PLAYING A LOW GAME LIVE S I O C K W O R T H 881,620,400 Dr, Wlthycombe o f O . A. C. Telia Interesting Facts at Banquet. PIC K P O C K E T TELL« HOW HE W A I “ W O RKED ” BY VICTIM . Neat Schama by Which Ha Was In* ducad Not Only to Qlva Up «60 Ha Had Stolan, but «10 Mora. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ vallis— That the annual liv e stock pro­ duction o f the state is worth $91,689,- 400, was stated by Dr. James W ithy- combe, director o f the experiment sta­ tions at the State Agricultural Col­ lege, in an address at the annual ban­ quet o f the Oregon l*ure lire»! L iv e Stock association at the State fair. His statistics were as follow s: 673.760 cattle valued at $13,476,000; 176.000 dairy cows at $7,000,000; 296.000 horses at $432,638,000; 8,670 mules at $1,040,400; 2,401.000 sheep j «9,604,000 ; 324.000 hogs at «3, 888,000 ; 220,000 goats at $880,000; 20.000,000 pounds o f wool at $4,000,- 000 ; 880,000 pounds o f mohair at $264,000; dairy products at $14.000,- 000; and poultry at $6,000,000, mak­ ing at total o f $91,689,400. C. L. Hawley o f the college board o f regents was reelected president at the annual meeting, and H. C. Marris was made secretary. The m eeting was addressed by Prof. Carlysle o f Idaho. Prof. Van P elt o f Iowa, and President W . J. K err o f O. A. C. President K err spoke on the advan­ tage o f agricultural education, the necessity o f gettin g the boys inter­ ested in farm ing early, and other farm problems. (EDIT I M E “ Th e most low-down trick aver played by oue white man on another was played on me," said the man who admit* be was not always so honest as ha la now. "It was the diabollo Invention of a man from whose pock' et I one evening extracted a roll o f bills. Along wtth the money which I did want, 1 secured a letter which I did not want, but which I could not return to the gentleman's pocket without appraising him of my form er meddling with his financial affairs. "W hen 1 got to my own room I read this letter. I wished a hundred times after that 1 hadn't. It was an appeal tor assistance. The writer was a woman, she was living In a small Indiana town. Apparently she bad some claim on the man. She told him o f the death of two members of her family, of the sickness of an­ other, and of her own overwrought condition. She was destitute, and A P P L E B U S IN E S S G R O W S. she begged him to send her at once as much money as he could possibly spare. Northwest Will Soon Market 100,000 " I don't mind saying that that let­ Carloads P er Year. ter made a powerful Impression on Spokane, Wash. — “ It is no idle me. I read It several times before going to bed. and in my sleep I statement to say that in a compara­ dreamed about i t 1 saw that poor tively few years there w ill be 100,000 ____ _ sobs __ from woman's tears. I heard her and | carloads o f apples marketed prayers, I pictured the dead and dy- j ^ ashington. Oregon, Idaho, and Mon- alone, tng children. Along toward morning tana * ' This statement is contained in I sat up on the edge of the bed and letter received by the management o f called myself names. •You beast,’ said I, “you miserable the National Apple show from Howard brut# you__* Elliot, president o f the Northern Pa- "But I won’t repeat all the hard c 'fic Railw ay company, forw arding a names I handed out to myself that subscription o f $1,000 fo r the railroad morning. They don’t sound well when »nd «250 as a personal contribution to j you say them out loud. the fourth annual com petitive exposi- "B y and by I counted the money tion and Enakops street carnival. No- | again that the man and I had swapped vember 23 to 30. “ The National H E hot wave of the past sum­ the night before. There was Just $50. Apple show, by bringing together the, mer which caused much suffer­ Pince the money was wrapped In the minds in the business, is a po- j ing and many geaths all over woman’s letter I had no doubt that tent factor in helping to place the the country has had many sim­ he had scraped It together to send apple industry upon a sound, scientific ilar and It would seem even her. I could not return the money to and commercial basis,” Mr. E lliott more disastrous predecssors. and tn the man, for I didn't know where to says. “ The day o f the commercial delving Into the records of tbe past find him, but my sense o f humanity orchard has come, not alone in the the somewhat surprising fact Is dis­ forced me to do the next best thing. West, but all over the country, and closed that the old world has suffered The woman's name and address were men are g iv in g the same careful and much more than the new. Ôn’ th V letter.