10 Shr (Eotfcuj? (ßnm? w PAGES VOLUME VI CLUB BANQUET TONIGHT UOVEKNOK WEST AND OTHER OFFICIALS ARE ON PROGRAM. Mi# Frrd By Club Tills Evening Piunilsrt, to Be m Hiiiiuner hum Sturt to Finish. PAGES ( o n AGI G KO VE, OKEGON. FKIOAV. SEK 1 EMBI K 29 . 1911 TEACHERS AND PARENTS MEET. schools ami pupils will result from such meeting* ua Unit field at the Went Side school last Friday afternoon, when pure ni» and teachers gathered to gether and joined with one another in discussing a subject uf vital interest to all Interested in school work, seems the unanimous opinion o f those who were present. The subject discussed was "T h e Soc ial Side o f School L i f e . " Prof. Inlow handled It from tlx- viewpoint o f the Icachcr, ItVv. Mason from the view- |Miiut of the student ami Mra. ii. It. Job from the view|xiiut o f the parent. Muny original iih'aa were brought out by the speakers. Mra. A. It. Wood, Mra. I.eltny Woods, Mra. DcSpuin uml A. II. King also entered into the dis cussion. These meetings are to I m - held once a month, llie object hclng to stimulate a hearty co-o|MTatioii ami a heller under standing between teachers, pupils uml parents. This makes the third meet- ing, two being held In Hie previous action! year, and while it is yet loo early to predict what the ultimate re sult will be, thus«' who have promoted th«’ meetings arc very much encourag* NUMBER PETRIFIED FIGS FOUND FALLS; SERIOUSLY INJURED “ Social «fide of School Life’ * Discuss ed from Several Viewpoints. TROPICAL FRUIT FORMERLY That much permanent good tu both GREW IN W ILLAM ETTE. 10 ^ MANY PRIZES TO CRESWELL. COTTAGE GROVE WINNERS Long List of Creswell Exhibitors and Winners. PHOTOGRAPHER ARMSTRONG FE LIX CURRIN PROMINENT EX Following is a list o f reaiderita of SLIPS FROM ROOF OF HOUSE. HIBITOR AT FAIR. j Creswell and vicinity who won prizes at the County fair. Pci feed Specimen of Petrified Fig No Bones Broken, but Is Badly Display o f cotton plant—W . V. Mc Display of Grasses and Grains Car und Fig Leaf Unearthed Near Shaken Up and Internal In Gee. ries Off Many Valuable Cottuge Grove. Exhibit o f citrons—J. Wilachleger. juries Feared. Prizes. Display o f Golden Kussett apples— 'I'iie fertile W illam i'tle was formerly A feiixt uf wit uml reason, ••'hit'll will Internal in j tries that rnay keep him **• Garnett. A cup for the best exhibit o f grains Hungarian prunes — F irst premium, the lumie uf troph'iil fruit of all kinds. eonfifK'd Ui the house for a considerable lit' second »lily In Hit' hsoqui*t pnqier, ami grasses, a Great Northern ribbon, hait ht't'ii |irt'|iuri'tl fur th f I'liiiiinert'iul This theory is well Imm out hy the re length o f time were received by Pho- M' B- T honip»oi.; 2nd Jerry Cochlin. and an award for the best display of Rest Best box box o o f f green green prunes prunes E’ lrst club's " t ii'l -togeth er" banquet Uni» cent finding o f u perfect specillimi o f a togrupher A. J. Arm strong Tuesday grains and grasses were ail won hy evening. liiiviTiitir Oswald W i ' h I, t'm» p trilled fig ami a perfect impression morning. , when he slipped ami fell from Pr,ze' Norriah & Son, second pri/.e, A Felix Currin at the l.ane County fair. k ii 'N miiiuii II•«wlt*y, Railroad Cninmia- o f a leaf o f the same tree. It may * the roof o f Ins house, a distance o f ten Grousbeck ; third prize, Edison Harrett. First prize o f plate Baldwins—FI. J. He had an excellent display that at ■iniMir Campbell ami D. Freeman, well he imagined that what is now the feet to th«' ground. tracted much attention ami did much to Ziniker. W illam ette Valley was in those torrid manager uf the promotion tlepartnii'iil Medn ul attendance was immediately prove that the Cottage Grove country Best disjday o f celery, six specimens uf tin* Eugene (kmunertdal flu b urt' duys Die Garden of Eden, and the leaf sumriione<i, and It was found that no has few e«|uals in grass ami gram some uf tilt* 1 1 1 « 11 >> k ti