eddy-
Tided Into three kinds: f l ) Black dogs , ston„ lighthouse was destroyed, and
that are tlends In disguise; (2l evil Wlnatanley. Its coutrlver. was killed
■plrlts that hunt souls In this guise; ; w)th KeV(.r;,| other*
(3) spirits o f the wicked departed!
made to take thla shape for their aina.
T hese black dogs are o f all sorts and j J o h n n r - T b e right wav to spell 'high'
sIZM. big doga and little dogs, long „ h K ,,
||? A u n tie — Yes dear,
haired dogs and short haired dog*. w h r do TO„ wWh , 0 k(1()W? Johuny_
meek dogs and fierce dog*, but as a ’Cause I ’ m writing an English com-
rhle the standard specter bound Is (Kisitlou about the hyena.
huge, moat ferocious looking and
shaggy like a wolf, and, we are told,
On* Exception.
packs o f these hellhounds have been
Wildman Senior fto son hont« from
hunts­ , co„ ^ , _ W e l,
•een. sometimes bunted by a bunts-
how 0aT9
man whose description much reaem ¡ thing* been going with yon this term?
Lies the popular eum-eisUm o f the
! Wildman Junior - P r e t t y slow, d a d - p g -
¡ cept the cash.—Exchange.
A famous «tory la (ulti <>r a goblin
hound wtilth iiMt-d lu Inhabit au old
iuanalou at Lym e liegt«, lu Dolaci, that
had b w u partly d<-mult«b«'d and turned
luto a fui uibouse. lu » blob lit <*d au old
It la Quits Often Very Far From Being
True to the Pole.
“ True s * the iie«*Ule to the l « i l e . ” like
m any an oth er |». pillar saylug. convey«
a distinctly erron e ou s Impression
order l o keep liself duly In for m e d a*
to l l i e . u u f n l l b f u i u e s * o f the needle to
the pole. <>i. Ms blih ally, (lie "v a r i a t i o n
o f Ibe eompn»*' fro m d i e tr ue north
our g o v e rn m e n t m uliiiu lu« a division
o f terrestrial tii.ignei.siii
Nut only doe* tlie maguellc needle
»a ry at dilTereui place* but the varia­
tion changes from year lo year aud
even ul different time* In the day. < Mi
maguellc survey charts those place«
which at a particular time have the
game itiuouui o f variation are coune-l
»•1 by what I* k n o w n >.« an isogoulc, or
e |ual vurtullon line
Through these
point* on the map In w til- h there la no
variutlou o f tie- needle from the true
north a line known a* the agonic
Iron deposit* and mountain ranges
modify the action ..f the unkuown
Cause* o f the periodical variation and
Cause these lines to become even more
crooked than those which mark equul
temperatures, known as Isothermal
Isogoulc charts tnay lie accurate to­
day and full o f »malt errors lu a few
year*. T h e famous Mason and Dixon's
line between Pennsylvania and M a ry ­
land. which WHS surveyed III the years
!?•*< to 17*!T. was run by the stars
and uot by the needle, a great piece o f
foresight In that day. I f It had l>een
surveyed by the compass In 1800 It
would have shown a deviation In some
place* o f tw o mile*, and had the line
been run by uncorre* ted compass a
hundred years Inter, in 1U00. the varta
tlon would have reached nearly nine
teen miles lo tlie south and the rich
coul Helds o f tw o Maryland counties
would have been thrown Into Feuusyl
the magnetic
n w d l e s »horte.,tiling* Is believed to
. . . .
have been made during Ihe voyage y f
The dlHcliMure constitutes
a high tribute to the scleiitiflc pervep-
lions o f that day. eveu though Itapreud
consternation among tbe ships' crews
- Harper'*.
Twice Convicted
Another lawyer's story arrives. \V#
are told that a man was charged with
picking a pocket the other day ami
lhaf wheu urralgueU he pleaded guilty.
The case went to the Jury, however,
and the verdict was not guilty. Aud
the court Spoke us follows:
"You don’ t leave this court without
a stain on your character.
