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About Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1911)
B 10 P A G E S ÛJnttai}? (Ünro? S^ntitel E V O LU M E V LOCAL WETS MAY GET BUSY COTTAGI GROVE. OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER “tizz grain crops ar e bum per bllilt ut tin* Stiilf fair. Thi' display was rollreled mill iirnin, mih I the exhibit wuh finaneed by the IM.AN SPECIAL ELECTION FOR Corvullia t'oiiilni rnnl *• tub. Tin-other winnrrN in the order of award were NEXT NOVEMBER. I'laekatiias, $250, Polk, $2<x» ; Columbia, I 2UII , Clalanp, 9 loo and ( no* «loo. U . plan to bar a ll hunters VALLEY FARMERS ARE REALIZ- ING IRRIGATION’ S AID. NUMBER 52 1911 £ a n d the black came back muddy road, and even then much dith- PROVISION FOR PROTECTING OF ' ul‘ y wax encountered. through thin canyon w“ w uh thrown LAND AGAINST FIRE. throu* h lhi" '•8n>0'* 8 tbr" wr> “ P The road ALLEGED CANNIBAL TAKERS IS SUE W ITH CITIZENS. with clay during the lummer, and the raina made it practically imnaaaible. Ct»iit in it il 1 1 v Soinr wlial Divided ou Double Amount of Return Given to Contact w ith State Game Warden, T hi* condition was known to the mark- Calls Attention to Conditions That, COMPLAINT STANDS ON MERITS Liquor Viiei-Hon Hu Ilots Would Funning Community Well Wa Making Property Game Pre era, but they contend that the road via He Says, Obtains in Our Very London is no better, a three-mile h »pirKi. Public Sentiment. tered During Dry Season. serve, Does the Business. Need Not Be Made Any More Spe Midst. 1 stretch over the mountain after leaving cific; Kruudh Next Issue. . The conditions in Cottage Grove and There is a law in the State of Ore- that place luring iri frightful shape. There I n n movement under wuy In .Iud|(e Galloway overruled the demur Swackhanner, the cannibal who in- Cottage Grove to call an election in n r to the complaint of 8. II. Friendly vicinity were never belter than they goo which may be made to serve a REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS, sinuated his presence about Cottage November for the purpose of voting on against the secretary of slate to pre are this year. The gram crops are all wonderfully valuable iiurpose, if its n . u , 0. . Grove a fortnight since, tskes excop- tto' liquor question under the Home vent placing the referendum against harvested and nearly all the threshing provisions were more widely known. Porter Bros, and Stewart Sell Eighty tion, to The s, ntinel'a articl„ of la„ t Itole bill, und petitions will probably the University of tlregon appropriation done. The yield is gissi. The hay crop The recent agitation requesting the Acres Up Mosby Creek. week in which it was stated that he lie placed in circulation within a short lulls on the loillot titles, lie held that was never Is-1te i, There has licen a governor to suspend the hunting sea- Porter Brothers and Stewart have had been “ stopiurd” while addresaing tnue. This question wss up last spring, an answer to the complaint must lie Isrge immigration tir this territory in son. to the erst that the damage from sold, through the Hemenway & Lock- the Adventists and later had been ex” when U |a-tit Ion with a siittieieot num made. The court susluinrd several of the past year, that has caused niMiiy forest tires might lu- minimized, rails wood agency, eighty acres on Moaby eluded from the Christian church ber of names was ready for prssen'a- the motions to strike out sections of large trsets of land to be cut up Into attention to the above mentioned pro creek to Mr. Lancaster and his son 't he black writes us from Brownsville tioli to the proper authorities, bill si the complaint, but overruled the mo- smaller tracts, and the result is that vision. It is one of the privileges of i Joaeph B., the consideration being but as we are unable to decipher thé that time It was held that un élection tlon to make more definite and speeilic. fourfold more bus been raised on the the State Gams* Warden to make pri- <*¡,400. Previous to this purchase, Mr. communication we herewith give it to could not tu- held until lids fall. Those Overruling the motion to inske more same Isral than lieforo. The farmers vate reservations. When once this is Lancaster sold his twelve acres just the reader unci anged • persons inter rated in having the town ipecith' involved the vital prinieph at are jost beginning to realise that with done, it is unlawful for any one to hunt east of town to Jesse Thornton for Brownsville Linn County, Oregon, " w e t " have been canvassing the situ issue. This issue is w h e t h e r or not irrigation, even in the