I" hi'< I outsell' may he one of Old Adam's discarded Ixiiies were broken, but the patient was — First, John Scherler, 2nd, E. A . P e t growing. g iii'ii t m who huvt* he i'll Invited uml are dress suits. O f these latter, however, badly bruised up and has been suffer ty. Cottage Grove Grange was awarded Largest squash--Henry Achey. there is us yet no |M>sitive proof. I'M i'i'tiil I** ill'll v it interesting uddrcss- ing so acutely that serious internal ln- a Great Northern ribbon ami fourth Potatoes, late va rie tie s - First, Hen- ri. In mlilitiiiii '. ii thfiM', inuny h»< a I The specimen* referred to. were juries are feared. Mr. Arm strong was premium fur best exhibit. speakers have accepted |iliifi'M on Hit' Achey found on the farm of G. W. Gowdy one replacing a few shingles on his naif Cottage Grove and vicinity had but Musk melons, three sjiecirr.ens, three program. mile from the city, where J. M. Ham and was putting in the last shingle few entries this year, but the success rin> I'litfrluiiiiiH'iit I'lirnmilti'« him ilton, an nil engineer, who recently when his foot slip|>ed_from under him varieties—First, John Lindsay. ut th«jse who did participate is likely to Watermelons, three specimens, three If ft not h i ii if umlmie In make the ocra- blew in from Victoria, B. C., has been ami he fell heavily to the groumi. encourage many more entrants for next mmi him * tu lie limp rriiii'inhi'riii im The photo gallery w ill be kept open varieties First, Henry Achey. at work pros|M'Cting for coal. Mr. year. Display o f onions 2nd, E«i Ziniker. eclipsing anything uf 11 ii k I ml i 'V i t at- Hamilton bus not us yet fouml coal, as usual hy Ray Dean, who has had Display o f pumpkins, three speci templed In this section uf the state. COUNTY FAIR WAS A HUMMER. hut he feels certain thul he is in an oil complete charge o f the inside work for men* F’ irst, John Lindsay. Tht> banquet will In* whul i l l iihiiii ' formation, ami that he w ill luxm «level - 1 some time, Best display o f vegetables— .'Ird, Exhibits and Races Best in History indicates, u "g e t-to g e th e r" affair, uml op something. Henry Achey. of Organization. thf reception cuiiiinltlrr will make The specimens were fouml seven and K ep t H is Prom ise, Tw elve largest stalks o f corn —First, The Lane County Fair closed Satur every I'lfurl tu w i' lh.it lids feeling one-half fee t under groumi and in three Rebuild the dryer arid I w ill donate c.l Henry A c h e y ; 2rvJ, Albert Ziniker. day night, after the most successful of picVuils throughout the evening. A The subject for the next meeting feet o f solid rock. The print o f the *■'-<»." sal.l John Hull when the Cottage Best sample o f flaxseed—2nd, W. R. its three sessions. The Lane County most upri'fiihjf tirin' Ii freely jimlii'Uul tig leaf is «in u piece o f aeilimentary .G rove fruit dryer burned to the ground will probably lie "P a trio tis m ." Fair is the outgrowth o f the Second hy those III charge. chalk. Dr. W. W. Oglesby, who h a s !“ y * « “ «»• The dryer commenced; D- . . . F irst, S. A. Southern Oregon District Fair. E x A lutul uf till invitation» huvf iM'fn Rev. Sutcliffe Remains. made some stu.ly o f geology, has the , operations last week and Mr. Hull has Scharen hibits and attendance this year exceeded issued uml a iurge a ttfm lu iiff ii ex- I(ev. Robert Sutcliffe w ill remain in specimens.in his |s.se**ion. already brought In $.10 worth o f prunes Best display o f onions—S. A. Schar- any previous year, including the dis Iu'fli*iI. T h f Cluh riMiiiii will I m * huml- la illa gc Frove for another year at ; to pay his voluntary obligation. en. trict fair sessions which have been somrly .Iffur.itfil fur th f oecuilon. least. This derision was readied at FAREW ELL DRAWS MANY. First premium on not less than i 1 held at Eugene. A fter the reception uml « ihurt pro- the Methodist Conference held at Sa - 1 STATE TO RAISE GAME BIRDS. bushel o f winter