“¡nd" I r ^ U e < T t o 7 o 7 thorough attention to the production ! In the years 1303-4 the Rhine, Loire ward It to her. I was hard up Just j applts that is devoted to the mak- and Seine rivers went dry. The heat then, devilishly hard up; but I knew ing o f steel or to any other business In several of the French provinces In that woman’s need was greater than that is conducted with skill and in tel­ 1705 was equal to that o f a glass fur­ mine, and I added the last $10 I had ligence. nace. Meat could be prepared for tbe “ The study and attention and care In the world to the other man’s $50 table by merely exposing It to the given to the production o f fru it by the and sent It to her. sun. No person dared to venture out “ That ought to have ended the In­ grower, must, as the production in­ of bis bouse between the hour of noon creases, be supplanted by efforts for cident, but It didn’t T w o year« later and 4 p. m. I met that man again. It doesn’t publicity as to the many uses o f the In the year 1718 many shops had to apple, by combined efforts for w ider matter where or how, but I met him, close all over Europe. Not a drop of and It was what I learned then that markets and by additions to the pres­ rain fell for four months. In 1773 the killed my faith in human nature. That ent facilities for storage and trans­ thermometer rose to 118 degrees. In 1778 the heat In Bologna was so In­ letter was a fake. The man always portation. “ Therefore, it w ill be necessary for carried It for the benefit o f gentle­ tense that scores of people were men o f my profession. A friend out the apple grow er to do what the grain stifled. grow er has done. This means that west wrote i t She wrote a fresh let­ In July, 1793, the heat again became ter every week, and the man carried as the production increases the grow er Intolerable. Vegetables were burned must have fa cilities at his home or­ It wrapped around whatever money up and fruit dried on the trees Tbs chard, at the nearby station and furniture and woodwork In dwelling be happened to have In his pocket. throughout the country to properly He figured that the most hard-heart­ bouses cracked and spilt and meat be­ care for bis crop to receive the best came tainted In an hour. The French ed criminal alive would be melted by an appeal o f that kind and would market prices.” revolution was then at the height of Its bloody carnival, and many super­ give up the boodle. He figured right In my case It got me, and it got R O Y A L HIGH C L E R K FO R O . A. C. stitious persona thought that the ware of beat following this mighty upheaval my $10, which of course, the man hadn't counted on; but I leave It to Fine Additions to C ollege Swine Herd was the curse of God. In 1800 Spain was visited by a swel­ any unprejudiced witness If thst Bought at State Fair. tering temperature. Madrid and other wasn’t playing just about as low a Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-1 cities were deserted and the streets band as it is possible fo r any man vallis— Royal High Clerk, last yea r’s 1 became silen t to play." champion Berkshire boar at the state , Another disastrous hot wave swept fair, which also won a second t h is 1 over Europe In 1851. In the Champs year at Salem, has just been bought Rugged Memorial. de Mars, Paris, during a military re­ Near Bloomington, 111., lies an Im­ by the Oregon Agricultural college view. soldiers by the score fell vlo- mense boulder, which geologists be­ from Barrows & Davenport, o f Crab­ tlms to sunstroke, and at Aldershot. lieve to have been deposited there by