By your
own i oufesslou you are a thief.
tbe verdict o f the Jury you are u liar.”
—Cleveland Fiulu Healer.
A Duty.
"Look here, Ben, what did you shoot
at me fer? 1 ain't got uo quarrel with
"Y o u hud a feud with Jim Wombat,
didn’t ye?”
” 1 did. but Jim's dead ”
" I ’m his executor.” —Llpplucoft's.
S O L O M O N ’ S M IN ES .
Stonti That Find Th#«r Way Into thi
Mouth« of Many P»opU.
It I« » fur » ry fr«»ui " l b * loiirlr
■!n»tclli*A o f flit* jhnVt* LI** him ! shorn'* lo
fu ! Ml I §•! b : • • 11 by II ti* x ! • '•••! p *tlis
%%*• o f i «*ii < J m l «hruptly from tb*
sol.liin,- to the utilitarian
Many a
uiau <-ilinl v • hewing an iude»ti m Ibtr
steak lu America Utile» that
the plctiiiesque ■ oaat of N'uriiiaudy lias
been sa< rtfi'-ed to provide bim with
8m li 1» tbe pamriil fact, bow
I f you walk along (be »»ullieru
shore o f Hie F.uglbib . balibel between
l*lep|ie nod Havre you will »ee tiiru
and boy* *enr blug for stone* o f a
Certain size mid sba|>e from a varied
colie. lion o f riM-k* which form the
bea. b. These are pul luto sacks aud
shipped to America, where they are
converted Into isircelalu
T h e industry for such Is the term
u*ed to designate tills luvlgoratlug oc­
cupation lies grown to cnnsldr ruble
proportion* lu tbe past few years Its
Is |M'rhiip* It* greatest
Having o t i . « learned the kind
o f Mloiie you are looking fur. all that
is required o f you Is to pick It up.
I f you do this steadily and iimom
plnlulngly for several hour* you will be
sure to Dll u *ai k
'Then all you bava
to d<> is to fling It Juuiiill) over your
shoulder, run acruoa the bowlders to
tbe *ut>erliiteudeiit and demand 1
With thl* wealth lu your | kh kel you
tan then sit down aud look dreamily
over the water while you allow your
Imagination full play
luu seem to
see the stones lifter a lung voyage
rescued from their rude stale
lilt by
hit they are dragged from their primi­
tive nothlngue*» up tn Ihe heights o f
twentieth century porcelain.
They are
tlleli still|>ed p o l i s h 'd mounted ou a
gold pivot tint why g o Into It'.' It la
too painful
Mluueapo i Itellumu
Riddle of Gravitation.
Nearly 2."*) years a g " ..b e ..f the great­
est Intellect* coiiuc led with tw lence
turned Ids attention in gravitation lu
that 2.'»» year* phtshal sdein e lia*
made rapid ndvau<es A l.oi who has
coui|ileteil a vear's work In elementary
pt>)’*lc* could eulerlulu Newton In elec­
tricity were It possible for the great
philosopher to return lo eartli
lea ruing o f Ihe great progress In elec­
tricity I can I magi lie tiltu In Ida eager
desire for knowledge l liming to the
boy and expecllug aoiue light ou gruvl
tutlou Alas, not only Ihe high school
hoy. hilt not even the most learned,
can g iv e uu.v deflulle Information ou
gravltutlou. 'The problem Is ubout
where Newton le fM t
I’npulur Hclence
Descrted a* th* End.
W illia m (he • ouqueror wa* u man o f
very g l " , , baldi o f body and nt thè
slege o f Mante* wa* hurt by (he rear-
trig o f bis borse, thè pomm'el o f ibe
middle atrlklng thè klng In thè alalo-
meri and cnuslng IriJurie, frutti whh ti
he dled lu a fe w day«. Before hi»
deatb he wa» deserted by all hi* at-
tendunts. w bo stole and carrled off
even file covi-ring» o f thè tied oli w bldl
he lay. 'The body reuiuhied riti thè floor
o f tbe roniii lu whtcli tbe klug dled for ,
tw o d a y » before lt Waa burle.! by cb *r
Itnble uionk» from u uelgbliorlug mou-
It Cost Her Her Life In the Wreck
of a Submarine.