wheat—S. S. Nona. Agriculture and stock exhibits have grum at the Club rourui, the bam|uet . lem the past week. Rev. Sutcliffe hail Rev. Elkins Preaches to Capacity . „ . .. . , nnn a . , „ Samples o f i bushels o f oats— First increased steadily in number and quan r A Production of 3,000 Birds a Year w ill l.e In-hi ul thf Hotel Ort'K'm, I f * a call from Franta Pass which he de prize, SchmitJ B ros; second prize, S. tity since the organization o f the fair. House Sunday. ¡* Predicted. A. l ate* presiding aa tuaalinaaler. sired to accept, uml he would have un S. Morss. Saturday was Indian day, over UK) The follow ing luaala w ill tie reu|it>mltil doubtedly been transferred to that With the church fille<l to capacity, Th«* state o f Oregon is going into Best display o f Held corn, 12 ea rs— members o f the Warm Spring tribe be tu. charge hud it not been for the urgent and inspired by the loyal «lemonstralion the raising o f game birds on a whole- 2nd, AltK.'rt Ziniker. ing present and taking part in the " t'u lla g e (iruve ua a Hume d t y , " solicitation o f a number o f his parish o f his parishioners. Rev. Elkins, o f »ale scale and has purchased the pheas- The follow ing won Great Northern races The largest crowds that has .. Mayor W. II. Al.ruum ioners who v» is bed )iirn to continue his the t hrislian church preached two antry o f Eugene Slm(ison at Corvallis, ri utions: ever gathered in Eugene packed the’ " A Law Abiding Comm unity," work here. This w ill he Rev. Sut aid«' ami interesting sermons last Sun- als«> securing Mr. Simpmm as superin Largest pumpkin Henry Achey. walks and pavements to witness the ....................... Judge Shinn cliffe'a third y«'ar o f service in t ’ottage day, the occasion being his farew ell t«> * tendent. Yellow pumpkin -John I.indsay. spectacle. Cottage Grove. For his farew ell theme '"O u r Educational F a rih tlea " Frove Mr. Simpson predicts that this will Large squash— J. M. Smith. On the last night the gates were he used the same subject as for hia he the greatest game bird hatchery in Mr* II. K Jt b Box o f Italian prunes— A . E. Grous- thrown open free o f charge to the Transients Overflow Hotels. first sermon four years ago, "Loya lty the Unitetl States. He has conilucted "Etrat I rnpreaaiuna" Kllw rl lte.le teck. That Cottage (¡ro ve is the renter of to Christ.” public and the grounds were packed "T h e Lathee" .llun, J, S. Medley His handling o f the sub the hatchery fo* ten years, protlucing Box o f Italian prunes— Norrish & Springfield, C ottage Grove, Creswell. attraction in the W illam ette valley ject was original and comprehensive. "Ik ie s Community I’ uhlli-ity I'u y " about 2,Oi*l pheasants a year, and Is Son. Junction C ity and all the other towns Rev. ami Mrs. Elkins have made considered an expert in his line. He D. C. Freeman was well demonstrated Monday evening Box o f prunes—Edison Barnett. when the local hotels were turning in the county uniting to make the fair many friemis, both inside uml outside experts, with the backing o f the state, "T h e Agricultural I'uaKihilitii-a uf Potatoes— Henry- Achey. a success. Large numbers o f Cottage Southern l.a n e" Felix Currin away guests that it could not accom o f the church, during their residence to increase the output to 3,000 hints Celery—John Scherler. modate with two trama yet to arrive. her«*, which was demonstrated in the Grove people attended the fa ir and " t 'i v i f Im pruvem enU " per annum. Onion Sets—S. A . Scharen. were well pleased with the entertain Mr». F. D. Wheeler Traveling men looking for business and reception tcnderetl them last Friday Many other states, east and west, are E S C A p ES p R 0 M P E N I T E N T I A R Y . settlers liMikmg for a location all make ment furnished. It is estimated that evening, at which time a large cash going into the hatchery business. "S m a ll Furma" Gilbert It. Tyaun Cottage Frove one o f their principal donation was presented them. An in 150 or more were present the last day. "M y Hume Tim m ," »» ,,r , . t » » Horse Thief Captured by Marshall Considerable complaint was heard be Supt. Walch, of C. & . E. Is Dead. c , .. . .. teresting program was ren«lere«l ami Hun. T. K. t'umplu'll slo|ui. . n i.