tree, Ore., fo r the purpose o f starting England, men dropped dead while at some mighty glacial flow from the far a new Berkshire herd on the college drill, compelling the officers to aus- north at least 10.000 years ago. It Is farm. H e is one o f the finest Berk­ pend the exercises. picturesque and rugged, but o f no use shire boars in Oregon. In This Country. The college has also purchased from whatever to the owner of the land on The summer of 1853 was exception­ the swine exhibited at the fa ir this which It rests. With hi- consent It Is to be removed and put to an appropri­ year the Berkshire sow Model V io let ally hot In many parts of this country II, also a prize winner this year and and In New York the thermometer ate use. The g ilt was purchased ranged for seven days from 95 to 98 Under the auspices of the Old Set­ last year. degrees. In one week 214 persons from A . D. Hudson, o f Tangent. tlers’ association that huge boulder Eight small pigs w ere also pur­ died of sunstroke In the metropolis. w ill be taken to the town of Metamora The year 1854 was hot and dry and and placed as a memorial to mark chased by the college fo r use on the demonstration train which is to go up the beat seemed to concentrate In tbe the spot where Lincoln and Douglas through Sherman, G illiam and Morrow southwest. In Missouri from June 17 engaged in one of their great consti­ counties, through the dry farm ing sec­ to the following year not a drop of tutional debates In 1858. With proper There are two o f rain felL In 1872 New York experi­ Inscriptions commemorative of that tion, in October. each o f the four breeds, Poland China, enced a torrid visitation of fearful struggle between two Intellectual On July 4. 155 cases of Berkshire, Chester W hite and Duroc Intensity. giants that old boulder will have giv­ sunstroke occurred and of these 72 Jersey. en a worthy mission to posterity.— The college flock has also received proved fatal. The principal thorough­ New York Evening Mall. a notable addition through the pur­ fares were like fields of battle. Men chase o f the Shropshire ram C orbett’ s fell by the score and ambulances were 493. champion at the 1910 fair, which In constant requisition. Dumb beasts Tw isting a Law. A few weeks ago tbe Chinese of has been at the head o f the Shropshire lay down by the wayside and panted New Zealand were found to be doing flock o f C. E. Cleveland, o f Gresham, their lives away. Sleep for two or a very great deal of tbe laundry work Or., since his importation from Eng­ three of the hottest nights was well- nigh Impossible, and In the tenement available, and had so thrown out of land in 1909. districts women and children were employment the women workers In Showing Signs. found dead on the roofs, to which they some of the laundries. In New Zealand a laundry Is a fac­ A W ilm ington woman recently bad clambered In the hope of getting tory within the meaning of the fac­ reached the conclusion that the attach­ a breath o f cool air. The scenes In tories set, so It occurred to a law­ ment o f a certain policeman fo r her the morgue were appalling. Dozens of bodies were on the stone slabs, under maker that he could settle the diffi­ cook must be investigated, lest it the splashing water, awaiting the rec­ culty of this Chinese competition by prove disastrous to domestic disci­ ognition of friends or relatives. a neat amendment In the Interpreta­ pline. Tbe next serious visitation took “ Do you think he means business, tion clause of the act above men­ place In 1877, and about ?uly 9 began M ary?” she asked. tioned. “ I think so, mum,” said Mary. to make Its power felt throughout the An amendment was therefore draft­ middle land southern states, as well me ed and printed and sent with tbe ut­ H e’ s begun to complain about my New York. In Washing.on the heat most seriousness and good faith to the cookin’ , mum.” — Success Magazine. wee particularly oppressive. The car crown law office for consideration; It rails became so expanded by the ac­ contained a provision In these words; She— But how did you make the ac­ tion of tbe sun as to rise up In curved “ For the purposes of this set (the fac­ quaintance o f your second husband? llnee, drawing tbe bolte. In one In­ tories act), a Chinaman uhall be deem­ Bertha— It was quite romatic. I stance the rails burst away from the ed to be a girl under 18 years of age." was out w alking with my first when bolts and left the 'rack entirely. The my second landed on him with an aero­ thermometer marked 104 degrees. plane.