Willamette vat- game birds and game animals on the $25(X>, 9, 13, 11. To the Hon, Editor of the stimi among citizen* of the community, proof of fraud on the part of rireula- ley. more thun twice the cro|is can tu- land so set as'ile. W. P. Tucker o f Newport has bought Cottage" Ori ve® Sentinel Publishin und liuvc reason to lielleve that were tors o f initiative and referendum peti- grown on tin* same land with water An impression has prevailed that the F. P. Crowell place of six acres. Com Y> u irinted iri our n h r * an election called the result would be lions would invalidate the entire peti* during the dry season, private owners would suffer some in- west of Latham, the consideration be- ., . , ** n yodr pH pprii indt j wtiB noi n low iff 1 Lo X i favorable to them, though it is candid- tains. If this should be decided in the Last season three farmers, Currin, I convenience, were they to take advan- ! ing 1650. He took possession on Sat- fu tu r e ir the S D A ani the Can ly admitted that it would not lie a affirmative it would only remain for Stocks and Spray, put in an irrigation tage o f this act. On the contrary, . urday. 1 ' * ' ’ you Will go walk away. If It is decided to test tin the university to prove intuit. I f it is ditch three miles long, running through there is no expense involved, oil the Stickers Are Tabooed. out to the immoral park from 7 p, m, matter al the |adls it is highly prob held by It....... that friniti on the their farms, that covers atsmt «00 part o f the owner, nor is the land Orders have been issued by the pos- till, 12, m, you will see Girls Boys who able that the liquor interests of the part o f the I'irulators existed but does acres of gissi farming lami. Stewart withdrawn from any useful purpose. ' ta| department at Washington I» C are committing crime and that it Is stale will give the undertaking its sup not invalidate those signatures which & Porter Bros, have put in a ititeli this It is merely contracted between the an<j forwarded to the local imstoffice affright that is all all to that if you port, sending missionaries into the lo are gissi, the burden o f proof will la season that rovers »00 acres in Moaby owner stai the State Game Warden that prohibiting the use of advertising tKJ|d devila art. so Much Vou should cal liehi lo create sentiment for ihr Shifted to the promoters of the refer- Creek sod have set out a large traet the land descrioed shall be regarded as - .tickers on the front of all envelopes c)ean UD thc jrnmariIi,iv that i. „nino- m * i «•lulum will have have to to prove prove that that of «> f this thin land lurid to to apples iipplefl and «mi »tears. |x*Hrn. At At * a private reserve, r..wi.n/o upon . 1 »^..» which w itU no hunt- e ,.».,* — j msil ?» matter. «... t aus.. This was planned fur for I last endum und anti they they will Und This action, accord- on in that city you do more than rake spring, but the campaign, as stated, it,, v have «Lift good signatures. I.orune. 12 miles west of here, the ¡ng, either by outsiders or the owners jng to a government bulletin, was due ove- the hack that i, „11 ♦« that a. did not materialise. It, the trial of this case Judge Gallo- Churchlll-Matthews Company and the > himself, shall be lawful. The hunting ! l0 the confusion it caused in foreign then if you will if the S 1) A vot There IS a.IilTrrence of opinio., among woy will probably tie asked to go to Milwaukee Orchard Company have set and killing o f varmints, however, can , countries the postal clerks there mis- hot for me savin* that if thev could the business interests .,t the eity as a I’orll.ind to take the test in.ony of many ; out over U<X> acres o f apples and pears, he carried on by special permit from | taking them for the regular stamp, Proved that the Saturday was the dav Whole regarding the liquor question. ' of the witnesses as p redicate all the Many smaller orchards of from 1« to j the warden in charge. The owner and to curb the advertising activity of that the iew keot then thev warn 500 ■Some contend that it would prove ad- fraud alleged was in Multnomah cu n- *0 acres have been planted here in the merely agrees to act in the cspscity of charitable and other organizations. mi !es from the teaching of .he Jews vanlagcus from a business standpoln., ty. To lake thc testimony there wouki past three years. Deputy Game Warden for that partic- , The order does not affect the placing lhat made that one levied elder Hoi were saloons permitted to deal ou. red- * e a saving o f money. The trial of the Cottage Grove is an important point ular piece o f property, submitting such j 0f ,,rinted matter or stamps on the i sai,i that there were not one out . f eye and the brown beverage that smell-1 rase will begin September 25. along the Southern Pacific system. It evidence as he gathered to the proper buck Gf envelopes. velopes. Letters Letters being being a every 100 church memh.