- I , . , . . , Snodgrass Makes Getaway. cause local people were not informed light refreshments served. James T. Walch, superintendent o f ... , , J "ItUllillng u Ituaineaa C ity ," OLD SOLDIERS PLAN BIG Ml-ET. o f the special train that ran from Rose- Hull. it. M. Ki l n Rev. and Mrs. Elkins and funtily ...................... .. .......... ......... ......., .the Corvallis t i Eastern railroad, died L . x u T l * “ ,hor9c ,th ,ef "H o w Cottuge lirove linpreaaea grass ast spring, es- burg early in the forenoon. This was Reunion of Veterans ut Springfield leave this afternoon fur their new home very suddenly at his home at Albany *' ‘ ,ar^ a . . . |. . . . . , ... ... caped from the Oregon state pemten- a serious oversight on the part o f the llie llom eaeeker" at la-hanoii. Ore. last week a fter a brief illness with .. „ . ^ ... Next Week. lion . Jamea Hemenway . . t, ..... . . ; ... . tia ry September 20th and is still at fa ir management. A successor to Rev. Elkins has not , pneumonia. He is Ml years o f age. Th«' unnual reunion o f the Lane large. He was one o f three who made Pastors for Eugene District. County Veteran's Association will tu- yet been chosen but Professor Rilling- . Mr. Walch has tieen with the Corvallis a successful getaw ay. Jones was sen Dies At 80 Years. 'I hr follow ing uppointii.rnta of dm hehl at Springfield next week, uml the ton, «*f the Eugene Bible University, At Eastern railroad in various capaciti« s tenced from Douglas County and had Chas. C. Thompson died at 8:55 Sun tin t »ujierinlen lenls uml pualnr* w ire citizens o f Ihut place ur«' making prep will have eharge o f the work temjio- for 2t> years. eight months yet to serve. A reward day morning at the home o f his son, H. Mr. John Ii. Stevens, who has been announced at tin- Methodist Epmfupal arations to «'tilcrtain the "H oys o f ’ 63" rarily. Mr. Fagan, o f the same school, o f $50 is offered for his capture. O. Thompson, aged 80 years, 8 months who has been acting as ch«irus leader, with the road 20 years as division engi conference hehl at Salem lust week. right royally. A lengthy program has and 6 days. Cause o f death was, pri Eugene dletrii't, J. T. Abbott, super- been prepare«! for their amusement, will «^miluct morning services and neer ami superintendent o f bridges, PiaLO Recital. marily, old age. Mr. Thompson had inleiali'. t, H5*i South W illam ettealrret, which iiK'ludcs addresses by Judge Prof, llillintgoii will preueh in the has been elected to the vacancy caused The piano pupi's o f Miss Ethel Evans been ailing for some time and death was by Mr. W alch's death. Eugeni', Oregon. will give a recital on Saturday even Harris, Congressman Haw ley ami k* Vl‘ n" ,g ' not unexpecte«]. He had live«! with his Albany, D. II. I.eei-h, liumlon. Hurry others, appropriate music, etc. Public ing, Sept. 30, at the Methodist church. ~ son, H. O. Thompson, since last Octo l.ee, llrowiiaville, M C. I’uruunagian, campfires will he hehl on the evenings Miss Eunice VanDenberg, reader, w ill ber. coming here from Washington. Ifiienu Vmlu, H. H. MfCain, Coburg. o f October <1th ami litli. assist. The admission is free and all The remains were taken to Burlington, <i. E, Hound, tuipiilh', to l.e xupplifd. are cordailly invited to attend. How The Woman's R elief Corps and Lad Wash., Monday afternoon for burial Curvullm, J. C. Kullina, t'ottage ies o f the G. A. R. w ill assist in the ever, a silver offering w ill be taken tor beside the body o f his w ife and were (iruve, Itutiert Sutcliffe. Crswfonts- entertainment. the benefit o f the Meth«xlist choir. The accompanied by H. O. Thompson, son ville, tu I m ' autiplird. Creswell, J. K. follow ing is the program :— Many o f the " b o y s " from this vicin o f the deceased, Mary Cavanaugh and Dunlop, Drain, E. M. Smith, Klklon, ity are plann'ng to lie present ami join . Piano solo Mark Thompson, grandchildern. E S. t'lemo. Eugeni', II. S. W ilk ¡»on, in the featvities. Vanity Caprice............. ...Jackson Deceased leaves three sons and two tinrdiner, J S. tireen, Halsey, W. M. Audry Rinehart daughters. They are H. O. Thompson, Inlow Speaks at Institute. 