10 ôTbr (ftottog? (ß n w Sentinel PAGES COITACI-' GROVE. OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER I. 1911 VOLUME V PAGES NUMBER 49 PRIMARY DATES ARE GIVEN NO SERVICES OVER BIER HIS GRAFT FAILS TO WORK CHURCH WORKER ELOPES MUST HAVE MORE SUPPORT FAIR WILL BE A HUMMER NOMINATING ELECTION IN ORE- BY GRAND ARM Y OF REPUBLIC CANNIBAL GON NOW COMES IN APR IL. POSTS FOR NON MEMBERS. CHURCH “ SWACK” INVADES CHARMS OF W IFE OF SECTION USEFULNESS OF COMMERCIAL E XH IB ITS AT STATE EVENT OF ADVENTSISTS. FOREMAN IRRESISTIBLE. CLUB IS HAMPERED. LARGER THAN EVER. Registration Buttle* Mutit Be Open Headquarter» of Department of Ore- Lecture ut Christian House of Wor- Deserted Hunhand Swears Out War- Dwindling Membership During Sum- Twelve Counties Contributing to the Twenty Days Previous to the gou Issues Order Appomattox ship Materialize* Not— Talks ra n tin R oseb u rgtoR ecoverI.it- mer Mouths Works Detriment- Fiftieth Anniversary Makes General November Election. Post Takes Notice. of Cannibal Ways. tie Son and Daughter. ally to Promotion Work. It a Sure Winner. As the result o f an acquaintanceship Cannibal David John Henry Allen On Monday night next will occur the _ With a greater number o f counties Inquirica rcliiting to tiir time o f <<p- The local G. A. It. post tie Id h rena m in g lunik» for registration of volerà lar meeting Saturday afternoon, some / u m b o » » Sw.'iekiiammar, he of the ma formed on a ranch near Yoncalla a year monthly meeting o f the Commercial contributing exhibits, and the exhibits for 1912 and the time o f holding |iri- twenty o f the thirty-one member» be- hogany hue and kinky lock», was pro ago, Mr». F. ( ’ hesshro, w ife o f a South club, an«l it behoove* every member to o f a greater variety and o f a better During the summer quality; with a finer program o f races, mary elections for 1912 having been ing in attendance. Among other mat- hibited from "le c tu rin g " at the t hria- ern Pacific section foreman at Corn- tie present. made o f tiie attorney general, the law ters given consideration wan an o-der tiun church last .Sunday afternoon, a f stock, eloped Friday with William months, as has been the case in years the purses more attractive, and the fin is Interpreted by that ottlee. There ha» Issued by Department Commander New- ter he had been ordered to discontinue Simpson, until recently employed as past, the membership has dwindled un est and fastest horses in the Northwest lieen some uncertainty owing to the ton Clark to non-member» wearing the s spoil at the Advent church on Satur clerk in a store conducted by Mrs. til the receipts are scarcely adequate entered to compete fo r them; with a amendment made to the direct primary emblem. The ls»t annual encampment day. SwHckhammer visited the latter Cheaabrn’a mother at Myrtle Creek. to maintain the expensive apartments higher claaa o f attractions—attractions law iiy the last legislature. of the department uiiunirnou»ly adopted place of worship, and, by (.ermiaaion, Simpson is 27 years old and was an ac occupied by the organization and meet o f every conceivable kind and charac "T h e primary election in every year the follow ing preamble and resolution gained the floor, hut his remarks were tive Sunday school worker during his the other necessary requirements, anil ter; with more building* and with more nut appreciated by the congregation, residence in Myrtle Creek. Mrs. Chess- something must be done forthwith " t o accommodations for the general pub when a president or vice-president aliali bearing on this point : This lic and with a state-wide interest thor be elected shall be held on the forty- "W hereas, Many ex-soldier», who and he was requested to desist from bro is 28 years of age and is consider keep its head above w a te r." club has accomplished no inconsiderable oughly aroused, the fiftieth state fair ItfIh day before the Ural Monday o f served during the C ivil War, hot are further action. The cannibal, ao says ed pretty. According to the story told by the lasting good since ita inception several June. The nominating election, there- not members o f the ( ¡ . A It. wear the Marshal Snodgrass, was run out o f Cot is destined to surpass in every way any fore, is held in April and the reigslra- badge or button o f our order in viola • tage Grove atiout a year ago, although woman's husband, Mrs. Chessbro left years since, and with