Star» « f a Fathatlc Epiaad* That W a*
Intertwinsd Wilh th# Trayic Lata
With All an Uuard of th* Frtnsh
Torpailo Buoi Pluvi**«.
l inieri) log Ilio iragedy o f lite lo*«
o f thè Fieli, li atlhmiirlue loi|*cdo busi
rin vio »,'
Iwelily «eveu
W'iicil alle « i l i »link lu lite bollimi of
ilio Kngllsb • ha miei by a culllaluu
vv Uh a Hill fu. e steuuiablp oli May '.’4.
MIO. wa* u plleoii» epiaode, liivolvlug
thè il.'sili o f u beautiful and brtlllaul
joung I reiii liwoiuau.
The F rem ii gov ertimeli! soppresseli
thè story *o thoroiighly tliat lo Ibis
day ihc natile of tue youiig woiuau I*
noi kli"vv ii nave lu tho*e In parutuoliut
uulhnrlty In ihe iiuv). hut American
uuval olii, era Nuy ihe fat i o f th* hap
pciilug lisa la» olue Wliowit to othrr
uuval meli all over thè World.
T h e l'Iuv Ione aud a nlaler submarine
liuti gene olii frolli thè uavy yard al
l'ula l» .limili I o'vlov k tu lite afterooou
tur a selle* o f luaueiivera Hlie « a »
abolii ivvo lolle* frolli shore and wa*
dl*|M>rtliig lu a »cric» o f dlves and ri*
lligs lo ihe aiirfuee
The feut kuowu
a » ” |e ,r poi »in g ” wns helug ace..m
pll»he.| Olili gleni »Vili, thè silltmarlu»
beliig elillrel) ie»pvui*lve lo evor) turu
o f a dire, tlug w licei In Iter uia> hluery,
The ». I o f ''imrpolslng ' I* ali Multalluii
o f thè a. Itoli ol lite por|H>l»e tu II* leap*
a I mo •• water alni prompl dl»uppeai
uh' e liiiniedlHlely a flerw ard
lu ibe
»iilimuitlie Ihe Ina nell ver I* inaile for
(he piu |au»e o f arollllllg. lite Imat he
llig lo.oiglil lovvard lite solfa, e suiti
> lenti) f..r II* |>erl»co|>e lu proirildr olii
o f wuter. w lieti thè ..tu. er Itektw I* eu
allieti io moke ti geiieral « Ircular sur-
vey o f ihe vvnlv<r atto ve litui. I lieti thè
boat « I I I . » vini o f sigili In cu»e o f wsr
»Ile w.miti bave slghled Iter elieiuy aud
be cnablc.l lo proceevl ehMely to a hat
tle.lilp or cruiser and dlscbarge tur-
p,si.ics dlrectlv nt ber fu*.
It* ih r nrt o f tim« mtnlng to the tur
face the I'lnvkme ,-ivtiie up directly uu
tl.-r Ihe ebntinel slrutiisldp I’ as de Ca
Ini* T h e keel o f the I ’alnl» »truck the
• ill-marine and lore a huge hole lu her
ilp|*er easement, a relit nfleeu feet
tollg and tw o feet wide
luto this the
water rushed
T h e submarine » i, . .
gei etl along w llh her bull just »bow in g
alioVe Hie -urfai'e, her engine* die
ablevl. bet crew unable lo do auytblug
to die. k th.- Inrush o f water
And ah*
w nit flow II
She lent a r r r w o f twenty seven uiru
CoiiiiaNinliiut I’ m « wa* Hie senior "HI
'There were tw o other otB< era
Which one o f these three It w s » whose
sweetheart was *l«>.uil 1» uot definite­
ly known to Hie American naval off!
