/ f — ■ t - *■ ■ ■ . I -I I . Grand Showing o f Fall Wearing Apparel o Dress Goods, Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits, Coats and Skirts. The Season’s Best Moderately Priced. Hampton & Co., Cottage Grove s Only Exclusive Dry Goods House THE LUMBER SITUATION ! business where self resinim i imisl he exercised hy the manufacturers Mint sell restraint menus some Limi of mil There is ulte hopcfui sign in (he prca- Inai understanding. ” ent conili lume surruunding thè lurobcr PRUNKS PROFITABLE CROP. traile, ami timi ia Ihe al ti tinte nf thè hankers towarits Oie industry. The ! , ,, , ,, , , . , State S u rvev Brings Out Some V ery followmg exeellent .statement nf thè 7 relation o f thè lumber traile tu thè lu le r ilt in R Facta. business o f thè Northwest, by John A. The state wiile pruno aurvey. inaile Reatina, viee-pre»i«lenl of thè l.umber- “ >' Prof, t , I. Lewis of thè Agricultur- men's National Uank, o f PorOaml. “ • eoi lego, has brinigli! out aulite Inter- printetl in the Oregonian, presents the fslin g faets eoneerning thè ineome situation elearly ami foreefully. Mr. frolli thia crup. t>n ime fam i o f lUili aere*, fnr instance, it wus diaeovereil Keating suit! in p a rt: “ The present condition o f the lumber timi thè 15 aerea plunteil to prunes market exemplifies the elfeets o f ruth­ liroiight in 75 per cent o f thè total in* less and unbridled competition at its conie. Anuther farlo nf LUI aerea, o f worst. As Judge Gary has said, there whicli «'•»» were coltivateli, largely in are two kinds o f competition, construe, grain, had one-lifth o f ila total in­ tive and destructive. Competition at coine from a smull planting o f prunes. its best is the life o f trade, stimulating Nliie o f IO aerea o f prunes Oli a farlo merchants and mnnufaeturera to new o f Ilio aerea, o f wluch 75 are under activities and developing husineas ; at rultivation, yield four-llflha o f thè its worst it leads to waste and business fruii grow er's profila. Anuther amb­ anarchy, and that ia the condition to­ iar case ia thal of thè man who bus ward which the lumber market has bui lì or 8 aerea o f prunes oli u fam i of 112 aerea and derives from thcin 20 per been tending. To merely satisfy your O S T E R M O O R ** S L E E P INDUCER customer is one way ' STYLE B' OUTER TUFTS IMPERIAL El o f doing business, but , to H ighly Please Them is Our Way. THE 0STERM00R MATTRESS Will stand the test o f time. From ttve to thirty years of satisfactory service is proof of mattress quality. Inspect our large stock o f Ostermoor and and other makes. See us before buying Furniture. Stoves and Ranges. Carpets. Linoleums, Lace Cur­ tains and Drapperies, Trunks and Suit Cases, Tin and Graniteware. Tents. Hammocks and Screen Doors WE SAVE YOU MONEY R BROS. KIN HOUSE FU R N ISH ER S PHONE 6 NUF-SÉD FARMERS and BUSINESS MEN Come in and list your property with us. W e are having many inquiries from prospective purchasers from all parts o f the United States and Canada. I f you want to sell, buy or trade, be sure and come in and see us. HEMENWAY (Ü LOCKWOOD - ARRIVING DAILY IMMENSE SHIPMENTS OF HARPY WOMEN. Fall Shoes A t W H E E L E R - T H O M P S O N CO. Utz & Dunn for women, in vici, patent leather and gun metal at $2.50 to $4.00. Packard for men, new­ est lasts and best o f leather at $3.50 to $5.00. Hol­ land fine shoes for boys at $2.50 to $3.00. Famous Walton school Shoes at $1.50 to $2.50. ' Everwear Hosiery. Wheeler-Thompson COMPANY r J i OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE DIGNIFYING m INDUSTRIES T b li la tbe t ill* o f a beautiful *4 page book, which w ill abow any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED Drop a poetal la tbe m all TODAT and It w ill bo aeat f RLE Tbe aim of tbo College l i to dign ify and p opu larité tbe Industrie*, and to ic re e ALL tbe people. It offer« couraet In A griculture C lell Engineering, Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering. Mining Engin ••ring. Forestry, Domettlo. Science and Art, Com mere#. Pharmacy and H uile. T b o CoUosa o p e n « September 22d. Catalog free. Addreaa : REGISTRAR. OREGOH AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, C orvallis, Oregon. . REAL E S T A T E -IN S U R A N C E -L O A N S Improved and Unimproved Farms. Choice Acreage Adjoining Town. Business and Re­ sidence Property for sale. Reference: First National Bank or anyone in Cottage Grove. Send for Price List, etc. C O TTA G E G R O VE, “ I f the manufacturer was aide to form agreements with his competitors , ~ __ , , ____ , * . . , . . Plenty of Them in Cottage Grove, for the maintenance o f prices a tre- 7 rnendous benefit would accure to the Good Reason for It. i people o f Oregon, among whom th«1 Wouldn’ t any women be happy, manufacturer spends his money for A fte r years o * backache suffering, supplies and labor. But a combipa- I Days of misery, nights of unrest, i tion to control prices is impossible un- The distress o f urinary troublea, ! der the present laws. There is nothing She finds re lie f and cure?, ! to remedy the situation, except either No reason why any t i l l a g e Grove a concentration o f ownership or a rad- j reader, | ical betterment in general business Should B u ffe r in the fa c e o f evidence ¡conditions. like this; “ The present depression is not caus- | Mrs. E. B. Sherrnun, west side, Cot- ed solely hy depressed conditions in tage Grove, Ore., says: "T h e state­ the business world generally, ia shown ment gave for publication in favor of by the fact that yellow pine in the Doan’s Kidney Pills two years a g o s ti‘ 1 ( Eastern market has advanced $.'