proper support preceeding fa ir—destined to go down in Hull hooka are open on the tlrst Monday lion of the rulea ami regulations o f the he claims this to be his first visit to her home Friday under the pretense o f and encouragement may continue to the state'a history as the greatest, in January and closed on the 15th o f Grand Arm y and statutes o f the State the metro(ailis o f Southern Lane. passing a few days with relstives at advance the material w elfare o f the grandest and best o f them all, says the Swaekfiammer is talkative,and delights Myrtle Creek. Instead, she went to community through publicity and other Salem Journal. May anti are e loset I for a periial o f 14 of Oregon. tlays the tenth day la-fore the primary “ Resolved, That every I'oat tora in relating Ids experiences. He car Kosehurg, where she met Simpson, lines o f endeavor; but under existing Tw elve or more counties—a greaer c le d continuing until the liflh day maialer in Oil» department la- instruct- ries a large roll of genuine credentials, who quit his position on the previous conditions it is seriously handicapped. number than ever before—will contri ed to notify the Prosecuting Attorney and claims to have visited almost every evening after appropriating about $120. Ita promotion fund, which for the past bute exhibits. Included in the number after. “ A ll lawn pertaining to the nominn- o f this distrirt o f any violation of this country known to civilized man, and It is thought the couple left there F ri twelvemonth has been comparatively are Clatsop, Columbia, Clackamas, naa u |a-raonal acquaintance with near day evening for Bellingham, Wash., small, is practically exhausted, and un- Marion, Polk, Benton, Douglas, Grant, llon of candidates, registration o f vo law mining to his n otice." " I t is not the purpose o f Ap|umiattox ly ail the celebrities back to the first accompanied by Mrs. Chessbro’ s two les* some action is taken to create Lincoln, Lane, Linn and Coos. Some ters, ami all oilier things incident to the bidding tiie biennial election nini 11 |a>st to prohibit ex-soldiers from wear- generation subsequent to Adam. His children, a 9-year-old girl and a 4-year- another thia important and paying o f these w ill furnish, exhibits to the la- effective the same number o f days ing the button," said Adjutant Dr. name, be »ays, wa» taken from the first old boy. Chessbro knew nothing of the department must o f necessity be sus fair for the first time, and with a view la-lore tbr lirai Tuesday after the tlrst Wood, "but we want them to become five men o f his tribe, who lost their elopement until Monday, when he re pended. During the year thousands o f making their initial showing a splen M o n d a y in November timt they have affiliated with tiie organiza I ion and lives in the cause of freedom from 1625 ceived word from Mrs. (Tiessbros o f piece» o f literature exploiting the did one, they have been busy gathering heretofore been before the lirai Mon- ; thus have the right to display the em to 184)1. According to the "accomplish mother that they had gone. Chessbro resources o f this immediate locality exhibits for montha. it a y in June. Therefore, it will be I blent. No ex-*oldier not in good stand- ed conversationalist." there were 518 caused a warrant to be issued for have been sent abroad to prospective The live stock entries closed on the necessary to have the laaiks open dur log III some one of the numerous (aiata girls no more, no leas in his tribe, Simpson's arrest in hope that he may neltiers, bringing innumerable letters 24th day o f the month. The stock recover his children. log the summer the same length ol of tiie country is entitled to wear the while he was the only boy ; a second seeking further and more definite in show w ill be splendid, as fine a show as formation concerning the opportunities ever exhibited in the W est—especially tune ia-fore tiie general election in bronce button, ami In rase o f death a Moses to lend his trilienmcn out of Poor Quality the Cause. Nuvcmlier as the first Monday in Jan (a »-1 cannot use the G. A. K. bitr'al bondage. That the low price o f pears in the o f the various kinds here offered. This the cattle and swine departments, and The cannibals never ate female hu- | eastern markets is due primarily to the work has been given careful attention, the rest o f the show w ill be very credit uary I ft la-fore the