™ in th. I eth o f tha bop, aad that In additlun tbe The paragraphs stricken out an enjoys terminal rate* on its exports o f authorities violation o f the order are returned to sUte was Converted to Christ 78,0CN>,- munietpality would lie materially Itene- 4 those alleging that an error was matte1 lumber and in all the important mat- Ihere are millions of acres of timber the sender if the address is known, or ooo Heathens in this country that did lute I tty the revenue tube derived from in addressing the pet<Uons to Frank W. tert o f passenger transportation is at- la,al in the state tha' could be with- ¡ l(( the "dead k-tter” office at Washing- Kü ^ no church araJ manv of them licenses, while others are equally firm I ^ mmiii , secretary of state. It was held cortlcti distinct advantage. The mining drawn under contract with the State 1 ton I) C y In the conviction that better results are that the office and not the mao w»< ad industry has aroused considerable in- Game Warden, as well as hundreds and I ~ * ..W* V n * Ur‘ 'Z'1 not IJ' e A fter Venske W,th Gun' n° th,nK bUt lh* deV" ,B them and lhat attainable under the condition which ] dressed. It w h s siso ruled that the 1er,-St this summer on account o f the perhaps thousands of other large tracts. ‘ K use burg News: “ H. Venske of Cot- >s 1 saitl where is any proof that the Under this law, the danger from fur- now obtains. The champions of the | secretary of state is not warranted in rich ores ttiat have ticen discovered in •’ w et" ruuac aver Ijml much coin of making investigations into the fraud the West Coast properties. There are est tire could la? almost entirely elim- tage Grove, thc contractor who is con- me" ° f any tribes ever kept the Sev- tbe realm that sboulil naturally find or conspiracy post ible in initiative or .11 lumber mills tributary to Cottage inated, so far as its origin is due to 8truct,nK the ^ ulh Ro*eb« r g sewer enth Day. except, by Special request This sustains Grove, a score o f winch are within careless hunters. This law is not only system, was forced to abandon work before the mount Siania Time en, 2. 2. Us way into legitimate business chan referendum petitions. 16, ^ 1® 25 * * h 17.ver8e8 if nels now goes abroad, never to return, Secretary of Slate Olcoll in his act in 20 miles of town. The employes of a protection against folVst tire, but can "hortly ufter ,loon to,kiy’ when ** wa” 3< and lhat saloons would collie nearer tiling the pelitiorw. Both sides gained ; these mills trade in town and the be made to serve the farmers a useful Confron“ -H‘ b> John SUnnin‘' e“ r anti you arein with them you cannot proved MilvinK CKr MUriUon of how lu liullil h «nd l«w»l n I k u I the nuiim * in On* timt monthly puyroll exceeds $60,000. Tim- puriMute by making it unlawful for ^**nn*nK*® an'^ ^^rneii 'u SaV^ >on j >ou was going to fence around the home dollar than any ber experts estimate that there is 1*».- hunters Ut trespass on their land, dam- tr* * '* “ ” ’« on thcir ProK « y * or- hunK '» a'l ^ tb»t if you can show other scheme yet ......... mortal | t v «Ttyuv: r U iiT '**'.'**> .'*" (eel of standing timlwr aging their grain ami killing their' *° ‘" “ ke their demands better on- in the New testamt mall. They claim that thousands of H N L E Y STO PS S M A L L G R A F T . tributl(ry to Cottage Grove, and at stock besides making the game protec '»•?r8,‘ « 1- in n in g s and SUnmnger W here ever the Lord commanded the ,l.,IUrs annually g.. 1» Portland, and ** -■ _ <7 Jin lw m -r r th.,us..„i ,r,i ,i„ „ laws ......... of . ........... ....... „..„.V which they threatened Gentiles 1 will and - Fishino nn ____ Mecemis thousaml f„r for l,.