— Milwaukee D aily News. Tbe summer of 1879 will long be re­ Quaint Survival. membered for tta torrid atmosphere. "W h y are you so Interested In those Chappie — Have a cirgarette, old The situation will be better under­ little figures that came with little man?” stood from the following record: Nor­ WllMe’a Noah’s ark 7" Sapleigh— N o ; I don’ t smoke fool- wich, Conn., June 2. 100 degrees; New ’’They suggest a very Important killers. York, June 28, 98 degrees; Charleston, Idea. The hobble skirt appears to Chappie— W ell, I don’ t blame you have dated at the time of the deluge." for refusing to take chances. T » A Good Hair-Food Ayer’* Hair Vigor, new Im­ proved formula, Is a genuine hair-food. It feeds, nourishes, builds up, strengthens, invigor­ ates. The hair grows more rapidly, keeps soft and smooth, and alt dandruff disappears. Aid nature a little. Give your hair a good hair-food. Do*» no1 thong* th* color o f th* hair formali will» aa«k bolli* m Show II lo jr**r dootor Aah him «boni II, tU*u do *8 h* y e rs You need not hesitate about using this new Hair Vigorfrom snyfesr of us chang­ ing the color of your hair. 1 he new A yer's Hsir Vigor prevents premature grsyneea, but does notchsnge the color of the hair even to the slightest degree. ■ M lS l by th* J. o . Ago* Co.. LawsU. M m . — CASH FOR IDEAS $ 5 0 $ 2 5 First Aid. She’s such e help to her clever hue bend. Everybody knowe that he le t genius, but few ere next to the feo* that little w ife side him In hie ever] activity. W e got * look-in at thli elate o f affairs at the surpriee pert] we gave him the other night. When the food had been discuss«« he was relied on for a spwch, ol course. He sroee from his scat braid« his w ife ho hemmed end hawed, anc then he said; “ Ladies and gentlemen— I am total­ ly unprepared, o f cousre, and— «M**- being us I said totally unprepared, you must — er oxeures ms for being —e r— unprepared. I - - e r ah -1 wui hardly prepared for this— er” Ant then hie w ife Interrupted: “ Why, darlin g,” she said, “ you knew it perfectly this morning. Tin next sentence begins, ' Knowing ss I do.' Now cun you go from thereT” What helps they are, these unxioui w ives.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. An Autocrat's Relaxation. “ You seem to get ft great deal ol pleasure out of business.” "Yea,“ r * plied Mr. Duattn H'ax. "after I hav« fretted over a golf match there’s noth Ing rests me up like getting back ts my desk, where I can have everythin« my own way." for (lis best T ra d e a a rk for II m best M otto NOT FEELING WELL? W * want lh *** U> help imprtea on Ch* mihllr lh* »«retigli» an-i rigor of Usta WKATKItS company. *nt«»tnbrr SU For particular» addre»«* 1 BUivaùi, G «acral Af*af. 834 L Yamkill Str**t, P*rtU*4, *r You need a short course o f The Bitters. It is fine for a weak or overloaded stomach, clogged bow­ els and sluggish liver. Be persuaded to get a bottle o f Continental Lifo Insurance A In- W M Caaalashsm. m im e n t Company CaawaJ IU m i m hCmkk SU*k. Ult L.I. Clr, m f* July 11, 101; on the same date 8L Louis, 100; Knoxvflle, Term., July 13, 103; Charleston. July 14. I l l (16 deaths); Detroit, July 16, 102; New York. July 17. 