lir-t Mole lay in s ervice," said the doctor. June. tjoite a number o f veterans o f the man buinga, that being contrary to fa rt that an inferior grade o f fruit has and, according to the evidence at hand, able. Added to the many other exhib "Y o u w ill notice that this makes riv il war residing in this locality are their religion, confining themselves to been shipped from California is the will result in many Easterners visiting its will be the forestry exhibit o f the two registration |M-nndn, one from Jan- probably unfamiliar with this recent the male sex. ami no tobacco user was ouinion o f Professor P. J. O'Gara of this city during the colonist period, federal government, a new feature, oary to May and tin- other from June r||,j|l|{ o f u„. UrM» rlm * nt> Mm| w l|| ever molested for fear o f contracting Medford. Professor O'Gara declares which opens September 15 and contin and the Oregon Agricultural college till Orlobrr, with the e Inaisi pernal of le n t o make application fnr inembcr- < disease. The average cannibal family, O at the California experts are o f the ue* for thirty days. This work shoukl w ill be on hand with its usual large 14 day in April. Tiie 20 days former- slii(i in thè order. says "S w a c k " in a voluntary inter same opinion and deplore the fact that rot hi abandoned, thus leaving a clear and fine exhibits o f all kinds o f farm ly reipnrtsi for regialrMlion o f voler» Mr. Isaac Taylor, who »utferisl a view, would consume s 200-pound man i (»ear» o f an inferior quality and a low field to our neighbors, many o f whom products. prior to t te preaidcnlial eleetion ia stroke o f apoplexy severa! rnonlhs ago, in about four meals. The w anderer' grad« should have lieen allowed to go have far less to offer. Attracted by the handsome purses covered by the periial from June lu b e- wak witli bis old rornrades at O hm ses- claims to be from l '« i t Au Prince. out iron the st8te. Let the meeting Monday night be offered horsemen from California and tabor. i ' sion. largely attended, not only by those elsewhere have entered their finest " A m I understand it, there w ill lie Following thè meeting, llic veterana holding membersnip in the Commercial horses, and the races w ill be the best but one primary election and lliut will weiit to thè plinto galh-ry o f Mr. A rm club but by every public-spirited citi ever held here. The features of t h c ^ la- held on the forty fifth day la-fore the strong, ami llit-re hud their pletore» zen who has the good o f Cottage Grove races w ill be the 2:08 pace for which tirai Monday in June ami tiie general MR. RAMP RAPS TWO OLD PO GAM' WARDEN FIN LE Y TELLS at heart. L e t ’s get together and start taken. purse o f $5dtS) is offered, and which election will ia* held on the first Tues LITICAL PARTIES. HOW GOVERNOR HUNTED. something that will prove remunera .w ill be the big event Wednesday, and day after tiie first Monduy in Novem ADVERTISES COTTAGE GROVE. tive to the entire community, and not the 2 :12 pace, for which also a $5000 ber. The registration lamba will lie open on the lir»t Monday in January Calapoova Springs Company Hcr- Organizer Advocates Co-Operative Farmers Aid Executive Bind Buck sit down McCawber like waiting for purse is offered. The «entries for the something to turn up. The Commer two races have been filled. An inter itnd continue so until October, with tin aids Name in Many Sections, Commonwealth, With Produc to Limb and Shoot Free Ani cial club o f Cottage Grove should have esting feature in the racing line w ill exception o f tiie closed |a-rmd o f 14 The ( ala|ioova Sp»ioga company, tion By All For All. mal—Alderman Worse. an active membership o ' at least 25« in be the steeple chase races. The field days III April and from the I Mb o f May whose "principal place o f hiiaiiu-ss ia stead o f less than one hundred enrolled which is located in the center field, has* Cottage Grove, ” is doing more to ad until slmili the 6tli o f June Floyd C. Ramp, state organizer for Governor West has only himself to today, and there is no good and suffic been completed and consists o f five vertise thia city than any other single the Socialist party, delivered an address blame for bis failure to shoot any deer ient reason why it cannot have if those P R E T TY FIGHT IN SIGHT. jumps. Besides the two state races— agency, aside from the lucal newspa at lhe city park la»t Sunday