„uin„ logging ami tion the state ,.r of some eonse- c»rne«i a gun . , . world . —, to A keep . ,, Saturday . H untino unting una rianing on Kcicipia ________ ; , . , . ... to use in thè event the cor.tractor per--eat y °ur bat That is all to that You milling expenses, paid to labor, will queoce. other “ w et" towns in the valley, be No Longer E.vidence of License. -.listed in entering upon their property. saul that Mashal Snodgrss Said that he involve an expenditure of f t 20 , 51 X 1 ,ooo cause King Boole attracts the owners Hunting or lishing u|M.n receipts fur Councilman Joseph Micelli stated that tunned me out of fbwn last year and PRUNE LOSS IS VAST. ami wilt take .To years to move it. o f the coveted simoDuns thither, thus oishitl hv notaries ami justices of the the trouble was the result of a misun-, he went beyond his Autrhoity but he depriving the community of that which l>eat-r will not be nllowcd in tin- future More Than 10 Per Cent of Crop iJerstanding, ami that Mr. Venske, as did not do it an he said that he lied anil ELKS PLAN MINSTRELS. it should rightfully isms '*a. arcoriliiig to instructions .recently is- Ruined By Rain. well as the members of the council, y °u tell Him so for me will you mister Thc "Urys, ” on the other hand, ad oed t>y Slate Hoard of Fish ami Game Rehearsals Under Direction of One Damage of between 1100,000 and supposed the necessary right-of-ways one horse Editor Gates they should mitting the argument, contend that Commissioners. Deputies all over the Experienced in Blackface. have An Curfew laws in that city and $ 1 5 1 1 ,0 0 1 1 is believed to have been done for the sewer had been secured." "there is no greut loss without some state have le n told to arrest any hunt they have not and that blloody Park The Antlers' Club has completed ar- the prune crap of the state by the re- small g a m ;" tha* Cottage Grove today er or fisherman who fails to show a rangements for tinkling a minstrel show cent unprecedented rainy s|>ell. which' Another Big Sawm ill. Put light into it that is all to that if Is a well-regulated, peaceable anil law- regular fishing or hunting license in sometime in November. The rehearsals it is thought has ruined from 10 to 15 <>ne ° f the largest lumbering plants _ you will look around __________ ___ __ and see The Im- abiding community whereas umk-r the hi* possession, upon demand. The will be under the direction of F. H. j per rent of the prunes. The prunes '•> the state is being built at the vil- morality in cottage groves you will lor ner order of things it was a hot- holder o f a receipt wifi be treated in Hall, who has had considerable |ierson- are damaged by the heavy moisture aKe <d. on the Mohawk river, have your hands full see One man in lied for vice ami crime, imnforal ami •■very way the same as thnqgh he had al eX|terience with blackface. The first atisnrtied by the ripe prune to such by the ( oast Range Lumber company, Busyness There told me that more Girls indecent; that money that once went never made application for a licence, rehearsal will lie held next week, ami an extent that the skin breaks and the *'h'''h bought out the holdings of the Women was wrong in Cottage Groves over the bar now h ds Us way into the The reason for this action is plain, from that time until the rising curtain meat o f the prune cracks. This crack >unset rr*'un^}’er company early this that they was When they had the Sa cash register of "the butcher, the Itsker in the pMsj notaries and justices of the on the iqie.iing night drill will I k - the in the prune fills with moisture and vear- r,'e Sunset company for a year |oons antj Harlots that is bad but he is ami the candlestick maker" for the peace, who have authority to collect order o f things with the participants, decay soon starts. When thc prune is 0r two ° l * rated a smal1 mil1 bu‘ went busyness, there that is all to that As necessaries of life anil such luxuries as for licenses, issue u receipt ami mail The songs ami jokes, all of which are once cracked it is practically useless. into bankruptcy. A company was o r-! far as the sects the ministers would can he afforded, thus eliminating want, the money to the county clerk, who, in of this year's vintage, will have a Vi- Almost h TT of the prunes picked so far gamzed in Fortland to take over the not stayetJ in tl)at city Fjve Mjn jf distress ami isiverty, and creating a turn, mails a license to the notary or cal atmosphere with gentle quips on . have been those destined for Eastern property and the plant and timber land they did not get that salary that what happy and contented condition. There justice, to lie delivered to tlie'app li-' local men and conditions. The an- markets. These were picked until adjoining was bonded for $350.000. they are for the cash An not souls now are mere hauls who transacted business ■ cant, have failed to do so, |s>cketing nouncement of the names of the mem- the continued rains necessitated a dis- With this money the new mill is being j hope that will hold you devils for an uniter Imth reigns who want sulooiia, the money and advising the applicant ( hers of tbe club who will trial the ! continuance. The remainder o f the erected and the village transformed whi|e Elkins leaving for they were not feeling that their financial condition