! to |5. holds goml. It would be almost impos­ It is within the territory in which fir sible for me to describe how severely I holds its own against yellow pine that I suffered from kidney complaint. The 1 the trouble exiats ami it is due to de­ trouble came on gradually, the first j structive competition among the W est­ Hymn loin being a pain in my le ft aide, ern manufacturers who supply this became tired nervous and languid and '■ as the trouble progressed, began to limited territory. "R em em ber that the jieople o f Ore­ Huffer from headaches and h | m »II h o f ^ Sometimes my limbs ami gon are more interested in this than ¡dizziness. the timber owner. On W illam ette | feet become so badly swollen that I Valley timber the timber owner gets | could not wear my shoes. Nothing help- only $1 per 1000 fee t out o f the pro­ ' ed me until I commenced takng Ooap’ s ceeds o f th° sale o f the manufactured Kidney Pills,procured at Benson's Drug They removed the pain and product, while $8 is spread around for 1 Store. I lameness and proved o f benefit in every labor and supplies. way. The contents o f five boxes o f j "T h srefore, the people o f Oregon I Doan's Kidney Pills restored me to | ¡should take an interest to see that the, . . . . . , spending o f this IS is to continue. I f K « « ! health and I am now fr e . from the manufacturers could get a price at troub e. which they could run at a profit and , H" le b> " » M »’ "«ter-M ilburn (Ur.. Buffalo. could hold their price tirm without cenU- slashing and not have to aential that camps should J F IN G A L H IN D S “ In Oregon the lumber imiustry is j l!*n t o f his income, the great spender of inuney. It is the Nearly all the easti income o f u farm larcest employer o f labor; it busy pro- " f which 65 acres are cultivated, hut visions, machinery, rails for new log- IT being in prunes, is from that one ging roads, wire cable anil a thousand crop. A planting o f tiOO trees of dif- other eommoilities. F.mployes o f the ferent varieties o f prunes on a farm of lumber mills amt logging camps buy , acres, 70 acrea o f which ure in shoes, clothing, provisions und spend grmii, yields three-fourths of the in- coiu e. money otherwise. This does not necessarily prove ttie- | "Rem em ber further, that the bulk o f the lumber is sold outside the state, superiority o f the prune over other in California, the Fast, and in foreign crop», hut in many cases it does indi­ countries, and the money which reaults cate extemely |n>or farm ing methoda. ’ from these sales is, therefore, brought Kor instance, '.here is a man who, on from the outside into the state to he j a till-acre farm, makes one acre o f i prunes bring in one-fourth o f hi» lit* s|>ent here. “ It is the depression o f the lumber 1 come. Obviously, he is not farm ing i market that is atrecting businesi in i the other 59 acrea to advantage. It ia j Oregon today. Business is dull and I quite likely thut the results are simply ! will eonitnue dull as long as lumber is * because he can g e l better crop» from j dull. Therefor it is o f vital im|tor- prunes that »re neglected than from j tuner to every man, woman anil child |iear and apple trees under slovenly in Oregon to study the depression o f ! treatment. Another man who is laia- the lumber market and try to better it. , ing gra|ies, apples, pear», and prune«, , “ l.umber is a peculiar commodity, ami has al*o general fa.'m crops and sold under peculiar conditions. Buy- j considerable pasturage, finds prune» ers are largely retail yard men. who his umsl profitable crop, But u study ■ will absolutely not buy at all on u fa ll­ of his yield proves him to be a |aair j ing market exeept to fill orders. If grower, »ince he i» getting hut half the lumber manufacturers had suftir- the crop hit should produce under the ient command o f the situation so that circumstance». The prune survey does not aim to they could abstain from the market a l­ together until they get their pt'ce the point out the advantages o f prune : yard men would come to their price, .grow ing, hut to get at the real facts; : The minute the yardman realizes the as to the present method» ot cultiva | ' market is firm and is likely to go up tion ami marketing and to solve the he will commence to stork up and a flood problem» arising in that connection. I o f orders w ill result. OREGON undercutting they would N*!W York* 8ol‘‘ W curtail, and it is very es- ••’ t-“ 11’*'- Remember the the mills and logging take no other. he kept running. "T h e re-entry o f the railra.sls into the lumber market would have a tre- rnendous effect. Railroads are the largest single buyer; fnr example, one railroad alone takes 40 per cent o f the I output o f the mills at rail points in Western Oregon, but the railroads o f America have dismissed 9 per cent of their employes. They are still facing decreases in net earnings and are W h y M a il ' 1” f,,r name l,n i*** Doan’s and. THE COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL AND T H E WEEKLY O R EG O N IA N FROM DATE U N T IL N O V E M B E R 1, M 2, FOR TWO DOLLARS I his offer is goHMtof|ice ¡„ B'ow an(j unsatisfactory, and an irivcs- p o t io n reveals the reason for this con,ijtion. There is an interval o f an hour lMitwePn the arr|va| 0f the a flo r. j n(Kjn train fr ,m, the north an), U|t. „ „ „ from the aouth The formqr |a ofU n threatened with atrikes. . titnea a few minutes late, and when "T h e viaible supply o f timber is this happens to be the case mail from always enormously greater than the the southbound train is held at the sta- market will take in lumber and ruth- tion until the arrival o f the north bound leas competition w ill force more lum­ train, thus causing delay in receiving ber on the market than the latter will mail from points north o f Cottage stand. It ia therefore peculiarly a , Grove. 0) i • School Supplies and we are Headquarters for School Books H •»