afternoon, on his recent hunting trip with State individuals who should be interested in the one to take place on Tuesday and pers. A t present it ia carrying silver- ' Referendum Law W ill Be Defended about 150 persons being present. He Superintendent o f Public Instruction promotion work w ill but rally to its the other on Saturday, and each for a taementa in some twenty publications, By Legal Lights. uiscuased the problem o f increasing A Iderman and State Game Warden Fin support. purse o f $250 there w ill be steeple and in sending thousands o f pieces of When the suit brought by the hoard poverty in the midst of increasing ley, is the statement made by Mr. Fin chase races in which the Pacific North literature, exploiting the curutive TEACHERS MUST REGISTER. o f regenta, through S. II. Friendly o f w ealth, an i contended that the accum ley, who returned last righ t lrom a west Hunt club w ill participate. One : powers o f its mineral water, and c h I I - j Eugene, aguiiist Secretary o f State ulation of wealth in the hands of few er two-weeks' visit to the Cooa country. Failure to Comply Penalized by o f these races w ill be for a distance o f i ing attention o f the afflicted to its Olcolt, asking thst he be enjoined from men can only mean corresponding de Mr. Finley admits that as Game Forfeiture of Salary. three miies. health resort at («ondon, to all section. placing on the D m I lot at the next gen crease of wealth in the hands o f the Warden he refused to allow the Gov A ll teachers o f Lane county who have Thousands o f bottles o f water, bearing The last legislature made an approp eral election the title o f two bills msk- ; many, until such time when the entire . ernor to hunt, because the Executive engaged schools for the coming year the name o f Cottage Grove on the la- j riation for the purchase o f additional log appropriation* fur the University producing psrt of the human family had failed to provide himself with a should take note o f a provision in the land for the camping grounds, and nine bel, are sent here, there and almost , o f Dregun, on the ground that the will be dispossessed, and an oligarchy hunting license, but,- on the other new school law which requires them everywhere each month, thus present- ' acres lying south o f the old grounds names on the |a-litions w ere forged, of wealth will be established. Accord hand, he says it is doubtful whether to register with the county superinten ing to the outside worltl the fact that . were purchased by the state fair comes up for hearing, Attorney Gen- ing to the speaker, the only (tossible re the Governor could have hit a deer if dent the certificates and contracts be board. The campers' sheds on the old this city is on the map. Tiie Cabqaaiy* eral Crawford and his staff o f assis» . . . . . . , lief from conditions o f this kind ia in he hod been privileged to about at one. fore they can take up the work. F a il grounds have been moved to the new .... . . , , ... . . . . . . spring company, o f winch Mr. Devi Unta will be assisted by Col. C. h. S. * * . , ’ . . ,, . | establishing a co-operative community ' in this conection Mr. Finley tells ure to do so w ill be penalised by fo r i grounds, and their number increased ... . - , i ui o it o . Goer is president, Lew. A. Cates s e c -1 Wiaal o f Pori land and W. S. IJ Ren ol l ' , „ ,, .. ««jnimon wealth, in which production how the ranchers took pity on Ufe G ov feiture o f salary. No fee is charged so that over 200 horses can now be ac Oregon City. retary, and Geo M. Hall treasurer, is for all by all w ill lie the order o f socie ernor in his predicament and tied a for registration, but it must be done commodated. IJ’ Ren confer reti with the secretary , nu* perfecting arrangement for ex- ty. Private ownership means o f pro buck to a limb for him to shoot at. annually. Supt. Dillard is anxious to o f state several «lays ag«i relative to tending its business, by increasing the duction and distribution must be elim The Governor hit the limb instead o f have teachers attend to it at once. DOINGS OF A LIV E CITY. iieing all«iw«-d t«i represent the stall' capacity o f its laittling plant at Lon inated, for therein exists the (tower to the buck, and the buck escaped. The law says that teachers are re as one o f its attorneys. The com. * don. A new and model building w ill lie exploit those who produce as w ell as Game