that a receipt is equivalent to a li- boards as blackface artists w ill lie crop will be used for drying, the dry into a modern milling town. The mill - able'to pay him $1500 Per year so he would lie bettered, ami there are others cense. To stop ibis petty gilifting. made later. prunes at present bringing a better will have a capacity of 150,000 feet Going yo Lebanon Oregon that is all to who contend lhat Under the present tbat Then you will See what Mean Game Warden Finley insists that li price than those shipped for immediate every 10 hours. Navigating the Coast Fork modus operundi they are more prosper censes. in the future, will be recog No Grange Store This Year. the camberlites are not converted and use in the East. The rainy weather Albany Herald: Mr. und Mrs. II. ous. But the luw provides that an nized as the only evidence o f a right It is not probable that the proposed they do not want to hear the Truth as had hut little effect on the hop situa i T. Burrows of I’ortland arrived here election may be called to deride the to hunt or fish. tion, it is said, owing probably to : Grange store will materialize this year, 's taught in the Bible they are noth- yesterday afternoon by canoe from question, and if the "w e ts ” have a ile- favoruhle conditions which existed this , although the undertaking has not been 'nK but Skeptics They donot know Commercial Club Banquet. 'Cottage Grove on their way home. sire to test their strength they have a Considerable stock has nothing about Change of Heart an scoff Arrangements for the banquet to hi Mr. Burrows is a mail clerk in the city year in the fields. Over half the crop abandoned. | m * feet right to petition f ir such an was picked before the rainy s|>ell set been subscribed, but not a sufficient such things as Kepenteancc that what election. It would mean a hitter local given liy the Commercial oluh on the department of the Portland postoffice jn anil mu h of the remainder has been amount is forthcoming to warrant the y ° u ° ‘1‘ devils w-ill have to have in or- light, but it would settle s question evening o f Friday, September 251. are ar*d he and w ife are taking their an- picked between showers since. enterprise at this time. Thos. Pearce, der To get to Heaven that is all to that concerning which there now appears to practically complete, and the enter-) nual summer outing. 1 hey shiptied j who introduced the proposition and mahogany hue k'nky loks, see that l»c doubt. tsinment promise to eclipse all previous their canoe and outfit to Cottage Grove One Show Is Enough. undertook it, has moved to a ranch was printed in the Guard 9, 2, 11 That Hophotise Destroyed Bv Fire i efforts on the part of this organization. Friday o f last week and started down There is talk. The Sentinel is inform- „ear Eugene, Hnd hence the enterprise is al* the Cannibal from Hayti West Invit liions have been issued to Gover- the river, reaching here yesteniay. The hophotise o f ('has. Walker, Incut ed, o f establishing another moving | ¡¡» at a standstill, temporarily at least. Indies Islands .. i , , . nor West and u number o f other nrom- Both Mr. Burrows anil his w ife are . , » « ,, „ . cd dear Saginaw was destroyed togeth r " ' " ■' .... . ... , , , picture house in Cottage Grove. This By David John Henry Allen Zamboss or with 6000 ......... of dried hops al .noni citizens o f the state, inch,ding , very skilled with a,u despite ' hi(s ^ ^ here at varioU8 tjmeg Overflows Pipe Clogs. SwackHanner Junior Haytain Cannibal an early hour Thursday morning. The Congressman Hawley, and Railroad 1 he bad westher have enjoyed the trip ar.d it has been proven beyond question One day last week the overflow pipe cause of the lire is unknown, ou, hut the u s Commissioner Campbell, and it is ex Below ( « » « z M m i v o they encountered . ,o f doubt that the patronage is not trom the new reservoir became clog- Vetch Coming Into Its Own. ‘ ‘Sales in vetch seed have increased Maze is known to have started In Hie "ected that they will respond favorablj bad water andI Mr. Burrows had a tip #ulHcient t„ warrant two r-otion pic- Red, and great volumes of water pour- reen the cupula ,u" ‘ rat'b ••'•ike an ^address before the ,o vir am ost is toat am one s «a*. I lufe gbows. It has been but a fort- ^ ou* ovt‘r lbe top o f the huge tank over 100 per cen t." says a prominent top of the hui kling hetwe und the chimney. Fifteen minutes ,,f- banquet proper. A splendid program night since The Grand discontinued ,nd down the hill upon residence lots. Oregon nurseryman. The crop is be- Schools Open Monday. ter dlsc.iv.ry of the tire, the building ha" been