101. Thought the End Had Come. In 1881 It 1« said the heat through­ out the United States was the great­ est on record, the thermometer tn many places registering 105 degrees In the shade. In England tbe mer­ cury ranged from 90 to 101 degrees, and In Barts 93 degrees. The heat continued with brief Intermission through July and August Into Septem­ ber. In Richmond the thermometer registered 105 degrees; In Washing ton 104; In Baltimore. Wilmington. Philadelphia, Rochester and elsewhere from 99 to 100; yet on September 7 snow fell In Dead wood, 9. D., to tbe depth of five Inches, and at Bald mountain the snow was two feet deep. During the month of September the thermometer In places registered as high as 106 degrees and great forest fires broke out and raged In different parts of the country. On September 7 a day of darkness broke over tbe country, being worse over the New England states, and the superstitious were badly frightened. The Connecti­ cut legislature, In a belief that the end of the world was approaching, ad Joumed. A strange greenish-yellow pall overspread the heavens, and so darkened the light of the sun ‘ that lamps and gas were lighted, schools and factories closed, and multitudes of the Ignorant and superstitious be­ lieved that the day of judgment bad come. Everything looked changed and un­ natural. Tbe faces of the people on tbe street were ghastly, the gas Jets In the stores. Instead of showing yel low, were as white and clear as elec trie lights, and thousands of the sect known as the Second Adventists ¿atb ered In their places of worship and confidently awaited tbe appearance of the Lord. Tbe dark day was more wonderful In the country. The leaves and withering foliage assumed a most singular tint of green, changing like that of grass to a brownish hue; fowls went to roost, and tbe animal creation must have been greatly mys­ tified by a phenomenon such as they had never before witnessed A curious feature of this luminous haze was that It cast no shadow It was as light under the trees as away from them, th* whole unnatural rip pearance of things most likely being due to the Immenst forest fires, which were raging In many parts of th* country. Other Hot Visitation*. Th * months of June and July, 18*2 were notably oppressive. On the 13th of July 88 children In New York city died from the effects of the heat. Car hones fell in their traces- drivers dropped from their seats on trucks and wagons Broadway was like a great transparent flame of fire. Bus! ness was partially suspended and many workshops were closed Th « crowded parts of New York on the east and weat sides were filled with families mourning their dead, and un dertakers went their busy rounds as If an epidemic prevailed. Seven hun­ dred and aeventy-nln« little ones died during this period from diseases super Induced by the beat Th * month of August, 1896, was very hot and for a period o ' five (Fays the thermometer ranged from «8 to 100 degrees Hundreds died of sun­ stroke. The year 1900 was also scorcher. For three days In May, three In June, 16 In July, 17 In Augual and four In September— a total of 41 days— th* thermometer ranged from 90 degree* upward, and In place« wen) above th* 100 mark. Kêeleÿ ALCOHOL OPIUM—TOIACCO CuTe o.i tu Bo*ut'*i/ r»««*- 0«l$ Mthuftivl Keelyi In* •mut* I* (>rs-#uu. Writ# for tll**ir*i*«l «Ir« ular. f Iftf I ITU” . 711.11 TU i. HOSTETTER’ S P o r t la n d ,O r e g o n . STOMACH BITTERS C. Gee Wo today. It will set things right in quick time. Thi CMnese Doctor ThU wondaful man haa ma<»uftt**| V R III lU ll utaiiiffi itnrt p r le * •t*in|M*tl on lH»tt4iin I I f jron cannot obtain XI. L ffouglaa ■I»«*»*« In your town, w rit* for catalog. Mho«* a**nt dtr*ct O U K I* A I I I o f «nr MOYA* • '! , • 4 ,a o o r from factory to wear*r, all • -harir*« pr«|»atil. W . L • 3 .0 0 * IV O K * w ill |»o*ltl«rrly o u t««# tr D O IG L A H , 146 l»|»*rk ftt., H ru ck ion . M a n . T W O 1 'A l i l A o f o rd in a ry b o y *’ »bOm# ID L0Ä D IN G U M C j & i ' J S H O TG U N REMINGTON V. 'l l ***? ék *1 T si . ■< SHOT SHELLS Few and strong and simple parts A llo w s five ahota— in lightning aucceaaion or deliberately — aa detired. Three to get tne cripple». Minimum recoii. N ot a tingle ounce of muzzle energy loat Part of the recoil, ordinarily abaorbed by ahooter’a ahoulder u utilized to operate the mechanitm. Handle« heaviest ammunition e&fily and accurately. Solid Breech, Hammer lea, Safe I ftgfllJngton.-UMC — the perfect »hooting combination. S*nJ f*r Dttrriptt** F*U*t REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE IM arsadwap, Haw Task City CO.