Warden Finley saya Superin- quired to register their county certifi Springfield Has $100,000 to Expend plaint, however, attacks the referen- erected near the spring», and itsequip- those who consume. Co-operation is ten lent Alderman is hardly a b e tte r cates or state papers and file a copy of in Civic Improvements. dum law. and hia desire is to see that meld w id I*1' Urn very latest improv- establishing a condition in society shot. their contracts, and should any teacher With the carrying o f the $50,000 liond it does nut suffer becauHc of any tech 'd machinery. wherein the exploitation of one class "W e saw a good many deer,” said fail to do so before beginning to teach, The capacity o f the present plant is for street improvements by a big ma nical questions raised with relation to by another is impossible. Mr. Finley, "and Mr. Alderman had the teacher shall fo rfe it to the district about 1000 tail ties per day, which is jority at a special election last week, it. Mr. U ’ Rcn has requeated that Mr. Ramp claims, as do all socialists, good shots at a buck. He has a Win the full amount o f salary for the time Springfield now has nearly $100,000 Col. Wood be also allowed to represent liecoming inadequate to meet the de that this condition can only be brought chester, but at 60 yards he shot three taught before the papers were filed. which w ill be spent at once for civic the Htate, and the secretary o f state mand. about by co-operation, and that the feet over the buck. He was used to The county school superintendent shall improvements. O f this sum $35,000 is granted the request. Neither w ill ask class struggle o f society can never end shooting with an automatic, and in notifiy the clerk o f the district o f the Smelter Talk Again. for the paving o f Main street with hard any compensation for their aervices. The R egister has frequently urged until exploitation ceases. Education, stead uf putting in another shell after amount o f forfeiture and shall deduct surface pavement, the contract for the Importance o f a smelter for this not legislation, is what ia needed at the the first one was fired, he was so excit that amount from the next apportion Salem Holds Up F-xtcnsion. which has been let and which w ill he the trigger hard ment due the district. Immediate extension o f the Oregon purl o f the state to lake care o f the present tim e; a thorough knowledge o f j ed that he pulled completed at once; $12,000 is for the Electric Railway from Salem, ita pros- j smelting ores o f the Blue River and the cause for present conditions w ill do enough to bend it. Then it wouldn’ t construction o f a sewer system, which Gets a New Rate. ent southern terminus, to Albnny is be- j Bohemia mines. Prominent mining more toward correction, than all the work and he asked Governor West for The Southern Pacific company has w ill also be completed this fall, and He didn't hit the buck at ing blocked by n few Salem property men here from Portland are o f opinion legislation in the la :d. Political con his gun. named low rates for the transportation the $50,000 just voted w ill be spent for owners who refuse to convey certain that a smelter should be built near Eu- ditions tiaiuy ure the putrid fruits o f that snot either, in spite o f the fact o f fresh fruits and berries from points 1 the continuation o f the work o f the rigbtH o f way ut considerations regard- , gene and are ready to put $50,000 into the two old political parties, he says, that he leaned the gun against a tree. street macadamizing that has been ed reasonable bv the H ill interests. ( the enterprise. That sounds like the both o f which have been struck by the His excuse was that the P e e shook.” seventy-five miles distant from Cottage i carried on by a bond issue o f $50,000 Grove, both north and south, for the Until these questions are adjusted j proposition might take on tangible form blight o f private pni|>erty, tor whieh - Oregonian. benefit o f the new dryer here. The o f last year. A very large portion o f equitably Carl S, Gray, president of and a plant for reducing the ores from there is hut one cure, socialism. Charged With Selling Liquor. rates are for not less than 10,000-pound i this big sum o f money w ill be paid in Mr. Ramp, whose home is at Snlem, the H ill lines in this territory, declared j these two and other districts may la- lain Story of this city was arrested