err*, but lhev de. lare there 1» tlo doubt
o f the fact
«•he o f the Ihree officer» lliteiied to
tbe plending» o f b|» ffmiiee ttint »tie !>•
allow <»l to make a trip lu the aub
marine vv llh him and »hare with blui
the peril that hi» dntv « " o f t e n requited
him to brave
lie niii»l have had a
enusidtatlon with hi» brother officer*
nml got i h d r i on.eiii in wink at It.
for the regulation* o f the Flein-h Ulv t
*1 riel I t forbid women to make i n «
trips In »uhumrlu* boat«
I ’erhap*
the very fa rt that It was forbidden.
Hint If »In* succeeded In making a
Journey to the bottom o f ib e sea In a
submarine »tie w ould have eu ju y e d au
exiierteuce Ih e like o f vvlileb DO o il ie r
Frenchwotnuii uiigbi ■ lalut a. turned
Hut. whatever the , ondttlou* that
broiikht It tilxiiil. Hie young officer
dltl earort her s e e m l y al*>ard the Flu
She wore a long oilskin <oat and
soil wester lint la-loiiglug lo her sweet
heart. Which sufficiently disguised her
sex to admit o f her going nl*mrd with
out tielng challenged h.v any o f tbe
»entries patrolling Hie quay where the
Pluvlose lav tethered on the day lhat
«lie was to make tier fatal trip
the girl, smiling over her triumph,
dllutied down the ladder Into the little
gn*olliie fllleil room and heard Ihe or­
der* glv«'ii for the battening down o f
■III tbe hatches, the firm ». reiving luto
(date* of the»e coverings mid then,
pcrlinp» fascinatedly, watched Hi* dial
Indicator as It told how the Pluvluae
was »Inking <|e« and dee|»er tuto
the »eu.
I liver* who went down after the
Pluvlose was sunk
carrying lielow
ate« I .attics with which lueffeetual at
teuipt* were luude with huge derrick*
uUive to bring the Pluvlqwe to the sur­
face. reported that they heard rapping«
lu the Interior nf the submarine
any event, when, days Inter, tbe Flu
vloae wits raised and Higgl'd Into ahal
low water, none tliul hud been *h«mrd
o f her was alive
She hud filled com
pletelv wi th water
\a she was raised
the wuter poured from the great gush
that hail been cut In her at«*el case­
ment by tile Ghnnnel NiemiiMblp.
Otic* lu Hbitllow water It was tbe
work o f only a little while to remove
Hie covering o f tbe coiiidug tower
that tower they found the young offi­
And dead In hi* arms, with her
own arms tightly «-la«tied around hla
ue< k mid her young face rearing
against Ids brenst. they found th*
Voiiug woman. New York World.
Th* Bright Bid*.
“ Let us look ou the bright side o f
things. Nothing Is e ver as had as It 1 u,|,,irf
might he.”
A Vague Impression.
" Y o u ’ re rig h t T ak e the coats that
women wear, for Instance. They might \ " W h a t Is your Idea o f the character
be made to button down the hack.’’ — j o f Lady Macbeth?"
"Iten lly.” replied Mrs Cuturox, "there
ftlie icoldlyi I hardly know how to
t ’ HI« ago Record Herald.
Is so much gossip nlaiut people con­ receive your proposnl. X’ on know I am
nected with the stage that one scare*, 1 worth a million, o f course! Jack (dlp-
Quite Contrary.
Gibbs—Your w ife seems to be a con­ ly knows what to believe.” - Washing­ loruntlcnllyi Yes -worth a million oth­
ton Slur
er glrla. She «rapturously)- Oil, Jack!
trary sort o f woman, bib bs -Contrary!
Why, whenever 1 ask her to darn my
Valor consists In tbe power o f aaif
stockings sbe knits her brows — Boetou
It Is a miserable thing to live lu sus­
r e c o v e r y - Emerson.
pense. It la the Ufe o f ■ spider. - R w t f t