2 Piano solo Erakme, Independence, F. N. Sand* o f Wheeler & Thompson, o f this c ity ; Prof. H. E. Inlow, superintendent o f ifur, Irving uml Harrisburg, to beaup- A Curious S t o r y ...................H eller George Thompson, Spokane, Wash; the Cottage Grove schools, delivered plieil. Johnson, It. A. Hrialon, June- , I.ela Lew is W alter C. Thompson, Seattle, l^’ash., an ad«fr«'ss before the Lane (»unity lion, Joseph Knott a, I .fluinuii, I.. F. 3. Piano duet Mrs. Emma Cavanaugh, Everett, lie Ik nup, Mureolu, to bn aupplieil, teachers' institute at Eugene yester Goodnight.........................Ellsworth W ash.; Mrs. Wm. Cressy, Burlington, day. His subject Was "W h isp e rin g." | MurahllfId, II. I. Itutleilge, Mfhamu, Lenore Knowles an«l Miss Evans Wash. 4 . Reading l.yona, Monroe. Mnuntuin View and The address wan an interesting one. Chas. C. Thompson was born in Red Anmng other speakers at the insti Selected............ Miss VanDenberg Myrtle Foinl to I m - aupplieil. North Bank, N. J., in 1831, moved to Jersey- tute were Slate Superintendent I.. R. Piano solo Hfi.il, A. S. Ilisev, P ort Orfurd ami ville. 111., in 1856, where he was mar Saginaw to I m * aupplied. Shedila, lllc- Alderman; President J. H. Ackerman, [lance o f the Ruttreflies .Gixxlard ried to Miss Ellen S. Gooch, moved hard H ni'king. Silet/. Italian Mmnion, Oregon State Normal s c h o o l ; Montana Audry Rinehart overland to Tecumseh, Neb., in 1881, Hasting, assistant professor o f <><luca- Piano solo tu he hupplii'il, SpringtieId, A. F. Lacy, moved to Hutchinson, Kan., in 1889, Staylon, E. S. Mace, Toledo, to he lion, University of O r-gon ; Maude P izzica ti................................Deli lies moved to Seattle in 1899 and lived there aupplieil. Turner, F. G. Drake, Unity l.anghead, special primary instructor;, Esther Hill until his w ife died last October, when Helen T. Kennedy, special library in Piano solo and Trent, tu I m > aupplieil. he took up his home with his son here. structor; Dr. Joseph Schafer, prefersor Zaran telle............................. Wilson Dcuth of Peurkins Miller. o f History, University o f O regon; Or. I.ela Lewis Sentinel Brings Settler. I'earkina Miller ilieil Friday, Sept. | C. J. C. Bennett, professor o f educa Piano solo “ Send the Sentinel for six months to 22d, after a year*' airknexa with u com- tion, Univerity o f Oregon. The F la tte re r................Chaminade F. L. Reynolds at Mayette, Kansas, plifutiun uf diseases. Mr. Miller had The institute was well attended and One Corner ot Felix Currin’ s Exhibit at Lane County Fair Audrey Rinehart and before the time is up he w ill be been up and down fur aumc time ami many instructive addresses were deliv- "T h e best exhibit o f grains, grasses o f the total number o f varieties grown I». Piano solo moving out here,” said G. W. Rey the fatal aickneaa wim thuiight tu have Etude........................... Woilenhaupt nolds, when subscribing tor the paper cr,H*' __ __ and reeils ever shown since Tim e i by M r. Currin. been only another o f hia apella. The Mabel Reed Pioneers' Association Organized. began,” is the way Felix Currin’s e x - ; j , me, H i„ has requegted Mr. Currin for his Kansas nephew for five months. funeral win hehl Sunday afternoon, in “ Oregon Pioneers of \ane County" Dibit at the l.ane County fair was des- ; to R,|ow the exhibit to t„ a), the 10 Reading True to the prediction, four weeks ago terment being made in the Shield's Selected............ Miss VanDenberg the Kansan came out to look over the is the name of an asaociaton organized ignated hy the Great Northern repre- easteri, expositions, ami he has ex- cemetery. Mr. M iller wan 40 year* of . Piano solo ai the County fair last week. Annual sentat.ve. The exhibit won the Great | preMtt, h|8 w|||inRneM to go if ar. country and has now returned for his age und leavca a w ife and four child Venetian Boat S o n g ...............Nevin fam ily. He w ill probably purchase a encampments will he held for the pur- Northern silver cup and attracte.l much ral,Kementg cgn be matle ao that oan ren. Tw o hrothera, Maluchi ami (ieo., Audry Rinehart ix.se of keeping alive the spirit of pio- attention. The illustration shows but w|th u , f the exhibjt Koegf it wiM farm somewhere in the neighborhood reaide here anil four hrothera live in neer «lays ami t.i greet old friends, one corner of the exhibit, ami gives Jo thmlggngd of t|oMars worth of adver. • - Piano solo o f Divide. Previous to receiving the II linoia. Secoml Mazurka...................Godard Sentinel, he had no intention o f mak meet new ones ami to exchange rem-' but a |xx.r idea of its magnificence. , |teJng for thr CottaKe Grove oountrv Mabel Reed The Great Northern railway has a am) win undoubUd|y bril,K baok aM Civic Improvement Club to Meet. iniaeenees of those stirring days of ing this his home. “BEST GRASS AND GRAIN EXHIBIT WORLD HAS EVER SEEN,” SAYS G. N. REPRESENTATIVE 1 . K „ fo he gQ The Ladies Civic Improvement Cluh will hold ita firat meeting after the ainnrner vacation in the parlnra o f the Commercial cluh rmtnia, the firat Tues day o f October. Meeting will begin at 3 p. m. promptly. A ll ladies «if (tie city who are interested hi the beuutify- mg o f the city are earneatly requested to attend. A ll churter members of the cluh urged to lie present ami to bring at least one friend. MRS. ID A B. C A L D W E L L , Pres. long ago. In its formation the folloW- ing o(Tlc«'rs were elected to preside over the destinies of the association: David Ely, Goshen, president; J. G. Steven- son, Eugene, vice-president; J. Hardy ( ’row, l,orane, secretary. representative at every fair of any consequence in the country, ami the re- mark quoted above, made hy one who has seen the grain and grasses «if every 1 state proclaims the Cottage Grove country as great a grain and grass A ll settlers who came to the plains prior to 18('>r. are eligible to member- ship. Among the charter members are W. B. Hawley, Felix Currin and Geo. M. Hawley «if Cottage Grove. country as any in the w«irl«l. The seed for this exhibit was gath- ere«l from every c«»untry in the world, but the exh.hit was gotten together t«xi hurriedly to permit o f one that would take in hut a small priqxirtion ^ . 11 prizes, Mr. Currin is not raising this grain for profit, hut .leclares that when he develops a seed that he is satisfied with, he w ill distribute it free 0f charge to the grangers o f the Oregon Albany After Municipal , Plant. A municipal water plant is wanted 537 cU i* « n# o f Albany, who have P a n t e d a petition to the city council asking that body to investigate the feasibility o f establishing such a plant, either by buying the present private j country. plant or building a new one. The cost | The above cut was made from one o f j is estimate«! at a halt million or more. many clean-cut pictures taken by Pho- Waldo H ill— the best valley flour, | tographer Amstrong o f this city at the ; $1.25 tier sack at Spray’s. .. i fa ir Aged Woman Dies. Mrs. Phil Jones, Sr., died last Friday o f tuberculosis at the age o f 74 years. The funeral was held Saturday at 2:30 p. m.. Rev. W. A. Elkins officiating. Interment was made in the Masonic cemetery. Mrs. Jones leaves a hus band, son and two daughters. T h e son and daughters are Phil Jones, Jr., Mrs. W. H. Osmond and Mrs. J. B. Pape, the latter o f Roschurg,