shipments, and run like thia: Ten and wages in Springfield, in fact all but is a pleasing speaker, and (Missesses a yesterday that the extension o f the Or- ' Dui It. Register. • that portion which goes as profits to persona'ity that attracts anil pleases Tuesday forenoon by Constable J. J. under 15 miles 9$ cents per 100 pounds ; egon Electric southerly would be de- | Harbaugh, charged with having viola 15 and under 20 miles, 11 cents; 20 anil the Portland company which will pave Many Sportsmen in Lane. Isyed. his hearers. Sunday evening he spoke ted the local option law. He was tak under 25 miles, 11} cents; 25 and under Main »treet. Springfield owns all its More than $.'151X1 has been paid into In a small audience on Main street. Road via London Good. en to Eugene and arraigned before Jus 30 miles, )3| cents: 50 and under 55 | street machinery and a quarry and all the county clerk's office so far this year O. E. McCurty o f Potllund recently o f the $50.000 w ill go into wages. tice Bryson, where he entered a plea o f miles 19, cents, etc. May Become Coal Baron. for angling and hunting licenses. There mude uii autnihnbilc trip south, and were 685 eomhinatiun licenses all of Prof. Hurnes, a former superinten not guilty, anil furnished bond for his has this to say o f the road: "F rom Still Working Old Game. Associations Consolidate. i which cost at least $-' and some as high dent of (Tillage Grove's public schools, appearance. It is alleged in the com Cottage Grove to L oih I oii Springs tiie John Woodard. George Hbhlman, and The West Coast Lumber Munufac- plaint thnt Story sold liquor at his i as $15; 87 hunters' licenses ami 151X1 has discovered coal near ('reswell, road is very gissi with little ilusl, very a number o f other residents have just , turers' Association, representing 200 place <>f business. concerning which The Chronicle has few rocks or rough places. " Mr. M c » » K 1* ' " U Will probably ex- The witnesses who were to have received word from Spain that a vast mills o f Washington and Oregon, was the following: "E. K. Barnes brought Carty recommend* this course in tou r-! cef ‘ ‘H‘ forc ,he ,W*1 ,,f lhe v,,Hr been aubpoenfd by Marshal Snodgraas ' fortune awaits them, provided they are ' organized in Raymond, Wash., on S at to this office one day last week two Register. ing between here and Medford, provid ' successful in securing the delivery into urday through the consolidation o f the samples of coal which he took from a who was instrumental in causing Stor ing the machines Hre callable o f nego- Lane Scnool Head Resigns. America o f a "r e la tiv e ’s” fa ir daugh former Oregon-Washington Assocai- spring on his (dace west of town. One ey's arrest, are a minus quantity^ and tlating I he 25 per cent grade out of County School Superintendent Wnl ter, the "r e la tiv e ” being unable to 1 tion, the Pacific Coast Manufacturers’ that officer candidly acknowledge* that of the pieces is alaiut half the size of London Springs toward Oakland. This ter H. Dillard has sent his resignation render aid because o f incarceration in Association and the Southwest Wash a man's fist and is of a good quality of he has one put over him grade ia Ihren miles long and the roatl to the county court, to take effect at prison. It is the old, old Spanih swin ington Lumber Manufacturers' Asso bitunious coal. Mr. llarnes will |>er- Irom London Springs to Oakland, in- once, as he wishes to take up work ns ■ Svtit to Recover Money, dle that has been worked for more than ciation. Through the new association haps investigate his prospect.” rluding the grade, is bad for four assistant *o State Superintendent L. j Metcalf & Brund have instituted suit twenty years. Last spring Mr. F. H. w ill be carried on the work heretofore mtlcs, but after erossing this Stretch R. Alderman, who was a resident of Next Monday evening is the date for in the circuit court against I. R. Huck- i Hall received identically the same let- accomplished by the three separate as the roail ia vrry guod fo f 18 miles into Eugene before his election to the the regular monthly meeting of the ina and w ife, to recover the sum o f | ter. A t that time The Sentinel expos sociation, but with greater fa cility and $101,48. alleged due on a hill o f goods. ed the scheme. city council. state office. Oakland. economy o f effort and expense. ion, SOCIALISM NAMED AS CURE DEER TIED, WEST SHOOTS V