preparo,I for H,e occasion, The public schools ope ne. I on Mon - 1 business because it was not remun- Green Pitcher, the water commission- ing sowed between the rows of trees w is it heap of ruins. Mr. Horton, the club rooms will be handsomely day, and the increased attendance is erative, and it would be the samo old er, was forced to take up about sixty and is either used as a cover crop or Edwsrd Lajoie and John Wright were •‘•‘‘•orated, and nothing will be omitted hut another evidence o f Cottage Grove’s story should the pnqioaition mater- feet o f pipe before he located the when mixed with other grains, usually __ rye or winter wheat, for hay. Or- ut the hop house at the time, and sue that will tend to make the occasion substantial growth. The schools never ialize. One good show like the Arcade trouble. ced ed in Liking out all moveable ar pleasant and enjoyable for guests. Mill W ill Resume Monday. ebardists say that ii sufficient room is opened under more favorable conditions 1 •• better than two | mk » i ones, or op- ticles. Another half day of picking than this year. The teachers were er »ting at financial loss to maintain The new sawmill o f J. H. Chambers, left for tb? Proper cultivation of the Course of Study ArraLged. and Mr. Wright would have finished up constructed to replace the one com- ‘ ree8 there is no material difference in State Superintendent of Public In- - eb’,’ l1'd with great care, and perfect flrst-class attractions. pletely destroyed by tire this summer, tbe Krowlb. As a clover crop vetch is Ms yard lhe insurance is $1500 and . >true|||||1 A |(lerman haa completed the 1 bnemony W'B d .u nless prevail in all Single Tax Ruled Out. is practically finished and operations 3° wn in the earl>' fal1 and Plowed under the loss is at least twice tha. ,u*«m,it. ((f >tud for l(,p r t .H ( l i n K circle* brancht‘" " f 8‘,h‘ml work throughout the udy for the readin g______ In an opinion written by Attorney- will be resumed on Monday. The mill in spring. In this capacity it is for the teachers of the state The law Vear. Superintendent H. E. Inlow is General Crawford, he recommends that has a capacity of 40,000 per day. Mr. e0ua1» if n°t better than clover, and Fixtures Have Arrived. próvida that each year he shall pre- confl‘‘«‘nt thal K'> " ,, re8ult8 wUI ,,r a‘‘ * The interior flniah, furniture and fix thc initiative single tax bill ami peti- chambers has kept a woods crew busy much easit,r t0 raise- Various orchard- compliahed. tures for the First National Bunk have pare this course of reading, as it is turn presented by W. S. U Ren, of ,,urini{ the aummer am, hait „ ,nr>fl, ists are experimenting with vetch this made one of the conditions u|xin winch Barney O’ Neil Demented. arrived, and work ia progressing as Clackamas county, should not be filed m,mber o f logs on hand year, and all report that they are sur- Mar*hal Snodgrass Saturday received with the secretary o f state for the rapidly as |M.ssihle. it is not probable, a certificate is issued. —----------------- prised with the results. The books covered by the course arc 1 a letter from the authorities of Ore- reason that the same does not comply however, that the hanking room will Fire Escapes Wanted. he ready for uecupanry'^ much before aB fnl,,,w" : CivicH a,» ‘ ,,ea)th' Allen ; og„ City, asking information concern- with the initiative amendment to the ' The board of directors w ilfon Sept, Has Fine Apple Crop. tober. 1 Coaching of English in the Elementary ing Barney O Neil, who, i( was stated, constitution. 27 open bids for furnishing and erect- the tenth of October Capt. O’ Brien, who has a ranch on ami Secondary Schools, Fercival; is in that city in a demented condition. — ing two fire escapes for the west side the Siuslaw below Lorane, has one of Benton Wins Again. American Rural Schools, Foght; How Mr. O’ Neil went to Orenon City some Markers Have Trials. school building. Each bidder will be the largest apple crops in this section Benton county, for the fourth time ii< to Study and Teaching How to Study, time ago to look after some property I ’lhe Pacific Highway markers hHil a required to furnish plana and s|iec:fica- of Oregon. The captain "smudged" succesalon, walked off with the capital Morten; Salt-Cultivation o f Foiglish, interests, and was not of sound mind tough time getting through Haas Creek tiona. The board will meet on thiadate when there were frosts, and as a re prise of $31X1 for the best couny ex-t J ’alm er; The FIvolution of Dodd, Smith, then. *v I Canyon, while enroute south last week. ! at the office of A. H. King. sult has a bumper crop of fine fruit.